Hivet Presentation

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Tricyclazole 75% WP


Protective fungicide with contact action


HIVET A multi-site contact inorganic fungicide. Sulphur is a non-systemic contact and protectant fungicide with secondar y acaricidal activity. Hivet is a dust free, owable micronised sulphur granules, ease of measuring & handling.

It has instant dispersion and high suspensability in water, therefore it don't cause scorching. It has triple action as fungicide, micronutrient (Sulphur) and miticide. It has sustained action for longer effect. It helps in maintaining the appropriate PH of the soil, thereby better uptake of other nutrients. Better crop stand. It controls metabolic & growth processes within plant cells. It promotes nodulation in the legumes, thereby helps in nitrogen ďŹ xation.



Grapes Grape (Vitis sp.) belonging to Family Vitaceae is a commercially important fruit crop of India. It is a temperate crop which has got adapted to subtropical climate of peninsular India.


Grape is an important commercial fruit crop of south India. Grape cultivation or farming is one of the most lucrative and proďŹ table farming in India. In the harvest of grapes, dry canes are removed which is called "Growth Pruning". Grape growing has been regarded as most remunerative enterprise. In Nor th India par ticularly, Punjab its cultivation is being taken in a big way. Due to heavy initial investment on erecting the system of training and occurrenc e of rains at the ripening time of grapes, the area under grapes may not increase further. In Madhurai area through staggered pruning fruit is taken throughout the year.

All green tissues of the grapevine are susceptible to powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator (Schw.) Burr.) infection. The disease appears as a whitish-gray powdery coating on the leaves or fruit caused by fungal mycelium and conidia on the surface of the plant. On leaves, initial symptoms appear as chlorotic spots on the upper leaf surface that soon become whitish lesions. Late in the season, small black round structures (chasmothecia) begin to appear on the white powdery lesions. On shoots, infected areas have the appearance of brown/black diffuse patches; on dormant canes, these patches are reddish brown.

Powdery mildew is the most persistent fungal problem of grapes in and one of the most widespread fungal diseases of grapevines in the world.

Dose : 750-1000 gm/acre



Apple Apple (Malus pumila) is commercially the most important temperate fruit and is fourth among the most widely produced fruits in the world after banana, orange and grape. Apples are the oldest commercial fruit that is grown every corner of the world.


Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. About 70% of total population of state depends directly or indirectly on agriculture. Apple and walnut are the major products of Jammu and Kashmir state, about 75% of apple production in India comes from Jammu and Kashmir. A number of research have been done in the ďŹ eld of apple cultivation, storage and preservation.

Powdery Mildew Powdery mildew of apple occurs in all apple-producing regions of the world. The disease causes economic damage by reducing tree vigor, flower bud production, and fruit quality.

Powdery mildew of apple produces symptoms on young shoots, leaves, blossoms, and fruit. In general, symptoms are most noticeable on the leaves and fruit. Overwintered infections in dormant flower and shoot buds provide inoculum for the following year. In spring when the terminal buds begin to grow, the fungus colonizes the young, green tissue as it emerges. These infected “flag shoots” have a silver-gray appearance and may exhibit defoliation, stunted growth, and die-back.

Dose : 750-1000 gm/acre 7


Pea Cltivation Pea crop can be grown on a wide range of soils but it grows well on well- drained loamy soil. Water logging is injurious to the crop. If the soil is acidic, liming has to be done after soil analysis.


Pea is an important vegetable in India; the crop is generally cultivated for its green pods. It is highly nutritive and is rich in protein. It is used as a vegetable or in soup, canned frozen or dehydrate. It is cooked as a vegetable along or with potatoes. Split grains of pea are widely used for dal. Pea straw is a nutritious fodder.

Powdery Mildew Occasionally late maturing crops may become covered with a grey-white ďŹ lm of powder y mildew. This disease produces resting spores, which persist in the soil and initiate primary infections in young pea plants. Though secondary infections can develop, particularly in cool, damp conditions, they are rarely as damaging as primary infections, which can kill plants before owering.

Dose : 750-1000 gm/acre




Cuminum cyminum is a delicate-looking annual, with slender, branched stems. It is a small, fast growing plant seldom reaching higher than three feet. Tiny white flowers will yield cumin seeds, which range in color from pale brown to khaki. Cumin seeds are similar in appearance to caraway seeds, averaging about ¼ inch in length. It grows in temperate climates and is harvested just four months after planting. It’s amazing that such an unassuming plant produces a seed so packed with flavor and aroma.


Cumin seed has an extensive history and the foods that it is used to flavor today actually trac es its fascinating past. Earliest records of cumin date back more than 4,000 years to its farming in the Nile River Valley and cultivation by the Egyptians.

Powdery Mildew

The crop is usually attacked by disease at flowering stage in cloudy weather during February-March. The powder y growth usually develops first on leaves which later can cover all succulent stems and branches including flowers. In severe case seed development may not take place. Affected plants show whitish powder y growth on leaves, petiole, stem pedicel and seeds. At later stages of attack seeds become white and shriveled and light in weight.

Dose : 750-1000 gm/acre



Mango Mango (Mangifera indica L) is one of the choicest and most ancient fruits known to mankind. It occupies a pre-eminent place amongst the sub-tropical fruits hence while doing mango cultivation we have to take care of a number of things so that the nutritional value of mango is preserved and we can have high quality mangoes. Mango thrives well up to 600 m above mean sea level provided locality is frost free and there is no hig h humidit y or rains during owering.


Powdery mildew is a very serious disease of mango, affecting almost all cultivars in all mango-growing regions of the world. It usually appears from December to March. The fungus attacks inflorescences, leaves, and young fruits during the dry winter. The characteristic symptom of the disease is the whitish, superficial, powdery fungal growth, mainly on inflorescences. The affected flowers do not open and in most cases shed prematurely. Young fruits may also be covered with powdery growth and drop off prematurely.

Dose : 750-1000 gm/acre

Poor fruit set and h e av y fl ow e r a n d fruit drop result in severe yield losses, sometimes reaching as high as 70–80% on an individual plant.


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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