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Global Justice

POLSC1301 Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics (SA) (SS) POLSC1401 Introduction to International Relations (SA) (SS) SOC2129 Cultural Geography (SA) (SS)

2. Research Methods (one course)


Students study research methods employed in International Studies.

HIST2701 Historical Methods and Research POLSC2701 Research Methods in Political Science SOC2103 Qualitative Methods

3. Language Skills (two courses)

Students take two language courses at the 2000-level or above or test out. Students achieve foreign language speaking skills at least at the intermediate level of proficiency.

Study away or study abroad is strongly recommended.

4. Capstone (one course)

Students apply at an advanced level the research skills and knowledge gained in earlier International Studies courses to a capstone project.

GLST4100 International Studies Senior Seminar

Elective Courses (seven courses): For a complete list of elective courses, see pages 120-122 Two courses must be from the 3000-level.

5. History Elective (one course)

Students gain foundational knowledge in world history.

6. Theology and Religious Studies Elective (one course)

Students gain an understanding of Theology and Religious Studies from a global perspective.

7. Thematic Electives (three courses)

Students gain additional knowledge in International Studies from the thematic perspectives of different disciplines.

8. Area/Regional Electives(two courses)

Students gain in-depth knowledge in one or two additional geographical areas of the world.


The program is designed for the student who wishes to engage in and gain knowledge of the emerging field of sustainable development through a critical examination of the political, social and historical dynamics of sustainability from a global justice perspective. The program allows students to gain a holistic perspective on the issues of sustainability and global justice through the study of issues such as civil society, participation and democracy; environment and energy; development politics and economics; gender and ethnicity; humanitarianism and human rights, and nutrition and health. Students will obtain the skills and knowledge for careers in the public, private and nongovernmental sectors. Students will have special opportunities for internships, study abroad and participation in the Model UN.


In addition to the general learning goals for the major, at the completion of the International Studies degree with a concentration in Sustainability and Global Justice, students will: • Demonstrate an understanding of the economic, historical, political, and social dynamics of sustainability.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the causes and consequences of unsustainable development and global injustice.

• Demonstrate an understanding of institutions, movements, and policies that encourage sustainability and social justice. Students majoring in International Studies with a concentration in Sustainability and Global Justice complete 16 courses – 11 core courses and five elective courses:

Core Courses:

1. Foundations in Sustainable Development and Global Justice, Politics, Economics and Culture (seven courses)

Students study the foundations of the major in politics, economics and culture with a focus on international law and institutions.

ECON1103 Principles of Macroeconomics (SA) (SS)


POLSC2413 International Law and Institutions


POLSC2409 The Politics of International Economic Relations (SS) POLSC1301 Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics (SA) (SS) POLSC1401 Introduction to International Relations (SA) (SS)

POLSC 2705/

SOC 2705 Sustainable Development: Paradigms and Policies SOC2129 Cultural Geography (SA) (SS) SOC3115 The Sociology of Globalization

2. Research Methods (one course)

Students study research methods employed in International Studies.

HIST2701 Historical Methods and Research POLSC2701 Research Methods in Political Science SOC2103 Qualitative Methods

3. Language Skills (two courses)

Students take two language courses at the 2000-level or above or test out. Students achieve foreign language speaking skills at least at the intermediate level of proficiency. Study away or study abroad is strongly recommended.

4. Capstone (one course)

Students apply at an advanced level the research skills and knowledge gained in earlier International Studies courses to a capstone project.

GLST4100 International Studies Senior Seminar

Elective Courses (five courses): For a complete list of elective courses, see pages 130-132

Two courses must be from the 3000-level.

5. History Elective (one course)

Students gain foundational knowledge in world history.

6. Theology and Religious Studies Elective (one course)

Students gain an understanding of Theology and Religious Studies from a global perspective.

7. Thematic Elective (one course)

Students gain additional knowledge in International Studies from the thematic perspectives of different disciplines.

8. Area/Regional Electives(two courses)

Students gain in-depth knowledge in one or two additional geographical areas of the world.

Elective Courses:


ART2204 Transcultural Exchange and the Visual Arts (AI-A) (VCI) ART2224 Irish Art (AI-A) (VCI) HIST1108 World History to 1500 (H) (HI) (DM) HIST1109 Modern World History (H) (HI) HIST1111 An Introduction to East Asian History (H) (HI) (DM) HIST1114 Creating the Atlantic World (H) (HI)

HIST2104 Age of Atlantic Revolutions, 1763-1820 HIST2120 Europe in the Era of World War (H) (HI) (DM) HIST2125 History of Modern Latin America (H) (HI) HIST2140 History of Modern Middle East HIST3412 Immigrant Kitchens: a Global and Historical Perspective on Identity, Ethnicity and Foodways (SJ)

Theology and Religious Studies

THRS2105 Judaism (R) (RI) DM) THRS2108 Religion and the Environment: Ethical Explorations (R) THRS2135 World Religions (R) (DM) THRS2201 War, Peace and Religion (R) (RI) (DM) THRS2202 Hinduism (R) (RI) (DM) THRS2208 Global Christianity (RCT) THRS2211 Islam (R) (RI) THRS2212 Buddhism: Beliefs and Practices (R) THRS2213 Liberation Theology (RCT) THRS2217 Women in the World Religions (R) THRS3133 Social Justice and Religious Tradition (RI) (SJ) THRS3203 World Religions in Conflict and Dialogue (RCT) (RICT) (DM)


BIOL1211 Emerging Infectious Diseases (SI) (NS) (SJ)


BIOL1215 Introduction to Nutrition (SI) (NS)


PHYS1121 Energy and the Environment (SI-L) ECON2203 An Economic view of the World (SA) ECON3103 The International Economy ECON3115 Economics and the Environment

PHYS2410/ IDS2410 Sustainability Science (SI-L) POLSC2413 International Law and Institutions POLSC2417 Statecraft and Globalization* POLSC2419 The Geopolitics of Democracy* POLSC2421 Model United Nations POLSC2503 Revolution and Nationalism POLSC2705/ SOC2705 Sustainable Development: Paradigms and Policies POLSC3301 Comparative Politics of Developing States POLSC3303 Street Democracy POLSC3403 Human Issues in International Relations POLSC3405 Negotiating Peace POLSC3407 People and Politics of the Middle East SOC2205 War and Peace SOC3115 The Sociology of Globalization SOC3201 Worlds in Motion: The Causes and Consequences of Migration SOC3205 Crimes Against Humanity THRS3133 Social Justice and Religious Traditions (RI) (SJ) THRS3203 World Religions in Conflict and Dialogue (RCT) (RICT) (DM)

*Travel Course

Area/Regional It is recommended, but not required that students take two courses in the same region: Europe

ENGL2106 Irish Identities: Literature and Culture (AI-L) (LI) ENGL2417 Literature of the Black Atlantic (AI-L) (LI) (DM) HIST3119 The Individual and Society in European History HIST3404 East Asia Migration and Diaspora in Global Perspective (SJ) LANG2215 Paris: City Lights and its Contrasting Modern French Literature and Culture* (AI-L) (LI) LANG2315 Today’s Italy: A Journey through Literature, Cinema and Everyday Life* (AI-L) LANG2418 The Art of Spain LANG2605 Spain: A Cultural Approach (AI-L) (LI)

LANG3427 Contemporary Spanish American Women Novelists (AI-L)

POLSC2302 European Politics: From Transition to Integration

POLSC2415 In the Footsteps of Thucydides*

POLSC2417 Statecraft and Globalization*

POLSC2419 The Geopolitics of Democracy* Latin America

LANG2105 Contemporary Latin American Fiction (AI-L) ENGL2417 Literature of the Black Atlantic (AI-L) (LI) (DM) LANG3421 Spanish Caribbean Literature (AI-L) HIST2125 History of Modern Latin America (H) (HI) HIST3121 Surviving Columbus: 500 Years of Indigenous History (DM) HIST3225 Utopias, Dystopias and Revolution in Latin American History LANG3411 Latin American Literary Giants (AI-L) POLSC2301 Politics of Race and Ethnicity in Latin America and Caribbean* THRS2213 Liberation Theology (RCT)


HIST1111 An Introduction to East Asian History (H) (HI) (DM) HIST2126 History of Japan Since 1600 (H) (DM) HIST2401 Modern China: Continuity and Change (H) (DM) HIST3404 East Asia Migration and Diaspora in Global Perspective (SJ)

PHYS2410/ IDS2410 Sustainability Science (SI-L) THRS2154 India: Religion, Culture, Justice* (R) (RI) (DM) THRS2202 Hinduism (R) (RI) (DM) THRS2212 Buddhism: Beliefs and Practice (R) Middle East

HIST2140 History of Modern Middle East (H)

LANG2664 The Arab World through Its Literature (AI-L)

POLSC2411 The Contemporary Middle East: Challenges and Promise

POLSC3405 Negotiating Peace

POLSC3407 People and Politics of the Middle East

THRS2211 Islam (R) (RI) Africa

HIST1107 African History: Themes (H) (HI) THRS2305 South Africa: Ethics, Religion and Global Health* (RCT)

*Travel Course


College-wide criteria specify completion of a research project and a 3.5 minimum GPA in the major. International Studies majors must complete a substantive project (with approval from the faculty supervisor) in the capstone course and present during Senior Distinction Day. Arts and Sciences Programs of Study for

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