CSArts Academy offers extracurricular arts courses to student artists of various ages from throughout the community!
CSArts Academy offers extracurricular arts courses to student artists of various ages from throughout the community!
Our Fall 2024 Saturday Series invites students to join us on Saturdays and experience a variety of fun and rewarding arts classes in a creative and nurturing environment. These unique courses are offered on the Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) campus under the guidance of the school’s renowned educators and master guest artists. Whether you are looking to try a new art form or build upon prior skills, our impressive catalog of courses offers something for every student. We invite you to join us this fall for an arts experience unlike any other!
To register, please visit academy.csarts.net We encourage you to first browse our list of Fall 2024 Classes in the following pages!
Monday, September 9: Deadline for Early Bird Registration
Monday, September 16: Registration Closes
Saturday, September 21: Classes Begin
Please visit academycsarts net or email academy@csarts net
Brian Stevens Director of Community Engagement
Cindy Gutierrez Community Engagement Associate
Lori Solomon Operations Coordinator
Kaitlyn Tice Community Engagement Coordinator
September 21, 2024 – November 16, 2024
9 a.m.-12 p.m. (Each Saturday Except October 5 & November 2)
Discover Art! 5-7
Auditioning for Commercials, Film, and TV 11-15
Animation 11-15
Culinary Arts: Lights, Camera, Cooking! 11-15
Fiction Writing 11-15
Musical Theatre Through the Holidays 8-10
Painting & Drawing 8-15
Public Speaking 11-15
Classes meet weekly on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
September 21, 2024 – November 16, 2024
(No Classes October 5, 2024 & November 2, 2024)
Classes are listed in alphabetical order by class title
Discover Art!
This play-centered class for students ages 5-7 aims to introduce younger students to various arts disciplines over six weeks! Students will learn and play in the following art forms: visual art, acting, singing, and dance Don’t miss this unique opportunity!
Cost: $395
Early Bird Cost: $345
Auditioning for Commercials, Film, and TV (Ages 11-15)
This fun and exciting class explores audition techniques for the film, television, and commercial world. Under the instruction of veteran on-camera acting professionals, this class gives students fundamental techniques to take their on-camera acting auditions to the next level. Students work on cold reading of scenes, commercial copy, and more!
Cost: $395
Early Bird Cost: $345
Classes meet weekly on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
September 21, 2024 – November 16, 2024
(No Classes October 5, 2024 & November 2, 2024)
Classes are listed in alphabetical order by class title
Animation (Ages 11-15)
In this exciting and challenging course, students can get familiar with the principles of traditional animation. From animating a bouncing ball to a complete character design, students work from the ground up Students learn lessons “by the book,” watch how principles of animation are applied to classic cartoons and movies, and discuss how these principles apply to their own work.
Cost: $395
Early Bird Cost: $345
Culinary Arts: Lights, Camera, Cooking! (Ages 11-15)
In this imaginative course, students can take culinary inspiration from beloved and famous television and film scenes and discover how to create these dishes in real life. This six-week course transforms the whimsical silver-screen culinary world into practical applications of creative, fun, and gastronomic skill.
Cost: $475
Early Bird Cost: $425
Materials Fee: $75
Fiction Writing (Ages 11-15)
This dynamic and foundational course introduces students to a broad spectrum of creative writing genres, from poetry to fiction to dramatic writing Students learn writing fundamentals while developing their own creative voice By the end of the session, students will have produced their own original work to be published in a digital anthology.
Cost: $395
Early Bird Cost: $345
ClassesmeetweeklyonSaturdaysfrom9a.m.-12p.m. September21,2024–November16,2024
MusicalTheatreThroughtheHolidays (Ages8-10)
Thisfun-filledandfestive-themedmusicaltheatreclassengagesstudentsinthecreative process,whilegivingthemfoundationalskillsinsinging,acting,anddancing.Usingmusical theatrematerialinspiredbyallthingsfestive–fromHalloweeentothewinterseason–students learntofindtheirvoiceandhonetheirskillsincharacterdevelopment,storytelling,ensemble building,andcreativeexpression.Attheendofthecourse,studentshavetheopportunityto showofftheirhardworkandprogressinafun,“stepintotheclassroom”musicalrevue.
Cost: $395
EarlyBirdCost: $345
Painting&Drawing (Ages8-15)
Inthishands-onintroductorycourse,studentshavetheopportunitytocreateartworkbasedon real-lifeobservationandimaginativedesign.Usingstep-by-stepmethodsandcreativeproblem solving,studentsexploreavarietyofmediumsandtechniquesforthepurposeofbuildingboth theirskilllevelandportfolio.Theclassculminatesinagallery-style“stepintotheclassroom” exhibitionofstudentworkforfriendsandfamilytoenjoy.
Cost: $395
EarlyBirdCost: $345
PublicSpeaking (Ages11-15)
Thisfunandengagingcourseintroducesstudentstothefoundationsofpublicspeakingthrough avarietyofaccessiblein-classprojectstosetstudentsupwithtoolstheyneedtofeelsuccessful intheirfuturespeeches.Centeredinanextemporaneousstyleofpersuasivespeaking,students gaindailypractice,methods,andapplicationinawarmandsupportiveenvironment.
Cost: $395
EarlyBirdCost: $345
CSArts Academy classes are open to students in the community The age group varies depending on the class. Please check the description and details carefully when selecting your classes.
Class fees include most materials and supplies. Some classes may require students to provide additional materials, such as their own musical instruments, dance shoes, food ingredients/spices/cookware, or costumes.
A 10% discount is offered to returning CSArts Academy students and currently enrolled Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA)/California School of the Arts – San Gabriel Valley (CSArts-SGV) students. If you are a returning CSArts Academy student or a currently enrolled OCSA or CSArts-SGV student, please contact academy@csarts.net to receive a discount code for a 10% discount.
Please contact academy@csarts.net if you would like to receive information about payment plan options.
We offer scholarships on a financial-need basis. Additionally, the Camp OCSA Scholarship Program is open to students in grades 4-6 who live or attend school in Santa Ana. If you believe you may qualify, please fill out the Pre-screen Application For more information, please contact academy@csarts.net
A class may be canceled if the class enrollment minimum is not reached up to three (3) business days before the start of the class. You may transfer to another class (pending class availability) and transfer the registration fees from the canceled class if you do so within two (2) days of the cancellation, or you may request a full refund.
Refunds can be requested by participants up to two (2) weeks BEFORE the start date of the class and are subject to a $50 PER CLASS DROP FEE. Due to the limited number of spaces available in our classes, NO REFUNDS will be issued within two (2) weeks of the start of the class. REFUND POLICIES ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED.