2 minute read
Technology Prohibitions
Technology offers vast opportunities for learning and communication but also numerous pitfalls of potential misuse. Below are some prohibitions regarding computer and technology use. Students should realize that this list is not exhaustive; they must use common sense and good judgment when using technology.
As with the general prohibitions described in this section, engaging in the following prohibitions will result in an appearance before the appropriate school administrator as well as significant punishment, including the possibility of expulsion depending on the nature of the infraction.
• Inappropriate use of social media is prohibited. Students must know that they are accountable for any words, pictures, or video they post to social media accounts or sites.
• Students may not post videos (without permission from a school administrator) that include inappropriate activity, content or language.
• Students may not attempt to bypass, remove, subvert, or avoid any of the security measures in place on Webb School's network.
• Students may not distribute information that could lead to the compromise of Webb’s computer system; they may not provide access to Webb’s network or computers to unauthorized users. Any person without a Webb user account is an unauthorized user.
• Students may not use programs that attempt to crash or otherwise damage computers or the network.
• Students may not attempt to access inappropriate material on the internet.
• Students may not possess, distribute, or view inappropriate material (e.g., racist, pornographic, etc.).
• Students may not install any software or other programs on Webb computers without the explicit permission of the technology staff.
• Students may not use another student’s account or permit another student to use their account.
Webb’s discipline system is not designed to be a long list of prohibitions, warnings, and punishments. Rather, it is designed to foster within students a sense of responsibility and respect for themselves and for those in the community around them.
Campus Behavior
Students are responsible for their behavior in the classroom and on campus; teachers are responsible for the total learning environment. Teachers establish and articulate ground rules within the classroom.
Building upon Webb’s mission and the fundamental standards, the goal for everyone’s behavior within the school community is to build positive relationships based on mutual respect, good manners, pride in oneself, and pride in the school.
Off-Campus Behavior
At times, inappropriate student behavior takes place away from campus and after school hours. When the behavior takes place at an off-campus, school-sponsored event, the school will respond with appropriate disciplinary action as outlined in the Handbook.
In other off-campus situations, the school will become involved only to the extent that the off-campus actions have repercussions that are felt at school. It is our goal to protect the overall health of our students and to preserve a suitable learning environment. If, in the school’s judgment, either is compromised by off-campus behavior, the school will become involved and will expect parents to partner with the administration in addressing the situation.
Lockers are school property. They may be inspected at any time by a school official. Students are responsible for the care and maintenance of the lockers they choose and will be charged for damages. Students cannot take or borrow items from other lockers without the owner’s permission. The unauthorized use of another person’s property will be subject to disciplinary action.
Students may NOT change lockers without permission from the Upper School Office. In general, the outside of students’ lockers should be clean and clear of all notices and advertising.
Lost & Found
Students should put their names in/on all property to facilitate the returning of lost articles when they are found. Found items should be brought directly to faculty members, who will see that they are deposited in the lost & found closet of the building in which the item was found. The school will determine lost & found closets at the beginning of the year. Lost & found closets are kept locked and may only be opened with a faculty member present. Unclaimed items will be donated to local charity.