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Farragut welcomes the king (of beers)


BOMA ponders upping expenses for road project ■ TAMMY CHEEK


Top: Greeted by Budweiser’s famous Clydesdales and scores of neighbors while standing in front of her Village Green home, Carol Rosseel became the firstever Tennessee resident to have a case of Budweiser beer delivered to a home by the Clydesdales. While chatting briefly with Scott Neal, account manager with Eagle Distributing Co., Rosseel enjoyed the spotlight Sunday afternoon, Sept. 15, after her name was drawn at random during a special Budweiser promotion, in conjunction with five area Kroger stores, based on Eagle winning an award. Middle: The Clydes-dales, eight strong, began their local journey at Farragut Kroger Marketplace off Brooklawn Street, where Carol entered her name, as hundreds of Kroger shoppers and other onlookers got an up-close look at the famous horses — and photos — for about 20 minutes in front of Kroger before the trek to Village Green.

Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen granted final approval Thursday to increase expenses on the Snyder Road/Outlet Drive extension project. “That happens often with overruns,” Mayor Ralph McGill said during an interview last week. “It’s not unusual.” Vice Mayor Dot LaMarche moved to give the final approval, and Alderman Bob Markli seconded her motion, which passed unanimously. Aug. 22, the Board approved Ordinance 13-21 on first reading. This ordinance authorized the mayor to enter into a contract in which the Town pays Vision Knoxville West, LLC, $96,771.49 for two tracts of land so the Town can complete the Snyder Road/Outlet Drive extension. The ordinance also called for a $476,402 increase to the state street aid fund expenditures so the Town can receive better bids and have a more flexible construction season. “I think we’ve completed nearly all the paving this year, so this may be the final one,” McGill said during the earlier interview.


With Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen agreeing to a $1.25 million purchase of historic Russell House from its Russell family owners last month “in Connecticut and Florida” according to Mayor Ralph McGill, thoughts turn to the scope of renovations and additions within its roughly two acres. How about moving Farragut Folklife Museum, Knox County government offices and a new visitors center to adjoin Russell

The resurfacing budget was $500,000 but only $23,598 was spent, so the remainder, $476,402, will be transferred to the current fiscal year’s budget. The mayor explained that means if a project comes in under the budget amount the town puts it back into the general fund. Also, the Capital Investment Program’s expenditures will be increased by $100,000. Another change to the budget included an increase to the equipment replacement fund’s expenditures, which will be increased by $6,000 to replace a John Deere Gator used at the parks. While no action was taken, BOMA heard from R.M. Hill of 11504 Mountain View Road regarding traffic control concerns along Kingston Pike. Hill asked that a traffic study be done. He specifically referred to the intersections with Jamestowne Boulevard and Belleaire Drive. He noted when he is driving on Belleaire, going east, some cars are going 60 mph or better. “It doesn’t take long for a car See BOMA on Page 3A

FMPC looks at applying OSMR overlay to R-6

■ Above: The Clydesdales are seen entering Kingston Pike off Brooklawn Street, leaving Kroger en route to greet and reward Rosseel, wife of former Farragut Alderman Thomas Rosseel. She is one of only seven such awardees nationwide this year.

Town contemplates what to do with Russell House ALAN SLOAN

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House, at the corner of Kingston Pike and Campbell Station Road, within those two acres? How about restoring a basement “slave quarters” not previously known to exist? How about tearing down “wings” of the home in order to restore its 1835 mystique? Although talk about Town expansion is in its infancy according to Farragut Mayor Ralph McGill, “We’re cramped for space here,” McGill said about Farragut Town Hall. “And we need, eventually, some additional space. “So the thought is, maybe we

could build a new building on that other acre and let it house the museum, the County offices and a visitors center,” he added. As for current Russell House property business tenant, Dog Days Canine Playschool, “It’s going to have to be knocked down,” McGill said. “We will own it, we can do what we want.” McGill further defined “completion” of Russell House. “We’re going to try and put the house back in the condition it was in in 1835,” McGill said. “You know, they’ve added on some wings. See HOUSE on Page 2A

ROBBY O’DANIEL rodaniel@farragutpress.com

Farragut’s Municipal Planning Commission discussed a Farragut Zoning Ordinance amendment that would focus on the R-6 Multi-Family Residential District and apply the Open Space Mixed Residential Overlay District to it at the commission’s Thursday, Aug. 15 meeting. “How do we address these kinds of properties that are geographically situated that it would imply that they are ripe for a more dense development, but the land itself really can’t accommodate it?” then Community Development director Ruth Hawk said. “We have several parcels like this in Town that I can think of that would kind of fall under this category. ... We really do have a situation with parcels that – not all land is created equal, and location, location, location, but sometimes it’s not just location. It’s topography, topography, topography or sinkhole, sinkhole, sinkhole, depending on what the situation is.”

Hawk told the commission she would provide graphics, pictures and more information as her next step. “There are actually several parcels in Town where they fall into the location, location, location category, but they have physical constraints on them that are limiting,” she said. “And one of the reasons we came up with the open space cluster zoning districts is because we realized that our southwest sector had a lot of sinkholes, among other things, and land wasn’t getting any cheaper. And developers, we needed to acknowledge the fact that development will occur, and it’s a lot easier from a development standpoint if you have a warm, fuzzy number of what you can potentially get and that if you run into a surprise sinkhole, it’s not going to put you over the edge. Developers, this is a business. They’re doing it to make money.” “We’re really trying to accommodate apartments ... at lands that are geographically situated See FMPC on Page 3A

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Alan Sloan/farragutpress

Historic Russell House, right, and its neighbor, Dog Days Canine Playschool.

House From page 1A

We’re going to take them off, they weren’t original.” This two-story house “is not as big as you think, probably a couple of thousand square feet,” McGill said. “It’s got really high ceilings, makes it big.” “We’re buying the whole two acres; only one of them is used by the house. The other one, eventually, and it’s still up in the air what we might do.” “Might be just a park setting or something like that,” he added. Moreover, “The architect we had look at it points out some things … he says, for example, down below the house — you don’t realize it — but there were slave quarters down there,” McGill said about information unknown, until recent weeks, to either him or anyone connected with Farragut Folklife Museum, McGill said. Although no exact figure has

been pinpointed for restoration costs, McGill emphasized it was a “rough estimate” when saying “about a half million” dollars. About the eventual financial impact of Russell House, “If we break even we’ll be happy,” McGill said. Required to make Russell House payments “over three years,” McGill said the Town is in the process of meeting purchase requirements from State Comptroller’s Office. Though McGill said “the Town has money” from which to pay for such restoration, he pointed to “a drive to solicit contributions. I think we can have a lot of success there. We’re just going to discuss different ways of raising money and get about the business of doing that. We’re still forming that committee. “There are a number of grants out there, some of which this would be an ideal application for ... ,” McGill added.


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• Sept. 12: Knox County Sheriff’s Office responded to Kohl’s department store in Farragut for a shoplifting call. Complainant stated the arrestee took a pair of shorts, three rings and a bracelet, ripped the tags off and tried to leave the store without paying for them. The arrestee, a 41year-old female, stated she needed a pair of shorts and was stealing for herself and not to resale the items. The arrestee was taken into custody. • Sept. 12: KCSO was dispatched to Kohl’s department store in Farragut to arrest a 70-year-old woman who was observed taking and concealing about $400 in merchandise and attempting to leave the store without paying for the items. The arrestee was taken into custody and transported to Knox County Detention Center. • Sept. 11: An Aronimink Point woman reported to police an unknown suspect entered her vehicle while it was parked at the residence

and attempted to break into the glove box that was locked. Suspect caused damage to the glove box. Estimated loss is unknown. • Sept. 11: A Congressional Point man reported to police an unknown suspect took a camera from his unlocked vehicle while it was parked at the residence. Estimated loss is about $150. • Sept. 11: A Torrey Pines Point man reported to police an unknown suspect had taken the satellite radio hookup from his unlocked vehicle while it was parked at the residence. Estimated loss is about $100. • Sept. 10: A representative of Kroger Marketplace off Brooklawn Street in Farragut reported a known suspect came into the store and took two quantities of Prylosec medication from the store without paying for them. Estimated loss is about $40. • Sept. 7: Police were advised by a Norden Drive resident someone had

taken his dog. Complainant advised police the dog was chained in the front yard at 7 a.m. and when the babysitter arrived at 10 a.m. it was gone. Complainant advised there is no way the dog could let itself off the chain. • Sept. 7: A Riverbrook Road woman reported to police an unknown suspect gained entry into her vehicle while it was parked at a Campbell Lakes Drive address. Complainant stated the suspects tried to pry her door open but were unsuccessful and finally broke out her window to gain entry and steal a laptop computer and a camera. Estimated loss was about $4,000.

presstalk 671-TALK

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Underground utilities not on plans for future Farragut ■

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

While a Lenoir City High School student in the late 1970s, M. Shannon Littleton and his family noticed something groundbreaking, both literally and figuratively, with Lenoir City Utilities Board and Fox Den subdivision.

FMPC From page 1A

that would be appropriate for apartments, at least part of the land,” she said. “But they would be able to use the gross land area counting towards their density, and we would still have the mechanism in place that would mandate the preservation of the environmentally sensitive areas.” She described the R-6 district. “Currently within the R-6 district, obviously apartments are allowed ... but elderly and group

BOMA From page 1A

to be right on you,” Hill said. He also observed he has trouble coming out of the Jamestown exit because of unyielding drivers. “A traffic signal would break up the traffic,” he said. “I agree there are problems there, and I think we should do a study,” McGill said, but added, “It’s a state road and they have the final say.” Still, Hill said, “There are some risks there.” In other business, the Board appointed Nadia Kogeler to the Parks and Athletics Council. Kogeler currently is general manager with Cool Sports and has a master’s degree in recreation management. “I’ve read her bio,” Alderman

Even before there was a town of Farragut, there was underground utility service beginning in Fox Den. “From my understanding, LCUB was one of the first utilities in Tennessee to do underground power, and that was to the Fox Den subdivision of Farragut back in the late ’70s,” said Littleton, longtime general housing, which is considered assisted living, is allowed within the R-6 district,” she said. “Nursing homes, daycare facilities, and then schools, churches and other places of worship. ... Schools, churches and other places of worship are pretty much allowed in every residential zoning district, so that is not unique in that respect. But elderly and group housing, nursing home and daycare facilities, the R-6 district is the only residential district where those uses are allowed.” Jeff Elliott said. “She seems very qualified.” Town recorder Allison Myers said Kogeler has been on the council before. On Kogeler’s application, she said she has been part of the council and “would love to do it again.” “We love and use the parks every week,” Kogeler said. Another action BOMA took Thursday was to approve the placement of directional signs for the 2013 Parade of Homes. HBA of Greater Knoxville applied for a Special Events permit, requesting permission to place directional signs in Farragut during the Parade of Homes. This year, there are six Farragut homes in the event. The signs will be placed Oct. 321.


manager of LCUB, which is supplier of all electrical power to town of Farragut. “What’s ironic about it, I remember with my parents about how exclusive Fox Den was as a neighborhood just merely because their power was underground in that subdivision. “And it was a big deal,” he added. “What really made news … some of the upper class at the time in Loudon County desired to be in that neighborhood simply because of the appearance of” having underground utilities as the trump card among “many things it had to offer.”

While all new commercial development and subdivisions in Farragut require underground utilities roughly 35 years after Fox Den first broke ground on the concept in the Knox area, neither LCUB nor Town leaders said they have any long-range plans to replace above ground poles and lines with underground utilities along any of Farragut’s main thoroughfares: Kingston Pike, Campbell Station Road, Parkside Drive and Grigsby Chapel Road. “Would we like to be able to see the utilities underground?

Sure, I think that would be an enhancement to the community,” said David Smoak, Farragut town administrator. However, “It would be a tremendous cost to be able to do that,” Smoak added. “Right now, I think that’s not anywhere in our plans to go forward.” With roughly 1,800 miles of LCUB electrical cable located in Farragut and West Knox County, “It’s really cost prohibitive,” Littleton said. “It’s four times, and maybe it’s eight times more See UTILITIES on Page 4A

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• This is a warning for drivers going through the traffic line at Campbell Station Road and Parkside Drive. When approaching the light, stop immediately when it begins to turn yellow even if you have to block traffic because you will get a ticket. There is not enough time to prevent it from turning to red without it being considered a traffic violation. This is good revenue for Farragut. Editor’s Note: Yellow lights on traffic signals in the town of Farragut are set for four seconds. If a vehicle crosses the white stop bars at an intersection before the light turns red, the vehicle is not cited. However, if the vehicle crosses the white stop bar after the signal turns red a citation could be issued. Citations are no longer, by order

of the state legislature, for turning right on red without stopping at camera-monitored intersection. However, it remains a violation and drivers could be cited by a police officer that witnesses the violation. • I would like to make two comments. The first comment is about Farragut eyesores. Somebody wrote in about a lady who mows her lawn every week yet doesn’t do the trimming. Maybe it’s a possibility she doesn’t own a trimmer or it’s a possibility that she is afraid to use a trimmer. As a good neighbor, I would have [gone] over and [done] the trimming for her instead of complaining in the newspaper. My second comment [a weekly Farragut] newspaper that is thrown on my driveway every week, which I do appreci-

ate. I do pick it up every Wednesday and I do read it and dispose of it properly. Now there are some driveways that I notice, and one particular one in Farragut, that has about 12 or more newspapers that are on the driveway. Apparently these people don’t want the newspaper, they don’t read the newspaper and they don’t dispose of these newspapers. All they do is keep driving over these newspapers hoping, I guess, that eventually nature will disentigrate these newspapers. Whoever delivers these papers, you know after three or four weeks and the newspapers are still in the driveway, maybe it’s time to stop delivering more newspapers on these people’s driveway and keep adding to the pile. Now, seems to make sense to me.

• Editorial freedom is a wonderful concept, but it does come with its responsibilities. With that in mind, the farragutpress has developed policies that will be followed regarding the publication of presstalk comments: • Libelous comments will not be published. • Malicious comments will not be published. • Comments will remain anonymous. • Recorded comments will be limited to 30 seconds. • Written comments should be limited to about 100 words. • Names of individuals or businesses mentioned in the call may not be published (including public figures and officials) depending on the issue. • Comments mentioning names of public figures, not issue

related, will be published as a “Letter to the Editor” and must be signed. • farragutpress reserves the right not to publish any comment for any reason. • Because of space limitations, not every comment will be published. Also, portions of the 30second message and written comments with more than 100 words may be omitted, but the basic message of the call or email will remain intact. • Vulgar language will not be printed. That’s it. The forum is open for comments regarding anything you have on your mind — local politics, world affairs, sports, religion, community affairs, citycounty unification or anything else.

Teachers not allowed to carry weapons in Knox County schools despite new law

Utilities From page 3A

expensive to put power underground than overhead. … It would be millions and millions just to serve Turkey Creek [Parkside Drive].” Moreover, “Where there’s multi circuits there that are very high voltage, they’re going to be so hot; they are going to conduct so much heat you could not be able to place those underground anyway,” he added. “The underground wiring for a subdivision is much, much different than what it would be” for a business district. “I think we’re stuck with overhead for as far as we can see into the future.” Currently, “There’s probably three of four circumstances where we would go underground,” Littleton said. “A lot of the new subdivision developments, we require in some cases, and like to see underground utilities in place. Other times we do underground utilities when it’s appropriate. When vegetation is very dense or there’s some other situations that would require us to place electricity underground.” “And a lot of times, operationally for us it’s a little tougher when utilities are underground,” Littleton added.

presstalk 671-TALK (8255)

Above-ground utilities along Kingston Pike

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

Based on his interpretation, Richard “Bud” Armstrong is one prominent Knox County leader who has no problem with Tennessee General Assembly’s new School Security Act. Armstrong, Knox County law director, said he wanted to help set the record straight because the SSA is “not like what we’ve read in the press to believe. Or it not like it’s been marketed to believe.” Senate Bill 570, passed by both Assembly houses and signed by Gov. Bill Haslam May 13 (it became law July 1), allows qualified kindergarten-throughhigh school administrators and teachers to carry a weapon on school grounds during school hours — provided they have the proper training, certification and law enforcement background. “It’s very stringent … you have to also be a law enforcement officer or have prior experience as a law enforcement officer,” Armstrong said. “If you were [military police], that would qualify. “And everybody has to have the 40-hour training in school policy,” he added. “And in addition you have to have the 39-1713-51 gun-carry permit. … Even

myself, I wasn’t all that sure until I got the bill, and [said], ‘Oh, wow, this is pretty tight.’ “This is not a legal opinion, this is a statement: if a person can qualify to do this, they’re pretty qualified” to carry a weapon on school grounds during school hours. However, the new law allows each school district to decide whether or not to allow qualified administrators-teachers to carry. “What the statute looks like is, they have to have written permission from [Dr. Jim McIntyre, superintendent of Knox County Schools] and they have to have written permission from the principal of the site,” Armstrong said. “It doesn’t address school board’s authority in any way.” Melissa Ogden, KCS director of public affairs, said McIntyre “has not given such approval or authorization for teachers or administrators. Ogden added that KCS has responded by epanding our security staff to post an armed security officer at each of our schools. “The superintendent believes this would obviate any need for teachers to be armed in the Knox County Schools, and he does not anticipate approving any requests to do so,” she added.

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Dan Barile,

Elaine Grove,

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Mike Lewis




School Coupon Book turns 25 ■

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

Influenced by Hamilton County’s success with its K-12 schools raising money selling coupon books, then Knox County Schools superintendent Earl Hoffmeister brought the concept to Knox County for the fall of 1989. A mandatory system-wide fundraiser with Knox County Board of Education’s blessing, “There was a little bit of heartburn on the front end for some schools that traditionally had done their own thing in the fall,” said Scott Bacon, KCS supervisor of business partnerships. “This is the 25th campaign. We’ve enjoyed a tremendous amount of success over those 24 previous years,” Bacon added. “Back in the day we had right at 100 merchants in the book the first year. Now we’re over 200-plus, the book is over twice as large. “Over 3.2 million books sold. Over $27.5 million in net proceeds to the school district that largely stay out in the local schools. I think that’s the beauty of the program, why it’s had staying power.” With more than 200 coupons, the $10 cost per book is the same price as it was in 1989. “It something people know they’re going to get their $10 out of if they use it a couple of times,” Bacon said. “There’s over $10,000 in value in there.” Interested children at a given school “order books in the spring of the year,” Bacon said. The 2013 campaign began Sept. 5 and runs through Sept. 23.

“We ordered enough books to be able to sell 160,000, which would be about 6,000 more than last year,” Bacon said. “This year we’re pleased that $8 out of the $10 stays at the school that sells, which is the highest [percentage] that’s ever been,” Bacon added. Each student-family can chose whether or not to participate. Among the top sellers last year was Colette Quist, a Farragut Intermediate School student who finished second overall with 317 sold. Madelyn Mustard, who was second at FIS with 175 sold, won a drawing and is one of four KCS children featured on the coupon books’ brochure. Among middle school top sellers last year was Farragut Middle School’s Elizabeth Mowery with 119 sold. Such top sellers at each of the county’s 89 K-12 public schools are recognized by KCS in addition to “prizes at the school level. In some cases that may be an electronic gizmo of some nature,” Bacon said. “It could be money … plus they get to be principal for a day or they get to do some special experience.” This year’s fall’s top seller overall “will get their picture on the front of next year’s coupon book,” Bacon said. “They’re going to win pizza for a year. … They’re going to win a big [department store] gift certificate.” Also, KCS recognizes all students who sell at least 100 books. In the fall of 2006 was KCS’s biggest sales ever at 180,435 books. Last year’s total sales was 153,642.


On February 21, 1787, the Continental Congress resolved that… “on the second Monday in May a Convention of delegates who shall have been appointed by the several States be held at Philadelphia for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation….” The original states, except Rhode Island, collectively appointed 70 delegates, but only 55 could attend and only 39 actually signed. – Provided by the Samuel Frazier Chapter, Tennessee Society, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

Concord UMC all about ‘Job’

ROBBY O’DANIEL rodaniel@farragutpress.com

Mike Fields, the leader of the Job Resource Group at Concord United Methodist Church, gives those who participate a four-item to-do list. “The first one is give me your 10 most significant accomplishments in single sentences,” Fields said. “The second one is list four reasons on a piece of paper that will tell me you are or have a.) intelligence, b.) solve problems, c.) leadership, d.) have initiative, e.) have human relation skills, f.) have written and verbal skills, and the last one is computer skills. And the third one is compose a list of 50 people who can assist you in finding a new position, and the fourth one is give me five reasons I should hire you over anyone else I’m considering.” The four items relax people during an interview, he said. “It causes people to journey within themselves, not only to find out their very best skills and attributes but also identifies

their skill sets and teaches them to talk about those skills and what they’ve accomplished,” he said. The to-do list seems easy, but it is not, he said. “And when you start answering those, you find out who the person is, what their significant accomplishments are, which, once those answers come in, I look at their resume as prepared, and if I don’t see at least some of those significant accomplishments very early in the resume, then we’ll probably do some revisions,” he said. Regarding the significant accomplishments, often he will ask in class for two or three of them, he said. “People invariably don’t want to brag,” he said. “But when you’re interviewing for a job, you need to have the very best about you upfront and quickly seen.” Fields encourages having the 50-people list, he said. “The jobs are in people’s heads, and 80 percent of the people I See UMC on Page 8A

CrossFit craze hits Farragut hard

COURTNEY SUCH Special to farragutpress

CrossFit is growing in popularity, evident from the competitions televised to Facebook posts by your friends and their improvements, and is even changing lives in the town of Farragut. “It takes you to the next step in life, physically and mentally,” CrossFit West Knox co-owner Kim Betts said. “It’s changed my life big time. I’ve been more conscious of my sleep, what kind of food I eat …,”

CrossFit West Knox athlete Brooke Smith said. It is helping her in her daily life more than she ever expected. “The other day at the zoo I was carrying both of my girls, and because of my workouts I was able to do that. It’s functional movements you’re going to do at a high intensity at CrossFit, then when you get to every day life, it’s so easy,” she added. Farragut resident Libby Underwood injured her right shoulder a few years ago, but it did not keep her from trying some-

thing new. She is now doing workouts she has never done before and is already seeing improvements within the first five months of starting. “The workouts are set, and being able to accomplish my goals, I walk out feeling better. I go in worried whether I can finish it or not but I go in and get it done. I think it has made me a little more self-confident,” she said. She also mentioned how any skill and age level will succeed. See CROSSFIT on Page 8A Courtney Such/farragutpress

Farragut small business owner Gloria Shipley (front), and Town residents Brooke Smith and Emily Mathis lift weights during a Saturday morning workout at CrossFit West Knox.

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Leave home without it! It was my husband Terry’s idea and it sounded good, because I LOVE my pillow. On his suggestion and knowing we were going to stay ten nights in different motels as we travelled to Casper, Wyoming and back, I took my treasured goose down pillow. What I love about it is how well it responds to a poke or a punch creating the perfect position for my sleepy yet discriminating head and face. I put a l i g h t peach pillow case on my foul feather sleeping companion and we were off up the Pam Columbia Young R i v e r Make it G o r g e Fun! toward advent u r e . (We’d never travelled together before this trip so I hadn’t experienced the delight of using her for a nap across the boring part of Oregon. Not Boring, Oregon, it’s quite beautiful.) Our first night on the road was spent in John Day, Oregon at the Best Western. Our room offered a king-size bed with a quartet of lumpy, micro-fiber-filled pillows. I hugged my friend with gratitude knowing it would insure a far better night’s sleep than the sorry excuses for head rests before me. Terry’s daughter and her family were travelling with us in a separate car and on the second day of our trip, Kyle our 10 yearold, joined us in our car as we headed for Yellowstone. Terry informed me he’d packed my pillow in the trunk to make room for our extra passenger. Our next resting place was the Brandin’ Iron Inn in the rustic little town of West Yellowstone. Reuniting with my pillow at the end of a long tourist trappy day, I was aghast! “Terry, this is NOT my pillow! This is John Day’s pillow! You packed the wrong one. Mine’s back in room 111!” I ranted. “We’ll call them tomorrow and we’ll work it out. We can have them send yours home and we’ll mail theirs to them,” he suggested. We spent two nights at the Brandin’ Iron Inn and I was forced to sleep with a choice of the John Day pillow or the Brandin’ Iron’s which was more like sleeping on Shredded Wheat. I chose the John Day. The next morning we left for Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The day was filled with wildlife; moose, a Grizzly mom and her two babies, a bull elk and many buffalo provided stop after stop for photos and excitement. That evening at dinner at a nice restaurant on Jackson Lake, a small flock of geese flew over our outdoor table. It reminded me of my pillow back in John Day. The next thought was, ‘We didn’t pack the John Day! We left it at the Brandin’ Iron with the Shredded Wheat pillows. This time it was my fault and now I didn’t have a pillow to hold in ransom for my goose down in John Day. I don’t even want to think about the conversation that would have to take place to get the John Day back from the Brandin’ Iron Inn, but I will write it just for you. “Ring, ring, ring.” “Brandin’ Iron Inn.” “Hi, we stayed in room 230 last night and I left a pillow I took by accident from the Best Western Motel in John Day, Oregon. Could you send that pillow to my home (I’ll be back there in five days), so I can send it to the Best Western when I get home, so I can get my own pillow back that I left there when I took their pil-


low? Hello?” Hellooo?” I’ve resigned myself to the fact that my pillow is gone, but if ever there was a lesson for us SHEs it’s, LEAVE YOUR PILLOW AT HOME! For more from Pam Young go to www.makeitfunanditwillgetdone.com. You’ll find many musings, videos of Pam in the kitchen preparing delicious meals, videos on how to get organized, ways to lose weight and get your finances in order, all from a reformed SLOB’s point of view

deathnotices • FELTS, Jeremy Michael, a local business owner, born 9/30/1978, died at home unexpectedly, Saturday, at the age of 34. Jeremy leaves behind his beautiful wife of 17 years, Tonya Felts and their four young children, Alyssa 12, Kaitlyn 11, Jayden 6 and Elijah 4; his mother, Cathryn and stepfather, William Norton; father, David Felts; siblings, Jason, Josh, Justin and JennieLynn. His extended family is too extensive to list but he loved them all. Jeremy was a loving husband who adored his four children. The family attends Park West Church and Jeremy was a christian man. The death was unexpected and shocking to the entire family. Jeremy had a smile that would light up the room, loved fishing and the outdoors. He spent the vast majority of his life here in Knoxville. His friends and relatives are traveling from many States as far away as Seattle, Washington to show their love and support of Jeremy, Tonya and their four young children. He will forever live in our hearts and will be missed everyday by those fortunate enough to know him. Please remember the family in your prayers. Services will be held at Click Funeral Home, 9020 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, Tn 37923. Family will receive friends Tuesday, September 17th from 5:307:00pm and Wednesday, September 18th from 5-6pm with a chapel service following at 6 p.m. Graveside service will be Thursday, September 19th at 11 a.m. at Marietta Church Cemetery. Click Funeral Home and Cremations - Middlebrook Chapel is serving the Felts family.

Dan Johnson

Following in his family’s footsteps

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

Growing up in Wallingford, Conn., Dan Johnson wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps. In this case, the footsteps that four generations of Johnson firemen have taken on behalf of fire prevention and fire safety. “My father [Robert] was in the fire service when I was young. He was a volunteer fireman. When I was 14, 15, 16 years old, I started hanging around the fire station and working my way into that,” said Johnson, Farragut Fire Marshal since July 2001. “I actually chased calls when I was 15 years old on a bike. … To help out if I could.” Having earned a bachelor’s degree in fire and safety engineering technology at Eastern Kentucky University in 1996, Johnson previously served as a fire inspector with Knox County Fire Prevention Bureau before coming to Farragut. He’s also a certified fire and explosion investigator and chief fire prevention code analyst. “At that time I was the only fire inspector that worked for Knox County that had obtained [CFP code analyst],” Johnson said. Johnson, who came to

Alan Sloan/farragutpress

Dan Johnson, town of Farragut FIre Marshal, demonstrates how easy it is to install batteries into a smoke alarm. See JOHNSON on Page 9A

Knoxville in 1997 with his wife,

birthnotices Parkwest Medical Center announces:

With compassion and comfort, we have been proudly serving the families of this community since 1884. Broadway Chapel 1421 N. Broadway 523-2121

Mann Heritage Chapel 6200 Kingston Pike 588-8578


• No births were reported this week

Turkey Creek Medical Center announces: • No births were reported this week

Robert Starkey, Kent Marcum, Frank Davis, Keith Richards, William Martin, A.H. Pickle



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Sept. 20

The following students have enrolled at Clemson University for the fall semester: Kendall Marie Calkins and Cameron Scot Maclellan.

Knox County Health Department and Knoxville-Knox County Senior Safety Task Force will host the fifth annual senior falls prevention seminar “One Step at a Time,” from 8 a.m., to 1:15 p.m., Friday, Sept. 20, at John T. O’Connor Senior Center. For more information, call 865541-4500.

Now East TN Chapter of Newborns in Need will be collecting new, handmade and barely used sleepers to keep babies warm in the winter months during the month of September. Sizes newborns to 18 months are needed; donations also are accepted. For more information, call Lori Wade, 865-7195485.

Now Knox County Schools Adult Education Program registration now is open. Classes in the Adult Education Program are open to anyone 17 years and older. For more information, call Amanda Johnson, 865-594-2972.

Now The University of Tennessee Medical Center is offering free prostate screening throughout September. The screenings are for men between the ages of 50 to 70. For more information, call Susan Wyatt, 865-305-6083.

Sept. 19 Middle East Tennessee Emergency Radio Service, Inc., now is accepting students for a training class for new amateur radio operators. At 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 19, at Tennessee College of Applied Technology. The Class will last 10 weeks and the training manual is available for $30, and the cost is $10. For more information, call Larry Osterman, 865-690-5096.

Sept. 27 “Feeding God’s Children Par 3 Golf Tournament” will be held Sept. 27 at Concord Park. All monies raised go directly to help children in the Appalachian Region of Bell County, Ky. For more information, visit www.feedinggodschildren.org/

Knoxville Children’s Theatre will perform Disney’s “Mulan,” at 7 p.m., Thursdays and Fridays Saturdays, 1 and 5 p.m., and 3 p.m., Sundays, Sept. 20 through Oct. 5. For more information, call Zack Allen, 865-599-5284.

Twenty-first Mortgage will sponsor a brown bag lecture “Mountain Tales, Volume 1: Feuds, Murder & Mayhem,” at noon, Thursday, Sept. 19, at East Tennessee History Center. Admission is free. For more information, call Lisa Allen Belleman, 865-215-8883.

Sept. 19-20 Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will open the season with “Eroica Trio Plays Beethoven,” at 7:30 p.m., Thursday and Friday, Sept. 19-20, at Tennessee Theatre. For more information, call 865-2913310.

Sept. 19-22 Dogwood Arts have partnered up to create the Knoxville Film Festival, Thursday through Sunday, Sept 19-22, at Regal Downtown West Cinema 8. For

Sept. 27 Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett will host the seventh Annual Senior Appreciation Picnic from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Friday, Sept. 27, at John Tarleton Park. For more information, call 865215-4007.

Sept. 28

Samuel Frazier Chapter Daughter of American Revolution will meet at 11 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 21, at Silver Spoon. For more information, call Martha Kroll, 865-603-4655.

Captain W.Y.C. Hannum Chapter 1881 will meet at 10 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 28, at Green Meadow Country Club in Alcoa. Brunch is $14 and will be served at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call Charlotte Miller, 865448-6716.

Sept. 21

Sept. 29

“Neon Vibe 5K,” a glow in the dark 5K will make its way through a black-lighted course in Oak Ridge. A portion of the proceeds will benefit East Tennessee Children’s Hospital through Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. For more information, call Erica Estep, 865-541-8276.

Sept. 21

Sept. 21 Auditions for “Willy Wonka, Jr.,” will be presented by Primary Players from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 21, at Clayton Center for the Arts and Jean Lambert Recital Hall. For more information, call 865-250-4433. Forty-ninth Annual Country Market will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 21, at Historic Ramsey House. Cost is $5 per adult; children under 12 are free with adult. For more information, call Judy LaRose, 865-546-0745. Atomic City of Oak Ridge will hold Neon Vibe 5K event Saturday, Sept 21, at AK Bissell Park. For more information, visit www.theneonvibe.webconnex.co m/oakridge/

Sept. 23 Ossili Circle will have its meeting at 9:45 a.m., Monday, Sept. 23, at 2511 Kingston Pike. For more information, call 865-5236698. UT’s Personal and Professional

Oct. 4


Knoxville Area Urban League currently is accepting applications for the Minority Scholarship Program in honor of Walter S E Hardy, M.D., one of the first African-American physicians. Applications are due by Friday, Oct. 4. For more information, call 865-524-5511.

Faith Lutheran Church Cookie Walk and Craft Fair has table space available for crafters. The annual event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7. Pre-registration is $15 before Nov. 1. For more information, e-mail faithcookiewalk@yahoo.com/

Oct. 4-5

Nov. 1-3

St. Mary’s Fall Festival will be from 5 to 7 p.m., Friday, Oct.4, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 5, on Parish grounds. For more information, call Lenna Aird, 865-216-5625.

East Tennessee Woodworker’s Guild and Arts and Culture Alliance announce a call for entries for the 17th Master Woodworkers Show. The threeday show will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 1, 2, and 3, in Emporium Center. Entry fee is $65. For more information, call Scott DeWaard, 865-6814798.

Oct. 11

Town of Farragut will host the fourth annual “Picnic on the Pike,” from 1 to 5 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 29, on the lawn of the farragutpress newspaper. For more information, call Lauren Cox, 865-966-7057.

Oct. 12

Sept. 21

UT Arboretum Society will hold its fall plant sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 12, at the UT Arboretum in Oak Ridge. For more information, call Melanie Staten, 865-776-8227.

Bookwalter United Methodist Church is holding a community yard sale at 8 a.m., Sept. 21. Call to reserve space. For more information, call Idonna Bryson, 865689-3349.

Sept. 29

Oct. 14

Sept. 29

Tennessee Children’s Dance Ensemble and friends will host “Children in the Arts,” at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 29, at Tennessee Amphitheater. Tickets are $7 for adults. For more information, call Amy Renee Wilson, 865-584-9636.

Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett will host a meeting from 3 to 4 p.m., Monday, Oct. 14, at Strang Senior Center. This meeting will be to give citizens the opportunity to meet one-on-one and speak individually with him about issues that are important to them. This meeting is open to the public. For more information, call Michael Grider, 865-215-4750, or Jennifer Linginfelter, 865-2154579.

First Christian Church ministry will be centered on St. Francis at 10:30 a.m., Sunday Sept. 29, in the courtyard. Everyone is encouraged to bring their animals and pictures of beloved animals for a blessing. For more information, call 865-522-0545.

The Butterfly Fund will hold the 5th Annual Charity Golf Tournament from 8 a.m., to 1:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 30, at Fox Den Country Club. For more information, contact Christina Harrill, charrill@ butterflyfund.org/ Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Gallery is planning exhibitions for September 2013 through August 2014. For more information, visit www.tvuuc.org/

Oct. 18 Fall Mountain Homes Tour is slated for Friday, Oct. 18, to benefit the Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center Guild to fund the center’s educational programs. Tickets are $50 for the tour of three homes, transportation, lunch and admission to Heritage Center within one year of the tour. For more information, call 865448-0044.

Oct. WordPlayers will offer “Actor Training,” in a Christian environment for fifth-graders through adults beginning in October. For more information, call 865-5392490.

Oct. 3 Sept. 23

Award-winning songwriter Robinella will be hosting a concert for Volunteer Ministry Center at 8 p.m., Friday, Oct. 4, at Square Room on Market Square. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. For more information, call 865-524-3926.

East Tennessee Chapter of the US Green Building Council will hold its fourth annual volunteer project from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 26. USGBC. Volunteers and partners have had an impact-saving low-income homeowners monies in monthly energy bills, improving the indoor air quality of homes and teaching community members how to save energy in their homes and neighborhoods. For more information, call James Kane, 865208-7887.


Sept. 2013-Aug. 2014 Sept. 21

Oct. 26

Pellissippi State Community College is hosting a photography contest for a $500 scholarship for the Horizons 2013 Photography Contest. Deadline is Friday, Oct. 11. For more information, visit www.pstcc.edu/horizons/

Sept. 30 Sept. 21

Sept. 19

Blount Mansion will host “Furniture on the Frontier,” from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 26. Admission is free. For more information, visit www.blountmansion.org/

Thirty-fourth annual Greekfest will be held from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday Sept. 20 and 21, and from noon to 6 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 22, at St. George Greek Orthodox Church. Admission is $2 for adults and children are free. For more information, call Lori Liakonis, 865323-2700.


“Winding Up with RA Dickey,” at 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 3, at First Baptist Concord. For more information, contact Karen Garner kgarner@cakmail.org/

Oct. 4 Sept. 26

Sept. 20-22

Sept. 19 “Sprint for the Prints 5K,” a fundraiser for UT College of Nursing students’ philanthropy project, Precious Prints. The project provides a silver fingerprint charm to families who have lost a child at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. For more information, call Erica Estep, 865-541-8276.

Development Program will offer Attention Deficit Disorder Skills for Success class from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday, Sept. 23. Cost is $119. For more information call 865-974-0150.

Toronto Blue Jays pitcher RA Dickey will share his story,

Oct. 25 Town of Farragut is inviting local non-profit organizations, community groups and businesses to participate in Freaky Friday Fright Nite, from 5 to 7 p.m., Friday, Oct. 25, at Mayor Bob Leonard Park. For more information, call 865-966-7057.

Oct. 1 Knoxville Day Aglow Lighthouse will hold its meeting from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 1, at New Covenant Fellowship Church. Nora King and Dr. Ed King of Redemption Church will be speaking. For more information, call Diane Shelby, 865-687-3687.

Oct. 3-Nov. 14 Knoxville Day Aglow Lighthouse will hold its weekly Bible study from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Thursdays, Oct. 3 through Nov. 14, at New Covenant Fellowship Church. For more information, call Diane Shelby, 865-687-3687.

Oct 12 Bookwalter United Methodist Church will host the First Annual Campers vs Tailgaters Cook Off. Entry fee is $5. For more information, call Edie Hall, 865-689-3349.


The new bug in town ■

Kerstetter encouraging at annual FIS event


Special to farragutpress

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

Sarah Kerstetter has begun her 10th year teaching in Knox County Schools, ninth at Farragut Intermediate School, after she and her husband were “honeymooning in Gatlinburg in 2003, and we fell in love with the area and moved down in 2004.” With a master’s degree in reading and literacy instruction, Kerstetter advised 19 parents about what to expect in her class during the 2013-14 school year. She was among 15 third-grade teachers on hand during an annual FIS Third Grade ParentTeacher Night gathering in each new student’s home classroom Thursday evening, Aug. 15. Kerstetter told the parents about “PTA contests,” adding, “Those are things I want all the kids to try. I had 12 winners last year in my room because I made all my kids try it. … One of my children won statewide last year.” Exploring such things “is required, but it’s not required to enter the contest,” Kerstetter said.

Alan Sloan/farragutpress

Sarah Kerstetter, Farragut Intermediate School third-grade teacher, informs parents of her 2013-14 homeroom students about rules and procedures during FIS Third Grade ParentTeacher Night Thursday, Aug. 15.

Although “a lot of the kids don’t do it,” Kerstetter added, “This is an opportunity for them to get a boost in confidence and really see areas where they might not have thought they were good at something, and all of a sudden they’re getting an award for it.” Scheduled once again to help assist students during reading time is Sunshine, a trained golden retriever featured in Kerstetter’s Habit Program (Ruff Reading Program). “Sunshine is a part of my classroom, has been for the last four years,”

Kerstetter said. “She and her handler are awesome. And the Habit Program is one of the most amazing programs I’ve ever had the opportunity to work with. “She is truly a member of our classroom … she will not leave my classroom until I give her a hug,” Kerstetter added. “The kids love her. … It’s amazing to see the change in the kids. They help with the responsibility, they get her water.” “Your child will either get to read every week or every other See FIS on Page 9A

There is a new bug making its way to Town, and just because it is called the kudzu bug does not mean kudzu is the only thing that attracts it. “The kudzu bug is a new species to our area and is present in several counties,” said Dr. Jerome Grant , professor of entomology and plant pathology at The University of Tennessee. “Some [exotic bugs] that become established may not become a problem, but there are others that establish and thrive … that seems to be the case problem with this bug.” Beans seem to be one of its favorite things to snack on in the area. “Unfortunately it feeds on other beans … any type of bean you grow, including soybeans, and it has reached pretty high populations in Georgia and South Carolina,” he added. East Tennessee is next. The bugs are feeling so at home that they are even beginning to expand their taste buds, too. “It really likes our climate, and it seems to be shifting to a wide variety of hosts they feed on, many in the bean related family,” Grant said. Do not think that not having a garden eliminates you from the

issues, though. “It [the kudzu bug] does winter in houses and buildings and can become a nuisance.” Grant spoke with one man who experienced “thousands of these on the outside and inside of the shed.” Dayton Hylton, owner of Dayton’s Pest Control, is prepared to handle any future infestations in the coming months. “What we try to do before is power spray outside the home before they show up,” Hylton said. He is aware that while they are not a potential risk for humans, they may cause an annoyance. “It is going to be a problem this fall. They were introduced into Georgia from Asia, working their way from South Carolina, North Carolina … in the fall [they will] come in large numbers. They are not dangerous, just a nuisance.” The kudzu bug was first seen in northeastern Georgia in October 2009. Since its first spotting, it spread to seven states in the southeast in just three years. Its ability to adapt so successfully to a new climate and ecosystem is due to its genetic diversity. More information and research on the kudzu bug can be found at www.kudzubug.org. Any sightings of the bug also may be recorded on this site.

CrossFit From page 5A

“They will gear it to the beginner, to the novice, and pick it up for intermediate and master or advance people. Doing it at my age, I am a little older than most of them, but the people that do it are interested in bettering themselves … they gear it to you. They work at that,” Underwood added. CrossFit West Knox owners Kim and Aaron Betts opened in August 2008 in their two-car garage, located in the town of Farragut. Their program grew so much that they moved it to its own building, 627 American Glass Way, as a way to expand the community of healthy people. Their gym is one of more than 4,500 worldwide who has instructors trained to improve your overall lifestyle, as well as form a community. CrossFit practices limit the use of machines, and instead focus on how the individual can improve their fitness with their bodies through a multitude of exercises. “The community of the gym has been awesome for our family and friends,” added Smith, whose family lives next door to the Betts family off of Snyder Road. Becca Aronowitz, a Farragut resident, also enjoys the atmosphere .



Thursday, September 26 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. For complete info on this Fair

UMC From page 5A

place are getting jobs from people that have referred them,” he said. The group is open to the public for free, he said. “I’ve probably placed 250 people in four years out of probably 400 people,” he said. “So it’s over 50 percent, and in this marketplace, that’s very good.” Fields said he likes assisting people. “I have 40 years of human resource experience,” he said. “I’ve probably done in excess of 10,000 interviews.” The group meets Mondays from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m., he said.

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Concord UMC sending mission team to Jamaica ■ ROBBY O’DANIEL


Concord United Methodist Church will send a mission team to Highgate, Jamaica, May 10 through May 17, 2014. Mike Niemeyer, mission trip team leader, said the group of 20 members from the church will work with Lifespeak Ministries on RAISE Jamaica Ltd. Aaron Holsapple, executive director of Lifespeak Ministries, called RAISE Jamaica “our international ministry in Jamaica.” “RAISE Jamaica is a ministry that is focused on four key principles: first is education, second is gainful employment, third is community development and fourth is safe and secure housing,” Holsapple said. “And we have that set up. We have 193 acres in rural Jamaica – it’s actually in Highgate – and on that property, what we’re looking to do is we’re looking to create a sustainable ministry base within the Jamaicancommunity. Our plan is to create a ministry that one day, 10 years down the road or so, we are withdrawing the American support component, financial support component primarily. Our goal is basically for them to create this self-sustaining, entrepreneurial community. The entire business focus of that self-sustaining ministry is primari-

ly organic farming.” He described what American service groups do. “From a ministry standpoint, with the churches that go down, when we have American service groups that go down, they’re going down to work alongside the Jamaicans in creating and building the infrastructure of RAISE Jamaica,” Holsapple said. “... Our emphasis is not to have teams go down and just complete a project. We want to convey the idea that teams are participating in longterm ongoing ministry and helping to create a sustainable enterprise, and that’s why we do not, we purposely do not structure trips where a team will go down and begin and end the same project in a week’s time.” Niemeyer said there are no special skills required of the mission team members that go on the trip. “The most important part of the trip is forming long-term relationships with people in Jamaica and being able to help them attain their dream of just a job, which I know this sounds crazy to America, just have a job. But us as Americans to be able to go down and help them get this organic farm working and train people so they can have a long-term employment, that’s really the goal of it,” Niemeyer said.

FIS From page 8A

week depending on our schedule. Each child gets about five minutes one-on-one time with the dog.” Melissa Baker, whose daughter, Jasmyne, 8, is in Kerstetter’s class, said, “I absolutely love the Habit Program that she’s doing with the dog. So I think it’ll be

Johnson From page 6A

April — who he met at EKU — said he “saw the opportunity” to become Town Fire Marshal “and it was something that I was excited about. “I thought it be a great, forward movement in my career, which it has been,” he added. Also an on-call fire investigator with Knox County Fire Investigation Unit, Johnson got more than he bargained for in September 2002.

pretty exciting.” One practice Kerstetter said she would not allow, with two major reasons behind it, is a child “calling home” to get a parent to bring the child’s forgotten work to school. “That’s a big responsibility thing” for the children, Kerstetter said. “And I’m sure a lot of you have noticed the new securi-

ty system, you have to buzz the office to be let into the building during the school-day hours. “It’s a huge addition to the large workload that our secretaries already have, and I don’t want to give them any more than they already have,” she added. “I only allow children to call home for necessities: glasses, medicine and lunch if they have allergies.”

“I hadn’t worked here long when we had the train derailment,” Johnson said of a hazardous chemical-car derailment in Farragut that resulted in scores of home evacuations. “It was an eye-opener. … Despite all my training it was definitely overwhelming. I learned that creating relationships with other agencies in other jurisdictions is a key component to making any type of emergency or incident [response] to work. “Luckily we haven’t had anything to that level since,” he

added. “We’ve all learned and grown from that.” About Farragut citizens and fire issues, “You tend to get more complicated, technical questions than you would in certain other parts of the area,” Johnson said. “What I really like is when people say to me, ‘Oh, I haven’t seen a lot of fires in the paper lately,’ and that makes me feel good,” Johnson added. Dan and April have one son, Logan, 9.

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Artist Directory deadline Sept 20 ■

ROBBY O’DANIEL rodaniel@farragutpress.com

The Farragut Artist Directory is getting updated, and the Farragut Arts Council has a call out for local artists to join. “The deadline to be included in the next update of the directory is Friday, Sept. 20, 2013,” a Town press release stated. “Artists interested in being included in the directory or artists who need to update their information can visit www.townoffarragut.org/artsandculture or call 865-966-7057 to access an application. The completed form can be returned in person or by mail to the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, Farragut, TN 37934; by fax to 865-675-2096; or by e-

mail to lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org.” Pam Ziegler, vice chair of the Farragut Arts Council, said the council seeks to promote the arts - both physical and visual - in the Town. “We have provided all the bronze statues throughout the park systems,” Ziegler said. “We host Book Fests every single year in the spring, in April, and last year, Book Fest was attended by over 500 people because we cooked and handed out over 500 hot dogs, so we know. So that’s a yearly thing that we do for our community, and that gets children in touch with books and art and the love of learning.” That is not the only thing the council does to foster children’s

interest in art. “We sponsor an art show every year for one segment of the school system,” she said. “In other words, we do high school one year. We do middle school one year. We do intermediate school one year, and we keep rotating those.” The school art show usually takes place around February, she said. “Of course every year we’re also involved with Freaky Friday,” she said. “We hand out, we always give out things to color and crayons, pictures to color and crayons for Freaky Friday, which we have done for every single year.” The council “also sponsors various arts and crafts classes during the year,” she said. They take place at Farragut Town Hall, she said.

Cicada no concern this year ■

COURTNEY SUCH Special to farragutpress

Cicada is a word that may make many people squirm, but the sight of them is no concern to the town of Farragut or surrounding areas – this year. “The ones out right now are what we refer to as Dog Day cicadas, and they come out every year,” said Dr. Jerome Grant, a professor of entomology and plant pathology at The University of Tennessee. Grant notes the difference between the yearly cicadas and those that come out about every 17 years, better known as periodical cicadas. “With dog days there’s far fewer of them, but periodical cicadas, you’d probably be covered with them if you had a large number … they’d just be everywhere.” If sheer numbers do not prove their difference, observe their appearances. “The Dog Day cicadas are a lit-

tle bit larger. They have a much stouter looking body. They have a greenish to black coloration with a little white underneath, whereas periodicals are smaller with orange … the dog day will not have any orange coloration, and the periodical will,” he added. The periodic cicadas only come out about every 17 years according to Grant, something East Tennesseans do not need to worry about until 2021. The Dog Day cicadas, however, will be back each year. “They come out about the same time every year. You get different numbers from year to year, but not anywhere close to the numbers of periodical cicadas … I think with periodicals, the mass numbers overwhelm everyone,” he added. Dog Day cicadas do no harm to gardens or plants, as their numbers are too small to do any significant damage. “As far as their damage to plants below ground, there has never been any noticeable dam-

age … above ground, they don’t chew leaves or anything like that. They do have a piercing sucking mouth part that sucks juices from the plant the biggest damage they cause is the female’s egg laying device, which is kind of like a little saw, to a twig, and in that twig they lay their eggs. The twig or branch will die, but it won’t kill the tree.” Cicadas are not the type of bug you spray for ahead of time, and local pest controls have not had problems this year with them going in homes. “To be frank, they’re not dangerous, and there’s not much you can do … they come out of the ground, mate, lay eggs in tress and shrubs … but they’re not dangerous to humans,” Dayton Hylton, owner of Dayton’s Pest Control, said. The only other noticeable nuisance Dog Day cicadas cause is their noise, which should not be an issue much longer.

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Jason Warden, Senior Minister

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Christian Church of Loudon County

All are welcome here!


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Cornerstone Church of God Sunday Morning Prayer …… 8:30 am Sunday School* ……………9:30 am Sunday Worship* …………10:30 am Sunday Evening Worship* … 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study …… 7:00 pm Pastor Steve McCullar

*Nursery Available 12813 Kingston Pike • 966-2300

FARRAGUT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Stephen Ministry Church Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00 Sunday School 9:45 Nursery Provided

(Corner of Grigsby Chapel)

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Yoga When: Tuesdays, Oct. 8 – Nov. 19 (6 weeks – no class on Nov. 5): 9 – 10 a.m. What: Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring a mat, yoga straps, blanket and blocks (if you have them). Cost: $60 Registration and payment deadline: Friday, Oct. 4

Worship Services Saturday Pilates

5:30 pm

When: Tuesdays, Oct. 8 – 29 (4 weeks): 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. What: Pilates is a mind-body exercise that works the whole body and incorporates yoga poses in order to enhance flexibility, strength and breathing. Cost: $40 Registration and payment deadline: Monday, Oct. 7

Sunday 9:00 am & 10:40 am

Student Ministries Middle School ‘The Mix’ High School ‘Fuel’ Wednesday 6:30 pm


Dixie Lee Junction 777-2121 www.tworiverschurch.org

When: Mondays, Oct. 14 – Nov. 18 (6 weeks): 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Cost: $45 OR Mondays, Oct. 14 – Dec. 16 (10 weeks): 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Cost: $65 What: Zumba fitness combines Latin music rhythms and dance styles as well as other international styles and rolls them into the ultimate cardio party! Registration and payment deadline (both classes): Friday, Oct. 11

NEW COVENANT BAPTIST CHURCH Fredrick E. Brabson, Sr.- Senior Pastor Winning Souls and Changing Lives for Jesus Christ is a “Total Family Ministry” WEEKLY SERVICE Sunday

9:30 AM Family Bible Hour 11:00 AM Worship Service and Kid’s Praise

6th Annual Knox County Fall Fire Prevention Festival

Wednesday 6:45 PM Evening Bible Study

When: Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Where: Tennova Turkey Creek Medical Center on Parkside Drive What: Hosted by the Knox County Fire Prevention Bureau, this free community event will offer life and fire safety information, emergency preparedness, and incident recovery information in a family-friendly "street fair" atmosphere. Call 215-4660 for more information.

Beginning Jewelry (Ages 13 and up) When: Thursday, Oct. 17: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. What: Students will make a bracelet and earrings to take home! Cost: $35 (all supplies included) Registration and payment deadline: Tuesday, Oct. 15

Mask Making (Ages 7 and up) When: Saturday, Oct. 26, 9 – 11 a.m. What: Create a one-of-a-kind mask for Halloween! The majority of the cost of this class has been underwritten by the Farragut Arts Council to promote arts in the community! Cost: $10 (all supplies included) Registration and payment deadline: Monday, Oct. 21 All fall classes, workshops and events will be held at the Farragut Town Hall community or assembly room, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, unless otherwise stated. Hurry - classes fill up fast!!!! Call 966-7057 to register (if required). Payment must be received within 5 business days of date of registration but no later than the registration deadline. No refunds are given after the registration and payment deadline. The Town of Farragut is not responsible for costs associated with the purchase of supplies when a class is canceled.

Call 966-7057 to register

Nursery Care provided for all services


TBN Ch. 40 Comcast Sundays at 10:00 AM

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Worship Times

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10:50 am For more information go to


Korean Sarang Church of Knoxville Worship 1 PM • www.sarangknox.org

Advertise your Worship services in farragutpress. Call 865-675-6397.



Weaver, North engaged Ron and Amanda Weaver announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Whitney Weaver, to Alex North, son of Walter and Melissa North, and the late Debra Hatmaker North. The bride-elect is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and is an architect with Studio Four Design. The groom- elect is a graduate of East Tennessee State University and is employed at the Y-12 National Weapons Complex. The wedding ceremony will begin at 4:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 12, at Riggio-Lynch Chapel along


Alex Haley Farm in Glen Alpine.

Lamb wins

Courtney Such/farragutpress

Dunkin’ Donuts district manager Debra Williams (left) presents Jaqueleen Lamb with a $1,000 check as part of the “Iced Coffee Cash & DDash” national campaign Friday morning, Aug. 1. Lamb received $1,000, one month’s supply of iced coffee, a Keurig K-Cup Brewing System and one box of Dunkin’ Donuts’ Original Blend Iced Coffee K-Cup packs.


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Fun with Farragut Fleet

Scores of children 12-and-under brightened up a mostly cloudy Saturday morning, Aug. 24, with their joy of being behind the wheel during annual Fun With Farragut Fleet in Farragut Town Hall parking lot. Children took the driver’s seat of several town of Farragut and Knox County emergency, law enforcement and road construction vehicles and implements, assisted by professions associated with that given machine. Featured were a Rural/Metro fire engine and several Knox County Sheriff’s Office vehicles including SWAT Team Ballistic Armored Transport, Bomb Squad truck and patrolman cruiser plus Bomb Squad’s robot. Town of Farragut exhibited a skid steer loader, dump truck, right-of-way mower, bucket truck, backhoe, Gator tractor and scooper tractor.

Evan Smoak, 2

Max Hilton, 3

Laney Collins, 4

Graham Hurt, 4

➤ Eli Boehme, 3

Kaylee Languedoc, 3

Sarah Ware and son, Nick, 2

Ward siblings, from left, Ethan, 9, Eva, 5, and Elliott, 7

Heather Kibler and son, Matt, 1

➤ Olivia Borton, 3

➤ Madalynn Hexel, 2

Ashley Anderson, 7, and Jill Sarr, 3

Emina Katana, 2

Phillip Patterson, 2

Tristan Cody, 6

Photos by Alan Sloan/farragutpress


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bizbeat • Panera Bread, located at 205 N. Peters Road, will host a Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce Networking event, starting at 8 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 19. • Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson will speak as part of the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce’s 2013 Breakfast Speaker Series at an event, beginning at 7:30 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 24, at Fox Den Country Club. • University of Tennessee Extension’s Center for Profitable Agriculture is coordinating a new educational workshop about beef quality and different cuts of meat. To register, call 865-974-7717 or e-mail naustin@utk.edu. This workshop will be repeated in three locations during November: Knoxville from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Nov. 4; Murfreesboro from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Nov. 5, and Jackson from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Nov. 6. Registration deadline is Oct. 30. • Business Network International’s Farragut chapter meets every Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Meksiko Cantina, located at 120 West End Ave.

business briefs • Dr. Inga Himelright recently joined the senior leadership team at The University of Te n n e s s e e M e d i c a l Center as senior vice president and chief Himelright quality officer. The move marks a return to the medical center for Himelright, who served in numerous capacities with the Knoxville hospital from 1991 to 2005. • Dr. Jon Harr, associate dean of academic affairs for administration at King University, has been appointed campus dean of the institution’s Hardin Valley Harr Knoxville campus. • ORNL Federal Credit Union has announced the leadership transition of Cissi Reagan to the newly created position of assistant vice president of mortgage. In this new role, Reagan will be primarily responsible for the day-to-day operations of the overall mortgage department within the credit union’s mortgage lending CUSO – CU Community, LLC. • Jim Dickerson and Bettye Jo Purda and Linda Pickle of the financial services firm Edward Jones in Farragut recently received the firm's Client Service Excellence award for being the No. 1 client service provider in their region. • According to an e-mail from Janet Bulmon, owner of Mario’s Pizza and Grill, “Mario’s Pizza and Grill has moved to the Stonecrest Center at 10943 Kingston Pike, now with dine-in in addition to delivery, take out and catering.” • Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett will host a series of constituent meetings over the coming months to give citizens the opportunity to meet one-on-one and speak individually with him about issues that are important to them. These meetings are open to the public. For more information contact Michael Grider, 865215-4750, or Jennifer Linginfelter, 865-215-4579.

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Gator Week at Shrimp Dock ■

ROBBY O’DANIEL rodaniel@farragutpress.com

It is only two days before the annual rivalry matchup between The University of Tennessee Volunteers and the University of Florida Gators in football, and The Shrimp Dock locations are in the midst of Gator Week. Phil Dangel and Becky Dangel own The Shrimp Dock. The Farragut location is at 11124 Kingston Pike. “This is the fifth year that we’ve done it now, and each year it gets bigger and bigger and bigger because we’ve become known as the place to buy gator,” Phil Dangel said. “... We have gator gumbo, gator sausage, gator platters and gator po’boys.” Gator Week is the only week The Shrimp Dock patrons can get gator gumbo, gator sausage, gator platters and gator po’boys, he said, but The Shrimp Dock offers frozen gator throughout the year. “It’s available frozen all year round,” he said. “That’s the only week that we sell it as a fresh item.” The Shrimp Dock’s Gator Week began Monday, Sept. 16 and will run through Sunday, Sept. 22, he said. “Our gators are from Louisiana and Florida,” he said. “Our gator meat, it’s all domestic, all caught in the United States. Last year

Robby O’Daniel/farragutpress

Allen Shields, manager of the Farragut Shrimp Dock, displays a gator po’boy meal with jambalaya and cole slaw.

there was a shortage of gator meat. This year our suppliers have come through, and we’re in good shape. “And most people ask how to prepare it, and what does it taste like?” he said. “And we’ll be glad to work with you on how to prepare it, and it tastes like Chicken McNuggets, to be honest.” Phil Dangel said gator is the No. 1 seller at The Shrimp Dock during Gator Week. “Last year it was a home game,

and there was tremendous excitement before the game,” he said. “And we sold one ton of gator meat. That’s 2,000 pounds. I consider that to be an astounding number, but one can never dismiss the popularity of the Vols. We love them.” He described those who have bought gator in the past. “Everybody, most all UT fans, people having parties, people tailgating, fraternities, everybody, some people just buying a

pound to try it, other people buying 25 pounds because they’re having a party before the game,” he said. Phil Dangel said he has personally eaten gator before and liked it. “Most people marinate it and grill it,” he said. He called fresh gator “perfect for tailgating or barbecuing or getting ready for the game.”

Frullati marks first anniversary ■

ROBBY O’DANIEL rodaniel@farragutpress.com

Frullati Café & Bakery marked its first anniversary of being at 129 West End Avenue in July. Grace Gault, owner of Frullati Café at the West End location, said the business was located at West Town Mall previously. Gault said she has received customer support. “If my customers didn’t support me, I’d probably close down. ... My customers just come in, and they’re really trying to support me,” she said. “They’re bringing friends. In church, they’re telling people. Every time that people come here, I say, ‘How [do] you know I’m here,’ and they say, ‘My friend told me about it.’” She praised her customers. “They’re so wonderful,” she said. “It’s been so pleasant to meet this town of Farragut. The customers want me to stay here. They love what I’m doing. They want me to stay, good food, just a very special place, but people don’t know I’m here. I’m hidden.

Robby O’Daniel/farragutpress

Grace Gault, owner of Frullati Café & Bakery at 129 West End Avenue, makes strawberry banana smoothies.

I’m not on Kingston Pike, so I’m kind of hidden, so they want to help me. They tell a lot of their friends and families. ... People start to come here, but still a lot of people don’t know I’m here.” She said the business would have a year-anniversary special

promotion for customer appreciation. Gault described customers’ favorite dishes. “Favorite dishes, chicken salad is pretty famous, and our turkey sandwich, we sell a lot of turkey,” she said. “Our turkey is

very good, and you can put it in whole grain bread. ... People say, ‘I’ve never had a chicken salad taste this good.’ They love it.” She personally makes fruit salad, garden salad, pasta salad, See FRULLATI on Page 2B

Gas no longer sold at Old Stage Weigel’s ■

ROBBY O’DANIEL rodaniel@farragutpress.com

Gasoline is no longer being sold at the Weigel’s 12640 Kingston Pike location. In a Saturday, Sept. 14, interview, Doug Yawberry, vice president of operations at Weigel’s, said the fuel pumps and tanks were taken out about two to

three weeks ago. “That was not a store that we sold a lot of fuel out of,” he said. “We’ve kept the store piece open.” The reason behind pulling the fuel tanks and pumps had nothing to do with environmental reasons or the age of the tanks, he said. “It’s an old store,” he said. “We’ve got a new store down the

road that’s pretty much a stateof-the-art store compared to the rest of our facilities.” He said there are no plans on having the Weigel’s at 12640 Kingston Pike sell gasoline in the near future. “We’ve got the new one up the street,” he said. “We wouldn’t put gasoline back in that one.” “If we would rebuild or remod-

el, we would pull the tanks anyhow,” he said. “... We would put updated equipment [in]. ... If we would decide not to remodel there, if we would decide to either close or sell the property, we would pull tanks then also.” Yawberry addressed those who might have frequented the See WEIGEL’S on Page 2B


Weigel’s From page 1B

Weigel’s at 12640 Kingston Pike for gasoline before it stopped selling gas. “We would hope that they would go to our one that’s just down the road there,” he

Frullati From page 1B

Robby O’Daniel/farragutpress

Gasoline is no longer being sold at the Weigel’s located at 12640 Kingston Pike.

chicken salad, tuna salad and soup at home, she said. “People come and eat,” she said. “... They feel good. They eat healthy food. I feel good. I feel good for them coming to eat healthy food.” The business also offers a variety of smoothies in an assortment of flavors. She listed some examples. “We’ve got strawberry

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Admirals fall to Fulton ■

KEN LAY Correspondent

Billy Williams didn’t take much consolation in the fact that he and the Farragut High School football team did what no other team had done in more than 18 quarters against the defending Class 4A state champion Fulton Falcons. “It was good to break their [scoreless] streak but this loss hurts,” said Williams, the Admirals’ senior tight end who caught a 14-yard touchdown pass from Bryan Phillips in the fourth quarter of Farragut’s 55-7 loss to the Falcons at Fulton’s Bob Black Field Friday night. “You don’t ever want to get blown out like that.” Phillips’ touchdown pass represented the first score against the Falcons in 2013. It broke F u l t o n ’s Fulton 55 school Admirals 7 record t h a t dates back to last year’s state championship game in Cookeville. It was one of few highlights on the night for Farragut (2-2), which had a miserable stay in North Knoxville. “This will make us more hungry,” Williams said. Farragut’s nightmares started at the outset. The Admirals took the game’s opening kickoff and began making mistakes. The Ads had two penalties on their first possession that stifled the inaugural drive. After a punt, Fulton (4-0) took the ball and marched 67 yards on three plays. The short drive was culminated by an 18-yard scoring run by Daryl Rollins-Davis. Justin Coleman’s extra point gave the Falcons a 7-0 lead with 6 minutes, 51 seconds remaining in the first quarter. And that was just the beginning. Dan Barile/farragutpress

See ADMIRALS on Page 6B

Admirals' Aaron Suadi goes up for a Bryan Phillips pass against Fulton Friday, Sept. 13.

Hawks win in OT

Lady Ads top 4-AAA standings ■



A dramatic night of high school volleyball at Lynn E. Sexton Gymnasium ended with the host Farragut Lady Admirals in sole possession of first place in District 4-AAA. Farragut claimed the top spot with a 25-20, 25-23 victory over rival Bearden Thursday, Sept. 12. The win kept the Lady Ads’ perfect league record intact. It wasn’t all that Lady Ads 2 sets easy but Lady Bulldogs 0 nothing in District 4-AAA ever is. “We know that we have a target on our backs and we know that it

Dan Barile/farragutpress

Farragut's Anne Abernathy smashes a ball past a West High School player during the Lady Ads’ straight set win Thursday, Sept. 12.

gets bigger with every win,” said Farragut junior outside hitter Raegan Grooms. “But our effort is

awesome.” See LADY ADS on Page 4B

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

For the roughly 40 never-saydie Hardin Valley Academy fans still cheering on their Hawks past midnight, on the road at SouthDoyle after enduring two weather delays totaling 2 hours, 35 minutes plus an overtime, the wait paid off. H V A Hawks 21 lost a 14-0 South-Doyle 14 lead with less than five minutes to play, ending when the Cherokees (3-1) tied the contest on a 58-yard touchdown pass to star running back/receiver Jocquez Bruce and two-point conversion with 1:28 left in regulation. That’s despite the referees admitting they blew a call, according to Hawks head coach Wes Jones, that should have been a 5-yard penalty

against SDHS on the two-pointer. And despite having to sit and wait out a second storm, right after the game was tied knowing they might have given away a victory, Hardin Valley responded. Jordan Jackson’s 3-yard touchdown run in overtime was followed with a defensive stand, ending in Chris Thomas knocking away a pass over the middle on 4th-and-12, giving HVA (3-0) a wet and messy 21-14 win in a game ending at 12:10 a.m. Friday morning, Sept. 13. “We were sitting in there during the rain delay and we said, ‘If we’re going to overtime we’re winning this thing.’” said senior linebacker/fullback Joe Underwood, who used his speed to run down Cherokee receiver Malik Lundy after a 48-yard reception that saved seven points. See HAWKS on Page 8B


Lady Ads From page 3B

West High and had a long break while Bearden (25-6 overall, 5-1 in the district after Sept. 12) slugged through a three-set thriller with Hardin Valley Academy (18-10, 4-2). The first set in Farragut’s second match was a rollercoaster ride with the two West Knox County heavyweights matching each other punch for punch. The Lady Bulldogs took a 12-11 lead before Lady Admirals’ libero Mikaela Brock scored a point after a side-out to give the home team a 13-12 lead. The Lady Bulldogs, who won the Region 2-AAA Championship in 2012 and took fourth place at last year’s state tournament, would answer by scoring five of the next nine points. Bearden knotted the game at 17 on a service ace by junior setter Carrie McGinnis, who earned all-state honors last season. The Lady Ads (28-4, 6-0 Sept. 12) then took an 18-17 lead on a side-out before Tessa Watson served up two consecutive points, including an ace that made the score 21-17. The Lady Bulldogs would answer with a side-out and a point from Amari Bellard pulled the visitors to within 21-19. Another side-out gave Farragut possession and with the score 2219, Natalie Hartman scored twice and had an ace to make it 24-19. Bearden had a side-out before FHS won the game on defense. The second game would prove just as difficult for the two Kingston Pike rivals. The Lady Admirals jumped to a 3-0 lead when Tessa Watson scored the set’s first three points. Watson’s service game has sparked Farragut all season. “Tessa always starts us off and that’s why she serves first,” Grooms said. “She’s outstanding. “This was a huge win for us.” The Lady Admirals opened leads of 8-3, 9-4 and 11-6 before Bearden stormed back and took a 13-12 lead. From there, the Lady Bulldogs and Lady Ads battled. With the second set knotted at 18, Grooms scored a pair of service points to give FHS a 20-18 lead. Bearden would counter when Logan Kael evened things at 20. The Lady Ads would score five of the final eight points and Hartman served up the winning point. Despite the loss, Bearden head coach David McGinnis said he was

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pleased with his team’s effort. “I thought we played well enough to win the game,” he said. “We had a couple of errors and missed serves killed us. “We had four missed serves in that last set and you can’t have those when you play against these teams.” Grooms finished the match with nine kills and five points while Emma Milsted added eight points, eight kills and 10 digs. Carrie McGinnis scored six points for the Lady Bulldogs. Eleni Georgiafundis had 10 digs and scored two points for Bearden, which is anticipating a rematch with Farragut at Bea-rden Sept. 24. “Farragut, Bearden and Hardin Valley are all super competitive,” Bearden’s Rachael Horn said. “We will be ready for them We know how they play. “We’re all friends off the court but when we get on the court, we’re out for blood.” Lady Ads’ head coach Susan Davidson said she was happy that her squad outlasted Bearden. “Bearden is a good team and Dave does a good job over there,” she said. “Our girls have played well and a lot of them are playing different positions than they do our their club teams. “But they do it because they want to win. We’ll face another tough match at Bearden when we play again on Sept. 24.” The Lady Bulldogs opened the night by notching a 13-25, 25-17, 25-23 comeback win over the Lady Hawks. Hardin Valley, which beat West 25-12, 25-19 in its other match, jumped to an 8-0 lead in the first set as Amanda Hylton scored the first eight points of the match. From there, HVA would cruise and win the first set with relative ease. The Lady Bulldogs returned the favor in game two, forcing a deciding game. There, the Lady Hawks opened a 15-8 lead before Carrie McGinnis scored twice to make it 15-10. HVA then scored on a sideout to take a 16-10 lead before Bearden pulled to within 16-13 on an ace by Bellard. From there, the two teams matched points before the Lady Bulldogs took possession, trailing 17-15. Kristin Dowling’s serves resulted in a 2-0 run to tie the game at 17. The Lady Hawks then scored four of the next seven points to take a 21-20 lead. Georgiafundis had three points (and ace, which tied the game) to give the Lady Bulldogs a 23-21

Dan Barile/farragutpress

Farragut’s Natalie Hartman returns a ball during play against Bearden High School Thursday, Sept. 12.

advantage. Hardin Valley rallied to tie the set before Bearden scored the final two points. Hardin Valley head coach Mike Rosenke might’ve watched his team drop a heartbreaker but he said he was pleased with the Lady Hawks’ effort after finally having his team intact. “This was the first night that we’ve had everybody together,”

said Rosenke, who has seen his team battle injuries all season. “This was a good game and it really could’ve gone either way. “You can’t be disappointed with our effort.” Hylton scored 15 (including a pair of aces) and had 22 assists for the Lady Hawks. Meanwhile, Carrie McGinnis finished with 22 assists, eight

points and two blocks for Bearden in a game that might’ve kept BHS’s district title hopes alive. “That one might’ve kept us in the district race,” McGinnis said. “We played uphill all night.” Horn said the win was huge. “We really fought in that game,” she said. “We came back and it was absolutely incredible.”

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Spartans dominate play at CAK ■

ALAN SLOAN asloan@farragutpress.com

The One-Mile rivalry between perennial West Knox County private school powerhouses was a one-sided blowout Friday night at Christian Academy of Knoxville. Matthew Melton, Webb School of Knoxville senior running back, easily won the touchdown track meet, scoring on two runs of 92 yards plus another 80-yard breakaway tally in addition to a 4-yard TD run. Dave Meske’s Spartans, perhaps angered by a rare 0-2 season start, Spartans 49 also domWarriors 7 inated both lines of scrimmage and whipped the two-time defending Class 3A state champion Warriors (1-3) 49-7 Sept. 13. “It was so awesome. The guys up front really opened up all the holes,” said Melton, who listed his 40-yard-dast time as “4.4” seconds. “All the credit to them. Without them I’m nothing. God just gave me the ability, all the glory goes to him.” “Matthew has tremendous speed,” coach Meske said. “… But our offensive line did a great job, and that’s a tribute to our offensive line and for our running backs blocking for each other. “I’m extremely happy with the way we played defense,” Meske added. “CAK has the potential to score a number of points, and to hold them to seven [reflects on how] our kids were prepared. Our coaches put them in the right positions, but our players had to execute and they did

Alan Sloan/farragutpress

Billy Spencer, CAK receiver (23), gets spun around by Webb defensive back Wrinn Alexander as Spartans defenders Brock Beeler (4) and Bennett Harrison (58) react.

that.” Robby Strachan, Webb senior running back, also churned out big yardage and scored on a 54yard run. “On the line of scrimmage, our guys just dominated the game today,” Strachan said. “They made it so amazing for us. The holes were there.” Todd Kelly Jr., Spartans senior running back/safety and Tennessee Vols commitment, scored from 4 yards out. Christopher Stephens, Webb

junior running back, scored from 11 yards out. Billy Spencer, CAK senior receiver, hauled in 91-yard touchdown reception deep down the left sideline from quarterback John Sharpe late in the third quarter. “I give them a lot of credit for being prepared,” Spencer said. “We definitely need to improve on execution and our effort needs to come up.” Sharpe said Webb “is a fantas-

tic team, I mean they pressured me all night, had everybody covered all night. … “They’re defensive line is lot better than I expected.” “We didn’t deal with adversity well,” Sharpe added. “We didn’t come back. They punched us in the mouth coming out and we weren’t able to answer.” Rusty Bradley, CAK head coach, said Webb “came out and played a great game, and our guys, we struggled.”

Though moving the ball at times, “We’ve got to be able to finish,” Bradley added. “We’re still trying to develop guys at receiver, and so that’s forcing us to not rely on, necessarily, the big play, but having to string consecutive plays together. “And obviously we’re just giving up a lot of pressures up front.”


Admirals From page 3B

The Falcons scored 14 more points in the opening frame. Rollins-Davis scored on a 49yard touchdown scamper and Xavier Hawkins had a 65-yard interception return to make the score 21-0 with 2:05 left in the frame. Penalties plagued the Admirals all night. Farragut, which faces a tough district foe at West High this week, committed eight penalties that cost it 88 yards. The Ads had six offensive infractions, many of which wiped out big gains. Farragut also had two turnovers that were returned for scores. “We had a solid game at times but the penalties and turnovers shot us in the foot,” said Phillips, who was 2-for-12 with 51 yards with a touchdown and an interception. “I was glad that we were the ones to break their streak. “We came in here wanting to score. We thought we could score but we didn’t do it early or often enough.” Phillips added that he was eager to put the bad night in the rear-view mirror. “We just have to put this behind us,” he said. “This wasn’t a district game.” The Ads did move the ball. Sophomore running back Tanner Thomas continued his stellar season. He rushed for 160 yards on 26 carries. Farragut’s other running back, Mitch White, carried 11 times for 58 yards in his return. He missed

the Admirals’ last two games with a foot injury. Fulton extended its lead to 350 by halftime. Rollins-Davis, who finished with 196 yards and three touchdowns on nine carries, scored on a 6-yard run and D.J. Campbell had a 3-yard scoring plunge to make it 35-0 with four minutes remaining in the first half. The Falcons, who have outscored Powell, Bearden, Austin-East and Farragut 216-7, continued to dominate after the break. Hawkins nabbed a 45yard touchdown reception from Penny Smith on Fulton’s first possession of the half. The home team got another defensive touchdown when De’Ontay Tate recovered a Farragut fumble and returned it 56 yards to make the score 49-0 with 5:21 left in the third stanza. Smith added a 52-yard scoring scamper to make the score 55-0 late in the frame. Phillips connected with Williams with 5:02 left in the game. Williams had two catches for 51 yards. Fulton coach Robbie Black said he wasn’t concerned that his team lost its scoreless streak. “I’m not worried about the goose egg,” he said. “I just told the guys that it was time to start another streak. “Our defense has played well all year.” Farragut had a couple of bright defensive moments of its own as Michael Travis had a pair of interceptions.

Farragut's Billy Williams scores on a 14-yard pass from Br yan Phillips during play against the Fulton Falcons Friday, Sept. 13. Williams was the first to score against Fulton in 18 1/2 quarters.

Dan Barile/farragutpress




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Defensive woes bite Bulldogs, late rally falls short TONY MANILLA Correspondent

As the minutes till kickoff dwindled off the scoreboard Friday evening at Bill Young Field, there was a sense of optimism that the Bearden Bulldogs would build on last week’s home triumph over Heritage. The crisp, clear weather and the excitement of homecoming permeated through the fans and players, all of them looking to set a confident tone for the rest of the year. Morristown East 41 Their Bulldogs 28 enthusiasm was stolen away early on as Morristown East senior tailback Matt Thompson sprinted 71 yards for the opening score of the contest. Following a few stalled Bearden drives, the Hurricanes marched

down the field again, with Bryson Stephens hauling in a 27-yard touchdown toss from quarterback Logan Wallace, who teamed with Thompson to eventually spoil the Bulldogs’ homecoming festivities 41-28. “We’ve got to slow down the homerun plays and come together as a defense. We’ve got a lot of young guys out there, and they need to step up,” linebacker Kole Matherly said. Bearden’s woes during the first three quarters were punctuated by an altogether lack of identity on defense, which, despite showing multiple formations and blitzes, failed to answer the Hurricanes’ spread attack. The Bulldogs’ road only gets more difficult. Crucial District 4AAA tests against Lenoir City and West loom over the next few weeks, so Matherly and company must get

back to the drawing board quickly. The offense was not exempt from Bearden’s early struggles. The Bulldogs seemed totally devoid of rhythm, lacking imagination and relying too heavily on star tailback Malachi Horton, who struggled to consistently find running room against a Hurricane defense that often stacked seven to eight defenders in the box. When Morristown wasn’t giving the Bulldogs fits, it was penalties, turnovers and other unforced errors that doomed the home squad’s night. “Offensively we have to get going sooner,” BHS head coach Brad Taylor said. “A couple of times in the first half. We get close to the red zone, and for whatever reason we shoot ourselves in the foot and sputter out, we can’t let that happen.” Quarterback Xavier Johnson

wasn’t going down without a fight, showing tremendous poise and making impressive throws that ignited a furious fourth quarter surge that included three touchdown passes in final quarter, cutting the Hurricanes’ lead to 34-28. “We need to have that momentum all the time,” Matherly said. “We can’t just show up in the second half and expect to win, we need to come out and play hard for all four quarters.” “Xavier is doing a good job,” Taylor said. “He gives us a chance, enjoys competing and he’s a smart kid.” The suddenly raucous Bearden crowd was then silenced just a few plays later when Matt Thompson struck again from 50 yards out, slamming the door on the Bulldogs’ gritty rally. Despite the tough loss, the Dawgs began to find their offensive muse late in the game, and

facing two more formidable opponents in the coming weeks, the timing couldn’t be better for Bearden to find its blueprint for offensive savvy. “We’ve got some receivers that are stepping up and doing some good things,” Taylor said. Senior receiver Emad Aqqad and junior tight end Matthew Marlow emerged as reliable targets down the stretch for the Bulldogs, making crucial scoring catches that helped claw their team back into the game. Perhaps the Bulldogs found the spark plug they needed to drive them forward through the remainder of the season. One can’t know for sure, but when a hungry Lenoir City team rolls into BHS next Friday night, the Panthers may well be facing Bearden offense 2.0. And no one would welcome it more than Brad Taylor.


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Joey Cave, HVA junior lineman (52), looks to throw a block on this punt return by Chandler Viscardis against South-Doyle.

Hawks From page 3B

He also scored on an 16-yard third quarter touchdown run. As for comparing the rain delays, “The second one, it was excruciating waiting to come out and play,” Underwood said. Confident his Hawks won the line of scrimmage battle, “We kept their great running back/wide receiver, Jocquez Bruce, in check for most of the night,” Jones said. “I felt like our offensive and defensive lines did a fantastic job competing up front. I knew that was going to be the difference in the game.” Again led by workhorse senior runner back Jackson (147 yards), who scored on an 8-yard run following a blocked punt on HVA’s first possession, Jones also said

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Underwood and junior Ryan Ferguson “ran the football well.” Jackson said, “Conditions weren’t perfect, but we made it happen.” “Matt Brewer had a great night coming in from defensive end,” Jones said “Jarrett [Green], Garrett [Curtis], Peyton Miles, those guys did a fantastic job. “I felt like Joe Underwood was flying around the field making some plays,” he added. “Dominique Amos made some plays for us. They’ve got a lot of athletes; our secondary did a good job keeping them in front.” As for his kicking game, Jones said he was “extremely pleased” with junior punter Alan Grigsby, senior placekicker Sam Pendergrast “and Chandler [Viscardis] for holding and Peyton [Miles] for snapping.”


Photos by Alan Sloan/farragutpress

Sophomore Chandler Viscardis, HVA punt returner, finds a seem in South-Doyle's coverage.

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Total Points Scored

Total Points Allowed

1. Hardin Valley





2. Catholic





3. Farragut





4. CAK





5. Bearden





HVA wins week Farragut, Bearden, CAK suffer one-sided losses

KEN LAY Correspondent

The chase for farragutpress How the West Was Won presented by 3 Minute Magic Car Wash trophy continued last week and only Hardin Valley Academy emerged as a winner. Farragut, Bearden and Christian Academy of Knoxville all suffered one-sided losses. Knoxville Catholic was idle and will return to action this week. The week started with the Hawks notching an overtime win at South-Doyle Sept. 12 in a game that was suspended due to a pair of weather delays and lasted more than five hours. HVA won a 21-14 decision when Jordan Jackson’s overtime touchdown sealed the victory between two unbeaten teams. Jackson scored twice and rushed for 154 yards. Joe Underwood also scored for the Hawks. Hardin Valley is off to its first 3-0 start in school history. The Hawks travel to Maryville this week, where HVA’s 2012 season ended in Blount County in the first round of the Class 6A Playoffs. The Rebels (3-0)

enjoyed an open date last week. Meanwhile, the Admirals dropped a 55-7 game to defending Class 4A state champion Fulton Friday night in North Knoxville. Farragut had two turnovers returned for scores and committed eight penalties. The Ads (2-2) did snap Fulton’s school-record scoreless quarters streak. Billy Williams caught a 14-yard touchdown pass that was the first score against the Falcons in more than 18 1/2 quarters. Farragut’s Michael Travis had a pair of interceptions. Next up for the Ads is a District 4-AAA tilt at West. The Rebels (2-1), who won at Bill Clabo Field last season, downed Asheville (N.C.) 34-20 last week. At Bearden, the Bulldogs dropped to 1-3 with a 41-28 loss to Morristown East. Bearden found itself down 28-7 after three quarters but Emad Aqqad had a big final 12 minutes. He caught two touchdown passes from quarterback (and Central transfer) Xavier Johnson and recovered an onside kick on Bearden’s homecoming night. His efforts weren’t quite enough. The Bulldogs host

Alan Sloan/farragutpress

This apparent 75-yard touchdown run by South-Doyle star Jocquez Bruce (6) to begin the game was nullified by a holding penalty, as Hardin Valley defenders Chris Thomas (3) and Ryan Ferguson (25) are shown being held during blocks.

Lenoir City Friday. The Panthers (1-2) lost their homecoming game to Sequoyah 28-21. The two-time defending Class 3A State Champion Warriors (13) fell 49-7 to Webb in a battle of Cedar Bluff rivals. CAK couldn’t contain the Spartans’ Wing-T offensive attack. Webb senior Matthew Melton had 277 yards and scored four TDs for the Spartans, who held the Warriors to a season-low seven points.

SCOTT TATE presents

CAK, which features one of the KIL’s most prolific attacks, has scored just 21 points in its last two outings. Things won’t get much easier for the Warriors this week. CAK, who played without three starters (due to injury) last week, the Warriors host Scott County Friday night. CAK has dominated the series against the Highlanders in recent years. But Scott County is undefeated (4-0) and it trounced Wartburg Central

51-18 Friday night. Meanwhile, an open date is the only thing that has stopped the Irish this season. Catholic is 3-0 under new head coach Steve Matthews. The Irish has used a stifling and opportunistic defense to defeat CAK, Coalfield and Notre Dame. Next up for Catholic is a road tilt against Tyner Academy in Chattanooga. The Rams (0-3) dropped a 31-16 decision to Ooltewah last week.


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Emad Aqqad

Billy Spencer

Michael Travis

Matt Brewer

Bye Week

Matthew Melton

Mason Sharpe

Kyron Inman





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Weichert, Realtors® - Advantage Plus names top performers


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W E I C H E R T, REALTORS® Advantage Plus has announced the top agents for the month of August, 2013. R e a l t o r Burg Jacqueline Burg earned the title of Company-wide

Overall Top Agent of the Month. The company’s Top Listing Agent for August was Susannah Dunn, and laurels went to Debbie Ishak for Top Selling Agent of the month.


W E I C H E R T, REALTORS® Advantage Plus is located at 114 Lovell Road, Suite 102, Knoxville, Telephone (865) 474-7100. The Ishak Web address is http://www.advantagetn.com.

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LAKE FRONT 2+ ACRES Build your small cottage or your gorgeous big house. Either way this property will satisfy. Year round deep water, great views, and privacy! Quaint small town located between Maryville and Lenior City. Great location & great price. Don t miss this deal. $269,000

AVALON GOLF COMMUNITY Motivated seller; All brick basement ranch, 13th fairway, great views. Open f'plan w'9 ft ceilings, hardwood floors, side entry mudroom . Great unfinished bsmt area with high ceilings., Large wkshop, golf cart garage. 2900sf, Great price $419,000

AVALON GOLF COMMUNITY Gorgeous 2 story bsmt custom build home with panoramic golf course views! Master & office on main level. Full living quarters in basement w kit and appls. & mirrored gym. Security sys, irrigation, outdoor living, located on culdesac. 5900sf $572,000

AVALON COMMUNITY Custom built ranch w open flr plan, backs to golf course. Hand-scraped hardwd flrs, extensive crown mldgs thru-out, kit & baths w/granite tops, ss appls, walk-in pantry, custom cabinetry, lg walk-in shower. Tankless hw, surround sound, irrig & garage for golf cart. Stunning mt & golf course views! 3000sf $449,000





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MAPLE HOLLOW S/D - 2740 ED STALLINGS LN - Room for everyone in this beautiful 4 BR 2.5 BA located on a wooded cul-de-sac lot in West Knoxville. Large palladium window & chandelier highlight the two story foyer. Whilpool tub & walk in closet in the master bath. The 2nd full bath has a double vanity. Oak cabinets & stainless steel appliances surround the center island in the kitchen. Call today! MLS 849909 $275,000

Charley MARCUM

865-740-2540 (Cell)


3135 CHAMPIONS TRAIL LANE - This 4 BR, 2.5 BA dollhouse is a must see inside. New...EVERYTHING! New Kitchen & master bath w/lovely tile work throughout. New light fixtures, new hardwood flooring, new patio plus a back deck on level lot. Quiet Cul-de-sac, low traffice neighborhood w/ county taxes only. 4th bdrm is huge & could be another FR. Lovely eat-in kitchen w/island, new cabinets, back splash, and appliances. MLS 861027 $222,900

Melonie CARIDEO ABR, CRS, SFR, BROKER (423) 593-8713


10710 ROCK ARBOR WAY - Must see this super clean spacious 4 BR, 2.5 BA w/new gleaming hardwood floors, professional landscaped private yard w/relaxing patio. Gas fireplace in LR, sep. formal DR, vaulted ceiling, neutral colors give new owner nothing to do but move-in!! Jetted tub in large BA, sep BA, master BR on main. Upstairs is 3 BRs and one is HUGE! New HVAC, new paint, loads & loads of storage pull down attic. Great buy w/ community pool too! MLS 841642 $299,950


INTERVIEWING TOP AGENTS! 731 Campbell Station Knoxville, TN 37934


Melonie CARIDEO ABR, CRS, SFR, BROKER (423) 593-8713


Equal Housing Opportunity Statement: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Tennessee Human Rights Act, which make it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.”




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5616 Kingston Pike, Suite 201, Knoxville, TN SEQUOYAH HILLS

WEST ARDEN - 9718 Haversack Drive 5BR/4BA, Great “Hamilton” plan with 2 sty entry. 5 bedrooms plus bonus, 4 baths. Master bdrm plus 2nd bdrm on main. Ideal separate living quarters down with second kitchen full bedroom & bath, plus family room, sitting room, incredible storage & workshop. $374,900 (850933)

559 ARROWHEAD TRAIL, 5BR/6.5BA, Very special home W/great character listed for over $2.0M at one time - now a foreclosure. Original home from 1918 plus grand addition in 2008. Replica of Washington Rotunda, by architect David Hutchins. In heart of Sequoyah Hills. Seller will consider a trade. Special financing available to qualified Buyers. Fabulous entertaining areas. Nestled between Arrowhead Trail and Calumet - 2 entrances. $1,349,000 (820576)



1840 DUNRAVEN DRIVE 3BR/2.5BA, Great location, private fenced backyard. Wonderful fireplace. Walkout to patio. Family room downstairs for entertaining. Convenient to schools, shopping, Interstate. $159,900 (860369)

130 SKYVIEW DR, 5BR/4.5BA, Just updated new fixtures, faucets, tub, showers, toilet, new oven. Incredible views of mountains, pond, farmland w/10+acres, golf course. Immaculate, neutral. privacy in backyard w/trees on bothe sides. on 14th hole. Dble trey ceiling in gracious master w/sitting area. $539,900 (842064)



10639 LAKECOVE WAY, 4BR/3BA/2Hbaths, Brick home, lakefront w/boat slip in a gated community. Ready to move into. Large main level master w/detailed molding & ceiling. 2 sty foyer. Plantation shutters, formal dining room. Kitchen w/island open to family room. $625,000 (838225)

2740 COULTER SHOALS CIR., 5BR/5.5BA,Fabulous updated lake home, just under 1 acre lot. entire side of house gutted in 2003, new copper wiring, kitchen, dining room, new windows, and extended great room with stunning lake views from the cove out to the main channel of Ft Loudon Lake. Multi level deck w/gazebo. 3-car garage. $799,900 (838212)



10321 MEADOW RIDGES LANE, 5BR/3.5BA, 2 sty entry. Kitchen island, desk, eat-in kitchen. Kitchen open to family room. Smooth ceilings. Original model home. Bay window in kitchen. tile backsplash. Hdwd on main. Huge dining room. $423,900 (844987)

10246 CANTON PLACE LANE, 4Br/2BA/2HBA, Wonderful family home. Covered porch, level backyard. All hdwd and tile on main level. Open plan w/island in kitchen, tile backsplash. Brick sunroom w/vaulted ceiling. Huge master & master bath. Whirlpool, separate shower, dual sinks. Central vacuum. $350,000 (842532)




LENNOX PLACE - 8728 Brucewood Lane, 3BR/3.5BA, Very special home made for outdoor entertaining. 2 story plus finished walk out basement. On the main level there is a huge covered deck. The lower level walk out area is covered and perfect for entertaining as well. $272,000 (853723)

12023 MALLARD BAY DRIVE, 5R/4.5BA, Picture perfect. Covered porch w/lake views & contryside. Transoms, hdwds, Surround sound, built-ins in GR. Mstr on main. Kitchen island, maple glazed cbnts, 5 burner cook top, dbl ovens, blt-in refrig, granite ctrtps, Asko DW. All bdrms full BA except one. 5 bdrms, 4.5 BA, bonus rm, study. Incredible media room - all equip and chairs convey. Huge screen porch. Corner lot. Grill, outdoor FP. New high eff HVAC, roof, gutters, paint. Over sized 3-car garage. One owner blt by John Kerr. Seller is licensed RE agent. Crawl space Thompson water proof life time warranty. Irrigation system. $695,000 (796148)


10116 GRANDE SHORES WAY, 4BR/4.5BA, 2 acres of prime main channel year round water with 210' lakefrontage in gated community on Ft Loudon Lake. Very open with 7 porches to take advantage of the spectacular lake view. Large MBR on main. Sunrooms added to main and lower levels. $1,699,000 (849184)

CUTTERS RUN - 1628 Cutters Run L a n e , 3BR/2.5BA, H o u s e Beautiful! “ Tu r n b e r r y Plan”. Very open and dramatic vaulted great room. Niche in GR. Huge kitchen, stainless appliances, island. Breakfast area in kitchen. Solid surface ctr tps in kitchen. Master bedroom on main. Master bath corner garden tub, sep shower, dbl sinks. Hdwd DR, Foyer, Hallway. $299,900 (852228)


423 WESTBRIDGE DRIVE, 4BR/3.5BA, Gorgeous home-9 ft. ceilings on main and upper level/9 ft.ceiling in great room"Southern Living Plan"-4 bedrooms plus bonus $450,000 (849067)



THE SUMMIT AT ROCKY HILL Great views of the Smoky Mtns. Old World Elegance and charm in this gated community with 33 condominiums. Masters on main, lawn maintenance. Some lots with Smoky & Cumberland Mtn views. Construction starting on $349,900 unit, 4BR/3BA, granite counter tops, raised panel cabinetry, SS appliances, gas or electric in kitchen.

1523 DEER RIDGE LANE, 3BR/3BA, All brick, one owner, customized Frank Betz "Brickel" plan. Very open. Vaulted family room. Granite counter tops, Bosch dishwasher. Master bdrm main level, split bdrms. Whirlpool, dual sinks, sep tile shower in master bath. One level living except bonus up. Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, and garage freezer convey. Oversized 2-car garage. HOA covers Insurance, common areas, garbage pickup, lawn maintenance. New roof, gutters 2011. $299,900 (775782)

Cherrybrook Condos 10312 NORTH RIVER TRAIL, 5BR/5.5BA, Waterfront community - Stately home w/lake & mountain views. Incredible upgrades. EIFS warranty & Inspection. Upper MBR w/fabulous views. Guest suite on main level. Huge bonus. 4 bedrooms have own baths. Fabulous lower level, sauna, 3-head steam room shower. 2 deeded deep water docks included, 25' canopy & 6000 lb lift on one, other undeveloped. $749,000

KENSINGTON - 1601 Bickerstaff Blvd, 4BR/3.5BA, Classic & stately brick home. Generous rooms & open plan. Welcoming foyer. Detailed crown mold. Kitchen w/island, granite ctr tp on island. All BRs have baths. Newly finished 3rd floor makes 2nd bonus room. Lots of hdwd, level corner lot. beautiful landscaping w/inground pool maintained by Prism Pools. $549,900


“Cherrybrook Interior unit ($129,900 MLS 784665)”, and Powell schools Building time 5 months. Rounded corners, great upgrade options available. Buyers work with interior designer to choose colors, cabinet choices, etc. In Powell. Convenient to Clinton Hwy, shopping, restaurants, and schools yet nestled in a country setting. County taxes. Former Parade of Homes site. 210 Warranty.

9410 FROG POND LANE 4BR/3BA/2HBA, 4685 SF, 2-story plus basement. 4 bedrooms plus bonus. Fabulous masterJacuzzi. Elegant home. Lower level new doors. New tankless water heater. Less than 2 yr old HVAC on upper level. 1/4 of pond deeded to property. Floored unfinished attic up. Private backyard. Convenient to I140, Northshore Town Center, Publix, Target. Voluntary HOA. AL Lotts, West Valley Middle, Bearden High. $459,000 (823667)

COPPERSTONE - 2 Lots, Plans & builder available to Buyers. Bank obtained by foreclosure. Conveyed by special warranty deed. Unbelievable opportunity to purchase lots in an upscale, architurally restricted subdivision at a reduced price with sidewalks, street lights, community pool & clubhouse w/exercise room. Minutes to new "Y", lake, parks, schools, interstate & Turkey Creek shopping. All plans & builders must be approved by Copperstone Group (Architectural Review Committee). Priced from $19,900 to $54,900


Afriendly, new neighborhood where neighbors are visitors are welcome, and life is good --as it should be, at home in ....

PHASE 2 VILLAS “Juneberry”. $200 initiation fee at time of closing-garden tub, double sinks, separate shower in master bath, vaulted great room, columns in dining room, neighborhood pool and clubhouse. Many options available. Upper level unfinished. Builder will consider a lease purchase on this unit. VA approved. $224,200 (635720)

Sidewalks Street Lamps Walking Trails Community Swim Pool Luxury Clubhouse w/ Exercise Room & Kitchen "BAGWELL" MODEL, to be built in Copperstone, Phase II villas. 2577 sq ft, 3BR/2.5BA, Approximate build time 4 - 6 months. Close to new “Y”, Turkey Creek, parks, lake. Farragut schools. $125/M HOA fee. $299,900 Dir: W Northshore Dr, R Harvey Rd, L into Copperstone, L Watergrove, L Turning Leaf.


In the Heart of Fountain City Priced — Starting in $228Ks • 4 Models Available • 3 are End Units • Homes Range from 1822sf to 2498sf

1181 OAK HAVEN ROAD 4BR/2.5BA, Eat-in kitchen open to family room with built-in bookcases and massive fireplace. Trey ceiling in dining room. Huge bonus room. 2 bay windows. Charming covered front porch. $262,000 (854457)

11519 FOXFORD DRIVE, 4BR/2.5BA, Wonderful family home in Farragut with mountain view. "Sold As-Is". Roof 2011. New oak cabinets, ctr tps, sinks, lighting 2007. $189,900 (846695)

Many new house plans available from which to choose. Homes starting at $159,900 Ranchers and 2-story plans available Brick and vinyl construction

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