wearsitat. Issue 001.
Instagram has always been my ‘thing’, inspiring visual (usually fashion) imagery is what my Instagram is based on and I can’t see that changing anytime soon, but, I had a yearning for a creative outlet other than just visuals. Sure, I could’ve started a blog, but, I wanted something tangible, something more permanent and something that my followers and readers could touch and enjoy away from the screen from which our relationship was built. So here it is! Wearsitat issue one. Each issue will be filled with not only inspiring fashion, niche brands and Instagram accounts to follow (after all, we can’t turn our back on the ‘gram completely can we!) but also I aim to delve a little deeper into the female psyche, an uncensored slice of what we’re all thinking as women but rarely express. The magazine aims to discuss ‘taboo’ subjects openly and give informative, real advice on things such as mental health and cervical screenings and look at things from a female perspective. I hope you enjoy the relaxed, informal style and consider this magazine your friend, your confidant and your go-to, bi-annually. Enjoy!
Kat x
CONT CONT 1. 2. 3. 4. Women Like Us
Women Like us
Arianne Dickens article: Womanhood:Motherhood
Arianne Dickens article: Womanhood:Motherhood
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Smear article
CRF safer travel
Smear article
CRF safer travel
CRF safer travel
Are you a micro-cheat?
Designer to watch: Sharon Wauchob
CRF safer travel
Are you a micro-cheat?
Designer to watch: Sharon Wauchob
TENTS TENTS 17. 18. 19. 20. Niche brands to keep an eye on
Niche brands to keep an eye on
The Instagram watch list
The Instagram watch list
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.30. 31. 32. Three ways to wear: Three ways to wear: Stan Smiths Stan Smiths
Annie Hobson: A day in the life of a PR intern
Annie Hobson: A day in the life of a PR intern
Annie Hobson: A day in the life of a PR intern
Annie Hobson: A day in the life of a PR intern
Annie Hobson: A day in the life of a PR intern
Annie Hobson: A day in the life of a PR intern
Words by: Kat Atkinson
he eye-roll is almost audible when people explain that they are a ‘feminist’. I was once publically outed on Instagram for defining myself as interested in equal rights but not defining myself as a feminist. Once I sifted through the trolls, one girl’s explanation of why she had a problem with what I said really struck a cord with me. If we consider the
definition in simple terms, feminism is the belief in equal rights between the sexes (exactly what I said I believed in) but why was I so embarrassed or ashamed to admit that I’m a feminist? The word has become so distorted and misconstrued over the years to now come with all sorts of negative connotations of being anti-men. The thing is though, feminists are not anti-men, they just understand what it is to be a woman and believe in having equal opportunities, rights and respect that men get from society as a matter of course.
spoke to Arianne Dickens, a proud feminist, partner and mother about what being a woman means to her, feminism and whether her personal ideologies will be
reflected in her parenting techniques.
“I’m not really sure what being a woman means to me,” she says. “I’m trying very hard to make sure my feminism is intersectional, so the way I would have defined it before is probably not a good way to describe it. I felt a lot like some sort of warrior goddess after birthing both my babies, which is pretty accurate for birthing women! I definitely wasn’t brought up with a feminist mindset. I had felt a discomfort for a long time around whether I could or couldn’t wear certain clothes depending on whether I had shaved under my arms or my legs. So, I felt limited in a way I couldn’t put my finger on. I had always assumed that I shaved purely for myself - however, it never sat right. When I read an article someone had written about shaving, I realised it was because it isn’t a free choice. If there is a bad or uncomfortable feeling attached to one option, as there frequently is with women’s body hair, it isn’t a free choice at all. Women have been conditioned over years and years to associate being hairless with being feminine. It took another year or perhaps longer for me to feel ready to challenge that within myself and to purposefully not shave. Even then it took me another year to feel brave enough to wear a strappy top without having shaved. It really showed me how ingrained
these standards are for women. I personally define feminism
continue to actively speak positively about my body and my
as women demanding the social status and respect that men
body hair. I spent time talking with my stepdaughter about
have been given, largely without question since the dawn of
how it is tricky because shaving is always presented as the
time. I relate to this because I am constantly witnessing the
norm. I will do the same with Felicity, acknowledging the
systemic oppression of women in society, and desperately
societal expectations and having open conversations so she
want this to change for my children. Shaving was the catalyst
is supported in what she would like to do. She will naturally
for my awareness of what feminism meant. It remains a source
be aware that Mummy doesn’t shave, but being confronted
of empowerment to me daily, as I am confronted with it daily. It
with hairless women everywhere else will no doubt have an
is my everyday way of smashing the patriarchy.”
effect which will need unpicking as she grows older. Rory,
I’d never really considered shaving being ‘for men’, as a single
three months, is so tiny still, but for example; there are no
woman I still shave regularly and never considered it was for
plans to cut his hair until he expresses a desire for it himself.
anyone else other than myself but since speaking with Arianne
As parents, myself and my partner already have a consent
I can recall countless times where I have reached for a dress or
culture in our house, and as the children get older, we will
skirt and thought ‘best not wear that today, I haven’t shaved my
have conversations around enthusiastic consent and what
legs’ or quickly shaved my armpits when wearing a vest top. I
that means. Our two-year-old already is clear about her
wouldn’t say this was particularly for a man but certainly, it is to
vagina and vulva being something that she has control
conform to societal norms that have been placed upon women,
over, and Rory will also be taught the proper words for his
indirectly by men. Why is it that society so disgusted by the
genitals. As well as being a child protection bonus as advised
sight of hair on women but men can parade with their tops off
by organisations, it also creates a positive mindset around
in summer and no one even double takes? We are all human
their own bodies, and will empower them as they get older.”
after all. I don’t have children at the moment but this got me thinking, if I were to ever have children, would I raise them to
I found this very interesting and insightful, in this age of so
go against the grain or support them to go with the norm? I
many threats, both physically and online to our children,
asked Arianne how she tackles the issues with her daughter,
perhaps more emphasis should be focused on emphasising
Felicity, two, and step-daughter Niamh, 12, and how she plans
what is acceptable and not acceptable so children themselves
to address these issues going forward.
can recognise when something doesn’t feel right.
“I believe I am doing my level best to raise Felicity in an inclusive way. We don’t assign pronouns to people we haven’t been introduced to. We use ‘person’ in place of man/woman/ boy/girl. Including saying ‘That’s the post/post-person,’ or ‘Wait for the green light/person,’ or ‘The bin lorry is here!’ As examples of where ‘man’ would usually roll off the tongue. I actively speak positively about my body and my body hair. I choose to dress her in clothes which are in the ‘boy’s’ section
Finally, I asked Arianne whether she had faced any prejudice for her beliefs, she is very vocal about her attitudes and I was intrigued wheter that had prompted any negative comments.
“I don’t feel as though I have received any direct prejudice,”, she says. “I know some people close to me thought it was weird and gross that I had stopped shaving, but I have a bit
as I don’t believe clothes need separating this way at all, and am frequently frustrated by the limited colour and practicality
options in the ‘girls’ section. As with my stepdaughter, I will
of an IDGAF attitude overall so it wasn’t something that was brought up much”.
o-one is trying to suggest important thing is that you go. End of. that having a nurse fishing about your nethers of a
You can request a female nurse if you would
Thursday afternoon is an
feel more comfortable and just remember,
how ever horrendous you imagine your
much like cleaning the toilet, hoovering out
vagina to be from that angle, they have
your car or grocery shopping, it’s a non- spent their entire career looking at them, in enjoyable, but necessary task. This is what all their shapes and sizes.
us women should see it as, necessary. So Now for the nitty gritty – does it hurt? It
why are the attendance figures for smears all depends on your pain threshold, your (now renamed cervical screenings) the size down there, whether you’ve had lowest they have been in years? According children and a million other factors. We’re to a survey conducted by Jo’s Cervical all wonderfully unique and therefore it’s Cancer Trust in 2018, half of the 2,000 impossible to predict how the experience women who were surveyed either delayed will be for you. But, what I can say for sure is or didn’t attend their cervical screening that I can guarantee you’ll have felt worse altogether which is a staggering result pain in your life and you won’t be reaching considering over 3,200 women a year are for the gas and air in excruciating agony diagnosed with cervical cancer in the UK that’s for sure. It’s more uncomfortable alone. This survey highlighted the main than painful and is over in a matter of reason why women are reluctant to attend seconds. In fact, you’ll probably be waiting a smear isn’t because they don’t have time in the waiting room longer than the actual or because they’re apprehensive about the procedure itself. There’s no side effects or procedure itself, it’s because they’re body recovery time, so you can go straight back conscious. Is the idea of the perfect body to work afterwards. Or milk the experience now indirectly causing deaths because and take the whole day as sick, whatever people are too embarrassed to go for their floats your boat. screening? Ladies, we need to remember, George Clooney hasn’t quit his day job and So, when you get your reminder letter taken up nursing the last time I checked. through the post, book your appointment You don’t need to be freshly shaved, waxed, straight away while it’s fresh in your mind laser-ed with a designer vagina that and go – those five minutes could just save smells of a floral summer garden, the most your life.
Words by: Kat Atkinson
E ea R A f5. E r 6. M S a e A f E R
1. 2. 3.
Top Travel Tips:
Research is always number one, the more you know the better your experience. Not just about a city’s culture and history, but about common crimes, local events and political situation. All of this information can help reduce risk and improve your safety.
Nothing is worth more than your life, if someone tries to take your belongings just let them go. You can replace everything but your life.
Make sure you are fully covered. Check your insurance and always read the small print, make sure you are covered for any extreme sports or any unusual activities.
WWW.CAROLINESRAINBOWFOUNDATION.ORG Words by: Kat Atkinson With Thanks to Richard Stuttle and Marjorie Marks-Stuttle
Caroline Stuttle was just 19 years old when she was mugged and brutally thrown from a bridge in Bundaburg, Australia in 2002, by the then 32-year-old Ian Previte. Caroline was enjoying a gap year with her friend when she walked the short distance to a pay phone to phone her boyfriend back in the UK. Previte now serves a life sentence for Caroline’s death. In the wake of her death, Caroline’s mother, Marjorie Marks-Stuttle, and brother, Richard Stuttle, founded Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation (now renamed as CRF Safer Travel) to educate travelers on how to stay safe abroad. I spoke to both Richard and Marjorie about the charity, their struggles, dealing with bereavement and their advice for travel safety.
interviews and an enormous amount of fundraising with events and when other tragedies have happened around the Thank you for speaking to me, what prompted you to start
world we’ve always been contacted for media coverage to say
CRF Safer Travel in the wake of Caroline’s death?
how we wanted a positive message about keeping people safe although still carrying the pain in our hearts.
Richard: I cannot speak for Marjorie but I felt Caroline’s love for life and her energy was so strong, we wanted that
4. What are the biggest challenges you face?
to continue. We also wanted to prevent other families going
R: Getting people thinking about their safety, it is not peoples
through the same pain we went through.
first thought when they are going aboard.
Marjorie: As most parents who’ve lost a child want to save
M: Maintaining the profile of our charity amidst all sorts of
others from the pain of such a loss we wanted to do something
other charities with wider briefs. The need to encourage and
to help and to remember Caroline.
motive young people to visit our website by adding up to date research encouraging them to widen their experiences and
2. What has been the most positive experience so far since
create travel stories as well as flagging safety.
starting the charity? R: We have had a couple of cases where we know we have
5. Any tips to stay positive after a bereavement?
saved a life, this is and will always be the main aim of our
R: For me there are two main points;
charity. We also speak to a lot of students, I would estimate
1. Remembering good times with the person, sharing stories
well over 60,000. This is rewarding in the first part, when
and laughing about them.
students speak to us after presentations saying we have
2. Doing something positive the person you have lost would
inspired them to travel and because of our charity they
have been proud of.
will do a lot more research into their safety and risks when
M: Having a network of family and close friends. Believing in
travelling. The second part, when we get emails from people
the value of trying to help others.
who have returned from travelling having had amazing experiences and say our advice helped to keep them safe and
6. What prompted the charity name change?
think differently about their safety.
R: Caroline will always be the reason why we started the charity
M: For me the wonderful support from family and friends
and this will never be forgotten, but we wanted the focus to
and to know that we are helping young people to follow their
be on Safer Travel. Caroline’s death was over 15 years ago and
dreams but to do it safely.
people we are speaking to now might not be aware of her story.
3. How do you spread the word about the charity?
7. What are the main uses of the CRF Safer Travel app?
R: Social Media is huge and we try to post regularly on
R: The App was created in 2012 as a project to mark our 10-
Facebook and Instagram. Our website has many travel stories
year anniversary. Its focus is on safety. The App provides
and safety tips that we have gathered, it’s a great resource for
comprehensive city/destination information, from locations
people to get inspired to travel but also to read information
and contact details of Embassy’s, hospitals and airports to
that may help keep them safe. I would say that the direct
common crimes, areas to take extra care and city specific
approach works best for us, word of mouth, speaking at
safety tips. This runs alongside highlights of the city, places
Schools, Colleges and Universities. This is the most effective
to visit, news reports and annual events. The aim is to give
way we can get our messages across. We are speaking directly
visitors and travelers a well-rounded view of the places they
to people who are excited about the possibilities of travel and
are visiting and provide information that will keep them safe,
thinking about taking a gap year or travelling adventure of
as well as information that could help if they found themselves
some kind.
in trouble.
M: In the early days by talks, TV, magazine articles, radio
11. Are you a micro-cheat? Words by: Kat Atkinson
f someone asked you to define out loud what cheating meant to you, what would be your answer? Chances are, phrases like ‘sleeping with someone else’, ‘kissing someone else’ or even ‘chatting someone up in a club’ would probably feature highly on that hypothetical list. But, much like everything else in our modern-day world that has had to adapt to the evolving digital era, maybe cheating and what we deem as acceptable or not when we are committed to another, maybe has to adapt too.
Micro-cheating is the latest buzz-word to surface, a word that defines that tricky grey area when it comes to infidelity. Dr Martin Graff from the University of South Wales conducted research into the idea that smart phones and technology are making micro-cheating easier than ever. In simple terms, micro-cheating means those little things that can be done, or hidden from a partner that could potentially lead to full-blown cheating or even an affair. Interestingly, the majority of these ‘little things’ involve technology of some sort. Of course, there are the still the traditional actions that now fall under the micro-cheating umbrella, such as taking your wedding/engagement ring off before a night out, making more of an effort in the way that you dress if you know you’re going to be in the presence of a particular person that day or playing down the seriousness of your relationship/lying about being in a relationship altogether when in the company of someone you find attractive for example. Of course, none of those things are classed as cheating because no physical infidelity has taken place but the suggestion is these actions are micro-cheating and could be considered disloyal to your partner. These could also be signaling a problem in your relationship. Some examples of micro-cheating could include:
3. Actively searching for someone’s social media 1. Not deleting or still occasionally using a dating profile app once becoming in a committed relationship or even setting a profile up in a committed Let’s face facts, if you’re actively searching for relationship. someone’s profile on Instagram or Facebook on a regular basis, they’re on your mind. Now to ask The mindless scrolling of dating apps can become yourself, why are they on your mind? There may addictive as a single person, almost like scrolling be many innocent explanations such as the guy through Instagram or Facebook. It’s the surprise from work has been off for two weeks and you’re element of just not knowing who’s going to pop up checking to see if he’s uploaded anything as to next, could it be the love of your life? Sometimes why he’s been absent, that’s just plain nosy but if we can meet someone, go on a couple of dates there’s no explanation other than thinking about with them and before you know it you’re having that person a lot and want to know what they’ve the ‘exclusive’ chat but still find yourself spending been doing and who they’ve been doing it with, the odd evening flicking through Tinder or Bumble, you may be guilty of micro-cheating. you haven’t been together very long so it doesn’t matter right? Wrong. No one’s saying you’re actually 3. Texting/messaging a member of the opposite going to arrange a date with anyone on this app sex you find attractive in a way that you wouldn’t but you’re wasting the time of the people you’re want your partner to see. matching with, and your partner’s, not to mention your own. You should seriously be considering if I was once told years ago by someone much older you want to be in a committed relationship with and wiser than myself that if you would mind your partner, whether you’ve been together two your partner reading the text then you’re saying weeks or two years if you’re finding yourself drawn something you shouldn’t be saying. It’s true. Just to finding something ‘better’ on these apps. If you because your partner trusts you enough not to have actively downloaded and set up a profile demand to see your phone that doesn’t mean it’s a whilst you’re in a relationship that rings even more green flag to be texting anyone anything remotely alarm bells about your relationship and whether flirty. Remember, it’s easy to type and send you should be in it. Not to mention the fact there’s something in the moment but that digital footprint a very high chance you’ll get caught out when remains, you may delete the message but he will you pop up on your boyfriend’s mates’ or brother’s still have it and could use it to his advantage if the feeds for example. situation arose. Don’t put yourself in that position. 2. Consciously liking photos on social media of 4. Messaging an ex someone you find attractive You many think this is perfectly innocent, you just think the person looks really nice in the picture, right? Wrong. We’re not talking about the odd picture-like of a guy you thought was fit back in school and has just recently followed you on Instagram, we’re talking about liking every-single-picture he ever posts. Whether that’s of his nan’s cat or a picture of his football team that just won 2-0. I mean you don’t even like football, c’mon! Whether you care to admit it or not, this is saying ‘I’m here! Remember me?’ You are subconsciously wanting him to message you by your name appearing at the forefront of notifications 24/7.
Ah, the tricky subject of staying ‘friends’ with exes. In some situations where children are involved for example, it’s evident that you will be having contact with an ex for logistical reasons or you may even find yourself friends with an ex after a period of time has passed since your break-up. But, if you’re finding yourself wanting to or even actually texting your ex when you see an interview on TV with his favourite band or you go to the supermarket and his favourite beer is on offer and you just HAVE to tell him, for example, you may want to consider if you are really over your ex and should you be in another relationship.
Whatever your opinions on micro-cheating, it all comes down to the age-old adage, how would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot?
he Irish-born designer, who studied at Central Saint Martins, graduating with a first-class honours in 1993, later went on to work at
synonymous design house Louis Vuitton and embarked on her own label creation in 1999. Simply named, Sharon Wauchob, the designs encapsulate Wauchob’s minimalist ideals and brings a contemporary twist to the world of luxury design. Whilst inherently feminine, she incorporates folds, pleats, drapes and unique detailing that makes her pieces instantly recognisable and with a masculine, androgynous element. She has shown at Paris Fashion Week since 2003 and is one of the only British/ Irish designers to achieve this accolade. Spring 2018 was the first time she showcased her collection at London Fashion Week to rave reviews.
WORDS: Kat Atkinson IMAGES: Sharon Wauchob Instagram
Fall 2019 at Wauchob was an interesting take on Fall dressing, incorporating what people would assume are Spring colours. It was interesting to see how she used beige, pale lemon yellow and peach (backbone of the collection) with contrasting, striking pillar box red and mixing with more traditionally Fall dark taupe’s and black making the collection hugely wearable. The tailoring stood out for me, oversized silhouettes, masculine fits but juxtaposition with sickly Fall pastels and the jumper should drape which has been seen everywhere this fashion week season, from the catwalk to the street style.
2019’s niche brands to
keep your eye on.
You will probably recognise Daphine’s ‘Oli’ ring before you recognise the brand itself. The London-based
Words by: Kat Atkinson
company has been catapulted into the limelight by its most popular piece, the domed 18ct gold-plated stackable ‘Oli’ ring. It has earned itself cult status amongst the Instagram community, with anyone who’s anyone donning a couple and taking a ‘handfie’
ring the brand has a fantastic curated collection of minimal gold pieces at surprisingly affordable prices. Their pieces come in a cute little pouch (so perfect
as @monikh has done here. But aside from the ‘Oli’
for a gift) and stand the test of time. No green fingers
here girls!
amalgamate unexpected
oversized, materials
boxy to
Shop and
experience like no other. Housing up-and-coming third-party brands such as @nanushka adds a luxe feel to proceedings. Their own product feels far from inferior compared to the high-end brands they stock though; it’s surprisingly affordable considering you won’t find pieces like this anywhere else. In case you’re not planning on jetting off to New York or Paris anytime soon (I know, we want to too) they offer flat-rate shipping, which includes all duties and taxes so you can shop without fear of being stung.
. 3
Miista has been on our radar for a while. The Londonbased company is hugely transparent about where and
how it’s shoes are made, guiding the consumer through the process from concept design to manufacture. All it’s shoes are produced in Spain and are famed for its woven leather styles. The Taissa heel is a stalwart of their collection and has featured every season in various colour-ways, we love! Placed in the mid-range sector, a pair of Miista shoes is likely to set you back around £150£180 and boots slightly more, but who can put a price on a pair of shoes that are unique as they are comfortable. If you haven’t already, check out their imagery on Instagram and their Lookbooks as their creativity at showcasing product is inspiring. We love you, Miista!
. 4
VEJA, with its strong ethical and sustainability values, have stormed into the already over-saturated trainer market with such vigour that you almost forget a time when you didn’t know who they were. Stocked in uber-cool Scandi stores such as Arket and huge e-commerce sites like Zalando, as well as their own website, you’d think they’d be easy to get hold of. You think wrong, these bad boys have been selling out quicker than you can say ‘it-shoe’.
Brittany, a Norwich lass has never faltered from her distinguishable personal style and has grown her feed organically from scratch, championing the notion of buy less.
W or
At k
Lyndsay Holland, the face behind Ropes Of Holland, makes tall-girl dressing look effortless with her minimal silhouettes and classic tailoring.
Monikh’s ability to style high-end pieces with high-street in such a cohesive way is certainly a skill and has earned her over 90 thousand followers.
4. 5. These images are all re-grammed from other accounts to create arguably one of the most aesthetically pleasing mood boards on Instagram
Wife and mother of three boys, Alexis is a Brighton-based content creator who gave up her ‘9-5’ as a graphic designer recently to focus on her Instagram. Her graphicdesign roots certainly shine through in her beautifully curated feed.
6. Donna, perfectly combines both interior and personal style in her minimal feed. She will make you want to paint every wall in your house white... fact.
I scour Instagram to find the most inspirational accounts so you don’t have to. Showcasing our favourites each issue. Enjoy!
Trousers: H&M Blazer: Mango Tshirt: Acne Studios Trainers: Available at ASOS
Jeans: Weekday Parka: Monki Tshirt: New Look Trainers: Available at ASOS
Dress: Zara Belt Bag: Mango Trainers: Available at ASOS
Words by: Kat Atkinson
one are the days where trainers are purely for leisure wear, they have now become a staple in the modern woman’s wardrobe and key to that ‘off duty’ look. There are no rules when it comes to trainers, they can be worn with suit trousers and dresses alike, providing a comfortable option for our busy lives. Adidas Stan Smiths are a great option. They are readily available in a multitude of shops and come in countless colours and materials. Here we styled the plain white leather with navy back pair (available on ASOS.com amongst other stockists) in three different ways to show just how hard these trainers can work in your wardrobe. The Alternative Office Look If you’re lucky to work in an environment that allows smartcasual dress then this look is perfect for you. The tailored trousers and blazer add a professional, smart edge, whilst the Stan Smiths and Acne Studios t-shirt make it look more cool businesswoman than fusty formal. Consider draping the blazer over your shoulders for an interesting alternative. The Relaxed Weekend Look If your weekends are as busy as mine, you need an outfit that is going to be comfortable whilst you dash around doing all your errands. This outfit has you covered. The jeans and breton top combination never dates but adding this Monki oversized parka and the Stan Smiths add an instant ‘I’ve just thrown this on’ edge. The Cinema Date Look A date can be a tricky proposition to dress for. You want to look feminine, sexy, attractive but also want to be comfortable. Out of all the looks, this is my favourite. I love the dress-and -trainers combination. You will look feminine in the Zara dress but adding trainers to the outfit toughens it up and makes you look effortlessly stylish. By adding this cute bum-bag from Mango that could be worn across the body, you can just pop your phone, keys and credit card in there and don’t have to worry about carrying a huge bag.
icro-needling - the new ‘must have’ in-salon beauty treatment or just another fad? I speak to Luiza Wdowiak, a therapist at the Skin Tech Clinic in York who explains just why Micro-needling has fast become one of her most popular treatments.
“Most clients see results after just 1 treatment”
Q: WHAT IS MICRO-NEEDLING? A: Micro-needling is a treatment where a small roller is rolled on the face to create thousands of micro-channels in the skin for increased collagen production as well as increased product penetration.
Q: WHERE DID IT ORIGINATE? A: A form of micro-needling was used thousands of years ago as part of ancient Chinese medicine, however the first recorded use of microneedling was in 1905 by German dermatologist Ernst Kromayer. By 1995, Dr Fernandes developed a small needle stamp to induce collagen production. Now we have created rollers to imrpove the treatment even further. Q: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN OFFERING MICRO-NEEDLING AT YOUR CLINIC? A: While I have offered radio frequency skin tightening for face and body for 18 months, I wanted to offer clients something more that not only tightens skin but also works on other aging factors such as open pores, pigmentation (scarring/ hormonal/age spots), deep and shallow lines and wrinkles. It offers so much - it regenerates the skin and makes it look younger and fresher. It is my number 1 anti-aging treatment as it evens the skin tone and increases collagen production. I have now been offering this treatment for the past year with amazing results!
Q: HOW DOES IT WORK? A: Micro-needling works in two main ways: Firstly, it creates microchannels in the skin for the up-take of carefully selected, cosmeceutical grade vitamin and peptide serums. Thanks to these pathways, vitamins and nutrients are delivered deeper into the skin to it from the inside out. It allows 90%+ absorption of vitamins from serums, compared to just 5-7% if applied to skin that has not had microneedling. Secondly, micro-needling distrupts the collagen fibres and therefore stimulates repair processes and collagen production. The result is more collagen fibres that are stronger and closer together. This helps the skin to look younger and improves the over all skin tone.
Q: IS THERE ANY DOWN-TIME AFTER TREATMENT OR SIDE EFFECTS? A: We now use numbing cream as a matter of course so that clients don’t feel any discomfort. The downtime for a 0.5mm needle is usually a few hours of redness, which reduces as the client sleeps and the
following day the client is free to put their makeup on as normal. The downtime for a 1mm needle is still the same a the client can put makeup on as normal the next day but the redness will be a little bit more noticeable after treatment. There may be mild shedding at day 5 with 1mm which looks a little bit like dry skin but is part of the normal healing process. Q: WHAT ARE THE KEY BENEFITS A CLIENT SHOULD EXPECT TO SEE? A: - Reduction in both fine and deep lines - Redution in pore size -More even skin tone - Less pigmentation/scarring/discolouration - Thicker, more resilient skin (as we age, our skin thins and becomes more fragile) - Reduction in acne, induced scarring and pitted marks
Q: HOW MANY SESSIONS SHOULD A CLIENT NEED TO SEE RESULTS? A: Most clients see results after just 1 treatment. However, 3-6 treatments is recommended for more noticeable results. It can be performed every 2-4 weeks depending on the depth of the roller.
A: The micro-needling treatment at Skin Tech Clinic is £85* which includes the LED regenerating and anti-aging light mask afterwards. It is a very competitive price in the local area as other clinics charge up to £180 for this treatment. Other facials start from £30, however for the results that are delivered with this drement, it is very good value for money and worth a try.
*Prices correct at time of publishing
Q: IS IT A POPULAR TREATMENT WITHIN YOUR SALON? A: Medical micro-needling is a very effective which makes it a very popular treatment. Along with micro-dermabrasion it is my most popular face treatment. Some people think of the word needle and worry, however there is no need to worry because in the clinic setting, everything is sterile, numbing cream is used which means there is no pain and downtime is minimal.
n n i e H o b s o n i s a Fa s h i o n Marketing student at Leeds B e c k e t t U n i v e r s i t y. S h e i s currently nearing the end of her year placement interning at ASOS head office in womenswear PR. To d a y I s p o k e w i t h h e r a b o u t w h a t it ’s really like to be an intern at one of the countr y ’s leading ecommerce companies and what an average day for her is like. Spoiler: it ’s hectic!
9.00AM Arrive at work & go through emails. On average I’ll have around 50 to look through in the morning. As well as having a direct email that people can contact me on, the whole PR team are included on the press@asos.com email address and we all have assigned emails that we have to reply to. For example, I respond to all: (this is a constant process throughout the day). •
Image requests – press / influencers requesting high res images of ASOS products to feature in print / online platforms
Price requests – press / influencers requesting the price of ASOS products, this usually indicates they have featured a product in their article
Call ins – press email daily for product to be sent to them for a shoot. For example, recently Grazia have emailed and said they’re doing a ‘tailoring’ story so I have to send them samples that we have for them to photograph (flat or model) which then gets featured in the magazine/online. At the minute we’re working with SS19 samples, I will either see what we have in the cupboard or order from the warehouse
• Gifting – influencers will email me with links that they would like to be gifted. We have a good relationship with a lot of bloggers so more often than not we will send them items It’s really important that I am on top of my emails and react to them throughout the day as I receive around 50 an hour, if not more, so there’s a lot going on!
Newspapers. Every day I have to read the newspapers (split between four people – junior womenswear press assistant, menswear PR intern, international press assistant and me). We read The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The I, The Financial Times, The Evening Standard, The Metro, The Times, The Daily Telegraph. We receive a daily email with any coverage that ASOS has been mentioned in, we then pull these from the newspapers. We also go through them for any missed opportunities and I flag them to the team
10.00AM Sort through call ins. Check what we have available in the sample cupboard, if we have nothing suitable then I will place an order through the warehouse.
11.00AM Order warehouse orders. Throughout the day I put through around 10-20 warehouse orders. This will be for either media call ins (see above), media/influencer/VIP gifting, press events or flat shot image requests. These are split between myself and the menswear PR intern
12.00 noon Pack warehouse orders ordered from the day before. The warehouse orders that I put through the day before are delivered to the head office. I sort through them, pack them and hand them over to our couriers to be delivered
1.00PM Lunch. I am contracted to an hour’s lunch but usually I eat my lunch at my desk as I have too much to do!
2.00PM Go through magazines. Scan magazines for ASOS coverage and rip out. Also, flag any missed opportunities that we should have been mentioned in / our competitors are mentioned in and flag to the team
3.00PM Scan and log coverage. I scan all print coverage and organise into weekly folders. I then log this on a Google doc which then gets tallied up at the end of the month. Our coverage is so important, as a PR team a major part of our job is to secure as much positive coverage as we can. Our coverage is compared year-on-year, which identifies how much we have improved/grown compared to last year.
3.30PM Databases. ASOS have a lot of databases, one of the main ones I am in charge of is our influencer/blogger database. I log all social posts (based on people we have gifted), I keep this updated daily as we gift so many. Then at the end of the month I work out how many tagged posts ASOS had vs how many people we gifted and also the social reach.
4.00PM Showroom appointments. Throughout the day we also have members of the press booked in to look through our SS19 collection in the showroom at the head office. The Junior Press Assistant and I show them around the collection and they chose the products they want to feature
5.00PM Ensure the sample cupboard is tidy & all press returns have been sort through (these are products we have sent out to press to shoot and them returning them to us). We either keep samples for the cupboard or return them back to the warehouse
6.00PM Events. At ASOS I am really fortunate to attend / work some really cool events. If I am working an event I have usually prepared the gift bags the day before and then on the day I am at the event space throughout the day and then the event takes place in the evening or sometimes morning.
ecently, I worked a morning event we put on to celebrate our new ASOS 4505 collection launch. We did a Blok Party class at Blok London in Shoreditch. We invited press & influencers to the event. We gifted them with an outfit to wear and then a gift bag. After the class we went to Nobu Shoreditch for breakfast which was a great opportunity to build / maintain our relationships with the attendees. An ASOS event I attended recently was an ASOS x Becca Cosmetics event. Becca has just launched on site so they hosted a customer event at Glow Bar in London to celebrate the launch. I was really fun, customer could hang out, check out the product, get advice from Becca ambassadors and then watch a tutorial from Becca’s famous ambassador Nikki Wolff (@Nikki_makeup). And everyone obviously received some goodies from Becca! One of my favourite events I have been invited to was Victoria Magrath’s (@inthefrow) book launch for ‘The New Fashion Rules’. It was a really fun event & the book is a great read!
Wow, Annie, What a day! Thanks for chatting with me.