Phoneix Presentation

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Prpoiconazole 25% EC


Systemic & Protective Fungicide


Phoneix (Propiconazole 75% WP)

Phoenix belongs to triazole group of fungicides. Phoenix is broad-spectrum foliar systemic fungicide. It is protectant, curative and eradicant fungicide with strong antisporulant action. This systemic translocation contributes to good distribution of the active ingredient within the plant tissue and prevents it from being washed off. It translocate acropetally in the xylem. Phoenix is effective in controlling deadly diseases like rusts, bunts, blights and leaf spots infecting many crops, it has Long duration of control .



Wheat is the second most important cereal crop of India and plays a vital role in food and nutritional security of the country. Nearly 55 per c ent of the world population depends on wheat for about 20 per cent of calories intake. It is one of the major food grains of the country and a staple food of the people of North India, where people have preference for chapatti. The diverse environmental conditions and food habits of people in India supports the cultivation of three types of wheat (bread, durum and dicoccum).

Dose : 125 gm / acre


Karnal bunt Karnal bunt is a fungal disease of wheat, durum wheat, and triticale. The smut fungus Tilletia indica, a basidiomycete, invades the kernels and obtains nutrients from the endosperm, leaving behind waste products with a disagreeable odour that makes bunted kernels too unpalatable for use in our or pasta.

Leaf Rust Wheat leaf rust is a fungal disease that affects wheat, barley and rye stems, leaves and grains. In temperate zones it is destructive on winter wheat because the pathogen overwinters. Infections can lead up to 20% yield loss, which is exacerbated by dying leaves, which fertilize the fungus.

Stem Rust The stem, black, and cereal rusts are caused by the fungus Puccinia graminis and are a signi cant disease affecting cereal crops. Crop species that are affected by the disease include bread wheat, durum wheat, barley and triticale. These diseases have affected cereal farming throughout history.

Stripe Rust Stripe rust is an important disease of wheat. The rst sign of stripe rust is the appearance of yellow streaks, followed by small, bright yellow, elongated uredial pustules arranged in conspicuous rows on the leaves, leaf sheaths, glumes and awns. Mature pustules will break open and release yelloworange masses of urediniospores.



Rice is the most important human food crop in the world, directly feeding more people than any other crop. Rice provides 21% of global human per capita energy and 15% of per capita protein. Although rice protein ranks high in nutritional quality among cereals, protein content is modest. Rice also provides minerals, vitamins, and ber, although all constituents except carbohydrates are reduced by milling.

Dose : 125 gm/acre


Sheath Blight

Stripe Rust Sheath blight is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Infected leaves senesce or dry out and die more rapidly, young tillers can also be destroyed. As a result, the leaf area of the canopy can signi cantly be reduced by the disease. This reduction in leaf area, along with the diseasedinduced senescence of leaves and young infected tillers are the primary causes of yield reduction.Sheath blight occurs in areas with high temperature (28−32°C), high levels of nitrogen fertilizer, and relative humidity of crop canopy from 85−100%. oval or ellipsoidal greenish gray lesions, usually 1-3 cm long, on the leaf sheath, initially just above the soil or water level in the case of conventionally ooded rice. under favorable conditions, these initial lesions multiply and expand to the upper part of the sheaths, the leaves, and then spread to neighboring tillers belonging to different hills (transplanted rice) or plants (direct-seeded rice).



Groundnut is one of the most important oilseed crops and occupies an area of 5.86 is ha with production and productivity of 8.26 m tons and 1411 kg/ha, respectively.It is also known as peanut, monkey nut or moongfali. It plays an important role in the dietary requirement of resource-poor woman and children. Groundnut kernels are also used for the preparation of food products like chikkis, groundnut milk, butter, curd including different bakery products.

Groundnut cake obtained after extraction of oil is used as valuable organic manure and feeding material for livestock. It consists of 7.3% N, 1.5% P505 and 1.3% K20. The peanut haulms contain crude protein 8- 5%, lipids 13% and minerals 9-10%. These are used as cattle feed either in fresh or in dried stage or preparing hay or silage. Dose : 125 gm/acre


Cercospora leaf spot disease is a disease caused by fungi on leaves of groundnut. It is a major problem of groundnut growers. Brown lesions (spots), usually surrounded by a yellow colour on the upper side of leaves, are the most common symptom of early leaf spot. Dark brown lesions (spots), usually on the underside of affected leaves, are the most common symptom of late leaf spot.

Early Leaf Spot

Late leaf spot caused by Phaeoisariopsis personata is a disease of groundnut or peanut . Late leaf spots are nearly circular and darker than early leaf spots. The late leaf spots on the lower lea et surface are rough in appearance. Circular rings of fungus fruiting structures can be seen on the lower lea et surface with the the aid of a hand lens.

Stripe Rust

Late Leaf Spot The disease attacks all aerial parts of the plant. The disease is usually found when the plants are about 6 weeks old. Small brown to chestnut dusty pustules appear on the lower surface of leaves. The epidermis ruptures and exposes a powdery mass of uredospores. Corresponding to the sori, small, necrotic, brown spots appear on the upper surface of leaves. The rust pustules may be seen on petioles and stem.




Tea is the most important plantation crop of India. Production of tea involves both agricultural and

However, the size of the domestic market is very large and expanding in India. Producers are mainly catering to this huge domestic demand and consequently India. India has the world’s largest area under tea. Majority of production of tea come from Assam and West Bengal . Assam is the largest producer in the country. Dose : 31-50 gm/acre


Blister blight of tea (Exobasidium vexans) The rst indication of blister blight disease is a small, pale-green, pale-yellow, or pinkish, translucent spot on the tea leaf which is readily seen against the darker green colour when the leaf is held against the light. The circular spots enlarge until they reach a diameter ranging from 3 to 12.5 mm. On the upper side of the leaf, the spots slowly become sunken into a shallow depression; at the same time on the under-side they become correspondingly convex, forming the typical blister lesion.

Stripe Rust



Banana is the most popular fresh fruit in all over the world and its name comes from the Arabic word 'banan', which means nger. The scient c name of Banana is Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. But the old scient c names of banana are Musa sapientum and Musa paradisiacal. Dose : 0.025 % gm/acre


Sigatoka Leaf Spot fungus readily colonises dead and dying banana leaves and fruits, and spores are formed in large numbers; the spores are then spread in winddriven rain or perhaps by insects onto bunches of green fruit, about 20-40 days after emergence.

Stripe Rust



India is Asia’s third-largest producer and exporter of coffee. India is the world’s sixthlargest exporter of coffee. India produces 3.9% of the world’s coffee. Dose : 0.025 % gm/acre


India grows at least 13 unique varieties of coffee. Indian coffee is the most extraordinary of beverages, offering intriguing subtlety and stimulating intensity. India is the only country that grows all of its coffee under shade. Typically mild and not too acidic, these coffees possess an exotic full-bodied taste and a ne aroma. Indian coffee has a unique historic avour too. The sensations of aroma, avour, body and acidity that you enjoy with each coffee experience is rooted in these mystical beginnings. Coffee is actually very healthy. It is loaded with antioxidants and bene cial nutrients that can improve your health.

Coffee rust, also called coffee leaf rust, devastating foliar disease of coffee plants caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix.

Hemileia vastatrix is a fungus of the order Pucciniales that causes coffee leaf rust, a disease that is devastating to susceptible coffee plantations. Coffee serves as the obligate host of coffee rust, that is, the rust must have access to and come into physical contact with coffee in order to survive. The symptoms of coffee rust include small, yellowish, oily spots on the upper leaf surface that expand into larger round spots that turn bright orange to red and nally brown with a yellow border. The rust pustules are powdery and orange-yellow on the underleaf surface. Later the pustules turn black. Rusted leaves drop so that affected trees are virtually denuded; such trees have signi cantly lower coffee yields and usually die within a few years.

Stripe Rust


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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