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Continental Properties to go ‘back to the drawing board’ ■ TAMMY CHEEK


Continental Properties Companies Inc., also known as Continental 333 Fund, has withdrawn its request to rezone 19.66 acres just north of Kingston Pike at Peterson Road for The Springs at Farragut, an upscale apartment development. “We are going take that item off the agenda,” Mayor Ralph McGill said during Farragut’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting Thursday, June 25. “There won’t be any action taken

but representatives of Continental, at that time, would like to make a statement.” Town administrator David Smoak said Continental Properties’ withdrawal of the application means the firm would have to come back and go through the whole process again. Smoak’s announcement elicited applause from residents. Despite the announcement, Smith Road and other area residents asked to speak on the proposed rezoning Baldwin Park subdivision resident Michael Wilson said resi-

dents did not have an issue with the developer. “It’s a nice project, but there are inconsistencies with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan,” Wilson said. Mul Wyman, a resident of Wyndham Hall subdivision off Grigsby Chapel Road, said he thought the development should be built in the Mixed-Use Town Center District, and other residents agreed. While residents were given the opportunity to speak, they objected to the firm’s having an opportunity to give public expla-

nation for its withdraw. “I object to Continental Properties making any kind of statement,” resident John Nehls said. “There’s no longer an item before the Board, and for them to make a statement, not as a resident, I think would deprive the citizens of what I believe is following the procedure or the protocol.” Along that line, the crowd interjected, saying Continental Properties representatives were not residents. Town attorney Tom Hale spoke over them, saying, “The chair-

man is entitled to manage the agenda. Let’s be fair about this. “Everyone who comes in here has rights, not just one group,” he said. “When we start denying rights, we run the risk of being sued.” Still, residents such as Martin Ritter of Fox Den subdivision objected. “It’s not an issue on the agenda,” Ritter said. “You weren’t on the agenda either,” McGill said. “Don’t you guys want to find See ZONE on Page 5A

Village Green residents Cottrell to head Cedar battle over pool assessment Bluff Elementary School ■

Kristi Hulsey, Village Green Homeowners Association president, and Rob Eddins, HOA vice president, in front of the pool and tennis court, 218 West Heritage Drive, they are looking to replace with a $1.05 million proposed renovation.

Special to farragutpress

The fate of a proposed $1.05 million pool, tennis courts, sports court and parking lot renovation for Village Green subdivision, 218 West Heritage Drive, will be decided Saturday, July 12. That’s the date where residents representing Village Green’s 462 households will gather in the subdivision clubhouse and vote whether or not to accept the plan, which would include a $400 annual spike in homeowners dues over eight years (currently $295 yearly) or a one-time “special assessment” fee of $3,000 per household for one year. Proxy ballots for those unable to attend the July 12 meeting in Village Green clubhouse, 218 West Heritage Drive, recently were distributed to each home, Village Green HOA president Kristi Hulsey said. A 60-percent quorum at the meeting, and at least a two-third vote of approval from household representatives is needed to make the project a reality,

Hulsey added. Breaking down the numbers of those outspoken in favor versus those outspoken against as of mid-June, “It’s about 180 verbal yes’s and about four dozen verbal no’s,” Rob Eddins, Village Green HOA vice president, said. The biggest negative they hear is, “’I don’t use the pool so why should I pay for it?’” Eddins said. “… Most of the disapproval and negative comments and attitudes about it are pretty basic pocket book.” The new “L-shaped” pool’s main swimming area “would be 25 yards long and about 50 feet in width” plus “a shallow end in the short arm of the ‘L,’” Eddins said, adding the current West Heritage Drive pool “is about a third of that size.” Though saying the new pool is not being built just to satisfy the swim team, the Village Green Gators, with “north of 100” subdivision youth ages 6 to 18, Eddins added, “It is a factor.” With only five lanes for Gators competitions at the Monticello pool, “It is the smallest and shallowest pool for competitive,

neighborhood swimming in Knoxville,” Eddins said, adding the new pool would have “eight lanes.” The West Heritage and Monticello pools were “built more than 40 years ago” according to Eddins, with both on the verge of needing extensive repair. “It’s difficult to maintain and operate. They’re money pits.” The $1.05 million estimate is based on “a local landscape architect who has significant experience with projects like this,” Eddins said. Also included in the renovation are “two bathrooms” plus a bare structure for a future “snack bar” without making it operational immediately based on current limited funds, Eddins said. One subdivision resident on record opposing the project, Bill Shunk, said he’s lived in Village Green “since 1977.” Village Green resident pool usage is inflated, Shunk said, because “there’s probably a halfSee POOL on Page 2A

Special to farragutpress

When Keith Cottrell refers to Farragut Primary School as his administrative “boot camp” for learning about how a kindergarten through second-grade school operates, it’s anything but a harsh reference. “Farragut Primary was a fantastic area to Cottrell grow for me,” Cottrell, FPS assistant principal for three school years, said after being appointed new principal at Cedar Bluff Elementary School Tuesday, June 2. “The school was great, the community was wonderful. “First off all, I have to say that the principal, Gina Byrd, was a wonderful friend to me, a wonderful mentor to me,”

Alan Sloan



Cottrell added. “She’s a great school leader as the community knows. “And she was just fantastic for letting me have opportunities at the school to lead different instructional initiatives. To certainly interact with the kids, interact with the parents.” Though an elementary school teacher for 13 years “prior to going into the Leadership Academy” to train as an administrator, “All my teaching experience was with intermediate-aged students,” Cottrell said. “So actually working in a primary school for three years was like primary school boot camp for me. It gave me a great opportunity to learn more about the curriculum and the types of teachers that gravitate towards those grades and the students. “So it was a great training ground in that regard.” Cottrell’s administrative See COTTRELL on Page 2A

New concert series slated for Founders Park at Campbell Station

KEN LAY Correspondent

Shandy Dixon and Amy Boling recently took a labor of love and the duo soon hopes to reap the fruits of that labor. “My friend Amy Boling and I wanted to do something for the town of Farragut,” Dixon said. “We love music. Our kids play music and I’m the daughter of a musician.” Dixon and Boling set out on a mission that resulted in The Lawn Chair Concert Series, which will debut on July 30 at Founders Park at Campbell Station. The concerts will be on Thursday night from 6 to 9 p.m.,

July 30 and Aug. 27. “This is for the town of Farragut and this is for fun,” Dixon said. “We wanted to do something simple without all of the money and politics involved. “This all started when they had an open-mic night at Farragut High School and they had kids who couldn’t get in to the auditorium,” Dixon said. “Amy and I knew that these kids just want to listen to music. You know that if the kids wanted to listen to music, then their parents probably want to listen too. “This is grass roots and anytime you want to do anything, you have to go downtown. We See CONCERT on Page 2A



Rendering of Village Green swimming pool master plan

Pool From page 1A

dozen subdivisions that use that pool because they don’t have one in their own place.” If the new pool becomes a reality, “How is it going to be maintained? … Who is going to foot the [bill] for maintenance on this?” Shunk said, adding he also fears unbudgeted cost

Cottrell From page 1A

experience actually began at CBES “in the Leadership Academy during the 2011-12 school year” before coming to FPS. “Cedar Bluff was my internship place” under then principal Susan Davis, he said. About his new job, “It’s a huge honor. It’s been a great ride so far. I’m very, very excited,” Cottrell said. “It was Tuesday [June 2] when I got the call from Dr. [Jim] McIntyre [Jr.],” Knox County Schools superintendent who appointed Cottrell to CBES. Going to The University of Tennessee with the goal of becoming a teacher after graduating from Knoxville Central High School in 1987, Cottrell points to a key moment early in his KCS teaching experience

increases in the building process. “I would say by the time they got done, you would probably be looking at $2 million,” Shunk added. Eddins said the issue of building a new pool “has been bubbling up for a couple of years now. … The idea of replacing one of our old pools was first broached in 2011.”

that encouraged him to become an administrator. “My second year as a teacher and I was working at A.L. Lotts Elementary and my principal there, his name was Fred Nidiffer, very early on in my teaching career encouraged me to consider administration,” Cottrell said. “He saw a skill set in me that he thought would be a good fit for that. “I thought about it, but I wanted to wait until it just felt right,” Cottrell added. “… When Knox County started the Leadership Academy that was kind of the catalyst for me because I thought that program would be a great bridge between the classroom and administration. “And it was.” Cottrell’s CBES duties officially begin July 1.

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• On June 24 at around 8:10 p.m., Knox County Sheriff’s Office responded to Kohl’s department store, 11530 Kingston Pike in Farragut, for a theft by shoplifting. Complainant/witness/loss prevention reported that she observed the suspect, a 39-year-old white female, take merchandise into a fitting room and then not bring it out with her. The fitting rooms were checked and the merchandise was not there. Suspect attempted to exit the store without making any attempt to pay for the merchandise. Complainant stopped the suspect and discovered that the suspect was wearing the merchandise under her clothing. Merchandise was recovered but cannot be resold due to suspect wearing the merchandise. The merchandise total was $127.03, which is a Class A Misdemeanor. Suspect was arrested. There is Kohl’s securi-

ty video of the incident. • On June 24, a City Bank complainant called and reported suspicious activity on her credit card. Complainant then realized several items including her credit card were missing from her billfold. She had last seen the items before leaving her car at the Gold’s Gym parking lot near Farragut at 7 p.m., June 24. Victim’s car was locked but no damage appears to have been done. Complainant advised she has canceled her debit and credit cards and was missing $110 in currency. • On June 27 at around 8:24 p.m., KCSO responded to JCPenney, 11534 Parkside Drive in Farragut, for a theft by shoplifting. Complainant reported that the suspect, a 24-year-old white male, had just put on a pair of shoes from the shelf and ran out of the store while not making any attempt to pay for the mer-

chandise. Suspect was also with another suspect, a 22-year-old white female, who had attempted to do a return and then possibly taken some unknown merchandise by concealing it in her purse. Suspect fled from the store and ran down the street. KCSO was unable to locate the suspects. Merchandise total was $79.99 making it a Class A Misdemeanor. There is JCPenney security video of the incident. • On June 26 around 10:16 a.m., a complainant advised his Wells Fargo credit account was compromised by the suspect during the listed dates. The account had been paid off by the complainant but was charged for a total of $2,093.46 by the suspect. It is unknown how the suspect obtained the information necessary to gain access to the account.


about all of this.” The concerts will be family friendly according to Dixon. “Everybody should just come out and bring a picnic basket or their lawn chair and have fun,” she said. Dixon also noted that the event organizers are in negotiations to obtain food trucks. The Lawn Chair Concert

Series opens July 30 with Roger Alan Wade and Kelsey Woods. Wade, a country-rock singersongwriter, is Dixon’s father. Kelsey’s Woods is an Americana/Roots band. The group, originally from Chattanooga, now calls Knoxville home. Kelsey’s Woods is a regular on Knoxville’s club scene.

From page 1A

wanted to do this, so the community can walk over and hear some music and so people can hear music and stay close to home. We’re doing this with a small budget. This is for the community of Farragut and we need the community to be there.” Dixon recently took her quest to the town of Farragut and said she was surprised that the Town embraced her idea. “We called the town of Farragut and I expected to get shut down or ‘a maybe next year,’” she said but I’d like to thank Sue Stuhl with Parks and Recreation for all of her help. The town of Farragut agreed to let us use the park and they agreed to provide us with electricity. We’re just so excited


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In 2014, the town of Farragut partnered with North Star Destination Strategies, a national leader in its industry, to help us develop a new community brand. North Star’s process, applied in more than 200 communities nationwide, involves extensive research, targeted strategies, distinctive creative and action ideas for bringing a brand to Dot life. LaMarche North Star underFarragut stands that Vice Mayor communities that initiate branding efforts with thoughtful research and then proceed from a distinct strategic position are the most successful. More than 15 pieces of quantitative and qualitative research — including perception studies, demographic profiling and a competitive analysis — were conducted to understand Farragut from a community, consumer and competitive perspective. Throughout the research phase, we heard that Farragut is an amazing place to live thanks to great schools, engaged parents, and a safe community that is well cared for and welcoming. The Town also is a major shopping destination for those in the greater Knoxville area and is in a prime location offering residents an easy commute. Finally, we heard that Farragut offers an exceptional quality of life that includes beautiful parks and

Farragut, Tennessee


greenways and a thriving business community. A creative committee — made up of Town staff, elected officials, business owners and community leaders — selected “Live Closer • Go Further” for our strapline. Farragut is close to so much that matters to residents and visitors: The University of Tennessee, Interstate 40/75, great shopping and dining, toprated Knox County Schools, a multitude of housing options, greenways and parks, and more. Because of this literal and figurative closeness to everything that matters, our residents, businesses and visitors can “Go Further” in life. The second half of the strapline is an open-ended invitation to go further in school, in business and in life. We hope you will find Farragut’s new logo to be progressive, youthful, friendly and memorable. The logo comes to life in color with a blue and bright green — a reference to our well-manicured landscapes, proximity to the Tennessee River, and parks and greenways. The blue maintains a similarity to the Farragut blue our residents are used to seeing while also adding the fresh modern green. Over the next weeks and months, you will begin seeing this new brand integrated around Farragut in a variety of areas including Town entrance and park signs, decals on Town vehicles and the Town’s website. We hope you will embrace the meaning behind our brand and continue to celebrate what makes Farragut special to our East Tennessee region. The town of Farragut: Live Closer • Go Further.

Join the discussions in presstalk 671-TALK (8255) presstalk@farragutpress.com

We had some exciting news this month when we announced that Tennessee students made significant gains in the 2015 Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) scores. We saw gains in all high school subjects and in the majority of subjects in grades 3-8. The scores show strong growth for the third consecutive year. In fact, we have seen dramatic gains in key areas since we came into office in 2011. We have 131,000 more students performing on grade level in math than in 2011. We also have nearly 60,000 more students performing at grade level in science since that time. We have seen particularly significant increases in Algebra II. In 2011, less than one-third of students in Algebra II were performing at grade level. This year, more than 54 percent of our students performed at or above grade level in that subject. We also saw advances in scores among black, Hispanic, Native American and economically disadvantaged students, with every one of those groups making gains in all high school subjects. Black, Hispanic and Native American students also made gains in math and reading in grades 3-8, narrowing achievement gaps with peers. While high school students and seventh- and eighth-grade students made gains in literacy, the state average in literacy declined in grades 3-6. This shows we need to push harder

than ever to ensure our students hit the mark in reading in the early grades. It is reassuring to know we are making broad gains in education, but we want to bolster that trend every way we can. That is why we see great promise in establishing the Governor’s Teacher Cabinet. We’ve had a number of conversations with teachers in a variety of settings, and this is another way to receive direct feedback from teachers who are in front of a class every day. As Tennessee continues to build on the success we’ve seen in our schools over the past four years, we want to hear from teachers about what is working and what needs improvement. The cabinet will meet quarterly with Education Commissioner Candice McQueen and me to share timely information from the classroom, advise us on policy considerations and provide a direct line of communication to schools and communities. We asked directors of schools to nominate one teacher from each of their districts, and 18 classroom teachers were selected based on the following criteria: focused on student achievement, encourages collaboration among colleagues, demonstrates leadership, solutions-oriented and relentlessly pursues excellence. They are: Elisabeth McArthur Bellah, Maryville City Schools; Melissa Bennett, Blount County Schools; Marsha Buck, Kingsport City Schools; Nick Darnell, Hamblen County

presstalk • It is my understanding from those opposed that they are appalled that anyone would vote yes to the rezoning since they have spoken so loudly and since the mayor voted yes they want to recall him from office. Yet Fox Run, Saddle Ridge and Concord Hills are absent from the meeting. Fox Run’s board stated they are in support and ambivalent of the project. The more I learn, I discover they are not speaking for the majority of our citizens. • I’m a Village Green resident and I kinda of wondered about the special assessment of $3,200, so a friend of mine asked her

Schools; Rebecca Few, Murfreesboro City Schools; Cathy Ginel, Oak Ridge City Schools; Anita Underwood Gray, Lebanon Special School District; Annette C. Johnson, Franklin County Schools; Abbey Kidwell, Clinton City School District; Wanda N. Lacy, Knox County Schools; Jessica Lindsay, Achievement School District; Schwann Logan, Bartlett Municipal School District; Lance Morgan, Union City Schools; Jessica Murray, Dyer County Schools; Kyle Prince, Rutherford County Schools; Angie Tisdale, Franklin Special School District; Karen Vogelsang, Shelby County Schools and Catherine Whitehead, Chester County School System These teachers come from all over the state, from cities, suburbs and rural areas, and they have varying years of experience teaching first through 12th grades. They have a lot on their plates, so I really appreciate their willingness to serve the state in this way. Our first meeting is planned for July. We know that nothing is more important for us than getting education right. We are asking Tennessee students and teachers to do more than they ever have before, and the results continue to show growth. We are always looking for where we can improve. It is all part of our effort to help every Tennessee student graduate from high school, obtain a postsecondary degree and be successful in the workforce.

671-TALK attorney and was told that aside from making your home much harder to sell that you as you pay the $3,200 special assessment in installments of $400 a year, so that if you try to sell your home before the eight years that you will have to pay off the remaining balance before you can sell that home. She explained, if I understand her right, that it was a debt of the owner of record the year the special assessment was placed. So, for example, if you pay $400 this year and next year put your home on the market, you will have to pay the remaining $2,800 at one time before you

sell the home. Surprise, surprise, nobody tells us this stuff. For Pete’s sake, please vote no. • I’m calling about the Village Green $1 million-plus special assessment on that big pool and that whole area that’s being pushed by just a few of the Village Green residents, mostly the swim team households who believe that the rest of us in the subdivision should foot the bill for their pool. I have to tell you that I’m retired. I live on a fixed income. I try to keep my house nice, but I can’t afford any of this See PRESSTALK on Page 5A

Dan Barile,

Elaine Grove,

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Zone From page 1A

out what Continental wants to tell us?” LaMarche said. “No,” a number of residents replied. “Well, I guess you all can leave,” Markli said. “I sure would like to hear what they have to say. I think if someone wants to invest $37 million in the Town, and they’ve driven all the way down here, I sure would hear

Presstalk From page 4A

extravagance. I heard too, someone told me, that when we’re done paying for this pool in eight years they’re going to slap another assessment on us for the other pool. That’s ridiculous. We need something done. • I’m a resident of Village Green and I would like to complain about the person who writes Presstalk. This person is very, very biased and is not printing both sides of the story. Village Green’s swimming pool was built before July 1966, when Village Green opened. It was built by Marvin Ellison. This pool will be 50 years old in the spring and it needs to be replaced or it will not be able to be used anymore. As for people writing in to complain that there were secret meetings, there were signs all over the place in Village Green about these meetings and they were not secret meetings because I was at them. Those people do not read their mail, they do not read flyers. I cannot believe that there are so many people in Village Green that don’t know what’s going on because they don’t bother to read. … There are people in Village Green that do not want to pay money for anything, but there are almost 200 of us who signed a straw poll ballot that said we wanted this done. Just because the other

what they have to say.” “I want to know what they want to do and what they are going to do,” LaMarche said. “I think we need to hear what [Continental] is going to tell us. Guys, be kind.” Board members voted unanimously to allow Johnson to speak. Continental Properties’ developers opted to withdraw its rezoning application its site plan and come back with another one, Sara Johnson, Continental

Properties development director, said. “We’ve been looking at this market for over a year now, and we found a site that we feel fits very well within the context of the Comprehensive Land Use map,” Johnson said but added after hearing from members of the planning commission, the Board and staff, there was a concern about density. “So rather than proceeding forward with our plans, we

people who never bother to read anything are finally reading something, because they have to vote, and we want everybody to vote. There are over 400 homes here in Village Green. Anyway, I expect to see something in the Presstalk about the other side of the story and not just these few people who are complaining that it is too much money because the swimming pool, tennis courts, the club house were all built by the developer, Marvin Ellison, in 1966. You cannot let anything go that long without replacing it or repairing it and it is beyond repair. Editor’s Note: Presstalk is not written. It is compiled from material that is called in or emailed to our Presstalk telephone number (671-TALK) or email address (presstalk@farragutpress.com) without bias. We enjoy having both sides of an issue presented. However, until we received this call in, there have been no communications from Village Green residents in

support of this project. We cannot print “the other side” if no one presents it. • Has anyone noticed all the “burn out” tire marks all over the streets in Farragut. They can be seen on West End Boulevard, South Campbell Station Road, McFee Road, Kingston Pike and Boyd Station Road. How can people do drag racing and burn their tires without some police seeing or hearing it? Something needs to be done to make our streets safe. • I’m a resident of Kings Gate and I take offense at all the talk about people making below $40,000 a year not being worthy to live in Farragut that was made during the [Farragut Municipal] Planning Commission meeting [June 18]. Our subdivision was here long before both Baldwin Park and Waverly Court and Grigsby Chapel Road was nothing more than a two-lane alley, so what makes you think we want to live next to you?

decided to go back to the drawing board,” she said. Johnson said the firm has decided to take another look at

the density and site plan layout, work with the property owner on those items and come back with another application.

Farragut grad, family perish in plane crash A plane carrying a 2015 Farragut High School graduate along with her mother and father crashed into the roof of a Massachucetts home killing all on Nicole board Sunday, June 28. Nicole Kalister, her mother,

Betty, and father, Dr. Joseph Rick Kalister, all residents of Rockwell Farm subdivision, were aboard the flight, which was bound for Boston on a college visit to Northeastern University. Dr. Kalister was emergency room director at Starr Regional Medical Center, his wife, Betty, was a frequent yoga instructor at Farragut Town Hall. A grief counseling was held at FHS from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday. The NTSB is investigating the crash.

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Rotary Club of Farragut

International Food Gala Rotary Club of Farragut hosted its first International Food Gala as its signature fundraising event. The gala, which took place Saturday, April 18, at The University of Tennessee Visitors Center off Neyland Drive, Knoxville, featured foods from France, Spain, the Middle East and Italy. Event co-chairmen said they were pleased with the turnout.

Cindy Renfro

Julia Rudenko

Sam and Linda Taylor

From left, John Germ, Judy Germ, Jerry and Linda Wear

James McDaniel

➤ Darla Berdal, left, and Kari Berdal

From left, Keith Bryson and Wes Cate

Photos by Tammy Cheek

Justin Hackworth

Dale Reed

➤ From left, Jerry Wear and John Germ



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business briefs • Johnathan Sitzlar has been named director of the Facilities, Information and Reservation Management Division of U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge’s assistant manager for administration office. Sitzlar will direct a staff of 24 fedSitzlar eral employees in the FIRMD and be responsible for development and execution of a variety of programs, including reservation management, infrastructure and facility management. • Wendy Schopp of the financial services firm, Edward Jones, 12744 Kingston Pike, Farragut, has won the firm’s exclusive Spirit Schopp of Caring Award. The award is designed to recognize financial advisors who exemplify values, culture and spirit of giving. • Laura Mollenhour and Betsy Herzog of the financial services firm, Edward Jones, have won the firm’s Ted Jones Prospecting Award for achieving Mollenhour high levels of success early in their careers. They were two of 923 of the firm’s more than 13,500 financial advisors to receive the award. • Connie S. Herzog Wagner, director of radiology for Parkwest Medical Center, has been appointed by Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence Board of Directors to its 2015 Board of Examiners. Each year, TNCPE Award Program recognizes local, regional and statewide organizations demonstrating excellence in business operaWagner tions and results. Parkwest has twice been recipient of the TNCPE Award. • Clarence Brown Theatre at the University of Tennessee has received operating support funding from Shubert Foundation, which is connected to operators of several Broadway theaters for the second year in a row. This year’s grant was for $15,000. • East Tennessee Foundation has awarded $125,000 in Art Fund grants supporting the arts in East Tennessee to 20 recipients, which are Knox County Public Library, Appalachian Arts Craft Center, Carpetbag Theater, Circle Modern Dance, city of Luttrell, Cumberland Communities Communication Corp/ WDVX, East Tennessee Historical Society, Etowah Arts Commission, Fort Sanders Foundation for Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center, Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center, Greene County Heritage Trust, Historic Rugby, Historic Tennessee Theatre Foundation, International Storytelling Center, Joy of Music School, Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville Opera, Rural Resources, Union County Arts Council and the University of Tennessee/ Clarence brown Theatre.

Sir Goony’s gets a facelift ■

TAMMY CHEEK tcheek@farragutpress.com

For Sir Goony’s Family Fun Center co-owner Johnnie Stringfield remodeling work is never done. “This past year, we have done a lot of things that needed to be done,” Stringfield said about his most recent and biggest remodeling project that started in March. “We’re constantly upgrading stuff. We still have more to do.” The 7.98-acre family-run center at 10925 Kingston Pike, Farragut, has undergone a major remodeling of its concrete and rebar animals, putting surfaces and 12 holes, as well as adding all new water slides and Hilton Head hand-dipped ice cream on its menu. Still, Stringfield said he expects to look at making more changes in the fall. “As soon as we get it all done, we start (remodeling) all over again,” he said. “Once we get to the end of the season, we’ll look at what we want to do in the spring.” Upgrades are made as the Stringfields save enough for the work, he said, adding, “We’ve been blessed in our business.” Customers will note some changes to the animals. For example, the dinosaur was changed from purple to orange and it is slamming a caveman. Another change includes the addition of a princess in the castle. “We had a 4-year-old little girl who named her Princess Rose,” he said. Stringfield and his daughter, Shelby, and 14-year-old family friend, Lydia Cage, were involved in the remodels. “My daughter, Shelby, picked out the color of the castle,” he said. “I kind of like it.” His daughter, Sydney, is involved with the business as well, helping with the bookkeeping, Stringfield added. While Stringfield and wife, Sheila, bought the business April 7, 1997, Sir Goony’s was built in the late 1980s, he said. “This place has a lot of histo-

ry,” he added. When the Stringfields bought the business, it included two miniature golf courses, one of which was a championship course and two gokart tracks. Since then, they have added on to the golf courses and added paintball in 1999 and a radio-controlled car racing speedway track three and a half years ago. “We have 36 holes of golf,” he said, adding the center has two 18-hole golf courses, the more laid-back course with the animals and a championship course. “What I like most is the family environment,” he said. “I think the best thing I like about this [business] is there is nothing better than kids’ laughter.” Sir Gooney’s draws families from all over the area, from Farragut to Bearden, Hardin Valley and even Karns and Knoxville. “We get a lot of camp and school groups in the summer,” he said. Sir Gooney’s Family Fun Center is open from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday through Thursday, from 10 a.m. to midnight, Friday and Saturday and from noon to 10 p.m., Sunday. For more information, call 865675-3262 or go to sirgoonys.net/.

Photos by Tammy Cheek

Top: Lydia Cage, 14, takes a break from painting part of the castle, one of the structures that got a face lift at Sir Goony’s this past spring. Above: Johnnie Stringfield, co-owner of Sir Gooney’s Family Fun Center off Kingston Pike stands in front of the castle, one of the structures that got a face lift at Sir Goony’s this past spring.

Fitness Together

Studio 135

Fitness Together Farragut had a ribbon cutting, hosted by Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce, Monday, May 11, at its facility at 11521 Kingston Pike in Village Green Shopping Center, Farragut. On hand, from left, were Sonia Holas, Knierim Orthodontics; Kent Davis, RCN Communications; Jason Bradley, Fitness Together Farragut; Cheryl Haskins; Andrew Henderson, owner of Fitness Together Farragut; Mandy Loope, Fitness Together; Mac Bowers, Fitness Together Farragut.

Studio 135 had a ribbon cutting, hosted by Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce, Tuesday, May 19, at its salon, 135 West End Ave., Farragut. On hand, front row, were Marci Stiles, Mind Yer P’s & Q’s; Susanne Fields, Kevin Moore’s sister; Pam McCoy, Studio 135 hairstylist; Jessica and Kevin Moore, Studio 135 owners; Yvonne Murray, Mortgage Options Lending; Arlene Weinstein, Arlene’s Fun Travels. Back row are Melissa Zitt, Activise Chiropractic; Eric Whitener, Crye-Leike; Michael Kilby, Mortgage Options Lending; Keith Garrett, Fifth Third Bank; Dr. Dan Van Zandt, Take Shape.

Tammy Cheek Tammy Cheek

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Hickam-Cruze named ‘coach of the year’ ■

Photo Submitted

Whitney Hickam-Cruze, left, coaches a Hardin Valley Hawks softball player during a game at home during the 2015 season. Hickam-Cruze was named Prep Xtra Coach of the Year.

KEN LAY Correspondent

When Whitney Hickam-Cruze became softball coach at Hardin Valley Academy seven years ago, she set out to build the Lady Hawks’ program from scratch. It took seven seasons of ups and downs but Hickam-Cruze and the Lady Hawks finally saw their hard work pay off in 2015. Hardin Valley won its first-ever District 4-AAA and Region 2-AAA Championships and made an appearance in the Class AAA State Tournament. Recently Hickam-Cruze, who saw her team rewarded so handsomely, was named Prep Xtra Coach of the Year. She may have received a high honor, but she’s giving credit to those around her. “It’s very rewarding,” she said of being named Coach of the Year. “But when you have a special group of girls like this, it makes your job easier. “I never had to harp on them or yell at them for not playing hard. We have a great team chemistry and when you think about this team, the word that comes to mind is resilience.” Hardin Valley, which went 2914 and finished fifth in District 4AAA during the regular season, had to come from the loser’s bracket and win the tournament on the road against top-seeded

Bearden. And that was only one leg of a journey that landed the Lady Hawks in Murfreesboro. The Lady Hawks lost to the Lady Bulldogs in the winner’s bracket semifinal. But HVA rallied to upset No. 2 seed and district co-champion Maryville twice to earn a return trip to Bearden, where it knocked off the Lady Bulldogs (who also made their first-ever trip to Murfreesboro) to win the district title. The Lady Hawks then posted Region 2-AAA Tournament wins over Halls and Bearden before beating Seymour at home to make the State Tournament field. “I’m so proud of these girls,” said Hickam-Cruze, a 2004 Central High School graduate, who played in the State Tournament during her senior season with the Lady Bobcats. “When you play in our district, you have to have a short memory. You’ve got to learn quickly and move on.” Hickam-Cruze only made one trip to the Spring Fling as an athlete with a veteran team. At Hardin Valley, however, the 2015 team had a mix up veterans and youngsters/ The Lady Hawks, with some hard work, may end up on the grand stage in the Midstate again soon. See CRUZE on Page 11A

Standifer at home in Rocky Top League ■ KEN LAY


Drew Standifer spent the summer doing what he loves and that’s playing college basketball in his hometown. “I love playing in the Rocky Top League,” said Standifer, a 2012 Bearden High School graduate who will soon begin his senior year at King University in Bristol. “I’m playing close to home and it’s good to have all those people come out and see us play. “And it’s at [Knoxville] Catholic High School, so it’s just a short drive down the road from my house.” King University is an NCAA Division II School but the Pilot Rocky Top League gives

Standifer and other small college players the chance to play with and against some top Division I players and some former college standouts that now play professionally overseas. “It’s a great chance for me to play against some UT guys and when you play against those players, it makes you better, even though those players aren’t exactly playing super great defense. “This also gives me the chance to play with some of my teammates in the summer close to home. When I play in the Rocky Top League, I get to catch up with some old friends like [former Tennessee] player Wayne Chism.” This summer [in the league that completed its eighth season

on July 1], Standifer played for Campus Lights, a team coached by former Farragut High School and Maryville College standout Brent Watts. Watts, though extremely competitive, is easygoing compared to King University coach George Pitts and Bearden head man Mark Blevins. Standifer thrived under those mentors but his basketball life hasn’t always been easy. “Coach Pitts and coach Blevins are old-school hardnosed coaches,” he said. “Playing for coach Blevins was a great experience but it was hard. “He’s one of the most unique coaches that I’ve ever had and he prepared me to play college See STANDIFER on Page 11A

Photo submitted

Drew Standifer, right, a King University basketball standout drives the ball against a Marshall University player.

Town of Farragut Public Notice

For updates, visit townoffarragut.org/everettroad. Questions? Call 966-7057.


Dover named new Farragut Boys Soccer coach ■

KEN LAY Correspondent

Ray Dover is no stranger to the Farragut High School boys soccer team. And he’s glad to be coming home. “I’m excited,” said Dover, who was recently named to replace Dover W a l l i e Culbreth as the Admirals’ soccer coach. “I’ve got to meet with the players, work on the schedule and do the adm-inistrative things. I’ve got to hire my staff. It’s a busy time.

Dover replaces Culbreth, who coached at Farragut for 14 seasons and won four Class AAA State Championships. The new coach knows that he has some big shoes to fill. But he’s looking forward to the challenge. “The truth is that these are the jobs you want,” said Dover, a 2000 Farragut High School graduate, two year starter and team captain on the soccer pitch. “At Farragut, it’s a disappointment when you don’t win a State Championship and nobody has higher expectations than me, not any parent and not any administrator.” After his playing days with the Ads, Dover went on to attend The University of Tennessee before making several stops to establish

himself in the health insurance business. He spent time in Little Rock, Ark., Kansas City, Mo., Houston, Texas, and Nashville. While he solidified himself in the business world, he coached at soccer clinics and camps. He returned to East Tennessee to become an assistant coach under Gordon Heins at Knoxville Catholic High School. Dover was a varsity assistant and the Irish’s junior varsity coach for three years. “I grew up with Gordon. When I was a kid, he was my club coach. He has 25 years of coaching experience,” Dover said. “He told me that he had an opportunity for me and that’s when I came back and took the job at Catholic. While with the Irish, Dover con-

tinued to shore up his standing in the health insurance industry and that has allowed him to dedicate himself more to coaching. “Now, I’m at a place professionally where I can dedicate the time to being a head coach,” Dover said. I learned a lot about organization from Gordon and I learned a lot from Brian Donnelley [another club coach who was an AllAmerican at Duke, who played for the United States under-21 National Team].” FHS principal Stephanie Thompson said that the hire was a critical one for the school and the soccer program. “It was incredibly important to fill this position with a coach who understands the tradition and expectations of our program,”

Thompson said in a school press release. Farragut athletic director Donald Dodgen agreed. “We’ve got a good one,” he said. “He’s the right guy to maintain success of our soccer program.” Dover noted that the interview process was a rigorous one. “At Farragut, you have the support of the administration,” Dover said. “That was apparent throughout the interview process. “I met with every grade level principal, along with Stephanie Thompson and coach Dodgen. I still call him coach Dodgen. He was my PE coach and he coached some of my good friends [in basketball].” See DOVER on Page 11A

Rocky Top League for Watts, his ‘basketball fix’ ■

KEN LAY Correspondent

Brent Watts is and has always been a competitor. He was once a basketball star at Farragut High School and went on to be a standout at Maryville College. His playing days are now over. He’s now a business owner and family man but basketball remains close to his heart and for the last eight summers, he’s returned to the game he loves. Since 2008, Watts has coached in the Pilot Rocky Top League. Watts, who coaches Campus Lights and guided the squad to a league championship in 2014, is one of four coaches (including Chad Smith, Pat Walden and Rick Campbell) to coach in the fan-friendly summer league since it began in a hot Bearden High School gym. “It’s just nice and it leads to me paying more attention to high school and college basketball during the season,” said Watts,

the 1997 Farragut High School graduate who recently opened Logo Braces, a company that manufactures ankle braces. “The league has given me the chance to interact and have a personal interest in so many different players.” It’s also given Watts the chance to compete again and while coaching in the league, he’s coached the Watts likes of Armani Moore and Dane Bradshaw among others. “This gives me the chance to get my basketball fix and it’s an opportunity for all of us to catch up with old friends,” Watts said. “We have all kinds of talented players. You have Division I, Division II, Division III, and NAIA players and you get to see these players grow through the

years. “The league is all about maturity. When guys are being recruited to play college basketball, they’re 17 and 18 years old. By the time they’re seniors in college, they’re 22 or 23 years old. In that time, they grow and develop and that’s why you have some small college players who can compete with the guys playing for Tennessee.” The Pilot Rocky Top League features current and former college and professional basketball players. It’s an athlete’s league but that doesn’t mean that coaches don’t have an impact. “In this league, you put guys into situations and see how they react,” Watts said. “You see what they do and you see how they play. “And then, you find out how smart they are and what kind of basketball players they are going to be.” During his time in the league, Watts has seen changes for the

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better. One change was the move from Bearden to Knoxville Catholic High School, an air conditioned venue. Bearden had no climate control in the gym when the league contested its games there between 2008 and 2012. In 2013, Christian Academy of Knoxville was the league’s home. It moved

to Catholic the following year where it remains. “The first good change was the air conditioning,” Watts said. Over the years, the league’s dynamic has also changed. It was once dominated by college stars like Chris Lofton, Ron Slay and See WATTS on Page 11A

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From page 10A

From page 10A

From page 9A

Dover’s Farragut roots run extremely deep. He played soccer for Dennis Lindsay (who remains the girls coach at FHS. “I got a lot out of the Farragut soccer program,” Dover said. “I feel that it’s time to give back. “My roots in Farragut are very, very deep. I played for Dennis Lindsay. {Assistant principal Kellie Ivens] taught me and she coached my brothers in track and cross country. My roots in Farragut go back to when I was in first grade in the old building at Farragut Primary School.” Dover makes it no secret that his ultimate goal is to win State Championships but also knows that the District 4-AAA schedule is tough as it includes the likes of Bearden, Hardin Valley Academy, Maryville and West High.

C.J. Watson (a former Volunteer, who played in the summer after finding a place in the NBA with the Golden State Warriors and later with Chicago and Indiana). “We don’t have the star power that we used to have and we don’t have the athletes. But we have basketball players and we have good basketball players,” Watts said. During his time in basketball, Watts has made numerous stops. He will, however, will always have fond memories of his days with the Admirals in Farragut. “I was fortunate enough to play for Farragut at a time when Knoxville was a pretty talented market,” he said. “I was fortunate enough to go through high school with some talented players.”

basketball. He’s great with disciplining his players and it’s tough when you have to go through running drills. “He’ll have you do something 1,000 times until you do it the way he wants it done.” Blevins definitely impacts his players and his lessons go far beyond the basketball court. “Coach Blevins wanted us to play hard and he wanted us to look after our [younger] teammates,” Standifer said. “He had me mentor a young guy, who sometimes had trouble getting to class and I had to call [the teammate] and sometimes, I had to pick him up. “One time, we were playing in an exhibition game and coach Blevins benched all of the seniors because one of our teammates missed a tutoring appoint-


ances in Murfreesboro. The Lady Hawks’ stay at the tournament was a brief one. That, however, didn’t tarnish a historical season. “I was, and we were so happy to be a part of all of this,” Hickam-Cruze said. “Hardin Valley is a great school and great place and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” She also credits HVA’s administration for her team’s success. “[Principal] Sallee Reynolds and [assistant principal] Jon Miller have been great,” HickamCruze said. “They mentored me in high school.” Miller was the principal at Central and Reynolds was an assistant principal during Hickam-Cruse’s playing days in Fountain City. The coach also had high praise for athletic director George Ashe. “He’s a great athletic director,” she said. “He supports you and he keeps you in line with the TSSAA.”

From page 9A

“This 2015 team will always be special to me,” she said. “We had a great mix of upper classmen and underclassmen. These girls have already started working toward next year.” As for the coach, she also remains hungry. “I’m not satisfied and as a coach, you’re never really satisfied,” Hickam-Cruze said. “I look at this in terms as a beginning. “Hopefully, this is the beginning of great things for our program. This group has hit the ground hard and running. Getting to the State Tournament never gets old and nothing’s more fun than winning ball games.” The softball team was only part of an epic spring at Hardin Valley. The baseball team won a State Championship. The boys soccer team made it to Murfreesboro for a second time and the track programs had some stellar perform-


No experience necessary.

ment. Coach Blevins wanted us to be strong and he wants us to be successful in life.” Although Standifer acknowledged that life was sometimes hard in high school, he noted that Blevins had a lighter side. “He’s knowledgeable man and sometimes, he’s a man of few words,” Standifer said of Blevins and sometimes, when you don’t expect it, he could be funny. A lot of times, he would tell us some funny stories when we were driving back from a summer trip.” Standifer also took a class from his high school coach and he said that Blevins brought history to life. “He teaches a class called Americans at War and it’s all about the Civil War,” Standifer said. “Coach Blevins knew all the generals and he knew their strategies. “We went on field trips and we went to a Civil War reenactment

and he was in it.” Blevins prepared Standifer, who will soon enroll in graduate school and later become a physical therapist, to play for Pitts, another legendary old-school coach. “Coach Pitts breaks you down and makes you a better player,” Standifer said. “He plays mind games. If you make a mistake twice, he’ll take you out. “He’ll explain what you did wrong and then put you right back in the game. He always gives his players second chances.” While Standifer is accustomed to gritty basketball, the Pilot Rocky Top League gives him and other players to have a little fun. “In the Rocky Top League, it’s just guys playing basketball,” he said. “We have fun and get a chance to interact with kids, who come out and warm up for us and that’s great.”

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Secret City Festival The Oak Ridge 40th Secret City Festival was held on June 12th and 13th. Festival attendees enjoyed Arts and Craft exhibits, a fine art show, Historic Displays, a Car show and activities for the entire family. Musical acts Three Dog Night and The Marshall Tucker Band entertained the crowds. A "Battle of Normandy" World War II reenactment was also on hand. The City of Oak Ridge, Arts Council of Oak Ridge and The Oak Ridge Convention & Visitors Bureau were the festival presenters.

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28th annual

Independence Day Parade Happening this Saturday, the annual event is Farragut's most popular and well-attended

TAMMY CHEEK tcheek@farragutpress.com

Thousands of Farragut area residents are expected at this year’s Farragut 28th annual Independence Day Parade. The Town will host the parade beginning at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, July 4, on Kingston Pike starting at Farragut High School entrance, Lendon Welch Way, and continuing to Boring Road, just east of Farragut Towne Square Shopping Center, which is the former Ingles store site. "The Independence Day Parade continues to be Farragut's most popular and well-attended community event each year,”

Chelsey Riemann, Farragut public relations coordinator, said. “We invite our citizens and the surrounding community to spend July 4 morning with us for this family-friendly event. Kids — and their parents — will love the horses, bands, dancers and giveaways from local businesses. “We expect between 1,000 to 1,250 parade participants and 10,000-plus attendees on Kingston Pike,” Riemann said. “We're excited to announce attendees can expect a special Farragut giveaway to be handed out during the parade by our Board of Mayor and Aldermen.”

This year’s grand marshal will be Helen Ashe, founder of the Love Kitchen. A Knoxville charity, the Love Kitchen provides meals, clothing and emergency food packages to those who are homebound and unemployed, Riemann said. “We have 91 entries in the parade,” she said, adding the cutoff every year is 95 entries. Parade-goers can expect to see such entries as Mayfield Dairy, Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt, RiverView Family Farm, Sir Goony’s Family Fun Center and Chick-Fil-A. Eun’s Martial Arts Center’s entry will involve between 80 to 100 youngsters, and East

File photo

Allyson Brown, 5 front, and Emery Hussar, 6, take part in last year’s Farragut Independence Day Parade, riding in RiverView Family Farms train. Farragut will host its 28th annual parade, which starts 9:30 a.m. Saturday, July 4, at Farragut High School’s entrance at Lendon Welch Way, then travels along Kingston Pike to Boring Road, next to the old Ingles store site in Farragut Towne Square Shopping Center.

Tennessee Bucketeers will have a bagpiper and 15 durmmers, Riemann said. “These are intellectually disabled teens and adults,” she

said about Tennessee Bucketeers participants. Along with these entries, See PARADE on Page 2B

Get your Red, White & Blues on! ■

TAMMY CHEEK tcheek@farragutpress.com

Farragut Business Alliance members invite Farragut and surrounding communities to celebrate Independence Day at the eighth annual Red, White & Blues Pre-Independence Day Picnic. The event, presented by TDS Telecom and co-hosted by FBA and town of Farragut, will take place from 6:30 to 10 p.m., Friday, July 3, on the lawn of Renaissance | farragut at 12849 Kingston Pike, Allison Sousa, FBA executive director, said. “Bring your lawn chairs and picnic blankets,” she said. Renaissance | farragut is a move from last year’s location, Sousa said. “With Two Rivers Church taking a break from its traditional July 3 event, we thought a location closer to that end of town

might draw some new folks to our event,” Sousa said. “We never know for sure, but traditionally we’ve had 1,200 to 1,500,” she said. “With Casey Abrams as our headliner this year, we’re anticipating 1,500 to 2,000, so folks should go ahead and get their tickets online now.” Families can gather for the live concert, presented by Tennova Healthcare, featuring Casey Abrams, who will take the stage at 8 p.m., or take part in a watermelon-eating contest, sponsored by Ingles Markets. After competing in 2011 on “American Idol, Abrams, 24, singer, songwriter and multiinstrumentalist released a selftitled album on Concord Records in 2012 and had an acting role in the upcoming movie, “Offer and Compromise.” “The FBA has been trying, hoping, to secure a ‘big fish’ for

several years now, and thanks to Tennova Healthcare, we’ve finally done it with Casey Abrams,” Sousa said. “He’s proven to be a draw already, as we’ve sold tickets to this event all the way to Nashville so far.” Besides Abrams, entertainment will include Concord Brass, which will open the celebration with a variety of patriotic tunes. “We’re happy to have the Concord Brass return this year to get folks in a festive mood with their patriotic music,” she said. While adults enjoy the music, children can take part in a number of free activities, such as Game Truck, face painting, Bricks 4 Kidz, RoHAWKtics, Bouncy Castle and Hamster Ball. Premium rides, for which an additional charge applies, include Zip Line, Euro-Bungy See RW&B on Page 2B

Johnson spreads the word on fireworks safety ■ ANTHONY ELIAS


Fire Marshal Dan Johnson is spreading the word about firework safety as the town of Farragut prepares for it’s annual Independence Day events. “Firework sales and use are illegal in all parts Knox County including Farragut,” Johnson

said. “If individuals travel to areas where fireworks and sparklers are legal, we encourage you to read all instructions and suggest that children never handle and objects that may explode or reach temperatures in excess of 1,000 degrees. Additionally, attention should be See FIREWORKS on Page 2B



INDEPENDENCE DAY EVENTS July 3 Gatlinburg – Midnight Independence Day Parade – The “First July Fourth Parade of the Nation!” kicks off with floats, balloons, and marching bands as residents pay tribute to the United States of America. Murfreesboro – Guests can celebrate Independence Day with a picnic, live music from Bonnie and Bonnie while kids can play 19th century lawn games 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Oaklands Historic House Museum. Waynesboro – Mark Collie will perform during the inaugural Stage 64 Music Concert 6 p.m. to midnight at Waynesboro’s Stage 64, a new outdoor music venue in

RW&B From page 1B

and mechanical bull. Sousa said attendees can get something to eat at food booths provided by Costco, Dickey’s

Parade From page 1B

Riemann said the parade will include floats, animals, antique cars, dance groups and elected officials. Kingston Pike will be closed for the parade from 8:30 a.m. to about noon from Concord to Boring Road. On the north side of Kingston Pike, motorists traveling west can find a detour at Grigsby Chapel Road to Smith Road to Kingston Pike. Travelers can detour at Campbell Station Road to Parkside Drive to Lovell Road, going east, she said. On the south side, there is a detour from Concord Road to Turkey Creek Road, Virtue Road and to Kingston Pike going west, she said. Travelers heading east will find a detour from Concord Road to Kingston

event. For more information, visit farragutbusiness.com/events or signupgenius.com/go/ Jackson – Enjoy live music, barbecue, a bike show and more during the Riders and Rockabilly Rally in downtown Jackson.

July 3-5 Farragut – Farragut Business Alliance will host Red, White & Blues Pre-Independence Day Picnic from 6:30 to 10 p.m., Friday, July 3, on the lawn at Renaissance. Casey Abrams will perform. Cost is $8 per person in advance, $10 at the door. Volunteers are needed for this

July 4 Farragut – The 28th Annual Indepen-dence Day Parade will begin at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, July 4. For more information, call 865218-3375. Linden/Lobelville – Listen to music by Doug McCormick with the Herbert Hinson Band 6 p.m. in Linden; then enjoy a fireworks display 9:30 p.m. at City Park. Nashville – Music City July

4th Spectacular – This annual event is Nashville’s largest, oneday party with live music, family activities, food and the nation’s best fireworks displays. Bristol – The Border Bash Concert Series will feature Ian Thomas and the Band of Drifters along with Bill and the Bells as part of the July 4th Weekend events in downtown Bristol TN/VA. The event is free and open to the public. Winchester – Enjoy music by HunterGirl with Band as they perform on the Hard Dock Café at Tim’s Ford Marina & Resort. Union City – Enjoy food, music, demonstrations, and fireworks 1-9 p.m. at Discovery Park of America. Tickets are $10. Knoxville – Americana music

by Handsome and the Humbles, dance music by Bantum Rooster and bluegrass favorite Misty River will provide the tunes surrounding the family fun and food for the Festival on the 4th 4 p.m. at World’s Fair Park. Knoxville – Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will perform the 31st Annual Pilot Flying J Independence Day concert at 8 p.m., Saturday, July 4, at World’s Fair Park. The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, call Rachel Dellinger, 865-521-2317.

Barbecue Pit, Dixie Lee Farmer’s Market, Farragut High School Marching Band, Pilot Club, Restaurant Linderhof, Snappy Tomato Pizza and VG’s Bakery. Advanced tickets are $8 for adults, $3 for children ages 2 to

11 with children younger than 2 admitted free. They are available in person at SouthEast Bank, 12700 Kingston Pike, Farragut, or online at farragutbusiness.com. Tickets at the gate cost $10 for

adults and $5 for children ages 2 to 11. “The ticket includes admission to the event, concert and several free activities in SouthEast Bank Kids’ Play Area. Parking is available o site and

across the street at First Farragut United Methodist Church. Knox County Sheriff’s Office deputies will be on site to assist with crossing Kingston Pike.

Pike. Motorists traveling on South Station Road to get to the bank, post office or other businesses will find that road open to the private road just south of the former Silver Spoon property. Kingston Pike, from Concord Road/West End Avenue to Campbell Station Road, will reopen about 15 minutes after the final parade participants have passed through the Campbell station Road and Kingston Pike intersection. Riemann said Kingston Pike will open fully once all parade participants are safely off the road. For more information about the parade, call Farragut Parks and Leisure Services Department, 865-966-7057, or visit www.townoffarragut.org/ parade.


firms. That includes Fox Den Country Club, World’s Fair Park and Lenoir City.” Johnson also had a few words of advice for dealing with barbecue fires, saying, “Please remember to maintain and extinguishing method around any open fire and only grill with a properly maintained appliance.” Johnson went on to add that although they haven’t set up anything in case people find and/or take photos of suspicious material they find at one of the events, people should still get the word if such a situation calls for it. “We don’t currently have a central point established, but they can be emailed directly to my office for follow up or contact the Knox County Sheriff’s Office.” Knox County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Martha Dooley said the Sheriff’s Office wants the community to be smart and

aware this holiday. “We advise people not to drink and drive, remember that fireworks are illegal in Knox County, make sure you are watching children in and around water, and use common sense.” Despite the calls for caution and safety, Johnson also reminded of what the town of Farragut has to look forward to. ”A great town of Farragut sponsored parade surrounded by preand post events in the sourrounding areas,” Johnson said. “From the Red, White & Blues festival to Knoxville’s Festival on the Fourth, there’s something for everyone.” The Fire Marshal’s Office can be reached at 865-675-2384 or dan.johnson@townoffarragut.org. The Knox County Sheriff’s Office can be reached, non-emergency, at 865-215-2444.

Waynesboro City Park. Fireworks will be set 9:30 p.m. during the celebrations.

July 3-4 Chattanooga – Prepare to be amazed with an aerial display and fireworks shot over the water 10 p.m. each night at Lake Winnepesaukah Amusement Park.

From page 1B

paid to surrounding vegetation, drought conditions and surrounding items that may catch fire.” Johnson went on to say that due to the “inconsistencies” of making these fireworks, the results tend to be unpredictable and taken for granted. “Due to the limited quality control and oversight of these products, the destructive values of these products can be easily underestimated. We emphasize leaving it up to professionals and going to a licensed public display.” The Fire Marshall’s office will even provide information on several of those displays. “Our office provides information on area displays conducted by State licensed and insured

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David Hayes: business owner, patriot From his strong support of veterans to his Made in the USA merchandise, Hayes understands the unique nature of our Republic. David’s Abbey Carpet & Floors is one of many local businesses proud of the country where they live and make business decisions to show it. The store’s location in Patriot Corner is home to the 25-by-40-foot American flag that cannot be missed while driving down Kingston Pike. The flag is replaced twice per year to prevent a tethered look. “I couldn’t be sitting here in business if we didn’t have the freedom and the people to fight for that freedom,” said David Hayes, owner of David’s Abbey Carpet & Floors. “We are lucky to live in the US. It’s the best country in the world.” David’s Abbey Carpet & Floors has a wide selection of strictly American made merchandise. “In my business, half of our products are made in the

USA. We have one of the best groups of associates you could put together and the best selection of carpet, vinyl, wood, ceramic and area rugs,” Hayes said.” The store also is a strong supporter of HonorAir and gives their customers the chance to participate, as well. They offer each customer the opportunity to donate to the organization, and the store will match that donation. More than 60 years ago a remarkable generation of Americans joined forces to protect civilizations in the largest war in world history. No amount of gratitude could ever repay the debt for the gift of democracy these veterans gave the world. HonorAir Knoxville is dedicated to honoring East Tennessee World War II

File photo

David Hayes, owner of David’s Abbey Carpet & Floors.

and Korean War veterans and the sacrifices they made to ensure our freedoms. HonorAir flies the veterans to see the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. free of charge, a trip most would not be able to make without the HonorAir program. HonorAir is completely funded through donations. “These flights are very expensive. They cost about $60,000 each flight, they take about 125 veterans each flight and they do two flights per

year,” Hayes said. “Whether they are World War II or whether they are last week’s veterans, I couldn’t operate a business in a free country without people like that.” Hayes, a Farragut resident, has four children and nine grandchildren that choose to celebrate Independence Day together at his home each year and occasionally attend the annual town of Farragut parade. “They all come over here, and we enjoy it,” he added.





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Fox Den women host member/guest event

Photo submitted

First place, winning team of Karen Gilbertson, Brooke Walker, Betty McDonald and Linda Arbuckle, D.S. Above from left are, 2nd place Cricket McKamey, Cathy Slusser , Shirley Greaser, and Dawn Zilles.

ANTHONY ELIAS aelias@farragutpress.com

Fox Den Country Club 18-Hole League held a “50 Shades of “Green” tournament Thursday, June 25, at FDCC, giving those who turned out a glimpse into its creative worlds. As part of its annual member/guest tournament, league members come up with a creative theme to make the day more entertaining. “Every year, the 18-hole ladies pick a theme for this day,” Betty Dick, chairman of the league said. “As chairman of the group, it’s my responsibility to introduce my ideas. I went to the internet, actually, and I had three or four ideas, but this was the one, when I said it, everybody just laughed and it just went from there.” Betty Macdonald, Brooke Walker, Linda Arbuckle and

Karen Gilbertson won the event, but talk throughout the course came from Hole 16, where Dick scored her first hole-in-one, helping her team finish with 99. “Well I had a 5-hybrid and it happened to be good that the pin was 3-position and it rolled in. We all cheered because I’ve never had one before. It’s quite exciting.” For tournament teammate — and 9-hole member-gone-guest — Thursday, Angie Beeler and the rest of Team Tee No. 13A, it was just as exciting for them watching as it must’ve been for Dick. “She hit the ball and it went right on the green. I thought it rolled past the pin because I couldn’t see it, but it rolled right in and we were like, ‘Oh my God, she made it!” Shawn McGraw, Pam Schaffer,

Photo submitted

From left: Tee No.9A Shawn McGraw, Pam Schaefer, Kachelle O'Connor and Betty Davis by Carrie Wrinn.

Left are, 2nd place Cricket McKamey, Cathy Slusser , Shirley Greaser, and Dawn Zilles. Photo submitted

See FOX DEN on Page 3C

Casual Pint fundrasier reunites military pilot with dogs ■

Alan Sloan

U.S. Air Force Retired Maj. Kevin Cook thanks Katie and Andy Brown for taking care of his dogs, Indi and Ruby, during his most recent overseas deployment of roughly six months. Katie Brown is Knoxville coordinator and liaison for Dogs On Deployment.

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

To help support the care of pets whose military personnel owners are deployed overseas, or moved to another base where having a pet is not allowed, The Casual Pint in Farragut stepped to the plate. “I approached The Casual Pint to participate in what we call a Beer-Dog Veterans Challenge. For every beer that is sold from 6 [p.m.] to midnight, $1 goes to Dogs On Deployment,” Katie Brown, Knoxville coordinator for Dogs On Deployment, said about the Friday evening, June 12, event. It featured the reuniting of retired U.S. Air Force Maj. Kevin Cook with his two Australian cattle dogs, Indi and Ruby, for the first time in more than six months while Cook was deployed overseas. Dogs On Deployment facilitates the care of such pets. A packed house witnessed Cook, a Special Operations military pilot looking to become an

airline pilot, embracing Indi and Ruby with cheers all around. “I was set to go on my first deployment, which was January of 2014 and I needed to find something to do with the dogs,” Cook, said. “You can always board them, but you don’t really want to do that, it’s kind of cost prohibitive. … I was looking for an alternative, somewhere where they’d be happy.” Brown and her husband, DOD volunteer Alex Brown, took in Ruby and Indi, both 10 years old. “I had them for six months, and then he came back for a month or two, and then was redeployed for another six months. I’ve have them overall about a year,” Katie Brown said. “Through a good old Internet search I ran across Dogs On Deployment. … I found Alex and Katie up there in Lenoir City.” Cook said. “I just can’t say enough good things about the way Alex and Katie took care of them.” Chris Mulgrew, The Casual Pint manager, said co-owner Patrick O’Brien “is part of the Air

National Guard, he’s the flight surgeon for them. Pat and [coowner] Barbara O’Brien are very involved with Young-Williams [Animal Shelter]” and other petrelated organization, “So they came across this charity. “Luckily, we were able to have the reunion and the fundraiser, which was amazing for us and amazing for the charity,” Mulgrew added. “We’re just very grateful that they wanted us to host the event. Kevin deserved several beers from us. We’re happy he’s willing to do this at our store. We’re happy and proud of what he’s done.” Mulgrew said many such military personnel who need care for one or more pets “have families, but sometimes for individuals they don’t have family members close to them [logistically]. … It’s kind of overlooked that they need that assistance.” “We have over 700 pets that we have watched and fostered since 2011 when we were established” locally, Katie Brown said. “It’s based in San Diego.”



• Farragut Folklife Museum’s 2015 membership drive begins July 1 and runs through June 30, 2016. For more information, visit townoffarragut.org/register/ • Knoxville Track Club will host The 2nd Annual Farragut 13.1, 5K, and Kids Mile run slated for Oct. 31. For more information, email Kristy Altman, knoxvilletrackclub@gmail.com or visit ktc.org/ • Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce will hold its networking from 8 to 9:30 a.m., Thursday, July 2, at Hampton Inn at Cedar Bluff. For more information, call 865-675-7057. • Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will perform the 31st Annual Pilot Flying J Independence Day concert at 8 p.m., Saturday, July 4, at World’s Fair Park. The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, call Rachel Dellinger, 865-521-2317.

call 865-218-3375.

and Danielle Leonard.

• Town of Farragut will host Yoga from 9 to 10 a.m., Tuesdays, July 14 through Aug. 18, in the community room. Cost is $60. For more information, call 865-2183375.

• Knox County Veterans Services Office will provide information and assistance to Veterans and family members concerning VA benefits from 11 a.m. to noon, Thursday, July 9, at Frank R. Strang Senior Center. For more information, call 865215-5645.

• Town of Farragut will host Pilates from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays, July 14 through Aug. 25, in the community room. Cost is $60. For more information, call 865-218-3375. • Town of Farragut will host Zumba from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Mondays, July 27 through Aug. 31, in the community room. Cost is $45. For more information, call 865-218-3375. • The 28th Annual Independence Day Parade will begin at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, July 4. For more information, call 865-2183375. • The 14th Annual Fun with Farragut’s Fleet will be from 9 to 11 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 15, at Mayor Bob Leonard Park. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 865-218.3375.

• Town of Farragut will host four technology classes for seniors offered by local company “Social Media 4 Seniors,” from 1 to 3 p.m., Thursday, July 9, for Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. Cost is $30. How to use Facebook will be from 10 a.m. to noon, Friday, July 17. Cost is $30. How to use iPad and iPhone basics will be from 10 a.m. to noon, Monday and Tuesday, July 2021. Cost is $45. Samsung Galaxy phone/tablet basics will be from 10 a.m. to noon Thursday and Friday, July 30-31. Cost is $45. All classes will be held in the community room at Farragut Town Hall. Participants must be 55 years of age or older to attend. For more information, call 865-218-3375 or visittownoffarragut.org/register/

• Farragut Business Alliance will present Farragut Food Festival from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 25, at Renaissance. Cost is $25 in advance and $30 at the gate; $10 in advance for children under 10 and $15 at the gate. For more information, call 865-307-2486 or visit facebook.com/tasteoffarragut/

• Town of Farragut construction project will close Everett Road to Union Road and Split Rail Farm subdivision beginning Tuesday, July 7 and go into late 2016. For more information, call McKinnon Construction, 865-4083030 or David Sparks, 865-9667057.

• Freaky Friday Fright Nite in Farragut will be from 5 to 7 p.m., Friday, Oct 30, at Mayor Bob Leonard Park. The event is free and open to the public but donations for the Ronald McDonald House will be accepted. For more information, visit townoffarragut.org/

• Town of Farragut will host beginning Tai Chi classes from 9 to 11 a.m., Sundays, July 5 through Aug. 30, in the community room. For more information, call 865-482-7761.

• Town of Farragut invites community members interested in learning more about Farragut to apply for its third Introduction to Farragut program slated to begin at 6 p.m. Wednesdays, Aug. 26, Sept. 9, 23, Oct. 7, 21 and Nov. 4, at the Town Hall. For more information, call Jennifer Hatmaker, 865-966-7057 or e-mail jennifer.hatmaker@townoffarragut.org.

• Town of Farragut will host continuing Tai Chi classes from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Sundays, July 5 through Aug. 30, in the community room. For more information, call 865-482-7761. • Town of Farragut will host Zumba Kids from 9 to 10 a.m., Thursdays, July 9 through 30, in the community room. Cost is $3 per class. For more information,

• The 24th Annual Free Day of Putt-Putt will be from noon to 9 p.m., Monday, Sept. 14, at PuttPutt Golf & Games of Farragut. For more information, call 865218-3375.

• The following students were named the Dean’s list at Tennessee Wesleyan College for the Spring 2015 semester; Lauren Attanasio, Cindy Collins, Karen Franqui, Jenna Anderson

• Taoist Tai Chi Society of USA will be starting beginning classes in July and August. For more information, call 865-482-7761 or visit Taoist.org/usa/locations/ • Town of Farragut Parks & Leisure Services Department will offer two field days from 9 to 10 a.m., Mondays, July 13 and 20, at Anchor Park. Ages are for grades 3-5. Cost is $3 per child. For more information, call Lauren Cox, 865-966-7057 or e-mail lauren.cox@ townoffarragut.org. • Knox County Public Library Farragut Branch will hold a 1776 Book Discussion led by Dr. David Key. For more information, call Shelia Pennycuff, 865-777-1750. • Smoky Mountain Rumble rolls into Knoxville July 10 through 12 featuring Molly Hatchett, Black Stone Cherry and Brad Puckett Band in Knoxville’s Historic Old City. For more information, visit smokymountainrumble.com or carleoentertainment.com/ • Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont will host an open house from noon to 3 p.m., Thursday, July 9, on Tremont’s campus. Lunch will be served in the dining hall to allow volunteers to meet faculty and staff. For more information, call Heather Davis 865-448-6709 or email heather@gsmit.org. • CONTACT Care Line will host a pancake breakfast from 8 to 10 a.m., Saturday, July 11, at Applebee’s Restaurant in Oak Ridge. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. For more information, call Patti Atkinson, 865-312-7450. • Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority and Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville will present and display “Arts in the Airport,” now through Oct. 7, in the secured area behind McGhee Tyson Airport’s security gate checkpoint. For more information, visit knoxalliance.com/album/airport_spring15/ • Ijams Nature Center will present the 5th Annual wonder of Hummingbirds Festival from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 22. Cost is $5, children under six are free. For more information, call Billie Cantwell, 865-567-4273.

• Home Federal Bank invites East Tennesseans to enjoy free admission to Knoxville Museum of Art during the month of July KMA will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m., Sunday. The museum will be closed July 4. For more information, visit homefederalbanktn.com/ • Knoxville Children’s Theatre will present “Bambi, Life In the Woods,” at 7 p.m., Thursdays and Fridays, July 10 through 24; 1 to 5 p.m., Saturdays, July 11 through 25; and 3 p.m., Sundays, July 12 through 26. Tickets are $12, any adult and child entering together are $10. For more information, call 865-2083677. • Pellissippi State Community College will offer Double Play summer camp for rising fourth through eight grades from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, July 13-17, at Hardin Valley Campus. Cost is $219. For more information, call 865-5397167 or visit pstcc.edu/bcs/ • International speaker and author Israeli Jewish Christian Baruch Maoz will speak at 7 p.m., Monday, July 6, at Christ Covenant Church. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call Teresa Pratt, 865-671-1885 or visit themaozweb.com/ • Concord Adult Day Enrichment Services will hold its meeting from 10 a.m. to noon, Tuesday, July 7, at Concord United Methodist Church. For more information, e-mail cades@concordumc.com. • Caitlin Marie Keough earned a Bachelor of Science degree in business majoring in marketing from Miami University in May 2015. • Extension Master Gardener Marsha Lehman will host “Kale in December and Carrots in January…no problem!,” from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m., Thursday, July 30, at Humana Guidance Center. For more information, call 865329-8892. • Extension Master Gardener Lisa Churnetski will host “Get free plants…making more of your favorite plants,” from 1 to 2:30 p.m., Saturday, July 18, at Knox County Public Library Cedar Bluff Branch. For more information, call 865-470-7033 or visit knoxlib.org/ • Sara Daley graduated magna cum laude from Boston College with a Bachelor of Science degree from University’s Robert J. Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences majoring in chemistry and communication in May 2015.

• Lawn Chair Concert Series in the Park will from 6 to 9 p.m., Thursday, July 30, at Founders Park at Campbell Station. For more information, call 423593-0293 or visit, facebook.com/mamajamproductions/ • Join Arbor Day Foundation in July and 10 trees will be planted in high need National Forests. Cost for joining is a $10 donation. • The Dirty Guv’nahs will begin its farewell tour at Castleton Farms’ A Sip of summer concert series at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, July 18, in Loudon. Gates open at 5 p.m. Tickets are $25 and $5 will be donated to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. For more information, call Castleton Farms, 865-376-9040 or visit asipofsummer.com/ • The Pat Summitt Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will celebrate an “Evening for Champions,” at 7 p.m., Saturday, July 11, at Historic Tennessee Theatre. Proceeds from the event will benefit The Pat Summitt Foundation’s fight against Alzheimer’s disease and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Tickets are $50. For more information, visit ticketmas-ter.com/event/ • Independence Day at the City of Knoxville’s Festival on the Fourth at World’s Fair Park begins at 4 p.m., Saturday, July 4 rain or shine. No alcohol, tents or pets are allowed in the park for the Festival. Free parking is available in the 11th Street, Locust Street, Walnut Street, State Street and Market Street garages, as well as the City’s Blackstock lots on Grand Avenue. ADA parking is available at Fort Kid parking lot. For more information, visit knoxvilletn.gov/4th/ • The fireworks display sponsored by the City of Oak Ridge will begin at 10 p.m., Saturday, July 4, at A.K. Bissell Park. For more information, call Candice Brogan, 865-425-3546. • Tennessee Valley Machine Knitters Club will hold its monthly meeting at 10 a.m., Tuesday, July 7, at Alcoa First United Methodist Church. The program will be making a child’s 1-hourplus sweater. For more information, call Marie Hickson, 865-4570960. • Farragut High School Band will hold its annual rummage sale from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, July 11, in the commons at FHS. All proceeds will benefit FHS Band. If you would like to donate your items call by July 8 for a scheduled pick-up time. For more information, call Jennifer Lackey, 865-696-2524 or e-mail farragutband@gmail.com.

Town of Farragut Public Notice

For updates, visit townoffarragut.org/everettroad. Questions? Call 966-7057.


Club Organized Admissions Exam I’m starting an exclusive club for disorganized women, but not just anyone can join. Each person will have to pass an admissions exam. You can be one of my charter members as long as you can answer yes to at least five of the scenarios in the exam. I’m in heaven as I think about starting this exclusive, club Pam (no BOs allowed) and Young Make it I’m calling it CLUB Fun! O R G A NIZED. Really, I’m just changing the name of my website from www.makeitfunanditwillgetdone.com to www.cluborganized.com but in the excitement of being able to get this perfect name for my website, I started fantasizing about having a real club for us!) Of course we won’t have meetings (we’re all too busy) and there won’t be dues or uniforms or secret handshakes, but we’ll all know we belong. And we just might start having an annual convention here in Woodland, Washington. We’ll be a sisterhood of SLOBS (remember SLOB stands for Spontaneous, Lighthearted, Optimistic and Beloved) and we’ll be bound together by our love for our families and our desire to have clean, cozy, peaceful homes. Here’s the test. Incidentally, if you can honestly answer yes to every one of these SHE scenarios, you’ll eligible for admission into the highly coveted DE status (Deficiency Expert) of the club and you’ll receive all the goodies

that go along with it and as soon as I figure out what they’ll be. CLUB ORGANIZED ADMISSIONS EXAM I have worn my pajamas under my coat to carpool. I have been overdrawn and have had to pay overdraft fees. I have had to search for my purse, keys, shoes, glasses, cell phone pen and remote. I have made “Get Organized” a New Year’s Resolution more than once. I always forget to take my cloth bags into the grocery store. I had at least one of my children because I failed to note the time of the month. I have been late paying bills because I was out of stamps. I have lost my car in large parking lots. I have missed flights because I forgot to adjust to Daylight Savings Time. I have purchased clothes that I could sleep in without wrinkling I have stashed clutter in a spare bedroom to hide it from sudden company. I have been scared of the contents in storage container’s in my refrigerator. I often make a grocery list and leave it at home. I have missed appointments because I didn’t look at my calendar. I have lost track of time when

doing something I love to do. I have no sense of direction. I have no concept of time. I have had to have kids re-inoculated because I lost records when we moved. I have lost important papers and had to pay to get replacements. I have been late filing my income tax returns. I have tried to get into someone else’s car because I wasn’t paying attention. I have kept drapes closed because my house was a mess and didn’t want company. I have fed the cat tuna because we were out of cat food. I have written times down on calendars without designating what or where. I owe thank you notes throughout time to those I love and didn’t thank. Now that you’ve taken the test, did it spark any memories of similar events in your life? I’d love to hear from you so I can add them to the exam! Just email me at pam@pamyoung.org For more from Pam Young go to www.cluborganized.com. You’ll find many musings, videos of Pam in the kitchen preparing delicious meals, videos on how to get organized, ways to lose weight and get your finances in order, all from a reformed SLOB’s point of view.

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Photo submitted

Pictured from left are, 3rd Place team of Kathy Metcalf, Donna Reat, Mary Christofferson.

Fox Den From page 1C

Kachelle O’Connor and Betty Davis weren’t afraid to show their creative colors, dressing in green tutus, bowties and hats. O’Connor got to see just the kind of support her teammates showed for the bold idea. “I’m just grateful because I had the bag of their stuff and I was afraid I was going to have to do it by myself and they were going to say, ‘No, I hope you have your receipt; let’s take it back’, but they were troopers, they were great sports because they like to have fun and we like to play good golf but we like to have

a great time doing it and look adorable.” “Aren’t they cute?” Judy Weisser of ‘group’ Tee No. 18B said about O’Connor’s team’s tutus. The double-eagle scorer at Hole 16 went on to compliment the turnout for “Fifty Shades of Green” tournament, saying, “It’s been a ball. It’s been fun. Everybody dressed for it. The greens are blinding.” The Fox Den tournament ended with an awards ceremony. Karen Jones walked away with a $125 gift certificate to K-Town Specialty after finding the winning sticker on the bottom of her seat.

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Expo educational for Farragut senior citizens

Tammy Cheek

Stephen Peairs, left, of Farragut shows his sons, Gavin, center, and Garrett how to bait a hook during the Free Fishing Day Saturday, June 6 at The Cove at Concord Park.

Family fun at Free Fishing Day ■

TAMMY CHEEK tcheek@farragutpress.com

The fish were biting for families and friends attending Free Fishing Day. The annual event was presented by Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, Knox County Parks and Recreation and Tennessee Valley Sportsman Club Saturday, June 6, at The Cove at Concord Park, 11808 S. Northshore Drive. It provided area families a chance to fish permit-free. “It’s a beautiful day to be fishing,” Jason Anderson of Farragut said. “The weather is perfect.” Anderson brought his daughters, Ana, 9, and Lauren, 7. “Ana’s been here before,” he said. “I like talking about fishing while I wait for a bite,” the 9-year-

old said. TWRA stocked catfish in the pond and supplied fishing equipment to attendees during the event, Sgt. Joe Durnin, event organizer with TWRA, said. “Things are going well,” Sgt. Russell Young, TWRA fisheries technician, said. He estimated TWRA officers handed out about 100 fishing poles to attendees.

“I’m not sure the number of people who brought their own,” he said, adding the number of attendees trickled in and out of the park as the day progressed. We just hope people are having fun,” he said. “Awesome,” Charles Rowe Jr., 10, of Farragut said. “I caught my See FREE FISHING on Page 5C

Tammy Cheek

Amy Buford Stokes, left, a Mary Kay representative, talks to Doris Bianucci of Knoxville during a Senior Expo Wednesday, June 3, at Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road.

TAMMY CHEEK tcheek@farragutpress.com

Farragut area senior citizens had an opportunity to learn more about services available to them during a Senior Expo. The Senior Expo, which took place Wednesday, June 3, at Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road, was the first such

event for the center, Lauren Monahan, coordinator, said. She estimated about 200 attended the Expo. “They were busting the doors down,” Monahan said. “I knew this [event] was gold. It’s going to be fun.” “It’s wonderful, Sidh Nath of See SENIOR on Page 7C

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Free fishing From page 4C

first fish. Charles Rowe Sr. of Farragut said he has been taking his son since he was little but Saturday’s catch was the first one the 10year-old had ever caught. “They love to fish, so when we get an opportunity to go to a free fishing day, we go,” Stephen Peairs of Farragut said of his sons, Gavin, 2 and Garrett, 4. Leslie Musto of Knoxville said her daughters, MacKenzie and Kylie, her mother, Pat DuPree, and she came to the event for a chance to catch fish. “We’ve been coming for six years,” she said. “We haven’t caught one but we keep trying. My daughter, MacKenzie, likes coming out here to catch fish.” “I think it’s pretty awesome,” Billy Inman Jr., 12, of Knoxville, said about the Free Fishing Day. “Last year I got [a fish] and this year I got one. I hope to catch two.” Dylan Cook, 14, of Jefferson County said coming to Free Fishing Day was a tradition. This year marks his third year in a row he and his friends have attended. “It’s gone pretty well so far,” he said. “It’s exciting when you have a fish that grabs onto your line,” Evan Hartsell, 11, of Knoxville, said.

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Charles Rowe Jr., 10, of Farragut shown with father, Charles Rowe Sr., displays his catch. This was the first fish Charles had ever caught. Tammy Cheek

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Pickleball debuts in Farragut area ■

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

While trying to help promote a growing sport in their View Harbor subdivision in Concord, Joe and Karen Carson have been testing the famous phrase from the movie “Field of Dreams:” “build it and they will come.” Having already built a two-goal 60-by-40-foot basketball court 15 years ago for public use in their backyard, Joe decided in early May, with Karen’s blessing, to line off the court to also become a public use pickleball court (40by-22-foot). “This was definitely Joe’s idea,” Karen Carson said about the roughly $500 conversion, adding she was “a reluctant agreer … I’m more conservative with the money.” However, “I love having some-

thing we can do outside and have fun and not have to go somewhere,” she added. “I enjoy it. I think we’ll have fun at it.” A combination of “ping pong, badminton and tennis” played on a court roughly half the size of tennis dimensions according to Joe Carson, pickleball has become a growing sport among those 50-and-over since the early 2000s. Just add a “tennis height” net of three feet, while having pickleball paddles (more than twice the size of ping pong paddles) and a plastic ball (resembling a whiffle ball used with plastic bats in stickball) and the Carsons’ court is ready for public use. “About a year ago I read in the paper where they had converted some of the [tennis] courts in Tellico Village to pickleball because tennis courts weren’t

being used that much. Pickleball courts were getting a lot of use so they converted a few more to pickleball,” Joe Carson said. “And then I read a little bit about pickleball … and it’s more for people that are past their [athletic] prime. It’s not as demanding as tennis.” Inspired to build a public-use basketball court in his backyard to give neighborhood youth a place to play, Carson recalled that while growing up in Brooklyn “some of my happiest memories as a teenager were going out and playing pick-up basketball on the playgrounds.” Although saying his public use hoop court hadn’t caught on “as much as I’d hoped,” Joe Carson added, “Kids shoot regularly, kids come by and play” without any See PICKLEBALL on Page 10C

Farragut turns out for Rain Barrel workshop

TAMMY CHEEK tcheek@farragutpress.com

Farragut area residents turned out to learn more about the benefits of and how to install rain barrels. Town of Farragut partnered with Knox County Water Quality Forum to host a Rain Barrel Workshop Saturday morning, June 13, in Farragut Town Hall. By attending, each participant received a 55-gallon rain barrel and learned how to install and maintain it. “This has been a popular program,” Jason Scott, Farragut Stormwater Management coordinator, said. He added the Town has been doing the workshops since 2008. “Farragut [housing] is booming,” Scott said, adding more houses lead to fewer areas for

water to run off, except onto the streets and stormwater drains. “What goes into the storm drains goes into the Tennessee River or into a sewage system, where it is treated,” he said. Rain barrels, Scott said, can help reduce some of that run-off. While some attendees said they came to find a solution to their water problems, others said they were looking for a cheaper source for buying a rain barrel. Cheryl Rodgers of Knoxville said she knew much about the benefits of installing a rain barrel. She said water from the rain barrel tends to have not as much “stuff” as treated water from a garden hose. “The garden does not grow as well as water from the garden hose,” Rodgers said, adding she learned from the workshop how much water she could conserve

by using a rain barrel. Mary Ball, who attended as a Boys and Girls Club representative, said she came to the workshop to see if having a rain barrel would suit the Boys and Girls Club’s needs. “We don’t have an outdoor water source,” Ball said, adding the club was introduced to the rain barrel concept and she came to explore that possibility. “This [workshop] I great,” Annie Gray, Pellissippi State Community College English professor and Service Learning program coordinator, said. “We have a lot of interest at Pellissippi State on sustainability.” “We have a huge sustainability campus initiative on our campuses, and we have a huge ServiceLearning program, a type of expeSee RAIN BARREL on Page 12C

Alan Sloan

Karen Carson and husband, Joe Carson, after about 30 minutes of pickleball play on the couple's court in View Harbor subdivision Saturday morning, May 30.



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Senior From page 4C

Knoxville said. “I came to know about so many different things I didn’t know about before.” “We invited any agency that works with seniors to put up a table and tell what they do,” Monahan said, adding about 40 agencies participated. “In two hours, I didn’t have any more room,” Monahan said. “We have everything from transportation to caregivers, real estate, CPAs, chiropractors and health screenings.” Besides the information available, the center provided refreshments as well. While some came for the information, others said they came for the food or “goodies.” “It would be nice to see all these goodies,’ Doris Bianucci of Knoxville said. John May of Knoxville said he came for the freebies. Monahan said the event came about because she wanted to showcase all the offerings these senior agencies have. “We’ve had one or two but I’ve never had them all together,” Monahan said. “It’s a nice way to get everyone together.” “I didn’t expect a response this great,” she said. “The nice part is every table has a door prize to give away, but the grand prize is a $100 gift certificate.” Attendees could win a gift certificate for a car wash and their choice of any the University of Tennessee Volunteers basketball game as well. Leanette Coyne of Farragut said she came to the center for the exercise and saw the Expo taking place. “I think it’s a real good thing. It’s convenient,” she said. “I come here a lot,” she said. “I thought while I was here I might as well get checked [with the health screenings].”

Farragut 12U

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Farragut 12U Tournament Champs sponsored by The Shrimp Dock. Players are: front, Brett Shoopman, Alex Buie,Layton Morgan and Reeds Limpus; middle, assistant coach Paul Buie, Parker House, Jonathan Gerbic, Matthew Ornduff (Co-MVP), Christian Spinning (CO-MVP) Ben Howell and head coach Phil Dangel; back, assistant coaches Brit Limpus and Jim Gormley. Not pictured, Howie Sentell.



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Wallaces celebrate ‘50th’ at Cove concert

Above: These women enjoy classic rock hits from Second Opinion during Second Saturday Concert Series at The Cove at Concord Park Saturday evening, June 13. Seated are Judy Van Dyke, left, and her daughter, Cindy Van Dyke. In back is friend, Gina Pack. Left: Bernie and Aggie Wallace and their daughter, Dani Warren. Alan Sloan

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

Bernie and Aggie Wallace enjoyed what might be called a 50th wedding anniversary weekend enjoying one of their favorite entertainment pleasures: Second Saturday Concert Series at The Cove at Concord Park. “It’s just enjoying people having fun, and good old-timey music,” Bernie said about this June 13 gathering, the first Second Saturday Concert of the 2015 season (through Sept. 12). “And we like to watch the dogs, the dogs are so friendly and having a good time,” Aggie said. “This is special.” Bernie and Aggie said they have attended almost all Second Saturday Concerts, seven years worth, since moving to West Knox County from the Reading, Pa., area. They were among a few hun-

dred on hand during a sunny but hot evening to enjoy classic rock hits from the group Second Opinion. “We’ve heard them before and we like them,” Aggie said about Second Opinion. “I can’t think of any we didn’t like.” “They’re one of our favorites,” Bernie added. Although Bernie said, “More often that not it’s just us two” attending Second Saturday, Aggie added, “I have some knitting

friends that come out sometimes”. However, on this Second Saturday, “They’re all going to Secret City tonight to hear Three Dog Night,” she said. Cindy Van Dyke, a 1981 graduate of Farragut High School, was alongside her mother, Judy Van Dyke, a Bearden High School graduate, and family friend, Gina Pack, a Farragut High School graduate. While daughter said one of best things about Second Saturday Concert is “free entertainment,”

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Judy added, “It’s outside.” Cindy said her family “has been coming for several years.” “I like to watch people having a really good time,” Judy said. “They’re having picnics and they’re having fun, that’s what I get out of it. “I used to bring my husband. He was in a wheelchair,” Judy added about her husband, the late Thomas Van Dyke. “We really miss him, he loved to come over here, too.

“… His birthday was on June 9. We have actually been here on June 9 and had his birthday party here.” “Our granddaughter [Megan Bright], she’s 23 now, and we’ve actually had her birthday party down here before.” Pack was a first-time Second Saturday Concert attendee. “I like it. The music’s really good. Of course, I get to be with my friends,” she said.

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TOWN OF FARRAGUT Summer 2015 Classes, Workshops and Events Pilates Zumba Kids When: Thursdays, July 9 – 30: 9 – 10 a.m. What: Packed with specially choreographed routines and the latest music, Zumba Kids classes increase focus and self-confidence, boost metabolism and improve coordination. Cost: $3 per class – cash accepted at each class. No registration required.

When: Tuesdays, July 14 – Aug. 25 (6 weeks, no class Aug. 11): 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. What: Pilates is a mind-body exercise that works the whole body and incorporates yoga poses in order to enhance flexibility, strength and breathing. Cost: $60 Registration and payment deadline: Tuesday, July 14

Pinterest/Instagram/Twitter for Seniors When: Thursday, July 9: 1 – 3 p.m. Cost: $30 Registration and payment deadline: Thursday, July 9

Facebook for Seniors When: Friday, July 17: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Cost: $30 Registration and payment deadline: Friday, July 17

Field Days When: Monday, July 13: 9 – 10 a.m. (Grades K – 2); Monday, July 20: 9 – 10 a.m. (Grades 3 – 5) at Anchor Park, 11730 Turkey Creek Road What: Features sack, three-legged and relay races, softball throw, kickball and wiffleball. A healthy snack and water will be provided. Cost: $3 per child Registration and payment deadline: Friday, July 10 (July 13 Field Day); Friday, July 17 (July 20 Field Day)

Yoga When: Tuesdays, July 14 – Aug. 18 (6 weeks): 9 – 10 a.m. What: This is a beginner friendly class introducing basic postures, alignment and breath awareness. Cost: $60 Registration and payment deadline: Tuesday, July 14

iPad/iPhone Basics for Seniors When: Monday & Tuesday, July 20 – 21: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Cost: $45 Registration and payment deadline: Monday, July 20

Samsung Galaxy Phone/Tablet Basics for Seniors When: Thursday and Friday, July 30 – 31: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Cost: $45 Registration and payment deadline: Thursday, July 30

All summer classes, workshops and events will be held at the Farragut Town Hall community or assembly room, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, unless otherwise stated. Hurry - classes fill up fast! Class registrations may be made at townoffarragut.org/register, in person at the Town Hall or by phone (218-3375). Payment is due at the time of registration. All credit card payments will incur a nominal fee ($0.06 per transaction). Cash and check payments are also accepted. No refunds are given after the registration and payment deadline. The Town of Farragut is not responsible for costs associated with the purchase of supplies when a class is canceled.

Visit townoffarragut.org/register or call 218-3375 to register


Hole-In-One turns into family affair ■

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

After Glyn Hughes of Farragut saw a sign promoting Second Annual Farragut Lions Club Hole-In-One Shootout, his family would end up comprising one-third of the shootout field. “I saw it advertised on the side of the road on the way to Ingles,” Hughes said about how his family ended up taking part in qualifying rounds before he, wife, Denise, and daughters, Eiri-anwen and Teleri Hughes, earned their tries at Willow Creek Golf Club’s No. 11 hole (177 yards) Friday evening, June 12. A hole-in-one would have meant ownership of a Mercedes-Benz Smart Car. “I said to my wife, ‘Let’s go try it.’ We all went different days” to qualify. … Some of the girls from Farragut High School [golf team] were helping out, and we knew some of the girls,” added Glyn, whose younger daughter, Teleri, was a former Lady Admirals star player now a member of the Tennessee Volunteers Women’s Golf team. “She just got back from playing in the Welsh Ladies Amateur” in May, Denise said about Teleri. While none of the Hughes

family members said they had ever nailed a hole-in-one in any type of golf contest, Glyn added, “Today would be a good day to get one.” Though none of the Hughes family, nor any of the other six qualifiers on hand Friday nailed the hole-in-one, Teleri’s drive was closest, about 10 feet from the hole. The Hughes foursome were four of 12 who qualified during “closest to the pin” rounds Friday and Saturday, May 29-30 and June 5-6, in a field next to farragutpress office, 11863 Kingston Pike. (Two of the 12 were unable to be at Willow Creek Friday). Glyn, Eirianwen and Teleri all were quick to point out that Denise’s qualifying drive “was closest to the pin, about two feet-nine inches.” Before the Shootout, “I hadn’t played in three years,” Eirianwen said. “I was kind of reluctant because I hadn’t played in so long. “But I got into the swing of things.” Other qualifiers were Chip Thomas, Jesse Hawkins, John Covington, Sidney Hankins, Joe McConnell and Wes Clenney.

Alan Sloan

Teleri Hughes of Farragut watches her tee shot during Second Annual Farragut Lions Club HoleIn-One Shootout at Willow Creek Golf Club hole No. 11 Friday evening, June 12. In back watching are fellow qualifiers including Teleri’s sister, Eirianwen Hughes (in black) and their mother, Denise Hughes. Also watching, from left, are John Covington, Sidney Hankins and Chip Thomas.



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Rotary Club of Farragut

Pickleball From page 6C

notice needed to the Carsons. However, “Kids today don’t do pick-up [basketball] the way I did pick-up when I was a young man,” Carson added. With pickleball as an option, “Now maybe some of the [baby] boomers will do some pick-up again, pick up pickleball,” Carson said. “In fact, they have picked up pickleball a couple of times a week at City of Knoxville rec centers.” Rules are similar to tennis except points only are earned while serving, and no volleys are allowed within 10 feet of the net. Returns of serve must also bounce before being returned. Games are to 11, win by at least two points. As of late May, the only pickleball games have mostly been between the Carsons, with Joe, a safety oversight engineer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, holding a 2-1 edge against Karen, a pediatric nurse and Dist-rict 5 representative on Knox County Board of Education. For anyone interested in using the Carsons’ pickleball court, or possibly arranging a game versus Joe or Karen (when her shoulder improves), go online to http://whsknox.blogs.com/pickleball

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Photo submitted

The Rotary Club of Farragut presented its Service Above Self Award to Knoxville Fire Department senior firefighter Cory Darnell, center, during its Wednesday, June 3, meeting. Tom Touzeau, left, was out running on a greenway trail along Melton Hill Lake Drive near the Oak Ridge Marina Jan. 5, 2014, when Darnell saw Touzeau lying facedown on the running trail in full cardiac arrest. Darnell began CPR immediately and is credited for saving his life. Also on hand was KFD chief Stan Sharp, right. Dale Read (not pictured), club president for the 2015-16 Rotary year, presented the Service Above Self plaque to Darnell and a $100 gift certificate to a Knoxville restaurant.

MOTOR ROUTE CARRIER NEEDED farragutpress is seeking a motor route carrier to deliver papers Wednesdays in Farragut area, Watt Road to Lovell Road and in Turkey Creek shopping area. Must have valid Tennessee Driver's license, reliable transportation, and automobile insurance.

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Alan Sloan

Karen Carson displays her pickleball backhand in a match against her husband, Joe Carson, on the couple's backyard court Saturday morning, May 30.

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Due to the parade, Kingston Pike will be closed on July 4 from Concord Road to Boring Road from 8:30 a.m to approximately noon. Kingston Pike will re-open to Campbell Station Road approximately 15 minutes after the last parade participant has gone through the intersection. Kingston Pike will fully re-open once all participants are off the road. PARADE DETOURS: • NORTH SIDE: Campbell Station Road to Grigsby Chapel Road to Smith Road to Kingston Pike (going west) or Campbell Station Road to Parkside Drive to Lovell Road (going east) • SOUTH SIDE: Concord Road to Turkey Creek Road to Virtue Road to Kingston Pike (going west) or Concord Road to Kingston Pike (going east). S. Campbell Station Road will be open to the private road just south of Kingston Pike for access to the bank, post office, etc.


Tammy Cheek

Cheryl Rodgers, a Fountain City area resident, said she attended town of Farragut’s Rain Barrel Workshop Saturday, June 13, at Farragut Town Hall to find a cheaper rain barrel source.

Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Nursery & Children’s Worship Provided

Rain barrel From page 6C

riential learning facility we use to teach course skills and concepts in a hands-on way,” Gray said. Pellissippi State Community College students have partnered with the Town on building a community garden at the Town’s

Outdoor Classroom off North Campbell Station Road. “We want to use sustainable agricultural practices, so a lot of us are going to school on what the town of Farragut is doing,” Gray said. Scott said the workshop allowed the Town and Knox County Water Quality Forum to do something that improved

water quality and educated area residents on conservation and rainwater harvesting benefits. Since the rain barrel initiative, Scott said nearly 3,000 rain barrels have been distributed throughout the Knox County area. This provided about 150,000 gallons of stormwater runoff reduction.

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Cornerstone Church of God Sunday Morning Prayer …… 8:30 am Sunday School* ……………9:30 am Sunday Worship* …………10:30 am Sunday Evening Worship* … 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study …… 7:00 pm Pastor Steve McCullar

*Nursery Available 12813 Kingston Pike • 966-2300

Advertise your Worship services in farragutpress. Call 865-675-6397. FARRAGUT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Stephen Ministry Church Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 Nursery Provided Rev. Matthew R. Nieman 209 Jamestowne Blvd. Located behind Village Green Shopping Ctr.

(865)966-9547 • fpctn.org NEW COVENANT BAPTIST CHURCH Fredrick E. Brabson, Sr.- Senior Pastor Winning Souls and Changing Lives for Jesus Christ is a “Total Family Ministry” WEEKLY SERVICE Sunday

9:30 AM Family Bible Hour 11:00 AM Worship Service and Kid’s Praise Wednesday 6:45 PM Evening Bible Study

Nursery Care provided for all services

BRANCH MANAGER: Retail Position TNBANK, a Community Bank, is seeking an experienced, qualified candidate for Retail Branch Manager for our Farragut Branch. The position supervises the activities of personnel in a branch. Ensures adherence to all policies and procedures and assists personnel on operating problems, exceptions, and adjustments, makes sales calls to bring in new business, attends to the needs of existing and prospective customers, including opening new accounts, certifying checks, answering customer’s inquiries and resolving customer complaints. Applicant must be energetic and enthusiastic with financial services, sales experience; excellent communication skills, management and leadership skills, goal oriented and professional appearance. College degree preferred, but will accept experienced Branch Managers.

Please send resumes to TNBANK, in care of the Human Resources Department at 401 South Illinois Avenue Oak Ridge, TN 37830 or lengland@tnbank.net. EEOC

Teller/ Customer Service Representative


TBN Ch. 40 Comcast Sundays at 10:00 AM

Sunday Morning Services Traditional and Contemporary 8:45 & 11:00 a.m. 11020 Roane Drive 966-6728 www.concordumc.com Nursery Provided for All Services

CTN/WVLR Channel 48 Sundays at 4:30 PM Worship Complex 10319 Starkey Lane Knoxville, TN 37932

Phone: (865) 671-3370 Website: www.newcovenantbc.com A church inviting you to make a life changing decision for Christ.

TNBANK, a Community Bank, is seeking qualified candidates for a Bank Teller Position for our Farragut Branch. Experience in customer service and cash handling is a requirement. The position involves a variety of services to customers, money handling, balancing, and sales; providing information and guidance to customers regarding the Bank’s products and services. Applicant must be energetic and enthusiastic; excellent communication skills and professional appearance is a must.

Please send resumes to TNBANK, in care of the Human Resources Department at 401 South Illinois Avenue Oak Ridge, TN 37830 or email resume to lengland@tnbank.net. TNBank is an equal opportunity employer.

Mailing Address P.O. Box 22847 Knoxville, TN 37933

Worship Times

9:30 am and

10:50 am

12915 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37934

For more information go to



Korean Sarang Church of Knoxville Worship 1 PM • www.sarangknox.org


classifieds 000 LEGALS

ORDER IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE TOWN OF FARRAGUT, TENNESSEE, Pursuant to Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 3-101 of the Code of Ordinances for Farragut, Tennessee, it is ORDERED that the Town of Farragut Municipal Court will convene on the second Monday of every Month beginning at 6:00 PM in the Board Room of Farragut Town Hall for the purpose of conducting hearings on any citations issued for Automated Traffic Enforcement and Code violations. This will be the regularly scheduled monthly court date for the Town of Farragut beginning August 9, 2010. AGENDA FARRAGUT BOARD OF PLUMBING, GAS/MECH. EXAMINERS Date: 714/15 Time: 5:00 p.m. Location: Farragut Town Hall, second floor, conference room B I. Approval of Minutes II. Old Business III. New Business A. Review the following applicant to be considered for a Farragut Plumbing or Gas/ Mechanical License. 1. Ekkehard (Ike) Thies, E&T Plumbing, 2817 Valley View Rd., Knoxville TN 37917 for a Gas License. If there are individuals that would like to address the Farragut Board of Licensing Examiners regarding any information or dealings they have had with the applicants listed above, please fill free to attend this meeting.


To place your ad please call (865) 675-6397 or fax (865) 675-1675.



LOST!! Old Stage Rd/Watt Rd/Fox Den Areas

6-year old - Friendly Red Bone Hound "Lucy"

DETAILED YARD WORK - Lawn mowing service, weeding, clearing jobs, tree removal, landscaping of any kind, mulching, shrub trimming, brush hauling. Free estimates. Firewood for sale, delivered & stacked $90.00 / rick. Serving West Knox area. Call Tom Farr, 865-368-2013.

Please call Rebecca Crossland: 865-705-4664; 966-4864; 755-3132



Payments may be made by cash, check or credit card. Prepayment is required on all classified advertising.

Mondays, 11:00 am Display Ads

These Cards Gladly Accepted:

Space & Copy...Mondays, 11:00 am



Lucy is micro-chipped and up-to-date on shots. Last seen wearing collar with identification!


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Line Ads Private Party . .15 words $40/4 weeks Commercial . .25 words $50/4 weeks Each additional word .25¢ per week Display Ads . .$10.65 per column inch

garage sales

LICENSED CONTRACTORRemodeling, custom home building, additions, sunrooms, garages, decks, restoration, kitchens, bathrooms. Residential & Commercial. Free estimates. 865-922-8804. Herman Love.





LET ME CLEAN FOR YOU Farragut Woman has years of Cleaning Experience

I BUY DIABETIC Test Strips! OneTouch, Freestyle, AccuChek, Contour. Must not be opened or expired. Local pickup!

Call Daniel today:


Call Christine 661-0289

Honest, dependable with excellent references


Benefiting Farragut High Band Program


Saturday, July 11th 8:00am - 4:00pm

Electrolysis and Skin Care Solutions OPENING SOON Call now for your appointment 865.387.7642 or email: tbutler@electrolysisandskincaresolutions.com

Farragut High School "In the Commons"


Accepting Donated Items prior to July 8th. Contact Jennifer Lackey 865-696-2524 to arrange pickup!

The farragutpress is not responsible for errors in an advertisement if not corrected by the first week after the ad appears. This newspaper is not responsible or liable whatsoever for any claim made by an ad or for any of the services, products or opportunities offered by our advertisers. We do not endorse or promote the purchase or sale of any product, service, company or individual that chooses to advertise in this newspaper, and we reserve the right to refuse any/all advertising we deem inappropriate or unacceptable by our company standards.

Concessions Available Coffee, Donuts, Hot Dogs, Chips & Drinks

employment zone 203 HELP WANTED






Drivers: Quality Home time! Earn over $1250+ per wk. + Monthly Bonuses! Excellent Benefits. No-Touch! CDL-A 1yr exp.

is looking for:


Drivers: Dedicated Lane


No-Touch Openings!

Send résumé & samples to: editor@farragutpress.com


$3000 Sign-On Bonus! Excellent Comprehensive Benefits! Class-A CDL 18 months exp

farragutpress is seeking a motor route carrier to deliver papers Wednesdays in Farragut area, Watt Road to Lovell Road and in Turkey Creek shopping area. Must have valid Tennessee Driver's license, reliable transportation, and automobile insurance.

To apply email lori@farragutpress.com or call 865-675-6397 Mon-Fri between 9 a.m. & 5 p.m.


Call Penske Logistics:


Must have working knowledge of social media and multimedia as well as QuarkXPress and Adobe Photoshop.


educational resources

Send résumé to: editor@farragutpress.com


Farragut School District Will Train

Mileage and cell phone allowance, Health Insurance and 401K • Must be organized, outgoing & enjoy working with people • Must dress neatly & be comfortable talking with businesses • Sales Experience Required

Register NOW!

Send resume to: resume@farragutpress.com



or fax: 865-675-6776 or 11863 Kingston Pike, Farragut, TN 37934

Individual tutoring and group classes at reasonable prices.

service directory SERVICE DIRECTORY RATES 1 Block . . . . . . . .$105/mo. 2 Block . . . . . . . .$165/mo. 3 Block . . . . . . . .$235/mo. 4 Block . . . . . . . .$300/mo. 6 Block . . . . . . . .$435/mo.


Space & Copy Monday, 11:00 a.m. PAYMENTS Payments may be made by cash, check or credit card. Prepayment is required on all classified advertising.

Call Dr. Michael K. Smith at 865-694-4108 In Knoxville since 1983. Convenient location at 308 South Peters Rd.

lawn&landscaping Tom Farr’s Detailed Yard Work & Landscaping Also specializing in Decorative Stone ... • Mowing • Retaining Walls • Weeding • Flower Gardens • Mulching • Stone & Pea Gravel Walk Ways • Shrub Trimming • Clearing & Brush Hauling • Bush Hogging • Tree Removal • Licensed & Insured West Side Services • Call Tom at 368-2013 Free Estimates • Insured • License #0268188

Blank’s Tree Work All Types of Tree Care & Stump Removal

Have a unique business or service?

Our focus on the optimum health and beauty of your landscape will save your trees, save you money and protect our environment!

Advertise in the


Will beat ALL written estimates with comparable credentials Fully Insured • Free Estimates







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homerepair&improvement PJohnRECISION PAINTING Carver, Owner since 1990

These Cards Gladly Accepted

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misc. services

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Jimmy Holsomback


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roger@knoxdrycarpetcleaning.com • KnoxDryCarpetCleaning.com

• • • • • • • • • •

Carpentry Electrical Kitchen Remodeling Carports Garages Screened Porches Textured Ceilings Hardwood Flooring Pergo Flooring Bathrooms

• • • • • • • • • •

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• • • • • • • • • •

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FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED “Rely on the professionals for all your home improvement needs.”

“Voted Hometown Favorite for 12 Consecutive Years” Member of the Loudon County Chamber of Commerce


Turner Homes, LLC and Woody Creek Realty, LLC

Open New Office in Farragut Turner Homes, LLC and Woody Creek Realty, LLC held an Open House/Food Truck Friday event on May 8th, 2015 to celebrate the opening of their new office. Attendees had a great time

playing cornhole, eating and taking tours. They are located at 11543 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN 37934 and office hours are Mon-Fri from 9am5pm.

Like us on facebook www.facebook.com/farragutpress BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE ESTATE HOME ON 5 ACRES

FOR SALE BY OWNER 10.4 acres hilltop site with brick ranch home. Located 9 miles from Farragut courthouse and 15 minutes from Turkey Creek Shopping inside Loudon County. Custom built house has 3050 Sq. Ft, oversized garage, three bedrooms and covered porches. Land is partially wooded and ideal for livestock with a 30’ X 40’ barn. Phone Norman, Owner/Agent for details.

865-599-1077 ($569,000.00)

Located Minutes From Everything including Farragut, Turkey Creek, Lakes, Golfing & More! Mid-Century Modern Ranch Home w/3000 SF of Living Space. 3 BR + Bonus + Office, Huge Oversized 2-Car Garage w/Workshop, 4 Horse Stall Barn w/Water & Electricity, Equipment & Hay Storage, 2 Paddocks & Riding Ring & Pasture w/Horse Safe Fencing. - COMPLETELY REMODELED HOME • Custom Solid Wood Doors w/Fluted Glass • Custom Stone & Tile Showers • Custom Designed Kitchen w/Butler’s Pantry • New Media Room/2nd Family Room w/Cabinetry & Eating Bar w/Pendent Lighting • All New 40 Year Metal Roofs All in a One Level Beautiful Ranch Style Home Estate Style Entrance w/Black Board Fence This is a Rare Opportunity to Own an Established Private Oasis in East Tennessee; you will not want to leave!

MLS 930343 • All this for only $585,000!

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Cell: 643-3232

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Office: 693-3232

CONNIESOLDIT.COM www.timhathaway.com E-mail: tim@timhathaway.com

Direct: 865-310-4887 • Office: 865-966-5005 11121 Kingston Pike, Suite C Knoxville TN 37934




Independently owned and operated 114 Lovell Road, Suite 102 Knoxville, TN 37934 (865) 474-7100 www.WRAPTN.com

Career Sessions Every Tuesday at 2 or 6pm Call Justina to RSVP @ 474-7100

Brandi Matson

John Sadler

Jan Moore

Diane Hawkins

Jeff Grebe

Phone (865) 712-7689

Phone (865) 804-2294

Phone (865) 318-1565

Phone (865) 803-2558

Phone (865) 719-3624






Happy 4 ! th

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! 10521 Blakewood Dr - Lovell Heights S/D Near Turkey Creek & Pellissippi Parkway + plus Farragut school district for all levels. 3 BR 2.5 BA 2,020SF. Vaulted ceiling in living rm w/lots of natural light & new Frieze carpet. Large eat-in kitchen updated w/custom antiqued cabinets, gas range, R/O water filtration, pantry + extra storage cabinet. Main level Master w/full BA & large w/in closet. Basement has a bonus rm, 1/2 BA & large open L-shaped den/study/recreation area w/brick wood-burning fireplace. 2-car garage. MLS 931173 $184,900

Mary-Ann Linkowski Phone (865) 850-0552 MaryAnn@AdvantageTN.com

James Wooten Phone (865) 466-8818 Jwooten@AdvantageTN.com

RENTALS NEEDED! Demand for quality rental property is extremely high! Call Frank to learn how we can help you get your property rented.

Dottie Webb Phone (865) 742-0109 dwebb@AdvantageTN.com

(865) 474-7111

“Invite Us In, We’ll Get RESULTS” 96 Point Marketing Plan includes: Professional Photography, Individual Property Website REALTOR.com Showcase Listing Equal Housing Opportunity Statement: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Tennessee Human Rights Act, which make it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.”



Premier Private Pay Long-Term Suites Available • $275 a day • Private suites equipped with 42” flat screen TV’s, phones and WI-FI • 24 hour nursing care • Physician onsite full time five days a week • Concierge service • Individualized care • Restaurant Style dining

West Hills Health & Rehab Now a 4-Star Medicare Rated Facility!

6801 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37909

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