2009 Fall Marketing Magazine

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fa ll 2009

Emmanuel’s Anniversary Marks Opening of Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center


A Message from the President In the fall of 2000, Emmanuel College made the decision to become a coeducational institution, a decision that has proved transformative in creating the community we are today. With a vibrant student body of 1,700, we have far exceeded the enrollment goals set in 2000 and we are focused on the future. We are moving ahead from a position of strength into what I believe is an even more critical phase, particularly given today’s shifting economic, demographic and technologic conditions. In a year of economic uncertainty, Emmanuel College made bold, forwardlooking decisions to invest in our future. We completed the construction of a new academic science center and named it for an alumna, Maureen Murphy Wilkens ’56; we reconfigured the fifth floor of the Administration Building into a superb space for the Art Department; and we forged an innovative partnership with the city of Boston and the Yawkey Foundations to restore Roberto Clemente Field for athletic use by our students and our neighbors. These decisions, like our decision in 2000, were research based, rooted in our mission as a Catholic liberal arts and sciences college, and have a direct impact on our students. We are focused on preparing current and prospective students in innovative ways for the 21st century. Our new Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center, with leading-edge laboratories, research and classroom facilities, coupled with opportunities in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area, make the Emmanuel science experience distinctive. With new academic programs like neuroscience and biostatistics, we are attracting more students in the sciences — students who will be prepared for medical school, doctoral programs, careers in the life sciences and more. The Art Department allows us to offer a spectacular facility for our students studying graphic design, studio art, photography and more. The new design provides interactive, functional and naturally lit spaces ideal for the arts. We are enhancing the academic experience across the disciplines with the addition of new programs in the social sciences, an Honors Program with a rigorous four-year curriculum, and a Science Living-Learning Community,

which brings together academic and residence life to support first-year students pursuing a science major. The value of the liberal arts and sciences — an education that develops the whole person, critical thinking skills and a global perspective — is more important than ever. We are attentive to developing career paths in our programs and complementing study with internships and real-world experience in Boston, our home. To support this, we are providing more networking and mentoring opportunities, and further integrating internships into the curriculum. With the opening of our new home field, Roberto Clemente Field, we are adding lacrosse, one of the fastest-growing sports in the country, to our intercollegiate athletic program. The additions of women’s and men’s lacrosse teams will bring Emmanuel College’s total number of varsity sports to 17. Access to Clemente Field allows us to offer these studentathletes, as well as our soccer, softball, and track and field teams, a state-of-the-art facility for practice and competition. You, our alumni, parents and friends, are an important part of Emmanuel’s future. We need your support in recruiting new students who can benefit from the Emmanuel experience; in offering internship opportunities to our bright and motivated students at your workplace; in investing in our students by funding scholarships and financial aid; in embracing and promoting all that makes Emmanuel special; and in visiting campus to see firsthand our students and mission in action. In this Season of Advent, the Season of Emmanuel, our God with us, we remember the many ways that God enters into our world and into our lives. May your Advent be blessed with joyful expectation and peace. Sincerely yours,

Sister Janet Eisner, SND President

Emmanuel magazine



Emmanuel College Reflects on its 90th Anniversary Year

Emmanuel Legacies Alumni Weekend 2009 Regional Club News

Looking Boldly to the Future


Alumni News Emmanuel Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing Communications. Address editorial correspondence to the Office of Marketing Communications, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115, or to pr@emmanuel.edu.

90 Years of Transformation


Editor in Chief: Molly Honan

Historic Administration Building Remains Heart and Soul of Campus as Emmanuel Evolves

Alumni Weekend Class Photos

Contributors: Joan Caldwell, Andrea Dempsey, Kay O’Dwyer, Elisabeth M. O’Hearn ’47, Valerie Stephens

Class Notes

Writers: Sara Doherty, Molly Honan, Bryan Mahoney

Design: LIMA Design Printing Coordinator: Helen Kimeria ’97


Emmanuel Speaks A Conversation with Director of Mission and Spirituality Sr. Mary Johnson, SND


Campus News Academic Convocation Kicks Off Year Athlete Garners Major GNAC Honor Faculty and Student News

Special Insert

Values-Based Education Newsletter Supplement Inside Back Cover

President’s Society Reception

Printing: Summit Printing Photography: Merrill Shea, Carla Osberg Photography, Tom Kates, Bryan Mahoney, MarkFlannery.com Front cover photograph: Carla Osberg Photography

The Emmanuel story is still unfolding.



looking boldly to the future Emmanuel College Reflects on its 90th Anniversary Year

| Emmanuel Magazine

In 2009, Emmanuel College stands stronger than ever, with nine campus buildings on 17 acres and growing academic and co-curricular programs to serve the students of today. This fall saw developments unmatched in the College’s history — the opening of a stateof-the-art academic science center, the completion of the first-ever home field for soccer, lacrosse and track and field, and the pledging of more than 130,000 hours of service by alumni. It is truly a year to celebrate what has been accomplished. But, just as when the College opened its doors in 1919, the Emmanuel story is still unfolding.

Fall 2009

In the fall of 1919, the Sisters of Notre Dame opened Emmanuel College, the first Catholic college for women in New England. With its opening, young women in the Boston area had the opportunity to pursue a liberal arts and sciences education rooted in Catholic principles. At that time, the campus consisted of one building on 11 acres of land in the city of Boston, adjacent to what would become one of the most world-renowned medical and research communities in the world. The mission of these founding Sisters and this coveted location have served the College well, through nine decades of innovation, vision, excellence, community, scholarship and purpose.



The design of the Wilkens Science Center gives the Emmanuel community a unique view of the building’s activity.

90 Years of Innovation: The Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center When classes began in September 2009, Emmanuel students had their first look at the latest addition to the College’s campus — the magnificent new academic science center, housing 14 laboratories for biology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry, neuroscience and faculty research, multipurpose classrooms, meeting spaces and common areas. Architects Goody Clancy designed the space to foster interactive learning and community building, but it was the students who said it best. When meeting with President Sister Janet Eisner, SND upon the opening of the academic year, members of the Student Government Association described the building as “Academics in Action” — an apt description of not just the new facility, but of the entire Emmanuel educational experience. Three weeks after the opening, Emmanuel officially named and dedicated the new facility the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center on September 24th, honoring graduate Maureen Murphy Wilkens ’56 and her husband 4

Frank Wilkens. In addition to a $5 million gift for the academic science center, the Wilkens have long expressed their commitment to Emmanuel by supporting the Jean Yawkey Center, which houses the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Atrium, and offering financial support to students through the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Scholarship Funds. The Wilkens Science Center is the first building in Emmanuel’s history to be named for an alumna. “Today we dedicate this spectacular building in your honor, and in tribute to your friendship, your partnership, and your confidence in our educational mission,” said Sr. Janet to the Wilkens. “You share our passion for educating students in the 21st century, and as we spoke about this new academic science center, you saw its potential — not simply in terms of bricks and mortar, but in the ways it could impact our students’ lives.” Sr. Janet also thanked the donors who helped make the vision of the Wilkens Science Center possible. The third floor

atrium, where the dedication ceremony took place, has been named the Connors Atrium in honor of Jack and Eileen Connors. Former Chair of the Board Michael Daley, along with his wife Janet and daughter Marybeth Daley Grey ’94, toured the new Daley Family Classroom, a tiered classroom — the first of its kind on campus — overlooking the quad. Mark and Elaine Quinn were acknowledged for their generous support of the Quinn Seminar Room and the Alden Trust for whom the anatomy and physiology lab is named. The Wilkens Science Center is four floors and has 47,500 square feet of academic space, in addition to a 120-space underground parking garage. A “green” building, the Wilkens Science Center speaks to the 21st century in every way. This new facility will help to prepare students for high-growth fields and graduate study and continues the College’s momentum in the sciences. Emmanuel’s partnership with Merck Research Laboratories-Boston, the

Frank Wilkens, Maureen Murphy Wilkens ’56, Sr. Janet Eisner, SND and Mayor Thomas M. Menino in the Connors Atrium at the dedication ceremony.

The Daleys gather in the Daley Family Classroom, a tiered classroom outfitted with the latest technology.

Elaine and Mark Quinn outside of the Quinn Seminar Room.

Fall 2009

The Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center on the library side of campus, reflected in Merck Research Laboratories-Boston.


A view of the College’s quad and the exterior of the Chapel from the fourth floor of the Wilkens Science Center.

Dedication Ceremony 09.24.2009

Emmanuel Magazine

development of new programs in the sciences including a biostatistics major, an interdisciplinary neuroscience concentration in the biology and psychology departments, and research opportunities in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area give students a competitive edge. The Wilkens Science Center features a spectacular view of the Boston skyline and highlights Emmanuel’s location in the city. “This view emphasizes what we say to our students the moment they arrive — Boston is your extended classroom,” said Sr. Janet. “While colleges within a 150-mile radius of Boston market their proximity to the city, few have the real proximity and access of walking distance within this city as we do here at Emmanuel.” Vice President of Academic Affairs Frank Scully shared his own gratitude for the new Wilkens Science Center, remarking on the difference the building has already had on Emmanuel. This fall, the College experienced a 42% growth in the number of first-year students taking biology and chemistry courses. He expressed confidence that the building will not only aid Emmanuel in attracting, retaining and graduating strong sciences students, but leave an impression on all students regardless of their areas of study. “Science will shape the future of America and the world,” he said. “At Emmanuel College, the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center is an integral step in preparing our students for a career in science or for a lifelong interest in science, no matter what other paths they choose.” S


A “green” building, the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center speaks to the 21st century in every way.


The second floor microbiology lab is one of 14 laboratories in the Wilkens Science Center. The sciences have been an integral part of an Emmanuel education since the early years of the College.

Breakout rooms and interaction spaces in the Wilkens Science Center allow students to gather for study and projects.

The Wilkens Science Center features a variety of multipurpose and meeting space. Students gather in the second floor atrium for a group project.

The Admissions reception area has moved to the Wilkens Science Center, with department offices in the newly renovated East Wing of the Administration Building.

Assistant Professor of Biology Todd Williams teaches “Anatomy and Physiology” in the Daley Family Classroom. This tiered classroom is the first of its kind on campus.

The anatomy and physiology lab overlooks the quad; the glass façade of the building allows the Wilkens Science Center to be energy-efficient by taking advantage of natural light.


The completed softball diamond will be used by the Saints softball team in spring 2010.

90 Years of Partnerships: The Completion of Roberto Clemente Field

The women’s soccer team in action during a night game in the fall of 2009 — the first season the team has had a home field.

Fall 2009


2009-2010 as a club sport and then at the varsity level for 2010-2011. Men’s lacrosse will launch at the club level in 2010-2011 and then as a varsity sport in 2011-2012. Men’s lacrosse will bring the total number of varsity programs at the College to 17 in 2011-2012 — nine women’s and eight men’s. The men’s and women’s lacrosse teams will compete in the Great Northeast Athletic Conference (GNAC). In her remarks at the dedication ceremony, Sr. Janet Eisner, SND spoke about the impact of the project on not just The men’s soccer team huddles before a game on the new Emmanuel, but on the community. 120,000-square-foot turf field, the same used at Gillette Stadium. “Two years ago we pursued this ambitious venture with the goal of restoring this park so it could once again be a recreational space the community could enjoy. Our dream is now a reality and this restored field is now a place of vibrant activity, serving well the city of Boston.” She continued, “We are so proud to be able to call Roberto Clemente Field Emmanuel’s home field and we are thankful to our partners who worked tirelessly to make this happen.” S

Emmanuel Magazine

The partnerships that Emmanuel has formed within the neighborhood and beyond have had a significant impact on the student experience during the College’s history. The partnerships to create the Colleges of the Fenway consortium and to bring Merck Research Laboratories-Boston to the Emmanuel campus are collaborations in the most recent decades that have had a transformative effect on the College. The significance of Emmanuel’s partnership with the city of Boston and the Yawkey Foundations to restore nearby Roberto Clemente Field cannot be overstated. In addition to having a home field for the first time in the College’s history where varsity teams can host intercollegiate competitions in men’s and women’s soccer and softball and have enhanced practice facilities for track and field, this partnership will allow Emmanuel College athletics to expand to include both men’s and women’s lacrosse and reach out to a new group of prospective students. “The addition of men’s and women’s lacrosse allows Emmanuel to take full advantage of our new home field and offer a program in a sport that is one of the fastest growing in the country,” said Pam Roecker, Director of Athletics and Recreation. “Men’s and women’s lacrosse

At the Roberto Clemente Field dedication on September 30th, Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino thanked Emmanuel and the Yawkey Foundations for funding the renovation of the field. Students from Emmanuel College, Boston Latin School, Fenway High School and other Boston Public Schools are a great fit for our college and for the GNAC, given that several other conference are behind (left to right) Boston Latin School Headmaster Lynne Mooney schools have added these sports recently.” Teta, Emmanuel President Sr. Janet Eisner, SND, Mayor Menino and Yawkey Foundations President James Healey. Women’s lacrosse will be played in


90 Years of Scholarship: Academic Enhancements The start of the 2009-2010 academic year not only saw the opening of the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center and Roberto Clemente Field, but a complete renovation of the Art Department, an upgrade of the east wing of the Administration Building and new academic programs. Opened in October and located on the fifth floor of the Administration Building, the renovated Art Department features 8,500 square feet of studio, office, meeting and classroom space. Designed by architects Goody Clancy, the floor was reconfigured to create open and interactive areas and to take advantage of the original high ceilings and natural light. This new Art Department allows for unique views of campus and the city of Boston from the highest academic space on campus. Studios for painting, drawing, printmaking, 3D and ceramics, a wood shop, Mac

Associate Professor of Art Megumi Naitoh with students in the ceramics studio.

computer lab and dark room all offer the latest equipment and technology for students pursuing a variety of programs in the department — studio art, graphic design and technology, art therapy, digital photography, art history and individualized majors. “This renovation not only gives students enhanced space in which to work, but allows us to expand opportunities for interdisciplinary studies, lectures, exhibitions, artists in-residency and more,” said Professor of Art Kathy Soles ’73. Through the newly restored east wing of the Administration Building, the Art Department is now connected to the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center and is an inviting space for students and faculty outside of the discipline, as well as visitors. “This new space promotes collaboration even within the discipline among faculty and students and better prepares them for careers and graduate study,” said Associate Professor of Art Megumi Naitoh, department chair. In addition to a renovation of the fifth floor, floors one through four of the east wing of the Administration Building have reopened with new spaces for Admissions, Academic Advising, psychology and education faculty, the Center for Mission and Spirituality, classrooms and other administrative offices.

A view of the quad from the fifth floor Art Department. In the last five years, the College has added a number of areas of study including American Studies, Writing and Literature, Catholic Studies, Organizational Leadership and more. Emmanuel is constantly assessing the marketplace, careers of the future and the needs of prospective students, and new programs reflect this. For the fall of 2010, three concentrations within the Sociology Department will be available to students — Crime and Justice, Human Services, and Social Justice and Social Inequality. These concentrations will prepare students for graduate and professional school and the world of work, including law school, master’s and doctoral programs and careers in such areas as social services, the courts, non-profit management and public health. “We promise our students an excellent liberal arts and sciences education with real-world experience,” said Sister Janet Eisner, SND. “The addition of these programs, and programs in the future, directly address the issues of today’s world and are an ideal fit for our mission.” S

Faculty artwork is displayed in the main hallway. The original hardwood floor was refinished during the renovation.



service Alumni participated in a day of service at the Franklin Park Zoo as part of the 90k challenge.

90 Years of Service: The 90k Challenge

Chair of 90k…It’s All About Time Jennifer Puccetti ’89 (right) with fellow graduates and 90k participants Michelle Duschang ’89 (left) and Mary Beth Thomas ’84 (center). 90K Committee


Committee Members Catherine DesRoche ’05 Noreen Diamond Burdett ’73 Michelle Duschang ’89 Ali Weller Dutson ’05 Noreen Dimond ’56 Kerri Dixon ’00 Mary Fleming ’63 Elizabeth “Betty” Cox Gravelle ’64 Nicole Grenon ’02 M. Cynthia Carolan Hurley ’65 Diana Morrissey Kenneally ’94 Joan Glidden McGrath ’60 Anne Morris Lynch ’57 Catherine Player ’91 Lisa Altieri Miller ’83 Serghino Rene ’05 Ann Kelley Ryan ’55 Mary Beth Thomas ’84 Anne Toye ’65 Deirdre Bradley Turner ’98 Suzanne Wenz ’94

Fall 2009

Core Team Susan Pelleriti Cleary ’79 Carolyn Francisco Murphy ’91 Judy Chadwick LeBlanc ’64 Jennifer Puccetti, ’89, Chair Gwyn Oesterle Thakur ’75

Emmanuel Magazine

This past summer, Emmanuel alumni, family and friends from around the world completed a yearlong community service initiative to celebrate the College’s 90th anniversary. The goal of 90K…It’s All About Time was for the extended Emmanuel community to complete 90,000 volunteer hours in one year. Close to 800 alumni from 35 states and several countries participated. Far exceeding the goal, 137,000 hours of service were logged, showing an unwavering commitment to Emmanuel’s social justice mission. Planning for the initiative began in 2006 during an Alumni Association Board meeting. Following a discussion on how the board could best serve the College and celebrate its 90th anniversary, graduates Jennifer Puccetti ’89 and Carolyn Francisco Murphy ’91 suggested focusing on service. “So many of our alumni have carried the Emmanuel mission with them after leaving the College,” said Puccetti. “Our team felt the best way to honor the 90th anniversary was to expand and celebrate this commitment.” Puccetti spearheaded the initiative and became its chair, bringing together a core team as well as a larger committee to help plan and promote the efforts. Working with various offices at Emmanuel, local service events were planned, promotion including mailings and e-mails began, and a web site was developed where alumni could pledge and log hours from anywhere in the world.

Along with such activities as serving on town and organization boards, working at schools and hospitals, providing rides for the disabled, and assisting in soup kitchens, several alums volunteered in very unique ways. Brenda Napolitano Pinkess ’81, for example, swam the English Channel to raise money for cancer research. Diana Kenneally ’94 worked with the College’s Office of Internships and Career Development to develop an online résumé review project to allow alumni to have an impact on Emmanuel students from any distance. “Not all alumni can come to events on campus, so we wanted to bring 400 The Fenway to them,” said Puccetti. “Regardless of where they were, they could participate and share the Emmanuel story with family and friends.” For Puccetti, who just celebrated her 20th reunion this past summer, social justice has been an important part of her life. She was a Peace Corps volunteer after college and more recently served with Crisis Corps in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. She currently works as the administrator for Harvard Medical School’s Department of Global Health and Social Medicine under the direction of Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health, an international health and social justice organization. “Emmanuel’s mission has been an inspiration to so many graduates over the past nine decades,” she said. “I can think of no better way to honor this than to find ways to serve more.” S —MOLLY HONAN


9 0 y e a rs o f transformation:

Historic Administration Building Remains Heart and Soul of Campus as Emmanuel Evolves


Emmanuel’s founding Sisters commissioned Maginnis & Walsh to design what would become the College’s landmark structure on their 11-acre plot of meadowlands in Boston’s Fenway neighborhood.

Fall 2009

edifices of Boston College, the College of the Holy Cross and the University of Notre Dame. Residing in Boston during a time of Roman Catholic expansion, Maginnis & Walsh are credited with identifying and responding to an opportunity to reinvigorate the artistry of Catholic design, which enticed few at the time due to the poverty of the Church across the U.S. Maginnis, a devout Catholic, operated under the belief that art and the Catholic religion went hand in hand; that there were practical solutions, using modest means, to breathing new life into the architecture.3 Often using brick as a cost-effective medium, his designs emphasized a return towards older Christian


In a February 1923 article in The Architectural Record, art critic and author Sylvester Baxter recalled an exhibition of the Boston Architectural Club he attended a few years prior. Standing among three of the leading residential architects, Baxter joined them in gazing at perspectives of a project by the Boston-based architectural firm, Maginnis & Walsh. Although the firm would eventually achieve national prominence, playing a significant role in shaping American Roman Catholic architecture in the early 20th century, at the time, its founders had yet to fully distinguish themselves in the eyes of their colleagues. As the group continued to admire the design of the Academy of Notre Dame on the Fenway, known today as the Administration Building of Emmanuel College, that all changed. “Well, I think there can be no question that Maginnis & Walsh must now be ranked as our foremost Boston architects,” one of the group members said. As Baxter noted, “the agreement of the others was as hearty as it was unanimous.”1 Charles D. Maginnis and Timothy F. Walsh are remembered today as pioneers of the Gothic revival of Roman Catholic architecture in the United States. They are associated mostly with their ecclesiastic and collegiate commissions, a collection that includes such seminal works as St. Catherine of Genoa in Somerville, MA — often referred to as “the gem of the Boston Archdiocese,”2 the chancel of Trinity Church in Copley Square, and esteemed

styles, connecting aesthetics to spirituality. “He brought a level of design to the Catholic Church that did not exist before him,” said Emmanuel’s Adjunct Professor of Art Milda Richardson, an art historian who has published numerous articles on the works of Maginnis & Walsh. “Maginnis & Walsh raised the consciousness of the value of producing good architecture from an aesthetic sense. They are the premier Roman Catholic architects.” In 1914, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur commissioned Maginnis & Walsh to design what would become the College’s landmark structure on their 11-acre plot of meadowlands in Boston’s Fenway neighborhood. Envisioning a new space for their all-girls academy, which was outgrowing its existing facility on Berkeley Street near the Charles River, the intent was to develop a building large enough to accommodate both the academy and a new commuter college. In establishing the first all-women’s Catholic college in New England and just the second Catholic college in the metropolitan area behind Boston College, Emmanuel’s founders looked towards their lone predecessor for inspiration. Maginnis & Walsh completed this first collegiate project, Boston College’s Recitation Building, in 1913. The first of BC’s original four buildings eventually completed by the architectural firm, it was later renamed Gasson Hall after Father Thomas Gasson, the college president from

Emmanuel Magazine

For 90 years, Emmanuel’s Administration Building has served as the architectural symbol of the College, representative of its rich traditions and history. For generations of students it is a shared connection, a bridge from the groundbreaking Emmanuel of the past to the vibrant and dynamic learning environment it is today. As we forge ahead into an exciting era at Emmanuel, we invite you to look back upon the Administration Building’s place in history, both as a remarkable example of Roman Catholic architecture in America and in its impact on the College’s beginnings.


1907–1914 who oversaw the initial development of the campus at its current Chestnut Hill location. As one of the first examples in the country of the collegiate Gothic style, the building’s design had an immediate impact on contemporary architecture. It also left quite an impression on Emmanuel’s founding Sisters. “The Sisters specifically asked Maginnis & Walsh to replicate the Gothic style because of what the firm did at Boston College,” said Richardson, who also serves as president of the New England Chapter, Society of Architectural Historians. Maginnis & Walsh won the commission for Boston College through a blind competition in 1909, impressing the selection committee with a long-range campus design that accentuated both the college’s academic principles and the beauty of its new location. As Donna M. Cassidy notes in the chapter, “The Collegiate Gothic Designs of Maginnis & Walsh” from Studies in Medievalism, “Maginnis & Walsh’s plan for Boston College showed their sensitivity to their patron’s desire for a design expressive of the purpose of the institution…. Maginnis chose the Gothic style for Boston College because it expressed the Catholic heritage of this institution and was more appropriate for the site.”4 Such devotion to the totality of the design translated well to the plans for Emmanuel’s new building, which would

Emmanuel Campus

As Emmanuel has evolved, so too has the world-renowned neighborhood that surrounds it today. In the College’s earliest years, much of the land along Avenue Louis Pasteur between the Administration Building (top left) and Harvard Medical School remained open and unused.

“the intention of the design would not be realized until its bordering roads had been lined with buildings.”5 Maginnis & Walsh paid tribute to this vision with a structure intended to complement the beauty of its surroundings. “These few acres unique in the whole America, where so many famous and stable institutions are lined up around the green Olmsted jewel…Could you find anywhere else in the country so much concentrated intelligence, dedicated service, and rare beauty as exists within an arrow flight

“These few acres unique in the whole America, where so many famous and stable institutions are lined up around the green Olmsted jewel…Could you find anywhere else in the country so much concentrated intelligence, dedicated service, and rare beauty as exists within an arrow flight of our own campus?” –sister janet eisner, snd overlook the Back Bay Fens, designed by famed landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted. Both Maginnis and Olmsted shared the philosophies of the Picturesque movement that originated in Europe in the late 19th century, a more romantic view of architecture that emphasized harmony with landscapes. Olmsted imagined the park as a place for relaxation and recreation, but believed 12

of our own campus?” asked Emmanuel College President Sister Janet Eisner, SND. In many ways the Administration Building represents a classic example of a Maginnis & Walsh design. According to Richardson, two trademarks of the firm’s work include “the subtle effects of sophisticated mathematical proportions and the total integration of the decorative program within the structure itself.” She explains

how the Administration Building reflects both these concepts, the former in its composition (“showing full command of mass and line”) and the latter in its ornate entryway: “The façade rises in three stages from east to west, culminating in the pinnacle of the square tower and then dropping to the projecting ogee-arched entrance with its concentration of lavish ornament…This staged treatment not only diminishes the potential weightiness of the monumental 400-foot brick block but also distinguishes it from the more severely classical style of neighboring institutions.”6 Its E-shaped plan is also a common Maginnis & Walsh approach. The design allows for more light and air to flow through the structure and enabled Maginnis & Walsh to place the chapel at the midpoint, representing the “spiritual center of the College.” The tower, meanwhile, is purposefully asymmetrical, which adds to the Picturesque style. The building’s entryway was originally meant to serve as a division of the structure’s collegiate and institutional functions, with the east side of the building serving as the convent for the Sisters of Notre Dame and the west, the academy. During its early years, the building’s purpose encompassed more than just these two roles. In truth, for the first 30 years of the College’s existence, the Administration

The Administration Building was originally designed to serve both a collegiate and institutional function. The east side of the building served as the convent for the Sisters of Notre Dame, while the west side, as seen above, housed the academy.

Walsh in his approach to the 1998 renovation of Emmanuel’s Chapel. Keefe himself was of the same architectural lineage of the fathers of American Gothic architecture, his own father a former engineer with the firm. His appreciation for the history resonated in his description of the Chapel as an example of Maginnis’ “intent to engage the worshipper on several levels — body, memory, reverence, imagination.”8 His reassuring words to the Emmanuel community prior to the renovation spoke volumes as well: “Your Chapel is a beautiful and architecturally significant place… We have no desire to destroy a well-preserved, unified work of art.”9 With the Wilkens Science Center, the architectural firm Goody Clancy took care to incorporate key attributes of the Administration Building into the design. The brick front mimics that of the flagship structure, while the atriums in the new wing feature the latter’s original archways, carefully retained throughout the construction process. In the Wilkens Science Center’s glass-façade facing the quad, passersby can see how Goody Clancy captured the look of the Jean Yawkey Center in design, and the Administration Building, literally, as a reflected image. The skyline of Boston and views of the Emerald Necklace are also readily visible from the new building, upholding Maginnis’ Picturesque ideals and further emphasizing


St. James Hall, meanwhile, came down in the summer of 2007 to make way for the construction of the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center, having served Emmanuel well for half a century. The common theme throughout the few restorations to the Administration Building has been an appreciation for its creator’s vision — a desire to return a classic Maginnis building to its full majestic form. Anastasia Kirby Lundquist ’35 wrote in her historical narrative, The Chapel Speaks, of the respect Dennis Keefe of Keefe Associates had for Maginnis &

Fall 2009

Maginnis shared the philosophies of the Picturesque movement with Back Bay Fens designer Frederick Law Olmsted, who believed his park’s design would not be fully realized until its bordering roads were lined with buildings.

Emmanuel Magazine

Building was Emmanuel College: a selfsustained college within a singular structure. Besides the classrooms, art studios and administrative offices that remain today, the building featured a gym, library, science labs and an extensive art museum. As the campus continued to grow in the 1950s with the construction of a science building (Alumnae Hall) and Emmanuel transitioned into a residence college with the addition of a student union (Marian Hall), the Administration Building’s significance to Emmanuel certainly did not diminish. In 1957, a new section was placed adjacent to the building, St. James Hall, a five-story faculty wing and expanded convent that accommodated 48 Sisters. The addition was proposed by then-College President Sister Alice Gertrude, SND, who “suggested that it might be economical for the College to make the English Gothic Administration Building do more service.”7 Overall, the Administration Building has done well to stand the test of time, a true compliment to the integrity of its design. Besides an imperative restoration to the Chapel in the late 90s, the building remained largely untouched until the fall of 2006, when Emmanuel began a comprehensive exterior renovation. The project entailed extensive roof and masonry repairs — every brick and slate was refurbished and limestone capstones recast — marking the largest reconstruction effort in the Administration Building’s existence.


The design allows for more light and air to flow through the structure and enabled Maginnis & Walsh to place the chapel at the midpoint, representing the “spiritual center of the College.� The tower, meanwhile, is purposefully asymmetrical, which adds to the Picturesque style.


The glass façade of the new Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center incorporates the look of the Jean Yawkey Center and captures the reflected image of the Administration Building.

tion and our condition portend for the architecture of the future.”10 Perhaps he never envisioned the bustling grounds of Emmanuel College as it exists today, with the Jean Yawkey Center alive with activity, the new, energy-efficient Wilkens Science Center, Merck Research Laboratories-Boston towering above — and all the while, the building he realized nine decades ago still flourishing as the centerpiece of it all. As the Administration Building continues to anchor the academic facilities at Emmanuel College, making possible a liberal arts and science education rooted in Catholic tradition, it seems sufficient to

say that Maginnis would be satisfied with the outcome. After all, generations of Emmanuel students have had the opportunity to share in his creation’s Gothic charm. As will many more to come. “The Administration Building continues to serve the students of today as it has for the past 90 years,” said Sr. Janet. “What a compelling building it is in the strength and beauty of its architecture. What meaning it has for Emmanuel.” S —BRYAN MAHONEY

Sylvester Baxter, “A Selection from the Works of Maginnis & Walsh Architects,” The Architectural Record, no. 293 (February 1923):100. 2 Milda B. Richardson, “St. Catherine of Genoa,” Sacred Architecture, no. 6 (spring 2002): 14. 3 Milda B. Richardson, “Chancel Remodeling: Charles D. Maginnis (Maginnis & Walsh),” The Makers of Trinity Church in the City of Boston, ed. James F. O’Gorman (Amherst & Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2004). 4 Donna M. Cassidy, “The Collegiate Gothic Designs of Maginnis & Walsh,” in John R. Zukowsky, ed., Studies in Medievalism in Architecture and Design 3, no. 2 (fall 1990): 161. 5 Baxter, “Works of Maginnis & Walsh,” 101. 6 Milda B. Richardson, “Roman Catholic Church Architecture in New England,” Encyclopedia of New England Culture (1998): 5. 7 Mary E. Friel, History of Emmanuel College 19191974, (Ann Arbor, Mich: University Microfilm, 1980): 201. 8 Anastasia Kirby Lundquist, The Chapel Speaks, 2000, 48. 9 Lundquist, The Chapel Speaks, 48, 56. 10 Quoted in “Lectures on Church Architecture,” Boston Daily Globe, December 9, 1925.


The Administration Building represents a classic example of a Maginnis & Walsh collegiate Gothic design.

Fall 2009


Emmanuel Magazine

Emmanuel’s place within the city’s historic Fenway setting. “Maginnis & Walsh’s Administration Building design is the architectural heart of the Emmanuel campus and we looked at many design alternatives to create an addition that would bring a modern teaching program to the building while respecting the dignity, scale and materials of the Administration Building,” said Goody Clancy Architect and Director of Laboratory Planning Bernard Dooley. “The new Wilkens Science Center design retains the prominence of the Administration Building by recalling its scale and detail, it holds the viewer’s attention from the Fenway by projecting to the east and it makes a transition from traditional to modern materials and transparency.” By paying tribute to the past, Maginnis & Walsh helped reinvigorate Roman Catholic architecture in America, reconnecting historical ideals of spirituality into design. Nearly a century has passed since the firm was established; yet even as architecture has evolved and time has transpired, its works remain masterpieces, possessors of a lasting appeal that even Maginnis himself may have never thought possible. During a December 1925 lecture at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston, Maginnis told his audience: “In the face of our new circumstances and new habits of thought, it is hazardous to say what tradi-


Emmanuel Speaks

Sr. Mary Johnson, SND Director of the Center for Mission and Spirituality In honor of Sr. Janet Eisner, SND’s 25th anniversary as President of Emmanuel in 2005, the College instituted the Center for Mission and Spirituality. The Center is aimed at celebrating and expanding the understanding of the charism of the Sisters of Notre Dame, who opened Emmanuel, and the College’s Catholic liberal arts and sciences heritage. Since its establishment, the Center for Mission and Spirituality’s programming has become part of the fabric of the Emmanuel experience for students, faculty, staff and alumni, and continues to grow. Emmanuel Magazine discussed the importance of the Center’s charge with Sr. Mary Johnson, SND ’79, Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies and Director of the Center for Mission and Spirituality.

Emmanuel Magazine: What are the overarching goals of the Center for Mission and Spirituality? Sr. Mary Johnson, SND: As our mission statement affirms, we “create a reflective environment that recognizes the spiritual core of academic life; develop the Catholic intellectual life; and serve as a catalyst for community service and awareness of justice and peace issues.” This has manifested itself in many ways — through a variety of discussions, lectures, workshops, and volunteer opportunities. We recently moved the Center’s location into a beautiful new space in the renovated east wing of the Administration Building, so my hope is that the physical space will be one where students, faculty and staff can gather and reflect on the work of the SNDs in a comfortable and informal setting. Through the Center for Mission and Spirituality, we translate into action the strong mission, beliefs and legacy of our founders and make bridges to Sisters locally, nationally and internationally. Today, Sisters of Notre Dame serve around the world, sharing God’s goodness globally, and we are honored to have some of them come to campus to talk to our students about their mission. Through the Center, we also honor St. Julie Billiart, the foundress of the SNDs, and her 16

mission of education and social justice. When the Center for Mission and Spirituality was officially inaugurated during Founders’ Day in 2007, our featured speaker was Sister Camilla Burns, SND, who was then Congregational Leader of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She said that day, “Mission and spirituality are like an underground river flowing beneath the daily events at Emmanuel. The establishment of this center is a public reminder of this great underground river and provides a point of access to its life-giving water.” I found her words to truly reflect our foundation.

EM: What types of ongoing programming does the Center for Mission and Spirituality offer? SMJ: The Center sponsors several ongoing series. Supper with the Sisters brings together Emmanuel students with Sisters of Notre Dame from around the world to share in discussion and a meal. Through this program, students learn about what the Sisters are doing today to live out the mission of St. Julie Billiart globally. Last year, we hosted six suppers focusing on a broad range of topics including homelessness, education, volunteerism and women in the Church. Sr. Barbara Jean Kubik, SND, for example, was our January speaker. She shared with us the story of SND service in Japan over the last 85 years, including her own yearlong experience there. Students are very engaged in learning about the many roles of the SNDs around the world.

This year, the theme of Suppers with the Sisters is “Sharing God’s Goodness” and each session will focus on the SNDs work with various groups. November’s discussion with Sr. Ann Marie Cook, SND, institutional school teacher at the Massachusetts Correctional Institution in Framingham, was sharing God’s goodness with those who are imprisoned. The Center also offers a lecture series on Catholic Social Teaching. Last year, this four-part series focused on current issues: migration, the environment, the economy, and war and peace. Emmanuel faculty members Laurie Johnston, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Jaime Vidaurrazaga, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, and Sr. Marie Prefontaine, SND, who served in Washington, D.C. at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in the Office of Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees, were the featured speakers. Through this series, we are able to tackle some significant social issues and examine them in the content of today’s Church. For new faculty, we offer a luncheon series through the Center that focuses on the College’s Catholic heritage. In collaboration with Professor of Philosophy and Director of Values-Based Education Raymond Devettere, we examine the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, the value of a liberal arts and sciences education and how to facilitate dynamic discussions on values and ethics with students. This year, we opened the luncheon series to members of the staff, and the Office of Student Affairs is now participating.

EM: Are there other major events sponsored by the Center? SMJ: Every February during Founders’ Day, Emmanuel College formally celebrates the mission of St. Julie Billiart and the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Through the

EM: Are there any courses at Emmanuel related to the work of the Center? SMJ: Yes, there are several. Through the new First-Year Seminar course “Emmanuel’s Roots,” the history of the College is considered as part of the “Knowledge, Values and Social Change” theme. In the course we talk about the history of the College and the impact it has had on the city and the world through the SND mission and the work of our alumni. We also look at our place in the neighbor-

EM: What are your future goals for the Center for Mission and Spirituality? SMJ: I want to continue to help expand the Emmanuel community’s understanding of our history, values and mission in the context of an ever-changing world. By bringing not only Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur from around the world to our campus, but lay people working with the Church today, we can offer our students a variety of perspectives. Through the Center, my hope is for students to understand the importance of service to others as a key component to their education. We retain a commitment to both education and social justice, and my goal for the Center’s programming is to enable our students to live this mission, not just while they are studying at Emmanuel, but when they go out into the world. Finally, I want to continue to engage with alumni, inviting them to return to Emmanuel and experience the mission today. S —MOLLY HONAN

Fall 2009

The Center for Mission and Spirituality also sponsors the annual Sr. Marie Augusta Neal, SND Lecture. This lecture honors one of the College’s most distinguished faculty members. Sr. Marie Augusta, a member of the class of 1942 who passed away in 2005, taught sociology at Emmanuel for nearly 40 years, inspiring students to take an active role in global and social issues. She was internationally known for her work for change in the Church. The 2009 lecture featured Kerry Robinson, Founding Executive Director of the National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management (NLRCM). In her lecture titled, “On Being the Change You Wish to See in the Church,” she discussed the history, mission and growth of the organization and recognized the Archdiocese of Boston, recipient of the roundtable’s “Best Practices Award” for its Financial Transparency Project. The work Kerry Robinson does is so critical in facilitating discussion on Church management issues and offers best practices through a variety of resources. I felt this lecture was an important event for our students, some of whom are looking for ways to be involved in the Church today.


Center for Mission and Spirituality, we have expanded to Founders’ Week, offering a diverse slate of events to share with the Emmanuel community the richness of our mission. For 2009, the week’s theme was “Educating for Life.” Events included Liturgies on campus; a retreat for faculty and staff at the SND Spirituality Center in Ipswich; the “Follow Your Heart” dinner and talk with Sr. Patricia Shea, SND who shared her journey from the professional world to religious life; and community service activities at the Notre Dame Education Center in South Boston. An extremely compelling event during Founders’ Week was a screening of the award-winning documentary “They Killed Sister Dorothy,” which tells the story of the life and murder of Sr. Dorothy Stang, SND and her work on behalf of the indigenous people of Brazil and the Amazon rainforest. Sr. Dorothy dedicated 40 years to the poor farmers of the region and to the preservation of the environment and her murder in 2005 was connected to her outspoken criticism of logging firms and ranchers. We re-screened the event for alumni during Alumni Weekend this past summer. On Founders’ Day itself, we were honored to welcome Sr. Margaret Mulholland, SND, Educational Liaison for the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She is based in Oxford, England and works with educational ministries all over the world. Her presentation was most inspiring for students, faculty and staff as she talked about examples of educational missions in the Congo, Baltimore and Liverpool and the connection with St. Julie Billiart’s struggle to bring education to the poor. Through her work, Sister Margaret provides a link between all SND learning communities in nearly 20 countries.

hood through walking tours, examine the mission of the Church, and have guest speakers, which this year included Sr. Janelle Sevier, SND, who spoke of the newest SND mission in Haiti. “Catholic Social Teaching,” is one of several service-learning courses offered at Emmanuel. These courses combine classroom study with service projects. In the past, the “Catholic Social Teaching” class traveled to New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina to put into action our classroom discussion to impact positive change. Other service-learning courses at the College include “Spanish at Work in the Community,” “Economics of Health Care,” and “Public Policy, Law and Psychology.”

Emmanuel Magazine

Founding Executive Director of the National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management Kerry Robinson, Emmanuel President Sr. Janet Eisner, SND, Most Reverend Walter J. Edyvean, STD, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, and Director of the Center for Mission and Spirituality Sr. Mary Johnson, SND.



Emmanuel Remembers Longtime Friend Senator Kennedy

College Launches New Web Features; Social Networking Sites Emmanuel continues to enhance www.emmanuel.edu by adding new features. Most recently, the College launched a virtual tour, an interactive map of the campus and neighborhood that showcases Emmanuel’s location, buildings, history and programs. Additionally, in honor of Emmanuel’s 90th anniversary year, the web site features a commemorative photo gallery. For parents and families, a dedicated site is up and running and can be found on the home page. This site features all the information parents and families need to keep up to date on events, news and announcements. Parents and families can also register their

Following the death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on August 26, 2009, the Emmanuel community reflected on his relationship with and support of Emmanuel College. Senator Kennedy received an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Emmanuel in 1964 and was also the Commencement Speaker in 1969. The Senator’s last visit to campus was in September of 2004 when the Jean Yawkey Center was dedicated. Below is an excerpt from President Sr. Janet Eisner’s remarks from that day: “How grateful we are to Senator Kennedy for his support and assistance in our efforts to secure federal funds to upgrade laboratory facilities and equipment. In fact, across this country, educators recognize that there is no one in Washington who has contributed more through his relentless advocacy for federal student financial assistance and aid to education than has our own Senator Kennedy. “At Emmanuel, we appreciate Senator Kennedy for his many years of dedicated commitment to the values of higher education and social responsibility. He and members of his family have been on campus often, as Commencement speakers, honorary degree recipients, debate participants, panelists, and how graciously Senator Kennedy has always received Emmanuel visitors to his Washington office.”

e-mail addresses to receive Emmanuel E-News regularly and other important information from the College.

Emmanuel is now on social networking sites. Alumni, parents and friends are encouraged to become the College’s “fan” on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ emmanuelcollege.

Sister Janet Eisner, SND and the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy at the dedication of the Jean Yawkey Center in 2004



Emmanuel Officially Opens School Year with 91st Academic Convocation challenges we all face, something I call ‘the mop problem.’ What are the mops we have yet to notice? What are the failures we take for granted? Because finding the answer isn’t necessarily the hard part. Sometimes the hardest part is finding the problem.” Lehrer offered three pieces of advice to students that he said can help expand their creativity no matter what their academic discipline. He invited students to be “outsiders,” to tackle issues outside their specialties. He encouraged them to daydream — a crucial mental skill that allows our minds to generate new ideas and utilize creativity — and to learn how to relax, to make themselves available to the “moments of insight” in which the relaxed mind can feel comfortable enough to look inward and produce solutions. “The larger lesson is, of course, being interdisciplinary, which I know is something Emmanuel really emphasizes,” said Lehrer. “Many of our most intractable problems only seem intractable because the people trying to solve them are locked into a certain way of thinking. Once we get out of that box we can suddenly see what the real problem is. “We live in an era of specialization, intellectual niches and private languages. This for the most part is the inevitable by-product of success…but this specialization comes with a cost. It traps us in intellectual boxes. We lose the ability to think outside of the narrow languages we know, that’s why it is so important to try and cross disciplines. Not just because it is cool or fun, but because you will think better and ask better questions.”

Seniors get ready to process in their caps and gowns.

Emmanuel Magazine


Fall 2009

Emmanuel College held its Academic Convocation ceremony in the Jean Yawkey Center gymnasium on September 15th. Jonah Lehrer, Rhodes Scholar, Contributing Editor at Wired and the author of Proust Was a Neuroscientist, which was summer reading for Emmanuel’s first-year students, was this year’s speaker. He spoke about his novel, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary learning, and Author and Rhodes Scholar encouraged students to discover new ways of Jonah Lehrer looking at the world. Lehrer’s discussion began with an anecdote about Proctor & Gamble and an issue it struggled with years ago regarding the creation of a better floor-cleaning product. As Lehrer noted, even though the company has more Ph.D.s than any other organization in the world, “the problem seemed impossible.” It was not until it outsourced the problem, hiring the design consultancy company Continuum, that a solution began to take shape. Approaching the issue in a different way, Continuum saw what the Proctor & Gamble scientists could not, that the problem laid not in floor-cleaning solvents, but in the mop. As a result of the research, Proctor & Gamble soon introduced the Swiffer, which has since become a bestselling cleaning tool and pop culture icon. “Why am I talking about mops and Proctor & Gamble?” asked Lehrer. “It’s the



Emmanuel Celebrates Graduates, Honorees at 2009 Commencement

Emmanuel’s R.I.S.E. Awarded Grant from Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation, Bank of America, Trustee Emmanuel College was awarded $75,000 in support of the Road to Intellectual Success at Emmanuel (R.I.S.E.) program from the Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation, Bank of America, Trustee, in response to a grant proposal submitted last year. The funds will be used to support scholarships for R.I.S.E. students from the New England area. The R.I.S.E. program is an academic transitional program that introduces incoming first-year students from diverse backgrounds to the academic and leadership development programs at the College. “We are most grateful to the Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation for their partnership and support of Emmanuel’s R.I.S.E. program,” said Sally Dias, Vice President of Programs and Partnerships in Education and Director of the Carolyn A. Lynch Institute. “Their recognition of the importance of programs that provide access

Bestselling Author Dennis Lehane Emmanuel College conferred nearly 600 degrees to bachelor’s and master’s candidates during its 87th Commencement ceremony on May 9th. Dennis Lehane, bestselling author of novels such as Darkness, Take My Hand; Sacred; Gone Baby Gone; Prayers for Rain; Mystic River; and Shutter Island, delivered the Commencement Address and was presented with an honorary degree from the College. Honorary degrees were also awarded to Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce President and Chief Executive Officer Paul Guzzi and Catherine Costello ’64, Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Chemistry and Founder of the Mass Spectrometry Resource and the Cardiovascular Proteomics Center at Boston University School of Medicine. For more information and photos, visit the news archive at www.emmanuel.edu. Also addressing the Class of 2009 were undergraduate student Charla Lauriston, who spoke on behalf of the graduating arts and sciences students, and Eve Montague of Emmanuel’s Master of Science in management program, who represented the Graduate and Professional Programs students.

and promote retention and success of students who are mainly first generation and urban is truly commendable.”

Comedian Adam Sandler Comes to Emmanuel College On the last day of filming his latest movie, Grown Ups, comedian Adam Sandler, seen here with Head Women’s Basketball Coach Andy Yosinoff, took some time off to shoot some hoops in Emmanuel College’s Jean Yawkey Center gymnasium.

Head Women’s Basketball Coach Andy Yosinoff and Adam Sandler



Graduate and Professional Programs at Emmanuel You may have noticed some of our new ads for Graduate and Professional Programs online, in the newspaper and on the subway. Recently, Emmanuel College launched several new communication strategies to extend awareness of the relevant degrees we offer in part-time formats for working professionals. As an aspect of the College’s strategic plan to support the existing and future workforces of the Longwood Medical and Academic Area, Emmanuel College educates professionals in the academic disciplines of management, research administration, human resource management, education, and nursing.

opportunities. Graduates earn degrees which give them

For several decades, our Graduate and Professional

the necessary tools for career mobility and the skills to

Programs have provided academic excellence, dynamic

make a positive impact on their chosen fields.

instructional formats and relevant coursework for professionals. Graduate and Professional Programs offer fully

Through Employer Connect, Graduate and Professional Programs is able to partner with many neighboring institutions including Brigham and

accredited degree and certificate programs in

Women’s Hospital, Harvard University’s research

management, research administration, human resource

administration departments, and Blue Cross Blue Shield,

management, education, and nursing. Our courses

to provide their employees with unique opportunities to

are offered at convenient Boston, Woburn and Quincy

reach their educational goals.

| Emmanuel Magazine

For more information on Graduate and Professional Programs, visit gpp.emmanuel.edu or call 617-735-9700.

Fall 2009

locations, as well as some fully online certificate



Lariviere ’09 Garners Major GNAC Honor The Great Northeast Athletic Conference (GNAC) has named Cathryn Lariviere ’09 as its 2009 Woman of the Year. The Saints cross country and track and field star is the College’s first-ever athlete to be selected and represented the GNAC as its nominee for NCAA Woman of the Year. The GNAC Woman of the Year award honors a senior female student-athlete who has distinguished herself throughout her collegiate career in the areas of academic achievement, athletic excellence and service and leadership. “I’d say being named the GNAC Woman of the Year is the ultimate award the conference has to give to a female student-athlete,” said Commissioner Joe Walsh. “It means she is the top woman of the year in the GNAC, so there is nothing really higher than that, not even the MVP honor.” Lariviere established herself as one of Emmanuel’s finest runners throughout her time with the Saints. She holds nine program records including the 5K (cross country), 800m, 1000m, 1 mile, 3000m, 4x800m relay team (indoor track) and 800m, 1500m, 5000m (outdoor track). During her four-year career, she earned 12 varsity letters and captained three teams. Lariviere attributes much of her success to the coaches and teammates who surrounded and supported her. “My coaches and teammates could best be described as my immediate family at Emmanuel,” she said. “My coaches always stressed academics first, and they encouraged all of us to work hard and make goals across each section of our lives, not just for the course or the track. In addition, my teammates and I were there for each other at all times, and due to this, I always knew I had people I could count on.” Emmanuel Head Cross Country and Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Coach Tony DaRocha and Assistant Coach Alice Kramer could not have been happier after hearing of Lariviere’s Woman of the Year honor. “We were proud of her and felt that it was a well deserved honor,” said DaRocha. “Her accomplishments exceeded our expectations, especially based on her previous two injury-plagued years. She worked hard, followed her summer training program and came to us in the fall well prepared, physically and mentally, to have a great season. She started out strong and continued to set records and reach new goals.” “As a captain and runner, she continuously looked at the positive side of things and made all of her teammates feel good about themselves,” said Kramer. “Even when she was injured, she would come to practice and the meets to support her teammates. She had a personality that made it easy to coach her and for her teammates to genuinely care about her and be happy for her success.” Lariviere was also named the GNAC’s 2009 Women’s Cross Country Runner of the Year, placing 1st at the GNAC Championship. During the past season alone, Lariviere was named the GNAC’s Women’s Cross Country Runner of the Week for six-straight weeks. She also placed 21st out of a field of 330 at the NCAA Regional meet, earning All-Regional honors and reaching one of her most memorable achievements.


“Aside from the GNAC Woman of the Year honor, I would say that finishing in the top 25 for the NCAA DIII New England Regionals in cross country is the achievement I am most proud of because only one other GNAC female runner has ever accomplished this,” said Lariviere. On the track, her 8th place finish in the 10K at the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference (ECAC) Championships earned her All-ECAC honors, a first for an Emmanuel women’s track runner. Her time of 39:30.12 also set a new Emmanuel program record. In addition to countless athletic accolades, Lariviere also graduated from Emmanuel GNAC Woman of the Year Cathryn Lariviere ’09 College in 2009 with a 4.00 cumulative grade point average. An elementary education and liberal arts major, Lariviere’s academic achievements include her selection as an ESPN The Magazine Academic All-American. Lariviere was one of just six women chosen as an Academic All-American from the college division in the New England region. Lariviere was also named to the United States Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association’s (USTFCCCA) Women’s NCAA Division III All-Academic Cross Country Team, an award honoring student-athletes who have succeeded both academically and athletically. Beyond these athletic and academic honors, Lariviere was also an active leader in the Emmanuel community. She was a member of the student government for four years, holding the position of class president and treasurer, served as a member of the student-athlete advisory council, and was an orientation leader for first-year students. “I definitely kept busy, but I was able to keep up with it all by maintaining a schedule and learning how to prioritize,” Lariviere explained. “Also, I had a variety of Emmanuel professors, faculty and coaches who were constantly there to support me. Most of all, I truly enjoyed these activities, so I was intrinsically motivated to be as successful as possible in each area.” Lariviere is now teaching the grade-five Advanced Work class at the


David G. Farragut Elementary School, the Boston Public School where she completed her undergraduate student teaching. She has also been training and racing on her own this past summer, and plans to join a running club in the area this fall to begin to train and compete as a post-graduate. Lariviere’s many successes as an Emmanuel student-athlete prove that she truly is the 2009 GNAC Woman of the Year. Receiving this award is a fitting way to end her four-year career at the College. “To me, this honor means that, as I always tell my students, hard work and dedication really are the keys to achieving your goals.” —SARA DOHERTY

Men’s Basketball Coaching Staff Hosts Events at Emmanuel Members of the Emmanuel College men’s basketball coaching staff conducted a clinic for the Irish National 18-and-under men’s basketball team over the summer in the Jean Yawkey Center gymnasium as part of the team’s two-week stay in Boston. Great Northeast Athletic Conference (GNAC) Commissioner Joe Walsh chaired the committee that brought the Irish team to New England to participate in clinics and exhibition games at

Emmanuel Athletics Announces Three New Varsity Programs Emmanuel College’s Athletic Department has announced three new varsity programs: men’s golf (2009-2010), women’s lacrosse (2010-2011) and men’s lacrosse (2011-2012).

local colleges and high schools. The team played 13 exhibition games during its trip and players and coaches stayed with families in the Allston/Brighton community. Head Men’s Basketball Coach Jamahl Jackson and assistant coaches Darwin Zook and Howie Harrison hosted the Irish team on campus, running the men through drills prior to their scrimmage with the Mission Hill All-Stars on the Saints’ home court. Harrison also hosted his 4th annual “Sports-lastic” in June, bringing students from the Smith Leadership Academy Charter Public School in Dorchester to the College’s campus to enjoy a day of fun and inspirational activities. The idea behind the “Sports-lastic” stems from Harrison’s coaching experience with the Saints, which inspired him to share a taste of the college environment with his middle school students. Emmanuel College’s Jean Yawkey Center for Community Leadership, which is supported by a generous grant from the for young people in Boston area schools, provided lunch for the visiting students participating in the “Sports-lastic.” “Emmanuel College has enjoyed hosting the Smith Leadership Academy for the past four years,” said Emmanuel’s Director of Athletics and Recreation Pamela Roecker. “It is our hope that the exposure to a college environment will continue to inspire and motivate these students to achieve both in and

Fall 2009

out of the classroom.”


Emmanuel added men’s golf to the College’s NCAA Division III Intercollegiate Athletic Programs this fall. The Saints’ began their inaugural season primarily practicing at Franklin Park in Boston, also known as the William J. Devine Golf Course, an 18-hole public golf facility that is the second oldest public course in America. The program operates under newly appointed Head Coach Julio Avila, previously Emmanuel’s head men’s soccer coach. Emmanuel’s women’s lacrosse team will play at the club level during the 20092010 season and will begin varsity competition the following year. The men’s program will follow the same format to begin varsity play for spring 2012. Both teams will call the new turf at Roberto Clemente Field home for the spring season. Additionally, Colin Goin was promoted to Head Men’s Soccer Coach for the Saints this fall. Serving as assistant coach for Emmanuel’s men’s soccer program for the past three seasons, Goin took over the reins as only the second head coach in program history.

Yawkey Foundations and is dedicated to providing programs

above: The Irish National Team in the gymnasium of the Jean Yawkey Center

Emmanuel Magazine

The inaugural men’s golf team


student alumninews news

Students Travel to Spain as Part of Summer Study Abroad Fourteen Emmanuel students traveled to Oviedo, Spain this past June as part of a new summer study abroad program. The students spent one month studying at the University of Oviedo, experiencing Spanish language and culture and seeing firsthand the beauty of the landscape of Spain's northern region, the Asturias. As a part of their studies, the Emmanuel students took the course “Spain: A Cultural Approach,” taught by Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages José Ignacio AlvarezFernandez, who traveled with the students, as well as a Spanish language class with faculty from the University of Oviedo. Alvarez-Fernandez accompanied students during the cultural trips organized by the University of Oviedo, served as liaison between students and their host families and assisted the group members in their interactions with locals.

He also organized a tour in the city of Gijon and arranged the farewell dinner for the students. What students enjoyed most while in Spain were the academic programs at University of Oviedo, the home stay, the safety, cleanliness and friendliness of the people of Asturias and the architectural elegance of the city of Oviedo. “I hoped students would get a true first-hand experience of the culture of Spain and that they would be exposed to a perspective that goes beyond cultural stereotypes,” said Alvarez-Fernandez. “The setting was perfect for this purpose since we were in Northern Spain and students had a chance to see, for example, how deep the Celtic roots are in this region of the country, something most students had not realized due to the prevalence of the images from Southern Spain as representative of the whole country.”

Students during Spain trip


student alumninews news

Emmanuel Students Present at American Transplant Congress As an undergraduate student, getting the opportunity to even

Center at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Assistant

submit an abstract to a prestigious conference is a feat in itself.

Professor of Biology Josef Kurtz and Emmanuel undergraduates

Being selected to present at such an event? Well, that is an unfor-

have been performing research at MGH for the past five years.

gettable achievement.

“One beneficial aspect of this arrangement was that the students

Chosen amongst a pool of mostly post-doctorate students and

got to observe and participate in cutting-edge research at one of

hospital residents, Emmanuel College students Sam LoCascio ’09 and

the preeminent research institutions in the world,” said Kurtz. “As

Christopher Borges ’10 were selected to present their research at the

they participated at this high level, it was great to see them also get

American Transplant Congress, held in Boston from May 30th–June

recognized by the international field for their contributions.”

3rd. The students were invited to present after their abstract, which

Both students attributed much of their success to Kurtz, who

was judged and reviewed by an international panel of Ph.D.s and

served as an inspiration and a mentor during their research efforts.

M.D.s, was deemed to be in the highest 10-20% of all submitted

“Submitting an abstract for professional review seemed like a

work. The opportunity to present and attend the conference, as

great way to validate that what we as students are accomplishing is

both students and researchers, was one that LoCascio and Borges

relevant and on par with the rest of the immunology and transplant

will not soon forget.

research community,” said LoCascio. “Having a professor like Dr.

“Presenting at the conference was quite amazing, and the best opportunity Emmanuel has given me thus far in my undergraduate career,” said Borges. “It was awe inspiring to hear from and see

Kurtz to keep us up-to-date on these opportunities is really helpful. He has been such a catalyst for everything we have achieved.” The two students were proud to not only represent themselves

leaders in the field that write papers of which I read to gain insight

and their research groups, but also the College at such a presti-

into my own research. Presenting my work was just a small advan-

gious conference.

tage of attending this conference. The greatest benefit was hearing

“I think it really speaks to the fact that some quality work is being

the cutting-edge research taking place in the transplantation field

done by Emmanuel students in this program,” said LoCascio. “The

both on the clinical end and the laboratory end.”

fact that Chris and I received this type of recognition makes me

The work of the students was carried out through the Bone

very excited about the future of our program and the school.”

Sam LoCascio ’09 and Chris Borges ’10 with Associate Professor of Biology Josef Kurtz

Emmanuel Magazine


Fall 2009

Marrow Transplantation Section of the Transplantation Biology


student alumninews news

Community Service Challenge Inspires Student Body

Emmanuel’s Christopher Flanagan ’10 Proves Himself an Emerging Leader

During the 2008-2009 academic year, Vice President of Student Affairs Patricia Rissmeyer put forth a challenge to student organizations, clubs, athletic teams and residence halls to do as many community service hours as possible within their respective groups, resulting in 1,643 hours of volunteer work. “The Sisters of Notre Dame and Sister Janet are deeply committed to service, so this year I wanted to try something a little bit different that might inspire more students to volunteer,” said Rissmeyer, who is also the Director of the Jean Yawkey Center for Community Leadership. “I think that it increased the participation levels of students in the community because it approached service in a different way.” The challenge was put forth specifically to the Student Government Association (SGA), Athletics and Residence Life. “We have a rich tradition of serving the community,” said Associate Director of Community Service and Service Learning Deirdre Bradley-Turner. “It is a part of the mission and vision of the Sisters of Notre Dame. It is a part of the vision of the college that the students will be contributing members of the community. The challenge is integral to what an Emmanuel education is all about.”

Emmanuel College student Christopher Flanagan ’10 was selected as the Massachusetts representative to the Henry Clay Center for Statesmanship Student Congress after being nominated by the late Massachusetts Senator Edward M. Kennedy. The student congress was held on the campuses of Transylvania University and the University of Kentucky. Senator Kennedy was impressed with Flanagan’s leadership skills and strong academic achievements during his time as an intern in his office. Flanagan was humbled to be recognized for such a Henry Clay Center prestigious opportunity. Representative Christopher “Only 49 other students across the nation Flanagan ’10 were chosen as nominees,” said Flanagan. “Students who are originally from Massachusetts or attend college in Massachusetts were also eligible to apply. I was pleasantly surprised to be chosen to receive such an honor.” To help educate a new generation in the skills and processes of statesmanship, the Henry Clay Center for Statesmanship operates this annual undergraduate short course, a “student congress,” which exposes a top college junior from every U.S. state to a five-day curriculum in diplomacy, dialogue, listening skills, negotiation and mediation. Flanagan was prepared for the opportunity due to his already impressive résumé. Since his freshman year, he has been president of the Class of 2010, a member of the Honors Program and one of two student representatives to the Board of Trustees at Emmanuel. Flanagan also had the opportunity to work as an intern in both Senator Kennedy’s Boston and Washington D.C. offices beginning in his sophomore year at Emmanuel. “Having the opportunity to work in Senator Kennedy’s office was such an honor for someone as interested in politics and government as I am,” said Flanagan. “It was more than just an internship, I really believed in the senator’s mission, what he stood for and even more importantly, the work I was doing for veterans, low-income families and education reform. Ultimately, the best way I could describe it, it was my passion put into action.”

Students become part of the tradition of service during their first week at Emmanuel. Here, first-year students participate in a Muddy River clean-up as part of Welcome Week in September.


faculty alumninews news

Assistant Professor of English Christopher Craig’s article, “‘Nobody’s A Bum All Their Life’: Teaching Class Through William Kennedy’s Ironweed,” appeared in the August 2009 issue of Radical Teacher. Assistant Professor of English Matthew Elliott wrote an article published in the Spring 2009 volume of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS). His article is entitled “Sins of Omission: Hisaye Yamamoto’s Vision of History.” Assistant Professor of Chemistry Aren Gerdon recently coauthored a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), one of the world’s finest science journals. The paper, “Micromagnetic Selection of Aptamers in Microfluidic Channels,” was written with collaborators at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Gerdon primarily focuses his research on the biomineralization of hydroxyapatite for bone regeneration applications. Gerdon also established a collaboration with Henry Margolis, Chair of the Department of Biomineralization at the Forsyth Institute in Boston, titled, “Matrix Protein Regulation of Enamel Mineral Formation.” Gerdon and Margolis were recently approved for a National Institute of Health (NIH) grant funded by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institute of Health, Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Christine Jaworek-Lopes was invited to present at the American Chemical Society National Meeting titled, “Bridging the Gap: Building Collaborations with High School Chemistry Clubs.” Jaworek-Lopes was selected based on the work that she has done with her local section related to outreach programs for high school students. Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Laurie Johnston had two articles published, “Catholics and Just War Theory Since 9-11: The Moral Challenge” in The Impact of 9-11 on Religion and Philosophy: The Day that Changed Everything? and “The

Associate Professor of History and Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences William Leonard had two works published last April. One, entitled “People of Color, People of Faith: 200 Years of Diversity in the Archdiocese of Boston,” was published in Two Centuries of Faith: The Influence of Catholicism on Boston 1808-2008. The second, “Black and Irish Relations in Nineteenth Century Boston: The Interesting Case of Lawyer Robert Morris,” was published in the Historical Journal of Massachusetts. Leonard also had his reworked excerpt of a chapter drawn from the book Two Centuries of Faith: The Influence of Catholicism on Boston, published in Boston College Magazine. The essay is titled “Keeping the Faithful.” Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing Mary Elizabeth Pope was interviewed on “Michigan Writers on the Air,” a radio talk show which airs on the NPR affiliate Interlochen Public Radio (IPR). Pope, who is a Michigan summer resident, discussed the balance of writing and teaching in her life.

Milda Richardson, adjunct faculty in the Art Department, contributed two chapters to the book, Lithuanian-American Culture Heritage: The Built Environment (Lithuanian American Cultural Affairs Council, 2009). Her chapters covered cultural landscape, public spaces and memorials. Associate Professor of English Lisa M. Stepanski received a twoweek summer research fellowship at the Mary Baker Eddy Library in Boston and spoke about her research on August 20th. She also presented her Eddy-Alcott research at the Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) last October. Stepanski is writing an article on the friendship between Mary Baker Eddy and Bronson Alcott, father of Louisa May Alcott. She had a book review published in August and will have another published this fall in the Journal of Popular Culture.

Fall 2009

Associate Professor of Nursing and Chair of the Department of Nursing Diane Arathuzik gave a presentation entitled, “Living with Suffering: Coping with Metastatic Breast Cancer Pain,” at the Oncology Nursing Society Congress on May 2nd in San Antonio, Texas.

Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Chair of the Religious Studies Department Fr. Thomas Leclerc, M.S. and Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies Michael Hartwig led a group of 16 students to Rome during the 2009 spring break. The travel was part of a course, “Religious Traditions of Rome,” that examines ancient Roman religion, Christian origins, Judaism, and Mithraism. Fr. Leclerc also published two articles for the journal Liturgical Ministry entitled “The Sunday Gospels of Ordinary Time: Hearing His Voice, Entering His Mystery” and “Resurrection: Biblical Considerations” (forthcoming). He also wrote two articles for the quarterly publication of his religious community La Salette America, “The Laity in the Church” and “The Gospel Meets the World: Translation and Inculturation.”


Exile of 1939, A Bio-bibliographic Dictionary, to be published in 2009-2010 by the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (AUB). His article, “From Camp to Camp: Places of Memory in the Literature of Spanish Republican Diaspora” will be published by Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest. His book project, “Introduction, Edition and Translation of Franco’s Prisoner,” will be published in Anthropos Editorial. His article, “The Testimonial Poetry of Celso Amieva,” will also be published in Exile and Identity in the Hispanic World: Reflections and Representations. Alvarez-Fernandez will present his work titled, “The Asturian Author Alicio Garcitoral and Its Exile in Boston,” at the 70 Years After, The Asturian Exile of 1939 Conference this fall. He also published a review article on the novel “Desde Esta Cámara Oscura,” Letras Peninsulares, 16.3, 2002-2003: 497-507.”

Influence of Yves Congar, O.P. on the Spirituality and Practice of the Community of Sant’Egidio” in Catholic Identity and the Laity, Annual of the College Theology Society. Johnston presented “The Community of Sant’Egidio as a Lived Theology: A Way Forward in the Impasse Over Church-World Theology?” at the Catholic Theological Society of America Annual Meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia in June. She will also present “Peacemaking and Realism — In the Same Breath?” at the conference, “Realism in Christian Public Theology: Catholic and Protestant Perspectives,” at the University of St. Thomas Law School in Minneapolis, Minnesota, this fall.

Emmanuel Magazine

Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages José Ignacio AlvarezFernandez submitted several entries for The Spanish Literary



Emmanuel Legacies Several members of the Class of 2009 continued a family tradition, celebrating their graduation with family members who are also Emmanuel alumni. Myles O’Toole ’09 with his grandmother Clair Reis O’Toole ’45

Maria Grieci ’09 Christopher Deloria ’09

with her mother Genoveffa Grieci ’80

with his mother Kathleen Deloria ’76 and grandmother Cecelia McInerney ’43

Andrea Lopes ’09 with her mother Kathryn Lopes ’77 Elizabeth Donovan ’09 with her mother Jean Marie Donovan ’70 and godmother Mary Beth Burke Harmon ’64



Alumni Weekend 2009 Three hundred and sixty graduates returned to campus for Emmanuel’s Alumni Weekend, held June 5th through June 7th. Alumni joined together to learn about Emmanuel today and rekindle memories of their time at the College. Highlights of the weekend included the Class of 1959’s celebration of their 50th reunion milestone with a special Charles Riverboat Lunch Cruise, as well as dinner with President Sister Janet Eisner, SND in the Jean Yawkey Center. The Classes of 1934-1954 jointly celebrated their post-50th reunions over dinner as well, while the 25th reunion class enjoyed lunch at the Eastern Standard restaurant in Kenmore Square. Young Alumni sponsored a wine tasting and all alumni were invited to take a trip to the Boston Pops. Many alumni enjoyed the College update

from Sister Janet, the champagne reception and the Alumni Procession and Liturgy. For class photos from Alumni Weekend, see “Class Notes” on page 34.

College Chaplain Fr. Stephen Boyle and Professor Emeritus of Performance Arts Louise Gadbois Cash ’59

Betty Cox Gravelle ’64 and her aunt Agnes Cox Carson ’39

Reunion participants process into the Chapel for the Alumni Mass on Sunday

Emmanuel Magazine


Fall 2009

Phyllis McManus Hayes ’59 and her daughter Laurie Hayes Bogue ’84

Members of the Class of 2004 at the Wine Tasting on Friday night



Reunite with EC3: Emmanuel College Career Connect Are you having trouble logging in to Emmanuel’s online job listing system EC3? Do you still want to search and apply for jobs, store your résumé, or find out about career events? If so, contact the Office of Internships and Career Development at careerdevelopment@emmanuel.edu. Provide an existing e-mail address — or ask how to create a new Emmanuel Alumni e-mail address — and we will then update your account and e-mail you through EC3 with your new login information. To access EC3, go to www.emmanuel.edu/online/ec3.html.

The Alumni Association Board Keeps Students Connected

“Night at the Red Sox” Events a Big Hit with Alumni The Alumni Association Board hosted two “Night at the Red Sox” events this year on May 7th and August 26th. Two hundred alumni and their guests attended. During the August outing, Michael Valanzola ’07, Treasurer of the Alumni Association, was invited

This past spring, the Office of Internships and Career Development

onto the field at Fenway

partnered with members of the Alumni Association Board to pres-

Park for a pre-game ceremony

ent a career networking opportunity for the Class of 2009. Hosted

Michael Valanzola ’07 represents the Emmanuel Alumni Association on the field at the August game as a part of the “Leaders of the

at the nearby Cambridge One restaurant, students had an oppor-

Pack” program through the

tunity to mingle with alumni volunteers and friends of Emmanuel

Red Sox ticket sales office, which honors any group that pur-

who were willing to share advice and help them prepare for their

chases 100 or more tickets. Valanzola served as Emmanuel’s

first interview or employment situation.

representative and was recognized by the announcer when Emmanuel College was displayed on the Fenway Jumbotron.

Alumni Board Welcomes New Members

pre-game, ballpark-themed dinner on campus. The Board also

Emmanuel College and the Alumni Board congratulate the

Spring Break program, which raised nearly $700.

In addition to attending the game, alumni took part in a sponsored a raffle to benefit Campus Ministry’s Alternative

new and returning members of our Alumni Association Board and Nominating Committee. The results from the 2009 Alumni Association ballot are as follows: Secretary:...............................................Serghino Rene ’05 Treasurer:...............................................Michael Valanzola ’07 Directors-at-Large:...........................Kristi Dailey Heffron ’94

Joan Glidden McGrath ’60

Gwyn Oesterle Thakur ’75

Maryann Ziemba ’03

Nominating Committee:.............Elizabeth “Betty” Cox Gravelle ’64

Chris Mulvey ’06

Anne Toye ’65

Vice President of the Alumni Association Diana Morrissey Kenneally ’94, President of the Alumni Association Noreen Dimond ’56, Alumni Association Director-at-Large Lisa Altieri Miller ’83



Regional Alumni Club News The Club of Cape Cod

The Club of Merrimack Valley/ Southern New Hampshire

alumni group held its Ruth

Alumni from the Club of Merrimack Valley/Southern New

B. Geller Memorial Mass

Hampshire group gathered for their annual luncheon, held at The

and Brunch on September

Hillview Country Club in Reading, MA in October.

The Club of Cape Cod

9th. Alums gathered for

The Club of the North Shore

Mass at Christ the King

The first gathering of the newly established Club of the North

Church in Mashpee, MA

Shore was held at the Tedesco Country Club in Marblehead, MA

followed by brunch at the

in October. The group came together for an Alumni Social to hear

Popponesset Inn in New

about updates on happenings at the College, to discuss future

Seabury, MA. Associate Vice President for Major

Betty O’Hearn ’47 and Kathleen Ryan Dacey ’41

and Planned Gifts Maryanne

Rooney, Director of Alumni Relations and the Annual Fund Kay O’Dwyer and Assistant Director of Alumni Relations Valerie Stephens were in attendance. More than 150 alumni and friends of Emmanuel also attended The Club of Cape Cod’s 32nd Annual

North Shore cultural and service activities and to brainstorm other ways to be involved with Emmanuel and the regional club. The Club of Metro New York Club of Metro New York met for its inaugural meeting on October 28th at the Overlook Lounge in New York City.

Luncheon held at the Country Club at New Seabury in Mashpee, MA on July 30th. Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Frank Scully

Noreen Dimond ’56 and Bernadette Canniff ’56

second row (L-R): Elizabeth Andrews Hart ’56, Helen McAlevy Williams ’56,

Ann Marie Cussen ’56, Josephine Napolitano Parrella ’56 and Julia M. Gallagher ’56

E Club of Cape

Cod E Club of Flor ida E Club of Mer rimack Valley/ Southern New Hampshire E Club of Met ro New York E Club of The North Shore E Club of Rhod e Island E Club of Sout hern California

Regional alum ni clubs help in vigorate the connection be tween Emman uel and our graduates. To fin d out more ab out these clubs, please co ntact Director of Alumni Relations and th e Annual Fund Kay O’Dwyer at 617 264-7688 or odwyer@em manuel.edu.

Fall 2009

first row (L-R): Irene Van Duyn ’56, President of the Alumni Association

Our regional cl ubs are expanding!


Spring Break, which raised over $900.

Emmanuel Magazine

also sponsored a raffle to benefit Campus Ministry’s Alternative


provided an update on new initiatives at the College. The Club



Calendar Items November 2009 15 Club of Rhode Island Brunch 16 Young Alumni Club Career Networking 19 Memorial Mass 19 1930s and 1940s Luncheon 20 Dinner and a Show 21 Tip-Off Tournament December 2009 17 Memorial Mass January 2010 11 Boston Celtics Event 21 Memorial Mass February 2010 10 Naples Reception 18 Memorial Mass March 2010 13 Club of Florida-Naples Parade 18 Memorial Mass April 2010 15 Memorial Mass 17 National Alumni Day of Service

Recent Grad Reflects on Beating Cancer Eileen Vazquez ’09 looks back upon her battle with cancer with admirable optimism. Despite the hardships she has faced, she stands today appreciative of the positive outcomes that developed out of some of her darkest moments. From the realization of an inner strength she never thought possible to the mentor who has touched her life significantly and continues to be a guiding light, Vazquez recognizes the ways her illness changed her life for the better. Perhaps the most satisfying is the discovery of her life’s purpose: to help other children who struggle with cancer. After graduating from Emmanuel last May with a degree in sociology, Vazquez is already pursuing her future aspirations. This fall, the Jamaica Plain native began coursework for a master’s degree in social work from Simmons College, with the goal of eventually working with and mentoring pediatric cancer patients and their families. Her inspiration can certainly be attributed to her own personal experience working with a caseworker as a cancer patient. Diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2003, Vazquez was paired with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Cori Liptak, Ph.D. through The Jimmy

Check the Emmanuel web site for details on upcoming events!

Save the Date!

Alumni Weekend 2010 – June 4th–6th

Fund. At the time Liptak, now one of the senior psychologists in the Division of Pediatric Psychosocial Services, was in the midst of serving a two-year fellowship in pediatric neuro-oncology. Their relationship would soon prove life changing for Vazquez. Just 16 years old when she was diagnosed, Vazquez remembers

Celebrate! Alumni Weekend is Friday, June 4th to Sunday, June 6th 2010! Come back to Emmanuel to reconnect with friends from your alma mater.

struggling with feelings of anxiety while dealing with the cancer

Engage! Interested in building a stronger connection between your class and Emmanuel? To volunteer on your Reunion Committee, contact Marybeth Oskowski ’04 at 617 735-9828 or oskowma@emmanuel.edu.

helping Vazquez and her family adjust and manage the illness,

Give! All gifts to Emmanuel received between July 2009 and June 2010 count towards your class reunion goal. Make a gift to the Annual Fund today at www.emmanuel. edu and click on “Alumni and Friends!”

treatment process, worried not only about her personal well-being, but for those closest to her as well. Liptak played a major role in guiding them through hospital and clinic settings and supporting Vazquez by communicating her needs with her high school teachers and classmates when necessary. “It was hard having my parents and sisters see me like that,” said Vazquez. “After a while I didn’t want to express to them how upset I was because I knew they were already upset enough. I found that I needed a person in my life that I could turn to and talk to no matter what. That’s where Cori helped me out more than anyone else.”



The emphasis on communication was something Vazquez espe-

Studies Sister Mary Johnson, SND, hands down her favorite profes-

cially took to heart, and today she speaks openly about her battle

sor. Throughout her four years, she also developed a bond with

and illness. One need only sit and talk with her for a few minutes

Disabilities Coordinator Susan Mayo, whose support was invaluable.

to realize that her willingness to share some of her most difficult

“I pushed myself so much at this school and Emmanuel has done

memories is done so not for sympathy, but understanding. She

so much for me in return,” said Vazquez. “I feel like I am a complete-

learned when she came to Emmanuel especially, how important

ly different person than when I first came here. I grew up so much.”

communication would be in achieving her goals. Vazquez was still undergoing chemotherapy treatment when

Vazquez’s cancer has now been in remission for the past two years. She continues to remain close with Liptak, assisting with her

she enrolled at Emmanuel for her freshman year. In addition, the

Success Through Education, Psychosocial Support, and Socialization

aftermath of her two brain surgeries had affected her memory,

(STEPS) program at Dana-Farber by speaking to young cancer

making it more difficult for her to study and take multiple choice

patients about her own battle with the illness. Liptak wrote one of

exams. All things considered, Vazquez found that it was better to be

Vazquez’s recommendations for admissions to Simmons’ graduate

upfront with professors about the challenges she faced as opposed

program and continues to be a mentor and a friend.

to remaining silent. “When I first got to Emmanuel I didn’t want to bother my professors with my story, I wanted to try to do it on my own. It was the

“To this day I still talk to her about everything,” Vazquez said of Liptak. With her master’s degree curriculum involving an extensive clini-

worst idea I ever had,” she said. “But when I started explaining to my

cal field internship, Vazquez has already discussed the possibility of

professors what had happened to me so they could understand,

learning from the place, and the person, she knows so well.

they were all so willing to help me out.” She recalls fondly her first sociology course with Professor

“That is my ultimate goal, to get to Dana-Farber and work with kids and the families,” she said. “I think having someone in that role

Emeritus of Sociology Claire Lang, who understood her needs but

is the most important thing for children and their families as they

also encouraged her to challenge herself. She says she tried to take

deal with the illness.”

Eileen Vazquez ’09

Emmanuel Magazine


Fall 2009

every course possible with Professor of Sociology and Religious


classnotes We invite you to share your news with your classmates! You may contact your class notes correspondent(s) directly, or call 617 735-9771, or e-mail alumni@emmanuel.edu. Your classmates want to hear about what you are doing!


Margaret McCullough Buckley 2380 Hyde Street San Francisco, CA 94109-1511


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu

1934 reunion

Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


Anastasia Kirby Lundquist 33 Hancock Street Auburndale, MA 02466-2308 anastasiaklundquist@yahoo.com Anastasia Kirby Lundquist writes: As we approach our 75th reunion, we find that our class list has dwindled from the original 86 to the few of us who remain today. After reports of “this line is no longer in service,” I turned to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations for help that resulted in two wonderful, long conversations with Sister Elizabeth McNamara, SHCJ, in Rye, NY, and Dorothea Hoar in Quincy, MA. Beta is living on Convent Lane in retirement from teaching college and high school French. Dot Hoar has moved from her Concord apartment to Eventide in Quincy, MA. Dot was also a teacher at Regis College, St. Joseph’s in Emmetsburgh and in Boston schools. Her subject was biology. Her late sister Kay was an Emmanuel graduate, as are Kay’s daughters, whom Dot sees often.

Class of 1939

Sadly, we lost three of our most loyal classmates who were always with us for whatever our events, including our last reunion: Agatha Maguire, Anne Snow McCarthy and Mary Vaas Pink. Agatha and Anne both taught at my old alma mater, Cambridge High and Latin School; Agatha in English, Anne in math. Mary and I exchanged bridesmaid duties and, since their husbands became good friends, they were pressed into service for Emmanuel on many occasions. I attended another friend’s funeral when Marguerite “Peg” Carr Peltier died after a long illness. We had hoped to do another “Tea & Talk” this fall but instead, I am getting ready for an exhibit of my nativities at the College. I shall hope to see some of my sister alumnae there. And I am working to complete my book about World War II. Perhaps we can have another Mass at Emmanuel College in the spring, such as when Father Joseph McGlone celebrated for us on several occasions. As Father left the house after each Mass, he would say, “See you next year, same time, same place!” This time his “congregation” will have to be made up of sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, of our Class of 1935. I hear from many of them. They’re great!


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu

Class of 1944



1939 reunion



Martha Quinn Kenney has been married to her husband, Larry, for 52 years. They have two children and four grandchildren. Martha is still working as a freelance church organist and is a volunteer reader at the American Foundation for the Blind, completing 22 years. Her only contact has been with Mary Corcoran some years ago when she was in New Jersey at a convention. She has worked weekends for the last 35 years and has never been to an alumni event and exclaims she’s really out of touch. She always reads the magazine and enjoys it, but finds it hard to believe her class is 61 years out of Emmanuel College. Martha is still grateful for the good education!

Frances-Marie Connaughton Mitchell 81 Emerson Road Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-3411 Agnes Cox Carson 41 Green Street Woburn, MA 01801-4345 Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


Sr. Therese Gerard Kleh, SND 30 Jeffrey’s Neck Road Ipswich, MA 01938 kleh@SNDdeN.org or theresegerard.KLEH@SNDdeN.org


Catherine Nigro Guinee 15 Brewster Lane Acton, MA 01720-4252


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu

1944 reunion

Rose Cafasso Merenda 258 Negansett Avenue Warwick, RI 02888-3425 rosemerenda@earthlink.net


Elizabeth Mahoney 165 Chestnut Street, Apt. 312 Brookline, MA 02445


Alice McCarthy 240 Main Street, Apt. 303 Marlborough, MA 01752-3855 34

Miriam O’Connell Santilli 55 Sargent Street Melrose, MA 02176-1234 Mary E. Corcoran 204 Proctor Avenue Revere, MA 02151-4923

An announcement was made of the activities of the current Emmanuel College women’s softball team at a recent working session for Rye Reflections, an online magazine published by a group of seniors from the seacoast area of New Hampshire. Having recently attended a weeklong softball invitational in Kissimmee, FL, where college teams from northern schools play two games a day for a week, Bill Pappou Drew, grandfather of Ariana Liakos ’12, a softball team member, reported the following: The Emmanuel College team, having not won a single game in the past three years of participation at the event, won numerous games this year under the able leadership of second-year coach, Michelle Morales, and her staff.



1954 reunion


Barbara Raftery writes: It is my sad duty to inform you of the recent deaths of five of our classmates: Eileen Downing Bendel, Florence Horn Chamberlain, Theresa McMasters Finney, Geraldine D’Angelo Malolepszy and

Joan Brennan Goodwin 134 Scott Circle Dedham, MA 02026-6416 joanted134@msn.com

Lorraine Muse Crosby 93 Walnut Hill Road Newton Highlands, MA 02461 jmcrosby@comcast.net

Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu

Ann Blute Vogt 18 Pomfret Street West Roxbury, MA 02132-1810 annlvogt@verizon.net

Barbara A. Raftery 151 Wolcott Road Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3132 617-566-2900

Regina Sullivan Hunter 32 Stubtoe Lane Sudbury, MA 01776-1658 kn29j31c9p10@verizon.net

Class of 1954

Ann Butler Ryan helps her husband with the tasks in his dental office and is the proud grandmother of 30 grandchildren! She and her husband, Jim, recently returned from a quick trip to San Diego, CA for the baptism of their youngest grandchild, Jackson Davis. Sheila McKinnon Mahoney’s son, Father Brian Mahoney, is now a pastor at a parish in Sherborn, MA. Jean Charron Poce’s granddaughter, Amy Watson, a student at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, recently spent her spring break volunteering with other medical personnel treating ill people in the poor villages of the Dominican Republic. Jean is very proud of her!

The class was represented in July at the “Emmanuel on the Cape” luncheon by Rosemarie LaMonica Peduto, Maryanne Connolly Kerrigan, Polly Donovan and Ann Kelley Ryan. It was thrilling to hear of the expansion and momentum on campus. News from Ann Kelley Ryan: My own family has expanded greatly this past year. In February, my daughter, Meg, traveled to China to adopt her daughter, Nora. Nora will be three in October and is an absolute joy. Meg, who is employed by Boston College, will be able to have Nora attend the excellent pre-school on campus, keeping Nora close by. My youngest daughter, Libby, and her husband Mike, had their third child in March. Baby Bridget joins big brothers Nathaniel and Gabriel and is loved by all. Finally, my oldest daughter, Ellen, and her 4.5 year old Tess, traveled to China in late March to welcome Clare into their family. Clare, who just turned 4, has won our hearts and spent the summer acclimating to a busy family schedule including camping and swimming lessons, all the while learning English in record time. Tess and Clare will begin K-1 (pre-K) and are very proud of their “big girl” status.

Our sympathy and prayers go out to Barbara Jones Hagan on the death of her husband, Richard — and to their 10 We extend our condolences to Kathleen children and 20 grandchildren. Fennessy McGill, whose husband passed Jean Long Saunders’ husband, Jerry, away a year and a half ago after a long died this summer. Our prayers and battle with cancer. Kay is expecting thoughts are with her as well. her 21st grandchild and is delighted about it. She enjoys visiting her chil1956 dren and spent February in Hawaii Joan Mailloux Paille with one of her daughters and family. 113 Church Street South Easton, MA 02375-1580 As the years since our graduation jtpaille@aol.com increase, it seems more important for us to keep in touch. If you have any informa1957 tion about you and your family that you Irene Dillen Griffin would like to share, please drop a note or 280 Liberty Street call. I would love to hear from you! Braintree, MA 02184-6030 igrif@beld.net


Ann Kelley Ryan 404 Country Way Scituate, MA 02066-2514 AKRyan@att.net


Joanne Cannon Murphy 11 Lilac Circle Wellesley, MA 02482-4569

Fall 2009


1949 reunion

Edith Wolfsberg lives in Taunton, MA, and continues to work the night shift at the Taunton State Hospital.

Can you believe that this coming spring (2010) we will have been Emmanuel College grads for 55 years! Do consider coming back to campus for some or (preferably) all of the alumni weekend. More details will follow in the coming months. We continue with our three-times-a-year class luncheons. We are always excited to have new faces join us. Feel free to send along class notes and other tidbits to akryan@att.net.


Jean Dowd Lynch 47 Westdale Road Westwood, MA 02090-1526

Margaret Hewes Dermody died at age 78 on October 17, 2008 after valiantly fighting the return of her breast cancer. She was one of Emmanuel’s first alumni daughters, as her mother, Frances Fallon Hewes, was a member of Emmanuel’s first class in 1923. She leaves her husband, Frank, of 52 years, who resides in Bedford, MA at the Veterans Home for Alzheimer’s patients, her children Mary, Bill, Bob and six grandchildren. She had many fond memories of connecting and spending time with her friends from Emmanuel, especially Mary Louise Hehir Mulvey, Madeline “Maddy” Grady Hagerty, Eleanor Mullen Donohue and Joan Powers Curtin. (Note submitted by Mary Dermody, daughter of Margaret).

The announcement was made for the benefit of two of the 12 members of Rye Reflections; valued contributors, Margaret (Marge) Carroll ’48 and Marion O’Connor Dunn ’52. Their biographies and pictures can be seen at the link “WHO WE ARE” on the front page of Rye Reflections at www.ryereflections.org.

On a happier note, it is a real pleasure to report that 21 members of our class met for our 55th reunion on the weekend of June 5–7, 2009. History and math majors were especially well represented. The campus was beautiful and the changes are impressive. The weekend included a concert by the Boston Pops, various campus events, a reunion reception/dinner on Saturday evening, and a Sunday Memorial Mass followed by a post-50th luncheon with Sr. Janet Eisner, SND. Father Stephen Boyle, College Chaplain, offered Sunday Mass and gave a moving homily. He reminded us that Emmanuel is a place where each of us is always welcome. Jean Charron Poce gave us lovely hand-crafted sand dollar magnets as a memento of our 55th reunion.

Class of 1955 — summer 2009 update

Emmanuel Magazine

Carol Vaughan Fletcher Morrison. We extend our deepest sympathy to their families. They were our dear friends; may they rest in peace.

Class of 1949



Class of 1959

Catherine Berlinghieri Rossi 50 Webster Street Arlington, MA 02474-3318 caterossi@aol.com

1964 reunion

Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


1959 reunion

Phyllis McManus Hayes 3 Oak Road Canton, MA 02021-2624 tphayes2@verizon.net After a wonderful reunion weekend, it is difficult to open on a sad note. Our talented classmate Rose Marie Connors Lanzetta went home to God on July 23, 2009. Even though her health was frail, Rose Marie traveled from Maryland for the reunion and joined in all of the activities. Rose Marie worked for the Maryland State Police Crime Laboratory (a real CSI investigator) and in her retirement years became an accomplished artist. Surviving her are her lovely daughter Marge (who accompanied her to the reunion), three sons and six grandchildren. After months of preparation, the reunion is now history, but the memories will go on. Send in your news so we can keep in touch. This past April-May, Mary Arapoff McEwen was blessed to be able to go to Moscow, traveling around the city by herself with the knowledge of the language. She was able to view one of the greatest icons ever painted, Rublev’s Trinity icon, kept in safety in the Tretyakov Gallery. It is a heavenly vision filled with the light and love of God. She was able to go to some of the most beautiful and ancient monasteries, pray with the icons and even join in a choir singing Vespers at St. Sergius Monastery at Zagorsk. Mary also had the pleasure of meeting a family member for the first time — a lifelong dream come true for her.


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu

Maureen Cronin and Peter Graham are now into their second retirement year in Truro, MA. They are becoming a 36

part of a very special community. Peter was appointed Truro’s representative to the Cape Cod Commission and Maureen is on the board of a non-profit affordable housing group (Highland Affordable Housing, Inc.) This year marks the town’s tercentennial, so go on down and celebrate with them. Their parish is now preparing a community lunch each Saturday for about 100 people; Maureen and Peter occasionally serve as the chefs. They consider it a lot of fun even in the winter time. Maureen is looking forward to the class’s 50th reunion next year. Maureen finally graduated from Trinity University in Washington, DC in 1973, but Emmanuel gave her a wonderful start on a lifetime of learning.

Ellen Donoghue Stern and her husband, Bob, live in Rye, NY where they enjoy bridge (Bob), classical music, good food and wine, friends and family. Ellen practices law two days a week at Legal Services in White Plains, NY, helping people avoid losing their homes.


Maureen McKenna Horn 50 Fairway Circle Natick, MA 01760-2563 maureenhorn1@verizon.net


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu

Class of 1964

Lucille Farina Carberry 22 Haverhill Street North Reading, MA 01864-2700 LCCarberry@comcast.net


Joan Hurley Black 950 Regency Square Apt 225 Vero Beach, FL 32967-1817 casablacka@earthlink.net In Memoriam Tragically, Lucia L. Capodilupo died on July 21st of this year, two days after incurring severe injuries as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident. Her passing represents a great loss not only to family members, with whom she shared deep bonds, but also to the multitude of friends she acquired over her lifetime. After graduating from Emmanuel, Lucia attended Yale University where she earned a Ph.D. in Russian literature. She traveled to the USSR and Eastern Europe, practicing her skills as a polyglot. She began her working career at IREX, an international exchange program for scholars. Most recently she served as Director in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations at Columbia University’s Teacher College, heading the team that generated $16 million in educational grants in 2008. Lucia remained a scholar, devoting her free time to the study of spirituality and holistic therapy. She published Thin Through the Power of Spirit: Creating Paradise in Your Weight and World, after successfully enacting her own world view. She was an active member of the Open Center for

Holistic Learning through which she did a good deal of educational tourism. Additionally, as an interfaith minister she conducted numerous marriage ceremonies, which she conscientiously tailored for each couple. It is for more than her formal accomplishments that Lucia will be remembered. She was widely loved and respected for her gentle, caring nature and thoughtfulness, and also for her wittiness and ability to laugh at herself. She will be missed.


Marcia G. Powers 501 Lexington Street Unit 301 Waltham, MA 02452 marpow541@verizon.net Patricia Mahoney Leach writes, “Our classmate, Ellen Ryder, passed away last July after a long struggle with cancer...I for one miss her intelligence, sense of humor and friendship very much.” Janit Romayko “formally” retired from the position of Clinical Social Work Supervisor at the town of Mansfield, CT after 33 years. She remains active in the social work field, supervising graduate students at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work and also co-facilitates a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren group for the town. Janit decided to go back to school again and is now 2/3 of the way towards a Master of Arts in liberal studies with a concentration in the arts at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. She continues with triathloning and will age up to 65 next year. She now has several high-quality competitors. The summer triathlon season will be a challenge for Janit at age 64. The 60 year olds can beat her on the bike, she can beat them in the swim and the run is usually the deciding factor. The legs are slowing down a bit, but not Janit’s spirit!


Elizabeth Sullivan Cimini 133 Pawtuxet Avenue Cranston, RI 02905-4030 shrimpymam@hotmail.com We were saddened to learn of the death of our classmate Susan Grudzien Hewitt. Sue died in Las Vegas in December 2008. She leaves her husband of 40 years, Bob, her children Melissa and Michael and their spouses and her grandchildren. Sue was also survived by her brother Walter and sisters Christine and Marian.

1969 reunion

Patricia Claus Keating 56 Oaks Road Framingham, MA 01702-5938 jkpk@rcn.com

education programs on the Cape, and is President of the Upper Cape Toastmasters Club. Her website is www.maryannmurphymsw.com.

Class of 1969

Jane Candito Corr, Jane Contreas, Karen O’Connell Vergoni and Ann Tierney Latson traveled to Washington, D.C. in May to celebrate the retirement of Judge Eileen P. Fennessy from the U.S. Civilian Board of Contract Appeals Court. The five members of the Class of 1970 have been celebrating our friendship since meeting in Julie Hall many years ago. Carol Kelley Pacheco was elected by the Massachusetts Democratic Party to be one of 12 members of the Electoral College of 2008. On November 15, 2008, Carol cast her electoral votes for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden. The ceremony at the State House was an exciting honor.


Susan Cooney Murphy 569 Annaquatucket Road North Kingstown, RI 02852-5601 rid23560@ride.ri.net After teaching for 34 years, Anne Klein Tupper retired in June 2008. She taught in Brockton, MA for two years and spent the remainder of her career teaching in Plymouth, MA. Anne started her career as a special education teacher and then taught in a regular education classroom for grades 2, 4 and 5. She now volunteers at the school from which she retired. This past year she has taken courses at Cape Cod Community College towards a certificate in horticulture and last summer had her dream job as


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu

Class of 1974


Ann Marie Keegan 185 S Cobble Hill Road Warwick, RI 02886-9336 amkeegan50@verizon.net Anne Johnston Barr continues to teach Spanish at Holyoke Community College in Massachusetts. Her husband, Peter, is an attorney with Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas in Springfield, MA. Their oldest son, Michael, got married in June 2008. He will graduate in May from American University Law School in Washington, D.C. His wife, Kate, works at the United Nations Foundation in D.C. Anne and Peter’s younger son, Ryan, has returned from Colorado and is a first-year student at Northeastern Law School. Mary Lance’s documentary “Agnes Martin: With My Back to the World,” about the minimalist painter, is now running on Sundance Channel. Her latest project is “Blue Alchemy: Stories of Indigo,” a documentary about the ancient blue dye, its history and its revival for sustainable development in several communities worldwide. You can find further information about the documentary at www.newdealfilms.com.


Noreen Diamond Burdett 23 N Hill Avenue Needham, MA 02492-1221 ndiamondbu@yahoo.com

1974 reunion

Maryann Murphy was recently elected Director of Professional Development for the New England chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers. Maryann lives in Mashpee, MA with her husband, Dan Kupferman, and works as a professional organizer and time management consultant. She teaches classes at several adult



Linda Ferrera Ausiello was recently named World Language Department Chair at Bishop Feehan High School where she has taught French and Spanish for over 25 years. Both of her daughters graduated from the school and Linda was named an Honorary Alumna of the school in 2005. She and her husband Frank recently celebrated 35 years of marriage.

1979 reunion

Marie Campagna Franklin 29 Trowbridge Avenue Newtonville, MA 02460-2222 camfrank@comcast.net

Miriam Brownewall is in her third year as Development Assistant at Notre Dame Academy in Hingham, MA, which is the high school that all three of her daughters attended, as well as her mother and all five of her sisters when it was located in Boston. Her four kids are now ages 25 through 32 and is the proud grandmother of three (including a set of twins). Miriam and her family have a full but fun house this year because her oldest daughter moved home with the grandkids and her husband while he completed a fellowship at Children’s Hospital Boston. She has been delighted to be able to participate in the 90K Initiative as a South Shore Charter School Board of Trustees, serving as a member of during 10 of the past 11 years.

Kim A. Cronin 35 Hillside Road Lincoln, MA 01773-4106 lanna909@aol.com Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


Jayne LaCarubba Mazzaglia 14 W Parish Ridge Road Haverhill, MA 01832-1197 jayne_mazzaglia@bd.com Jean Twomey, Jane Owens Triano, Catherine Price and Jane O’Neil had an evening together to celebrate 50th birthdays and a marriage.


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


Mary E. Donlan 161 Quai de Valmy Paris, France 75010 medonlan@yahoo.com Catherine (Cathy) Ruley Condon married Perry Condon in June 2008. They live

Fall 2009

Phyllis Conlon, Maria Connors, Barbara Chesley Fleming, Josephine Quinn Moffatt, Mary Lou Halloran Neagle and Charlene Untiet Switz just spent a few days together on Cape Cod. This annual gathering was highlighted by a cruise on Joanne’s boat, sipping champagne on Phyllis’s patio in Dennis, MA, and seeing My Fair Lady at the Cape Rep Theater in Brewster, MA. The laughs never seem to end — 1970 seems like yesterday!

Eileen Devlin MacPherson 57 Lincoln Woods Road Waltham, MA 02451-1431


Valerie B. Gigliotti 235 Park Drive Apt 32 Boston, MA 02215-4721


Emmanuel Magazine


a gardener at the Pine Hills Country Club! Anne is looking forward to returning to her landscaping job this spring, but in the meantime she and her husband will spend some time visiting friends and family in the south and enjoying their retirement together.

Helene Fortier continues to teach pre-K through grade 6 music at St. James School in Biddeford, ME. She has worked as an organist at the St. Joseph Church in Biddeford for the past nine years. Helen was recently appointed Music Director for the five-church cluster of Biddeford-Saco. She has raised three daughters: Michelle is married and the Art Director for the JournalTribune newspaper in Biddeford; Therese lives and works in the Bangor, ME area; and Anne is a junior at St. Joesph College, Standish, ME.

Mary Ann O’Malley Taylor and her husband, Robert, were elected co-presidents of the Parents Council for the Virginia Military Institute, in Lexington, VA where their oldest daughter, Virginia, is a senior majoring in civil engineering. In great contrast to Emmanuel in 1975, fewer than 10% of the cadets at VMI are women.


Stephanie Medeiros Wasserman 68 Birchtree Drive Westwood, MA 02090-2404 swasserman@verizon.net

Class of 1979

1989 reunion

Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


Julie Nolet Berthiaume 16 Glines Street Haverhill, MA 01830-6550 jpberthiaume@hotmail.com

Class of 1984

Julie Nolet Berthiaume and her husband, Dan, welcomed their daughter, Caroline Patricia, into the world on April 10, 2009. Her brother, Davey, born in September 2007, was quite excited about her arrival!


Julie P. Reyburn 790 11th Avenue New York, NY 10019-3514

Class of 1989

in Burlington, VT where Cathy works for the University of Vermont and her husband works for Vermont State government. Mary Roche Bourke and her family came from Ireland to attend their wedding.

AnnMarie Murphy Nagelin is currently an instructor of Anatomy and Physiology at Quincy College. She is also doing research in the Islet Transplantation Group at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.


Margaret M. Dillon-Cecil 9411 69th Avenue Apt 310 Forest Hills, NY 11375-5801 pcecil793@hotmail.com

Sandra Capriulo Strong 9 Arlington Street Woburn, MA 01801-5743 sandra.strong@rcn.com

1984 reunion

Kathleen L. Keough 266 Grove Street Apt 6 Northampton, MA 01060-3680 kkeough19@comcast.net Lisa M. Taleghani 11 Cheever Street Revere, MA 02151-5008 Anastasia Barrett Edmonston lives in Baltimore, MD with her husband, Mark, and daughters Hanna, 12, and Rachael, 10. She is the Traumatic Brain Injury Projects Director for the Maryland Mental Hygiene Administration. She also sings with the Baltimore Choral Arts Society.

1985 38

Kathryn T. Bowler Vitali 5996 Wescott Hills Way Alexandria, VA 22315-4746


Ann Gilmore lost her mother, Rita Mannion Gilmore, of Galway, Ireland, suddenly on August 19, 2009.


Ann-Marie Hart 306 Village Drive Bourne, MA 02532 AMHart@comcast.net Jacquelyn B. Kelley 241 Plymouth Street East Bridgewater, MA 02333-1918 porcupinespalette@hotmail.com Joanna Schena DelMonaco currently serves as President of the Faculty at Middlesex Community College and is in the second year of her two-year term.


Christine Busi DeGiacomo 10 Drummond Road Stoneham, MA 02180-2121

Nancy Jeffery Harrison, her husband, William, and their 3-1/2 old son, Nolan, welcomed new baby, Camden Michael Jeffery Harrison, to their family on April 23, 2009. Camden arrived seven weeks early and weighed 4 pounds, 5 ounces and was 16 inches long. After five weeks in the NICU, Camden finally arrived home and everyone is doing extremely well! Joann Lynds received her master’s degree in criminal justice from Boston University in May of 2009.


Kathryn E. Begley 7530 12th Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98117-4147 kbegley@hotmail.com Karen Zraket Pappalardo 298A Hampshire Road Methuen, MA 01844-1119 kpappalardo2@verizon.net


Rhonda Cook Haller 10 Londonderry Lane Derry, NH 03038-5118 rlhaller@comcast.net

1994 reunion

Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu Nicolas Bertrand Dellarocca was born on November 8, 2008 to Kim Guimond Dellarocca and her husband Chris. Kim and Chris have moved back to Boston after a five-year stint in Washington D.C. Kim works for BNY Mellon as a

Director of Marketing; her husband is a professor at Boston University. They are thrilled to return to Boston plus one!


Eileen Miller Crean 15 Springhill Avenue Apt 2 Bridgewater, MA 02324-2526 Aine Mairead Cryts 354 Market Street Apt 4 Brighton, MA 02135-2745 acryts@yahoo.com


Mrs. Gina DeVivo Brassaw 198 S Park Street Willimantic, CT 06226-3634 gina.devivo.brassaw@uconn.edu


Melissa J. Tremblay Brimmer 25 Arlington Road, Unit 2 Woburn, MA 01801-4953 mjtremblay24@hotmail.com Kelli Chapin Kennedy 84 Loring Avenue Whitman, MA 02382-1024 kkennedy1231@gmail.com Elizabeth A. Motte 10 Boxford Terrace # 2 West Roxbury, MA 02132-2610 Julia Stitson Fehmel currently lives in Pelham, NH with her husband, Erik, and her 22-month-old son, Max. She is teaching social studies at the Performing Arts High School in Lawrence, MA. Please feel free to e-mail her at juliachristine@hotmail.com. Rebecca Perkalis has been accepted to Southern New Hampshire University’s Master of Science in marketing program. Melissa Tremblay married Matthew Brimmer on July 11, 2009 on Cape Cod. Emmanuel alumnae in attendance were Bethany Clemmey Colburn, Deirdre Bradley-Turner ’98, Jacquie Granfield Hoskins, Andrea DeFeo Dotterer ’96, Chrissa Sarhanis Kaselis ’96, Kristyn Strules, Jennifer Kitchin ’96 and Jennifer Harris Bellanti ’96. Melissa and Matt went on a cruise from Boston, MA to Bermuda for their honeymoon.


Paulita Velazquez Fernandez 18538 N 114th Lane Surprise, AZ 85374-6975 elvisp@bluesuede.com Rebecca Consentino Hains 9 Beckett Street Peabody, MA 01960-6046 rebecca@hains.net Alison Ward Nyhan 208 South Street Concord, NH 03301-2774

1999 reunion

Andrea Pappalardo Rossi 23 MacArthur Road Plainville, CT 06062-2420 mooshu71@aol.com Since graduating from Emmanuel in 1999, Kathleen Noel-Coulanges has worked in the medical field for 10 years! Her current position is a Molecular Technologist at Genzyme Corporation, working their since 2006, and she absolutely loves it. She has been married since 2005 to a wonderful man named Bernier and in September of 2006 they welcomed beautiful twin girls named Breeyah Maryse and Mikayla Clarice. Kathleen and her family have stayed close to home, living in Stoughton, MA.


Hillary Oak Hiers 530 Fairview Avenue Apt 100 Westwood, NJ 07675-1655 hroody@yahoo.com Robin Rider was married to Charles Shyab on September 12, 2008 in a beachside ceremony on Cape Hatteras, NC. They were introduced to each other by fellow alumni Danielle Radford Ray ’01. After a long-distance relationship, Robin relocated to Maryland to be close to Charlie’s job as a Washington, D.C. fireman. They now own a home together in Mount Airy, Maryland where they live with their yellow lab, Riley.

Class of 2004

On May 17, Sarah Consentino married the love of her life, Corey Jackson, in Ipswich, MA. They honeymooned on the Mediterranean and live in Lynn, MA.

Kelly MacDonald-Alley and her husband, Chris, welcomed their first child, a baby girl, Megan Elizabeth, on June 19, 2009. She weighed in at 6 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.


Christina Sullivan McCarthy 12B Beach Street Millbury, MA 01527-1904 christinaleighsullivan@yahoo.com


Maryann T. Ziemba 12 Tompson Road Braintree, MA 02184-4303 mtziemba@hotmail.com

2004 reunion

Amanda Fontaine 6 Westminster Avenue Haverhill, MA 01830 Afontaine16@yahoo.com Allison M. Fraske 57 Old Farm Road Reading, MA 01867-3929 allisonfraske@gmail.com Keri-Rose Harkins 13403 Bellingham Drive Tampa, FL 33625-4064 keriroseharkins@yahoo.com Clara Zaslavsky Correia and her husband, Francisco, welcomed their second child, a boy, in January 2009.


Aliece Weller Dutson 3 Heritage Hill Dedham, MA 02026-6206 welleral@gmail.com In 2006, Pauline Alighieri became the Executive Director of a newly formed non-profit that provides quality cancer care for the whole patient by funding cancer research, education and


Laura K. Mason 10 Garfield Avenue Palmyra, NJ 08065-1309 eclaura06@yahoo.com Rebecca Cowen Buchholz and her husband, Brian, recently celebrated their second wedding anniversary on June 16th. They currently reside in Virginia Beach, VA where Brian is a CTN in the U.S. Navy and Rebecca is a stay-at-home mom to a very active 12-month boy named Kaleb Michael.

Katelyn Baxter Rice married Steven Rice on November 15, 2008. In December 2008, she completed her master’s degree in library and information science from Simmons College. She also recently moved to Honolulu, HI for her husband in the Navy and hopes to start her career with a job in a specialized library.


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


Send news to the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu


Send news to the Office of In December 2007, Kelly Clark received a Development & Alumni Relations, master’s degree from Boston College in 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 severe special education. She is currently or e-mail to alumni@emmanuel.edu a special education teacher at the PGHS Learning Center in Waltham, MA.

In Memoriam We pray for the following alumni who passed away or were remembered at a Memorial Mass in the Emmanuel College Chapel from January 2009 to June 2009. 1930s Dorothy W. Byrne Barron ’32 Louise McAuliffe Donelan ’37 Dorothy McGlinchey Mahoney ’38 Mary A. Hogan ’39 Isabel Crimmings Sullivan ’39 1940s Ita Sullivan Donahue ’41 Miriam Flynn Flaherty ’41 Barbara A. McNamara ’41 Madeleine A. Hern ’42 Eleanor Whitney Kyle ’42 Kathleen McIntire Logue ’42 Catherine Murphy Molloy ’42 Catherine Virginia Ronco Cassell ’43 Margaret “Peg” Murray Greene ’44 Claire C. Fay ’45 Alicia Golden Gaudreau ’45 Margaret F. McGovern ’46 Ellen J. Murray ’46 Mary Louise Murphy Colleran ’47 Jeanne McNally Troy ’47 Rita A. Lawler ’48 Pauline Dawson LeBlanc ’48 Winifred J. McDonough ’48 C. Dolores Boutot Schulz ’48 Claire McNally Sweeney ’48 Mary E. “Bunny” Courtney Hixon ’49 Margaret “Maggie” McNiff McBreen ’49 Jean McDonald Powers ’49 1950s Sister Theresa Corcoran, SC, ’50 Geraldine Sullivan Carius ’52 Jean Avellan ’54 Florence Horn Chamberlain ’54

Theresa McMasters Finney ’54 Sr. Marie Troy, SND ’54 Sister Mary Cornelius Duffy, SND ’55 Sister Mary Browne, SND, ’56 Sister Mary Anne Laughlin, SND, ’57 Dr. M. Cassandra Hickey ’58 Mary A Cullen ’59 Rose Marie Connors Lanzetta ’59 1960s Marilyn Galvin Evans ’60 Sister Barbara A. Winn, SND, ’60 Janet Hamilton Carr ’62 Sister Marion Patricia Maxwell, SND, ’62 Diane Marie Pitochelli ’62 Patricia Gibbons Kukor ’64 Sheila M. O’Keefe ’65 Sister Helen Donald Seager, SND, ’67 Susan Grudzien Hewitt ’68 Jean Kennedy Reilly ’68 Eileen McCarthy ’69 1970s Mary Buckley Coviello ’71 Mary L. Vaupotic ’71 Karen Cuddyer Gelzinis ’73 1980s Barbara Mont Howard ’81 Kathleen M. Doyle ’82 1990s Catherine Vaughey Taverna ’93 2000s Gabrielle King ’11

Fall 2009

Jennifer Baker Jones and her husband, Christopher Jones, Ph.D., welcomed their daughter, Margaret Ruth Jones, on November 6, 2008. Margaret was 7 pounds, 7 ounces and 19 1/2 inches. Jennifer and Chris married at Emmanuel in May 2007 and they live in Woburn, MA.

Sarah M. Jackson 7 Central Square Apt 501 Lynn, MA 01901-1344 sarahmcjackson@gmail.com

support. Last April, she was selected by Direct TV to be featured on Joan Lunden’s series “Hometown Heroes.” Pauline was honored to be chosen and is anxious to spread the word about the organization. The program may be seen by visiting www.youtube.com and entering “friends of mel” in the search bar.


Mandy L. Price 1513 E Mobile Lane Phoenix, AZ 85040-2396 jaleh23@hotmail.com


Emmanuel Magazine

Class of 1999


Dear Alumni and Friends, Each year Emmanuel College has printed the Giving Report as one of our ways of saying thank you. Every gift, no matter the amount, has had an impact for our students and our community and the Giving Report lets us trumpet what you have done: helping Emmanuel College fulfill its mission. This year we need to do things differently to remain good stewards of your investment in our students. Beginning with the Giving Report 2008–2009, we will publish the Report solely on our web site at www.emmanuel.edu. I hope this change will not create an inconvenience for you as it will provide a substantial savings to Emmanuel College; assuring that your gift truly supports and sustains the Emmanuel College experience for current and future students. Please accept my thanks for your continued support of Emmanuel College and our students. We are blessed by your generosity. If you have any questions, or if I may be of service to you, please do not hesitate to contact me at (617) 735-9728. Sincerely,

David J. Fraboni, II Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations


Members of the President’s Society gathered in Emmanuel’s Jean Yawkey Center on November 4th to be recognized for their generous support of the College.

Associate Professor of Biology Josef Kurtz, Sister Janet Eisner, SND, Joia Spinelli ’10 and Chris Borges ’10. Joia, one of the student speakers at the event, is a biology major and participating in a research project at Mass General Hospital.

Student speaker Sam Hopperstad ’11, a double major in art and education, shared his Emmanuel experience with guests, thanking them for scholarship and financial aid support.

Chair of the Board of Trustees Thomas J. Hynes, Jr. addresses guests. The new Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center, across the quad from the Jean Yawkey Center, can be seen illuminated in the background.

Elisabeth “Betty” O’Hearn ’47, Former Chair of the Board of Trustees C. Michael Daley and Janet Daley

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Commitment. Competition. Involvement.

The Annual Fund: Support beyond the classroom.

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