2 minute read


Erich Doubek, M.F.A. Chair

The art department offers programs in studio art, graphic design, art therapy, art history and art education. Through a broad studio and art history experience, students develop the critical, analytical and technical skills necessary to produce and analyze works of art. Students are challenged to engage in idea generation, critical thinking and creative expression through a variety of courses using both traditional and new media. Department majors develop a comprehensive knowledge of issues related to historical and contemporary artworks through frequent interaction with art collections in area galleries and museums. Each program within the department strives to develop a student’s potential to communicate, influence and interact creatively in society in an effective and responsible way. Students are encouraged to study abroad in order to gain a global perspective on the arts. The study of art within a liberal arts context provides a rich, interdisciplinary experience that fuels self-expression.


Core courses in drawing, two-dimensional and three-dimensional design, digital production and art history prepare students with the visual vocabulary, verbal and writing skills, and technical facility needed to pursue a major in the art department. Upperlevel courses in the specific programs build on the core and prepare students for graduate school or careers in the fields of graphic design, art therapy, art education and arts administration in museums, galleries and auction houses. In addition, art majors also have successful careers in business and other industries based on the creative and critical-thinking skills developed through their course of study. Students contemplating majors or minors in the art department should note that careers in the field require advanced levels of proficiency in their creative work as well as in their writing and communication skills. Students should expect and desire coursework that heavily emphasizes studio projects, research and writing.

In addition to the Bachelor of Arts degree, the art department offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in graphic design and individually designed majors in studio art, art history and art education. These programs require additional courses which must be taken in sequence in order to ensure the academic integrity of the degree.

Courses leading to Initial Licensure as Teacher in Visual Art Education by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, pre-K-8 and 5-12, may be taken.



The studio art program is designed to: • Introduce and develop the conceptual and technical aspects of the studio arts in both traditional and new media. • Guide students in choosing their appropriate medium and developing the technical and conceptual proficiency in that medium. • Develop the ability to evaluate artwork through art history courses, class critiques, writing, and viewing original works in museums, galleries and artists’ studios. • Prepare students to pursue their own creative direction in the future.

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