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COMM1502 Introduction to Communication and Media Studies

Social Analysis (SA) Social Science (SS)


This survey course provides students with an introductory working knowledge of theory in the field. Through the evaluation and application of primary texts in interpretive, rhetorical, and critical theories of media and communication, students will develop skills in critical analysis, reading, and writing in the discipline. Fall and spring semesters. 4 credits

COMM2501 Journalism Taught by a professional journalist, this course introduces the roles, responsibilities, and habits of print and online journalists in order to consider the place of journalism in an age of increased technology and media influence. Students receive practice in selected assignments typical of contemporary journalistic writing and research, such as beat reporting, investigative journalism and interviewing, with opportunities to revise their work for possible publication in the College’s student publications. Fall semester. 4 credits Prerequisite: ENGL1103

COMM2510 Professional Communication This class provides students with an introduction to the theory and practice of professional communication. Course assignments and activities focus on interpersonal communication modes, including public speaking, interviewing, writing, presentations, digital communication, and social media. Students will gain confidence in their ability to communicate with different audiences and to target and convey messaging effectively. Fall semester. 4 credits COMM2515 Research Methods for Communication and Media This class provides an introduction to the critical/cultural analysis of media. Its main goal is to equip you with the necessary theoretical and methodological tools that will enable you to conduct your own research project. We will explore the basics of critical/ cultural media studies, use an analytic approach to formulate a research project, survey a variety of textual and audiencebased qualitative methods, collect and analyze data, and use existing theory and research to make sense of our findings. You will produce your own original research incorporating methods of textual and audience analysis. Spring semester. 4 credits Prerequisite: ENGL1502/COMM1502

COMM2521 Public Relations and Persuasion

Literary Inquiry (LI)

This is an introductory course exploring the field of public relations and the practices of persuasive and strategic communication. During the semester we will address basic definitions and principles of public relations, the field’s historical and theoretical underpinnings, and the inherent ethical dilemmas of the field. We will also explore the process of working in public relations, identifying and working with key publics, and executing public relations writing. Finally, we will investigate the various career opportunities available in public relations. Fall semester. 4 credits Prerequisite: ENGL1502/COMM1502 or instructor permission

COMM2523 Advertising and Culture

Visual & Creative Inquiry (VCI)

This course provides an overview of the broad field of advertising including concepts, strategies, and tactics. Students will learn about the role of advertising in the American economy and the procedures involved

in planning advertising campaigns, with special attention to social and ethical topics in advertising. Throughout the semester, a strong emphasis will be placed on the ability to think critically and creatively, and to present the ideas convincingly using oratorical and technical tools and techniques. Spring semester. 4 credits Prerequisite: ENGL1502/COMM1502 or instructor permission.

COMM2525 Sport Communication This course introduces students to the field of sport communication, a growing area and industry that utilizes the skills of journalism, public relations, and other areas of strategic communication. With communication theory, sport literature, and case studies, this course introduces students to the many ways in which individuals, media outlets, and sport organizations work to create, disseminate, and manage messages to their constituents. In addition, this course will cover the cultural and ethical issues that are present in sport. As such, issues of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality will be explored, as well as issues related to the law and politics. Spring semester. 4 credits Prerequisite: ENGL1502/COMM1502 or instructor permission.

COMM3311 Ethics in Documentary Film What are the ethical concerns that filmmakers face? How do we as viewers respond to these questions? This practicebased course explores these questions through engagement with popular and academic literature in the field and through screening and discussion of contemporary documentaries that consider the ethical questions of our day. Coursework consists primarily of team-directed filmmaking projects, where students conceptualize, shoot, and edit mini-documentaries while exploring the intersection of theory and practice and developing technical skills. Fall semester, even years. 4 credits. Prerequisites: ENGL1205, ENGL1502/ COMM1502 or instructor permission.

COMM3501 Multimedia Storytelling Writers who can write effectively for electronic media will be tomorrow’s success stories. News organizations, publishers, and commercial businesses are seeking writers steeped in new media, especially those who can write for the web. In this project-based course, students will master writing for podcasts, audio slideshows and videos. In addition, they will sharpen their journalistic skills (through regular blogging, for example), and build a professional portfolio that will assist them in finding work in the media business. Spring semester, odd years. 4 credits Prerequisites: ENGL1205 or ENGL1502/ COMM1502 or instructor permission.

COMM3701 Media Theory This course explores key theoretical models within the field of Communication and Media Studies. Topics vary by semester and include theoretical approaches to gender, sexuality, identity, media convergence, digital culture, audience studies and media industries. Coursework emphasizes a sustained examination of the historical, social, political, technological and economic factors that have shaped the diverse and interdisciplinary theories within Communications and Media Studies over the past century. Students then apply these theories to media text, past and present, in order to consider their validity and application. Assignments in this course emphasize the use of source material and research-based analysis. Spring semester. 4 credits Prerequisite: ENGL1205 or ENGL1502/ COMM1502 and one 2000-level English or Communication course or instructor permission.

COMM3708 Digital Culture & Social Media Promotion This course combines theoretical and hands-on approaches to the topic of digital media. This course considers, in theory and practice, the effects of “new media” on con¬temporary society. By evaluating current research on digital and social media, students will gain a clearer understanding of how the digital world has altered the ways we think, behave, and interact. Students in this course will also gain practical skills through the exploration of multiple new media technologies in order to learn how to use social media for marketing and promotion. Spring semester. 4 credits or instructor permission. Prerequisites: ENGL1502/COMM1502 and IDDS1000

COMM3801 Feature Writing Taught by a professional editor, this course focuses on learning to research, write, and edit feature-length articles for newsletters, newspapers, or magazines. The course explores topics such as research, project management, interviewing, article structure, editing for content and copy, as well as roles and responsibilities of writers and editors working in professional settings. Spring semester, even years. 4 credits Prerequisites: ENGL1205 or ENGL1502/ COMM1502; ENGL2501/COMM2501; or instructor permission.

COMM3806 Health Communication

Social Justice (SJ)

This course provides students with an overview of the health communication field. Students will explore multiple communication issues relevant to health organizations including written and oral communication, information processing, the social construction of health and illness, doctor-patient communication, and the relationship between professionals, patients, friends, families, and cultural institutions. The course will also explore the role media play in shaping our health attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors. Finally, students will explore the strategic planning process involved in developing health campaigns through the creation of a campaign. Fall semester, odd years. 4 credits Prerequisites: ENGL1205 or ENGL1502/ COMM1502 or junior standing.

COMM3991 Special Topics in Communication and Media Studies This course emphasizes the study and application of theoretical perspectives to literary and media texts, as well as advanced research and writing projects requiring secondary sources. The topic for the course will be determined by the instructor. Fall and spring semesters. 4 credits Prerequisites: ENGL1502/COMM1502 and senior status or instructor permission

COMM4998 Communication and Media Studies Senior Seminar This course serves as the capstone course for senior students in the Communication and Media Studies major. The senior seminar pulls together key theoretical perspectives in the field while providing students with an opportunity to explore, synthesize and apply those theories to specific issues, themes and hypotheses. This course also provides a historical context to recent and contemporary media events, linking these to scholarship and debates within the field and to past developments in content, technology, and research. Finally, the senior seminar reviews methodological practices, introduced in ENGL1502/ COMM1502, and provides students with the opportunity to apply these methods in their own original research projects. Fall and spring semesters. 4 credits Prerequisites: ENGL1502/COMM1502 and senior status or instructor permission

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