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International Studies

the meaning inherent within datasets. The goal of this course is to give students lifelong and lucrative skills in raw data retrieval, data cleaning, data analyses, and data visualization. Students will engage with datasets from a variety of fields and use computational, statistical, and visual methods to tell a story. Students will develop valuable technical skills focusing on programming, statistical inference, and clear communication. Additional professional skills will be developed in teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving. By the end of the class students will demonstrate a proficiency in various tools essential in the field of data science. Spring semester. 4 credits Prerequisite: MATH1118 or (MATH1117 and MATH0118) or MATH2113

IDDS2132 Practical Machine Learning This course provides an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning, and Machine Learning (ML). A survey of multiple AI techniques, focusing heavily on ML. Students will learn about the different concepts behind each technique, experiment with interactive demonstrations, assess them for equity and bias, and apply them in their assignments. Techniques may be updated as the fast-moving field of machine learning evolves. This course does not go into extreme depth on ML theory, instead focusing on how to use these techniques to solve problems. The goal of this course is for students to understand what Machine Learning is and is not, and have a “utility belt” of skills and conceptual understanding to allow them to identify a problem, choose an AI technique, and apply it effectively Spring semesters. 4 credits Prerequisite: IDDS1101


GLST4100 International Studies Senior Seminar This seminar is the senior capstone course which allows students to apply their analytical, writing and research skills to practical situations and to use them in the composition of a senior paper. Students will both participate in an internship and meet as a seminar class. As much as possible, the internship and required paper will be related. Each student will present his/her research in the seminar, and write a senior thesis. Spring semester. 4 credits Prerequisite: INT1001

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