051817 fp woman in business

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18 2017


A supplement to farragutpress

Among the women working for Town of Farragut, seated from left, Julia Barham, Betty Newby, Lori Saal; standing are Pam Hall, Wendy Smith, Beth Barrows, Arleen Higginbotham, Sue Stuhl, Janet Curry, Alexis Crawford, Jenn Hatmaker, Alllison Myers and Theresa Lawson.

Helping to keep the Town running The women of Farragut Town Hall help keep the Town running. Some have worked for the Town since it was incorporated — one of which is retiring — while others are new to the scene. Alexis Crawford, Community Development senior administrative assistant and municipal court clerk, was hired July 29, 1989, and will be retiring June 30 after 28 years with the Town. “It’s been a journey,” she said. What she enjoyed most was “watching Farragut grow and seeing the many changes that have taken place in the Town.” “I’m excited and nervous [about retiring],” Crawford said. “I’m looking forward to the next phase of my life.” While she has no immediate plans, Crawford said she would like to do some volunteer work, possibly with the elderly or animals. As Community Development senior administrative assistant, she assists Town

2 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

planners and serves as backup for the Building department. She also serves as the Town’s court clerk and “anything else that is needed,” she said. Crawford has spent most of her career in the Building, Planning and Zoning part of the Community Development department — and she spent 24 years as the court clerk — but she was hired as a receptionist after seeing the job posting in the newspaper. She later was promoted to Town secretary and then administrative assistant Community Development. “I’ve done it all,” she said. What has she learned? “What haven’t I learned … I knew nothing of the many aspects of how a Town runs [when she was hired],” she said. Crawford served under three mayors and five judges. She remembered when building and zoning were separate entities. “I was in the building department in

Tammy Cheek

1992 and went into planning from 1995 to 1996,” she said. “I came in at nine years of the Town’s incorporation. “[The Town] was basically getting started at that point,” Crawford said. “There were only three traffic lights. I don’t know how many there are now. “We went from [the Town Hall] in the barn behind the Russell House to a little building by Rick Terry Jewelry Designs,” Crawford said. “Then, we watched the building of the Town Hall.” She has seen the small bedroom community progress to a Town. “People have come from Oak Ridge and the technology has increased. The population has increased,” Crawford said. “It’s still a great community, but it’s not the close little community it was back then.” As she prepares for her retirement, she advises, “Carry on, progress and remember where we came from.”

In contrast, this year the Town welcomed Farragut High School senior Caitlin Waters as its 2016-2017 intern. Waters wanted to follow in her older brother’s footsteps, so she chose to do her senior project working at Farragut Town Hall. “My brother did his [project] at the Town Hall in 2013,” she said. Caitlin Waters, 18, specifically works with Farragut Parks Department. “She works primarily with Lauren Cox, Farragut Special Event and Program coordinator,” said Wendy Smith, Farragut public relations coordinator. “Even though she’s just with us for a few hours each week, Caitlyn has been a real asset to the Parks and Leisure Services department,” Cox said. “She’s a hard worker with a great attitude. See town on Page 4

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Anita Vines Women in Business | May 18, 2017



From page 2

“What we hope to give back to her is experience in working with the public and providing customer service. She’ll also learn that the Parks Department isn’t just about playing; it’s also about planning and organizing,” Cox said. Waters said she helps set up events, from setting out food and helping man events. Her first event was a tea for Farragut Museum in January. She also cut up a lot of paper for invitations, bulletins, fliers and programs. “I cut two hours and 30 minutes worth of paper every day,” she said. “Before I worked in the [Parks and Leisure] offices, I worked in the museum and learned a lot about the history of Farragut,” she said. “I’m glad I’m upstairs now. It keeps me busy. “This is my first time working an event program,” Waters said. She started the project in the middle of January and will finish the project in May. “But, they offered me a job, so I will be working as a park assistant in the summer,” Waters said. “She’s a hard worker, so we decided to rope her in,” Smith said. By working for the Town, Waters said she hoped to get experience in event planning. “I want to be a wedding planner or an event coordinator after college,” she said. “I feel like this will give me a lot of experience for that.” Waters plans to attend Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn., and study business administration. This is her first time setting up special events. So far, she has learned how much food an event takes and that she needs to come in early to set up. She also learned it takes months and months to plan an event. Her teacher at FHS, Brenda McGrath, told Waters that she must have 100 hours on the project before she can graduate. “It’s a pass or fail,” Waters said. “I’m halfway there [with the hours].” The other requirements include she cannot get paid for the work, she must dress appropriately, be respectful and don’t lie about her hours, Waters said. Karen Richards, Community Development Department senior administrative assistant, is another long-time Town employee, having been with the Town for 22 years. Richards provides technical and administrative office support for the Community Development Department, specifically the

4 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

Codes Division. “I provide assistance to citizens, businesses, builders and developers related to the process and issuance of building permits, scheduling inspections, facilitating citizen requests and numerous related duties as needed,” she said. She most enjoys her coworkers and providing good customer service for her department. “There are so many [memories], but my most memorable was the VIP tour of Costco prior to its grand opening,” Richards said. “I was fortunate to meet and speak with the former president and CEO, James Sinegal.” Allison Myers, Town recorder and treasurer, has been with town of Farragut for 16 years. For Myers, a Farragut resident, being hired with the Town was a convenient one. “It was close to home,” she said, adding what she enjoys most about working for Town government is the people with whom she works. One thing she learned about the Town, she said, is “how much we do for the community.” Betty Newby, receptionist and the face everyone sees upon entering Town Hall offices, also has been with the Town for 16 years. “Most people probably think I just meet, greet and answer the phone but I do have some responsibilities,” Newby said. “Developers come by for various required applications which I check in, and collect payments when they submit their plans, applications and payments.” Newby was new in Town when she came in to obtain a license plate and register to vote and saw a “receptionist wanted” sign. “As I came in the front door, I stopped at the front desk to inquire directions to the County Court Clerk’s office,” she said. “There was a small sign posted that a receptionist was needed. I thought, ‘Well, I could do that!’ “I had just retired from The University of Tennessee at Martin and moved to Knoxville to be near my family. The rest is history,” she said. “Working as the receptionist at The Town of Farragut is my dream job. “The employees of the Town are my second family,” Newby said. “For my 70th birthday they surprised me with a party. I told them at the time that the party was good for a lifetime, but this past August they again truly surprised me with a party for my 80th birthday. “They make me feel so special,” she said. “People are always coming by and telling me that they want my job when I retire and

I tell them I am not quitting.” Pam Hall, an accounting clerk for the Town, has been employed there for 13 years. “At the time I was hired, I lived in the Ball Camp Community but have since moved to West Knox County just outside Town limits,” she said. Hall is responsible for payroll and accounts payable and bank deposits, but she also records and broadcasts Town meetings. She said she most enjoys her co-workers. “I think we work well together,” Hall said. “They have been very supportive of me. I have enjoyed meeting all the volunteers who make Farragut such a big difference in our community.” Julie Barham, historic resources coordinator, has been employed with town of Farragut for almost nine years. “My main responsibility is to run the Farragut Museum,” she said. “I also spend about 20 percent of my time on public relations and marketing for the Town.” She was hired after she applied for the museum coordinator position following her graduation from Tusculum College with a degree in museum studies in May 2008. “I have been happily working here since,” Barham said. “My favorite part about working for the Town is working on museum exhibitions and also working with the many awesome volunteers that come in daily to take people on tours and operate the gift shop. “My favorite memory is the night we had our grand re-opening celebration in 2012,” she said. “We had all worked so hard for months, changing exhibits and getting everything ready. It was just so great to see how much everyone enjoyed the new exhibits and to see their excitement to be a part of preserving our community’s history.” Since Barham has been with the Town, she said she has learned more about the Town’s history. “I knew basic things about Town history when I was hired,” she said. “My grandmother had been a longtime resident, but I still had many things to learn. “I was lucky in that I had a great group of core volunteers, such as Barbara Beeler, Mona Smith and Malcolm Shell, as part of my museum committee. They were always there helping me and happy to teach me about our community’s rich history.” Theresa Lawson, administrative assistant to Town engineer Darryl Smith, has also been with the Town for nine years. “I take care of all his administrative needs,” Lawson said. “I maintain his calen-

dar and all the personnel in my department and schedule meetings when necessary. “We receive many citizen requests in Engineering and I take care of their concerns as efficiently and professionally as possible,” she added. Lawson also prepares Farragut Municipal Planning Commission meeting minutes for Community Development Director Mark Shipley and assists the Community Development Codes Department when needed. “I’m a team-oriented person, and I love working around people,” Lawson said. “So, if someone needs help in another department, I’m always happy to help out. “I enjoy working around people who are interested in providing the best service and commitment to the citizens of Farragut,” she said. “We are a close-knit group here at the Town of Farragut.” Her favorite memory is working the Independence Day Parade, which Farragut Parks and Leisure Services Department coordinates. “You meet a lot of the Town’s people at the parade and have a more personal connection to those people you see every year,” Lawson said. Another favorite memory is the gathering of all departments for the Town picnic and getting to know everyone on a more personal level. She was still living in Georgia when she applied for a position with town of Farragut. “I needed to be closer to my family in Knoxville,” she said. “I interviewed with Town staff, had the skill set and personality they needed and I was offered the job.” Another nine-year Town employee is Arleen Higginbotham, administrative assistant to Farragut Parks and Leisure Services. Besides doing the clerical office duties, Higginbotham said her main responsibility is to take all pavilion, classes and special events reservations. In that role, she said she most enjoys talking with people. “I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work with,” she said. One thing she learned about the Town is its boundaries — what is in the Town and what is not, Higginbotham said. Lori Saal, Farragut Stormwater coordinator, has been with the Town for five years. “I manage the Town’s Stormwater program, which is required by a state permit,” Saal said. “As manager of the program, I create and implement plans and procedures See town on Page 5


From page 4

for public education and participation, illicit discharge detection, construction site enforcement, post-construction stormwater management and municipal good housekeeping. “The ultimate goal of the program is to improve the water quality of Town waterways,” she said. Saal initially was hired as a part-time sustainability coordinator. “I had recently moved to the Knoxville area and was searching for an environmentally-related position,” she said. Since she was hired in 2012, she was promoted to Stormwater coordinator. “I enjoy the people I work with, as well as the great benefits and flexibility I am granted,” Saal said. “I always enjoy our annual Christmas party, which is relaxing and fun. “Most of all, I’ve learned a lot about how a local government functions, which has been both interesting and helpful to my job,” she said. Lauren Cox has served the Town for almost six years. As special event and program coordinator, she is in charge of Town special events, quarterly programs and

classes and volunteer recruitment. She also produces Town programs and flyers, makes community room reservations, handles social media for Parks and Leisure Services, provides staff support for Farragut Arts Council, serve as backup for Parks. Before working for Town of Farragut, she was employed with City of Pigeon Forge Parks and Recreation Department and saw there was an opening with Town of Farragut. “I lived in Knoxville and was making the commute to Pigeon Forge each day so I thought this would be a better fit,” she said. “I have the best boss and coworkers. “Sue [Stuhl, Parks and Leisure Services director, who has been with the Town since 1991,] is a dream to work for and is very team oriented,” Cox said. “She gives us every opportunity to expand our knowledge about parks and recreation. My coworkers are just like a big family. We always support each other.” Her favorite memory of being with the Town is when she watched her son participate in his first Bob Watt Fishing Rodeo last year. “I love getting to share my job with my family,” she said.

Jennifer Hatmaker, executive assistant to the Town administrator, has been with the town for four years. She also serves as a backup municipal court judge. In her role as executive assistant, Hatmaker’s responsibilities include performing administrative duties for Town administrator David Smoak and Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen, maintaining traffic enforcement court records and attending Municipal Court for red light violations, maintaining official minutes for the Education Relations and Economic Development Advisory committees, maintaining the Citizen Request Tracker system, maintaining various reports and files and acting as a backup to other administrative support staff. “I enjoy all of the great people that I get to work with,” She said. “The people that you work with can greatly influence how much you enjoy what you do each day. “We all operate as a team and help each other when needed,” Hatmaker said. This year, the Town also hired two new employees in January: Wendy Smith, public relations and marketing coordinator, and Beth Barrows, Farragut Parks and Leisure Services administrative assistant Smith coordinates Town publications, writes media releases, posts on social me-


KRISTIN BALL Assistant Branch Manager tVa employees Credit union

865-544-5630 kball@tvacreditunion.com

Kristin Ball was looking for a better opportunity and found it six years ago at the TVA Employees Credit Union. She’s assistant branch manager at the Turkey Creek branch, 11940 Parkside Drive. “Once I was hired, I realized how much the credit union truly cares about people and the community. Being able to help people is what I’m most passionate about,” she says. Someone recommended the job to her and spoke highly of the credit union culture so she applied. She had no idea how good a fit the job would be for her. Ball thought the biggest challenge would be getting the job, but she found that was not the case. “The real challenge is the job itself. It presents new challenges every day from learning to deal with different personality types to helping people in the community cope with disasters. She says just knowing at the end of every day that she has helped someone is what keeps her motivated. While the work is a good fit for women, her office is evenly split between men and women. “What makes you good at this job is not your gender; it’s how hard you work and your dedication to the job.”

dia, updates the Town website and helps coordinate Town branding and works with local media. “I enjoy writing, and it’s fun to use a variety of creative ways to keep citizens informed,” she said. Before Smith joined the Town, she was a local reporter. Because of that role, she said, “I knew a lot about the Town before I started working here, but I’ve really enjoyed getting to know staff members better. My coworkers are both professional and goodnatured, so work is enjoyable.” Barrows said her current position is directly related to what she studied in college. “So, when I saw the opening [with the Town], I jumped at the chance and was blessed with the offer of employment,” Barrows said. “I’m happy to be employed by an organization that has a true care for their residents and surrounding communities,” she said. Some of Barrows’ responsibilities include coordinating the Adopt a Mile and Adopt a Greenway programs, assisting with special event preparations, and scheduling field use requests for athletic field user groups. ~Tammy Cheek



NANCY BARGER Owner Hunter Valley Farm

865-693-7763 nancy@huntervalleyfarmtn.com

When life hands you lemons, put them in the wedding punch. “When the economy crashed, my dad, mom, and I all pretty much lost our jobs,” Nancy Barger explains. “The only thing we had was our farm and so we thought, no matter the economy, people will always get married, high schools would always have proms, etc. So we built the Pavilion!” Hunter Valley Farm has been family owned since the mid-‘80s with a water view and rolling fields, ingredients Barger says makes it special. When it comes to her favorite events she says, “It’s a tossup between weddings and charity events. I adore weddings because people are super happy but my heart is in charities and knowing that we help people.” The company offers full-service event planning and design. Success made in the last 10 years has made it possible to add support businesses: Swank Floral Design Co., Barger’s Beer Truck (a mobile bar), and Tallulah’s Around Town, (a traveling boutique). Bargers’ fondest memory is meeting her husband, Matt, at a pediatric cancer gala featuring costumed characters. He was dressed as Prince Charming. ~Suzanne Neal

~Suzanne Neal

Women in Business | May 18, 2017






865-531-2266 www.drsusanbarnes.com

Dr. Susan Barnes grew up helping out summers in her dentist’s office and liked what she learned about the profession. “I enjoyed being with people and seeing the procedures” she says. When she went to college most women who went into dentistry were in dental hygiene but Barnes wanted to be a dentist. Her husband, Booder, encouraged her to chase her dream. Out of a class of 121 at the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences School of Dentistry in Memphis there were 15 female students, including Barnes. She’s been practicing dentistry for 36 years, a little more than 20 at her current location, 10434 Kingston Pike Suite 4. “I think because I have a fairly small dental practice, patients have an opportunity to feel like a person and not a number. An active member of the Second District Dental Society, on April 20 she was awarded the Frank B. Boyer Jr. D.D.S. Service to Dentistry Award and named Dentist of the Year. “It was exciting and quite an honor,” she says. ~Suzanne Neal


LISA BATCHELLER Owner Franchise Innovation group

865-320-0083 office lisa@franchiseinnovationgroup.com

President/CEO Farragut west knox Chamber of Commerce

~Suzanne Neal



“I’ve told people that being at the Chamber is the best job I never knew I wanted, and the past couple of months have emphasized it,” says Julie Blaylock, the new president/CEO for the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce. She learned the ins and outs working under Bettye Sisco who retired. Blaylock was hired in 2011 as the executive assistant. She didn’t know what a Chamber of Commerce was or what it did. “I had no idea that the way I found the job was through networking/referrals, which is really funny and ironic to me now.” That’s one of the main Chamber goals. She’s visiting businesses to see how they operate, their struggles and successes. “It helps me brainstorm ways to tailor the services we offer our members so we can help them grow. If I could give up sleep or cram more time into the week somehow I would.”

Natasha Bohannon has spent her career working in community banking and she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. “I graduated from Tennessee Tech in 2005 and I worked for a community bank in Cooke -ville but I couldn’t transfer,” said Bohannon, a personal banker at TN Bank’s Farragut Branch. “I’ve always been in banking and when I came to Knoxville, I wanted to work in another community bank and I got this position.” As a personal banker, Bohannon opens accounts in the branch and she also represents TN Bank at various community functions. “I’m an ambassador for the bank and I’m a member of the Farragut Rotary,” she said. Bohannon said that she prefers working in a community bank rather than a corporate financial institution. “At a community bank, we can do more for the customer,” she said. “And it’s nice to see the same people, day in and day out and when you call us, you get a person and not a call center.”



In 2013 John and Lisa Batcheller received the Franchise Business Review Top 50 award for their home care franchise, Stay At Home. Local business owners began calling them for advice about franchising. They started Franchise Innovation Group to help others. “We have grown to the point where we have become regionally recognized as the company to turn to for franchising,” Lisa Batcheller explains. “It is our desire to help businesses grow their empires through franchising to realize their dreams of being something bigger.” At times, she may be the only woman in the room, but says it can be “refreshing.” She offers a unique perspective. “More and more women have part ownership in the finances of their households, so you need to understand the female perspective in order to sell your products and services.” Watching brands grow with franchise owners who are thriving is the most rewarding aspect of her work.

865-675-7057 julie@farragutchamber.com

6 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

~Suzanne Neal


NATASHA BOHANNON Personal Banker tn Bank

865-675-9444 nbohannon@tnbank.com

~Ken Lay




PAMELA BULL Realtor tennessee river realty

865-806-2552 info@pamelabullrealestate.com


A passion for buying and selling her own houses led Pamela Bull to a career as a Realtor in partnership with Tennessee River Realty. “I decided that I wanted to share that passion by helping clients with the buying and selling process, which can be very daunting, if you don’t have the right Realtor,” she says. “I decided that I wanted to be THAT agent who prevented those feelings as much as possible.” Real estate can be a good fit for a woman and more are taking on the job. Bull says it helps to have compassion to be able to help clients deal with the different levels of emotions that sometimes enter the buying and selling process. Although licensed in both residential and commercial, Bull focuses on residential real estate for areas within an hour of the Knoxville area, including Knox, Blount, Loudon, Roane and Anderson counties and Crossville, TN. Bull has consistently been a multi-million dollar producer since starting her career. She stays with her clients from start to finish whether they’re the seller or buyer. “I’m your ‘No Bull’ ~Suzanne Neil Realtor,” she adds.

GINGER CANNON dixie lee Farmers Market

865-643-5333 gocannon133@gmail.com

Owner amish excellence

865-392-6000 angie@amishexcellence.com

~Ken Lay



A little more than a year ago, Angie Carroll opened Amish Excellence after searching for a way to fulfill her passion for creativity and design while helping others make their homes more functional and beautiful. Following a 30-year career in corporate human resources, Carroll says, “I simply wasn’t ready to retire. This is the most enjoyable and fulfilling work I’ve ever done.” Amish Excellence is the only showroom in the area that exclusively offers Amish crafted furniture. “As a result of our customers’ demand for quality Americanmade furniture at reasonable prices, we are proud to announce an expansion of the design showroom. We plan to have the expansion completed by the end of May,” shares Carroll. Carroll’s business philosophy is simple. Offer the customer superior quality furniture, limitless design options and exceptional value. The secret to the success we’ve known thus far is, “Remain dedicated to the things that last. God, Family, Integrity Thrift and Simplicity.” Please visit the Amish Excellence design showroom at 613 N. Campbell Station Road located just behind Walgreens on the corner of Campbell Station and Grigsby Chapel Road or visit www.amishexcellence.com.

Jennifer Celeste finds her true passion in the fitness business. She’s a former accountant who got into the fitness business at the ground level. “I started teaching classes and then I went into cleaning toilets and then working with people,” said Celeste, who co-owns Anytime Fitness with Jay and Louise Povlin. “It is a passion for me. I won’t make nearly as much as I would in accounting. “It is a passion but I tell people not to get in the fitness business if you’re doing it to make money.” Celeste, a group trainer and personal fitness coach, said she developed an interest in fitness because “I was always the fat kid and you get tired of being teased for that.” She said the biggest challenge she faces is trying to get people to understand that everyone needs to make time to exercise. Celeste said that exercise is a necessity, not a leisure activity.



Ginger Cannon and her husband Jeff started the Dixie Lee Farmers Market almost out of necessity. “I have rheumatoid arthritis and I wanted to change my diet and I went to another local farmers market in Oak Ridge,” Ginger said. “It was mainly my husband’s idea he came up with it. I worked in a law office so I got the permits.” Dixie Lee Farmers Market is open from May until November on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-noon and Ginger relishes the opportunity to give local growers and local artisans the chance to showcase and sell their goods. “Jeff and I have always had an interest in gardening and this gives local growers the chance to sell and it may also give the garage carpenter a chance to sell the things that he likes to make,” Cannon said. “We also have a bakery and we sell grass-fed meats.” She noted that the biggest challenge that she faces is the weather both on market days and throughout the year.



JENNIFER CELESTE Co-owner anytime Fitness

865-671-1112 jen.celeste@fitnesstn.com

~ Ken Lay

Women in Business | May 18, 2017


HANLON COFFIN Coffin shoe Co. and JP Coffin’s boutique

865-690-0011 hcoffin08@gmail.com



Hanlon Coffin knew from a young age retail ran in her blood. With two well-known businesses in her family tree – Coffin Shoe Co. and JP Coffin’s boutique – it was only a matter of time until she followed those footsteps. “I grew up going to work with my dad, Park Coffin, at Coffin Shoe Co., and knew I always wanted to be like him, but also knew I wanted to be involved with the boutique.” She would visit her aunt, Leslie Coffin Swift, in the boutique, touching the clothes and practicing how to properly fold them. When she was old enough, she stepped into her aunt’s shoes. “I would say my biggest challenge is carrying on the legacy and high standards my aunt established. I want to maintain long-time customers and also bring in a new generation.” Coffin strives to do that by offering exclusive clothing lines to her store and using social media to reach beyond the local community. Knowing how to budget in today’s economy as a small business is key. Using Instagram and Facebook, she’s heard from customers as far away as California. “It’s all about online shopping these days and luckily I have found a way to grow that with my business,” she says.

As a Certified Rubenfeld Synergist Barbara Conway helps her clients discover why they deal with pain. She is the owner of Ease Into Life, LLC. She went into training for her field after she was injured in a car accident. She is one of three Certified Rubenfeld Synergists in East Tennessee and the only one in Knox County. There’s one in Alcoa. I’m in Farragut and you have another one in Oak Ridge,” Conway said. “It was a medical doctor who referred me to the one in Alcoa. I sometimes get referrals from psychologists.” The Rubenfeld method is 55 years old and it’s a gentle touch method that, when incorporated with compassionate listening, it acknowledges that the body, mind, emotions and spirit are interrelated. “This synergist helps the client listen to the body’s message,” Conway said. “This awareness brings back the natural freedom that the body needs to be happier and healthier. As a synergist, Conway works with each client without judgment to help the client understand the wisdom of the body so it can become free from pain and stress.

BARBARA CONWAY Certified Rubenfeld Synergist ease Into life, llC 407-230-0400 brbrconway@yahoo.com

~Ken Lay

~Suzanne Neal



Rene Cooper studying accounting in college when she decided the timing did not seem right. She decided to go a different path. That turned out to be good timing for her as she found her footing and a career. “I needed a job; there was an opening for a teller at a bank In Blount County that gave me a chance. Once I got into the financial field, I realized I loved it and decided to stay,” she says. For the past 13 years she’s been with Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union and is branch manager at the Turkey Creek location at 11490 Parkside Drive. Although she thought she would be an accountant, she’s happy where she is. From her view the financial field has always been a good one for women. “I see more men coming into the financial world now than I have in the past.” What she loves about her work is being able to help credit union members grow and learn. “It is amazing how many people do not realize how important their finances are and how important their credit is to them. We are one big family here and we treat our members that way.”

Jennifer Dancu had an innovative service idea for seniors so she resigned her position as school administrator at a private school and started Social Media 4 Seniors (socialmedia4seniors.net) in August 2014 here in Knox County. The company has grown to six counties and is expanding to other states. The service helps seniors with changes in technology, social media and staying connected with friends and family both near and far. “Teaching is teaching, no matter what age level you are teaching. It provides such a sense of reward of making a difference,” said Jennifer. “And this digital divide for seniors is huge!” A challenge for Jennifer is balancing time with family first and then the business but watching the business grow has been rewarding. Since she wasn’t an experienced business owner she was willing to seek advice and says, “Don’t be afraid to ask others for help or advice! The moral support I’ve had has been tremendous!”


RENE COOPER Branch Manager knoxville tVa employees Credit union 865-544-5630 rcooper@tvacreditunion.com

8 Women in Business | May 18, 2017


~Suzanne Neal

JENNIFER DANCU social Media 4 seniors

865-437-6556 idancu@ socialmedia4seniors.net

~Linda Tirban


CINDY DOYLE Owner state Farm Insurance agency 865-690-6300 cindy@cindydoyle.com

Cindy Doyle started in the insurance business as the “token first woman agent” in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., but for the past 14 years she’s been in Knoxville, currently at 248 N. Peters Road with her own State Farm Insurance agency. She was in the banking business when a friend encouraged her to talk with a State Farm manager who wanted to hire a female agent. Doyle got the job and the rest is history. “I enjoy mentoring my team members and several have become agents. I also mentor other young State Farm agents. I feel it’s a responsibility for me to pay it forward. I received help early in my career and it’s a joy to turn around and do the same for others.” Helping people with everyday risks in their lives and also as they recover from unexpected events is important to her, along with helping clients realize their dreams for retirement, buying a home, college savings plans for their children. “I think women are particularly equipped with compassion and caring to help people in all types of situations and walks of life.”

Don’t fall into the 77% of overpriced homes.... call 865-806-2552 and I’ll get you to the closing table! I have some unique ways of determining your home’s TRUE value... want to know how?

~Suzanne Neal


JEANNE DUNCAN Realtor realty executives

865-693-3232 yourbestinterestrealtor@ gmail.com

As a dedicated full time Realtor at Realty Executives, Jeanne Duncan makes a point of being accessible to her clients. “If my phone rings, I answer it or get right back to you – to me, that’s important. People love that I’m accessible from morning to midnight,” she said. “I educate my client’s to the process, because so many things have changed in real estate in the last 20 years. I’m very hands on and enjoy working with people of all walks of life,” said Jeanne who is protective of her clients and goes the extra mile to make them all comfortable. Her motto is “YOUR BEST INTEREST, IS MY ONLY INTEREST”. “These days the three things that sell a house are price, location and condition,” said Jeanne. Every transaction is important and she loves every challenge presented to her and helping clients, whether they’re a seller upgrading or a buyer needing personal touches. ~Linda Tirban

If your property is currently listed with a Realtor, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit from another Realtor

Women in Business | May 18, 2017




MARY LOU DUBOIS Chief Operating Officer Provision Healthcare, llC

865-321-4554 provisionhealthcare.com

Mary Lou DuBois is the Chief Operating Officer of Provision Healthcare, LLC, President of Provision Solutions, LLC, and a Founder and Board Member of Provision Health Partners, LLC (PHP) and ProNova Solutions, LLC. She also serves on the Provision Imaging Board and Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation Board and Advisor to the Provision CARES Proton Therapy Center. From 2004 to 2013, Ms. DuBois successfully led the development and management of Provision Healthcare which is a comprehensive clinical outpatient healthcare center. From 2010 to 2014 Ms. DuBois was also President of the Provision CARES Proton Therapy Center Knoxville (PCPTC) where she successfully developed and managed the startup and operations of PCPTC. Ms. DuBois led the development of a “Culture of Care” program at PCPTC that focuses on each and every patient with a dedicated Care Team committed to providing a unique and caring patient experience. Ms. DuBois was previously with CTI Molecular Imaging, (CTI) from 1986-2003 and served in various roles as CTI was the primary world-wide commercial developer of PET/CT systems and services. ~Suzanne Neal


VIKKI FELTS Broker Crye-leike

865-643-5627 feltsv@gmail.com

“Personal service that makes a difference for you.” Being in the market daily, Vikki’s expertise & experience as a local real estate professional, cannot & will not, be outsourced or acquired via the Internet. Vikki is a “Trusted Advisor”, “Excellent Negotiator”, and “Skilled Interpreter of Data”. Whether buying or selling, Vikki brings strong, valuable skills to your real estate transactions. Vikki is a full time Broker within the community. She knows the market area and is constantly working with buyers and sellers who live in the community. Vikki builds her business on servicing her clients effectively and efficiently, resulting in quicker sales and future referral business. Moving locally or globally, Vikki Felts can manage your move. True Commitment to her clients! Call Vikki Felts today to discuss your next real estate adventure.

10 Women in Business | May 18, 2017





CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER autumn Care Management Inc.

865-776-5990 autumncare@comcast.net

Mari Falk, is the Chief Operating Officer for Autumn Care Management Inc. Falk owns and manages five assisted living facilities in east TN and In Home personal care services. Falk graduated from UT Chattanooga with a BS in accounting and Master in business administration from Appalachia State University. She left the CPA field after visiting facilities with her husband who has a degree in Health Care Administration, and has been working in the assisted living field for 10 years. Falk said the best and worst thing about working with assisted living facilities is a double-edged sword - the relationships you make with the residents are so special, and knowing they are not going to last for long because they are near the end of their lives. Falk resides in Knoxville with her husband Peter and their son Chris. ~Submitted

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STEPHANIE GRUBBS Realtor Heritage realty

Stephanie Grubbs may be a realtor but she says that selling houses is only part of her job. “I want to help people find the right home,” said Grubbs, who works for Heritage Realty in Farragut. “Our job is to find the best fit we can and once we find the house they like, we take the stress off of both the buyers and sellers. “Then, all they have to worry about is living in their new home, which is the biggest purchase that they’re going to make.” Grubbs, who has been in real estate for three years, now works for a boutique realty company and said that she feels that is her calling. She said she worked for a bigger company in the past, but prefers the smaller one, where she can give her clients more attention. She noted that she currently faces a lowinventory market, which presents its unique challenges. ~Ken Lay

865-288-4148 stephanie@heritagerealtytn.com


STACEY M. HANDEL Owner garde Bien spasalon

865-671-1996 stacey.gardebien@gmail.com

Handel’s career spans over 40 years as a top hair stylist and makeover expert relocating from her Dallas Image Consulting Studio. Her entire career has focused on the betterment of women. Now providing private consultations for women experiencing thinning hair and hair loss. Specializing in 100% human hair wigs, partials and wearable solutions for women after treatment with temporary or permanent hair loss. Offering non-damaging solutions without chemicals, glue or adhesives: Follea, Dimples and Evolve Volumizers and Extensions. These beautiful options are undetectable, comfortable and natural. “I have a passion for creating dream hairstyles for women with compromised hair”. Handel is a published author and public speaker on solutions for hair loss, a National Educator for Evolve Hair Solutions. Member of the American Hair Loss Council. If you or someone you love has thinning hair, schedule a risk-free consultation. Garde Bien, 12752 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37934, www.gardebien.com, #staceyhandel ~Submitted

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Women in Business | May 18, 2017



PAM FOSTER HANNA Jeweler Foster’s Jewelry

865-584-3966 fosterjewelry@gmail.com

As a third generation jeweler Pam Foster Hanna grew up in the family jewelry business. “I love what I do and I was blessed to be able to work with my family.” Most satisfying for her is the friendships she has formed over the past 43 years in business. Although the jewelry business has changed tremendously over the years, Foster’s has always kept up with the current trends in jewelry. Hanna’s goal is to have Foster’s be your favorite jewelry store, the one you recommend to your friends. Her expertise in diamonds and precious gemstones instills confidence in her customers, and keeps them coming back. Foster’s has two experienced master jewelers who do custom designs as well as repairs and a watchmaker who can make your watch run with precision. “My goal is for my customers to feel satisfied with their entire experience and confident that they received the highest quality and best value possible,” Hanna says.

Your Business is Our Business.




ZENIA HARTSFIELD Bank Representative Josh Hemphill state Farm Insurance agency

865-675-3999 zenia.hartsfield.dx8q@statefarm.com

Zenia Hartsfield is a bank representative with Josh Hemphill State Farm Insurance Agency. She’s been working in that capacity for 10-plus years and loves what she does even though it can be a challenge. “Sometimes I can’t help everyone, and I WANT to be able to help everyone,” she says. Hartsfield has a good day every day she helps a customer achieve a satisfactory outcome. She’s bilingual and able to help those whose first language is not English. Being able to help with any financial questions or concerns for a customer brings her satisfaction. She believes trust is important and helps people feel comfortable asking for advice. “This position has allowed me to work from home. I can call customers, submit loans, open accounts; pretty much anything from home while I spend time with my kiddos – two boys ages 3 and 9 months.”

12 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

~Suzanne Neal

Cindy Doyle,

Talk To Me About Your Small Business Needs.

248 N Peters Rd Ste 4

State Farm is here to help with the right products to meet your small business needs. A State Farm agent is a business owner like you who understands the challenges of finding good employees, managing business finances, and planning for the future. Talk to someone who really understands small business.


865-690-6300 cindy@cindydoyle.com



With a wide variety of products available, we can work together to help meet your unique small business needs.

Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace Realtors® Farragut A BLESSED LIFE AND


Caroline Badgett admits that she leads a blessed life. “God has really blessed me and I don’t deserve it,” said Badgett, who works as a Realtor for Coldwell Banker Farragut. Badgett said she got into real estate recently since her children have gotten older. Her husband, Ross, was a real estate agent. She watched him work in the business. “My husband did it for years and we moved and sold our home,” Caroline said. “We sold my mother’s home and we all moved in together and I started in August.” Badgett attributes her success to Coldwell Banker. “The training that I received at Coldwell Banker has been amazing,” she said. “I’ve done everything that they’ve told me to do. I have the support of a great team and my husband helps me out.” Badgett enjoys her work and the friendships that she forges with her clients. Her biggest challenge is low inventory in today’s market.

Judy Brietstein, an affiliate broker with Coldwell Banker, has worked in the real estate industry for 20 years. “I got interested in real estate when we bought our first house so many years ago. I didn’t think the realtor was listening to us. I thought I could do a better job so I got my license. In my business, I care and treat everyone special,” Brietstein said. She believes that real estate is not just about showing people houses. With her clients, she follows through with all the details, makes sure all the inspections take place, and stays in touch after the sale to ensure her clients have a good experience. “I work for a leading company, with great colleagues and truly love my profession. I enjoy the flexibility of the job, keeping up with new technology, meeting new people, and learning from some of my international clients,” Brietstein continued.


CAROLINE BADGETT Realtor Coldwell Banker Farragut

865-966-1111 Caroline.Badgett@ coldwellbanker.com


JUDY BRIETSTEIN Affiliate Broker Coldwell Banker

865-966-1111 jbriet@aol.com

~Ken Lay



Jean Chung is a realtor for Coldwell Banker in Farragut and like many in the real estate business, she attempts to make things easier for her clients who are looking to buy or sell a home. “Our job is to educate, so there is no chaos,” said Chung, who has been in the real estate business for eight years. “We try to make things as easy as possible because this the biggest purchase that you will ever make. “We’re here to help them understand and the big part that I like is helping people find their home.” Chung said that she enjoys doing all the little things that go into buying and selling a house. “The biggest part that I like about this is reminding people about the little things,” she said. Chung said that she became involved in the real estate business due to the urging of a friend. “Somebody told me about this and said that I’d be good at it,” she said.

Patti Ettien began her real estate career with Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace over seven years ago after moving back to the Knoxville area. Since that time, she has earned her ABR and SRES designations and has become a Million Dollar Producer. She is currently working with Sahel Naimy, also a CBWW agent, to market and sell new homes in the Jackson Crossing Subdivision in Lenoir City. It has been an exciting project coordinating with the Builder and the Buyers. Patti and her family have moved many times to various cities and countries, but she is happy to say that she has enjoyed every minute of the time spent back in East Tennessee by living closer to friends and family while enjoying the mountains, the lakes and of course, the Tennessee Vols.


JEAN CHUNG Realtor Coldwell Banker Farragut

865-966-1111 jean.chung@coldwellbanker.com

~Kristi Vining


PATTI ETTIEN Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 patti.ettien@coldwellbanker.com


~Ken Lay

Women in Business | May 18, 2017


Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace Realtors® Farragut VETERAN HAS YEARS OF



MICHELLE HAMBY Real Estate Agent Coldwell Banker

865-966-1111 yourknoxrealtor@gmail.com

Michelle Hamby, a native of East Tennessee, has 12 years of experience in the real estate business and is currently a real estate agent at Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace. Her areas of expertise include residential real estate, new construction, acreage, and relocation, and she serves Knox and the surrounding counties. “I especially love working with veterans. I am a certified USAA Specialist. I am a veteran myself having served in the 278 National Guard and the Cumberland County Drug Task Force. It’s an honor to help a veteran find a home,” Hamby said. Laws and technology constantly change for real estate, but Hamby enjoys working at Coldwell Banker because of their stressed importance of continuing education. “I enjoy my profession, and I simply have always loved looking at houses. It’s a pleasure to meet people and help clients find their dream home or sell their home. I walk clients through the details and am committed to customer satisfaction,” Hamby continued.

DONNA HOLDAWAY Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 lakewoman@live.com

Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 morrismegan40@gmail.com


~Kristi Vining



After receiving her Masters degree in education, Megan Morris, a realtor with Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace® Realtors, shifted gears to real estate four years ago. “I love East Tennessee. It’s beautiful,” Morris said. “Moving from Nashville, we struggled to find a home here.”That struggle led her to become a licensed Realtor. “I enjoy using the skills I learned in education to help educate and advise my clients in their real estate transactions for this unique area,” she said. “You constantly have to creatively problem-solve. I enjoy a job that allows me to help my clients methodically think through the facts or work around obstacles.” Morris recommended potential agents become knowledgeable about the different brokerages out there. “Coldwell Banker has been phenomenal to work with because of all the education and mentoring they provide their Realtors,” she said. “I couldn’t have asked for a better group of ladies and gentlemen to work with.”

With Dana Moser don’t expect a sugar coated response when you ask her a direct question. She will give you the facts. As a realtor with Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace she specializes in West Knoxville and Farragut and building lasting relationships with her clients. People like my honesty. I tell them like it is. I didn’t become a realtor for some romantic notion. Being a realtor offers freedom and the opportunity to be your own boss. You can have integrity and set your own moral codes which enables you to live up to your own standards,” said Dana. Dana often becomes friends with clients because, “Buying and selling a home is an emotional time. My job is to listen to my clients; know their lifestyle, understand their needs, help them reach their goals in finding the right home or decide if they really need to sell. There are always alternatives.



Donna Holdaway grew up tagging along behind her grandfather at the family’s Witt Building Materials. At eight, she had her own tool box and an interest in houses. As a Realtor she loves nothing better than a fixer-upper. “That’s where my heart goes and I can see past it to the ‘what if’.” It all started when she was a single woman looking to buy her first house. “I asked my dad to inspect a house for me and he shot it down,” she laughs. Now with grown sons, her husband asked her three years ago what she wanted to do. The answer was to sell real estate and he said, “Go do it.” Her heart lies with millennials. “I want to show them there are a lot of good houses on the market, and priced right for people to invest in, giving it their personal touch. I love working with younger people and seeing them find their niche.”

14 Women in Business | May 18, 2017



DANA MOSER Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 moserdana@gmail.com


Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace Realtors® Farragut EXPLAINING AND LISTENING



SAHEL NAIMY Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 sahelnaimy@coldwellbanker.com


University of Tennessee alumni Sahel Naimy joined Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace Realtors in Farragut in 2004. After a stint living in California, her family is back home. Naimy has been in residential real estate for 17-plus years and most of her clients come by way of referrals. “I enjoy helping people with their real estate needs,” she says. “I take my time explaining the real estate process from the onset when I first meet with clients. I listen and want to have a very good understanding of their needs to better serve them.” A multi-million dollar producer, she is the co-listing agent at Jackson Crossing Phase IV, a low-maintenance new construction community in Lenoir City. Naimy’s extensive experience helps buyers put their best foot forward in a multiple-offer situation and guide sellers with facts and information to achieve their goal with the sale of their house in this tight market. ~Suzanne Neal

Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 kellytherealtor@gmail.com




Mary Parsons has had her team in place for two years now. It is working beautifully. They are committed full time Realtors for Coldwell Banker Wallace and Wallace. “We love helping people achieve their goals”. Mary Parsons is the team leader for Mary Parsons’ Professionals. She has 3 buyers agents. Stacy Jagger, Kara Scheetz and Julie Ford on her team. Mary has been a realtor for 23 years. As a team, our combined years of experience is over 33 years. They were awarded Platinum Multi-Million Dollar Producing Team Award for 2016. With Coldwell Banker Wallace and Wallace tools and their dynamic team they can help you with all your real estate needs.

dori pavlovsky’s mission since she became a licensed full time real estate professional in 1978 has been to treat her clients like family. “Customer Service is very important to me. I help clients make good decisions by educating them and guiding them through the process of buying or selling their homes just as if they were family,” said dori. “I want them to understand the whole process and to be comfortable.” dori who is known as “The House Lady” has been affiliated with Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace Realtors since 1989. She also does Real Estate Counseling which helps her customers fully understand the process whether they are a first time buyer or getting back into the process after 30 years. “My goal is to have clients happy at their closings,” she said. “ I love helping people and want them to enjoy the whole real estate experience.”



Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace and wallace


When Kelly O’Connor graduated from college with a business degree, she was looking at a career in retail management. But after working in retail, she quickly discovered that it wasn’t her calling. “It’s kind of a funny story,” said O’Connor, who works as a realtor for Coldwell Banker in Farragut and has been a featured realtor on HGTV’s Log Cabin Living. “When I graduated from college, I had a retail business degree. “But I really didn’t like it in retail and I decided that I wanted to sell real estate.” She’s been in the real estate business since 2010 and now has a log cabin listed from her television appearance. She’s in the real estate business because it is her true passion and she also has a deep desire to help people. “I just love to help people because you’re helping them make the biggest decision of their lives,” she said. “I have a 15-month old and I have the freedom to work out of my home and be a mother.”

dori pavlovsky Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 dori@houselady.com

~Linda Tirban

865-966-1111 mary@maryparsons.net

Women in Business | May 18, 2017


Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace Realtors® Farragut HER POSITIVE OUTLOOK



MELISSA SMITH Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 callmrandmrssmith@gmail.com

Always secretly drawn to real estate, Melissa Smith joined Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace, Realtors in 2005. Her love of meeting new people and the thought of doing something different every day was intriguing. Her positive outlook helps customers turn dreams into reality. “I am very driven by the goals of my clients. When people tell me their needs, I will pursue them with passion. I have the experience it takes to get the job done,” said Melissa. My profession is very challenging but also very rewarding. Women with children at home have more of a challenge trying to balance work and time. I would tell any woman looking to go into business to go for it; be sure to do your homework. Learn everything you can about the business you’re interested in. Talk to as many other women business owners as possible and get advice. Set yourself up for success!”


CHASTIN STINNETT Realtor Coldwell Banker

865-966-1111 chastin02@gmail.com

Chastin Stinnett, an affiliate broker at Coldwell Banker, is a full service real estate agent but has found her niche in real estate serving first-time home buyers. “Being a part of that age group, I really understand first time home buyers. I know where they are mentally and what they are going through. I know they are nervous about spending the nest egg they have saved. I try to explain all the obstacles they might face, any upfront costs, and how to save money,” Stinnett said. Stinnett is from Lenoir City and has held her real estate license for three years. She has an interior design degree from ETSU, and she and her husband own Restored Living, a house flipping business. “When clients decide to take on a fixer-upper, I am very knowledgeable in that area and can advise about what to expect,” continued Stinnett. She serves the east Tennessee area and focuses on West Knoxville. ~Kristi Vining

~Linda Tirban




ANNE WILLIAMS Principal Broker Coldwell Banker wallace and wallace

865-966-1111 awilliams@cbww.com

Anne Williams currently serves as the principal broker for Coldwell Banker Wallace and Wallace in Farragut and believes her agents are always pushing themselves to be the best in Knoxville. “Our agents are dedicated, and we have a unique culture here. Everyone is family, and we are all top professionals. We speak 8-10 languages in this office. Our agents are proactive in education and achieve multiple diverse certifications such as staging, smart home technology, and various specialties,” said Williams. Williams has been a broker since 2016 but started her real estate career in 2002 as an agent. As a broker, she enjoys seeing her agents grow and succeed. “I know what agents are going through and the demands of the business. I truly enjoy our collective energy, and hiring, training, and mentoring agents,” she continued. CBWW hosts Career Nights on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Farragut Office, 10815 Kingston Pike, to recruit full-time real estate professionals.

16 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

~ Submitted

DEBBIE YANKEY Realtor Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace

865-966-1111 debbie@debbieyankey.com

Consistently a top producer for her company, Debbie has earned membership in the President’s Circle, International Diamond Society, and is a Multi-Million-Dollar producer. Associates receive these awards based on documented properties sold for the calendar year. With over 21 years of real estate experience at Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace she brings a standard of care to each client that is unmet in the industry. Debbie consistently exceeds client expectations. She has the skill, knowledge, experience and commitment to provide all clients with superior service on every transaction. Debbie works 24/7 for her clients and has a work ethic that is second to none. Debbie joined Coldwell Banker in 1995, earned her Broker License in 2004, is a Certified Residential Specialist (the top 4% of all licensed Realtors are Certified Residential Specialists), Accredited Buyer Representative, and is a member of the National Association of Realtors, Tennessee Association of Realtors, and the Knoxville Area Association of Realtors. Call Debbie whenever you need her experience and skill or just give her a call to say hello! (865) 414-8818 ~Submitted

Coldwell Banker wallace & wallace Realtors® Farragut MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY


SHENA COLE Mortgage Consultant new Penn Financial

865-966-1111 scole@newpennfinancial.com

Shena Cole is a home-grown Knoxvillian who has helped thousands of buyers in the Knoxville area during her 11 year career. Her favorite part of lending is working with firsttime home-buyers. “I love seeing a family get their keys at closing. It’s the happy ending to the loan story.” Cole is a mortgage consultant for New Penn Financial. She works with borrowers from beginning to end of the loan process. She says communication is the most important part of her job. “I always reply to emails, calls, texts, even if they don’t require response. Just a simple thanks for sending me a document makes a customer feel secure knowing I received it.” Cole loves serving the community she calls home and says, “Being a local lender sets me apart from the online guys. I love passing a client I have helped in the grocery store and hearing about their new home.” ~Suzanne Neal

FRIEDA HAGAN Manager Melrose title

865-694-1400 frieda@melrosetitleco.com

Frieda Hagan’s aim in life is to make people happy. “The biggest thing I like about my job is making people happy when they’re buying or selling a home,” said Hagan, who manages Melrose Title Company. “The biggest thing about my job is just putting people as ease because this is a big commitment.” Buying a home is the biggest investment that a person makes and Hagan believes that if she makes clients happy, then they will refer others. “People will refer you if you do well,” Hagan said. “They’ll say ‘she’s good at the closing table.’” Hagan has worked at various jobs in banking for 14 years. In addition to closing real estate deals, she’s worked at a real estate appraising company. She’s been with Melrose Title since 2014. The company deals in both residential and commercial real estate and has several locations throughout East Tennessee, including Farragut, Knoxville, Maryville and Sevierville. ~Ken Lay

Women in Business | May 18, 2017




Elite Suites Salon Studios celebrates its one year anniversary this month. Kimberly Hennessy says her goal was to create a true one-stop shop for beauty needs. “Our facility houses 23 individual small businesses and our service providers include hair stylists, estheticians, nail technicians and massage therapists,” she says. There’s also a clothing boutique with all the latest trends, spray tanning via booth sessions and hand sprays. Hennessy got her start owning a traditional hair salon and then served as director of Paul Mitchell The School Knoxville. Hennessy says it can be hard to start your own business because it takes experience and initial capital. Through Elite Suites Salon Studios she offers an opportunity to provide hard-working beauty professionals a platform to own their own business and be their own boss. “They still have the security, support and business guidance we can provide to ensure that their dreams become a success. Hennessy’s mission is to be the coach on the sidelines encouraging and supporting salon owners every step of the way as they fulfill their lifelong passion.

At Edward Jones, we focus on serving the financial needs of individual investors of all ages and financial means. We have built our business by treating our clients as we would want to be treated, a simple idea that still makes sense in today’s complex marketplace. One-size-fits-all may be fine for some investors, but we believe investments should be tailored to your needs and not generically based on guidelines for someone your age or at your stage of life. Whether your goals include preparing for or living in retirement, paying for education, planning for the unexpected or creating an estate or inheritance, we can offer investment solutions tailored to all your financial goals. I earned a bachelor’s degree, in business administration, from St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY. In addition, I received the AAMS® professional designation in 2016. Originally from Rochester, NY, I have lived in Knoxville since 2011. My spouse, Steve, and I have a blended family of five wonderful children. 12752 Kingston Pike Suite 106 Knoxville, TN 37934.


KIMBERLY HENNESSY Owner elite suites salon studios

865-406-9470 elitesuitestn@gmail.com



Financial Adviser edward Jones

865-671-3463 betsy.hertzog@edwardjones.com


~Suzanne Neal

KRISTI HICKEY Owner Consign to design

865-249-7428 kristi@consigntodesignstore.com



Kristi and David Hickey opened Consign to Design on Kingston Pike seven years ago and have loved it from the beginning. “It was a God Thing - a new path in a family business that includes my sister,” Kristi said. Consign to Design is a treasure trove of high-end luxury home décor of every style that is gently used up to 75% below retail prices. “Many don’t realize we have new furniture on consignment from High Point,” said Kristi. “I love working with my husband and my sister. When you own a business, balance between family and work can be challenging. You have to make time for family. The people we meet, the customers, employees and vendors, they’ve become family. We want them to know integrity is important to us and we always try to do the right thing in serving their needs”.

Ricki’s PET DEPOT in Village Green is one of Farragut’s newest businesses and it involves the entire family. “I’m very family oriented. My children are my top priority and this is a family owned and operated business. Both kids are in the store after school, ” said owner Ricki René Human. It had been a long-time dream coming to fruition when Ricki and her husband Kevin, began researching business opportunities last year. ”Researching every aspect of the business you’re considering is very important. You have to do your homework,” she advises. Ricki’s PET DEPOT is a full service pet store, offering small furry animals, birds, reptiles and fish; pet foods, accessories , and services. “We’re looking forward to getting to know the ‘fur’ parents and the people in the community,” said Ricki. A Ribbon Cutting will be May 22 and Ricki’s PET DEPOT Grand Opening will be June 2 through 10.

18 Women in Business | May 18, 2017


~Linda Tirban

RICKI RENE´ HUMAN Owner ricki’s Pet dePot 865-392-1151 rickis@petdepot.net

~Linda Tirban



The simple act of paying a premium on a life insurance policy ultimately led Teresa Hurst to working in insurance. “Back in the late ’80’s my life insurance rep came to visit and collect an insurance premium and just started talking about the insurance industry so I thought I would give it a try,” she says. Hurst started in the insurance business in 1997 selling life insurance and started working for State Farm in 2000. These days she’s the office manager and billing specialist for Josh Hemphill’s State Farm Insurance agency. She has a long list of ways she interacts with customers starting with billings and claims. “Being able to share my personal stories with the customer to give them a better understanding of their insurance and how it works for them is very rewarding. There are so many that have no idea how the auto insurance even works.” In 2009, at 47, she became a widow. “I can relate to being a young widow. I love helping others.”

Pat Jestice has been in the insurance industry for over thirty years which has allowed her the opportunity to work with many people, helping to satisfy their insurance needs. “I love the interaction with people on a daily basis. What has kept me in the insurance industry and with the Mansour Hasan, State Farm Insurance Agency is we make sure clients know what they really want and need and are paying for. “Mansour is known for his hands-on approach with clients. His concern is an example upheld throughout the office,” said Pat, who is recovering from a second bout with cancer and says the support from Mansour Hasan and everyone in the office has been phenomenal. ” I’m blessed to be in this office. We’re a family and this spills over to our clients. I love knowing we’re there to help customers. We love being there – like a good neighbor”


TERESA HURST Office Manager and Billing Specialist Josh Hemphill’s state Farm Insurance agency

865-675-3999 teresa.m.hurst.irrp@statefarm.com


PAT JESTICE Mansour Hasan, state Farm Insurance agency 865-690-7100

~Linda Tirban

~Suzanne Neal

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Store Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 am - 5:30 pm

www.roosthome.com Women in Business | May 18, 2017


Take a cue from successful women Women had another successful year in 2015. According to the Fortune 500 list, 2015 tied the record set for the highest number of female CEOs in America’s largest companies by revenue. Twenty-four women, including Mary Barra of General Motors, Meg Whitman of Hewlett-Packard and Ginny Rometty of IBM, made the list. Although women make up 45 percent of the labor force and only 5 percent head Fortune 500 companies, women are making greater strides than ever before. For example, in 1998, just one woman led a Fortune 500 company, according to Pew Research Center. Certain traits could help propel successful women to the top. Here’s a look at some of the ways female professionals can overcome professional hurdles and make their mark. • Be passionate about what you do. Women who maintain passion about their careers are more likely to overcome any challenges and stand out in the workplace. If your profession is not stoking any passion, explore alternate career opportunities. • Recognize your strengths. Today’s professionals are less likely than their predecessors to stick with one company or line of work for their entire working lives. But just because you change jobs or career paths does not mean your past experience is useless. Successful women know what they do best, whether it’s public speaking, writing or making sales pitches. Apply those strengths when looking for a new job or career. • Know when to ask for help. Even the most accomplished women have limitations. Asking for help when you need it can help you overcome those limitations. To be good at what you do, you first have to learn from others. Sometimes the smartest way to overcome an obstacle is having several hands on deck to provide a boost. Thinking that the work is better left to you alone could be a mistake. Enlist help when you need it and never hesitate to ask for another perspective. • Make time for exercise. A sluggish body can make for a sluggish mind. Successful people need to be sharp, and exercise can help them maintain their mental focus. According to John J. Ratey, Ph.D., a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, muscles send hormones rushing to the brain where they mix with a substance called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. BDNF plays a role in brain cell growth and learning. Without it, brains can’t absorb new information or grow and learn. Exercise also helps relieve stress, which can make resolutions easier to see and make tasks less overwhelming. • Go easy on yourself. While many successful people strive for perfection, achieving perfection is unlikely, if not impossible. Successful people often admit to being their own worst critics, but don’t beat yourself up if you endure some trial and error. Mistakes can be a great teacher, so use any you make to your advantage. • Don’t be afraid to take risks. Successful women are not afraid to take risks. Many may have decided they don’t fit a specific mold and want to affect change. However, calculated risks are different from reckless decisions, and it is important to recognize the difference. A calculated risk may involve starting your own business after learning the ropes in a specific field and testing the waters. Reckless behavior would be opening that business with no relevant experience.

20 Women in Business | May 18, 2017




EVONNE M. KAUTZ EA 5-star Holdings, Inc. 865-392-1755 evonne@5-starinc.com

5-Star Holdings, Inc. is a new local tax and bookkeeping firm located at 12568 Kingston Pike. Its principal is Evonne M. Kautz, EA who has been practicing in the tax field for 10 years. Evonne and her staff offer services including Income Tax Return Preparation (Personal, Corporate, Non-Profit, State, and Amendments), Tax Planning, and Representation of Clients before the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, Small Business Services are offered including Bookkeeping, Payroll, State Taxation, Business Planning and Coaching, and Notary Services. 5-Star is unique in that it specializes in serving all components of the Military including the National Guard, Reserves, Active Duty and Retired service members, in addition to civilian clients. Specialty systems allow serving clients no matter where they are located, either locally, across the U.S., or abroad throughout the world. 5-Star is proud to call Farragut home and looks forward to being an asset for the local business community.


TERRI LAWSON His security

865-474-9495 terri@hissecurity.net

Working with a local company means better, personalized customer service. This is the goal for everyone at His Security: serving their customers; making their lives better by utilizing technology, especially to make them safer. After years in the real estate and mortgage industry, Terri Lawson joined His Security in December 2016. Working with her means years of knowledge of what homeowners want and need. She continues to serve East TN with customized technology solutions that fit families and their lifestyle. If you have a need for an alarm, smart home technology, or A/V like a home theater, contact Farragut’s own Terri Lawson at His Security. We are right here in “downtown” Farragut, at 11426 Kingston Pike. ~Submitted




Have you or someone you care for ever had to navigate the complexities of Social Security or Medicare? Both of these topics are often terribly confusing for many in our community. “When should I start drawing my Social Security benefits? When should I apply for Medicare, or what options do I have when I do?” Heather Majka, Director of Operations for Senior Financial Group is one of the area’s most trustworthy resources to answer these questions. Heather has been in the insurance industry for over 24 years helping hundreds of families make the best health insurance decisions for their unique needs. Most recently she matriculated through the comprehensive Social Security retirement courses to become Tennessee’s ONLY Certified Social Security Claiming Strategist. She currently partners with the Knox County Office on Aging to provide free dinner and wine seminars where she discusses the intricacies of Social Security and retirement planning. If you’re interested in attending the upcoming workshop on June 27th from 5-7pm at Oakwood Senior Living, visit sfgmedicare.com/social-securitychanges to reserve your spot.

Katie Bailey Maners grew up in the family business. Her father, Mike Bailey, started an insurance business in the basement of their house. Bailey Insurance has grown through the years and is now at the intersection of Middlebrook and Cedar Bluff. “I’ve been working in the office part-time since the age of 12,” Maners explains. “I got licensed in college in 2010. In 2012 my last day of classes were a Thursday, I started working full time Friday and graduated on Saturday.” Although she never imagined joining the family business, Maners says her passion has always been to help people. “I get the opportunity to help others protect their assets, livelihoods and understand what insurance is and why they need it.” She also helps people understand insurance is not a “dirty” word and something people need to talk about. Maners is relatively young for an agent, not to mention being a woman, and it can be a challenge. Maners believes more women will continue to enter the insurance field because it’s one that helps others prepare for the worst days of their lives.


HEATHER MAJKA Director of Operations senior Financial group

865-777-0153 sfgmedicare.com


KATIE BAILEY MANERS Agent Bailey Insurance

865-691-9111 kbailey@baileyins.com

~Suzanne Neal

Women in Business | May 18, 2017




A death in the family was an awakening for Yvonne Marsh about the importance of planning ahead. “My uncle passed away unexpectedly, when my aunt was in her very early 60’s, and she was totally unprepared. As we worked through that very difficult time, I realized what a great need there was to make sure people are financially prepared for whatever life throws at them,” she says. A certified public accountant, she shares ownership of Marsh Wealth Management with her husband, Mike, who is also a CPA. Eventually she also obtained her certified financial planner certification to reflect the dual nature of their financial planning practice with a tax emphasis. They focus on people 55 and older because the retirement years are the most complicated years that anyone faces. Marsh gets satisfaction from knowing that she gives clients peace of mind to enjoy life without worrying about money. She has found being a woman in her field can be an advantage.

Julie has always liked the idea of flexible hours and being her own boss, and in 1999 she began a very successful real estate career, earning her the Rookie of the Year award for closing 14 transactions in 9 months! In 2014, she was offered another opportunity and began her role as Relocation Director for Tennessee’s Number 1 Independently Owned Real Estate Firm; Crye-Leike Realtors. She manages real estate services for corporate moves for Knoxville, Huntsville, Chattanooga, and the Tri-City areas. “As corporations transfer employees across the country, and across the globe, my experience working with 100s of families created a strong foundation for training and managing Knoxville’s Relocation Team.” Call Julie at 800-446-2830. Local CryeLeike office 9539 Kingston Pike.


YVONNE MARSH CPA Marsh wealth Management 865-622-2162 ymarsh@marshpros.com

~Suzanne Neal

JULIE MARTIN Relocation Director Crye-leike relocation services


800-446-2830 julie.martin@crye-leike.com

How busy moms can make mealtime easier Working mothers make up a sizable portion of the modern workforce. According to the United States Department of Labor, as of 2015 69.9 percent of mothers with children under the age of 18 were in the labor force. Things are similar in Canada, where Statistics Canada reports singleearner families made up just 27 percent of all couple families with children in 2014, a figure that was 59 percent in 1976. While more and more mothers are returning to work after the birth of their children, that does not mean their responsibilities at home are falling by the wayside. Time-strapped working moms tasked with preparing family meals can embrace some time-saving strategies to make mealtime a little less hectic. Save time during prep: Whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, preparing meals for a family can be time-consuming. When making dinner, keep a plastic shopping bag or bowl on the counter where you can discard scraps such as the skin from

22 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

onions, fat from chicken and other items that will ultimately end up in the garbage. Discarding all the items into one bag rather than walking back and forth from the garbage to your work area can save time during meal prep. Slow things down: Another way to save time at mealtime is to use a slow cooker so meals are cooking during the day while you are at work. Chop vegetables on weekend afternoons or nights and separate ingredients into Ziploc bags or containers so all of the prep work is done ahead of time. Each morning you can simply unload the bags or containers into the slow cooker, turn it on before leaving for work and then the meal will be ready to eat by the time you and your family arrive home at night. Shop online: Many people associate online shopping with clothing and gadgets, but working moms can now buy groceries for their families online as well. Many grocery stores now offer online shopping and

pickup services that allow shoppers to fill up their grocery carts before stepping foot in the store. Simply place your order online and arrange a pickup time and everything will be ready for you when you arrive at the store. This can save you the effort and time spent navigating today’s increasingly large and busy grocery stores. Involve the whole team: Working moms who are tasked with family meal planning might want to find healthy meals

for their families, but that does not mean they can’t involve the whole family when it comes time to cook. Encourage children to help when preparing meals, assigning age-appropriate tasks. And let dad do some of the work, encouraging him to fire up the grill when the weather permits. Working mothers who play the role of family meal planner can make this role simpler by employing various time-saving strategies.


DEE MATCHETT Owner osteostrong

423-839-6600 knoxville@osteostrong.me

For four generations, osteoporosis has run in Dee Matchett’s family and Matchett is also at high risk. She lost a grandmother, two great grandparents and her father due to complications from the bone disease. After her father died in 2015, Matchett (a former English as a Second Language professor at Carson-Newman University) began looking for a natural way to increase bone density and educate the public about the process of bone regeneration. She honored her father and invested her inheritance money in Osteo-Strong, which provides a safe, natural and proven way to increase bone density without the harmful effects of medication. Matchett said her background as an educator has been helpful in her new venture. “Being an educator was good preparation for my new business,” she said. “I have a Master’s in teaching English as a Second Language.” Matchett, in addition to her duties with Osteo-Strong’s Farragut location, also teaches and speaks on bone density and re-generation.



KRISTA MCGRATH Owner Huntington learning Center

865-691-6688 knoxvilletn@hlc.com

“When you work with children each day is filled with hope,” says Krista McGrath. She and husband Matthew own the Huntington Learning Center on North Peters Road. They bought it when the owner decided to retire. “I’m most satisfied with my work when I see a child relax and allow themselves to learn,” she says. “Many times kids have decided they aren’t good at something so they shut down.” McGrath offers a friendly atmosphere where staff knows the students; they feel comfortable asking any question knowing they won’t be judged. “It’s wonderful to see a child engage in the learning process and begin to believe in themselves!” McGrath says every day is a challenge trying to fit everything into each work day. There’s always more she wants to do and accomplish before quitting time. “Businesswomen and moms need to be great at logistics.” McGrath knows. She has six children. ~Suzanne Neal

~Ken Lay


Spectacular begins here...

Saturday • 9 to 6

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Marnice Richmond


808.281.9326 Marnice_r@hotmail.com www.RoyalOaksEvents.com

The Royal Oaks Event Center features phenomenal views of the Cumberland and Smoky Mountains. Dedicated staff members are delighted to pamper you while executing every detail of your unforgettable event. Our flexibility allows you to transform our venue into whatever your needs might be. Let us take care of you!

Women in Business | May 18, 2017



LISA MCKEE Artistic Director studio arts for dancers

865-539-2475 studioartsgo@gmail.com

“I tell my students to not be afraid of hard work; it is the only way to get anywhere in life.” Advice Lisa McKee, artistic director of Studio Arts for Dancers, dispenses to her students. Instructors are degreed or have equivalent performance experience. Classes range from preschool ballet to advanced preprofessional pointe, tap and contemporary jazz. MeKee went into business without much thought or vision. “I just did it!” She’s produced more than 30 professional dancers since 1990. Her goal is to provide correct and technical instruction in every genre of dance while also nurturing a passion, respect and love for dance as an art form. “Dance is for everybody,” McKee says. “Our philosophy is to teach it correctly and motivate our students to love dance and the work it entails. Dance is an individual sport taught in a group environment. If you can move, you can dance ... and you should!” McKee is the recipient of the Outstanding Dance Educator Award for 2016 by the Tennessee Association of Dance for teaching and mentoring young dancers in Tennessee. ~Suzanne Neal


YVONNE MURRAY Residential Loan Officer Mortgage Investors group

865-671-8910 ext.292 yvonne.murray@migonline.com

Yvonne Murray is dedicated to East Tennessee and she loves to give and make others happy. Murray is a residential loan officer at Mortgage Investors Group. She’s been a loan officer for more than two decades. “I love to make people happy and I’m dedicated to East Tennessee,” Murray said. “I ‘m the proud mother of a daughter who attends the University of Tennessee and she is my life.” Murray, who graduated from East Tennessee State University, specializes in construction to perm loans and she said she loves to work with first-time home buyers and helping them achieve the dream of owning a house. She is a member of HGAGK and many committees within that organization. She is the youngest of three children and the last living member of her immediate family and calls her brother and sister her “true guardian angels.” She owned her own company, Bon by Yvonne, and gives to various charities. ~Ken Lay


PAULA OSBORN Owner roost


When people ask Paula, “What kind of store is ROOST?” her answer is always, “A good one!” Paula’s vision for ROOST started with the name and it’s definition. ROOST: a verb meaning,” to become comfortably established in ones residence or lifestyle” ... The word just seemed to fit. ROOST represents a clever mix. It’s a home furnishings store with a causal flair brought to life by a distinct designer vibe. “The name serves a dual purpose, not only does it describe the design sensibility of the product offered, but it also defines my need to work in the town that raised me,” shared Paula. The tag line “Come HOME to ROOST,” is exactly what I did ... came home to stay! Paula hopes everyone will come in, try a seat, share a story and help her spread the word, “Come HOME to ROOST!”

865-984-4100 www.roosthome.com

24 Women in Business | May 18, 2017



SANDRA PARSONS Branch Manager First Community Mortgage 865-415-3616 sandra.parsons@ fcmhomeloans.com

Sandra Parsons graduated from the University of Tennessee 20 years ago and went straight into the business world. She’s the branch manager at First Community Mortgage, 855 Ebenezer Road where she’s been for the past 18 months. Parsons also spent five years in the appraisal business and has a real estate license. Helping first-time homebuyers experience the dream of home ownership is the most satisfying aspect of her work. When things don’t work out to get an approval Parsons doesn’t say no. Instead she says “not now” and gives them a plan to get where they need to be to get that approval. Parsons says problem solving is her strongest asset. “My staff jokingly calls me the ‘loan-dini’ because there are few loan issues I cannot solve,” she says. At the end of the day making someone smile and feel valued makes her day, whether it’s a customer or a team member. ~Suzanne Neal



For Louise Povlin, physical fitness is a way of life. In 2012, Povlin and her husband Jay purchased an Anytime Fitness franchise. “I’ve been a runner since I was 18 years old,” Louise said. “I never had a weight problem but I gained about 25 pounds my first year in college, so I took up running and it is a stress reliever for me.” Povlin said that her husband always wanted to own a business and that he looked into several possible ventures. “He knew that he was going to need support from me and that I was going to have to do the heavy lifting,” Louise said. Anytime Fitness seemed a natural fit because the company gives the individual franchise owners the liberty to run their locations based on the needs of the clientele and it also limits memberships based on the facility’s square footage. That helps each individual location know its customers and better meet their needs.

Valerie Privett will celebrate 20 years in business this September. The former women’s basketball coach started Privett Insurance Group because friends, also former coaches, were successful and encouraged her to join the industry. “It’s a people business and I love people, “she said. “We’re a local, professional business participating in our community. We go to work every day to make a difference in lives,” said Valerie who was designated as a Certified Personal Risk Manager in February, one of the first 35 in the nation. As a former teacher, she enjoys educating clients and walking them through the claim process during difficult times For anyone going into business, Valerie advises, “Get a mentor you can confide in. There are many challenges and having someone who knows your experiences is priceless. Believe in yourself. There is no shame in falling down; the fault is not getting up.


LOUISE POVLIN Owner anytime Fitness

865-671-1112 louise.povlin@gmail.com


VALERIE PRIVETT Privett Insurance group

865-862-4858 val@privetteinsurancegroup.com

~Linda Tirban

~Ken Lay

Chee rs



THANK YOU! I am so appreciative to this community for my success. And your continued support is needed to so we can continue to grow and touch lives. My success is because of the grace of God, my family, friends and teams’ support and my community believing in me!

Cheers to many more years to come! Where you are loved when you walk in, and loved when you leave.

607 N. Campbell Station Rd Farragut, TN 37934

865-392-1586 Like our Facebook to find out about these and more events happening @W2W

www.WaterintoWineKnoxville.com | w2wknoxville@gmail.com | eventsw2w@gmail.com

Women in Business | May 18, 2017



MARNICE RICHMOND Manager royal oaks golf Course 865-984-4260 marnicer@hotmail.com

Marnice Richmond was enjoying life with her husband and 2-year-old daughter, and working as a wedding coordinator for the Four Seasons in Maui. She got a call for help she couldn’t turn down. Royal Oaks Golf Course in Maryville was about to close in 2011 and her “hopeless golf addict” father couldn’t let that happen. He took it over and called his daughter for help. “After several months, I realized that I needed to be here in Tennessee permanently, and we moved back home. I have been managing the golf course since then,” she says. In 2015 she bought the clubhouse. “I saw the potential of this beautiful building and the gorgeous weddings that should happen here and have been working to revitalize this events center and the potential of what it could be to this community and town.” Richmond doesn’t favor one event over another. She says at the core of it, it’s all about joy and love and making the experience a win-win for everyone. ~Suzanne Neal


JEANNETTE ROGERS Agent state Farm®

865-693-7541 jeannette.rogersbr3q@ statefarm.com




ELIZABETH SAWINSKI Creative Director nannerdog & associates

In advertising, what you have to say is only as good as your ability to get people to stop and pay attention. Elizabeth Sawinski, creative director of Nannerdog & Associates, not only gets attention, but her strategic approach draws your audience in to get the message behind the marketing. Nannerdog & Associates’ creative strategy has been featured by Zoo Knoxville, Love Kitchen, SouthEast Bank, and Paideia Academy. Clients appreciate relentless attention to detail and desire for results - from single projects to branding and campaigns. Elizabeth collaborates with project managers, web developers, photographers, and creative writers. Nannerdog & Associates is ideal for cost-effective solutions for small businesses or in-house departments in lieu of a full-time employee or agency. Visit nannerdog.com or call 865.661.9452.

865.661.9452 elizabeth@nannerdog.com

26 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

State Farm Agent Jeannette Rogers joined the insurance profession to take care of customers and provide sound guidance in managing the unexpected. “State Farm is a leader in the industry. The customer-agent relationship is so important to State Farm. My family’s culture was always serving others so I knew this was a perfect fit for me,” said Rogers. Rogers has been an agent for 28 years and has been proud to see State Farm’s Agency force evolve over the years and adapt to the changing insurance environment. Rogers continues, “To me, success means creating a business that empowers customers, employees and community in equal measure. I think adding a positive value to people’s lives personally and professionally is the best measure of success.” Located at 9648 Kingston Pike in Franklin Square, Rogers provides insurance services for auto, home, leisure vehicles, renters, life and health. Financial services are also available such as banking, annuities, mutual funds and ~Submitted retirement planning.



CHRISTINE SCHILLECI Owner k town specialty shoppe

865-288-7353 info@ktownspecialty.com

Welcome to my world…won’t you come on in. Not only are these great lyrics to a song but K Town Specialty Shoppe is just that…Christine Schilleci’s world. This shoppe has been a dream of hers since she was back home raising her children in Pittsburgh, PA. After moving to Knox-Vegas 7 ½ years ago Schilleci was given the opportunity to bring her vision to fruition. Schilleci believes in comfort, so at K-Town that is exactly what you will find – quality-casual fashions that allow you to just throw them on and go. You will also find unique jewelry pieces, a selection of luxury soaps and lotions, candles, specialty foods and chocolates. Looking for that unique gift for a wedding or house warming…come by and see what K-Town has to offer. Schilleci’s not only blessed but very thankful as a woman owned business to have this opportunity to meet the women of my community and not only call them customers but to call them….friends. ~Submitted


HEATHER SCOTT Mortgage Loan Specialist tn Bank 865-675-9444 hscott@tnbank.net

As a mortgage loan specialist for TN Bank’s Farragut branch, Heather Scott relishes the opportunity to help make her clients’ dreams come true. “I have a heart to serve and help people and there’s no better feeling than getting people to the closing table and seeing the smiles on their faces when they get their new house,” said Scott, who has been in the business since 2015. Scott, who earned a finance degree from the University of Tennessee, said that she’s always been fascinated with math and numbers and that she was always intrigued by the mortgage business. She noted that one of the biggest challenges in her job is meeting new prospective clients but also added that TN Bank stresses the importance of customer service. The bank prides itself on its “Hometown Banking” Motto. “We take care of our clients like they’re our family,” said Scott, who also deals in construction loans. ~Ken Lay


SHAE SEEBER Owner shae design studio

865-313-2656 shae@shaedesigns.com

Shae Seeber, of Shae Design Studio, is known around Knoxville for her expertise in kitchen and bathroom cabinetry and home design. Just one year after opening the showroom in Lovell Heights Shopping Center, she is expanding the showroom to 4,000 sq ft! Customers will be able to test out new cabinetry vignettes, as well as peruse everything from leather couches to stain resistant upholstered seating; from dozens of end tables to fragrant candles! Most exciting of all are the new bed suites, window treatments, and lighting vendors that Shae and her team of designers hand picked at the premier home furnishing market in High Point, NC. At Shae’s, homeowners and contractors alike can get help with interior design and renovation needs. Armed with innovative 3D design programs, Shae’s team of experienced designers bring designs to life for every client. At Shae’s a house transforms from a set of walls to a home. ~Linda Tirban

Women in Business | May 18, 2017




Jama Shuler has been in the real estate business for nearly three decades and she’s seen several changes and admits that they’re all not for the better. “When I first started, you had a one or twopage contract and now, it’s a road map to try to buy a house,” said Shuler, who began selling real estate in 1987 and currently works for Realty Executive Associates. The business may be ever-changing but the one constant for Shuler is that she is a selfproclaimed people person and she said that she will be a realtor until she retires. “I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’ll probably be doing this until the day I quit,” Shuler said. “I have people who have bought seven, eight or nine houses from me and now, I have people’s kids buying houses from me. “I’m a social butterfly. I can talk to a wall and I love meeting all kinds of different people.”

Shirley Shuler has been in the real estate business for more than three decades. She once owned her own company and she also got her daughter, Jama, involved in the family business. Together, the duo works as a team and Jama said that is an opportunity that they relish. They now work for Realty Executive Associates. Shirley is old school, according to her daughter. “She got me into the real estate business and we work as a team now,” Jama said. “We like to do that. We enjoy working together. “Mom is kind of old school. She likes to be in on every showing. She’s better at that than me. She doesn’t just put lock boxes on homes. She wants to be involved with everything.” Like all realtors and real estate agents, Shirley Shuler enjoys working with people and developing relationships with her clients.


JAMA SHULER Realtor realty executive associates

865-588-3232 jamashuler@comcast.net

~Ken Lay


SHIRLEY SHULER Realtor realty executive associates

865-805-2471 shirley.shuler@comcast.net


JUDY TEASLEY Broker keller williams realty

865-694-5904 www.kw.com

Judy Teasley of Keller Williams Realty recently received entry to The President’s Club of Keller Williams which is based on sales between $12,000,000 to $19,999,999 for 2016. Teasley also received The Client Appreciation Award for 2016. She attended the Keller Williams “Family Reunion” convention in Las Vegas held February 12-16, 2017, which was attended by 18,000 Keller Williams associates from around the world. It was announced at the “Family Reunion” that Keller Williams is the largest real estate company in the world based on agent count. Teasley is a member of the Keller Williams Luxury Home Division which involves residential sales valued at more than $500,000 each. Teasley is also listed in RealTrends.com as one of the Best Real Estate Agents in America for 2016. According to Broker Metrics, she closed over 16.5 million dollars in sales volume in 2016. “I was extremely honored to receive these recognitions,” says Teasley. “I look forward to continuing to serve the Knoxville community at a high level, while growing my real estate business through Keller Williams Realty.” They are located at 5616 Kingston Pike, Suite 201, Knoxville, TN 37919. ~Submitted

28 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

~Ken Lay



LAURA TOOLE Owner Prestigious Properties of knoxville llC 865-315-4027 ltpropertiesllc@gmail.com

Laura Toole with Prestigious Properties of Knoxville LLC has been a locally recognized name over the past 24 years. Her desire for real estate success has been accomplished through her Residential sales and Commercial Sales. Prestigious Properties of Knoxville LLC is a real estate company located in Knoxville, TN. PP was founded by Laura Toole, a Knoxville native. Laura has a reputation of professionalism, loyalty to her clients and overall positive business management. She is currently growing her Knoxville office and has expanded into Nashville. Prestigious Properties of Knoxville LLC is a full service real estate company. If you are looking to lease or buy a home, condo, apartment or commercial space and/or need to sell or lease them, please call or email Laura Toole for a proposal. ~Submitted

KIM TURNER Co-founder tennessee trash service, llC



Kim Turner, co-founder of Tennessee Trash Service, LLC, a Loudon County based company started in 2004 by Turner and her father, is a wife and mother. It started out with one customer and one truck in 2004 as a means of a job for Turner when she suddenly lost her job while expecting her third child. The company has grown to the third biggest waste hauling company in the area. With 45 trucks and 55 employees and over 22,000 customers, the company has skyrocketed since it’s inception. Turner graduated FHS in 1987 and UT in 1990, in accounting. She married Steve Turner, her high school sweetheart and went on to have four children. The company is a family operated business. The operation’s employees are also like family and Turner says she enjoys the camaraderie and happiness that spending all day with her friends makes. Tenneessee Trash Service can be reached at 865-966-0086.

Getting a Jenny Craig franchise wasn’t easy. While Vaccaro had no experience in the field, she did know from personal experience how hard it can be to lose weight. She got the business experience she needed working for a Jenny Craig in Illinois where she and her husband lived at the time. A little experience there sealed the deal and they got their first franchise. Eventually they divorced and she landed in Knoxville and operates the Jenny Craig in the Marketplace Shopping Center on Kingston Pike. “I enjoy the complexities of owning a business – you will never be bored! “I love the ability to truly change people’s lives. I believe in the Jenny model with my whole heart and mind. It’s the most gratifying of feelings and makes every day special. For a woman, this is the best business opportunity in the world. I have never regretted a day since 1990.” She’s also met Jenny in person.


865-966-0086 kim@tntrashservice.com


JO VACCARO Franchise Owner Jenny Craig 865-531-3353 jovaccaro@yahoo.com


KATHRYN VINSON Executive Oncology Specialist Merck Pharmaceuticals 865-300-3442 kdsgh99@aol.com

~Suzanne Neal


Kathryn Vinson takes every opportunity to put on her boxing gloves and take on blood cancers. For her, the battle is personal. Hodgkin’s lymphoma stole her best friend and mother, May, two years ago. She’s taking part in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Woman of the Year campaign, a 10-week-long fundraising challenge that ends tomorrow. Vinson’s goal is to raise lots of money. “If I raise $50,000 I’ll get to name a research grant and of course I’d name it after my mother.” Donations can be made at: http://www. mwoy.org/pages/tn/knox17/kvinson Vinson, who is an Executive Oncology Specialist and has been with Merck Pharmaceuticals for 17 years, says, “We are really getting close to our goal of a world without blood cancers.” Vinson isn’t one to sit still. She’s run 23 half marathons and just finished her first full marathon. She’s president of the Bearden Elementary Parent-Teacher-Student Organization, past president of the Junior League of Knoxville, graduate of Leadership Knoxville Class of 2013, and in 2014 was named to The Business Journal’s “Forty Under 40.” ~Suzanne Neal


CANDACE VIOX Owner water Into wine Bistro & lounge

865-392-1586 w@wknoxville@gmail.com

Wine was enjoyed and shared by Candace Viox and her mother while living in California. “My mother loved to say if Christ’s first miracle was turning water into wine, we could drink it,” she says. When her mother unexpectedly died in 2011, Viox knew she had to continue on with life. With her business, Water Into Wine Bistro & Lounge in the Gallery in Farragut- Shopping Center, she designed a place where she could talk about her mother with friendly faces. She calls it Farragut’s version of the TV show “Cheers.” Viox created a lounge and gathering place with warmth, intimate size and a spirit about it. “Women are known for owning bakeries and tea rooms, but not many bars are owned by women. Men take me seriously now, that’s for sure.” Owning a business may be challenging, but she relies on her faith and good staffing to balance work, family, community and even some time for herself. “Trying to make everyone happy is not possible, but I will continue to give my ~Suzanne Neal best to everyone I meet.”

Women in Business | May 18, 2017



SUSAN WORTHINGTON the southern Market

865-455-5588 susanworthington1968@gmail.com

Founded over 20 years ago by mother and daughter, Frances Sexton and Susan Worthington, The Southern Market provides a truly unique shopping experience. The Southern Market offers an interiors marketplace of over 40 shops under one roof including a gallery of 50 local Etsy artists. The store provides an ever-changing variety of stylish accessories, home décor, gifts, fashion and art. “The Southern Market has transitioned into a new generation of leadership with my mother retiring and now my daughter, Callie Worthington, helping in the store. We continue to encourage the store’s central vision of supporting local small-business owners,” said Susan Worthington. Southern Market embraces their distinct ability to give entrepreneurs, especially women, a chance to be self-employed while also pursuing other careers or responsibilities. “We give women the opportunity to own their own business and to have a brick and mortar shop without the typical responsibilities of business ownership. If you have a vision for retailing, we have a place for you,” remarked Worthington. ~Submitted

30 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

tIPs For JugglIng work & Family

Balancing work and family is a juggling act faced by many working parents. Responsibilities to work and family often overlap, and that can make solving the riddle of balancing work and family that much more difficult. Single-income households have decreased dramatically over the last several decades, as escalating costs of living have made it difficult for many families to get by on just one income. But working parents can employ several strategies, both at the office and at home, as they attempt to make the job of juggling commitments to work and family a little less difficult. Around the office: A major concern many parents have as they attempt to balance work and family is that they are not spending enough time at home with their children or not paying enough attention to their kids or even their spouses when they are home. One way to find more time at home is to inquire about the possibility of working remotely. Advancements in technology that have made it easier to remotely communicate with clients and coworkers has led to an influx of work-from-home employees. While working from home does not mean workloads will diminish, it does save men and women the time they would spend commuting to and from work, and that translates to more time at home with the family. If working remotely full-time is not a possibility, men and women can ask if it’s possible to do so one or two days a week, as such a schedule will still provide more time at home. Another avenue men and women can explore as they attempt to achieve a better balance between work and family concerns how efficiently they do their jobs. Chatting with coworkers about issues that do not pertain to work can be a great way to reduce work-related stress, but professionals who feel as if they never have enough time to get their jobs done in a typical work day should determine if they are working as efficiently as possible. Avoid too much water cooler chitchat and resist the temptation to check personal emails or text messages while at work. Such distractions can eat up a considerable amount of time over the course of a workday, making it harder for men and women to get their jobs done in a typical workday and forcing them to stay late or bring work home. Men and women working to achieve a greater balance between work and family also can examine how willing they are to take on additional work. While coworkers love a team player willing to pitch in, routinely accepting extra work can drastically cut into the time men and women have to do their own jobs as well as the time they have to spend with their families. Helping coworkers out in a pinch is fine, but men and women should resist any urges to take on more than they can reasonably handle. At home: Men and women also can take steps at home to create a better balance between work and family. Working parents who want the time they have with their children each night to be more substantive can turn off their devices upon arriving home from work. Devices such as smartphones and tablets keep working professionals attached to their offices, and many men and women are tempted to check work emails or answer phone calls and voicemails even when they have left the office for the day. Parents should resist that temptation so their families know their focus is on them and not back at the office. Another way to create a greater balance between work and family life is to make more efficient use of time at home. For example, rather than spending an hour each night making dinner, working parents can use a slow cooker so family meals are ready the moment everyone arrives home at night. That frees up time the family can spend together and gives working parents one less thing to do when they arrive home. Working parents looking to get more quality time with their families also can cut back on the time families spend watching television each night. Limit television time to an hour or two each night, using the extra time to connect with one another. Many working parents strive to create a greater balance between work and family. While doing so is not always easy, men and women can employ strategies at work and at home to make the challenge a little less complicated.

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Women in Business | May 18, 2017




3208 LOBETTI RD, Jubilee Farms, Idyllic setting. 2213 LYONS BEND Paul Smiddy custom blt brick home Personal home with 10 bdrms in one wing, additional + guest house & gunite pool w/spa nestled on 2.52 5 bdrms , & 2 bdrm apartment. 11 full & 4 half baths wooded acres. 4BR, 3 full BA, 2 half BA w/master on on approx 55 acres. Potentially a retreat, assisted livmain. Designed by architect Jim Norton w/gracious living, therapeutic facility, church, or school. Zoned agriing space & understated elegance. 2 story entry cultural. Handicap accessible w/commercial fire sprinw/Italian marble foyer & halls. Kitchen w/island bar kler system throughout and drains in all baths. Elevator w/granite cntr top, vegetable sink, gas range, Sub Zero to lower & upper levels. Custom designed, vaulted refrigerator, eat in area. Walk in pantry. Guest BA great room, massive stone fireplace & floor to ceiling w/pedestal sink. Formal DR w/Shonbeck crystal chanwindows. Sunroom, 2 commercial kitchens. Dining delier & trey ceiling. Office on main w/bltins. Family Room w00opens to Family Room. Master bedroom on room w/wall of windows, FP w/marble surround. Huge main w/adjoining study. Master bath with 2 entrances. main level master with huge windows overlooking pool Three adjoining parcels are a potential option for buyer including 10.5 acres for $315,000, Ball Road property of & spa. Walk-in closets. MBA has whirlpool, tile shower, dbl sinks. Upper level BRs w/2 full BAs & 3rd BR 9.86 acres for $295,800, plus adjoining house and 1 acre for $400,000. $6,900,000 (962397) w/access to BA from BR & hall. $1,200,000 (997169)



317 BATTLE FRONT TRL, 4BR/2.5BA. - $33,000 in 1317 TURNING LEAF LANE, One story with Bonus upgrades since Jan 2017 (NEVER USED). Floors refinished Room and Bathroom, Two car garage, 3 ? baths, 3 bedand stained w/semigloss clear. Painted entire downstairs. rooms, Pella Windows, All Painted Brick construction, All new kitchen cabinets w/easy close. New light fixture. Hardwood on main in Foyer, Great Room, Dining Installed new dishwasher and refrigerator, 2 year old oven. Room, Kitchen, Keeping Room, Hallways, Hardwood Huge island. Granite counter tops. Rebuilt bathroom upper hallway, Hardwood Steps with wrought iron upstairs. Removed wall between kitchen & family room. All balusters, Ceramic Tile Flooring in Master Bath, Bath 2, soffit and facia boards replaced, 5'' gutters 2015. Bonus Bath, Laundry. Two gas fireplaces – Great Room Traditional brick, 4BR/2.5BA plus bonus room. Formal dinand Keeping Room, Great Room built-ins, Great Room ing room w/chair rail & double tray ceiling. Utility sink in 12’x8’ Pella sliding door to screen porch. Great Room laundry. Huge brick fireplace in family room. Master bath coffered ceiling, Grand Entry. Master Bedroom with situpdated 2013 w/ceramic tile shower, granite counter top, ting area, His and Hers WIC, Master Bathroom ceramic tile shower, Granite Bathroom Tops. Bath 2 and Bonus whirlpool w/remote lights and music. Vaulted screened porch w/2 ceiling fans overlooking private level fenced (2015) Bath have cast iron tubs with tile walls. $549,900 (993847) and 2 level deck w/mature trees$459,900 (1001367)




639 WATERSHAW DRIVE, 3BR/4BA, One owner custom 12853 CABOT RIDGE LN, 5BR/4.5BA. 2 sty + walk-out home on a point of the Tennessee River /Fort Loudon bsmt. 3-car garage + lower level huge walk-in crawl Lake, 2.41 acres with approximately 250 feet of lake space w/single garage door. Hdwds on main. Custom frontage on the main channel with year round water. kitchen cabinets w/granite ctr tps, island bar, subzero Gated Community. Real stucco, 4 bedroom, 4 bath, 3 car refrigerator. Eat-in kitchen. Vaulted GR w/stacked main level garage with central vacuum outlet. stone FP. Balcony overlooking GR w/wrought iron Unobstructed view up and down the lake. Designed to balusters. Huge MBR on main w/great MBA take advantage of lake views from every room. Very open whirlpool, sep shower, & dual sinks. Office or formal and light. 10' and 11' ceilings on main. Hardwood in LR on main. Gorgeous view of Cumberland mtns off great room, kitchen, dining room, master bedroom. 11' both screened porches. Lower level is ideal for sep livtiled foyer with custom oak stairway leading to lower ing - large BR w/full BA. Great blt-in bar, high ceilings. level. Ideal kitchen with huge island including central vacExercise room up. Northshore Elem, Farragut Middle and High Schools. Surround sound in master and deck, uum dust bin with granite counter tops through out. Keystone cabinets, stainless steel appliances, convection/radilower level wired for surround sound. $619,000 (991437) ant microwave oven (serves as second oven), convection oven with warming drawer. $849,000 (939303)



127 CONKINNON, 3BR/3.5BA. 4.82 acres, custom 112 CREEKWOOD COURT, 4BR/3.5BA. Fabulous Culbuilt one owner home nestled in the woods w/two De-Sac lot w/mature trees & winter lake view. 1.09 rainwater ponds. Total privacy and yet in an upscale acres. 4BR/3FBA,1HBA & enclosed tiled sunroom. 2architecturally restricted lakefront community. No car garage main level w/addl space for lawn equipexpense spared. 9' ceilings on main. Slate entry ment. Master BR main level. Ideal lower level w/sepaw/huge window overlooking a beautiful yard. rate living area. Cherry hdwd floors in kitchen, office, Gorgeous views from all windows of a private wonGR, Foyer. Hdwd stairs w/wrought iron Balusters. derland "treehouse in the woods". Purified water in the Corner stacked stone FP. Open plan, rock columns in kitchen, huge pantry, propane for gas FP & Wolf gas GR. Kitchen eat-in area. Lower level family room range. Granite counter tops, island bar, refrigerator. w/wet bar. Large deck overlooking backyard. $4600 Kitchen open to GR w/massive slate FP w/ gas logs. under deck system for covered lower level outdoor Large MBR on main w/2 unique master baths w/adjoining shower having dual access and his/her Closets. Over space. Peachtree windows, crown molding, 3 heat pumps. Built-in wine cooler. Roof, gutters, garage doors, $30,000 spent on concrete driveway. Central vac, screenless screens, security system, extremely well insulat- exterior lights replaced 2011. Ave Util $175/month. Natural gas available in S/D. Lakefront community. ed (average utilities $175/month). $599,900 (968302) Architecturally restricted. Convenient to Farragut, Turkey Creek. $565,000 (971799)

Judy Teasley Office: 865-694-5904 www.judyteasley.com judy@judyteasley.com 5616 Kingston Pike, Suite 201, Knoxville, TN 32 Women in Business | May 18, 2017

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