Rogohit Presentation

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Dimethoate 30% EC



About Rogohit Systemic Oragano phosphorus, which controls Aphids and Thrips. Exhibits both contact & stomach action. It is a broad spectrum insecticide. It has short life in plant tissues. Rapid degeneration in the soil thus no problem of residues.



About The Crops & Their Destructive Pest If agriculture is to be safe, healthy and sustainable, it is essential to have healthy crops; they play a role in producing suf cient quantities of healthy foods and contribute to the quality of life. According to our research. Every crop is suspected by many pests. Trans boundary plant pests affect food crops, causing signi cant losses to farmers and threatening food security. When farmers have enough knowledge about these pests they can protect their crop easily. Our special team is effectively associated with education drives with regards to spreading awareness about enhanced and better farming practices. We offer outright counsel and workshops to farmers on how and when to utilize our Rogohit.

03 Maize is one of the most versatile emerging crop shaving wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is known as queen of cereals because it has the highest genetic yield potential among the cereals. It is cultivated on nearly 150 m ha in about 160 countries having wider diversity of soil, climate, biodiversity and management practices that contributes 36 % in the global grain production. In addition to staple food for human being and quality feed for animals, maize serves as a basic raw material as an ingredient to thousands of industrial products that includes starch, oil, protein, alcoholic beverages, food sweeteners, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, lm, textile, gum, package and paper industries etc.

Stem Borer Stem borer or Chilo partellus is a major insect pest in India and infest maize crop during the kharif season all over India. It is also known as the maize stalk borer. Adults are pale brown. Larva attacks on all aerial part of plants by boring into them. Larval damage causes formation of dead hearts exit holes and tunnel in main stem that causes stunted plant growth and favours.

Shoot Fly Shoot y (Atherigona sp.) is a serious pest in Peninsular India, but can affect summer or spring crop in North Indian states as well. It affects the maize plants at the seedling stage and leads to drying of the seedlings or ‘dead heart’.

Dose : 462ml/acre

Dose : 264ml/acre



Bajra is the most widely grown type of millet. Many people haven’t even heard of millet or bajra as it is not a very commonly grown grain. However, it is a staple in most developing countries not only because it is easy to grow but also because it is packed with nutrients and good for the human body. While there are multiple variants of this seed crop, the one most commonly grown is the pearl millet. This grain has a ton of bene ts.

Dose : 237-264ml/acre


Milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus, known as the large milkweed bug, is a medium-sized hemipteran of the family Lygaeidae. It is distributed throughout the world. Adult: overall black and orange - leathery portion of forewing with orange forwardpointing triangle anteriorly, and orange backward-pointing triangle posteriorly, separated by a black band in the middle.

Sorghum Sorghum is one of the main coarse cereal crops of India. India is second largest producer of sorghum in the world. This crop is ideally suited for semi-arid agroclimatic regions of the country and, it gives reasonably good yield with minimal requirement of irrigation and fertilizers as compare to other cereals such as Wheat & rice.

Dose : 660ml/acre

Gall Midge Maggot feeds at the base of the growing shoot, causing formation of a tube like gall that is similar to “onion leaf” or “Silver-shoot”. Infested tillers produce no panicles. The y lays elongate, cylindrical, shinning white or red or pinkish eggs singly or in clusters (2-6) at the base of the leaves. 07

Rogohit Jassid is a sucking pest occurring throughout the crop growing period on castor in all the zones. The pest injects toxins into leaves while feeding which results in abnormal changes in leaves - marginal chlorosis and reddening.

Dose : 330ml/acre


Red spider Mites, also known as two-spotted Mites, are tiny, about 1mm long, with four pairs of legs. They prefer hot dry conditions, so the modern centrally heated house makes a nice home for them. Typically they are found as pests of Castor bean. The viruses they inject into the plant as it feeds. Plants turn yellow and then brown before the leaves drop and the plant dies.

Dose : 330ml/acre


Adult moths are grayish-brown in colour with wavy lines on the fore wings. Caterpillars of which are termed 'semi-loopers' due to their mode of locomotion. Larvae defoliate plants quickly by feeding gregariously and voraciously. Midribs and veins are left intact and other parts of the leaves eaten up. Being larger in size, their capacity to cause damage is enormous. SEMI-LOPPER

Dose : 462ml/acre

Castor Bean, Ricinus communis. Castor bean is a fast-growing tender perennial large shrub or small tree. Castor bean is an evergreen herbaceous or semi-woody large shrub or small tree. Castor has been used as medicine for centuries.

08 India is fourth largest contributor of oilseeds and Rapeseed and mustard contributes about 28.6% in total oilseeds production. After soybean and palm oil, it is third important oilseed in world. Mustard seeds and its oil is used for culinary purpose. Young leaves are used for vegetable purpose. Its oil cake is used for feeding cattle. Mustard-rapeseed groups includes Indian mustard, Brown and yellow sarson, raya and toria crop. .

Dose : 264ml/acre

Lipaphis erysimi is a species of aphid of the family Aphididae. Its common names include mustard aphid and turnip aphid. It is found in most temperate and tropical areas of the world and feeds only on cruciferous plants.They suck the sap and plant get weak, pale and plant remain stunted and in later stage do not bear pods.

Mine linear, whitish, both upper and lower surface. Pupation internal, at the end of the mine with the anterior spiracles projecting through the epidermis. Leaves with mines; the attacked leaves wither; vigour of the plant gets reduced. Its damage is often more prominent on the older leaves

Greenish black with wrinkled body and has eight pairs of pro-legs. On touch the larva falls to ground and feigns death.Initially the larva nibbles leaves, later it feedshe from tmargins towards the midrib. The grubs cause numerous s h o t h o le s a n d eve n riddled the entire leaves by voracious feeding.



Okra or okro, known in many English-speaking countries as ladies' ngers or ochro, is a owering plant in the mallow family. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. Okra is easy to grow and use and looks great throughout the growing season due to its beautiful owers

Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that colonize on plants on undersides of leaves, in leaf axils and on growing tips. As sucking insects, aphids feed on plant juices, weakening the plant and blemishing fruit.

Dose : 924ml/acre


Adults are greenish yellow wedge shaped with a pair of black spot on the vertex and black spot on each of forewing. Adults and nymphs suck sap from undersurface of leaves and toxic effects of the saliva they inject when feeding on the leaves

The okra leafhopper lays its eggs in the midrib of the leaves. The pale green nymphs and the adults feed on the undersides of the leaves. The adults y readily. The eggs require about a week to hatch, and the nymphs require another two weeks to become adults.

Dose : 924ml/acre

Dose : 792ml/acre

Brinjal or eggplant is an important solanaceous crop of sub tropics and tropics. The name brinjal is popular in Indian subcontinents and is derived from Arabic and Sanskrit whereas the name eggplant has been derived from the shape of the fruit of some varieties, which are white and resemble in shape to chicken eggs. It is also called aubergine in Europe. The brinjal can be grown in all types of soil varying from light sandy to heavy clay. Light soils are good for an early yield, while clay-loam and silt-loam are well suited for higher yield.

Dose : 264ml/acre

Leucinodes orbonalis, the eggplant fruit and shoot borer or brinjal fruit and shoot borer, is a moth species in the genus Leucinodes. It is found throughout the world. Larva bores into tender shoots and causes withering of terminal shoots / dead hearts - also bores petioles of leaves, ower buds and developing buds, causes withering of leaves, shedding of buds and make fruits un t for consumption. Attacked fruits are with boreholes plugged with excreta. Fruits become out of shape also.



Chilli, also known as chilli pepper is a spicy fruit used in cuisine preparations. It is commonly added as an ingredient in foods to make the preparation spicy. It’s origins are traced to Mexico and it is used worldwide both as an ingredient in food preparations and medicines. Globally, China is the largest producer of chillies. The most important use of chilli is in the kitchen. Owing to the presence of capsaicin, chillies have a pungent yet pleasant avor- the main reason why it has a place of importance in the kitchen. I

Dose : 396ml/acre

Adults are large, oval, broad and yellowish in colour bear 4 pairs of legs. Larva or nymphs are very tiny with white translucent colour and a translucent stripe on dorsal side while quiescent larva is elongated at both ends and sendentry. It is downward curling and crinkling of leaves giving an inverted boat shaped appearance, elongation of Petiole i.e. rat tail symptom, stunted growth, on fruit scaring is very common with reduced fruit size.

12 Cabbage aphids are bluish-grey in colour with a pale powdery waxy coating. They are often found in dense clusters underneath the leaves. Infested leaves are often curled and become yellow leading to stunted plant growth. Cabbage aphids have good camou age, and may not be seen until they have become quite numerous. In addition to the aphids themselves, look for black deposits of honeydew where the aphids have been feeding. Cabbage Aphids Lipaphis erysimi is a species of aphid of the family Aphididae. Its common names include mustard aphid and turnip aphid. It is found in most temperate and tropical areas of the world and feeds only on cruciferous plants.They suck the sap and plant get weak, pale and plant remain stunted and in later stage do not bear pods.

The term "cole crops" refers to waxy-leaved brassicas of European origin, of the species Brassica oleraceae. Cabbage, broccoli and cauli ower and other brassica crops are hardy crops that can be grown in all over the world. Cabbage is the most widely grown and easy to grow of the cole crops. Cauli ower is relatively dif cult to grow compared to cabbage.

Dose : 264ml/acre

Mustard Aphids

The bagrada bug, Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister), also known as the painted bug. The adult body is shield shaped, and ranges in size from 5-7 mm long, and 3-4 mm wide. Females are slightly larger than males. Bagrada bugs are approximately one eighth of the size of the harlequin bug. Typical of plant feeding stink bugs, bagrada bugs cause physical damage through piercing-sucking mouthparts. Mustard Aphids 13


Onions not only provide avor, they also provide important nutrients and healthpromoting phytochemicals. High in vitamin C, onions are a good source of dietary ber, and folic acid.Onions are a cold-season crop, easy to grow because of their hardiness. Onion plants grow well on raised beds or raised rows at least 4 inches high. Red loam to black soils with good drainage facilities is highly suited for onion cultivation.

Dose : 264ml/acre


Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is a well-known onion pest worldwide. Onion thrips cause both direct and indirect damage to onion by feeding and ovipositing on leaves that may cause green onions (scallions) to be unmarketable and dry bulb onion size to be reduced. Onion thrips can also transmit several plant pathogens that reduce onion bulb size and quality. Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the most important food crop of the world. Potato is a temperate crop grown under subtropical conditions in India. The potato is a crop which has always been the ‘poor man’s friend’. Potato is being cultivated in the country for the last more than 300 years. For vegetable purposes it has become one of the most popular crops in this country. Potatoes are an economical food; they provide a source of low cost energy to the human diet. Potatoes are a rich source of starch, vitamins especially C and B1 and minerals.

Dose : 264ml/acre

Thrips damage the undersides of leaves by sucking their juices. They damage young and soft parts of plants such as new leaves and shoots. As a result, leaves curl downwards and change to a blackish silver color. Severe infestation causes young leaves to wilt and dry out. Thrips are very small, have elongated abdomens and are yellowish or blackish in color. Although the adults have wings, these insect pests do not usually y. They are often found on potato plants throughout all growth stages, from sprout development to tuber maturation. Thrips reproduce by laying eggs.



Tomatoes are a warm season crop and grow best on well-drained soils that are high in organic matter. It is botanicaly known as Lycopersicum esculentum belongs to the family Solanacae. The fruits are harvested as red for consumption. Tomato is a day neutral plant so wildly it found grown in any season.


There are many different species of aphids that could be found in a tomato eld. Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that vary in color from pale yellow to red to green to black, depending on the species. the host plant, and time of season. Direct-feeding damage by aphids is rarely severe enough to kill plants. They pierce plant tissue with needlelike mouthparts, which may result in blossom shed or curling or stunting of new growth.

The silverleaf white y is small, about 1/32 inch long and whitish yellow. The eggs are whitish to light beige. They are inserted on end in the undersides of new leaves. The nymphal stage appears glassy to opaque yellow. Its body is attened and scale-like. Silverleaf white ies damage plants directly and indirectly. Direct damage results from their feeding activity, which involves them sucking plant sap. Both the adults and nymphs contribute to direct damage.

Dose : 264ml/acre

Dose : 396ml/acre


White Fly Apple trees are cultivated worldwide and are the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. Apple trees are large if grown from seed. Generally apple cultivars are propagated by grafting onto rootstocks, which control the size of the resulting tree. It is commercially the most important temperate fruit and is fourth among the most widely produced fruits in the world after banana, orange and grape. China is the largest apple producing country in the world. Apples originated in the Middle East more than 4000 years ago. Spreading across Europe to France, the fruit arrived in England at around the time of the Norman conquest in 1066.

Dose : 594-792ml/acre

The stem borer’s eggs are very dif cult to see and are laid singly on the trunk of the tree. Larvae of all three species are dirty white with a reddish-brown head and thoracic shield (area behind the head) (Figure 4-38). Pupae are small, yellow-brown and sometimes observed as pupal cases partially protruding from the adult exit holes in the trunk or infested burr knots. Adult clearwing moths possess transparent wings with striking dark markings along the margins. They are daytime yers and are often confused with wasps. There are numerous species of clearwing borer males which are attracted to and can be caught in commercial pheromone traps.



Thrips are extremely small, brown insects usually living and feeding inside of the blooms. A deformed ower with ecked or scratched petals is usually a sign of a thrips problem. The rasping mouth parts of thrips causes this injury when they scratch the petal surface to feed. Thrips are especially attracted to yellow or light-colored roses.

Dose : 528ml/acre


Rose has always been admired for its beauty and fragrance. It occupies the rst position in International market of cut owers. Rose cultivation in India is becoming more and more popular because of its increase in demand as cut ower and higher commercial gains. Commercial rose ower growing include production and sale of plants, ower and their products. The rose owers are marketed either as loose owers or as cut owers. In loose ower trade fully developed owers suitable for garland making are marketed. Rose scale insect infestations can completely encrust parts of rose stems, giving an unhealthy appearance. Heavy infestations can reduce plant vigour although unlike some scale insects this species does not produce honeydew.

Dose : 990ml/acre 18

Scale Mango (Mangifera indica) is the leading fruit crop of India and considered to be the king of fruits. Besides delicious taste, excellent avour and attractive fragrance, it is rich in vitamin A&C. The tree is hardy in nature and requires comparatively low maintenance costs. Mango occupies 22% of the total under fruits comprising of 1.2 million hectares, with a total production of 11 million tonnes. Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh are having the largest area under mango each with around 25% of the total area followed by Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Mango fruit is utilised at all stages of its development both in its immature and mature state. Raw fruits are used for making chutney, pickles and juices. The ripe fruits besides being used for desert are also utilised for preparing several products like squashes, syrups, nectars, jams and jellies. The mango kernel also contains 8-10 percent good quality fat which can be used for soap and also as a substitute for cola in confectionery.

The mango hopper is a major insect pest of mango. The hoppers make holes and suck the nutrients from soft tissues of panicles, leaves, owers, fruits and fresh twigs. Hoppers also release sweet liquid onto the leaves, on which a black coloured fungus develops, which reduces the strength of the plant. Heavy attacks cause curling and drying of infested parts. If young trees experience a severe attack, they are much retarded while severely attacked older trees do not bear fruit, which results in a complete loss of yield.

Dose : 990-1320ml/acre 19

HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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