Home Module • View Ledger Accounts and its balance at the moment you login the system.
Home Module • You can click on account details to see the sub accounts of the parent account.
Home Module • In addition, user can check the details of the account transactions by clicking the transaction link.
icon toggle • The left menu to hide or show, by default the left menu is shown • Shown menu
icon toggle • The left menu to hide or show, by default the left menu is shown • Shown menu
icon toggle • Hidden menu
Manage Users • that’s allow supper user to create or view the system users
Manage Users • You can navigate to it from this icon on the header • Manage users – View users. – Delete user. – Update user details.
Manage Users • Create new contact • Where you can add a new system user with his details like (first name, last name, password, phone, email, department, address, personal image) and you can check if he is an active user or not.
Settings • Where super admin can edit the company settings and the cart of account.
Settings • Company settings. • Where super admin can edit company settings and info.
Settings • • •
Chart of accounts. Where super admin can manage all the accounts on the company like (assets, liability, AR, AP, etc.). User can find account balance and account details, transactions on that page.
Settings •
Account details shows the sub accounts of that parent account and its details, transactions.
List menu •
Where you can manage Terms, products/services, transactions types, and payment methods.
List menu • •
Terms Where you can manage, edit, add, or delete a payment terms of the company.
List menu • •
Transactions types. Where super admin can manage, edit, add, or delete the transactions type.
List menu • •
Payment methods. Where super admin can manage, edit, add, or delete the payment methods.
List menu • •
Product and services. Where super admin can manage, edit, add, or delete the products and services.
List menu •
Add new product page where user can add a new product or service.
Tools •
Where the admin can access budgeting and Audit log
Tools • •
Budgeting Where the admin can view, edit and delete any budget for certain project and create the budget from scratch
Tools • •
Audit log Where the admin can see everything that has happened in the company’s transaction.
E-mail •
Where the user can connect to his e-mail and check all the e-mails
Chat •
Where the user can chat with other users or employees eternally all the chat logs will be saved for monitoring purposes
Customers •
Where user manage all the transactions with the company customers like Invoices, estimate, quick payments, reminders, memos, and refund. • You can list or create in any of the below from this button when clicked a drop down menu will appear like below
Create invoice •
Where user can create an invoice for the customer with the selling items, terms and price.
Mange transactions •
Where user can see all the invoices that have been created with the client related to each invoice and it Creation date, Due date, statues and action‌.etc
Mange transactions •
Where user can see all the invoices that have been created with the client related to each invoice and it Creation date, Due date, statues and action‌.etc
a. Action Filed Where user can action a receive payment transaction, send reminder or invoice the same client again
Estimate •
Where user can create an estimate for an order that will not effect any ledger account until the user change the estimate into invoice
Quick Payment •
Where the user can record a payment transaction including the payment method and the Deposit account that will hold the transaction
Send reminder •
Where the user can send a certain client a reminder for an invoice or any due transaction
Credit memo •
Where the user can setup a credit memo to any client so that it saves on the client ledger account that he has a credit for a certain amount
Refund receipt •
Where the user can issue a refund to the client a creating amount he paid
Vendors •
Where the user can view all the vendors name, Balance, Bills and actions from the actions filed you can create a Bill, Make Expense and purchase order to a certain vendor
Vendor Bill •
Where the user can create a Bill to a certain client an send it to him to collect the payment
Make Expense •
Where the user can create a certain payment as an expense to a certain client including the payment method and the account to deduct the amount paid from
Purchase order •
Where the user can create a purchasing order to a certain client that will not effect in any ledger account until the order turns into bill
Employees •
Where the super admin can create as many users as required with a certain access permission as per his position account type, also he can view, edit and delete any existing user
Transactions •
Where the user can list all his transaction wither its sales or expenses, user also can see all the invoices and bills that have been created with the client related to each invoice or bill and it Creation date, Due date, statues and action‌.etc
Reports • • •
Where the user can see all the reports the system generated and there are two types of reports Recommended reports Recommended reports are the reports that are most likely are used and hold all the main data of the company such as the balance sheet
Reports • • • •
All reports All reports lists all the reports that the system generate such as Accountant Reports Custom reports Where the user can choose to generate custom reports with all the available ledger accounts
Cost center •
Where the user can view, Edit or create any cost center and link projects to it
Sales Taxes •
Where the user can list all the taxes on the system associated with the tax name, Agency, rate percentage and wither its active or not. You can edit, view and delete any Tax created
Headers •
This is an extra feature imitating the cost center functionality however it’s completely editable as requested