Orange Cultivation Guide

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ORANGE CULTIVATION From seed to fruit compete information

600 varieties Originated around 4000 B.C. Full with nutrients

Orange Cultivation

State flower of Florida.

Some important facts about Orange “Explore the New” Oranges are one of the most popular fruits around the world.They have a brightly colored outer rind covering the soft, juicy, pulpy fruit. There are now over 600 varieties of oranges worldwide. Oranges originated around 4000 B.C. in Southeast Asia, from which they spread to India.The orange tree is an evergreen, flowering tree, with an average height of 9 to 10 m (30 to 33 ft). Oranges contain vitamin C, fiber, potassium and choline, which are all good for your heart, so the fruits may give your ticker a big boost. Potassium, an electrolyte mineral, is vital for allowing electricity to flow through your body, which keeps your heart beating. The word orange derives from the Sanskrit word for “orange tree”, which is probably of Dravidian origin. The Sanskrit word reached European languages through Persian and its Arabic derivative

Who doesn’t crave for the resplendent oranges? From kids to grandpas,oranges are dear to everyone. The enigmatic flavor of this citrus fruit could be the perfect treat to your taste buds. Besides being a fruit for everyone, oranges has many other things worth knowing. Here are some interesting facts about oranges. One of the varieties of orange is Valencia Orange remains green even after ripening because their peel has a tendency to reabsorb chlorophyll in the warm climate. Although, it may seem raw to your eyes,it tastes same as a ripened orange.

Energizing your

with different varieties

38 lakh tonnes production in India.

49.3 million metric tonnes worldwide production

Orange is most common among citrus fruits grown in India. It occupies nearly 40% of the total area under citrus cultivation in India. The most important commercial citrus species in India are the mandarin, sweet orange and acid lime sharing 41, 23 and 23 % respectively of all citrus fruits produced in the country. Like Banana, Apple & Mango, Orange is also one of the topmost fruit, that is cultivated widely in every corner of the world. Basically, oranges are citrus fruits, frequently eaten by the people because of orange nutritional value. Orange fruits are the excellent source of vitamins, particularly the vitamin C. And, Orange juice acquire an important place in the regular diet of many people.

Right way of orange farming can reward any farmer with enough fruit to enjoy



Water is very important for both livestock and for plants. It forms a large part of all plant tissues as well as being an essential component of all animal body cells. In crop agriculture, water is an important climatic factor. It affects or determines plant growth .

We all know that soil is a key element of agriculture. Without it we wouldn´t be able to grow plants, which are used as food for both humans and animals.



Agriculture is highly dependent on the climate. Climate affects all components of crop production

Best quality seeds are required for better development of plant and higher flower yield.


Harvesting is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields. For maximum vase life of cut flowers, harvest flowers daily at their proper stage of development. Harvesting too early or too late significantly reduces the vase life of the flowers.

Climate requirement A dry climate with about 50 – 75 cm of rainfall from June – September and with well defined summer and winter season is ideal. Sweet orange comes up well in tropical zone below 500 m. The extreme of temperature are necessary for achieving higher yield.

Temperature 10°C - 30°C

Rainfall 500 mm

S0il requirement Mandarins are grown in a wide range of soils ranging from sandy loam or alluvial soils of north India to clay loam or deep clay loam or lateritici acidic soils in the Deccan plateau and northeastern hills. Citrus orchards flourish well in light soils with good drainage properties. Deep soils with pH range of 5.5 to 7.5 are considered ideal. However, they can also be grown in a pH range of 4.0 to 9.0. High calcium carbonate concentration in feeder root zone may adversely affect the growth.

Soil test should be done before getting into orange farming.

pH range of 4.0 to 9.0.

Land preparation

Mandarins are usually planted in pits of 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm. size in a square system with a spacing 01 4.5 meter to 6 meter accommodating 350-450 plants/ha. In north-eastern parts of India, Khasi mandarins are very closely spaced (4.5 m x 4.5 m.), accommodating more than 500 plants/ha. However, a spacing of 6 m x 6 m. accommodating 120 plants/acre has been considered for the present model.

Mandarin orange is propagated by seeds and also vegetatively propagated by T-budding. Seedlings are mostly transplanted in the month of July-August after commencement of monsoon. Budding should preferably be done in last week of January or ďŹ rst week of February following the 'T' or shield budding method.

Land needs to be thoroughly ploughed and levelled. In hilly areas, planting is done on terraces against the slopes and on such lands, high density planting is possible as more aerial space is available than in at lands. Since citrus trees are highly sensitive to waterlogging and water stagnation during rainy season providing drainage channels of 3-4 feet depth along the slopes around the orchard is essential.

Water Requirement Micro irrigation systems not only saves water and nutrients but also ensure good retention of fruits during crucial stages of crop growth in March — April even in situations where water is not a limitation. Water requirement of citrus trees is generally higher than most of the other sub-tropical fruits due to recurrent growth and development.

Requires critical stage watering in the initial year It further reduces fruit drop and increases the fruit size. Diseases like root rot and collar rot occur in flooded conditions. Light irrigation with high frequency is beneficial. Irrigation water containing more than 1000 ppm salts is injurious. Quantity of water and frequency of irrigation depends on the soil texture and growth stage.

The water requirement varies from 900 to 1100 mm. per year depending upon the location. Water requirement of young (1-4 years old); middle (5-8 years old) and mature (9 and more) Nagpur mandarin trees varies from 5 to 15 litres/day, 35 to 105 litres/day and 60 to 170 litres/day respectively.

Pest & Disease Orange trees can be heavily affected by insects (mainly aphids) and also by fungal, bacterial and virus diseases. All these factors together cause a great damage to citrus crops; and growers as well as consumers are disadvantaged with it.

Melanose is a fungal infection of young orange fruit, primarily but not exclusively grapefruit. The scabbed fruit rind does not affect fruit quality but it is u n s i g h t ly. T h e d i s e a s e i s generally more severe in older trees over 10 years of age. As the fungus propagates in dead wood, prompt pruning is an effective way of combating this disease.

Orange canker is a highly contagious bacterial infection of citrus trees causing yellow halo-like lesions or scabs on the fruit, leaves and twigs of orange trees. Severe infections can cause leaf loss, blemished fruit, fruit drop and die back. The canker bacterium spreads easily and quickly on air currents, insects, birds and on humans by means of clothing and infected implements.

Greasy spot is another fungus disease of citruses. Telltale signs include yellowishb r ow n i s h b l i s t e r s p o t s o n leaves, often on the underside of the leaf. As the disease develops, the spots develop into oily looking blisters. Greasy spot can cause significant leaf loss, particularly during winter and can also infest orange, particularly grapefruit, rind.

Aphids, when in small numbers, do little damage to a tree, however, under favourable conditions the aphid population can grow very rapidly and cause serious damage to a citrus tree during the growing season. The aphids attack the tree by sucking the sap out of the leaves. The symptoms are very visible on the l e ave s i n t h e f o r m o f m u lt i p l e puckered marks, yellowing and the twisting of the leaves, which gives the appearance of deformed leaves.

The orange whitefly is a tiny white winged insect that is about 1/12 of an inch in length. It is most commonly found feeding on the underside of the tree’s leaves. When the b r a n c h e s a r e s h a ke n , t h e orange whitefly will rapidly take flight and can be seen fluttering around the tree. In addition to feeding on the orange tree, the whiteflies also lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves.

Pest & Disease Orange trees can be heavily affected by insects (mainly aphids) and also by fungal, bacterial and virus diseases. All these factors together cause a great damage to citrus crops; and growers as well as consumers are disadvantaged with it.

Brown soft scale is a common problem on citrus trees, as well as many other types of trees. Soft scale insects are small, non-mobile insects that attached themselves to the wood, foliage and sometimes the fruit. Scale is most common on the new tender woody growth. When adult scale is attached to the tree, it often appears as crusty or waxy bumps on the tree, often it is mistaken for part of the tree’s own growth, but it is actually an insect.

HPM’S Contribution HPM is a highly focused research driven agrochemical company. Every day HPM touches thousand of lives. At HPM, we want make agriculture better for farmers and families

Our life’s work is to improve agriculture, and we pledge to do so in a transparent and sustainable way. In future we will do more than treat agricultural problems—we will aim to make a remarkable impact on farmer’s lives.

Z-SAFETY Broad spectrum fungicide with protective action. It is used on variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses. It is known for providing highest Zinc nutrition to the crop. Broad-spectrum fungicide, which controls large no. of diseases with its multisite action. Z-Safety sprays results in dark green colored healthy leaves & ultimately increase in yield. Z-safety is safe to foliage, blossoms and fruits of many plants.

Disease : Greasy Spot Quantity : 600-800gm per acre

It is an ideal tank mix partner with systemic fungicides which prevent the chances of resistance development against them. For better disease management, it is always advisable to remember t he maxim — PREVENTION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN CURE. Generally the sprays of Z safety should start before the appearance of disease or atdisease initiation

24 KARAT Also improves the physiological efficiency of the crop by stimulating the hormonal and enzymatic activities and increases the yield and quantity of the crop produce. 24 Karat mobilizes reserves in seed to germinating point leading to breaking of seed dormancy and faster germination 24 Ka r a t s t i m u l a t e s c e l l d i v i s i o n a n d elongation that causes internodes to stretch leading to better growth of the plant. Improves taste and quality of fruits , and enhances their marketability specific to crop. I m p r ove s p h ot o sy n t h e s i s a n d p l a n t metabolism, Improves leaf area and root system. Regulates GA: ABA ratio leading to less flower and fruit drop. It increases stem length in flowers grown for export. 24 Karat is unique combination of Sea weed extracts and GA . Gibberellic Acid acts synergistically with plant metabolism and accelerates the growth functions of the plant.

Quantity 1.2-2 ml in ltr of water

HPM GOLD HPM GOLD is unique product containing microbes as Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and has broad spectrum action in granular form. It contains granular spores and other propagules of VAM Mycorrhizal Fungi in a granular carrier and has broad spectrum fertilizer activity. Due to high solubility in water it is absorbed rapidly through plants and roots, resulting maximum supply of compost and micronutrient to the crop. roots growth with excellent root setting, resulting greenness by vanishing yellowing in crop.

Quantity 4 kg / acre

It helps in greater utilization of nutrients, and provides plant protection from disease causing organism to the root and also makes insect resistant plant. It is completely safe to use HPM Gold. It also combats with the drought and stress loss by the crop. Its mycelial threads penetrate inward into the root, thereby increasing the surface area for absorption and translocation of essential plant nutrients including Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Calcium, Zinc and copper.

AASRA Aasra solution spreads quickly, and provides enhanced spreading of agrochemicals on the leaf surfaces and leads to better spray coverage, which improves the eďŹƒcacy of the agrochemical used. It is when added to spray water tank lowers the tension of spray water on leaf surface, which promotes the better spreading and penetration of Agro product. Aasra is compatible with most agrochemical formulations and can be used on a wide variety of crops. It has improved deposition of the agro product which enhances its coverage and retention on foliage. It ensures the solution doesn't wash o even after immediate rain. Aasra is designed in such a way that it ensures proper wetting of leaf surface, which makes the pesticide or agro product uptake and absorption rapidly by the plant. It ensures the proper penetration of the agrochemical product into the plant by reducing the droplet sizes of the spray. It is suggested to uses Aasra with agrochemicals at 0.025%-0.1% dose. General recommendation is 5 ml/ 15 lit. of water.

Quantity 5 ml in 15 ltr of water

Harvesting There are two main crops in mandarins and sweet oranges. One is called as Ambiabahar (mango flowering) the flowering of which occurs in the month of January (at the time of flowering of mango hence the name Ambia) the fruits of which are available in the months of October-December The other crop is Mrigbahar (Monsoon bloom) the flowering of which occurs in the month of June-July and the fruits are harvested during February-April.

Mandarins and sweet oranges normally take 240- 280 days to arrive at maturity. Mature fruits at colour break stage are picked up in 2 — 3 intervals of 10-15 days.



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