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Gender and Women’s Studies

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Academic Calendars

Academic Calendars

Gender & Women Studies

Brianne Jacobs, Ph.D. Coordinator


Courses in gender and women’s studies provide a focused opportunity to explore gender in both an historical and a contemporary perspective, including the ways in which gender affects human identities and relationships, the representation of gender in the visual arts and literature, and the politics of gender construction. It is a dynamic, multidisciplinary approach to the study and analysis of the experiences, contributions and voices of all individuals and groups marginalized as well as empowered by their gendered identities, including those who identify as women and the LGBTQ+ community.


Requirements for Minor:

1. IDS2113 Basic Issues in Women’s Studies (SA) (DM)

2-5. Four additional courses from the following list, or from approved offerings at other Colleges of the Fenway, selected in consultation with faculty coordinator:

ART2201 Understanding Gender through Art (AI-A) (VCI) (SJ) ENGL2321 Love and Gender in British Literature and Film (AI-L) ENGL3303 Images of Masculinity HIST2205 Women in American History (H) (HI) LANG2107 From Damsel in Distress to Femme Fatale: Parisian Women in Modern French Cinema and Literature (AL-L) LANG3427 Contemporary Spanish American Women Novelists (AI-L) PSYCH2211 Race, Gender and Sexuality: Intersection of Privilege and Oppression (SA) (SS) (DM) PSYCH3101 Seminar: Psychology of Women SOC2115 Family and Gender Roles THRS2131 Relationships and Sexuality: Christian Perspectives (RCT) (RICT) (SJ) THRS2217 Women in the World Religions (R) THRS2219 Women in Christian Traditions (RCT) (RICT) (DM)

Students are encouraged to consult with a faculty member in a field related to their interests about the possibility of a directed study.

Students also may elect to design an interdisciplinary major in gender and women’s studies, under the individualized major program, by choosing relevant courses in various departments at Emmanuel and the Colleges of the Fenway.

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