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Through this interdisciplinary minor, drawing courses from English, art, modern languages and theater, students will obtain a strong foundation in communication, visual language, film analysis and film production. Film minors will learn to ethically produce and consume such texts in their professional, scholarly, and personal lives, with special attention to the ways in which stories have the potential to represent multiple perspectives and to affect social change.



Requirements for Minor: The minor in Film consists of six courses.

1. COMM1502 Introduction to Communication, Media and Cultural Studies (SA) (SS) 2. ART1407 Visual Language for Design and Composition (AI-A) (VCI)

3.-4. Film Analysis (two courses)

ENGL2321 Love & Gender in British Literature & Film ENGL2701 Literature & Film ENGL3303 Images of Masculinity ENGL3605 Global Literature & Film ENGL3707 Film Theory LANG2107 Damsels & Femmes in Film LANG2417 Hispanic Culture & Language through Film (requires previous completion of LANG 2413) THTR2113 Shakespeare: Study to Stage

5-6. Film Production (two courses)

ART2443 Digital Photography I ART3431 Motion Graphics & Digital Animation ART3531 Stories in Motion Studio COMM3311 Ethics in Documentary Film THTR3121 Theatrical Design & Production

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