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Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP

Systemic & Contact Fungicide

SUPERHIT Specialty Dual action fungicide contact and locally systemic , which controls diseases by its protctive as well as curative action. Superhit exhibits unique multi-site action leads to low disease resistance development.Good kick back action- Controls fungi even after 2 days of infection. Specialty fungicide to control diseases caused by oomycetes fungi. (Downey Mildew, late blight, etc). Rapid uptake and trans-location in plant. Long duration disease control.

GRAPES DOSE : 600-800 gm/ acre

Grapes are good source of minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron and vitamins like B and grapes have an excellent health benefits. Grapes belong to the family of “Vitaceae” and originated in Western Asia and Europe. Grapes o c c u py 1 6 % o f w o r l d f r u i t p r o d u c t i o n . Commercial cultivation of grapes mainly intended for table purpose, export purpose, making wine and making raisins. With proper care and vine management, one can expect decent profits from commercial cultivation of grapes by supplying to local markets and exporting to international markets.

DOWNEY MILDEW The Downey mildew fungus can infect all green tissues of the vine. Small, white or grayish-white patches of fungal growth appear on the upper or lower leaf surface. These patches usually enlarge until the entire upper leaf surface has a powdery, white to gray coating. The patches may remain limited throughout most of the season. Severely aected leaves may curl upward during hot, dry weather. Expanding leaves that are infected may become distorted and stunted Powdery Mildew is not diďŹƒcult to control if good cultural practices are followed along with the use of Superhit sprays.


DOSE : 600 gm/ acre

The Potato, a native of South America occupies a largest area any single vegetable in the world. It has a special value as food. The consumption of potato per head is very low in India as compared to that of Western Countries. Potato belongs to family Solanaceae and botanical name is Solanum tuberosum. Potato can be grown well in fertile and well-drained soil. Potato grows well in soil having pH 4.8-5.4. Heavy soil should be avoided. The short day conditions are highly favourable for economic yield of potato crops.

LATE BLIGHT Late blight (Phytophthora infestans) fungus is in the same genus as the fungus causing pink rot. Late blight is ďŹ rst appear as water-soaked spots, usually at the tips or edges of lower leaves where water or dew tends to collect. Under moist, cool conditions, water-soaked spots rapidly enlarge and a broad yellow halo may be seen surrounding the lesion. On the leaf underside, a sporeproducing zone of white moldy growth approximately 0.1 - 0.2 inches wide may appear at the border of the lesion. Under continuously wet conditions, the disease progresses rapidly and warm, dry weather will slow or stop disease development. As conditions become moist and cool, disease development resumes.

TOMATO DOSE : 600 gm/ acre

The tomato is botanicaly known as Lycopersicum esculentum belongs to the family Solanacae. The fruits are harvested as red for consumption. It has prominent place in human food. The tomato is a warm-season crop. The crop does well under an average monthly temperature of 210C to 230C. Temperature and light intensity affect the fruit-set, pigmentation and nutritive value of the fruit. Tomatoes need very careful irrigation that is just sufficient water at the right time. It is necessary to maintain an even moisture supply. During summer season, irrigation at every 5to 7 days interval is necessary, whereas in winter 10 to 15 days interval is sufficient

LATE BLIGHT Late blight, a disease that strikes tomatoes and, can quickly ruin an entire crop — and provide a source of infection for other plants. It is critical that farmers understand that late blight is not like other tomato diseases. The fungus, (Phytophthora infestans), that causes late blight is aptly named: phytophthora in Latin means "plant destroyer." Infected plant tissue dies. Outbreaks spread quickly under favourable conditions because the pathogen can produce huge numbers of wind-dispersed spores. Once a plant is infected, it must be destroyed.

CITRUS DOSE : 250 gm/ 100 ltr of water + 25 gm / ltr of water of linseed

Genus citrus belongs to family Rutaceae and subfamily Aurantioedae. While classifying citrus. hereas in winter 10 to 15 days interval is suďŹƒcient. In India citrus is cultivated over an area of near about 923.2 thousand hectares with an estimated production of 8607.7 thousand metric tonnes. In Punjab citrus occupies 39.198 hectares with annual production of 734699 MT. Kinnow occupies 54.9% of the area under citrus. Citrus tree is medium sized with sharp and sti numerous spines. Small leave with narrowly winged petiole. Flowers are small. Fruits greenish yellow, seeds small and highly polyembryonic having greenish cotyledons. The juice vesicles are also greenish in tinge.

GUMMOSIS Citrus in India are seriously affected by gummosis, which causes trunk cankers and tree death. The disease was originally related to Phytophthora parasitica but more recently to Lasiodiplodia theobromae. The main symptom of citrus gummosis is oozing of gum from the affected parts on the trunk. Infected bark remains firm with small, longitudinal cracks through which abundant amber-colored gum is exuded. During the summer, gum deposits dry and stick to the bark, making the symptoms of gummosis very noticeable.



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