Hindustan Vardan

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Chlorpyriphos 20 % EC

Vardan contact is a emulsiďŹ able concentrate formulation.

Vardan is a contact and stomach poisonous. It is recommended to control hispa, leaf roller, gall midge, stem borer of Paddy, aphid, bollworm, whitey & cut worm of cotton and insects of vegetables, fruits.

Vardan is also used to control termite in building, wood and seed treatment & soil treatment.

Rice As a cereal grain, it is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world's human population, especially in Asia. It is the agricultural commodity with the thirdhighest worldwide production , after sugarcane and maize.

Unmilled rice, known as " p a d d y ", i s u s u a l ly harvested when the grains have a moisture content of around 25%.

Rice’s harmful pest (Hispa)

Rice hispa scrapes the upper surface of leaf blades leaving only the lower epidermis. It also tunnels through the leaf tissues. When damage is severe, plants become less vigorous.

Dose : 500-750 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

The presence of grassy weeds in and near rice fields as alternate hosts harbor and encourage the pest to develop. Heavily fertilized field also encourages the damage.

Rice’s harmful pest (Gall Midge) Rice gall midge is found in irrigated or rainfed wetland environments during the tillering stage of the rice crop. It is also common in upland and deepwater rice.

Dose : 500-750 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

Rice gall midge forms a tubular gall at the base of tillers, causing elongation of leaf sheaths called onion leaf or silver shoot.

Rice’s harmful pest (Stem borer) The stem borer is a pest of deepwater rice. It is found in aquatic environments where there is continuous ooding. Second instar larvae enclose themselves in body leaf wrappings to make tubes and detach themselves from the leaf and falls onto the water surface.

Dose : 500-750 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

They attach themselves to the tiller and bore into the stem. Stem borers can destroy rice at any stage of the plant from seedling to maturity.

Rice’s harmful pest (Whorl Maggot) The rice whorl maggot is semiaquatic. It is common in irrigated ďŹ elds and feeds on the central whorl leaf of the vegetative stage of the rice plant. It does not occur in upland rice.

Dose : 500-750 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

The feeding damage of whorl maggots causes yellow spots, white or transparent patches, and pinholes.

Rice’s harmful pest (Leaf Roller) The rice whorl maggot is semiaquatic. It is common in irrigated ďŹ elds and feeds on the central whorl leaf of the vegetative stage of the rice plant. It does not occur in upland rice.

Dose : 500-750 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

Leaf roller caterpillars fold a rice leaf around themselves and attach the leaf margins together with silk strands. They feed inside the folded leaf creating longitudinal white and transparent streaks on the blade.

COTTON Cotton is the most important ďŹ bre crop not only of India but of the entire world. Cotton and its by-products are used in the production of a huge range of products including bank notes, margarine, rubber and medical supplies .

The ďŹ bre from one 227kg cotton bale can produce 215 pairs of jeans, 250 single bed sheets, 1,200 t-shirts, 2,100 pairs of boxer shorts, 3,000 nappies, 4,300 pairs of socks or 680,000 cotton balls .

Cotton’s harmful pest (Aphid)

Aphids are small sap-sucking insects and members of the s u p e r f a m i ly A p h i d o i d e a . Common names include greenfly and blackfly, but the insects can also be brown or pink, and the group includes the fluffy white woolly aphids.

Dose : 500-1500 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

More significant is the p r o d u c t i o n of honeydew that interferes with p h oto sy nt h e s i s a n d late in the season causes stickiness and discolouration of the cotton.

Cotton’s harmful pest (White Fly)

Whiteflies are sucking insects and their feeding removes n ut r i e nt s f r o m t h e p l a nt . Whiteflies cause damage to cotton plants in two ways firstly by sucking the sap and secondly by excreting honey dew on which sooty mould grows.

Dose : 500-1500 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

Feeding by high populations may result in stunting, poor growth, defoliation, boll shed and reduced yields.

Cotton’s harmful pest (Bollworm)

The cotton bollworm, corn e a r w o r m , o r O l d Wo r l d bollworm is a moth, the larvae of which feed on a wide range of plants, including many important cultivated crops.

Dose : 500-1500 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

It is a major pest in cotton and one of the most polyphagous and cosmopolitan pest species. The adult is a medium-sized, creamcolored moth and is seen frequently throughout the day during periods of heavy infestations.

Cotton’s harmful pest (Cutworm)

Cotton cutworm (Spodoptera litura) is an insect pest of many important food plants. It is a native of Asia and was first detected in Hawaii. Cream colored eggs; the young larva is dark brown with red head. The grown up larvae is 45 mm long and grey-black Pupation takes place in earthen cocoon.

Dose : 500-1500 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

Cutworm larvae chew young plants off at the base at or near ground level. Damage is usually limited to certain parts of a field and may reoccur each season in the same place. Usually several plants in the same row are damaged.

BEANS Bean is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetables in India. The green immature pods are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Immature pods are marketed fresh, frozen or canned, whole, cut or French cut. It is also an important pulse crop, with high yielding ability as compared to gram and pea.

It is grown in Maharahstra, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and NE states. It is also known as Kidney bean, Common bean, Snap bean and French bean.

Bean’s harmful pest ( Pod borer)

Maruca vitrata is a pantropical insect pest of leguminous crops like pigeon pea, cowpea, mung bean and soybean. Its common names include the maruca pod borer, bean pod borer, soybean pod borer, mung moth, and the legume pod borer.

Dose : 1200 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

Bean podborer moths are active at night but shelter within the plant canopy during the day. Crops are invaded at the beginning of flowering. The larvae feed on the buds and flowers and bore into the pod to eat the developing seeds.

Black bug flight patterns are affected by the lunar cycle; on full moon nights, large numbers of adults swarm to light sources.

Bean’s harmful pest ( Black Bug)

Black bugs remove the sap of the plant. They can cause browning of leaves, deadheart, and bugburn. Their damage also causes stunting in plants, reduced tiller number, and formation of whiteheads.

Dose : 1200 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

GRAM Bengal gram is the most important pulse crop of India. It is used for human consumption as well as for feeding to animals. Fresh green leaves are used as ve g e t a b l e w h i l e s t r a w o f chickpea is an excellent fodder for cattle.

The grains are also used as vegetable. India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Burma and Turkey are main gram growing countries. India ranks ďŹ rst in t h e wo r l d i n r e s p e c t of production

Gram’s harmful pest ( Cutworm)

Cutworms are moth larvae that hide under litter or soil during the day, coming out in the dark to feed on plants. A larva typically attacks the first part of the plant it encounters, namely the stem, often of a seedling, and consequently cuts it down; hence the name cutworm.

Dose : 1000 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

The adults are night-flying moths and do not cause damage. There are also species of climbing cutworms that move up plants and feed on foliage, buds and shoots.


Sugarcane is the main sources of sugar in India and holds a prominent position as a cash crop. It is one of the most important food-cum-cash crop grown in the country.

providing employment to a larger number of people, in addition to earning considerable foreign exchange.

Sugarcane’s harmful pest ( Early shoot borer) The sugarcane early shoot borer is a serious problem in sugarcane. 1-3 month old crops are highly susceptible. The caterpillars of the shoot borer cause dead hearts in young plants.

Dose : 500 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

The young plants with dead hearts formed at shoot stage can be pulled out easily. It bores into the central shoot and feeds on the internal tissue cause Dead heart.

Sugarcane’s harmful pest ( Stalk borer)

Stalk borer belongs to the Noctuidae family of moths, which includes the cutworms and armyworms. As its name indicates, the larvae of the stalk borer have the habit of boring into stalks and stems and feeding within the plants.

Dose : 600 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

The young larvae are cylindrical and fairly s l e n d e r, w i t h m a r k i n g s distinguishing them from similar borers. The body is light brown with a narrow white stripe running from head to tail down the back.

Sugarcane’s harmful pest ( Pyrilla)

The pest is found gregariously on the under surface of the leaves where they suck up plant sap that causes yellowing and eventually drying of leaves. Under low infestation yellow patches appear on the leaves. Photosynthesis is reduced resulting in the reduction of sucrose content of the juice by up to 30%.

Dose : 600 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

The young larvae are cylindrical and fairly s l e n d e r, w i t h m a r k i n g s distinguishing them from similar borers. The body is light brown with a narrow white stripe running from head to tail down the back.

It contains magnesium; foliate, vitamin E, copper, and arginine: They are believed to lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease.

GROUNDNUT The peanut, also known as the groundnut or the goober and taxonomically classiďŹ ed as Arachis hypogaea, is a legume crop grown mainly for its edible seeds. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, being important to both small and large commercial producers.

Groundnut’s harmful pest ( Root Grub)

Root Grubs are widespread in upland and rainfed groundnut environments. The adults are nocturnal and are attracted to light traps. Eggs are laid and developed in moist soil made by the burrowing females. In the soil, they usually remain close to where moisture is available.

Dose : 400 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

Root grubs feed on roots or loss roots. This can lead to abnormal plant height, discoloration of plant, and wilting.

Groundnut’s harmful pest ( Aphid )

Adults reproduces without mating (in India) and are capable of producing about 100 nymphs in their 5-30 day life span. These nymphs are dark brown and turn into shinyblack adults in about 10 days. When the population density in the colony reaches a certain limit, winged individuals are found among the wingless forms. They fly away to form new colonies.

Dose : 400-450 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

Nymphs and adults suck sap from the tender growing shoots, flowers , and pegs, causing stunting and distortion of the foliage and stems. They secrete a sticky fluid (honeydew) on the plant, which is turned black by a fungus.

MUSTARD Mustard belongs to the family of “Cruciferae� and popularly used in Indian cooking. India is number one in production of mustard. Mustard seed is used as a spice. Grinding and mixing the seeds with water, vinegar, or other liquids creates the yellow condiment known as prepared mustard.

Mustard is a cool season crop that can be grown in a short growing season. Va r i e t i e s o f y e l l o w mustard usually mature in 80 to 85 days.

Mustard’s harmful pest ( Aphid )

Lipaphis erysimi is a species of aphid of the family Aphididae. Its common names include mustard aphid and turnip aphid. It is found in most temperate and tropical areas of the world and feeds only on cruciferous plants.

Dose : 200 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

The species regulates its developmental period, fecundity and intrinsic rate of increase in response to developmental changes of the mustard plant and m a i nta i n s i t s d i s p e r sa l throughout the duration of the mustard crop.

BRINJAL Brinjal or eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is an important solanaceous crop of sub tropics and tropics. The name brinjal is popular in Indian subcontinents and is derived from Arabic and Sanskrit whereas the name eggplant has been derived from the shape of the fruit of some varieties.

In India, it is one of the most common, popular and principal vegetable crops grown throughout the country except higher altitudes. It is a versatile crop adapted to dierent agro-climatic regions and can be grown throughout the year.

Brinjal’s harmful pest ( Fruit Borer )

The pest is active all through the year in places having moderate climate. The moth is a medium sized adult with brown and red markings on the forewings. Female moth lays about 250 eggs singly on tender shoots and developing fruits of brinjal. The caterpillar is pink in colour and covered with sparsely distributed hairs all over the body.

Dose : 400 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

It is the most important and destructive pest of brinjal in India. Sometimes, it also seriously infests potatoes. Damage to the plant is caused mainly by the larvae, which bores through the terminal part of the mid rib of large leaves and tender shoots to cause “dead hearts�

CABBAGE Cabbage is a hardy, leafy vegetable full of vitamins. It is one of the most important group of vegetable crops which is widely grown and popular in almost all the regions of the country. Among the various Cole crops, cabbage is most widely grown on commercial scale in India.

The cabbage consists of thick leaves overlapping tightly on growing main bud called 'head’. Cabbage is very convenient to grow both on large and smallscale cultivation. Cabbage is grown throughout the country but it is more popular in Southern States

Cabbage’s harmful pest ( Diamond back moth ) The diamondback moth, sometimes called the cabbage moth, is a moth species belonging to the family Plutellidae and genus Plutella. The small, grayish-brown moth sometimes has a cream-colored band that forms a diamond along its back

Dose : 800 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

It is the most important and destructive pest of cabbage in India. Most damage is caused by the caterpillars tunnelling into the heads of plants such as cabbage and Brussels sprouts. They also cause contamination of produce by pupating inside cabbage orets.

ONION The onion, also known as the bulb onion or common onion, is a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. Onions are endlessly versatile and an essential ingredient in countless recipes. It is estimated that 105 billion pounds of onions are harvested each year, worldwide.

The possible health beneďŹ ts of consuming onions include lowering the risk of several types of cancer, improving mood, and maintaining the health of skin and hair.

Onion’s harmful pest ( Onion root Grub ) Onion flies (the parents of onion root maggots) are small hump-backed flies that emerge in late spring, just as onions begin to grow vigorously. They lay eggs at the base of onion plants, and the larvae tunnel into onion roots.

Dose : 2000 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

When young onion plants wilt for no apparent reason, pull up a sample plant to check for legless worms (maggots) feeding on it roots. Frequently the plant will break off as you pull it from the ground.

APPLE An apple is a sweet, edible fruit produced by an apple tree. Apple trees are cultivated worldwide, and are the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. Apple is the major products of Jammu and Kashmir state, about 75% of apple production in India comes from Jammu and Kashmir.

Apple has excellent health beneďŹ ts, hence it is recommended for daily consumption. Apples were originated in Europe and Western Asia and spread across the world. There are more than 8000 varieties/cultivars of apple all over the world. The apple is a deciduous tree which can grow up to 15 to 16 feet tall.

Apple’s harmful pest ( Aphids )

Aphids are common, secondary pests of apples, but infestations resulting in economic loss are uncommon, except for woolly apple aphid. Aphids overwinter as eggs on tree limbs, or as nymphs on roots and/or limbs. Apple aphid is a sucking insect pest that weakens the tree by feeding on limbs and roots. It gets its name from the woolly appearance of its colonies.

Dose : 1500-2000 ml in 600-800 ltr water / acre

Apple aphid is a serious pest o f a p p l e s , p a r t i c u l a r ly young trees. Pruning and hail damage can create the wound sites for attack by this pest. As populations grow, aphids are commonly found on water sprouts in the center of the tree.

CITRUS Citrus comprises many species of economic importance. In India few species are commercially cultivated, which include grape fruit, lemons, limes, sweet oranges, and mandarins. Citrus originated in South East Asia. North East region of India is the home of some citrus species e.g. mandarins. Nagpur Sangtra is grown on a large scale in the Vidharbha region of central India.

In India citrus is cultivated over an area of near about 923.2 thousand hectares with an estimated p r o d u c t i o n o f 8 6 0 7. 7 thousand metric tonnes. In Punjab citrus occupies 39.198 hectares with annual production of 734699 MT. Kinnow occupies 54.9% of the area under citrus.

Citrus’s harmful pest ( Aphids )

Four species of aphids on citrus are recorded in Australia but only two occur in India, the brown/black citrus aphid Toxoptera citricidus (Kirkaldy) and spiraea aphid, Aphis spiraecola (Patch). Like other sap-sucking insects such as mealybugs and scales, aphids produce a sticky substance (honeydew) as they feed on the plant

Dose : 600-800 ml in 600-800 ltr water / acre

A black fungus (sooty mould) grows on the honeydew, coating leaves, branches and fruit with a black powder. Aphids can be a threat to young trees, but are otherwise regarded to be minor pests.

Tobacco has the advantage that it can grow in diverse climates where freezing temperatures do not occur for more than 120 days.

TOBACCO The genus Nicotiana has more than 60 species, of which two are commercially cultivated for the production of tobacco. Tobacco is a short cycle crop (between 90 and 105 days), intensive and extremely sensitive to the season in which it is planted, grown and harvested. Tobacco can adapt to a wide variety of soils.

Tobacco’s harmful pest ( Ground Beetle )

Tobacco ground beetle, Mesomorphus v i l l i g e r B l a n c h ( Te n e b r i o n i d a e : Coleoptera) is one of the important pests of transplanted tobacco crop causes loss to an extent of 40 % under drought conditions. Ground beetles live in the soil beneath mulches, around compost piles, or in the sheltered areas around perennials plants.

Dose : 700 ml in 200-400 ltr water / acre

Most of the 2,500 ground beetle species are oneeighth to 1 1/2 inches long, dark, shiny and hard-shelled. Shape and color varies among species, with most being brown to black while ot h e r s h a ve m e t a l l i c backs.



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