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Standards of Student Conduct & Student Responsibility
Fundamental Standards
At the heart of the Standards of Student Conduct for Webb School is a respect for and a keen awareness of the spiritual, social, emotional, psychological, and intellectual needs of each student, as well as the many interests and needs of the community in which each student must function. Standards of conduct are intended to provide the good order indispensable for the serious pursuit of academic excellence and the high moral tone expected at Webb. These standards are intended to assist students in understanding and achieving the delicate and necessary balance between freedom and restraint. As such, observance of these standards by the students will place demands on each student’s self-control, growth toward maturity, and character development. Essential to each student’s growth at Webb are a positive attitude, a spirit of cooperation, a commitment to learning and developing one’s gifts and talents, and an ability to admit and learn from one’s mistakes.
In accepting membership in the Webb School community, students:
• Accept the Honor Code and pledge to act on it
• Choose to tell the truth, do their own work, treat others decently and fairly, and take responsibility for their actions
• Strive to live up to the ideals of integrity, goodness, justice, and charity
• Accept the importance of showing respect for the property of others and the school’s reputation
• Commit to the value of learning for its own sake
• Learn to appreciate the privileges they enjoy and the significance of the heritage and traditions of Webb School
• Show support for and follow the rules and responsibilities as set forth in the Upper School Handbook.
Webb expects that each student will comply with the discipline that fosters the common good, adhere to high intellectual and moral standards, act with honor, and accept responsibility for his or her actions. Our strength as a community lies with our ability to work together and help each other develop as caring, responsible, good human beings and scholars. Worthy and rewarding community life is achieved and sustained when all members of the community pursue the ideals of honor in their conduct, diligence in their work, and decency in their relationships.
Comments and/or actions, including on electronic platforms, that relate to race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, or gender expression, and aimed at another student that are objectively offensive, intentionally demeaning or degrading, or that cause a negative impact on a student's experience at Webb will not be tolerated.
Every student and employee should be treated with respect and dignity. Credible allegations of conduct in violation of this policy will result in an investigation at which time the facts and the circumstances surrounding the allegation will be reviewed. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action by the school. The consequences may include one or more of the following: a verbal warning, a written reprimand, training, detention, suspension, or expulsion.
No form of racist behavior will be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal or written expressions, including on all social media platforms, in music, or through imagery. Any student who violates this code may be subject to consequences, including suspension and expulsion.
The use of words or images to harass individuals or groups based on gender, gender expressions, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other aspect of identity is prohibited. Consequences of such action may result in suspension and expulsion.
Hazing & Sexual Harassment Policy
Webb School strictly prohibits (a) hazing, bullying, intimidation, or harassment generally (collectively, “hazing”) and (b) sexual harassment. These prohibited behaviors are uninvited, unwanted, and unwelcomed, and almost certainly create an environment that interferes with the overall learning process and makes the victim feel unsafe within our community.
a. Hazing is any conduct, whether intentional or reckless, physical or verbal (including, without limitation, communications made in person or online through any sort of electronic device or through any sort of digital or social media) that is objectively offensive and negatively impacts another person. This behavior can be based upon, but is not limited to, a person's race, gender, color, national origin, age, height, weight, marital status, disability, or social background. Specific examples of hazing may include: ganging up, goading stares, repeated name-calling, sexual references, destruction of personal property, hiding bookbags, invasion of personal spaces, jokes, tricks, pranks, or initiations. Mean-spirited acts toward others under the guise of “all in fun” will not be tolerated.
b. Sexual harassment is conduct more specifically directed at a person because of his/her sex or gender. It includes, but is not limited to, sexual advances or touching, requests for sexual acts or favors, inappropriate sexual remarks or humor, displaying sexually explicit material, or verbal or physical conduct of a harassing nature (including, without limitation, communications made in person or online through any sort of electronic device or through any sort of digital or social media). This inappropriate behavior can be between members of the same or opposite sex.
All students are encouraged to think before they speak or act and to put themselves in the other person’s place. If unsure as to whether the behavior is appropriate, one should simply not do it.
Any student who feels he/she has been subjected to or has witnessed hazing or sexual harassment is urged to report immediately to the Head of Upper School, a member of the Upper School administrative team, and/ or any faculty or staff member. Any student and any member of the Webb community (including, without limitation, administrators, faculty, staff, or volunteers) must report to the Head of Upper School any communications, including electronic communications, containing a credible threat to cause bodily injury or death.
Any such reports will be investigated as soon as possible and any offending person will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Webb does not tolerate retaliation of any kind for reporting an incident or reasonable suspicion of hazing or sexual harassment, including threats of harm, and any person who retaliates will also be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Personal Property
While the campus is very safe and personal property is generally secure, there have been occasional instances of theft in public spaces on campus. The problems have usually involved students bringing too much cash or expensive electronics to school and leaving them in the hall in gym bags or backpacks. Please help the community by following these guidelines:
• If you must carry cash, do not carry much. We recommend that students carry no more than $20. If you must carry cash, keep it in your pocket or in a locked locker, not in a backpack or gym bag.
• All personal items should be prominently and permanently labeled.
Webb reserves the right to search student automobiles, lockers, backpacks, and electronic devices (cell phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, etc.) for any unauthorized items or actions considered harmful to oneself or the school. A student’s refusal to cooperate is grounds for dismissal.
Firearms, explosives (or other incendiary devices), and knives of any kind (including pen knives), are prohibited. Due to their appearance and the potential for vandalism, paintball guns, airsoft guns, and other similar weapons are prohibited as well. This policy is in effect for the entire campus, including parking lots. Possession of a weapon on campus is a serious disciplinary offense that could lead to suspension or expulsion.
General Prohibitions
Webb prefers to minimize prohibitions. Instead, we believe that students will understand and abide by the spirit of the rules and regulations of the school. Still, students should be aware of the following list of prohibitions. These offenses may result in an appearance before school officials as well as a significant punishment.
• Any symbol, flag, or emblem which violates the spirit of school policy will not be allowed on campus.
• Personal appearance must be neat and conform to community standards at all times. The appropriate school official will arbitrate any questionable appearance.
• Secret organizations are considered undesirable at Webb School and are prohibited. Such organizations would only disrupt the community atmosphere of the school. Organizations sanctioned by Webb may not engage in initiations or activities that are judged to be demeaning, disruptive, or dangerous.
• Individual and/or group commercial/selling ventures are prohibited.
• Students may not contract significant debt with fellow students. They may not loan or borrow credit cards of any type.
• Students may not sell their personal property without their parents’ permission.
• Students must be responsible for securing their property.
• Students should not have significant amounts of cash in their possession.
• Gambling is prohibited.
• Profanity and vulgarities are not permitted.
• Skateboards, longboards, scooters, inline skates, and other similar methods of transportation are prohibited on campus.
• Students may not record audio or video, take, or use still photos of another person without explicit permission having been given by the individual person being recorded or photographed.