Middle School Academics
Grading The school year is divided into four (4) quarters of about nine (9) weeks each. At the end of each quarter, students and their parents will receive a grade report. During each quarter, teachers generally send comments regarding the nature of students’ progress. An extremely low grade or a pattern of poor work may result in a conference with the parents, either via phone or in person. Please contact your child’s teacher and advisor first for specific concerns regarding academic communication. Communicate with the Dean of Students or the Head of the Middle School as needed after addressing the concern with the teacher and advisor. Students will receive credit on the basis of their yearly average. In core academic classes, the yearly average must be a grade of C- or higher, with the exception of eighth grade math, in which the yearly average must be at least B- in order to advance to the next course in ninth grade.
HONOR ROLL & HIGH HONOR ROLL • Honors is defined as a marking period with grades > B. • High Honors is defined as a marking period with grades > A-. Sixth graders: First-quarter grades are exempt; calculation begins in the second quarter. Seventh & eighth graders: Calculation begins in the first quarter and continues until the end of the third quarter in the eighth grade. Students matriculating into the Middle School after sixth grade must be enrolled for at least three quarters in order to be eligible for Honor Roll and High Honor Roll. Awards are presented at the Middle School Honors Ceremony in late May.