We’re glad you’re here!

We’re glad you’re here!
We are excited that you will be joining us at Webb School of Knoxville this fall. Welcome! The information contained in this booklet will further introduce you to Webb School. It also offers key information to help our newest Spartans and their families get off to a great start.
For 65-plus years, Webb School of Knoxville has stood as a pillar of excellence in education. On the school’s opening day in 1955, Robert Webb, Webb School founder and first headmaster, told the school’s inaugural four students, “Your teachers will try to teach you to build strong bodies . . . train your intelligence . . . give you a strong sense of values so you will always know right from wrong. They will try very hard to teach you how to study, and last, but not least, they will try to teach you how to think.” All of us at Webb continue to embrace the spirit and values embedded in Mr. Webb’s charge as we strive to support our students in going farther and going further.
A s you begin your journey at Webb School, I recognize that change, while exciting, can also be challenging and worrisome. My family and I are feeling just that as we make our transition to Knoxville and to Webb. But as my family
11. Haslam Center
12. Central Building
15. Varsity Soccer Field
16. Morris Baseball Field
has already experienced, the Webb community is here to partner with you every step of the way, and that partnership will extend throughout the year as we build on our commitment to inspire and nurture the full potential of each individual Spartan. Please feel free to reach out to the school with questions, concerns, and ideas.
I am honored to join the Webb School community and extend my warmest welcome to you. And I look forward to meeting you and sharing with you what is in store for the 2023-2024 year.
KRISTI WOFFORD Head of the Lower School
LAUREN LEONARD Director of Curriculum & Instruction
JESSICA CARNATHAN Receptionist & Clubs Coordinator
JODI GRAHAM Office Assistant
ERIKA LETSINGER Learning Specialist
Please email any absence, early out, or late arrival to LS.attendance@webbschool.org
Please email tech@webbschool.org
Junior Spartans/ Pre-K
1st Grade Parent.1@webbschool.org
2nd Grade
3rd Grade Parent.3@webbschool.org
4th Grade Parent.4@webbschool.org
5th Grade
a.m.3:15 p.m.
Sunday, August 6: New Family Welcome to Webb Gathering
6:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 13: Lower School Parent Preview & Orientation
2:00 p.m.
Monday, August 14: Student Preview & Orientation Day for 2nd & 4th Grades (1st, 3rd, & 5th grades do not report)
Student Preview & Orientation Day for Pre-K & Kindergarten (½ of the class)
Schedule TBD
Tuesday, August 15: Student Preview & Orientation Day for 1st, 3rd, & 5th Grades (2nd & 4th grades do not report)
Student Preview & Orientation Day for Pre-K & Kindergarten (½ of the class)
Schedule TBD
Wednesday, August 16: First Day of School for All Students No late start
Friday, August 25: Parent/Teacher INTAKE Conference Day
Dates are subject to change. Please verify school calendar dates and times on the Parent Portal in Veracross.
JENNIFER PHILLIPS Head of the Middle School
Dean of Students
JUDY LEGG Office Manager
JENNIFER WEST Learning Specialist
Please email any absence, early out, or late arrival to MS.attendance@webbschool.org
Please email tech@webbschool.org
6th Grade Parent.6@webbschool.org
7th Grade Parent.7@webbschool.org
8th Grade Parent.8@webbschool.org
Sunday, August 6: New Family Welcome to Webb Gathering 6:00 p.m.
Friday, August 11: New 7th & 8th Grade Student Orientation
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Monday, August 14: 7th Grade Orientation
8:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
7th Grade Parent Orientation
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
7th Grade Back-to-School Class Party
8th Grade Orientation
12:30 p.m.-3:20 p.m.
8th Grade Parent Orientation
2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
8th Grade Back-to-School Class Party
Tuesday, August 15: 6th Grade Orientation
8:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
6th Grade Parent Orientation
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
6th Grade Back-to-School Class Party
Wednesday, August 16: First Day of School for All Students
No late start
Thursday, August 24: Middle School Back-to-School
Parent Night
6:00 p.m.
Friday, August 25: Parent/Advisor INTAKE Conference Day
Dates are subject to change. Please verify school calendar dates and times on the Parent Portal in Veracross.
MATT MACDONALD Head of the Upper School
Associate Dean of Student Life james.michel@webbschool.org
Assistant Dean of Student Life
Coordinator of Student Life stephanie.spurlock@webbschool.org
DOUG BRIGHT Registrar/Technology Coordinator
Learning Specialist/Counselor
Please email any absence, early out, or late arrival to US.attendance@webbschool.org
Need Tech Support?
Please email tech@webbschool.org
9th Grade Parent.9@webbschool.org
9th Grade Christy Widener christy.widener@webbschool.org
10th Grade Parent.10@webbschool.org
10th Grade
Christy Widener christy.widener@webbschool.org
11th Grade Parent.11@webbschool.org
11th Grade
Christy Widener christy.widener@webbschool.org
12th Grade
12th Grade Christy Widener christy.widener@webbschool.org g
school start & end times
MON TUES THURS FRI 8:20 a.m.3:35 p.m.
8:40 a.m.3:35 p.m.
Sunday, August 6: New Family Welcome to Webb Gathering 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 10: 9th Grade Parent Orientation 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Friday, August 11: New 10th - 12th Grade Student Orientation 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
9th Grade Student Orientation
- 4:00
Monday, August 14: 10th Grade Orientation
a.m. - 11:50 a.m. 11th Grade Orientation
Tuesday, August 15: 12th Grade Orientation 8:15 a.m. -11:50 a.m.
Wednesday, August 16: First Day of School for All Students No late start
Senior Breakfast
7:20 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
Wednesday, August 23: Upper School Back-to-School
Parent Night
6:30 p.m.
Friday, August 25: Parent/Advisor Conference Day
Dates are subject to change. Please verify school calendar dates and times on the Parent Portal in Veracross.
August 11 M andatory New Student & Grade 9 Orientation
August 14 M andatory Programs for Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 10, & Grade 11
August 15 M andatory Programs for Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 6, & Grade 12
August 16: First Full Day of School for ALL GRADES; No Late Start
SEPTEMBER September 4 L abor Day Holiday
September 25 Yom Kippur Holiday
OCTOBER October 9 -
October 13 All-School Fall Holiday
NOVEMBER November 6 Divisional Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day
All-Day Student Holiday
November 22 -
November 24 Thanksgiving Holiday
DECEMBER December 22 -
December 29 Holiday Break
JANUARY January 1 -
January 5 Holiday Break
January 15 M artin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday
FEBRUARY February 16 Founder’s Day Holiday
February 19 Presidents’ Day Holiday
February 20 Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day
All-Day Student Holiday
MARCH March 11 -
March 15 Spring Break
March 29 Good Friday Holiday
AUGUST August 25
Lower School Parent/Teacher INTAKE Conferences
All-Day Lower School Student Holiday
Middle School Parent/Advisor INTAKE Conferences
All-Day Middle School Student Holiday
Upper School Parent/Advisor Conferences
All-Day Upper School Student Holiday
NOVEMBER November 3 Middle School Parent/Advisor Conferences
All-Day Middle School Student Holiday
Upper School Parent/Teacher Conferences
All-Day Upper School Student Holiday
November 13
APRIL April 5
Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences
All-Day Lower School Student Holiday
Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences
All-Day Lower School Student Holiday
Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences
All-Day Middle School Student Holiday
Upper School Parent/Advisor Conferences
All-Day Upper School Student Holiday
Hours: 7:30 a.m.-8:45 a.m., 12:00 p.m.-3:45 p.m., M-F
Summer Hours: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., M-F
The campus bookstore is located in Webb’s Central Building, just past the Admissions lobby. School supplies, clothing items, and assorted novelty items are available. Students each have a charge account or parents may elect to use cash/card for purchases. Lower School students are not allowed to charge any items to their bookstore accounts without a parent present.
Bookstore Manager
Gently worn uniform items are donated and offered for sale in the Webb Wearhouse, which is located within the school bookstore. Donations may be dropped off with Brian Newell in the Webb Bookstore at any time.
Check out more information in Webb’s Lower, Middle, and Upper School handbooks.
Each Upper and Middle School student is assigned to an advisory led by a faculty or staff advisor who is an advocate for his/her advisees – providing guidance and concern – and serves as the main liaison between the s tudent or parent and school. In the Middle School, advisors and advisories change each year, while Upper School students generally retain the same advisor and group for their time in the high school.
ArtXtravaganza is Webb School’s annual art sale that features original artworks by nearly 70 acclaimed artists from across the Southeast and beyond. It offers affordable works for everyone – from fine art, handcrafted jewelry, and pottery, to glass art, sculptures, and metal art. A portion of all sales supports Webb School’s visual and performing arts programs.
An all-school gathering held during the first week of school to celebrate the new school year. Parents are invited to attend.
Uniform clothing can be purchased online from Lands’ End, Global Schoolwear, or My APlus Uniforms. My APlus Uniforms also has a brick-and-mortar location in Knoxville. To view dress code specifics, please refer to your child’s division handbook or visit the Resources page of your Parent Portal on Veracross.
Webb's Upper School House Council serves as the voice of the student body and works to create a positive school environment by hosting events, gathering student feedback, and keeping the student body in the know about school events. House Council is made up of gradelevel representatives from each of Webb’s six Houses and is led by a president, vice president, and secretary who are elected by the Upper School student body.
On most Wednesdays, the school day starts at a later time – 8:30 a.m. in the Lower School and 8:40 a.m. for the Middle and Upper Schools. These late starts allow our faculty and staff to do professional development, have all-school meetings, etc. Please refer to the calendar on the website to verify if a Wednesday is not a late start.
Each year, Webb School conducts an annual giving campaign to support the Webb Fund. It is the largest and most important fundraising endeavor on campus. Gifts to the Webb Fund support the school’s operating budget, helping to keep Webb’s curricula, extracurriculars, and athletics at an unmatched level in our community. All Spartan families are strongly encouraged to participate in the Webb Fund. Each contribution, regardless of size, enriches the Webb School experience for all students. Contributions to the Webb Fund are fully tax-deductible, subject to prevailing tax law.
Webb School has two full-time nurses, Tommi Goodwin and Lindsay Lewis. Any medication taken during the school day is required to be given by the school nurse. To contact either nurse, please call 865-291-3797 or email nurse@webbschool.org
WebbFest is a three-day, campus-wide, community celebration. The event culminates with a family-friendly, after-school carnival on the Middle School soccer field and performances by Upper School students at “Rock the Clock.” After the carnival, enjoy a BBQ dinner before heading to David Meske Stadium to cheer on our Spartan football team.
Middle and Upper School students can participate in our W.O.W. (Webb on the Web) Network, which broadcasts various sporting events. Live broadcasts as well as recordings on demand can be found at wow-network.org.
Find important information, such as the school handbook, dress code guidelines, supply lists, and important forms. You can also access recordings of PAC and Parent Education meetings under these tabs.
As a parent, you are given access to Webb’s Parent Portal, which is often referred to as Veracross. The username and password to log in to the Parent Portal are the same as what you used in the admissions process. If you need help with your Parent Portal username or password, please email Webb School’s technology staff at tech@webbschool.org. Below are descriptions for parts of the portal that you will find especially useful.
View itemized statements and make any needed payments.
Student health forms can be accessed here. Parents are required to update their child’s health forms each year prior to the start of school.
Change your contact information, address, etc.
View the weekly lunch menu.
Look up a student’s address, teacher’s email, etc. To set your display preferences, go to Update Family Profile.
Webb School’s driving and parking guidelines for student drop-off and pickup are MANDATORY from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 3:05 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Drivers must enter Webb’s campus through the designated entrances and exits.
The following are guidelines, to be followed both morning and afternoon, for student and parent drivers with students in only one division:
LOWER SCHOOL PARENTS: All parents dropping off and/or picking up Lower School students must enter the campus via Dutchtown Road and enter into the carpool lane for Lower School, adjacent to the Middle School soccer field. During morning drop-off only, parents may turn left or right to exit campus. No Lower Schooler can be picked up or dropped off anywhere other than in front of the Lower School.
MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS: All parents dropping off and/or picking up Middle School students must enter the campus via Mabry Hood Road, drop off and/or pick up in front of the Middle School, and return out Mabry Hood. Middle School students should NOT be dropped off or picked up behind the Middle School, Lee Athletic Center, or Central Building.
UPPER SCHOOL STUDENT DRIVERS: All Upper School student drivers must enter and exit the campus via Mabry Hood and park in their assigned spots in Lots G or H.
UPPER SCHOOL PARENTS: All parents dropping off and/or picking up Upper School students must enter the campus via Dutchtown, take the first right-hand turn to the Upper School drop-off/pick-up circle, and exit via Dutchtown. Upper School students should not be dropped off or picked up at the Science Center/ Central Building Lot B.
The following are guidelines, to be followed both morning and afternoon, for student and parent drivers with students in more than one division:
PARENTS WITH LOWER AND MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS: All parents dropping off and/or picking up Lower and Middle School students must enter the campus via Dutchtown and enter into the carpool lane for Lower School, adjacent to the Middle School soccer field. Middle Schoolers should walk up to the Middle School in the morning and down to the Lower School in the afternoon. Lower School students should be prepared to wait until their Middle School riders arrive at approximately 3:35 p.m. No Lower Schooler can be picked up or dropped off anywhere other than in front of the Lower School. No driver can enter the
Middle School carpool line and then travel to the Lower School line (or vice versa) without leaving the campus and entering via the correct access point.
PARENTS WITH MIDDLE AND UPPER SCHOOL STUDENTS: All parents dropping off and/or picking up Middle and Upper School students must enter the campus via Dutchtown, take the first right-hand turn to the Upper School drop-off/pick-up circle, and exit via Dutchtown. Middle Schoolers should walk down to the Middle School in the morning and up to the Upper School drop-off/ pick-up circle in the afternoon. That line will have the least number of cars and will move the quickest.
All parents dropping off and/or picking up Lower, Middle, and Upper School students must enter the campus via Dutchtown. Drop off/pick up Lower and Middle Schoolers first, using the guidelines for Lower and Middle School students, and then turn left toward Dutchtown to the Upper School drop-off/pick-up circle and exit via Dutchtown.
RIDERS: Upper School student drivers carrying Middle School students in the morning should enter Mabry Hood and either park in the Upper School lot and have the Middle Schooler walk down to the Middle School or have the Middle Schooler dropped off in front of the Middle School, and the Upper School student then parks the car following the Upper School student driver guidelines. In the afternoon, please have the Middle School student walk to the Upper School and meet the driver on the walkway west of the Upper School, adjacent to the parking lot. No Middle School student should be wandering around a parking lot unaccompanied during the busy afternoon “rush hour.”
RIDERS: Upper School student drivers carrying Lower School students should call Francesca Latham as soon as possible (865-291-3805). Special arrangements will be made to accommodate your unique situation.
VISITORS TO CAMPUS: Parents and visitors may park in unnumbered or visitor spots located in Lots A, B, C, D, E, F, and H.
Parents send a powerful message to their children when they get involved in their school community. Even as students grow older, they enjoy seeing their parents active in the life of the school. Webb’s commitment to providing a broad and deep menu of activities can only be achieved with the help of hundreds of volunteers. From supporting teachers in the classroom to organizing schoolwide events, our parents are superheroes!
Our Parent Advisory Committees (PAC) facilitate parental involvement at Webb School. There is a separate PAC for each division – Lower, Middle, and Upper. The PACs help with communications, social events, student activities, and educational programs. Within PAC, parents can volunteer to serve as officers, special committee chairs, advisory/room parents, Webb Fund leaders, and grade-level representatives. Below is a sampling of the numerous Webb events that depend on parent volunteers for their success.
Webb’s 2024 ArtXtravaganza art show and sale is scheduled for March 1-3, 2024. Parents can sign up to bring baked goods for our artists, help with setup, assist artists as they unload and set up their booths, hang and organize student art in the Lee Athletic Center wrestling room, greet guests and serve as artist relief throughout the show, help with tear-down, and more.
From helping with lunchtime games and raffle baskets to setting up decorations; from manning inflatables, midway games, or the food tent at the WebbFest carnival to donating to the Bake Sale or Cake Walk, there are plenty of ways for parents to get involved.
These PAC-sponsored lunches are hosted two to three times a year in each division to express parents’ appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the teachers and staff.
Webb Fund volunteers play a vital role in helping Webb School support its students and teachers, and serve as front-line ambassadors for Webb’s fundraising efforts. Volunteers share their reasons for giving to Webb with other families and educate parents about the impact their annual giving has on the school’s ability to operate, implement and sustain programs, and meet accreditation requirements. Webb Fund volunteers can also take part in Webb Fund kick-off events, thank-you celebrations, and fundraising phone/video-a-thons.
For more information on parent volunteer opportunities at Webb, email parent.vol@webbschool.org.
Community, connection, and kindness are deeply woven into the fabric of a Webb School education. Through cross-grade programs like the Lower School’s “FAMILIES” or Webb’s student/faculty/staff House system, students form bonds with peers, teachers, coaches, alumni, and the greater community.
In the Lower School, every student is placed in a “FAMILY,” consisting of one to two students from each grade level and a faculty/staff leader. Students remain in their FAMILIES during their entire time in the Lower School. FAMILIES meet throughout the school year to join in special activities, complete service projects, and grow together.
Webb’s House System enhances the school’s caring and supportive environment by providing students in grades 6-12 increased opportunities to lead, mentor, collaborate, and contribute. Strong bonds and connections are forged across grade levels and with faculty and staff. House members experience a heightened sense of belonging and school spirit through service activities and friendly House-based competitions/events.
Named after Julia Dossett Webb, wife of Webb School founder, Robert Webb. Bob and Julie Webb were married in 1949. Julie served on Webb School’s Board of Trustees for 29 years. Her legacy continues to be the treasured heart of the school.
Named after Stewart Henslee, who was a trusted friend of Webb School founder, Robert Webb, and his wife, Julie. The Henslee family generously donated the 58 acres of land in West Knoxville for Webb School to build its own campus.
Named after William “Bill” Pfeifer, who was the beloved president of Webb School from 1988 to 1995. He later served on the board of the East Tennessee Historical Society and was the Director of Special Projects at Colonial Williamsburg.
Named after the Haslam family. Three generations of Haslams have attended Webb School, and seven have served on Webb’s Board of Trustees. Also, 13 Haslam family members are Spartan alumni. The family has been a valued benefactor to the school over many years.
Named after Genevieve Hudson, a teacher at Webb and headmistress of the Webb School for girls from 1957 to 1968. When the girls’ and boys’ schools merged, she continued to teach and was a college counselor at Webb until her retirement in 1971.
Named after William Robert “Sawney” Webb, who was the grandfather of Robert Webb, founder of Webb School of Knoxville. Sawney founded the original Webb School in 1870, currently in Bell Buckle, Tennessee, and it was there that he established the Honor Code.
Along with some after-school care options, we offer a wide array of enrichment opportunities after regular school hours for students to both discover and cultivate new interests and talents.
The Lower School offers after-school care as an option for families who are unable to pick up their child(ren) immediately at the end of the school day. It is provided daily until 6:00 p.m. Aftercare is an additional cost beyond tuition. Your account will be billed in accordance with the payment plan you choose. The annual cost for Aftercare for the 2023-2024 school year is as follows:
• 5 days a week: $1,300
• 4 days a week: $1,150
• 3 days a week: $975
• 2 days a week: $800
The Middle School offers proctored supervision until 5:30 p.m., by which time all students must be picked up. There is no associated cost, nor is registration needed. Students must sign in and out with the proctor and must remain in the Middle School Library, Innovation Center, or outside within a prescribed boundary.
Drop-in Aftercare is also available at a rate of $18 per day. For more information about Lower School Aftercare, call 865-291-3867.
Lower School faculty or special instructors hired by the school lead our Lower School clubs. These activities are generally scheduled for 12-week periods and take place from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Registration for clubs will be sent home in your student’s Friday Folder in August.
Some Middle School clubs meet after school. Please refer to the clubs list on the Middle School Resources page of the Parent Portal to view the schedule.
Some Upper School clubs, such as robotics, may meet after school. Upper School performing groups may have after-school rehearsals/performances. A Clubs Fair will be held in the fall for Upper School students to learn about club offerings.
Webb School offers a wide variety of sports for Middle School and Upper School students to participate in. For Upper School students, many of our fall teams will practice during the summer, such as cross-country, football, and volleyball. Some Middle School teams may also have summer practices.
If you have any questions pertaining to athletics or summer schedules, please email Webb’s Athletics Office at athletics@webbschool.org.
Any student participating in a school sport must have a current physical on file to try out and/or practice. The physical form can be downloaded from the Sports & Health link on the Parent Portal in Veracross.
We invite you and your family to attend any Webb sporting contests on campus. Please use this pass for free admission to Spartan home