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Neem extract concentrate containing Azadirachtin 5.00 % w/w min


Botanical Insecticide



Azadirachtin, a complex tetranortriterpenoid limonoid from the neem seeds, is the main component responsible for the toxic effects in insects. Such effects include primary and secondary antifeedancy, growth reduction, increased mortality, abnormal and delayed moults and sterility effects. Such wide-ranging biological effects in insects come about in two different ways: firstly by direct effects of azadirachtin on cells and tissues and secondly by indirect effects exerted via the endocrine system following direct effects in the neuroendocrine tissues themselves. Azadirachtin stimulates specific 'deterrent' cells in chemoreceptors and also blocks the firing of 'sugar' receptor cells, which normally stimulate feeding. This results in an inhibition of feeding, culminating in starvation and death of these species by feeding deterrence alone.



Cotton is constantly surprising people with its applications and abilities. Cotton has been around a very long time.

It’s Seeds dating back to 450 BC were found in Peru. The word ‘cotton’ is derived from qutun’ or ‘kutun’, an Arabic word used to describe any fine textile. cotton the commercial crop is the backbone of the textile industry as it employs vast majority of population directly or indirectly and earns the foreign exchange too. the insect pests spectrum of cotton is quit complex and as many as 1326 species of insect pest have been listed on this crop through out the world. Dose : 150 ml / 300 ltr. of water



Chenopodium Album

White Fly

Whiteflies feed on the underside of leaves and are often confused with aphids. Both adult and nymph whiteflies feed by sucking plant juices out of the foliage. Large populations or heavy feeding by whitefly can give plants a mottled look, cause yellowing and eventually death to the host plant.

Leaf hoppers Leaf hoppers are small, leaf-feeding insects ranging from green, through to y e l l ow - g r e e n t o b r ow n . C o n d i t i o n s t h a t f av o u r leafhoppers, long intervals between harvests and spells of hot, dry weather, are poor growing conditions for the crop. Hoppers can transmit diseases such as viruses and mycoplasma.


The cotton bollworm, corn earworm, or Old World bollworm is a moth, the larvae of which feed on a wide range of plants, including many important cultivated crops. It is a major pest in cotton and one of the most polyphagous and cosmopolitan pest species. Bore holes are visible at the base of flower buds, the latter being hollowed out. Bracteoles are spread out and curled downwards. Leaves and shoots may also be consumed by larvae. Larger larvae bore into maturing green bolls; young bolls fall after larval damage. Adults lay fewer eggs on smooth-leaved varieties.


Aphids are soft-bodied insects that use their piercing sucking mouthparts to feed on plant sap. They usuall y occur in colonies on the undersides of tender terminal growth. Heavily-infested leaves can wilt or turn yellow because of excessive sap removal. Aphids produce large amounts of a sugar y liquid waste called "honeydew". A fungus called sooty mold can grow on honeydew deposits that a ccumulate on leaves and branches, turning them black.



Tea is the most important plantation crop of India. Production of tea involves both agricultural and industrial operations. However, the size of the domestic market is very large and expanding in India. Producers are mainly catering to this huge domestic demand and consequently India. India has the world’s largest area under tea. Majority of production of tea come from Assam and West Bengal . Assam is the largest producer in the country. Dose : 80 ml / 160 ltr. of water



Young leaves are preferred. Mostly found on the under surface of the leaf, but found on the upper surface as well. Petioles and tender stems are also attacked. The affected leaves become pale in colour and curl upwards. The veins and margins show a pinkish discolouration.

Pink Mite

These tiny sucking pests can quickly wreak-havoc on tea farming. Spider mites are not true insects, but are classed as a type of arachnid, relatives of spiders, ticks and scorpions. Adults are reddish brown or pale in color, oval-shaped and very small (1/50 inch long) – about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. Immature stages resemble the adults except only smaller.

Spider Mite The looper caterpillar, Biston suppressaria Guen. is one of the major defoliating pests of tea plantation in North-East India, causing heavy crop losses. Also found some times in South India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Looper caterpillars are the larval stage of moths. It belongs to the family Geometridae under Lepidoptera order. It is a destructive and major defoliating pest of tea, shade trees and green crops

Caterpiller The yellow tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, is an extremely successful invasive species of pest-thrips which has expanded rapidly from Asia over the last twenty years, and is gradually achieving a global distribution. the feeding punctures of thrips cause the development of chlorotic spots. Severely infested leaves become papery and wilted, and soon die. If the infestation is serious, defoliation results. Brown patches occur on the surfaces of fruits and, if injured during growing, cracks often appear.

Thrips 7


As a cereal grain, it is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world's human population especially in Asia. It is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide production ,after sugarcane and maize.

Dose : 80 ml / 160 ltr. of water

Unmilled rice, known as "paddy", is usually harvested when the grains have a moisture content of around 25%. Rice is the most important crop in Asia, for example, 90% of the total agricultural area is used for rice production. Rice is the most important human food crop in the world, directly feeding more people than any other crop. It is also the staple food across Asia where around half of the world's poorest people live and is becoming increasingly important in whole world



Planthoppers can be a problem in rainfed and in irrigated wetland environments. It also occurs in areas with continuous submerged conditions in the field, high shade, and humidity. This pest causes draining out of plant fluid and nutrients by continuous sucking during high infestation and plants become yellow and finally die. BPH can also transmit Rice Ragged Stunt and Rice Grassy Stunt diseases. Neither disease can be cured.


Yellow stem borer is a serious pest of rice throughout India and South East Asia. Stem borer occurs both in kharif and rabi seasons. Moderate to severe incidence is noticed in nursery, planting to mid-tillering and panicle initiation stages. Heavy infestation results in 40-60 per cent yield loss. Symptoms of damage include presence of brown coloured egg masses near leaf tip in nursery and early transplanted plants. The egg masses are laid in oval patches of 80-150 eggs near the tip of leaf blade and they are covered with buff coloured hairs.

Stem Borer

Leaf folder caterpillars fold a rice leaf around themselves and attach the leaf margins together with silk strands. They feed inside the folded leaf creating longitudinal white and transparent streaks on the blade. Heavy use of fertilizer encourages rapid multiplication of the insect. High humidity and shady areas of the field, as well as the presence of grassy weeds from rice fields and surrounding borders favor the development of the pest

Leaf Folder 9


The tomato is botanicaly known as Lycopersicum esculentum belongs to the family Solanacae. The fruits are harvested as red for consumption. It has prominent place in humen food. A breif accounts on its cultivation is given below. The tomato is a warm-season crop. The crop does well under an average monthly temperature of 210C to 230C. Dose : 80 ml / 160 ltr. of water



Tomato fruit borer is one of the most destructive pests of tomato. The adults lay majority of the eggs on the upper and lower leaf surfaces of the first four leaves in the top canopy. The larvae scrape the tomato foliage until early or late second instar stage. The larva bores into the fruit making it unfit for marketing. In severe cases of infestation, more than 80 per cent fruits get damaged.

Tomato Fruit Borer

Extensive feeding can leave a tomato plant susceptible to sooty mold and viruses spread by the pests.Spray infested tomato plants with insecticidal soap, concentrating the spray on the u n d e r s i d e o f t h e l e av e s w h e r e whiteflies congregate and breed

White Fly

In the early spring, winged aphids migrate into tomato fields from wild hosts and begin to establish colonies on the plants. Two species of aphids are common on tomatoes, the potato and green peach aphids. Aphids remove sap from the plant with their piercingsucking mouthparts.

Convolvulus Arvensis



Tobacco is an important commercial crop cultivated in an area of 0.4 million ha producing annually around 700 million kg of cured leaf out of which 260 M kg is Flue Cured Virginia tobacco . India is the 3rd largest producer of tobacco in the world after China and Brazil. The crop provides employment to about 36 million people directly or indirectly including 6 million farmers in the country. The crop fetches annually around Rs.1,713 crores as foreign exchange through exports and over Rs. 9,100 crores as excise revenue. An estimated 250 million people in the country use tobacco in different forms. Ninety three varieties including FCV , Burley , Natu , Lanka , Chewing , Bidi , Cheroot , Cigar , Hookah & chewing types have been released for farming community. Dose : 80 ml / 160 ltr. of water




Aphids on Tobacco. Aphids, frequently referred to as plant lice, are one of our common insect pests of tobacco in India. By sucking plant juices, the aphids make the leaves thin and light in weight. The aphids also damage the plants by depositing honeydew on the leaves as they feed.

Tobacco Caterpillar The young larvae ďŹ rst feed gregariously and scrape the leaves. Older larvae spread out and may completely devour the leaves resulting in poor growth of plants. Moths are stout, medium sized, with pale grey to dark brown forewings having white wavy criss-cross markings. Hind wings are whitish. Caterpillar is stout, velvety, smooth, dark brown with yellowish green dorsal stripes. Incomplete ring like dark bands may be seen on the anterior and posterior part of the body. 13


Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) is one of the most important vegetable crops of India. The edible part of cauliflower is known as curd, which consists of a shoot system with short internodes, branches apices and bracts. The edible portion of this vegetable is approximately 45 per cent of the vegetable as purchased. It has high quality of proteins and peculiar in stability of vitamin C after cooking. It is rich in minerals such as potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium etc 14

Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus Brassica, which is in the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. Typically, only the head is eaten – the edible white flesh sometimes called "curd". Dose : 80 ml / 160 ltr. of water


The diamondback moth, sometimes called the cauliower moth, is a moth species belonging to the family Plutellidae and genus Plutella. The small, grayish-brown moth sometimes has a cream-colored band that forms a diamond along its back.

Diamond Back Moth

The cauliower aphid is green-gray with a waxy bloom. It forms dense colonies that cannot be removed before processing or marketing. The cabbage aphid is the primary contaminant for harvested broccoli, sprout and cabbage


Spodoptera litura is also known as the Oriental leafworm moth, Cluster caterpillar. Adult moths measure between 15-20 mm in length and have a wingspan of 30-38 mm.Forewings are gray to reddish-brown, with a complex pattern of creamy streaks and paler lines along the veins. Hind wings are grayish-white with grayish-brown margins.

Spodoptera litura 15


Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a common vegetable in India. The common names are Ladies Finger, Okra, Bhindi (Hindi), Dhenras (bengali), Vendai (Tamil), bhindo (Gujarati), Bendekayi (Kannada), Ventaykka (Malayalam), Asra-pattraka (Sanskrit), etc. It is an annual erect herb 0.9 to 2.1 m in height, hairy, with 3 to 5 lobed palmately cordate leaves. The plants bear 12.5 to 30cm pyramidal pods. Its is predominantly a crop of tropics and subtropics. The crop is cultivated for its young tender fruits, used in curry and soups after cooking. It is a good source of vitamins A and B, protein and minerals. It is also an excellent source of iodine and is useful for the treatment of goiter. Fruits are also dried or frozen for use during off -season. Dry fruit skin and ďŹ bres are used in manufacture of paper, card board and ďŹ bres. Root and stem are used for clearing cane juice for preparation of jaggery. Dose : 80 ml / 160 ltr. of water 16


Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that colonize on plants on undersides of leaves, in leaf axils and on growing tips. As sucking insects, aphids feed on plant juices, weakening the plant and blemishing fruit. Although they can be numerous, aphids are not firmly attached to plants, so they can be knocked off with a strong stream of water. When they fall to the ground, they do not recover and so don't return to the plant


Larva bores into tender terminal shoots in the vegetative stage and flower buds, flowers and young fruits in the fruit formation stage. The damaged shoots droop, wither and dry up. The infested fruits present a deformed appearance and become unfit for consumption.

Pod Borer

The crops most affected by this leafhopper in the Marianas are eggplant and okra. The leafhoppers have sucking mouthparts and feed on the juices in the plant leaves. When the insects are feeding, they damage the phloem tubes and cause disease-like symptoms called hopperburn. Damaged leaves curl at the edges and develop brown dead spots with a yellow halo at the edges of the leaves.

White Fly

Leaf Hopper

Whiteflies cause damage to okra plants in two ways firstly by sucking the sap and secondly by excreting honey dew on which sooty mould grows. Damage from direct feeding reduces the photosynthetic activities of the plant and hence the yield. Indirect damage results from lint contamination with honeydew and associated fungi and through transmission of leaf curl virus disease.


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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