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Predict is a Broad spectrum fungicide which control many fungal diseases. Predict has a dual mode of action, hence it works at multiple stages of fungal development. Predict has very good preventive & curative properties, which provides exibility & broad window of application.


Predict can be applied preventively and to be repeated at 15 days interval depending upon prevailing weather conditions and disease pressure Predict is used to control of fruit rot, Die back and powdery mildew in chilli crop Predict impacts positively on the physiological activity of the applied crop by improving the yield & quality of the produce thus fetching better price

TARGET DISEASES 1 Disease : Fruit Rot Fungi : Glomerella Cingulata Fruit rot causes severe damage to mature fruits in the field as well as some times in transit and storage. From 12-32 per cent of fruits are affected by this disease.

Symptoms Only ripe fruits, turning red are affected by the disease. A small black circular spot appears on the skin of the fruit and spreads in the direction of the long axis, thus becoming more or less elliptical.

TARGET DISEASES 1 Disease : Die back Fungi : Eutypa,Seiridium Dieback is a fungal problem witnessed globally. This disease is observed at the owering stage of chilli growth. Flowers dry up resulting in profuse shedding. The ower stalk shrivels. This drying up spreads from the ower stalks to the stem

Symptoms This causes necrosis of tender twigs from tip backwards. The entire branch or top of the plant may wither away. The dead twigs are water soaked to brown, becoming greyish white or straw colored in advance stages of the disease.

TARGET DISEASES 1 Disease : Powder Mildew Fungi : Erysiphales Powdery mildew causing heavy yield loss ranging from 14 to 20 per cent, due to severe defoliation and reduction in photosynthesis, size and number of fruits per plant

Symptoms White powdery coating appears mostly on the lower surface Sometimes the powdery coating can also be seen on the upper surface. Correspondingly on the upper surface yellow patches are seen. Severe infection results in the drying and shedding of affected leaves. Powdery growth can also be seen on young fruits, and branches.




Common name of the disease

Dosage per acre Formulation(ml)

Dilution in water (L)

Chilli Fruit rot, Powdery 240-280 200-300 mildew, Die back

Waiting period from last application to harvest (in days)



Quantity 240ml-200l\per acre

It is completely safe to use Predict It also compatible with the other agrochemicals.

HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.


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