Back to School Sale! Page 27 Biggest Sale Ever! Page 60 40-60% Off! Page 43 VOLUME 20 • NUMBER 36 A Family-Oriented Publication SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 CAMELK BACKIS PA Game Commission Page 40 GO!TOWEI Lou Hunsinger Jr. Page 50 IDEASHABITATFALL Jon PagePries54 septembermotorcyclememorialride – Page 6 End of Summer Sale *See store for details. Monday - Thursday: 9-5 Friday: 9-7 Saturday: 9-5 We’ve Got The Look That’s You! 2969 Eagle Valley Rd Mill Hall, PA www.smith-furn.com570-748-558717751SmithFurniture Mason Everlasting 12-Months 0% Interest Financing Free Professional In-Home Delivery SleepQueenFullTwin&Sofas 40-60% Of f Storewide!




the Editor… Never ForgetFounder James Webb 1944-2012Sr. Publisher/Sales James A. Webb jwebb@webbweekly.comJr.570-337-0755 Editor Steph webbnews@webbweekly.com570-337-0759Nordstrom Advertising Sales Staff: Alys Mingle amingle@webbweekly.com570-419-9826 Charlie Gizenski cgizenski@webbweekly.com570-419-3334 Classified Sales Jaimie Hoover Production/Graphic Design Wes webbads@webbweekly.comSones Production/Web Development Curt Musheno cmusheno@webbweekly.com280KaneSt.,Suite2SouthWilliamsport,PA17702PHONE:(570)326–WEBBFAX:(570)326–9383LarryAndrewsGeneralManager–Retired NordstromSteph Now Hiring All Positions! Many opportunities for growth. Flexible schedule with full and part-time availability. Apply today Grocercareers.comat: LIVEWWW. .COM . Dallas at Williamsport Friday, September 9th at 7pm Paul Bo & Rich Zalonis Are on the Call for this Great Pre-GameMatch-Upat6:45pm FRIDAYLIGHTSLIGHTSNIGHT CATCH ALL THE ACTION! KICKOFF2022 The TakeClimbMountaineerstheHilltoonWilliamsport West Branch Valley’s Game of the Week!

‘Tank’ Baird, Todd Winder and everyone from the 9/11 Memorial Coalition and the Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Company do everything possible to make the ride a safe experience while honoring all those who lost their lives as a result of the attacks. We thank them for everything they do.
It’s a trying time in the US today, so let’s all take a break on 9/11 and remember the military members and emergency service men and women who made the ultimate sacri ce in the name of helping and protecting others. Politics can wait. I promise, there will be plenty to argue about on Monday.Little League baseball may be Williamsport’s and Lycoming County’s calling card, we should also be so proud of what the 9/11 Memorial Ride has developed into over the ousandsyears.and thousands of bikes and riders come out every year to participate, making it the largest ride of its kind in the country. And that’s not even including the innumerable number of people who line the streets to watch the ride. To all the riders this year, please be safe. And thank you for joining this ride to remember. To those lining the streets and sidewalks, please be safe. And thank you for supporting the riders and remembering those who lost their lives on 9/11.
Lou has all the details on the ride, and the ride map on pages 6 & 7. Please remember to be patient during the ride. We know how this works. Tra c will be tied up. Take a look at the map and try to avoid those areas during the ride. If you do get caught in tra c, instead of being upset, take that time to remember why they are riding and appreciate the life you are living, because there are over 3,000 people who don’t have that privilege. Big areas to avoid are Southern Ave. in South Williamsport, and all of West and East ird St. Remember if you need to get across ird St. during the ride you need to be prepared for it take a while so get your errands done early or nd another way around. If you are able, please go out and support the ride. Even if you can’t ride, please get out and line the streets, wave a ag, and remember those whose lives were lost, those who were injured, and the families le behind. e memory of 9/11 sticks with us all. It reminds us that freedom isn’t free, and we should be thankful for all the men and women who are currently serving and have served our country.
Sometimes it feels like yesterday, and sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago. In reality, it’s been 21 years since the 9/11 attacks on the United States. It also marks the 21st annual 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride. It’s hard to believe that the small ride, with a few dozen riders has grown to the event that it is now.
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By Lou Hunsinger Jr. The roar of thousands of motorcycles helps provide a symbolic name to this year’s annual 9-11 Motorcycle Ride to Remember, which will take place on Sunday, September 11. On that day, the 9/11 Memorial Coalition and a cast of thousands will once again trek through 42 miles of Lycoming County to make good on a promise to “Never Forget.”This“rolling memorial” is dedicated to those who lost their lives that day and those killed in the war on terror. “Over the years, we have been told repeatedly how important this event is to the riders. The community has told us the same thing by way of attendance and patience with traffic control,” said Thomas ‘Tank’ Baird, president of the coalition. Starting as a small angry protest ride just four days after the attack, it has become more appropriately a memorial and an opportunity to honor veterans and first responders. “The PBS documentary ‘Remember-Honor-Ride’ about the organic growth of the event had an impressive Nielsen rating, and the crowds curbside and growing number of participating motorcycles all together tell me that America is still hurting, even after all these years,” said Chief Todd Winder of the Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Company. Casey Parker, the newest member of the coalition, while speaking about the ride, said, “The emotional response, signs, and flags along the route tend to restore your faith in America.” This year’s theme is “Let Freedom Roar,” a reference to the sound that thousands of American-made motorcycles make. The coalition will have t-shirts available with the logo and slogan. The ride participants, according to Baird, are moved and gratified by the overwhelming turnout of people viewing the ride and showing their support. He said several churches along the route have also chosen to ring their bells as the riders pass by, and this gives the ride both a solemn and perhaps a celebratory quality to the ride as these churches choose to remember but also show recognition and gratitude for what the ride is trying to demonstrate.Foodandvarious vendors will be at the fire department grounds before and after the ride. The band Pepper Street will play after the ride during a time of fellowship, which has become a tradition for the event. The 9-11 Memorial Ride starts and ends at Clinton Township Fire, Route 54, Montgomery. Gates open at 10 a.m., the memorial service starts at 2 p.m.,
21st Anniversary Motorcycle Ride to Remember the Victims of 9/11
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and the ride begins at 3 p.m. The ride is free, but donations are appreciated. The service is open to all riders and nonriders. Please consult the ride map at, but the ride route is as follows: the ride begins at the Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Company, along Route 54, just outside of Montgomery. It proceeds to Route 15 going north over the Montgomery Pike into South Williamsport, turning onto West Southern Avenue to Euclid Avenue in DuBoistown and then crosses the Abram Howard Memorial Bridge (the former Arch Street Bridge), into Williamsport along Arch Street to West Third Street, along West Third and East Third streets, through Williamsport, Loyalsock Township, and Montoursville and then along Lycoming Mall Drive, onto Route 220 North into Hughesville, turning onto Route 405 in Hughesville, and continuing through Muncy and Montgomery, turning right onto Route 54 and ending up back at the Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Company.

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Licensed Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Program
Currently has openings for new clients In the Milton Location For individuals seeking outpatient counseling, group counseling, And MAT/Suboxone services. Make a Referral Please Call: PATH – Milton (570) 246-5866

Harriet Joan Harman, 92, formerly of Muncy
~ Week of ~ August 26th - September 2nd UPDATED DAILY FULL OBITUARIES

Michael R. Lingg, Supervisor
Darwin M. Higley, 87, of Shunk
Terry L. Walter, 62, of Muncy
Alexander J. Stoddart, 77, of Lock Haven
Dorothy L. (Wright) Ott, 88, of S. Williamsport
Paul C. Eck, 83 of Williamsport
Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr. The Williamsport High School Millionaires, basking in the arc lights of their newly dedicated stadium, played to a 6-6 tie Saturday night with the perennial powerful Mountain Lions of Altoona. More than 7,000 fans delighted in the sky-high performance of the Cherry and White, who had not defeated an Altoona team in 13 years. A Millionaire drive was stalled early in the second half at the Altoona one, but Williamsport came back and dominated the third quarter, holding the ball for more than 10 minutes. Williamsport grounded out 140 yards in the period. Altoona managed only 12 on 8 plays. Williamsport’s touchdown drive began on the Altoona 47-yard line. Sam Washington showed some speed to the outside, gaining nine yards, but Larry Hostrander was the Millionaire workhorse in the march. He barreled three yards for a first down and then gained 18 more yards off tackle. Then he drove six yards to the Altoona five and carried the ball in three plays later from the one-yard stripe. Quarterback Bill Simons was shaken up on the play, and in the confusion, Altoona blocked the extra point. Altoona managed only one first down in the second half compared to eight for W.H.S.TheMillionaires grudging defense led by Jeff Eckert and Dave Praster, allowed only 33 yards in the second half. Altoona opened the scoring late in the first half when Vic Oberneder swept around right end for four yards. The scoring play capped an 89-yard drive which included an 18-yard run by Oberneder and an 18-yard pass from quarterback Jim Gehret. Then a smash by fullback Brad Benson gained 16 and set up Oberneder’s touchdown sweep.
Richard G. Shuman, 81, of Hughesville
Jean E. Curry, 86, formerly of Muncy
Hosted by: Knight- Confer Funeral Home Facilitated by: Christina M. Rogers, NCC Tradition of Since 1879 Memorial Ave • Williamsport, PA 17701 • 570-323-7717 E-mail:
John J. Cole, 77, of Jersey Shore
Gautiel Hernandez, 78, of Williamsport
John A. Decker, 80, of South Williamsport
George C. Lupold, 79, of Muncy
Katherine Irene Barnhart, 81, of Hughesville
570-326-9322Call8•WeeklyWebb•20227, 557 East Water Street · Hughesville, PA 17737 Phone: (570) 584 2981 Granite Memorials · Bronze Plaques and Memorials Veteran ’ s Memorials · Benches · Cemetery Lettering Memorial Cleaning and Restoration · Flower Vases Why Settle for an Ordinary Monument ? Let our team of experts design a custom monument that reflects your loved ones unique life At a price you can afford As we move through the various seasons of life, our journey of grief continues on with us. Join us for a FREE workshop to help navigate the ever-changing journey of grief. The sessions will include various topics, practical tips, group discussion & support. Sessions will be held at Knight-Confer Funeral Home 10 – 11:30 AM • Sept. 14, Sept. 21, Sept. 28, Oct. 12, Oct. 19, & Oct. 26 Attending all 6 sessions is encouraged Please RSVP by Sept. 7 • 570-323-7717 or Changing Seasons Grief Support Workshop With the changing seasons comes new beginnings.

Franklin A. Poust, Sr., 84, of Unityville
Anthony Frank Berninger, 66, of Williamsport
Fred L. Robbins, 88, of Muncy
SeptemberGrit10, 1972 Millionaires Tie Lions 6-6

Stephen M. Sleboda, 79 of Williamsport
Shirley A. Shaner, 94, of Montoursville F. Daniel Fry, 77, of Loyalsock Twp. Vera L. O’Brien, 91 Sara Elise Hasselman, 19, of Williamsport Anne M. (Leiphart) Ocker, 92, of Williamsport
Doug Doherty, 83 Larry K. Hepburn, age 79 of Eldred Township Judith (Veley) “Judy” Harter, 74, of Jersey Shore
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The mission of Sojourner Truth Ministries is to be a loving, spiritual, and inclusive Christian mission. It is a non-profit ministry based in Williamsport that focuses on making the world we live in a better place. With the aid of its tireless staff and volunteers, it organizes fundraisers and community-building events and offers food, clothing, and social services.According to its website, the goal of the ministry is to provide a place where God’s love may be experienced. Their doors are open to all as they minister to those that are broken — whether that brokenness is financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, or any other type. It seeks to be a place of safety and healing through the grace, healing, and mercy of Jesus Christ. The ministry began twenty years ago when a group of Methodist clergy and laity discussed a burden they felt for Williamsport. They had spent time walking the city and praying. During that time, one of the group members dreamed of a wheel with a central hub, with spokes radiating from it. That dream was realized in the form of Sojourner Truth Ministries, where each spoke was a church, and the ministry was at its center. It was envisioned that instead of each church in the region having its own small yet separate ministry, it would be more impactful and efficient to have one larger, centralized ministry. “Many of those we serve on a regular basis have multiple barriers to obtaining or sustaining employment. These are often who fall through the cracks for various reasons,” said Pastor Angelique LabadieHelps Those
Sojourner Truth
570-326-9322Call10•WeeklyWebb•20227, LUNCH is also available by reservation at STEP’s Centers for Healthy Aging following the classes. Call for more information, to register for the class, or to reserve your meal! TECH SAVVY SENIOR SESSIONS! Loyalsock Center for Healthy Aging 1607 Four Mile Drive, Williamsport Q. Do you have a smart phone, tablet, laptop, or camera? Do you want to learn how to use them or become more efficient using them? Bring your device and your questions and learn to use YOUR TECHNOLOGY during our TECH TRAINING for SENIORS SESSIONS.Q.A.A. Do you want to learn to use a laptop, but don’t have one? No problem - we have several laptops available to use during FRIDAYSclass! 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Registration is required, contact us today to sign up! CALL US 570-601-9590TODAY! Loyalsock Center 600 West 4th Street / 570-323-3360 Monday-Friday 8am-5:30pm • Saturday 8am-1pm • Closed Sunday COUPON COUPON LYCO-LUBE XXPRESS 600 West 4th St. • 570-323-3360 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 9/30/22 ONLY $36 STATE INSPECTION & EMISSIONS TESTING COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPONPARTS ON REPAIRS OVER $100 COUPON COUPON OIL CHANGE SPECIAL $ 3 / $ 5/ $ 7 $3 Off Conventional oil $5 Off High Mileage/Super Synthetic $7 Off Mobil One LYCO-LUBE XXPRESS NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FOR OIL CHANGE SPECIAL Performance measured in fluid oz. LYCO-LUBE XXPRESS 600 West 4th St. • 570-323-3360 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 9/30/22 $20 Off BRAKE SERVICE ON ORDERS OVER $200 600 West 4th St. • 570-323-3360 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 9/30/22 LYCO-LUBE XXPRESS 600 West 4th St. • 570-323-3360 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 9/30/22 10% Off

in Need See LIVING WELL on Page 12 Living Well… BellomoDave

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Pastor Labadie-Cihanowyz went on to say that people are going through difficult situations, which often lead to a need for meal assistance. Some come to Sojourner Truth regularly to share in a meal. Others come during a crisis or a season of unexpectedly being unable to provide for themselves or family members. Regardless of the situation, the ministry offers a warm greeting. It helps make various agency referrals and connects with each person who walks through the door. “We work to make connections and to show value to everyone, watching for ministry opportunities to show the love of Jesus, to encourage sobriety, and to walk alongside sojourners through hardships.”Sojourner Truth Ministries is located at 501 High Street in Williamsport and can be reached via phone at (570) 323-1797 or found online at
570-326-9322Call12•WeeklyWebb•20227, 560 Montgomery Pike • So. Williamsport • 570-326-2073 Sun 10-3 • Mon-Thu-Fri 10-8 • Tue-Wed-Sat 10-6 1189 N. Fourth St • Sunbury • 570-286-6414 1442 S. Main St • Mansfield • 570-662-3276 Sun 10-3 • Mon, Fri 10-8 Tue, Thu, Sat 10-6 • Closed Wed 13-15 E. Main St • Lock Haven • 570-748-7222 3000 Rte 405 • East Lewisburg • 570-523-6001 Closed Sun • Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Sat 10-6 Fri 10-8 PA111890 UP 55TO% OFF MSRP STOP BY AND SEE IT ALL! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! 17.6 Cu. Ft. Brushed Counter-DepthSteelFrenchDoorRefrigeratorFRFG1723AVREG.$1999 45% OFF! $10494522.6Cu.Ft.Counter-DepthFrenchDoorRefrigeratorwithDispenserGRFC2353AFREG.$3299 50% OFF! $16495025.6Cu.Ft.36”WideSidebySideRefrigeratorwithDispenserGRFC2652AFREG.$1749 40% OFF! $104940 FrontSteelStainless30”ControlInductionRangewithAirFryFGIH3047VFREG.$2099 55% OFF! $94455 TRUE CONVECTION 36” Electric Ceran Black Cooktop with SpaceWise® Expandable ElementFFEC3625UB | REG. $949 50% OFF! $47450 30” Electric Ceran Cooktop with 4 Cooking Elements & Hot Surface IndicatorFFEC3025UB | REG. $799 50% OFF! $39950

Cihanowyz, Executive Director of Sojourner Truth Ministries. “That extra boost of support has become a necessity for many, even people productively working. Things are very difficult right now.” Sojourner Truth Ministries is so much more than a local soup kitchen. Not only do they provide hearty lunches Monday-Saturday, but they frequently help people with very basic needs such as underclothing, fresh produce, and other foods to help stretch a budget. In addition, their spiritual support is a regular part of serving, with daily devotions and prayer offered but not required. “The ministry is honored to serve and meet people right where they are, following the example of Jesus Christ,” said Pastor LabadieCihanowyz. “We have been seeing the levels of need increasing, and this is reflected in our numbers. This summer, for example, we have served 1,000 more meals (2,401) per month than this time last year (1,413). To us, each meal represents a story and an opportunity for even a small impact to take some pressure off and to be a blessing.”
www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•13Call570-326-9322CHILL OUT! PA111890 560 Montgomery Pike • So. Williamsport • 570-326-2073 Sun 10-3 • Mon-Thu-Fri 10-8 • Tue-Wed-Sat 10-6 1189 N. Fourth St • Sunbury • 570-286-6414 1442 S. Main St • Mansfield • 570-662-3276 Sun 10-3 • Mon, Fri 10-8 Tue, Thu, Sat 10-6 • Closed Wed 13-15 E. Main St • Lock Haven • 570-748-7222 3000 Rte 405 • East Lewisburg • 570-523-6001 Closed Sun • Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Sat 10-6 Fri 10-8 Acropolis Heavy Duty FoamKINGCALIFORNIAEncasedREG.$2199MATTRESS $109950Performance™HybridSilverChillREG.$2799CALIFORNIAKINGMATTRESS$139950 Plymouth Pillowtop 1074 Quantum KINGCALIFORNIAREG.Coil$2199MATTRESS Cassatt$109950PillowtopLuxuryEstateLevel2FoamEncasedREG.$3299CALIFORNIAKINGMATTRESS$164950Encased KING KINGSilverMATTRESSChillMATTRESS Coil KING MATTRESS Level 2 Foam Encased KING MATTRESS 20 WARRANTY!WARRANTY!YEAR10YEAR 10 WARRANTY!WARRANTY!YEAR10YEAR523350CKSA3222CK PLYMOUTHPTCK527887CK 1/2 OFF THESE CALIFORNIA KING MATTRESSES! EXTRA FIRM LUXURY FIRM PILLOWTOPPILLOWTOP BED IN A BOX Polar Dream 14” Mattress with Gel Infused Memory & Super Soft FoamREG.$999 FULL ORMATTRESSQUEEN $799 LUXURY FIRM $Reg.KING$1199999SAVE $200! 2 SELL!TO 1 SELL!TO 1 SELL!TO 1 SELL!TO

CAUTION: Do Not Disagree with Old Lycoming Township Supervisors

e following is an excerpt from a letter posted by Joseph Hope, Old Lycoming Township Police Chief, Retired. “I was starting to believe that the regional concept was NOT good for Old Lycoming Township and its taxpayers from a safety and cost standpoint. I was open with the Board about my thoughts. I had plans to retire by the end of 2021 a er a 25-year career ( ve as Police Chief) with the Old Lycoming Township Police Department. In March of that year, that plan was cut short by the Board of Supervisors. I was requested to attend a sta meeting, with Chairman Sam Aungst, Supervisors Linda Mazzullo, Dave Shirn and Township Manager Matt Aikey. At that meeting, I was told that the Board was requesting I retire early, ‘by the end of the month’. Taken by surprise, I asked why, did I do something wrong? Chairman Aungst stated, “I HAD DONE NOTHING WRONG, WE (THE SUPERVISORS), JUST WANT TO PUSH THIS REGIONALIZATION THROUGH QUICKER”. It is my belief that voicing my concerns to the Board, over the direction of the regionalization process a er the study came out caused this reaction by the Board.” Why was Chief Hope forced into early retirement? You decide! Check legal notices in the Sun-Gazette for possible special township meetings regarding regionalization. PM.
Questions: Contact

County has very few big employers. The medical community (UPMC Hospi tal & Susquehanna Physician Services), the educational community (Pennsylvania College of Technology, Lycoming College, and the Williams port and Loyalsock School Districts), and another major employer that many do not recognize as such — Ly coming County government itself. The county employs 550 full-time and another hundred part-time employees. Its current budget is over $110 million, covering a vast array of operations, in cluding public safety, prison services, information services, human services, landfill and recycling, planning, com munity and economic development, conservation, and many more. The three county commissioners are what could be seen as the board of directors, but there has to be someone who is the chief executive officer over all the op erational areas, the CEO. To manage such a wide dispersal of people and services throughout the county takes a very special person. It turns out that Lycoming County has exactly that kind of man — Matthew A. McDermott. Seven years ago were challenging for the county as the natural gas boom had faded at the same time demands for government services were expanding. The position of Director of Adminis tration for Lycoming County opened up in 2014, and it is hard to imagine a better candidate than Matt McDermott. A retired decorated US Army battalion commander who served in Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan as well as at the Pentagon itself. Matt also holds two Masters degrees from Georgetown Uni versity in Social and Public Policy and Emergency and Disaster Management. Taking the helm for the county in January 2015, his areas of responsi
By Larry Stout Lycoming
County Hall Corner: Getting to Know the CEO – Matt McDermott
Paid for by Concerned Citizens for Old Lycoming Township.

bility for executing daily operations were vast. Besides the services listed above, he also had to deal with several employee unions, maintain and improve federal and state partnerships, coordinate with a myriad of authorities, boards, and committees — and do all this in conjunction with the overall direction of the threeman county commissioner board. During the years I have covered the county for Webb Weekly, many employees have shared their appreciation for Matt McDermott, often unsolicited. He not only provides a steady hand but it is also a helping hand. If there is a problem to fix or a concern that needs dealt with, Matt is there to deal with it. When Covid hit in the Spring of 2020, Matt McDermott was one of the very few county employees who showed up every day at the Executive Plaza Building, where the bulk of county operations are housed. His ‘boots on the ground’ approach was reassuring during a time of great uncertainty. Matt is also a man who can speak truth to power. He told me a story of a conference that he and some Lycoming County officials had with the US Army Corps of Engineers at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., for funding for the levee project. The Corps representative was throwing around some numbers explaining how daunting this project was. Matt interrupted him by telling him that he knew those figures were palm dust to the resources available to the Corps. When the representative asked how he would know this, Matt told him that he used to work three doors down and three rings in the Pentagon. He made his point, as the closer to the center of the Pentagon, the higher the authority. Matt’s experience is invaluable in many ways, but none more than encouraging the US Army Corps of Engineers to become a helpful partner in the ongoing levee repair project. Matt McDermott is a hybrid in that he is the ultimate manager, maintaining the systems and operations as well as they can be, but at the same time is a leader, one who is always looking to make improvements that benefits both the employees and the organizational structure. Peter Drucker, possibly the greatest management educator and author of the 20th century, famously said, “Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things.”

Lycoming County is fortunate to have one man in Matt McDermott, who does both at the same time.


COUNTY HALL GREENHOUSEMACKEYVILLE&PRODUCE 65570-726-7848MillStreet•MillHall,PA17751 Mon.-Wed. 8AM-5PM • Tue-Fri. 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM • Closed Sunday e Fall Harvest at Mackeyville 1000s of Hardy Mums Lots of Fall Decorations Over 10,000 Plants to Choose From! Mums - Asters - Celosia - Grasses And So Much More! Check Out Our Decorations!SelectionHUGEofFallSMALL POTTED MUMS 5 FOR $10 • Flippable Design for Durability and Multiple Firmness Options • Two Free Memory Foam Pillows WHAT’S THE BEST MATTRESS? Don’t Miss Out On this Great Deal! 716 Washington Blvd. Williamsport, PA CuppsMattressCenter Size MSRP Sale MSRPSale Twin $1,999 $299 Full $2,799 $399 Queen $3,099 $ 499 King $3,799 $599 (570) 326-6161

www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•17Call570-326-9322NEW PHONE NUMBER 570.601.9593 George C. Meck Center for Healthy Aging 50 Fitness Lane, Suite 2 (East Lycoming YMCA) | Muncy Call today!today!us About Us STEP Office of Aging, through its Centers for Healthy Aging, provides a variety of recreational, educational, and health related group activities to promote independent living. Centers are open daily Monday through Friday.

The Bookworm Sez
far this summer, you’ve read at least a dozen murder mysteries.Youlove a good whodunit more than anything, and that’s great: summertime is when you’ll find tons of detective novels and thrillermysteries for your vacationing pleasure. But aren’t you ready for something different? Check out these great real-life true-crime books, full of actual crimes and criminals... For something light and lively and perfect for the airport or car-ride, “The True Crime File,” compiled by Kim Daly (Workman, $15.95) absolutely fits. Let’s say you’ll be waiting for the kids to finish their ball game at the park. Excellent: the entries inside this book are of various lengths and they’re made to dive in and step out. Even better, you can easily finish one or two chapters if you want, or go on a longer journey with a killer beside you. Learn how America searches for its See BOOKWORM on Page 20
“The True Crime File,” compiled by Kim “Unmasked:$15.95c.2022,DalyWorkman400pagesMyLife Solving America’s Cold Cases” by Paul Holes and Robin Gaby c.2022,FisherCeladon Books S288$28.99pageso

570-326-9322Call18•WeeklyWebb•20227, Legendary Hot Sausage Sandwiches! Homemade Pierogies • Roast Beef Sandwiches French Fries • Hot Dogs • Meatball Sandwiches Famous Local Eder’s Ice Cream • Pizza Deliciously Famous Funnel Cake Plenty of Rides & Games for Kids & Adults! THUR. 9/8 & FRI. 9/9 6 to 9+ PM SAT. 9/10 ............................... 5 to 9+ PM NIGHTLY BINGO • 7:30 PM Plus... This ad compliments of Beiter’s ST. CARNIVALBONIFACE! HOME-STYLE DINNERS 4-7 PM • Adults $1200 • Children $600 THURSDAY–CHICKEN & BISCUIT FRIDAY –MEATLOAF or FISH SATURDAY–PORK & STUFFING Includes potatoes, vegetable, coleslaw, bread, beverage and homemade desserts! Available!Take-Outs Church Grounds 326 Washington Blvd. Because we’ve been caring for women and their families for more than 110 years. With the region’s largest network of ob-gyn experts, UPMC Magee-Womens provides comprehensive care for women of all ages. And with many locations close to home in central Pa., women can easily find the routine or specialized care they need when they need it. To learn more, visit WHY WOMENS?MAGEE4814_upmc_magee_ncpa_why_magee_print_9.5x5.6255_a.indd 2 7/26/22 2:45 PM
By Terri Schlichenmeyer

2.Enroll during the General Enrollment Period – January 1st – March 31st.
Call the PA MEDI Helpline, Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM
Call the PA MEDI Helpline, Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM
How can you avoid a penalty?
1.Enroll during your Initial Enrollment Period – 3 months before you turn 65, your birthday month, and ends 3 months after you turn 65.
Insert AAA contact info in this space.
1.Enroll during your Initial Enrollment Period – 3 months before you turn 65, your birthday month, and ends 3 months after you turn 65.
3.Enroll in a Part D plan as soon as you become eligible, even if you don’t take prescriptions now.
1.Enroll during your Initial Enrollment Period – 3 months before you turn 65, your birthday month, and ends 3 months after you turn 65. 2.Enroll during the General Enrollment Period – January 1st – March 31st. 3.Enroll in a Part D plan as soon as you become eligible, even if you don’t take prescriptions now.Office of Aging Call 570-323-3096Today!
2.Enroll during the General Enrollment Period – January 1st – March 31st.

Insert AAA contact info in this space.
Contact your Area Agency on Aging for more information or to speak to a PA-MEDI counselor
How can you avoid a penalty?
This project was supported, in part by grant number 90SAPG0059-03-00, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.
This project was supported, in part by grant number 90SAPG0059-03-00, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.
3.Enroll in a Part D plan as soon as you become eligible, even if you don’t take prescriptions now.

How can you avoid a penalty?
Insert AAA contact info in this space.
This project was supported, in part by grant number 90SAPG0059-03-00, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.
There are
Call the PA MEDI Helpline, Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM
There are
There are
1-800-783-7067 Call the PA MEDI Helpline, Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM Insert AAA contact info in this space. This project was supported, in part by grant number 90SAPG0059-03-00, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy. MedicareEnrollmentLatePenalties? There are don’tPENALTIESLATEfacecouldPartsenrolltimeframesspecifictoinMedicareB&DandyoupotentiallylifetimeENROLLMENTifyouenrollintime. How can you avoid a penalty? 1.Enroll during your Initial Enrollment Period – 3 months before you turn 65, your birthday month, and ends 3 months after you turn 65. 2.Enroll during the General Enrollment Period – January 1st – March 31st. 3.Enroll in a Part D plan as soon as you become eligible, even if you don’t take prescriptions now.
BOOKWORM GETPERENNIALSBUY21FREE! 752 Elimsport Rd, Montgomery (Just West of Route 15) Mon.-Fri. 8 am - 6:30 pm Sat. 8am -5pm • Closed Sun. *CASH-OR-CHECK ONLY BEILER GREENHOUSE 570-547-6119 BEAUTIFUL MUMS & PUMPKINS ARE HERE! Sunflower & Herb PotS ornamental GraSSeS, PePPerS & K ale chchEmIcALFREEhomEGRowNoNoURFARmEmIcALFREEhomEGRowNoNoURFARm LABOR DAY SALE SELEcT ANNUALS oN GREATSELEcTIoNoFSALESUccULENTS

Then read about survivors of crime, up-to-date-as-possible statistics, and get a few good recommendations for your next great read. This book is small enough to tuck into a pocket or backpack — and hang onto that thought. Get “The True Crime File” for yourself, and then remember it for stocking-stuffer time. When you read mysteries, you automatically become a crime-solver, don’t you? Because that’s something you love, you need to read “Unmasked: My Life Solving America’s Cold Cases” by Paul Holes with Robin Gaby Fisher (Celadon Books, $28.99). It’s by a guy who’s a real-life detective. But it didn’t come quickly for Holes. In 1994, Holes was a cold-case investigator and he promised himself that he’d find the Golden State Killer, who murdered at least 13 people. It took twenty-four years, but Holes did it, ultimately having a hand in capturing the until-then-elusive man who murdered. It wasn’t the beginning of Holes’ career, but the solving happened at just the right time: he became a wanted man in a good way, appearing on TV and in interviews. This is Holes’ story, from his early life to his amazing career solving the iciest of cold cases. Along the way, readers will learn about some of the crimes he’s solved (including the Jaycee Dugard case), how he does what he does, what a real-life detective has to know, and how he ensures that the awful things he sees don’t follow him home and keep him up at night. This is a mystery lover’s treat, catnip to a true crime reader, and fascinating for anyone who wants a thrilling memoir from a real-life crimesolver. If these true crime books don’t strike your fancy, be sure to ask your favorite bookseller or librarian for help finding more, or finding some good mystery novels to fill your time. They’ll know exactly what you need, books by the dozens.
missing kids and how Amber Alerts came to your phone and television. See how much you know about real crime around the country by taking a quiz. Read about cold cases, hot arson, dead bodies, and Mr. Rogers’ car, which was stolen by a couple of fans, obviously.

www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•21Call570-326-9322Out!’N Are you age 60+ & registered with STEP Office of Aging? Join us on a bus trip to: Mill Hall CommunityLoyalsock570.726.6378CenterCenter570.601.9590RenovoCenter570.923.2525ClintonCountyCenter570.858.5822 Jersey Shore RiverWalkLincoln570.601.9591CenterMeckCenter570.601.9593Center570.601.9573Center570.601.9592 Sign up begins Monday, Sept. 19! Participants must be age 60 or older & registered with STEP Office of Aging. Contact your nearest Center to sign up! Ticket money must be paid at time of sign-up. Ticket money is not refundable unless there is a replacement. Please indicate your pick-up location with payment. Tuesday, Oct. 25 STEP’N Out! Bus Trip Cost Per Person $60 GettysburgArea! Bus Pick-up/Drop-off Location Departs Returns Clinton County Community Center │ 5:00 AM │ 9:05 PM Avis Transit Station │ 5:15 AM │ 8:50 PM Lincoln Center for Healthy Aging │ 5:45 AM │ 8:25 PM Meck Center for Healthy Aging│ 6:15 AM │ 8:00 PM Trip Itinerary 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM Hollabaugh Brothers Farm •Tour the fruit farm by wagon •Listen to a fun educational talk • Learn how to make apple dumplings and take one home! 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM Dobbin House •Visit the oldest house in Gettysburg •Eat lunch! 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Gettysburg Heritage Center • Civil War information: movie, diorama, and museum! 4:15 - 5:00 PM Mr. Ed’s Elephant Museum & Candy Emporium •All kinds of candy!
When: Sunday, September 18th, noon to 4:00 p.m. Where: Lysock View Complex, 542 County Farm Rd., Montoursville. What:DinnerBurger basket. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: September 20, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport. What:DinnerCheesesteak. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: September 22, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
What:DinnerBurger basket. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: September 27, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
Master Gardener Program
ANNOUNCEMENTS Submit contributions in a formatWhere:When:What: to View more calendar listings at

What:Dinner Beer battered or broiled haddock dinner or meatloaf dinner. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: Friday, September 9, 2022, 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
Audubon Event What: Join Lycoming Audubon at Lime Bluff Recreation Area near Hughesville, for an easy walking event to learn about birds and butterflies. When: Saturday September 10, 2022, from 2:00-4:00 p.m., weather permitting. Where: Lime Bluff Recreation Area, Elm Dr, Hughesville. Directions from Williamsport: Take 180-E to Rte 405E (Hughesville), turn left at blue “Lime Bluff ” sign (Elm Dr), look for “Audubon Event” signs.

Audubon Event

What:DinnerCheesesteak. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: September 29, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
570-326-9322Call22•WeeklyWebb•20227, Community Calendar

What:DinnerBeer battered or broiled haddock dinner or pot roast dinner. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: Friday, September 30, 2022, 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.

What: Garden Tea (fee). Enjoy Master Gardeners Gardens with 3 stops along the way. Two homes will be shown as well as our Sensory Garden & Demonstration Gardens. Each stop will offer some “garden” shopping. Register or
What: Beer battered or broiled haddock dinner or ham dinner. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570327-0255 for take-out orders. When: Friday, September 16, 2022, 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.

What: Lycoming Audubon hawk watch at the Rt. 15 Scenic Overlook near S. Williamsport. We’ll be watching for migrating raptors, and enjoying the view! When: Saturday September 17, 2022, at 10:00 am, weather permitting. Where: Take Rt. 15 south out of S Williamsport. Due to divided road, go to the U-turn past the crest of the hill, & come back Rt. 15 N to scenic overlook on right.

Master Gardener Program

Fall Book Sale

Friends of Muncy Library Book Sale What: Book sale. When: September 13th, from 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Muncy Library, 108 S. Main St., Muncy.

What: Fall book sale. By the book or by the bag. Children’s, adult fiction, non-fiction, romance, mystery, large print books, videos, puzzles and music CDs. Donations of New and Used books, Puzzles & DVDs in good condition accepted during these hours too. When: Friday, Sept 9, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday, Sept 10, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Where: Montoursville W.B. Konkle Library on Broad Street.
Friends of Muncy Library Book Sale What: Book sale When: September 24th, from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Muncy Library, 108 S. Main St., Muncy. What:DinnerBeer battered or broiled haddock dinner or Black Diamond steak dinner. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: Friday, September 23, 2022, 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.

What:DinnerBurger basket. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: September 13, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
What:DinnerCheesesteak. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: September 15, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
What:DinnerCheesesteak. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: September 8, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
EVENTS...ANNOUNCEMENTS... OCTOBER14-1620-23TICKETSONSALESEP.12CTLSHOWS.COMTICKETS570.327.1777Adults$27Seniors$22Students$204 46 6 KANDER & EBBA MUSICAL BY BIENVENUEWILLKOMMENWELCOME PROBLEMS WITH YOUR EMPLOYER? RUDINSKI, ORSO AND LYNCH 339 Market Street • 570.321.8090 FREE CONSULTATION • Workers Compensation • Unjust Termination or Harassment • Pay or Insurance Issues Questions? Visit us at

Master Gardener Program What: What’s Growing on in the Garden. Join the Lycoming County Master Gardeners to see what pests, practices, and produce are in the Gardens and tips and tricks to get the most from your gardens. Bring a sample of mystery weeds, bugs or disease in your gardens to share! Meet in the Gardens, weather permitting. When: Saturday, September 10th, 10:00-11:00 a.m. Where: Lysock View Complex, 542 County Farm Rd., Montoursville.
What: Milkweed and Monarchs. Learn about this incredible insect’s life, its remarkable migration, & the plant larva eat! When: Thursday, September 22nd, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Where: Lysock View Complex, 542 County Farm Rd., Montoursville.
EVENTS What:DinnerBurger basket. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders. When: September 6, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.


What: Children, babies, adults & shoes donations. When: Thursday, September 8, 2022 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Where: Redeemer Lutheran Church - Curb Side, 1101 Washington Blvd., Williamsport.
Church Yard Sale
Classic Rock Revival What: Classic Rock Revival band. When: September 23, 2022, 8 p.m. Open to the public. No cover. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
ARTS and ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS G.C. and Company What: G. C. and Company band. Open to the public. No Cover. When: September 9, 2022, 8:00 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport. Book What:Signing Book signing by former Williamsport resident, Lee Y. Miao, on her debut novel, “Wei To Go!”
What: Huge, 2-day church yard sale. Food platters, bake sale & take-out chicken corn soup both days. Clothes, toys, books, housewares, holiday items & lots more! Rain or shine. When: Friday, September 9th from 3:00-7:00 p.m., and Saturday, September 10th from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Where: Oval United Methodist Church, 6796 S. Route 44 Highway, Jersey Shore. Church Service What: Sunday service. Sermon Title: When Your Life Falls Apart Jesus Is There. Various Texts. All are welcome to learn about God and the Christian life. When: Sunday Morning, September 11th. Service Time 10:15 a.m. Where: Garden View Baptist Church, 1600 Doris Ave., Williamsport. Daniel’s Closet What: Daniel’s Closet clothing giveaway. Safety guidelines observed. When: Saturday, September 24, 2022, from 8:30-11:00 a.m. Where: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1101 Washington Blvd., MEETINGSWilliamsport. Williamsport Garden Club What: Williamsport Garden Club monthly meeting. Program: “Cooking, Harvesting and Preserving Herbs.” Presented by: Sandy Murray - Herb Girls.

Post Home Association What: Home Association meeting. When: September 17, 2022, 11:00 a.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport. Post What:Meeting Post Meeting When: September 17, 2022, 10:00 a.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.

Clothing Donations
When: Saturday, September 10, 2022, from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Where: Otto Bookstore, 107 W. 4th Street, Williamsport. Maker’s Market What: Maker’s Market. Local vendors, food truck, live music, beer vendor, children’s event and pet friendly. Wine tastings and slushies. A tribute ceremony for Emergency Rescue Workers will be held at 1:00 p.m. When: Sunday, September 11, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Where: Up the Crick - Wine & Antiques, 5099 N. Route 44 Hwy. Jersey Shore, (Poust Taxidermy).

Our Lady of Lourdes Annual Parish Festival September 16 & 17 Children’s Games, Basket Raffle, Pumpkin Stand, Wine Wheel and Cake Wheel Friday Night 5:00-9:00 p.m. Beef Brisket Sandwich, Baked Beans, Pasta Salad - $10 Tickets available in the parish office. Alan Foust, singer & Acoustic guitar player – all styles of music Saturday Night 5:00-9:00 p.m. Polish Night: Authentic Homemade Pierogies, Stuffed Cabbage, Haluski, Dessert - $12 Lenny Weber, One Man, One guitar, One Good Time! Playing live interpretations of classic 70’s, 80’s & 90’s music Plus our regular delicious food – The BEST in town! Hot Sausage, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, French Fries, Walking Tacos, Funnel Cakes, Fresh Squeezed Lemonade, Ice Cream, Homemade Pies FUN FOR ALL AGES!! 100 Walnut St. www.ourladyoflourdesmontoursville.orgMontoursville * Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Basket Raffle in the Parish Hall 1:00SEPT.SATURDAY17TH pm -5:00 pm D oors o pen at n oon D uboistown Volunteer Fire C o . – s oCial H all 2661 Euclid Ave. • Duboistown, PA 17702 ADMISSION: $20 ALECHIA’S Unique HOUSE OF COUNTRY 1795 John Brady Drive • Muncy • (570) 546-7545 FIND YOUR FARMHOUSE FRESH AT ALECHIA’S! Fall Open House SEPT.SATURDAY,17TH,2022 WILLIAMSPORT 10:00AM - 5:00PM WE ARE WORTH THE TRIP! ARTS & EVENTS...ENTERTAINMENT

When: Thursday, September 8th, at 7:00 p.m. Where: First Church of Christ Disciples, 1250 Almond St., Williamsport.

Community Dinner What: Free community dinner. When: Thursday, September 8, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. until supply is gone. Where: Redeemer Church - Curb Side, 1101 Washington Blvd., Williamsport.

Iget so blown away by the folks who read my column — people I would have never imagined. I had two girls I graduated with from high school who were at the same wedding I was months ago. Both of them, separately, said to me how proud of me they were and have followed Andrea’s Country Home Cookin on social media while also reading my Webb column. Having two girls you went to high school with, that you haven’t seen in years, tell you that means so much. Thank you Sara and Jocelyn!Afewweeks ago, I noticed a new follower on my Andrea’s Country Home Cookin Instagram account. It keeps growing. Every day I notice new followers with the posts and reels I try to keep caught up on. But this name was a name I hadn’t thought about in such a long time. Do you do that? Hear a name you haven’t heard of in over a decade or more and think to yourself, ‘I haven’t thought about that person in so long!’ This kid I knew through, I believe, middle school and then into high school. I messaged him, saying, “How are you doing!?”Wejust got to talking, and I found out he lives in the same little town of Linden as me, and I have never seen him around. But my main question was, how did he know that Andrea’s Country Home Cookin was me to follow? Well, you know why? Because he told me he reads my stuff in the Webb! I was blown away. Someone who I hadn’t seen or talked two in two decades found me in the Webb. He was a sweet kid in high school, and we were friends with the same crowd. I didn’t realize it until now, but his name must have stuck with me since my son’s name is Tyler. Ha! Last week I took Tyler in to see his new school. I knew the secretary Pat from her working with my momma at Sheridan Elementary for years. Always such a sweet, sweet lady. She greeted us as we walked in and asked how my mom was. We got to talking for a few moments, and she told me that her husband enjoys reading my columns. That part always makes my day. The HUSBANDS! How cool to have men reading as well as women? There are guys at my husband’s work who also read, and Jim (who retired this year, and I am sure is still an avid reader) loved when I wrote stuff about my husband so he could tease him at work about whatever I wrote. Probably about his big muscles or something, knowing me! Jim’s daughter is Jocelyn, who I spoke about above and who
To You, My Readers. Andrea’s Home Cookin… See COOKIN on Page 26 McElroyAndrea 654 FARM MARKET 7613 ST. RT. 654 WILLIAMSPORT, PA 17702 • Fresh Produce • Cheeses, Meat & Produce • Spices & Seasonings • Canning Supplies - Lids & Rings • Canning Tomatoes • Peppers - Sweet or Hot • Apples • Pumpkins • Fresh Baked Goods Fri. & Sat. SEE US AT THE JERSEY SHORE FARM MARKET ON THURSDAYS MON.-FRI. 7:30AM-7PM • SAT. 7:30AM-5PM • CLOSED SUN. MEADOW EADOWVIEW GREENHOUSE LAWN FURNITURE SWINGS & GLIDERS AND MANY OTHERS SPECIAL ORDERS ARE NO PROBLEM Fall Is Planting Time! Lots of Perennials to choose from 100’s of beautiful fall Mums in many different colors! JERSEY SHORE FARM MAR KET OPEN EVERY THURSDAY! 8AM-3PM NAN’S DONUTS ATTHURSDAYEVERYTHE (570) 217-7653 Located just South bybyOnJerseyofShoreS.Rt.44AntesFortAntesFort 1308 S. RT. 44 JERSEY SHORE, PA INDOOR & OUTDOOR VENDOR SPACE AVAILABLE MORE VARIETIES NOW AVAILABLE @YourConvenience LOTTERY • TOBACCO • VAPE • GAMES OF SKILL CBD • DELTA 8 • GLASS • KRATOM “Play here...Win here...Get Paid Here” WE ARE HIRING at all 3 locations! Stop in and apply! Thank You to Everyone in the Southside Community for Your Continued Patronage and Support. We hope to eventually Move Forward with Our Enlarged Store, Complete with Pizza Subs & Six Packs ALWAYS FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED WE ARE EXCITED TO EXPAND & DIVERSIFY INTO MONTOURSVILLE AND LINDEN 1900 Riverside Dr., South Williamsport 452 Market St., Williamsport 170 N. Main St., Hughesville




COOKIN EXPERIENCE ~ 500 FINE SHOPS ~ ~ Open 7 Days a Week ~ STREET OF SHOPS RESTAURANT Located completely indoors in a restored Historic Woolen Mill. This indoor shopping village offers one of the most unique retail experiences in the East. Monday-Friday 10am-5pm Saturday & Sunday 9am-5pm RESTAURANT HOURS: DAILY 8AM-2:30PM • CLOSED TUESDAY 100 N. Water St., Lewisburg • www.streetofshops.net570.524.5765EATFOR$5.99 WeekdayBreakfastandLunchSpecials Located between Turbotville & McEwensville on Rt. 44 10380 State Route 44, Watsontown • 570-336-6232 FARMMONTOURMARKET HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 8AM - 5PM • CLOSED SUNDAY BROWNEGGSCANDY PRICE GOOD THRU 9/10 • PEACHES • GREEN BEANS • WATERMELON • CANDYBUYONIONSDIRECT FROM THE GROWER PUMPKINS &NOWGINGERCORTLANDMUMS!GALA,&GOLDAPPLESHERE!LOCAL GROWN • HOT & BANANASWEETPEPPERS • RED BEETS • COLORED BELL PEPPERS WE HAVE ALL YOUR CANNING SUPPLIES! JARS • LIDS • MRS. WAGES MIXES BARTLETT PEARS ARE HERE! ALL QUANTITIES BONELESS/SKINLESSAVAILABLECHICKEN THIGHS $1.89/LB . FOR 40 LB . CASE

I graduated with. My heart swells to know there are families out there who read. Another cool thing happened when my stepmom, Chrissie Perry, was at her church for a gathering. She texted me saying, “Hey honey, I gave one of the ladies in my church your address. She wants to write you. She reads your Webb Weeklies all the time. There was one in particular that you wrote about recently about how to get saved, and you just completely blew her mind. She was so overtaken by your article that she wanted to reach out to you. She didn’t realize you were my daughter until I was teasing her about if you cut a piece of cake, the calories don’t count as much. I said it’s like when my daughter wrote her Webb Weekly about cookies, and she said oh my goodness! Is that Andrea!? Then after that, it was all about you!” Ellen, thank you for reading! Just last week, I had over a handful of people tell me they read my column or tell me that their best friend, cousins, or neighbors read. I have so many more stories like this I wish I could share. Why am I telling you this? Because I find out that so many of you read and look forward to it. That it’s part of your weekly routine and puts a smile on your face or makes you feel good. As I have started to develop more of a relationship with my readers (I’m lookin’ at you, xo), I’ve shared way more beyond-the-food stories. Like little stories about my kids, husband, and family. Or funny stories about how I talk about my husband’s big muscles or something silly that happens during my day. Or serious columns about everyday challenges, the good Lord above, and even things that lay on my heart that I feel I need to write about. Sometimes I’m like, “Did I really just put that in the Webb?” What in the world?Butthat’s the thing. I’m real. What you read isn’t a fake me. I am the same person you are reading now as if you met me in person. I’m a fun, loving, crazy woman! I say what’s on my mind and don’t filter. I love it when people I know say, “I can literally hear you saying what you wrote!” I write as I talk. I am sure many of you get a sense of my personality just from reading. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am blessed. I have the most incredible readers and followers. I am personally thanking each one of you for taking the time out of your busy lives to read not only my column but this incredible paper we have locally. I have to take the time every now and then to thank you for your love and support. I hear the stories of how you read it with your morning coffee. I hear how your husband waits for the mailman to come so he can see what Andrea is up to this week. I hear how you never miss a week. I hear that I can make you smile on a bad day. I am humbled. Thank you. xoxo Cheesy Broccoli Casserole Ingredients: • 1 (10 oz) package of frozen chopped onion, chopped • 6 Tbsp. butter or margarine • 1 cup rice (uncooked) • 1 (10 oz) can cream of celery soup • 1/4 cup water • 1/2 cup milk • 1/2 cup cheez whiz Directions: Sauté onions in butter. Mix all ingredients together and place in 2-quart baking dish. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes.

www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•27Call570-326-9322508 Washington 570-322-8329WilliamsportBlvd. NEW HOURS Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Phone Your Orders in – 570-322-8329 Text Your Orders to – 272-230-3327 or Email – • Bone In Beef Short Ribs ................................... $10.49 lb. • Tender Sirloin Tip Cubes ................................. $7.49 lb. • Our Own Loose Sausage .......... $3.59 lb. OPENRibs MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-5 CLOSED SATURDAY & SUNDAY ORDERS CALLED IN BY 4PM & PREPAID CAN BE PICKED UP SAME DAY AT CANOPY BYSATURDAY6PMCLOSED&SUNDAY THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS Back to School Sale! 1307 Park Ave., Williamsport | makeartsupplies.com570-302-4441 Hours: Wed. & Thurs. 10-6 Fri. 10-7 • Sat. 12-7 • Sun. 12-5 On Canvas, Pens, Paper, Pencils, Markers, Scissors, & Art Bins On Sale Until September 23rd! Looking for FureverMEET WILLIS! “Whatchu talkin’ bout Willis” --Yes, meet six year old Willis who is a bit shy, but will warm up once he trusts. Willis found us at our old shelter and became a beloved LAPS cat. He would love to have a home of his own.” LAPS Needs Volunteers! Please go to our website and click, ‘How to Help’ and submit a Volunteer Application online! Contact LAPS at 570-327-8707 or 630 Wildwood Blvd., Williamsport

570-326-9322Call28•WeeklyWebb•20227, Pumpkins • Gourds • Straw Bales • Corn Stalks Purple Fountain Grass and So Much More! Open Monday - Saturday Closed Sunday 1723 Middle Road Jersey Shore, PA Open Dawn to Dusk! Choose from Over 10,000! Beautiful MUMS The year was 1972. It was the year of the great Agnes Flood, the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics; Richard Nixon would overwhelm George McGovern in an electoral landslide; Nixon went on state visits to both the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China that year. The new Williamsport High School opened in January, and on September 9, 1972, the Williamsport High School football team played its first game at its new stadium “on the hill.” I remember that inaugural game 50 years ago very well. It is hard to believe it was that long ago. I was an equipment manager for the football team, along with Larry Vaughan and Jack Coleman. It was quite a thrill to be a part of, even in a very small way — the opening of the brand, spanking new football stadium that had lights. The old West Third Street Stadium that the Millionaires moved out of following the 1971 season did not have lights, but it certainly had a lot of great memories attached to it. Some of the elements of the new stadium were still a work in progress. The new locker rooms that were to be located next to the stadium were not ready yet. A temporary, jerry-rigged facility was used near what I believe was the north end zone. Both teams would go back into the high school gym locker rooms, change, and get ready for the game. The temporary locker room was used at halftime. I know it took us a lot of work to load and unload equipment to take down to the stadium. The practice fields at the high school weren’t ready yet either, so the team did a lot of its practicing and preparation down at Roosevelt Junior High School. A preview for the public, the press, and parents of the team of the new stadium was held on Wednesday, September 6, 1972, three days before the opening game with Altoona.More than 1,500 people, including members of the Williamsport School Board, came out to see Coach Bill Ruddy and his coaching staff conduct a light workout under the lights to help acclimate the players to their new home. The same night, the newspaper had bold headlines about the massacre of Israeli athletes at the MunichEveryoneOlympics.was excited about showing off and seeing this brand-new facility. My fellow managers and I made sure everything was just so with regard to the players’ equipment and that there was a sufficient supply of game-quality balls for

Looking Back 50 Years To the First Game At the New Williamsport High School Football Stadium

Centers for Healthy Aging

Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might as well be called “medication in motion.”

“We had a lot of players that were somewhat light on both sides of the line but hustled a lot and had a good work ethic, like Bobby McCullough, just to name one,” Shivetts said. “We had a bruising fullback in Larry Hostrander. We had a good coaching staff, but unfortunately, the leadership at the top, head coach Bill Ruddy wasn’t the best. I think we could have had a better team with better leadership. That 1972 team was a much better team than our record indicated. We lost several tough games by small margins such as two or three points.” Unfortunately, that opening night tie with Altoona was the closest the ’72 Millionaires would come to victory as they lost all the rest of their games. I agree with Coach Shivetts; I remember that team as a great bunch of guys who had a lot of pride in their play. It was a frustrating season for these players who knew they were better than their record indicated. Still, they helped to inaugurate the new Williamsport High School Stadium in a memorable and tenaciousSeveralway.years ago, the Williamsport High School Stadium was renamed “STA Stadium” as a part of the naming rights craze that has been so lucrative for various public entities.
www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•29Call570-326-9322Now Accepting New Residents LEWISBURG & MONTOURSVILLE COMMUNITIES DEMENTIA CARE 570-935-0936

Clinton County Community Center Wednesdays │9:00 am - 10:00 am 124 East Walnut Street, Lock Haven 570-858-5822

at the following Centers for Healthy Aging: Loyalsock Center Mondays │9:00 am - 1:00 am 1607 Four Mile Drive, Williamsport 570-601-9590
Try Tai Chi!
Please call for more information or to register.
The 45 minute session has you flow through low-impact movements and slow-motion exercise.
Several years ago, the late Tom Shivetts, who was the quarterback and receivers’ coach of that Millionaire team, reminisced with me about that first game, and he recalled to me some of his memories of that historic night. “I remember thinking how different the new field would be from the old West Third Street Stadium,” Shivetts said. “The new stadium would be located in a natural bowl and would have lights. The whole atmosphere was going to be different, and we were going to have to get the players acclimated to playing their home games under the lights,” Shivetts told me. He remembers the team being one that had “good but undersized players” that were very dedicated to winning games.

The STEP Office of Aging and Centers for Healthy Aging are a part of STEP’s Independent Living Pathway to Success. Tai Chi Are you looking for exercise that is slow and gentle? That doesn’t leave you Thatbreathless?willincrease muscle strength, flexibility, balance, aerobic conditioning, and improve symptoms of arthritis?
the players to use in their workout. The players were very proud to be part of this historic occasion.
On game day, Saturday, September 9, there was even more anxious anticipation by all of us associated with the team. That night there was a very large crowd of more than 7,000 on hand, larger than many games at the old West Third Street Stadium. The game was a defensive struggle. There was a sense of pride and hope that finally, after 13 years, Williamsport would be able to defeat Altoona. Altoona scored the first touchdown, but then the Millionaires tied the score at 6-6 behind the tough running of bull-like fullback Larry Hostrander, who scored a touchdown late in the third quarter. Everyone felt a surge of euphoria with Hostrander’s touchdown. Unfortunately, the try for an extra point was blocked because of the confusion caused by an injury to quarterback Bill Simon. The Williamsport defense thwarted the rugged Altoona offense, yielding only one first down in the second half. Altoona had future New Giant standout lineman Brad Benson on its team that season. The game ended in a 6-6 tie.
Tai Chi begins the week of September 19

570-326-9322Call30•WeeklyWebb•20227, New PatieNts (NO FREEINSURANCE)EXAM aNd X-RAYS Exit 15 off I-180 (Rt. 220). Next to Woodlands Bank and across from Keystone Furniture 570-546-8888 • Extractions • Fillings • Root Canals • Crowns • Dentures • Veneers • Periodontics • Whitening • Nitrous Oxide Financing Options Available Same Day Dental Emergencies LYCOMING DENTAL ASSOCIATES Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 929 Lycoming Mall Drive, Pennsdale, PA. 17756 Most CompaniesInsuranceMajorAccepted. NOW GEISINGERACCEPTINGGOLD CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT Accepting New WIC Clients Now • Nutrition Education • Health Screenings and Referrals • Supplemental Foods • Breastfeeding Support and More PA WIC IS FUNDED BY THE USDA. THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER. 570-322-7656 • 570-748-1087 • LYCOMING COUNTY CLINTON COUNTY “A noble visitor” taken in our backyard. Still with velvet. ~Submitted by Alan W., of Jersey Shore. Have a photo to submit? Remember, you can submit pictures of anything from around the area! Email it along with your name, hometown & brief description to We Want to Feature Your Photo! Send it in Today! • •

September 19 Creamy pesto chicken over brown rice, garlic breadstick, mixedfreshvegetables,orange
September 20
Lighter Fare Ham salad with croissant, pickled beet salad, Mandarin oranges, autumn sugar cookie
Lighter Fare Bacon, lettuce, tomato on whole grain bread, pepper slaw, fresh apple, vanilla ice cream
September 13 Chili con carne, corn bread, four seasons veggie blend, sliced pears
Baked liver with onion gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and cauliflower, oatmeal apple sauce cake Lighter Fare Buffalo chicken wrap with leaf lettuce and blue Mandarincheese,oranges,babycarrots
September 15 Breaded fish macaronistewedsandwichsandwich,roll,tomatoes,andcheese,broccolisalad
September 14 Chicken ala king, sweet oatmealcreamedpotatoes,spinach,applesaucecake
Lighter Fare Minestrone soup, turkey and Swiss wrap with leaf lettuce, creamy coleslaw, sliced peaches
Lighter Fare Chicken cobb salad with crispy chicken and blue cheese dressing, pasta salad, fresh apple
Lighter Fare Fresh spinach with crispy chicken and bacon dressing, three bean salad, freshdinnerapple,roll
www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•31Call570-326-9322Let’s do Lunch! If you are 60 years of age or older, stretch your grocery monies by coming to dine with us! We offer a hot meal and “Lighter Fare” menu options. Come dine with friends or make some new ones! Reservations are required by 10 AM the day before the meal you choose. Transportation can also be arranged! Centers for Healthy Aging
Lighter Fare Chicken craisin salad with whole grain bread, tropical fruit salad, carrot & raisin salad
September 21 Breaded pork loin, cheesy creamyratatouille,penne,coleslaw
Texas hot dog with hot dog roll, cheesy cauliflower, molasses baked beans, creamy coleslaw
September 16 Italian Californiaalfredomeatballs,shells,veggieblend,watermelon
Fare Rueben sandwich with corned beef, saurkraut, and rye bread, creamybananacoleslaw, September 22 Italian meatballs with spaghetti & tomato sauce, Italian vegetables, three bean salad Lighter Fare Beef barley soup with Waldorf chicken salad withfreshcroissant,orange,pepperslaw September 23 BBQ pork rib with sandwich roll, molasses baked beans, broccoli and carrots, autumn sugar cookie Lighter Fare Greek salad with feta dressing and crispypastachicken,salad,freshapple Clinton CommunityCountyCenter 124 East Walnut Street Lock 570-858-5822Haven Jersey Shore Center 641 Cemetery Street Jersey 570-601-9591Shore Lincoln Center 2138 Lincoln 570-601-9573WilliamsportStreet Loyalsock Center 1607 Four Mile 570-601-9590WilliamsportDrive Meck Center 50 Fitness 570-601-9593MuncyLane Mill Hall Center 9 Peale Avenue Mill 570-726-6378Hall Renovo Area Center 415 Fourth Street South 570-923-2525Renovo RiverWalk Center 423 East Central Avenue South570-601-9592Williamsport Contact your nearest Center for Healthy Aging to make a reservation or for more information! For a full listing of activities held at each center,
570-326-9322Call32•WeeklyWebb•20227, | 800-582-7640 Visit us at 1935 East Third St, Unit 14, Loyal Plaza, Williamsport, PA Insured by NCUA *90 days deferred payment offer applies to new purchases and refinances of vehicles from other institutions. First Harvest refinances not included. Interest will continue to accrue from date of loan disbursement. To establish Membership, you must first open Statement Savings account with a minimum balance of $25.00. Must meet standard qualifications for approval. This offer requires a minimum 620 FICO credit score and maximum Loan-to-Value (LTV) of 110% based on JDPOWER auto valuation (Used Auto) or MSRP (New Auto). Maximum term 78 months; used car loans may have a shorter maximum term. Maximum vehicle age 10 years (new purchases) or 5 years (refinances). LTV calculation does not include any financed GAP or Extended Warranty. Loan must close by October 31st 2022 to be eligible for this offer. Offer may be withdrawn any time at the discretion of the credit union. PROMO CODE: AUTOQ422 90 DAYS | NO PAYMENTS Take a Payment Break Visit a local branch for details today. When you obtain a new or used auto loan at First Harvest, or refinance an existing car loan from another financial institution, you can defer your first payment for up to 90 days.* 553 East Third Street • Williamsport, PA 17701 570-323-3106 or 570-560-9290 FREE CONSULTATIONS! Create your style with us, your beauty is our duty. NOW OFFERING AMAZING DISCOUNT PRICES! • • • WE ARE LOCATED IN THE GEIGER COMMONS PLAZA ••• $50 Gift Card50 on purchase of $300 worth of Botox/Fillers/Botox/Fillers/ofPDOThreads Now offering amazing discount prices on Botox/Xeomin at $9.99 per unit, Micro needling at $150 per session, and Fillers like Juvederm Ultra XC $500 per syringe, Volbella XC $400 per syringe, Restylane-L $450 per syringe, Restylane Silk $450 per syringe. Huge discounts on laser hair removal full face $200, full legs $300, full back $300, Brazilian $200 using state of the art laser hair removal machine. We also offer PDO threads for lifting and collagen production at huge discounted prices. Quality care at extremely reasonable prices. All procedures are done by the physician himself. Call today to schedule at 570-323-3106 or text us at 570-560-9290. Check out our website at There is a $15 no show fee in case you do not cancel the appointment 24 hours in advance

www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•33Call570-326-9322September 14 | 1:00 PM Clinton County Community Center | 124570-858-5822EastWalnut Street, Lock Haven September 20 | 1:30 PM Lincoln Center | 570-601-9573 2138 Lincoln Street, Williamsport (STEP, Inc.) September 21 | 10:00 AM RiverWalk Center | 570-601-9592 423 East Central Ave., S. Williamsport September 22 | 12:30 PM Loyalsock Center | 570-601-9590 1607 Four Mile Drive, Williamsport September 27 | 12:30 PM Mill Hall Center | 570-726-6378 9 Peale Ave., Mill Hall (Mill Hall Fire Hall) September 28 | 12:00 PM Meck Center | 570-601-9593 50 Fitness Ln. Ste. 2, Muncy (East Lycoming YMCA) Make & TakeOffice of Aging Join us for ceramics in the month of August! All paints, brushes, and ready-to-paint bisque ceramic-ware are provided. Please join us, bring a friend - or make some new onesas you choose a ceramic piece to paint and take home! All the materials you need for this project are provided at no charge. Call your nearest Center for Healthy Aging for more information or to register.

570-326-9322Call34•WeeklyWebb•20227, 6064 Elimsport Road • Montgomery Located Approx. 1 Mile From Elimsport Monday - Friday 8:00 - 6 • Saturday 8:00 - 4:00 • Sunday Closed CASH OR CHECK ONLY -- CREDIT CARDS NOT ACCEPTED • Houseplants • Succulents • Gardening Supplies • Fertilizers • Grass Seed & Bulbs LOTS OF BLOOMING MUMS IN DIFFERENT INSIZES Pleasant Valley GreenhouFRIDAY, SEP. 9F TH SATURDAY, SEP. 10TH FREE 10OZ .F BBAG OF HOMEMADE POTATO CHIPS WITH $ 40 P URCHASE LOTS OF NOWDECORATIONSFALLINSTOCK 20% ANDPERENNIALSOFFSHRUBSTHRUSEPT. • Potting Soil • Bird Feed • Canned Goods • Homemade Potato Chips • Homemade Apple Dumplings

There’s nothing cuter than those first toothy grins, but cutting teeth is a tough business. When a baby is teething, parents often spend long days and nights trying to soothe their little one’sTeethingdiscomfort.affects babies differently; some may not be bothered at all, while others only have trouble with some teeth. Swollen, red gums are an obvious sign that teething is the culprit for your baby’s sudden unrest. Some other common symptoms you may not immediately associate with teething include unusual irritability, increased drooling, a lowgrade fever, flushed cheeks, rash, rubbing the face, pulling on the ear, chewing or gnawing on toys and loose bowel movements. Each stage of a baby’s development presents unique challenges. Since no two babies are the same, finding the perfect approach to ease your child’s experience can take trial andBeginerror.asmoother teething journey for your family with these ideas from Malina Malkani, doctor and nutritionist, on behalf of Plum Organics.

Six Simple Ways to Soothe a Teething Baby

Cold Teething Toys and Household Items When teething, babies often look for counterpressure that’s soothing on sore gums, which they can get by chomping down on a harder surface. Cool temperatures also help provide teething relief. Soothing options including silicone toothbrushes, silicone (gel-free) teething rings or toys, or even a clean silicone cooking utensil from the kitchen can be placed in the freezer. Offer the item to your baby for chewing and mouthing, or gently hold it to the gums to help ease the pain. Gum Massage Using a clean finger, gently massage your baby’s gums. The little bumps you may feel forming beneath the gumline are the tips of baby teeth making their way to the surface. Nutritious Ice Pops Offering cold foods or liquids is another way to provide chilled relief. Breast milk or formula ice pops can be soothing on teething gums. Silicone nipple pouches work well as ice pop molds for infants. For teething babies under 6 months, fill the molds with breast milk or formula, or for toddlers, try freezing nutritious purees. Freezing purees into teething ice pop molds offers babies two types of teething relief (counterpressure and cool temperature)

for additional TVs: Hopper $15/mo., Joey $7/mo., Super Joey $10/mo. America’s Top 120 WITH 2-YEAR TV PRICE GUARANTEE & LOCAL CHANNELS INCLUDED /mo.190 $CHANNELS6999 Sign up for DISH and get a prepaid card up to $300. ASK US HOW 300 New customers must qualify for DHA Plus or DHA Elite. Restrictions apply. Prepaid card courtesy of Hans CedarDale. With DISH and the Hopper Plus Easily access live and recorded TV, On Demand, and your favorite streaming apps together, including Netflix, Prime Video, YouTube and Peacock... all in one place! Netflix and Prime Video require membership. Bundle TV and wireless and save with Republic Wireless by DISH. Simple plans with unlimited talk, text and with prices starting at $29.99 per line for DISH customers. HERE’S SOMETHING NEW! with great deals from DISH and Hans CedarDale! Enjoy the colors of the new season Quality Air Mechanical CALL US FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL NEEDS • Air Conditioners • Gas Piping • Boilers • Furnaces • Heat Pumps • Plumbing • Ductless Systems • Water Heaters • Preventative Maintenance 76 Terminal Rd., Montoursville PA 17754 570-322-6500 Serving the Area Since 2002 24 Hour Emergency Service


while providing nutrients and exposure to new flavors. Some nutritious suggestions for purees to freeze include avocado or fruit blends like Plum Organics’ Stage 2 organic baby food pouches, which contain blends of pure fruit and veggies in flavors like Apple, Plum, Berry and Barley or Apple, Blackberry and Coconut Cream. Food Sticks For babies who are teething but have not yet had a tooth erupt, try handing over a cold, large, peeled, raw carrot. Refrigerated harder foods provide the cool temperatures and counterpressure babies often crave during bouts of teething, as well as exposure to new flavors and textures, but in a form that won’t break off into smaller pieces that would increase risk of choking.

All offers require credit qualification, 2-year commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees based on credit qualification. Fees apply

During bouts of teething, a baby’s lips, chin and cheeks can easily become raw and chapped from excess saliva and teethingrelated drool. Keep these areas as dry and protected as possible, especially when it’s cold out. It may help to apply a thin layer of ointment to further protect the skin. Pain Treatment After trying all other options, if baby still seems to be in teething-related pain, talk to your pediatrician about whether over-thecounter pain medications are an option, and if so, what dosage to use for your baby. Most experts do not recommend using numbing gels containing benzocaine, which are unsafe for infants and not likely to help with teething pain. (Family Features & Plum Organics, Photos courtesy of Getty Images)
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Offer for new and qualifying former customers only. Important Terms and conditions: Qualification: Advertised price requires credit qualification and 24-month commitment. Upfront activation and/or receiver upgrade fees may apply based on your credit qualification. Offer ends 11/16/22. 2-year commitment: Early termination fee of $20/mo. remaining applies if you cancel early. Included in 2-year price guarantee at $69.99 advertised price: America’s Top 120 programming package, local channels, HD service fees, and Hopper Duo Smart DVR for 1 TV. Included in 2-year price guarantee for additional cost: Programming package upgrades ($84.99 for AT120+, $94.99 for AT200, $104.99 for AT250), monthly fees for upgraded or additional receivers ($7 per additional TV, receivers with additional functionality may be $10-$15). NOT included in 2-year price guarantee or advertised price (and subject to change): Taxes & surcharges, add-on programming (including premium channels), DISH Protect, and transactional fees. Other: All packages, programming, features, and functionality and all prices and fees not included in price guarantee are subject to change without notice. After 6 months, if selected, you will be billed $10.99/mo. for DISH Protect Silver unless you call to cancel. After 2 years, then-current everyday prices for all services apply. For business customers, additional monthly fees may apply. Free standard professional installation only. Republic Wireless: AutoPay required. Taxes not included. Everything You Want members using over 20GB/mo of data and Everywhere You Go members using over 35GB/mo of data will have their speeds reduced. 5G service requires a 5G capable device. 5G not available in all areas. Mobile hotspot data usage counts toward monthly data allotment. You will only receive these wireless plan rates if you are a current DISH TV subscriber. If at any time you are not an active DISH TV subscriber, your wireless plan price will double. You will see this change on your next Republic Wireless by DISH monthly bill.

570-326-9322Call36•WeeklyWebb•20227, Offers expire 09/30/2022. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures may not represent actual units. Customer must qualify for ALL financing options with approved credit. All offers include all incentives and rebates. All illustrations on approved credit. Must finance with Chrysler Capital. Tax and license fees extra. This offer or any other offer cannot be combined. See dealer for complete details. 2022 Impact Advertising • 22KBM-NFC-WWK090722 WWW.FAIRFIELDCHRYSLERJEEPDODGE.COM 3360 ROUTE 405 HIGHWAY • MUNCY • (570) 546-5113 • FIND US ON: NEW! 2022 RAM 1500 BIG HORN Stk. #: J22130 • MSRP: $58,455 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. SAVE: $4,250 0% 48 MOS.FOROR$54,205ONLY:NOW NEW! 2022 GLADIATORJEEPWILLYS 4X4 Stk. #: J22253 • MSRP: $51,165 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. SAVE: $1,000 $50,165ONLY:NOW TRANSIT!IN NEW! 2022 JEEP COMPASS LATITUDE LUX 4X4 Stk. #: J22232 • MSRP: $36,565 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. SAVE: $1,000 $35,565ONLY:NOW TRANSIT!IN NEW! 2022 RAM 1500 CLASSIC TRADESMAN QUAD CAB Stk. #: J22259 • MSRP: $45,360 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. SAVE: $2,500 $42,860ONLY:NOW 0% 72 MOS.FOROR STOP IN & SEE THE KAISER BROTHERS AND SAVE THOUSANDS! THE ALL-NEW 2022 IS HERE! NEW! SERIESWAGONEER2022II4X4 Stk. #: J22183 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. 0% 72 MOS.FOR $3,500&INCENTIVESREBATES: $740 NOW:MSRP:DISCOUNT:DEALER$74,640$70,400 WITHOUT INCENTIVES AND REBATES OR

www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•37Call570-326-9322Offers expire 09/30/2022. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures may not represent actual units. Customer must qualify for ALL financing options with approved credit. All offers include all incentives and rebates. All illustrations on approved credit. Must finance with Chrysler Capital. Tax and license fees extra. This offer or any other offer cannot be combined. See dealer for complete details. 2022 Impact Advertising • 22KBM-UFC-WWK090722 FROM THE KAISER BROS.! EVEN MORE GREAT DEALS PRE-OWNED! 2021 JEEP GLADIATOR SPORT CREW CAB J2064 , 190 MI. , WAS: $52,989 SAVE: $4,089 NOW: $48,900 PRE-OWNED! 2018 DODGE DURANGO GT J2016 , 17,503 MI. , WAS: $56,798 SAVE: $3,898 NOW: $52,900 PRE-OWNED! 2019 RAM 1500 BIG HORN LONE STAR CREW CAB J2088 , 5,412 MI. , WAS: $54,798 SAVE: $809 NOW: $53,989 PRE-OWNED! 2021 JEEP WRANGLER 4XE SAHARA J2090 , 3,158 MI. , WAS: $60,798 SAVE: $3,898 ................................. NOW: $56,900 PRE-OWNED! 2020 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE SRT 4X4 J10243 , 6,289 MI. , WAS: $76,798 SAVE: $6,898 ........................ NOW: $69,900 PRE-OWNED! 2010 DODGE CHALLENGER J10187 , 1 MI. , WAS: $80,900 SAVE: $1,000 ............................................................ NOW: $79,900 SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$2,898 2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK Stk. #: J2081 • 43,408 Mi. Was: $32,798 $29,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,898 2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK Stk. #: J2080 • 52,625 Mi. Was: $34,798 $28,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$4,898 2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK 4X4 Stk. #: J10244 • 53,962 Mi. Was: $32,798 $27,900ONLY:NOWSAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,898 2019 JEEP CHEROKEE TRAILHAWK Stk. #: J2079 • 48,467 Mi. Was: $37,798 $31,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$8,898 2019 JEEP CHEROKEE TRAILHAWK 4X4 Stk. #: J2074 • 36,015 Mi. Was: $40,798 $31,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$1,761 2018 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED 4X4 Stk. #: 33,928J22136AMi. $34,989ONLY:NOWSAVE: PRE-OWNED!$4,898 2018 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Stk. #: J2071 • 23,937 Mi. Was: $44,798 $39,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,898 2019 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED Stk. #: J2062 • 31,877 Mi. Was: $44,798 $38,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,898 2020 DODGE CHARGER SXT SEDAN Stk. #: J2065 • 5,449 Mi. Was: $45,798 $39,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$2,239 2021 JEEP GLADIATOR RUBICON CREW CAB Stk. #: J2112 • 6,757 Mi. Was: $67,989 $65,750ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,000 2021 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED RUBICON 392 Stk. #: J10262 • 3,819 Mi. Was: $92,989 $87,989ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$7,898 2019 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE OVERLAND Stk. #: J2069 • 25,950 Mi. Was: $54,798 $46,900ONLY:NOW


Loyalsock School District

Cats have a special place in the hearts of millions of people. These wily rascals can be flirty, funny or even aloof. The personality of cats, coupled with their compact size, makes them ideal pets for homes of all sizes. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says approximately 1.3 million cats are adopted from animal shelters each year. However, of the cats entering shelters, only around 37 percent are ultimately adopted, according to the National Kitten Coalition. Individuals who adopt cats may want to take every step they can to make the relationship with a new companion animal work. That often means finding ways to help the cat feel comfortable by acclimating it to its new home. The length of time it will take to adjust to a new environment depends on the cat’s temperament. However, these tips can help. Pick a familiar item and bring it with you. Does the cat have a favorite toy, carrier or scratching post? Moving something into the home that has the animal’s smell may help him or her adjust more quickly. Select a room as a home base. Introducing the cat to the entire home and all of the people in it can be overwhelming. Rather, select a small room in the home, such as an office or laundry space, that the cat can call home for the time being. With the door closed, this small space can be comforting and let the cat learn the smells and sounds of the home before it ventures into other areas. Remember to visit often and provide plenty of love and affection as tolerated. Avoid lots of traffic. Now is not the time to host a house party. Remove stressors like large crowds, increased foot traffic and kids’ play dates. Loud sounds and sudden movements can put cats on edge. Don’t force the issue. The kitty will start to come around when he or she is ready. Don’t be compelled to pull the pet out from hiding under a bed or couch; let the cat set the pace. Keep kids away. Young children tend to be boisterous and jerky, which isn’t a good mix with a skittish cat. While the cat is acclimating, keep young children away. When they are introduced, do so in small intervals and supervise carefully so the cat does not get hurt and children are not accidentally scratched or bitten by a scared cat.
How to Acclimate an Adopted Cat To its New Home
Marshalek’s Fr uit Far Grower of Quality Fruits Locally Owned Locally Operated 1875 Quaker State Road • Montoursville • 570-433-0633 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00-5:00 • Saturday 9:00-3:00 • Sunday Closed AcceptedChecksFMNPBARTLETTPEACHESAPPLES PEARS Fruit Wines

www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•39Call570-326-9322LYCOMING COUNTY * WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP * 58 + TILLABLE ACRES * 14 + WOODED ACRES 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE * BUTCHER SHOP * OUTBUILDINGS * 2 PONDS * OUTDOOR BURNER * GENERAC GENERATOR OGMS INCLUDED * NO BUYER’S PREMIUM CHARGED CALL TODAY FOR YOUR PRIVATE SHOWING! (570)220-0255 / (570) 419-1550 / (570) 494-0170 ® REAL ESTATE AUCTIONAUCTION AU-003943-LAU-00087-L ROAN Inc. 3530 Lycoming Creek Rd. Cogan Station, PA 17728 THE ORIGINAL REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS SATURDAY,SEPT.24TH AUCTION TO BE HELD ON LOCATION @: 1305 PIKES PEAK ROAD, ALLENWOOD PA, 17810 (ELIMSPORT AREA) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH @ 12 NOON NOT TO BE CONFUSED OR AFFILIATED WITH: MICHAEL ROAN AKA ‘ROAN REAL ESTATE’SEE PHOTOS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ONLINE @ Four Generation Waltman Family Farm 74+ Acres in Elimsport The Most Advanced Technology In Hearing Aid Evaluation and Fitting CELEBRATE THE SOUNDS OF LIFE *RIBBIT!* *RIBBIT!* Jennifer Burget Owner Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialistwww.artisanhearing.com570-979-4248 FREE Hearing Evaluation adding quality to life every day Artisan Hearing Technologies, LLC 508-B W. Southern Ave. • South Williamsport, PA 17702 150 East Chestnut St. • Mifflinburg, PA 17844 EARLY PRODUCT RELEASE! Artisan is the only office you can get these hearing aids in Pennsylvania until August. Rechargeable cell phone compatible in the canal hearing aids. We are also selling Jabra over-the-counter hearing aids that require a hearing evaluation (included at no charge) to be sure that you’re hearing loss is not medically treatable. It’s the only over-the-counter hearing aid we would approve of. Rechargeable and cell phone compatible with Apple products only. Finally...everything you want in a hearing aid combined with all you love about earbuds. Ask us about Rechargeable Customs by ReSound!

Provide a quiet area. Perhaps that rst room or a cozy nook can be the cat’s quiet spot. According to cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy, cats need solitude and quiet time. A box or basket lined with so , washable bedding in a corner can serve as a place for a cat to retire to. Introduce existing pets slowly. Existing pets should be introduced gradually. Keep a dog con ned until the cat feels secure in the home. Two altered cats can become friends in the same home. However, older cats o en are more accepting of kittens than other adults. Keep this in mind when making Catsintroductions.arehappiest when they’ve had time to settle and get used to surroundings in their new home. Once the adoption takes place, give the cat plenty of time to become comfortable in its new environment.

Elk Cam Back for Another Season

570-326-9322Call40•WeeklyWebb•20227, PUBLIC SALE Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022 • Starting at 8:30am WASHINGTONVILLE DISTRICT BENEFIT AUCTION Location: 290 PPL Rd., Danville, PA. At school one mile north off Rt. 54 between Washingtonville and Turbotville. We will be receiving consignments Sept. 8th & 9 th. This sale will be limited to tools, sporting goods, crafts, shrubbery and nursery stock flowers, annuals and perennials. Tools consist of hand tools, shop tools and equipment, woodworking and metalworking tools, contractor’s tools & equipment. Sporting goods consist of hunting, fishing and trapping items. Black powder and air guns ONLY! Long rifles and hand guns cannot be accepted. Personnel have the right to reject any or all items. 8:30am - Tools Starting with used tools 9:30am - New Tools Lots of new Dewalt & Milwaukee tools. All from Keystone Air Power (over $25,000 worth). Fire extinguishers, new pressure washers and more! Finishing with leftover tools & equipment. 8:30am - Antiques Expecting a nice selection. Already consigned wash stand, wooden butter bowl, crocks, signs and lots more! You never know what you may find! 9:00am - Sporting Goods Lots of ammo, tree stands, backpacks, bows, wall hangers and more! 8:30am - Shrubbery and Flowers Expecting a nice selection. Already consigned loads of mums, planters, succulents. You name it! 8:30am - Crafts A nice selection of crafts. This is a partial listing...Many items Not listed Rates: Any consign checks $25 and under will be a donation. $26-$500, 20%. $501-$1,000, 15%. $1,001-$2,500, 12%. $2,501-$5,000, 10%. $5,001 and over, 8% AUCTIONZIP: 44398 1868 E. 3rd St • Williamsport, PA 570.326.1561 220 N. Jay St • Lock Haven, PA 570.893.4220 Follow us on Facebook We currently represent numerous qualified buyers looking for the right property. CALL US NOW IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING SELLING IN 2022! • Williamsport School District • 3 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 1,711 sq ft; .14 acres • Please$229,900contact Anne Macdonald (570)772-3593 or Nan Young (570)419-4015 for further information FEATURED LISTING! MLS# WB-95492 1045 Rural Ave., Williamsport • Sullivan County School District • 5 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 2,838 sq ft; 1 acre • Please$245,000contact Kassandra Moore (570)5066531 for further information. MLS# WB-94938 11959 Route 42, Muncy Valley • Muncy School District • 5 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 3,193 sq ft; 102.54 acres • Please$1,250,000contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95420 1351 Musser Lane, Muncy • Williamsport School District • 4 Bedrooms; 4 Bathrooms • 4,011 sq ft; .78 acres • Please$469,000contact Tony Nardi (570)220-4625 for further information. MLS# WB-95536 135 Grampian Blvd., Williamsport • Canton School District • 6 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 2,948 sq ft; .70 acres • Please$315,000contact Tony Nardi (570)220-4625 for further information. MLS# WB-95535 8304 PA-14, Trout Run • Loyalsock School District • .39 Acres • Access to public water, sewer, electricity and natural gas in premier development; The Ridge at Mill Creek. • $79,900 Please contact Jim Bennett (570)971-7070 for further information. MLS# WB-95543 Heim Hill Rd., Montoursville • Williamsport School District • 4 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 2,821 sq ft; 1.54 acres • Please$360,000contact Brenda Everett (570)441-1471 for further information. MLS# WB-95562 1619 Grimesville Rd., Williamsport • Williamsport School District • 3 Bedrooms; 1 Bathroom • 1,352 sq ft; .16 acres • Please$129,900contact Michael Richardson Jr. (570)419-0788 for further information. MLS# WB-95521 1121 Washington Blvd., Williamsport • Williamsport School District • 4 Bedrooms; 6 Bathrooms • 4,875 sq ft; 8.90 acres • Please$699,900contact Stephen Furey (570)220-4624 for further information. MLS# WB-95174 501 Upland Rd., Williamsport • East Lycoming School District • 3 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 1,152 sq ft; .60 acres • Please$199,900contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. 3876 US-220 Hughesville MLS# WB-95312 • Williamsport Area School District • Multi-Units • 3,071 sq ft; .14 acres • Please$167,900contact Cherry Lorson (570)419-2276 for further information. MLS# WB-94344 956-958 Memorial Ave., Williamsport NEW LISTING! • Williamsport School District • Multiple Units • 3,660 sq ft; .11 Acres • Please$199,900contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95152 944-946 Memorial Ave., Williamsport • Towanda School District • 5 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 2,530 sq ft; 2.34 acres • Please$150,000contact Tina Richlin (570)525-8702 for further information. MLS# WB-95615 7910 US-220, Towanda AGENTS OF THE WEEK ANNE570-419-4915570-772-3593MACDONALDNANYOUNG PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED UNDER CONTRACT Can’t wait for the September peak of Pennsylvania’s elk rut? Get a jumpstart now with the Game Commission’s Elk Cam. The Game Commission again has installed a camera on State Game Lands 311 in Elk County, in a field that typically is a hub of elk activity as the bugling season heats up. Video and sound from the camera are being livestreamed at, and viewers can expect not only to see elk, but turkeys, deer and other wildlife, as well. Elk, which in the coming weeks will ramp up activity – with bulls becoming more vocal and competing with one another for available cows – always seem to take center stage, however. And enjoying the show is just a few clicks away. “Elk are fascinating animals and the spectacle of their bugling season draws plenty of onlookers, sometimes from hundreds of miles away,” said Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans. “That same dynamic is what makes the Elk Cam so popular with viewers. And the Game Commission is proud to bring it back for yet another run.” The livestream, which is provided by HDOnTap and made possible with the help of the North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission, is the latest in a string of real-time wildlifewatching opportunities offered by the Game“HDOnTapCommission.isexcited to partner with the Pennsylvania Game Commission for another year of the live cam in elk country,” said Kate Alexander, Director of Marketing with HDOnTap. “Last year, over a million viewers tuned in for the many sights and sounds of activity on the field. It’s a thrill to see the wide range of Pennsylvania wildlife roaming in the field live 24/7. Elk activity is consistent, though unexpected appearances from black bears and coyotes add to the joy for viewers of this cam, it’s no wonder why the live elk cam is so popular year after year!” The stream can be accessed at the home page at by clicking on the Elk Cameras link provided in the “Popular Now” category. The agency’s elk webpage also contains information on Pennsylvania’s elk, where to view them, and contains a link to the Pennsylvania Great Outdoors website, which provides all sorts of handy information for anyone visiting elkEachcountry.September, thousands of visitors make their way to Pennsylvania’s elk country to experience for themselves the wonder of the bugling season. The Game Commission reminds visitors to the elk range to always be “Elk Smart.” Give elk space, never feed elk, don’t name elk and do your part to ensure the welfare of the herd. Enjoy your time in elk country and help keep Pennsylvania elk wild.

The PA Game Elk Cam is slated to run until the end of the bugling season, likely sometime in mid-October. The top time to see elk on camera is late in the afternoon.

www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•41Call570-326-9322YOUR #1 PAVING CONTRACTOR FOR OVER 50 YEARS! PAVING EXCAVATING SEALCOATING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 2715 McCoy Street • Williamsport, PA 17701 570-494-1385 CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.MMPAVING.COM NOW HIRING: TRUCK DRIVERS, FOREMEN, EQUIPMENT OPERATORS & LABORS FULL TIME • IRA • HEALTH INSURANCE – APPLY IN PERSON This Window World® franchise is independently owned and operated by WW GSV Inc. d/b/a Window World of GSV under license from Window World Inc. Fully licensed & insured. License No. PA105836 Previous sales are excluded and o ers cannot be combined. ♦All payments based at 5.99% APR for 84 months. Bank approval needed. Must qualify. Ask for details. No interest if paid in full within 60 months with regular monthly payments. Bank approval needed. Must qualify. Ask for details. 5297 Lycoming Mall Drive, Montoursville, PA 570-980-1111 • WINDOWS 10 AS LOW AS $99 PER MONTH♦ 2000 SERIES Lifetime Limited Warranty Guaranteed Lowest Pricing Many In-homeFreeProgramsFinancingAvailableNo-obligationQuotes INDUSTRY’S MOST ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOW 4000 series only. Ask for details. UP TO $300 OFF PER WINDOW 4000 series only. Ask for details. UP TO 60 MONTHS 0% INTEREST1OR LIFETIME WARRANTY - Jason Bottiger, Local Owner “Not only do we stand behind our windows... we stand on them!”®

Stick to a maintenance schedule: Maintaining your vehicle by getting routine oil changes, fluid checks and other simple maintenance helps a car or truck run properly, and that can help conserve fuel.These are just a few strategies drivers can employ to conserve fuel in the face of historically high gas prices.

Keep tires properly inflated: Poorly inflated tires can make a vehicle less efficient by causing more friction between tire and roadway. Check the PSI rating for the tires and inflate accordingly. Many modern vehicles automatically alert drivers when tires are low on air. Drive a consistent speed: When driving on the highway, switch to cruise control to maintain a consistent speed. Driving steady reduces drag, which in turn reduces fuel consumption.
Modern engines do not need to be warmed up for more than 30 to 60 seconds, even when the weather is cold. Driving will warm up the car faster than idling while parked, provided you drive moderately until the temperature gauge shows the car has reached the right temperature. AC or windows open? While it’s true that the air conditioning will drain fuel when in use, driving with the windows open makes the vehicle less aerodynamic by causing drag. Some experts recommended leaving the windows down during slower, city driving and using the AC for higher speeds on the highway.

How to Conserve Fuel

Gas prices have been historically high in 2022. According to the fuel price comparison site, as of June 2022, the least expensive state for regular gas was Georgia, at $4.43 a gallon. The most expensive was California, where drivers could expect to pay about $6.34 per gallon. During June, which marks the beginning of the summer travel season in many areas, fuel costs in most part of the United States averaged around $5 per gallon.With prices so high, many drivers have been looking for any way to save money at the pump. For those who have no option but to drive their vehicles, there are ways to reduce fuel consumption without resorting to walking or cycling. Lighten your load: How much weight is being carted around in a vehicle can directly affect the amount of gas it consumes. Remove any unnecessary items from the trunk or cargo area of a truck or SUV. Consider removing extra accessories, like roof racks or hitches.
Don’t idle: Turn off the engine if you will be idling for more than a minute. Idling for longer than that is merely wasting fuel.

Slowly accelerate: Resist the urge to “gun it” when coming off a stop light or stop sign, as rapid acceleration wastes gas. Press the accelerator pedal gently to increase speeds gradually and conserve fuel. Similarly, coast to a stop, rather than slamming on the brakes.

I’m guessing that some of you are put off and even offended by the stark options offered by Jesus. Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just letting you know what He said. What you do with it is up to you — and so are the consequences. If you want to follow Him, then here’s how: First, accept His call to follow. My friend, it won’t be easy, but it will be best. Jesus spoke of His call this way, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” Luke 9:23-24. Be cautious of anyone who tells you that following Jesus will guarantee wealth, health, and success in this world. The promises of God are eternal and last forever. So, instead of getting caught up in the rotting and rusting stuff of this broken world, set your heart in eternity, where God’s blessings will last forever. Remember, where your treasure is, that’s where your heart will also be. Second, be faithful in the little things. In Luke 16:10, Jesus says, “Whoever can be trusted with little can also be trusted with much.” For most of us, our entire lives will be filled with little things. We’ll never be famous or leave a lasting mark on history. No matter. God has already shown that He does His most powerful work in little places and through little people — just like you and me and Galilee. All He asks is that we be faithful in doing those little things to the very best of our ability. That’s what people do when they follow Jesus. If there’s something greater to be accomplished, God will bring it our way when the time is right. Until then, rejoice in the little things and do them well!

Third, start following today — regardless of the mistakes of the past. That’s the point Jesus was making to Peter in John 21 along the shore of Galilee. In the moment Jesus needed him the most, Peter denied he even knew Jesus. For Peter, it was a cowardly and unforgivable failure. That’s why he went back to fishing. Do you have failures like that? Yeah, so do I. Thank God Jesus forgives us and sets us free. In fact, He even redeems our failures by using them to make us stronger and wiser. My friend, the past does not define you. Following Jesus requires that you look forward and leave the past behind. Today is your day to receive His grace and follow. Don’t wait another moment. Don’t let another excuse stop you. If you listen closely, you can still hear Him calling, “Follow me.” Do it.

www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•43Call570-326-93221536 Riverside Drive South Williamsport Phone: (570) 323-5188 Fax: (570) www.wyrope.org321-9089 NOW UNTIL THE END OF OCTOBER GET A CHANCE TO WIN A $250 GAS CARD! GET AN AUTO LOAN OR REFER A FRIEND AND GET 1/2% OFF YOUR LOAN AND... End of Summer Sale *See store for details. Monday - Thursday: 9-5 Friday: 9-7 Saturday: 9-5 We’ve Got The Look That’s You! 2969 Eagle Valley Rd Mill Hall, PA www.smith-furn.com570-748-558717751SmithFurniture Mason Everlasting 12-Months 0% Interest Financing Free Professional In-Home Delivery SleepQueenFullTwin&Sofas 40-60% Of f Storewide!

UPMC UnderstandingPhysician:Concussions in Sports
Simply, there are no easy ways to prevent concussions. Recently, emphasis has been placed on decreasing the number of concussions sustained with advancements in equipment and rule changes, though helpful, concussions are still going to happen. Concussions can happen any time and in any sport. It’s important for coaches, especially at young ages, to teach proper technique and for athletes to be aware of their surroundings.
Sustaining an injury doesn’t always mean your season is over. Athletic trainers, therapists, and doctors have made significant advancements in treating concussions, and much of that treatment involves remaining active. You would think that rest would be the most effective way to recover from a concussion but, in fact, the opposite is true. Remaining active and exercising
Orthopaedic Care
Sat., September 17th 2022 • 9:00 am 140 Randy Dr., Hughesville, PA 17737
9a.m. - Household and Collectibles: Kitchenware, Wagner Cast Iron Skillet, small appliances, stoneware crocks, coca cola advertisement, grange national bank collectibles, milk bottles, vintage metal “Jaques Seed” sign, gun safe, vintage items: milk cans, creamers, tools, typewriters, large cow weather vane, depression glass, Golf Cart, Zero Turn mower, small amount of furniture, outdoor decor items and much more!!! for pictures and listing go to ID#45518, We Hope To See You There!!!!
Identifying a Concussion It’s important for athletes to report symptoms and parents and coaches to recognize signs of a concussion. Realizing an athlete is concussed can go a long way in preventing further damage and mitigating long-term effects. Symptoms could be but are not limited to dizziness, headache, and nausea while some of the signs include loss of consciousness, loss of balance, confusion, or vomiting. Proper measures need to be taken from all involved to ensure the athlete receives the proper treatment. While awareness and training has increased greatly related to recognizing a concussion in an athlete, a lot of the responsibility still falls on the athlete themselves. One of the most effective ways to identify a concussion is selfreporting symptoms. The earlier it is caught, the quicker the athlete can get the proper treatment and potentially return to play. With fall sports seasons ramping up, many young athletes may be hesitant to let their coach or athletic trainer know of a head injury they sustained while slamming their head against the turf or the blunt force trauma from an opposing player’s flying tackle. Athletes work so hard to make their way into the starting lineup or find a spot in the rotation, the last thing they want to do is to take themselves out of the game. But it’s the smart thing and correct decision to do for long-term health and well-being. The best way to be able to stay on the field or the court for years to come is to be discerning with head injuries and your overall health. Understand that pulling yourself out of a game now can set you up for years of healthy competitive and non-competitive sport. Can Concussions Be Prevented?
Recovery and Getting Back In The Game
Terms: No buyers premium, no sales tax cash, or good pa check, credit cards with 3.5% loss, buying as is where is, statements made the day of auction take precedence over any previous material.
By Edward Gusick, D.O. Sports Medicine Specialist, UPMC

In recent years, concussions have been at the forefront of sports medicine, and for good reason. A complex injury that is difficult to diagnose, concussions can seem devastating to a young athlete’s career, but they are treatable if you know the signs and symptoms. Concussions do not always involve being “knocked out” or a loss of consciousness. A seemingly harmless soccer ball to the head or a tumble to the turf can cause a concussion and not all concussions are the same.

PRICED AT $268,500 11 Newky RD, New Columbia Listed by Cindy 570.713.5070Moser

1892 John Brady Dr. Muncy • 570-546-8121 •
SELLING “AS IS” $195,900 1535 Four Mile Dr, Williamsport Listed by Deb 570.447.5874Copp
Edward Gusick, D.O., is with UPMC Orthopaedic Care and sees patients at the UPMC Health Services Building, 1201 Grampian Blvd., Williamsport. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Gusick, call 570-321-2020. For more information, visit SportsMedicineNCPA.
PRICED AT $575,000 41 & 37 Shadduck RD, Muncy Listed by Devin 570.772.4809O’Rourke
The mental hurdle of overcoming a concussion can be more difficult than the physical ones and having the support system of coaches, medical staff, and teammates provides a space for athletes to share their feelings and concerns.
PRICED AT $515,000

PRICED AT $289,900 7246 PA-87, Williamsport Listed by Sarah 570.772.8368Boyer

When you are given approval to get back to play, ease into activity. You can’t suddenly return to playing at full speed. Gradually increase your training each day until you can be cleared for full participation. During this time, it’s critical that you listen to your medical team. Your doctor, physical therapist, and team athletic trainer monitor your recovery and only move you to higherlevel activities when you are ready. Additionally, don’t overdo it once you return. Even if you feel 100 percent better, your body is likely still returning to its full strength so be mindful of your injury for the near future and regularly check in with your sports medicine doctor, athletic trainer, or physical therapist if you suspect a problem. When it comes to the big game, safety scores the winning point. Getting back to the sport you love safely is the goal, and care providers are there to help get athletes back on the field.
This 4 bedroom, 2 bath, ranch in the Loyalsock School District needs a little TLC but has tons of potential. Motivated seller is willing to entertain all offers & wants to have this sold before winter. WB-94686

Currently operating as the Tivoli Tavern this bar & restaurant with an upstairs apartment sits on .57 acres. Numerous improvements have been made to make this ready for new owners to continue the great business built by the proprietors. WB-94489

a part in the brain called the vestibular system, which allows us to interpret movement and stabilize our vision when we move our head, is critical. Being sidelined often affects an athlete’s mental health as well. Depression and anxiety can set in when athletes are removed from activity, so it’s important to keep them involved. Depending on the severity of the injury, accommodations can often be made so the athlete remains involved and continues to receive the support and comradery of their team.
PRICED AT $239,900 9522 Route 220 HWY, Hughesville Listed by Paul A. Francis, III 570.419.5956

“Am I really OK to return to the field? What if I bump my head? Can I play as aggressive as before?” All these questions may pop into an athlete’s mind when they reenter the field of play for the first time since a concussion. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and talk through these concerns and questions ensuring the athlete is in the best shape physically and mentally to get back in the game.
1950 John Brady Dr., Muncy Listed by Devin 570.772.4809O’Rourke Won’t you be our neighbor? A+ grade o ce space with everything you need to operate your business. Offering 4 large o ces, reception area, lounge, full bathroom, & plenty of storage room this building occupies a large 2-acre lot stoned for heavy trucks. WB-94242

Federal style home sits on 4.20 acres zoned commercial just outside of the historic town of Muncy. Enclosed outdoor hot tub, in-ground pool, newly built 4 bay garage, & additional full living quarters poolside. This property is a must see to appreciate all the modern upgrades combined with true period characteristics. WB-93319
This Milton School District bi-level sits on .43 acre with 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, on a full walk out basement. WB-94919
Attention Water Lovers! This 2-parcel property has access to the Loyalsock Creek but does NOT require Flood Insur. This Montoursville School District Bi-level with an added level has 4 bedrooms, 2.25 baths, on 2 acres with an additional ½ acre parcel across the road to use for creek access or bonfires by the water. WB-95475
Real Estate Terms: 10% down payment, cash or approved check day of auction, balance in 30 days or upon delivery of clear deed. 2% transfer tax paid by buyer, property taxes pro-rated from date of settlement. 6% Buyer’s premium. Property sold with owner confirmation. No personal property being sold. Visit Auctionzip PA (ID 1413) for fact sheet & photo gallery.

year old In-Law apartment that would also be perfect for a home office or home school! The possibilities are endless! Private

offers a new

you’d need for any use. Main house offers 2 bedrooms PLUS an office/den and a a lower level family room with additional office currently used as a bedroom by the current owners. This home’s floor plan is so flexible that it’ll suit anyone’s needs. And don’t miss the 1 car and 2 car garages with 2nd floor storage, the 1 acre lot with hillside views, rear deck, patio and so much more! It’s a MUST SEE property offered at $380,000. Dir: From So. Wmspt, take Route 654

Location: 397 Gardner Rd, Unityville, PA. (Lycoming Co.) Turn off Rt. 42 at Unityville onto Moreland Baptist Road. Go 3 ½ miles & turn right onto Gardner Rd. Go ¼ mile to auction. Owner: Steven Myers


Few sports cherish their histories as much as baseball. Avid fans of America’s pastime are seemingly born with some knowledge of the game’s extensive history, which is an undeniable testament to the popularity of baseball over the last century and a half. As Major League Baseball prepares for yet another exciting postseason, here are some unique moments in the history of America’s pastime. Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier (1947): Jackie Robinson forever changed the landscape of American professional sports when he started at first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15. In so doing, Robinson broke the color barrier, becoming the first African American to play in an MLB game. The end of racial segregation within professional baseball was a moment so significant that MLB continues to celebrate it and honor Robinson every April 15. Babe Ruth is sold to the New York Yankees (1920): In a trade that some baseball fans insist resonated into the 21st century, cashpoor Boston Red Sox owner Harry Frazee sold George Herman “Babe” Ruth to the New York Yankees for $125,000. Now remembered largely for his prowess as a home run-hitting slugger, Ruth also was a dominant pitcher during his days with the WILLIAMSPORT home 2 entrance keeps the main house separate from the in-law suite, providing all the privacy to Nisbet, Village Drive, to left on Johnson Drive, to right on Lorson Drive, thru stop sign to house on left. Watch for signs. Your Hostess: Nancy Ulrich 570.447.8851
George S. Kapp AU-2174L Ben C. Kapp AU-3721L Phone: 570-458-4384
REAL ESTATE AUCTION 2010 Northway Road • Williamsport Mon-Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm • 570-322-5399570-322-5399 SAVE&CLIP SAVE&CLIP ALL MAKES & MODELS 10% OFF $30.00 Labor on Any Repair State & Emission Inspection Excludes Major Engine Repairs

Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022 at 1pm 96 ½ Acre Farm

A 2 story farmhouse & bank barn situated on approx. 96.58 acres. There are approx. 70 plus tillable acres with the remainder in woodland & open ground. Property is divided by approx. 800 yards of township road front age and offers good access to the fields. There are seven approved building lots on the property. Property will be offered three ways. Option One: 82.87 acres with house and barn. Option Two: Seven buildings lots offered as one and not by individual lots. Option Three: The combination of the 82.87 acres & lots to make the total 96.58 acres. Call auctioneers at 570-458-4384 or 570-204-1432 for appointment to inspect property.
Email: Pre-approved Realtor Participation Available.

This beautiful
Unique Moments in Baseball History Office: 1948 E 3rd Street, Williamsport 570.326.3333 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. OPEN HOUSE, SEPT 11th, SUNDAY 2-4 Need room for extended family or a home office? Here’s the PERFECT solution. Come take a look at the Open House! Nancy Office:Mobile:REALTORUlrich,570.447.8851570.326.3333 57 LORSON DRIVE EXTENSION, SOUTH
The Cubs win the World Series (2016): Attempting to capture their first World Series title since 1908, the Chicago Cubs didn’t make it easy on themselves. Or their fans. In winning the deciding seventh game 8-7 in 10 innings, the Cubs became just the sixth team in MLB history to come back from a 3-1 series deficit to win a bestof-seven World Series. The game 7 victory ended the longest championship drought in North American professional sports history.

John goes under the knife (1974): Though it didn’t happen on the field, in hindsight Tommy John’s thenrevolutionary surgery would be one of the game’s more impactful events, forever changing the game of baseball. John, a pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1974, was 13-3 when he was forced to leave a game against the Montreal Expos with an apparent elbow injury. Doctors soon discovered John had a torn ulnar collateral ligament, a potentially devastating outcome for John, as the injury had effectively ended the careers of countless pitchers before him. However, John ultimately gave the go-ahead to Dr. Frank Jobe to perform a revolutionary operation on his arm. Though his recovery was long and slow, John eventually found his way back onto the mound, pitching into the late 1980s and ending his career with 288 wins. “Tommy John Surgery” is routinely performed today and pitchers typically are back on the mound within 12 to 15 months of their surgeries.

Joe Dimaggio’s streak begins (1941): Though the game would end in a 13-1 defeat for Yankees outfielder Joe DiMaggio and his teammates, a first-inning, runscoring single by DiMaggio on May 15 marked the beginning of one of the greatest accomplishments in MLB history. That single was DiMaggio’s first hit in what would become a 56-game hitting streak.
Fisher’s Cabinet Shop Tables & Furniture By Your Design Stop in for FREE ESTIMATES. Samuel G. Fisher • 1405 E. Winter Rd., Loganton, PA 17747 570-725-2114 • NO SUNDAY SALES CUSTOM CABINETS WITH GRANITE OR LAMINATE TOPS ©2022 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. 448 River Avenue, Williamsport PA 570-321-7000 | www.BHHSHodrickRealty.com3UnitMulti•$239,900Loyalsock52+ Acres • $398,000 Cogan Station 2 Acres • Williamsport$45,900 In-Law Suite • Montoursville$359,900 PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED Featured Listings Mike Kutney KUTNEY INSURANCE kutneyinsurance.comAGENCYWILLIAMSPORT570-322-8909HUGHESVILLE570-584-5125 Get an auto quote in as little as 2 minutes. Throughout your car-buying journey and beyond, I’ll be there to help you protect what matters. Get a quote online Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and A liated Companies. Not all Nationwide a liated companies are mutual companies, and not all Nationwide members are insured by a mutual company. Subject to underwriting guidelines, review, and approval. Products and discounts not available to all persons in all states. Nationwide Investment Services Corporation, member FINRA. Home O ce: One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, and other marks displayed on this page are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, unless otherwise disclosed. © 2022 Nationwide NPR-1499AO.1 15825822 (03/22) AUTO | HOME | LIFE | B USINESS | FARM | RETIREMENT

Red Sox, winning 20 games in both 1916 and 1917. The sale of Ruth is still considered the worst trade in professional baseball history and might have contributed to Boston’s lengthy World Series title drought, which lasted from 1918 until 2004.

It was a record at the time and remains so

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Ricki has lectured and taught quilting classes, written articles for quilt magazines, exhibited in fiber arts exhibits, had a business making hand-painted clothing, and has returned to the Taber Museum as a volunteer in the Textile Department. She hopes through this class to inspire an appreciation and understanding of the people who created the beautiful quilts we have inherited, and to pass along the techniques they used.
Quilt Like Your Great Granny Quilted: A Quilting Class at the Taber Museum
These five sessions are perfect for inexperienced quilters and veteran quilters alike who want to learn quilting from the historical perspective. Using block patterns taken from quilts in the collection of the Taber Museum, students will learn the basics of quilting, including choosing fabric, color theory, light and dark placement, how to set blocks in various ways, tools, marking, basting, binding, labeling and, most importantly, the very precise methods of hand piecing, hand applique and hand quilting. Each day will include a close-up view and discussion of an antique quilt from the Museum’s collection. Quilts discussed will be a very old 9-Patch variation, an Ivy Leaf quilt, an interesting Flying Geese quilt with a feedsack back, a beautiful but wellloved applique Rose Wreath, and one of a pair of star-like quilts. The instructor will add antique quilts from her collection to enhance the discussion and demonstrate ways to approximate dating quilts and how to care for them. Most materials will be provided, but students are encouraged to bring their own supplies and tools if they have them. A task light might be helpful. The Taber Museum is located at 858 West Fourth Street, Williamsport. Ample parking may be found behind the museum as well as on-the-street parking. Class size is limited. Registration may be made by calling the museum at 570.326.3326 or sending a check/ money order to LCHS, 858 W. 4th Street, Williamsport, PA. 17701 Attn: Quilting Class. For more information, please call 570326.3326.
Ricki Moler has been sewing since age three and quilting in earnest since the 1970s. She loves all quilts, from antiques to art quilts.
Aseries of five classes exploring the heritage techniques of hand piecing, hand applique and hand quilting will be offered at the Taber Museum on Saturdays, September 17, 24, October 1, 8, and 15. Each class will be held from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., with a lunch break during the time. The classes will be held in the Museum’s Community Room or an adjunct room. Ricki Moler will be the instructor. Price is $50 (per person) for the five sessions with a materials cost of $10. It would be of the greatest advantage to attend all five sessions, as each session builds on the one before it.

Commonly labeled “bad behaviors” are often young children’s way of communicating something is wrong, so they may need help identifying the emotion driving their actions. It’s important for children to understand that while their feelings are acceptable, their behavior may not be. That’s where replacement skillsacceptable ways to express emotions - come in. For example, try saying “It’s OK to be mad. It’s not OK to hit other people. When you’re mad, you can hit a pillow.” (Family Features & KinderCare) pick up head – 2 Row Corn Head for NH 790 Harvester – New Holland 155 Manure Spreader w/ Hydraulic End Gate – NH Forage Wagon – NH Tandem Axle Forage Wagon –Pequea Feeder Wagon – Stoltzfus Bale Wagon – Bale Spear – Ford 2 Row Corn Planter – Pequea Hay Tedder – Herd 3 Point Hitch Seeder – Krause 8100 Disc – Augers – Blue River Post Driver - Ford 8’ Back Blade – Gates – Winpower 35/20 PT2 PTO Generator, Continuous 20KW / Intermintent 35KW - Calhoun Fertilizer Spreader - Tractor Wheel weights - Other: Corn Shellers – DeLaval Cream Separators – Broad Axes – Meat Slicers – Meat Ban Saw – Planer – Milk House Heaters – Craftsman Air Compressor – Lard Press – Banner Root Cutter – Butter Churns, Dazey(red ball, glass) & others - Enterprise lard press - DeKalb Winged Sign, pressed hard board - IH Hydro 84 Tractor Manual - IH Corn Sheller - Atlantic Area, American Dairy Assn. tin sign - DeLaval tin sign, better farm living - Kasco Feeds, Cow Pass tin sign - Corn Stalk Chopper - Butcher Kettle w/ stand - Hocking Corn Sheller, good graphics & others - -
Three Tips to Boost Your Children’s Self-Esteem This School Year Contact your local sales representative today! JUSTIN TILLOTSON 570.412.2346 I AT04192022 GREAT RATE. GREAT PROTECTION. GREAT TIME TO BUY. FOR 36 MONTHS 0%WITHZERODOWN Compact Track Mini ExcavatorsCompact Wheel LoadersSkid Steer LoadersCompact Loaders – Auctioneer –ChuckAU-003818-LKindlimann To all VETERANS, THANK YOU for your service!! LLCLicensed Auction Co. AY002384 92 Industrial Park Rd., Muncy, PA 570-935-037617756 WITNESS A “CENTURY OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS” OFFERED AT OUR 500TH PUBLIC ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. :There will be a mix throughout the day of Vintage Collectibles, small tool items, Horse Drawn Implements, Vintage Tractors & Implements, Modern day Tractors & Implements: Brief Listing to Include: Tractors: ‘91 4x4 Case/IH 5120 Tractor 13,815 hrs. w/ 510 Loader, 2 remotes – 2005 4X4 McCormick International CX 95, 24 Speed, 90 hp, 2 remotes, Xtra Shift power shuttle (2898 hrs) - 2009 4X4 McCormick Intl XTX 165, 32 Speed, 162 hp, 3 remotes (1,498 hrs) - 2013 4X4 McCormick Intl X60.40, 36 Speed, 110 hp, 3 remotes (873 hrs) – Equipment: Kelly Ryan Bagger, 8’ – New Holland 790 Forage Harvester w/
You can talk with your children about the ways they can communicate with you, aside from one-on-one conversations. If they find it easier to communicate their feelings through writing, you can go to the store together to pick out a journal.
Consider these three tips to boost your children’s self-esteem. Be Your Children’s Cheerleader. When praising or complimenting children for their achievements, be specific and include affirmation for positive character traits, such as “You were so kind to help Ms. Delmar take her recycling out” or “I’m proud of you for seeing she needed help and offering it.” Being specific with your compliments reinforces the idea that your children are kind and helpful.

& MUCH, MUCH MORE FarmtraCtOrS & eQuIpmeNt FrOmtHepaSttO tHepreSeNt OlIver d. SONeS eState, SONeS Farm muSeum leSter pOuSt eState, muN-Cre FarmS *** LOCATION *** (SellINg, OutSIdeatOur galleryONtHe Farm) 92 INduStrIalparK rd., muNCy, pa (INTerseCTIONOf JOhN BrAdy dr., LOOkfOrThe WINdmILL)


IH Cream Separator

Children who are not yet proficient writers may prefer to draw pictures about their feelings. No matter the method, be sure to make time to check in with your children. Teach Emotional Literacy and Replacement Skill Behavior. You can help your children move beyond comprehension of basic emotions - happy, sad, mad - and toward an understanding of more nuanced emotions. When children can identify their feelings, they’re closer to developing healthy responses.
“If children can treat themselves kindly, they’ll treat others that way,” said Carter Peters from KinderCare Learning Centers’ education team. “When children feel encouraged, supported and loved, they are able to give those feelings to others.”
“When children have high selfesteem and self-worth, they know when someone’s opinion of them is untrue,” Peters said. “Children with high self-esteem become adults capable of believing in themselves.” Give Children Space to Safely Express Their Emotions. While it’s important to intentionally connect with your children one-on-one, it’s equally important to give them space to come to you for help. Let them know you notice when they don’t seem like themselves but try not to push them to share before they’re ready.
While packing bags and backpacks for school, there’s one essential that may be overlooked: Children’s self-esteem. Although many children may feel confident and self-assured at home, they can feel differently in the classroom. When children have high self-esteem, they’re less likely to reflect negative feelings toward others.
Eventually, they’ll offer others the same positive affirmations and be less likely to look to outside influences to define their sense of self.


By Lou Hunsinger Jr. Lee Y. Miao grew up locally in the Williamsport area and grew up during a time when AsianAmericans did not always encounter the acceptance they do now. She wanted to write a children’s book that might help children from another culture deal with this. Webb Weekly interviewed her about her book.
“In ‘Wei to Go!’ (Clear Fork Publishing, 2022), I tell a story of how children — with help from family, friends, and teammates — discover connections to their cultures from the past while facing contemporary challenges. This novel features a word nerdy, twelveyear-old girl and her sports-obsessed brother who travel from California to Hong“UnfamiliarKong. customs and habits, such as navigating mass transportation or dining out, are both formidable and comical obstacles. They gain insight into each other’s skills while working as a team to chase down a mysterious mega-corp taking over their dad’s company. The book also features sports, humor, and multicultural family dynamics.” Did your experiences growing up influence your writing? “Growing up in Williamsport, my siblings and I were some of the few Asian-Americans kids in town. That’s why it was fun to attend the annual Little League World Series and see people with different backgrounds. When Asian Americans did appear in books or pop culture, they were sometimes misrepresented. “The sibling characters in my novel don’t fit the stereotypes. Ellie, the main character, isn’t always obedient. English is her forte; she’s not a math and science whiz. “Her brother Kipp is sports crazy and also probably invented the word ‘play dates.’ I had fun portraying these kids while reflecting on my own zany middle-school years.”
What do you like best about writing this book? “I worked for a long time in the financial industry before writing K-12 English language arts and social studies educational material. Both followed strict protocols and conventions in their respective ways. When I pivoted to middle-grade fiction, it felt liberating to focus on creative scenes and chapters. For example, I loved writing kids’ actual dialogues with all their imperfections and even inject occasional humor, which I think is important for kids’ books. I also enjoyed writing about places I had visited. My second novel (Clear Fork Publishing, 2023), about the main character’s bestie, also has a few chapters with an international setting in Italy.” She will hold a book sale/signing from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 10, at Otto Bookstore. It’s the same day as her WAHS Class of ’72 reunion, so hopefully, she’ll get reacquainted with former classmates. “Wei To Go!” is available at Otto Bookstore and Please sign up for her email newsletter or contact Lee with any questions at www.
What do you want children to get from your book?
Former Local Resident Pens Multi-Cultural Children’s Book PA095137 SAMPSON Plumbing & Heating, LLC 570-419-8006 Water Lines • Sewer Lines • Water Heaters • Water Mains • Heat Pumps Boiler Install & Repair • Furnace Install & Repair ALL Plumbing & Heating Needs • AC Installation & Repair Services Brian Sampson - CEO Licensed Master Plumber Over 20 Years Experience “It’s what we do!” RUPERT’S SPECIALTY MEATS 102 N. Montour St., Montoursville • 570-368-8321 Prices Good Wednesday, Sep. 7th thru Tuesday, Sep. 13th Ham Spread ..............................................................$6.99/lb. SAVE $2.00/lb. Pork BBQ ....................................................................$6.99/lb. SAVE $2.50/lb. Rupert’s Own Oven Ready Hamloaf .....$3.99/lb. SAVE $1.00/lb. Rupert’s Own Loose Sausage .................$3.99/lb. SAVE $1.00/lb. DELI Monday - Tuesday - 8-5:30 • Wednesday 8-3 Thursday - Friday 8-5:30 • Saturday - 8-3:00 • Closed Sunday MEAT ORDER AHEAD FOR YOUR TAILGATING PARTIES Pepper Slaw, Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, Cole Slaw, Seafood Salad, Pasta Salad, Broccoli Salad, Crab Cakes, Tuna Salad, Egg Salad, Drucks Sharp Cheese, Pimento Cheese Spread, Baked Beans, Ham Spread, Ring Bologna We are fully stocked with fresh meatsand homemade Deli items ™ p

September is Library Card SignUp Month, a time when the James V. Brown Library joins the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries nationwide to remind parents, caregivers and students that signing up for a library card is the first step on the path to academic achievement and lifelong learning. Libraries play a crucial role in the education and development of children, offering a variety of programs to spark creativity and stimulate an interest in reading and learning. There is nothing more empowering than signing up for your own library card. Through access to technology, media resources and educational programs, a library card gives students the tools to succeed in the classroom and provides people of all ages opportunities to pursue their dreams and passions. Held annually every September since 1987, Library Card Sign-up Month coincides with the beginning of the school year and serves as a reminder and encouragement for parents to sign their children up for their very own library card. “Libraries play an important role in the education and development of children,” said Dana Brigandi, Development, Marketing and Programming Director at the Library. “We have library programs that serve students of all ages and backgrounds such Teen Fandom, Adult DIY, Toddler Tales, Baby Rhyme Time, Preschool Storytime, and Kindness Club for those in grades K-3. One of our most popular programs is ‘A Pawsitive Reading Experience with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs’ in which beginning readers can hone their skills by reading to therapy dogs in a judgment-free way.” This year, Tony Award-winning performer, actress, singer-songwriter, and philanthropist Idina Menzel (Frozen, Wicked) and her sister, author and educator Cara Mentzel, will serve as honorary chairs of Library Card Sign-Up Month.
The James V. Brown Library, along with libraries everywhere, continues to adapt and expand services to meet the evolving community needs. To sign up for a library card or to learn more about the library’s resources and programs, please visit

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month Call Today for an 570-322-4741Appointment 2685 Euclid Avenue, South Williamsport, PA 17702 Dr. David DiGiallorenzo, DMD and Dr. Henry Hsu, DMD WE DO AMONGEXTRACTIONS!OURSERVICES Implants Laser Assisted Treatment for Gum Disease Implant Supported Over Dentures Full Mouth Reconstruction With Immediate Total Tooth Replacement Gum Grafting Expertise Doctors Trust, Experience & Comfort Patients Love worrying,LessmorelivingAwardwinning in-home care 570-322-1414

Idina and Cara are excited to remind everyone that one of the best places to find your voice is at the library. During Library Card SignUp Month, they want us to explore all the library has to offer, like new children’s books, access to technology, and educational programming.
The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., Williamsport, Pa., is the place to go to learn, connect and grow. Founded in June 1907, the library champions the love of reading, opens new doors to lifelong learning, provides a haven to those who seek and ensures the preservation of public library services for future generations. The library has more than 225,000 visitors in a year and circulates a half-million items annually. A member of the Lycoming County Library System, the James V. Brown Library participates in PA Forward, a statewide initiative to promote literacies in our communities to power a better future for everyone.
e James V. Brown Library is open for browsing and holds pick up from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. To place a hold, visit or call 570-326-0536 during the library’s operating hours. e library also is open for public computer usage and for services such as printing, faxing, copying and scanning. Walk-in passport services are available. e Brown Library is the 2021 PA Library of the Year.


Preheat smoker or pellet grill to 275 F. Pat ribs dry with paper towel; remove moisture on surface. Combine salt and pepper. Rub beef ribs well on all sides and ends with seasoning, coating generously. Place ribs in smoker and close lid. Cook 5-6 hours. In spray bottle, combine cider vinegar and water. Lightly spritz ribs every 30 minutes for rst 4 hours of cooking. Ribs are ready when completely probe tender. If parts still feel tough, continue cooking.Once completely tender, remove ribs from smoker then wrap tightly in butcher’s paper and place in small cooler to rest 30 minutes.

• 2 tablespoons coarse black pepper

Cook Like a Pitmaster from the Comforts of Home Locally Owned & Operated • Fully Insured • Free Estimates Broc Lorson - 570.916.0322 • Muncy, PA 17756 THE REAL DEAL WHEN IT COMES TO THE SEAL! Asphalt Sealing & Patching Quality and Service Second to None! Real Seal LLC TrueGrade Excavating Locally Owned & Operated • Fully Insured • Free Estimates Broc Lorson - 570.916.0322 • 1783 US Hwy 220, Muncy, PA 17756 Site Prep Grading • Trenching NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL!
• 1/4 cup cider vinegar
Servings: 8 Ingredients: • 1 slab beef chuck short ribs (about 4 •pounds)2tablespoons kosher salt

• 1 cup water Directions:
Smoked Chuck Beef Ribs Recipe courtesy of Jess Pryles on behalf of Beef Loving Texans Cook time: 10 hours, 30 minutes
For home chefs looking to take their cooking skills to the next level, it all starts with a little inspiration and a few new skills. Turn family meals into extravagant adventures, take backyard barbecues to new heights and impress friends and neighbors with pitmaster-worthy recipes.Infact, it can be as easy as turning on the TV. From beef ribs and barbacoa to curried brisket rice and pho rub beef belly spring rolls, viewers are in for a treat by tuning into season 3 of “BBQuest: Beyond the Pit,” a video series that dives into the long-held traditions, new avors and everyday inspiration that make Texas barbecue legendary.eshow follows four themes that capture the essence of Texas barbecue: legacy and tradition; creativity and innovation; Texas trailblazers; and family and community. You can bring barbecue avors home and cook like a pitmaster with dishes recreated from the series and developed by “Hardcore Carnivore” cookbook author Jess Pryles, including Smoked Chuck Beef Ribs, Grilled Jalapeno Cheddar Meatballs and Szechuan Skirt Steak with Crispy Rice. “Since launching BBQuest four years ago, it’s truly remarkable to see how much has changed and yet stayed the same when it comes to Texas barbecue, and that’s exactly what you see in season 3,” said Rachel Chou, Texas Beef Council’s director of consumer marketing. “ ere has been so much exciting innovation around cooking methods and international avors while there’s still a huge dedication to long-held recipes and smoking techniques.”



Servings: 15 Ingredients: • 1/2 cup tortilla chips, crushed • 3/4 cup milk • 2 pounds ground beef • 3 fresh jalapenos, seeded and finely (8 ounces) cheddar cheese, finely diced • 1 tablespoon paprika • 2 teaspoons garlic powder • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
Directions: In skillet over low heat, toast peppercorns until fragrant, swirling in pan to keep from burning, about 2 minutes. Allow peppercorns to cool slightly then add to spice grinder or mortar and pestle with five spice and salt. Crush until fine powder forms. Pat skirt steak with paper towel to remove moisture then season well with Szechuan salt on both sides. Place skillet over high heat then add 1 tablespoon oil. When skillet is hot, add skirt steak and cook 5 minutes per side for medium-rare or medium doneness (135-150 F), turning occasionally. Remove steak from skillet then tent with foil to rest 3 minutes. Temperature will rise about 10-15 F to reach 145 F for medium-rare; 160 F for medium.

PENSION, 401-K and IRA ROLLOVERS Kent A. Bennett & ASSOCIATES, INC. SERVING SENIORS SINCE 1978 Call (570) 327-1006 or Toll Free (800) 548-9119 249 Broad Street • Montoursville, PA 17754 Call: Kent Bennett or Barry Rake “Safety, Security, Peace of Mind” LIFETAXSUPPLEMENTSDISABILITYINSURANCEMEDICAREDEFERREDANNUITIES 1140 SHERIDAN STREET -- WILLIAMSPORT CALL NOW! (570) 326-1140 WWW.REVIVE-SPA.COM Medical Spa and Laser Treatment Center HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm • Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm Suzan McGary, MD FREE CONSULTATION Genius RF Microneedling treats lines, wrinkles, and loose skin anywhere on the body. Its innovative technology makes it the most comfortable and effective RF microneedling device on the market. Because it precisely delivers energy beneath the surface of the skin, thereʼs minimal down time, even with aggressive treatments. SAVE $200 ON A PACKAGE OF 3 TREATMENTS IF YOU PURCHASE IN SEPTEMBER

To serve, slice ribs between bones. Grilled Jalapeno Cheddar Meatballs Recipe courtesy of Jess Pryles on behalf of Beef Loving Texans Cook time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Lower heat to medium-high then add remaining oil and milk or cream. Add rice, pressing down gently with large spoon to form large, flat disc covering entire base of pan. Season with Szechuan salt, if desired, then lower heat to medium and cook 10 minutes until grains begin to turn brown and become crisp on bottom. Break up rice in pan to mix soft and crispy grains. Slice skirt steak across grain. To serve, place rice in two bowls. Layer with sliced skirt steak. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and chopped scallions then place cucumber and cilantro on top, if desired. (Family Features & Beef Loving Texans)
Directions: Place crushed tortilla chips in large bowl. Add milk and allow chips to soften about 10 minutes. After milk is absorbed, add beef, jalapenos, cheese, paprika, garlic and salt. Mix well to combine then scoop approximately 1/3-1/2 cup of mixture to form meatball; repeat with remaining mixture. Place meatballs on plate or tray and refrigerate 30 minutes to firm. Heat grill to medium for two zone cooking.Placemeatballs on indirect heat side of grill away from coals or lit burner; close lid. Grill 25-35 minutes, or until meatballs reach 165 F internal temperature on meat thermometer. Remove meatballs from grill and cool slightly before serving. Szechuan Skirt Steak with Crispy RecipeRice courtesy of Jess Pryles on behalf of Beef Loving Texans Total time: 35 minutes Servings: 2 Ingredients: • 2 teaspoons Szechuan peppercorns • 1 teaspoon five spice powder • 1 teaspoon kosher salt • 1 skirt steak or bavette steak (about 1 pound) • 1/4 cup vegetable oil, divided • 2 teaspoons milk or cream • 2 cups cooked white rice • sesame seeds (optional) • scallions, thinly sliced (optional) • cucumber, sliced (optional) • cilantro leaves (optional)

Finally, while you are in the woods this coming fall cutting your winter supply of firewood, consider making a few brush piles to benefit the local rabbit and songbird population. Place 4 or 5 logs - 6-8 feet in length - on the ground, parallel to each other, with about 12 inches of space between them. On top of these logs, place heavy branches crosswise and then pile on the brush on top of these branches. Songbirds will use the brush as a nesting site, and rabbits can run in between the logs to escape aerial predators.Thehabitat work you complete over the next few months will greatly benefit the wildlife throughout the fall and winter months. It is a wonderful feeling to watch turkeys, deer, and other wildlife using the habitat sites you create and know that they are benefitting from your hard work. And, it is rather rewarding when you are able to take a mature doe or a nice buck that is using the food plots that you have created!
Rehearsals begin on Tuesday, September 12th at 7:00 for the 2022 WilliamsportLutheranatFellowshipMeetConcert2023Season!usintheHallSt.Mark’sChurch,(right next to R.M. Sides Family Music). See you there! N o au ditions Low due s Weekly rehear s als Collabor ations with WSO, Little League and variou s area gr ou ps Tr avel o ppor t unities Do you like to S ING? Fred UNION AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR CENTER LLC & 2955 Lycoming Creek Rd Williamsport, PA 570-494-013417701 Over 50 years of combined experience Alan John Hours: 8:00am-5:00pmMonday-Friday • We Repair all Radiators in withhousefast turn around time. • Cars, andMotorcyclesVintageTractors,Trucks,Cars,Industrial. Sunnyside Produce Open Mon-Fri 8am-6pm • Sat 8am-4pm • Sunday Closed 345 South Mill Street • Loganton (1st farm on left south of Loganton) • A pples • C AbbAge • TomAToes • C uCumbers • poTAToes • FAll s quAsh • r ed b eeTs • l imA b eAns • C AnTAloupes • C AuliFlower • wATermelons • loCAl m Aple syrup • homemAde J ellies And JAms • C Anned goods • Fresh bAked b reAd (every dAy) • bAked goods (every Fri & sAT) • C uT Flowers (every Fri & sAT) mumsFAll MANY OTHER IN-STORE SPECIALS! LIVING ROOM SUITE SALE INFLATION BUSTER SALE! Mattresses • Bedroom Suites • Living Room Suites • Kitchen Suites EVERYTHING DISCOUNTED THROUGHOUT THE STORE! 1403 West 4th Street, Williamsport 570-327-8100 90 SAMEDAYSASCASH FURNITURE & BEDDING NO CREDIT CHECK NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES AROUND! GUARANTEED!

the mix to provide a food source that lasts throughout the winter. Some of these seed mixes have names like “Secret Spot,” “Deadly Dozen,” or “Fall Attractant” and are targeted for use in smaller food plots located in woodland settings. These locations are especially effective in the archery deer seasons but can also be very productive during the various firearms deer seasons and spring gobbler season. Early fall is an excellent time to plant trees and shrubs that you want to add to your habitat improvement areas, like field edges or at the edges of established food plots. Native white dogwood seedlings will eventually provide a seed that turkeys will eat in the fall and winter and provide a colorful addition to any area as they blossom in the springtime. It is often said that the best time to hunt spring gobblers is when the dogwoods are blossoming! Chestnut trees are a good choice to add to encourage deer to frequent your food plots, as well as standard apple or pear trees. In the case of fruit-bearing trees, you need to consider whether or not black bears will be a problem. If so, the best protective alternative is to build a heavy cage around the fruit trees, as the bears will pull over and often snap off a young fruit tree to get to the apples or pears they are producing.


If you plan to hunt doves, be aware that you must also have a Pennsylvania Migratory Game Bird License in addition to your regular hunting license. Something else you need to be careful of is the hunting hours. The hunting hours table on page 11 of the Hunting and Trapping Digest are not the hours you go by for dove and other migratory game birds. For hunting doves, consult the hunting hours table on page 45. Basically, doves may be hunted from one-half hour before sunrise until sunset. The limit is 15 per day and a total of 45 possession. Doves do not have a very high survival rate since 70-80 percent of all newly hatched doves do not live one year. Even so, doves have adapted well to the presence of man, and the dove population has actually increased greatly. They have probably done so well because of intensified agriculture and expanding suburbs, which provide nesting shrubbery. Our dove population peaks in August and September when doves migrating from the north join those doves and their offspring that are already here. The mourning dove tends to favor open woods, woodland edges, and farmland with scattered trees, shrubs, evergreen stands, orchards, and suburban gardens. Doves feed mainly on weed seeds and waste grain, while nearby shrubs and trees are used for nesting and roosting. Doves will also want to be fairly close to a water source, which is often utilized in the morning and then in the evening hours before going to roost.

Outdoors with Ken Hunter… Dove Season About to Open HunterKen

It doesn’t seem possible that I would be writing about hunting; after all, it seems like we are in the middle of a long, hot, dry summer and far from any kind of hunting scenario but believe it or not, dove season is about to get underway. Dove season opens September 1 and runs through November 25; a second season runs from December 21 through January 7. Because the mourning dove is a migratory bird, it falls under federal regulations. As with waterfowl, the states set hunting seasons and bag limits within a framework that is set up by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

My own preference for a day of dove hunting is to set up in a narrow band of trees and shrubs between two fields that doves are utilizing for feeding. The trees provide some cover and a broad view. If there is a water source like a pond or small creek nearby, so much the Definitelybetter.wear some kind of camouflage, and it’s also a good idea to take along one of those little folding seats; it can make the sometimes long waits a lot more comfortable. A cold drink is a good idea, too, since the weather can often be quite warm in the dove season. I have a friend who swears by his 410 shotgun when hunting doves; he is an excellent shot and does well. For me, that would probably not be a good choice; I carry my 12-gauge pump shotgun, and six-shot — I need all the help I can get. If you have ever hunted doves, you know what I mean; they have an uncanny ability to juke and dive with great speed, and I want all the power and shot I can muster to improve my chances. An added bonus to a successful dove hunt is the great meal that comes from the tender dove breasts.Nowlet’s get the new hunting season underway.
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Hawaiian & Challenger

What began as a fun-filled parade traversing Fourth consecutive elimination games, including a dramatic 1-0 win over Taiwan in the International Bracket championship. The team’s three best pitchers had exhausted their mound eligibility after tossing three shutouts. Hawaii’s first two hitters blasted home runs and what was left of Curaçao’s pitching staff likely set a dubious championship game record by hitting five batters in one inning and seven in the game. Nevertheless, the 75th unveiling of this late summer tradition was a welcomed sight. The fans were back and seemingly glad to see one another again. Most games were competitive, and once again, memories made were the most important statistics produced from the expanded 20-team event. Throughout its long history, the Little League program has adapted to several eligibility challenges along the way. Included were the inclusion of minority players, the formation of the softball program, and the emotionally uplifting Challenger Division, which was on full display before last month’s championship Saturday.Little League’s Challenger Division was founded in 1989 as an adaptive Triumphs Scott on Sports LoweryScott


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baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges. It accommodates players ages 4 to 18 or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school. There are 950 challenger programs in 10 countries around the world with approximately 30,000 participants. Challenger Division teams from Mason, Ohio and San Jose, California, had been invited to play in the annual World Series game two years ago but were benched by the COVID outbreak. After the long wait, the two leagues had an opportunity to compete in their own Field of Dreams on the Volunteer Stadium diamond. Ever since 1971, I have been fortunate to have had some involvement with every World Series. Those duties have varied, but this year a rare circumstance occurred that provided a glimpse I had not seen previously. While grabbing some breakfast before departing for the stadium and my broadcasting duties, I turned on the TV just in time to see the introduction of players for the Challenger game.As the teams were lined up on the baselines, Rickey Henderson, MLB’s all-time stolen base leader and Hall of Fame member, was poised to present each player with medals. As I watched, I thought how ironic it was to see Henderson in this role. Throughout his 24 Major League seasons, he was best known for his brashness and flamboyant style. Now this father of three was about to present medals to challenged youngsters who had no idea who he was or what he had done on the baseball field. I was never a Rickey Henderson fan; he was just too cocky for me to embrace. But in the next few minutes, he won me over. As the public address announcer called each player’s name, Henderson approached each one, carefully removing their cap and placing the medal around their necks. Gently patting their shoulders, he respectfully bowed and moved on to the next player. That did it for me. Unashamedly, tears welled in my eyes and ran down my cheeks. I was well aware of the Challenger Division but had never witnessed the medal ceremony and certainly never expected to see Rickey Henderson in this caringThenlight.irony struck me. During my many years as a Little League manager, I sometimes took my team to a local challenger game so my players could serve as challenger buddies and see how important the game was to those children they were helping. One of the players I once coached was Sam Ranck, now an LLB employee who is in charge of the Challenger Division. I can’t recall if Sam experienced one of those moments as a member of my teams but what he is helping these young people accomplish is every bit as important as that world championship banner the Hawaiian kids have taken home.

First, I would like to congratulate my friends at Little League International. The 2022 Little League World Series was off the charts, and I wanted to say thanks for another great experience. Jensen and I made it over to the complex on a few occasions. We are proud to say that we are from Williamsport. Hats off to the youngsters from Honolulu who won this year’s title. They were brilliant both on and off the field. I loved their “WE before ME” baseball mentality. These young Hawaiians captured the hearts of millions. That Jaron Lancaster was a stud. And the entire team was super solid. How good were they? The boys played six games. All victories and the closest margin was four runs. Hawaii outscored their opponents 60-5. Impressive. Well done, kids. Safe travels. Last week I told you about doing some fishing during the MLB Classic. My selfie video with a monster bass has since gone viral. I am still waiting to hear back from a few major outlets. Maybe I will send them more footage. They cannot ignore me forever. There are so many fun moments with the Little League World Series. I briefly mentioned a great story with a Little Leaguer from Utah. I met Preston Threlfall and his family at Walmart. They had an off day, and they were looking

Creating One CBeautiful Smile after aanOther a Invisible Braces Dr. Heister H. Linn Jr. Linn Orthodontics • Braces Specialist • Orthodontics For All Ages • Ceramic & Specialty Braces • Free Consultation • Easy Monthly Payments • Most Insurance Accepted • Convenient Hours • Invisalign 1202 Clayton Ave., Williamsport 570-326-6181 68 Main St., Wellsboro, PA 888-771-6063 5335 North Route 44 • Jersey Shore, PA • 570-753-3801 COME ON, IT’S HAPPENING HERE! OUR BIGGEST SALE EVER! 2022 KZ Connect 322bhk ........................... $ 67,224 ........... $ 47,187 ........... $ 4,000 .............. $ 43,187 2022 Crossroads Zinger 290KB $ 46,609 $ 36,924 $ 4,000 $ 32,924 2022 KZ Escape Hatch 18 $ 42,536 $ 31,943 $ 4,000 $ 27,943 2022 Forest River Wildwood FSX 280rt ..... $ 49,045 .......... $ 35,380 ........... $ 4,000 .............. $ 31,380 2022 Forest River Wildwood Xlite 240bhxl $ 44,627 $ 31,755 $ 4,000 $ 27,755 2022 Crossroads Zinger 259fl $ 36,337 $ 27,883 $ 3,000 $ 24,883 2022 K2 Connect SE 191mbse ................... $ 45,503 .......... $ 29,588 ........... $ 3,000 .............. $ 26,588 2022 Forest River Wildwood 22rbs $ 43,511 $ 29,780 $ 3,000 $ 26,780 2022 Forest River Wildwood FSX 178bhsk $ 34,588 $ 24,569 $ 3,000 $ 21,569 2022 Forest River Wildwood FSX 170ss $ 32,673 $ 22,987 $ 3,000 $ 19,987 *Prices Do Not Include Taxes & Tags. Discounts Calculated Off of Original Price Only. MSRP OriginalPRICE DISCOUNTAdditional Limited Time SALE PRICE* Skip the show crowd and take advantage of similar savings from your local dealer!! No Hidden Fees & Friendly Low Pressure Sales! Simple Discounts on All New In-Stock RVs! OVER $30,000 TAKE $4,000 OFF UNDER $30,000 TAKE $3,000 OFF (Examples Shown) Sporting Matters With Spence… A Recap SpencerJamie

I believe Preston landed six. He was all smiles. Nothing to brag about it, but it was his first Smallmouth experience. It was a very enjoyable evening. Perhaps one day, we will head out west, and the Threlfalls can return the favor. Another great story that involves Little League Baseball and fishing. I am submitting my qualifications to the Lycoming Visitor’s Bureau. Cheers.
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www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•61Call570-326-9322for some action. We exchanged numbers, and I gave them a few suggestions. The Threlfalls had a blast and caught some nice panfish. They reached out to say thank you. Now Utah was eliminated from contention, but the team wasn’t leaving until Tuesday. Preston’s father reached out and asked if I had a free evening. Absolutely. Jensen and I met the Threlfalls at Historic Bowman. Preston loves to fish, but he immediately questioned. I explained that it was late in the season and our Lycoming needed some water. But I was very hopeful that we would catch some Smallmouth. I let Preston use my favorite spinning setup. He was familiar and started casting. Jensen caught one first, and our new friend from Utah quickly followed.

570-326-9322Call62•WeeklyWebb•20227, COMICS Crossword Clues Across 1 Sardine cousin 5 “My take is ...” 10 Princess from Amphipolis 14 Iota 15 One-up 16 “Head With Pipe” artist 17NoldeWatchable, in a way 18 Jar for leafy vegetable 20storage?2000s World #1 female 2322golferNurtureWordwith cake or break 24 Actor Jackie’s pet fish? 27 “__ Love” (Maroon 5 hit) 29 Smoking, perhaps 30 Half a score 31 1959 novel in whose film version Mary Crane became Marion Crane 33 Giant 36 Rabbit’s friend 37 Opine ... or create four long answers in this puzzle? 41 Literary __ 42 More than hammer home 43 Video game segments 45 Jr.’s jr. 46 Spot for a soak 49 With 60-Down, only South Korean World Golf Hall of Fame inductee 50 Emulate an inveterate 57565453swindler?SmallsongbirdWorkonacanvas?UnfortunateVesselwithlimited space? 61 Bard’s verb 62 “See Dad Run” star 63 Steer snagger 64 Mishmash 65 TripAdvisor alternative 66 “No worries” 67 White side, maybe Down 1 More than peck 2 Head __ 3 Besides 4 Plymouth’s county 5 Org. with a multi-ring logo 6 “No __!” 7 Whitewater figure 8 Pitcher? 9 Green sage 10 Survey taker, at times 11 Text clarifier 12 Compliment on a course 13 Antacid brand word 19 Old PC monitors 21 Martin’s start? 25 Hollywood glitterati 26 Sambuca flavoring 28 On a sugar high, say 31 Psychologist’s concern 32 Quaker Honey Graham __ 33 Toast, with “a” 34 U.S.-U.K. separator 35 “Truth is more of a stranger than fiction” writer 37 The works 38 Second section of Verdi’s 4039“Requiem”FitnicelyQuarters, e.g. 44 Daffy Duck has one 46 Move on a screen 47 Shakespearean heiress 48 “But I digress ...” 50 Trainee 51 Marine predators 52 Bygone birds 53 Mango tango smoothie server 55 Prefix with cardial 58 Post-spill need 59 __-Aztecan languages 60 See 49-Across Crossword, Jumble and Sudoku Answers Page 70 Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9, with no number repeating in any one row, column or 3-by-3 box.



5 lines!


For Sale. Butcher Hogs For This Winter. 570-6496502. 166684 $7.95 for Contact Jaimie Today!! Call Webb Weekly at (570) 326-9322 or email classifieds@webbweekly. com Lycoming Mall Community Yard Sale, Saturday 9-10-22. Located Inside Lycoming Mall. 10:30am - 4pm. Crafts,

AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER Puppies. $600.00. 570-547-6409. 166791

VERY FRIENDLY COLLIE PUPPIES For Sale. Call Elvin Hoover 570-649-9996. 166732 8 WEEK OLD Chocolate Lab Puppies. Very Friendly, 1 Male, 7 Females. $250.00 Each. Located In Loganton, PA. 717-250-9313. 166528
jewelry, clothing, household items, store fixtures, holiday items, toys, furniture etc. Always something for everyone! 166729 Bingo Every Monday Night Come join us for a chance to win the $1000 guaranteed Jackpot, our progressive Bonanza game and more! We H ave Great Food too! 18 face: $28, 12 face: $22, 6 face: $14 • Add a bumper to the 18 face for $9 All packages include a chance to win the Jackpot and Mystery #(s) Doors open at 5pm • Games begin at 6:30pm St. JoSepH tHe Worker pariSH 720 W. 4tH St., WilliamSport, pa 17701 • 570-323-0850 or 570-323-9456 150 Shaffer St. • Duboistown, PA 570-323-157917702 VFW HOURS: TUES. - SAT. 12pm-9pm • SUN. 12pm-6pm CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK FOR SPECIALS. VFW 7863THEBUCK VFW LEROY O BUCK POST 7863 BINGO EVERY THURSDAY DOORS OPEN @ 5:00 pm • GAMES START @ 6:00 pm (Food AvAilAble) Breakfast • Wednesday-Sunday • 8am-12pm Dine in or take out • 570-505-1318 BINGO AND BREAKFAST ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. GUESTS ARE WELCOME TO ALL OUR EVENTS. FIND US ON FACEBOOK @ AMERICAN LEGION POST 1 WILLIAMSPORT American Legion Post 1 10 East Third St., Williamsport, Pa 17701 (Corner of Market and Third St) (570) 322-9198 • Bingo: (570) 329-3397 Doors open @ 4:30 pm • Games start @ 6:00 pm Bingo • Up to $100 per game • Jackpot Up to $1000 No machines • Door prizes • Please see our Facebook page for weekly totals. BINGO EVERY WED & SAT.No Bingo: August 28th (Little League World Series) September 4th (Labor Day Weekend) & September 11th (911 Memorial Ride) SUNDAY BINGO South Williamsport Fire Department Thank You for your continuous support!! 573 Hastings Street, South Williamsport Phone: 570-326-4167 THURSDAY NOON DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS Call Jaimie - 326-WEBB (9322) or Real Estate ... Add $5 for a Picture Classified Advertising That Works Autos • Pets • Employment • Merchandise • Business Service Real Estate • Public Notice • Auctions & More!$15.953lines4weeksMerchandise&Autos!! Only 13$5.55forlinesweek

Cross Puppies. Ready After August 29th. Vet Checked And Dewormed. Located In Loganton. $300.00. 570-5021834. 166691 ACA BOXER PUPPIES. Vacc. And Wormed. Ready September 14th. Call For Price 570-538-5471. 166687 9 GERMAN SHEPHERD/LAB Mix Puppies. Up To Date On Shots And Wormer. Ready Aug. 11th. $400.00 Cash Only. One, 7 Month Old German Shepherd/Lab Female. Up To Date On Shots And Wormer. $200.00 Cash Only. Call Daniel Glick 570-713-0565 Leave A Message. 166689
BEAGLE,DOGS 2 YEAR OLD Female. House Trained, Crate Trained, Very Loveable. To Good Home Only. 570-4943108. 166934

The East Lycoming School District requests sealed bids, at its administrative offices at 349 Cemetery Street, Hughesville, PA 17737, addressed to the attention of Heather N. Burke, Business Manager, at or before 10:00am, local prevailing time, on September 20, 2022, when they will be publicly opened for Wood Chip Fuel Bid in accordance with the Bid Document which interested persons may obtain at the offices of the East Lycoming School District, 349 Cemetery Street, Hughesville, PA 17737, (570) 5842131, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. East Lycoming School District By: Heather N. Burke Business Manager. 166927 PUPPIESPETS

BORDER COLLIE BLUE HEELER Cross Puppies. 8 Weeks Old. $375.00. 570-367-0698. 166900 FOR SALE ICA REGISTERED Lab Puppies. 7 To Choose From. Up To Date On Shots And Wormer. Ready September 8th. Reserve Yours Now. 814-320-1376. 166890 AKC MINI AUSSIES. Red And Black Tri’s & Merles With Blue Eyes. Beautiful Puppies That Are Very Intelligent. $700-1,300.00 Apiece. 570-772-9584. 166930

HUGE 2-DAY YARD SALE. Oval United Methodist Church 6796 S. Route 44 Hwy, Jersey Shore, PA. 17740-9171. Friday, September 9th, 3-7pm. Saturday, September 10th, 8am-1pm. Food Platters, Bake Sale & Take-out Chicken Corn Soup Both Days. Clothes, Toys, Books, Housewares, Holiday Items & Lots More!!!! Rain Or Shine. 166735 844 MAHAFFEY ST., NEWBERRY, Across From Middle School. Sept. 9th & 10th, 8-2. Bikes, Lg. Dog Kennel, Dog House, Pressure Washer, CB Radio, Golf Clubs, Chairs, Jewelry, Housewares, Clothing, Much More. 166943 YARD SALE 175 Grimesville Road. Friday & Saturday, Sept. 9th & 10th, 8-2. Small Kitchen Appliances, Men’s And Women’s Clothing, Misc. Items. 166902 J.S. LIONESS LIONS Yard Sale. Sat. Sept. 10th 7am-3pm. W&W Body Shop 119 Tiadaghton Ave., J.S. Welcoming New Members. 166551 WANTED TO BUY: JEWELRY, CHRISTMAS LIGHTEDDECORATIONS,HOUSES. PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE AND NUMBER 570-546-7303. 166545 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Friday & Saturday, September 9th & 10th, 8am-2pm. 2920 Heshbon Road, Williamsport. Household Items. 166928 MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE September 9th & 10th, 8-4pm. 639 Narber Fry Road, Pennsdale. Christmas Decorations, Glassware, Baskets, Lots Of Clothing All Sizes. A Little Bit Of Everything. 166904 GARAGE SALE 1994 Route 880 Rauchtown. September 9th, 8am-5pm. September 10th, 8am3pm. Bombadier ATV, Giant, Woman’s Bike, shark Upright Vacc., Christmas Decorations, Milk Cans, Lawn Tractor Wagon, Grass Sweeper, Worx Power Washer, Board Games, Much More. 166906 MOVING SALE 17” MONITOR, Comes With Keyboard, Speakers & Mouse, Best Offer. 2 Piece Computer Desk, Oak Framed, Best Offer. Whirlpool Washer And Dryer Set $200.00. Beauty Rest California King Mattress With Split Foundation. Antique Upholstered Rocker With Wood Frame. SK Mechanics Hand Tools With 6 Drawer Toolbox (26”x12”x15”). Large Assortment Of Scrapbooking Materials. Call 570-3685577. 166921

PATIO SALE PATIO SALE AT EMBASSY NURSING HOME, 1445 Sycamore Road. September 9th And 10th From 8-1. Lots Of Christmas And Easter Decorations Plus Household Goods. NO Clothing. 166901 ESTATE SEPTEMBERSALE 9th, 10th & 11th, 9am-4pm. Glassware: Depression, Porcelain, Cut & Carnival. Large Porcelain Doll Collection, Furniture, Pictures, Kitchenware, Jewelry, Decorative Items, Tools. 241 Back Street, Lot #21, Tiadaghton View, Montoursville (Loyalsockville). 166940

HUGE YARD SALE Saturday September 10th, 8-3pm. 1192 Beacon Light Road, Muncy. Boxed Lots, Single Items, Strange Things, Household, Clothes And Whatever. Check It Out, You’ll Be Glad You Did. Let’s Make A Deal. Some Items Can Be Seen On Virginia’s Deals And Steals Facebook. 166905
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: The Following Self-Storage Unit Contents Containing Household and Other Goods Will Be Sold For Cash By CubeSmart 300 Lycoming Mall Circle Suite 320 Pennsdale, Pa. 17756 To Satisfy A Lien On September 21, 2022 At Approx. 11:00am At storagetreasures.comwww.. Cube 1179 Carrie Bynum. 166741 BUS STEELERSTRIPSBUS TRIP. Jets Vs. Pittsburgh, October 2nd. Private Bus $210.00 Includes Bus Ride And Ticket. Williamsport Area. Contact Brian 272-209-0420. 2 Tickets Left. 166931 BUS NOVEMBERTRIP 9th American Music Theatre Christmas Show In Lancaster, Plus Meal At Hershey Farms. Price $130.00. Call J&J Excursions At166918570-317-7060.
CHURCH UNITEDHESHBONSERVICESPARKMETHODISTCHURCH 2898 Heshbon Road, Williamsport (Turn Off Of Lycoming Creek Road) Pastor Jane O’Borski. Worship 9AM, Sunday School 10:15 AM. 165831 Independent Fire Company #1 306 Clark St. • S. Williamsport, PA • 570-323-6662 FRIDAYNIGHT If you haven’t played BINGO here, come check our game out! Fireball Bingo up to 2000 • Racing for Jackpot (build up game) Jackpots up to 2000 based on number of players! Large packs $20.00 includes Jackpot. Bumper packs $5.00 Doors Open 5:00pm • Games Begin @6:30pm • Thanks for your Support 21, 2021 is back! BUYING GOLD & SILVER PAYING CASH FOR... Gold & Silver Jewelry, Coins, Sterling Flatware, Dishes, Also Blue Decorated Crocks & Jugs, Vintage Watches / Guns & Antiques Call after 2:00pm Mon.-Fri. Sat. & Sun. Any Time 570-916-9627 JOIN OUR WILLIAMSPORT 570-326-0671TEAMSTACareers.comASASCHOOLBUSDRIVERNOEXPERIENCEREQUIREDIPAIDTRAININGSTUDENTTRANSPORTATIONOFAMERICAISDRIVINGTHEFUTUREAPPLYONLINETODAYORCALLTOSCHEDULEANINTERVIEW

HUGE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Sept. 16th & 17th, 8-?. 765 Strick Road, Danville. Baby Clothes, Home Decor, Household Items & Much More. 166733

SALENEIGHBORHOOD . Heshbon Road, Heshbon Street, Park Drive, Bon Lane. 12+ Sales And Food At The Heshbon Park Church. 9/9 & 9/10, 8am-? 166922

GENERAL MERCH. MERITS BATTERY POWERED CHAIR. Can Carry 350 Lbs. Never Used Outside. $3,000.00. 570-398-2498 After 4PM. 166897

ALOE CARE HEALTH MEDICAL ALERT SYSTEM. Most advanced medical alert product on the market. Voice-activated! No wi-fi needed! Special offer w/code CARE20 for $20 off Mobile Companion. 1-855-341-5862. C11 STROKE & CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE are leading causes of death according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Call Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer- 5 screenings for $149. Call 1-866-518-8391. M11 DONʼT LET THE STAIRS LIMIT YOUR MOBILITY! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-844-317-5246. M11 ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587. C11 DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-877-553-1891 The most advanced medical alert product on the market. Voice-activated! No wi-fi needed! Special offer – call and mention offer
code CARE20 to get $20 off Mobile Companion. Call today – 1-877-7284065. M11 WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUE GERMAN DOLLS. NO MODERN DOLLS. PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE, THANK YOU. 570-4196686 . 166710 WANTED: CAST IRON FRY PANS. LOOK IN ATIC AND CELLAR. Call 570-9989132. 166723 BUYING RECORDS!!! Sonic Ascension Records Is Buying Albums And 45’s. Rock, Blues, Jazz, Punk, And Metal. No Collection Too Big Or Small. Cash Paid On The Spot! Call 570-360-3486 Or Find Us On Facebook. 166915 PAYING TOP CASH for men’s sportwatches! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner and Speedmaster. Call 833-603-3236 .C11 CALLAHANʼS ANTIQUITIES 381 Broad Street Montoursville, PA ALWAYS BUYING Quality Antiques, Gold, Silver Top Prices Paid With Immediate Payment One Piece or Whole Estates “Member of Certified Appraisers Guild of America” Open Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 570-368-2597 166722 ESTABLISHEDBANDSEEKINGMEMBERBAND Looking for Lead Vocalist Who Can Play Guitar Or Piano To Replace A Musician Who Retired. Must Be At Practice And All Bookings. Only Serious Reply: Contact Ray At 570-447-3584. 166697 GENERALDUCERETAILEMPLOYMENTHELP,PRO-PACKING,LABOR. anticipates the following position: Secondary Mathematics Teacher Apply online at Posting will remain open until lled. EOE anticipates the following positions: Title I Instructional Paraprofessional Part-Time Positions – 5 hours per day Apply online at Posting will remain open until lled. EOE J+M •••GuttersSeamlessLLCJohnHostetter405HuffmanLaneMuncy,PA17756570-772-1717FullyInsuredFreeEstimatesLeafGuardsCleanOutsGutterInstallationAppliances • Bedding • Furniture • Sewing Machines • Vacuums SWOPE’S NEW LOCATION 1217 W. 4th St., Williamsport Over570-322-272250YearsofService Monday-Friday 10aM-5pM • Saturday 9aM-3pM Call Jaimie - 570-326-9322 My Business is Getting YOU Business! Your Business Card Delivered by The United States Postal Service to Over 58,000 Homes! 201620,AprilWeeklyWebb79 www.webbweekly.comCall570-326-9322 REACH OVER 58,000 HOMES IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BYADVERTISING YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE! CALL NICKIE TURI AT 570-326-9322 Renewable Energy for PA, LLC Williamsport, Plumbing,Remodeling, Sealing, Testing, Insulation ONSTRUCTION 570-238-5529 570-713-4887 570-323-9119 M.R. LoguePlasterDrywallInteriorsSwirledCeilings Milller’s 570-547-2505SEAMLESSGUTTERS Cleaningand 6” Guards Larry Miller, program, trimming, 570 Get One Mowing FREE mowing HaulingClean Washing 2182 Quarry Oriole) HARDWOOD SLABSCORD-SIZE BUNDLES Stock-Up NOW Winter! $2500 EACH!2500 Solutions Brink, OwnerMontoursville, • 24/7 FOUGHTS570-584-2764MILLBuckwheat Products Quality Feed HUGHESVILLE Roof Over Experience (570) Shingles(Rubber) KOZ’s LANDSCAPING DRIVEWAY 570.940.0237 YEARS LANDSCAPE BORDERS Design, SPECIAL 50% OTHER MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE $90 YEAR Call Today! Mark Tillson570-368-7600InsuranceLycoming HERSHBERGER BUILDERS 570-437-1909 Jonas FREE Estimates SpecializingPole SidingRenovatinos AllRoof MOYER’SGENERAL CONTRACTING DrywallKitchens Windows 570-772-0753 Timothy Let Troy 238 Pine 570-725-2341 TRUCK TONNEAU COVERS FoldingStand

ANCEDENTALHEALTHCAREINSUR-Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance-not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit!


FULL SIZE MATTRESS For Sale. In Good Condition. Best Offer. 570-447-8031. 166736 HANDYMANʼS DO IT YOURSELF COLLECTION. Hammer, Paint Supplies, Extension cord, Etc. Make An Offer. 570368-5577. 166920 HP 15” STREAM LAPTOP. 4GB RAM 128GB SSD With MS365. Rose Gold, Brand New With Printer. $500.00 Cash. 570-980-9780. 166734
SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. offshowerNowinstallationTop-of-the-lineandservice.featuringourfreepackage&$1600-limitedtime!Financing available. 1-855-4171306. C11 PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES TODAY with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt with a free Quote –Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-9486176. C11 BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725. C11 PUT ON YOUR TV EARS & hear TV w/ unmatched clarity. TV Ears Original - originally $129.95 - now w/this special offer only $59.95 w/ code MCB59! 1-888-8050840. C11 THE GENERAC PWRCELL, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-866-783-0292. M11 PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES TODAY with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options Request a FREE Quote –Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-4657624. M11 SAFE STEP. North America ’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-ofthe-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833-3561954. M11 The Generac PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages and power your home. Full installation services. $0 Down Financing Option. Request FREE no obligation quote. Call 1-877539-0299. C11 GOOD THINGS TO EAT JOEYʼS PLACE HOT PEPPERS. 570-2209399. 166367 FIREARMS SIG SAUER MOD 80 cal. 375 H&H, Zeis Scope Diavari-Z 1.5-6x42 Heirloom Rifle, hardly used, legally imported and registered. Beautiful condition. 607-742-0136. 166525 FIREWOODFIREWOOD2CORDS, Already Cut And Split, $150.00 A Cord. You Pick Up. 570-506-9972. 166548 HARD WOOD SLAB WOOD $10.00 A Bundle. 570-547-0635. 165640 FARM EQUIP. HAY BALE KICKER WAGON. 30 Foot Hay And Grain Elevator. Best Offer On Both. 570-9804674. 166363
Property Located at 404 Broadway St., Muncy, PA 17756
The James V. Brown Library is an Equal Opportunity Employer that Values Diversity.


Terms of sale Cash or check with proper ID, Credit Cards are accepted, 4% buyer’s premium on real estate and $8,000 down day of sale. Home will be sold as is where is. Owner of property has a right to refuse or reject any bids or offers on property.

To be sold off the block at 6pm at Fry’s Auction Hall located at 400 Village Rd., Pennsdale, PA.

Terms: Cash or PA check w/ proper ID. 570-419-1340
Fry’s Auction Hall - Pennsdale, PA
Immediate openings, fulltime and/or part-time. Apply in person at Marshalek’s Fruit Farm, 1875 Quaker State Road, Montoursville Mon-Fri 9-5. 166939 VANEMONʼS OIL COMPANY, South Williamsport, PA. Is Looking For An Oil Delivery Driver. CDL Class B Minimum. Tanker And Hazmat Preferred. Will Train A CDL Holder On Tanker & Hazmat. Fulltime September Through March. May Turn Into Permanent Position. Drop Off Resume Or Apply In Person At 257 Charles Street, South Williamsport. 166688 PAINTERS HELPER NEEDED. Must Have Experience And Transportation. Call 570-971-6238. 166555 PLUMBINGMASTERS IS LOOKING for HVAC Technicians and Helpers with experience in servicing and installing all types of systems (some experience in oil furnaces is a plus). We offer competitive pay, paid vacation and holiday’s, medical benefits and 401K. Please send resume and business references to: PlumbingMasters, 302 Sidney Street, South Williamsport, 17702 or email at 1983.izon.netplumbingmasters1@ver-orcall570-323JANITORIAL/CLEANERS

The James V. Brown Library is seeking a professional Children’s Librarian to join our team. This candidate would be responsible for providing innovative library and outreach programs for children and teens as well as collection development. This is a full-time position with benefits. MLS preferred. BA degree in Libraries or related social services will be considered. A job description and application can be found at with resume and cover letter by September 23rd to kconfer@jvbrown.eduor Karen Confer , Human Resources
FURNIJersey Shore Area School District VACANCIESCOACHING Coaching Vacancies: JSASD is an Equal Opportunity Employer • Assistant Girls MS Basketball Coach • Head Swimming Coach • Head Girls Track Coach Game Support Staff Vacancies: • Game Managers: Football, Soccer, Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling • Score Keepers, Clock Operators, and Announcers • Security/Event Staff If

Call Alan for details at
BUSINESS CLEAN-UP.YARDSERVICESWORK, Brush Removal, Hauling, Weed-Whacking. 570439-1934. 166577 VIVINT SMART SECURITY. Professionally installed. 1 connected system for total peace of mind. Free professional installation! 4 free months of monitoring! Call to customize your system. 1-833-841-0737. C11 NEED A NEW ROOF? CALL DANIEL. FULLY INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES. 570-989-1938. 166019 BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author`s guide 1-877-729-1920 or visit .C11 PROTECT YOUR HOME from pests safely and affordably. Pest, rodent, termite, and mosquito control. Call for a quote or inspection today 844394-9278. C11 VIVINT. SMART SECURITY. Professionally installed. One connected system for total peace of mind. FREE professional installation. Four FREE months of monitoring! Call now to customize your system. 1-855-8702073. M11 REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material-steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors are available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - $500 Discount + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855338-4807. M11 THE BATHROOM OF YOUR DREAMS for as little as $149/month! BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Limited Time Offer - FREE virtual in-home consultation now and SAVE 15%! Call Today! 1-877-540-2780. M11 BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920 Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-866482-1576 or visit http://
WE TRANSFORM YOUR KITCHEN IN LESS TIME, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate (PA017137)1-844-887-5145M11 ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING FOREVER! LeafFilter, the most Advanced Debris-Blocking Protection. Schedule FREE LEAFFILTER Estimate today. 15% Off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936. C11 RICHARTʼS you are please send the following: to Serena Henry, Director, Jersey Shore Area High School, 701 Cemetery Street, Jersey Shore, PA 17740. Application packets will be accepted until positions are filled. If you have any questions, please call 570-398-2980 or email
Home is all brick, with an attached 1 car garage, newer paved driveway. Nice sunroom/breezeway, newer roof 2005 super well maintained yard and property, home has radiant electric heat. Upgraded windows and gutters, home is wired and plummed for central vacuum systems has laundry shoot, large updated kitchen, bedrooms are large with huge clos ets, full bathroom is large and nice, huge living room downstairs has a kitchenette with sink, stove hookup, laundry hookups and a 1/2 bath room, work shop area and a large dining area, as well as the potential for a 3rd bedroom with extra large closet. Home is a single family type home was built in 1970 the lot size is 7,840 square feet. We will be selling the contents of the home the same night starting at 4pm. We have two complete bedroom suites one is a Sumter Cabinet Co. Oak bedroom suite super clean, we also have hand tools power tools extension ladder, Honda push mower, a blower vacuum, belt sander, bench grinder, vise, two shop vacs, Coleman stove, sewing machine, bookcases, radios, lamps, glass ware, odds & ends, nice super clean glass table patio set, rocker, bobsled couches, chairs, tables, coffee tables and many more household items. We will be selling upright freezer, stove and 2 refrigerators, sewing machine, washer and dryer. 10% buyer’s premium on contents.
• 607-743-3537 LC. 7-7433537 • Visit us at auction #8279 • Swimming Pools • Drinking Water 570-322-1829 • Credit Cards Accepted • Dependable Delivery • DEP Licensed Outdoor Furnace Rosalie Poust • Charlie Worthington • Wesley Worthington Let us help with your outdoor heating needs! 570.336.8735 • • Specializing in repair & restoration of period & modern jewelryJewelersSmith’s 344 Broad Street • Montoursville, PA 17754 Ph: 570-368-GOLD(4653) • The Specialists!Restoration

Part time cleaning positions available in the Turbotville area. Monday - Friday 3:30pm to 7:30pm. Call or 717-324-1552.text166513
James V. Brown Library 19 East 4th Street Williamsport, PA 17701
resume, athletic department coaching application, and Act 34, Act 114, Act 151 clearances
1/4 mile off of Route I-180 Exit 15, 11 miles East of Williamsport Mon., Sep. 12th, 2022
www.webbweekly.com20227,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•67Call570-326-9322The Best Buy In Advertising Your Business Card Mailed to Over 58,000 Homes. $47.50/Week (1-4 Weeks) or $37.50/Week (5 or More Weeks) Call Jaimie at 570-326-9322 • Garages • Pole Barns • Additions • Barn Restorations constructionDR & David Yoder - Owner • 570-452-6706 Fully Licensed & Insured PA#147987 • Roofing & Siding • Exterior & RemodelingInterior New Construction BRICK, BLOCK & STONE STRUCTURES INCLUDING: FOUNDATION WALLS RETAINING WALLS • CHIMNEYS • PIERS COLUMNS • BILCO ENTRANCES • STEPS BRICK, BLOCK & STONE REPOINTING STONE VENEER INSTALLATION CAULK & SILICONE REAPPLICATIONS CONCRETE POURS & REPAIRS STUCCO & PARGE COATING (570) 220-5198 • CKROCKSOLIDMASONRY@GMAIL.COM PA#164691FORAN HONEST & FREE ESTIMATE, CALL: & Rest ation Repair to: 570-220-5198 • FULLY INSURED ALL PHASES OF... BRICK • BLOCK STONE • CONCRETE – NEW OR REPAIRS –Chimneys • Stonework Pointing • Foundation Repair Stucco • Concrete New Construction BRICK, BLOCK & STONE STRUCTURES INCLUDING: FOUNDATION WALLS RETAINING WALLS • CHIMNEYS • PIERS COLUMNS • BILCO ENTRANCES • STEPS BRICK, BLOCK & STONE REPOINTING STONE VENEER INSTALLATION CAULK & SILICONE REAPPLICATIONS CONCRETE POURS & REPAIRS STUCCO & PARGE COATING (570) 220-5198 • CKROCKSOLIDMASONRY@GMAIL.COM PA#164691FORAN HONEST & FREE ESTIMATE, CALL: & Rest ation Repair to: S&S Farms Country Store 2447 State Route 44 Allenwood PA 570-419-323817810 We offer pasture raised, grass finished Black Angus Beef. Pork, chicken, lamb and turkey. All our meats and eggs are free range all natural, no hormones or antibiotics. Also sell by the quarter, half and whole. Hours: Monday - Friday 10am-5pm • Saturday 9am-1pm Sunday by appointment. 570.725.2341 238 Pine Loganton Rd -- Loganton Window Shades & Deck Shades • Manual or Remote control. • Covers Pergolas & Gazebos • Lots of color options. • Lifetime threads CALL GutterINSTALLEDSEAMLESS570-246-3714GUTTERSORDROPPEDRepairs&CleaningGUTTERNUTZ@GMAIL.COM PA# 115065 510 Elimsport Rd. Montgomery, PA 17752 (570) 238-1589 DC Powder Coating Muncy, Pa. Don dcpowdercoating1@hotmail.comCline570-971-3509CALLME Any anything else that will fi t in my oven BrakeValveRotorsCalipersCoversTurbosRimsManifolds SPECIALIZING IN PROPER PRUNING, HAZARDOUS TREE REMOVALS, STORM DAMAGE, AND MUCH MORE! Call us today for a free estimate 570 317 5561 Fully insured Superior Seal Coating LLC NO SPRAY! NO SPRAY! ALL HAND BRUSHED! OFFICE: 570-940-0237 CELL: 570-279-0317 5 YEAR GUARANTEE! LONGEST LASTING TAR FREE T-SHIRT WITH EVERY JOB! Number 1 Reputation • Fast & Free Estimates ALSO: HOT CRACK REPAIR We Do it Right! Call Now For Huge Discounts ROOFINGKEEFER&SPOUTINGFREEESTIMATES•50YearWarrantyCallBillat(570)398-1619 PROFESSIONAL 570-326-3431POWERSERVICINGALLBRANDSWHEELCHAIR&SCOOTERREPAIRAllenwood, PA 17810 (570) 547-7229 Hay Wagons • Round Bale Feeders • Snow Plows Gates • Hydraulic Hoses Made While You Wait Stephen J. Beiler Daniel S. Beiler Alvin S. Beiler Custom Mfg. Steel Sales Mon thru Fri 7:00 am to Saturday5pm By AppointmentLazySusanClothesLines 5pm Appointment Finding Nostalgia Vintage Sports Memorabilia and FindingNostalgia@gmail.comSouthFindingNostalgia.comAppraisalsWilliamsport,PA(272)215-2483 CALL 570-323-9119TODAY! M.R. Logue Interiors ----- Since 1975 ----• Drywall • • Plaster Repairs • • Painting • Swirled Ceilings - A Specialty PA# 049073 Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Wiring Thorne Electrical Services You are in the right hands! 570-337-9188 30 years experience • New Breaker Boxes & Meter Bases In Stock • Fully Insured / Free Estimates • Veteran Owned and Operated

570-326-9322Call68•WeeklyWebb•20227, TURE REFINISHING AND REPAIR We Make Spindles, We Fix Most Any Loose Chairs. We Also Paint Metal, 570584-3215. 165800 HOUSE?NEEDCLEANINGACLEAN No Time? Call ME! I Will Get Your Home Looking Great So You Can Relax! Great Rates, References Available Upon Request. For An Estimate Call Joyce 570-238-1796. LAWNCARE RICHARDʼS LAWN CARE AND LANDSCAPING. Fall CleanUp And Snow Plowing. Free Estimates. PA064570. 570-7721588. 166899 HAKES LAWNCARE. Hedge Trimming, Weed Whacking, Commercial & Residential Property Cleanups, And Clean Outs. 570-419-3283. 166278 ROBERTʼS LANDSCAPING. Mowing, Trimming, Mulching, Fall Clean-Up. 570-279-2012. 166923 SCOTTʼS LAWN CARE. SPRING & FALL CLEAN-UP. Residential And Commercial Mowing Landscaping.And 23rd Year In Business. Fully Insured. Call Now For Spring Rototilling 570-4196326. 165835 LookFARMINGlook LOOK. ATTENTION FARMERS! Do you have a wet spot in your field that you want gone? We get rid of the average size wet spot for $250. with some secret sauce.. Money back guaranteed. Call or text 5709892175 or send an email to hertzlerenterprises@ . 162929 SERVICES NEEDLEGALOFFEREDIRSRELIEF $10K - $125K+ Get Fresh Start or Forgiveness. Call 1-844-431-4716 Monday through Friday 7 AM - 5 PM PST. M11 VEHICLE#!?¿¡#REPOSSESSEDMissed payments after 2015? You may be entitled to substantial money and improved credit. REPO ALERT! FREE LEGAL 1-800-601-0808.ADVICEM11 DIAGNOSEDHEALTH WITH LUNG CANCER? You may qualify for a substantial cash award - even with smoking history. NO obligation! We’ve recovered millions. Let us help!! Call 24/7, 1-888-650-9135. M11 GROUP,WESLEYFINANCIALFINANCIALLLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 888-965-0363. M11 AIR EL.DISCOUNTTRAVELAIRTRAVCall Flight Services for best pricing on domestic & international flights inside & from the US. Serving United, Delta, American & Southwest & many more. Free quote! Have trael dates ready! 844-951-2014. C11 INSURANCE?LOOKINGINSURANCEFORAUTO

LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING - MUNCY, PA 570-419-7576 Local Industry Leading Landscaping & Excavating Company seeking to ll CDL Driver, Foreman & Labor Positions for the 2022-2023 Season. We provide Excavating, Hardscaping, and all Facets

of Landscaping in the Williamsport Regional Area and beyond. We pride ourselves on developing a team oriented environment and working toward a common goal. Pay Rates are based on previous experience, Competitive Pay. G. Scott •AttorneyGardnerAtLaw$385Total•RealEstate/TitleInsuranceElderLaw/Probate•Husband&WifePackage “We Make House Calls” 570-971-0090 - Last Will & Testament - Durable Power of Attorney - Living Will 1000 Commerce Park Dr. Suite 310-B - Williamsport, PA CALL TODAY FOR PRICES BULK OR BAG COAL * DELIVERY AVAILABLE 288 Caldwell Rd., Trout Run, PA 17771 Residential/Commercial Fully Insured Kyle Landscaping & Tree Service Co. “Done Dirt Cheap” • Low Maintenance Landscape Designs & Installation • Mulching • Lawn Seeding • Hedge & Shrub Trimming • Maintenance Contracts • Snow Contracts • Retaining Walls • Patios • Walks 570-337-3852 32 YEARS IN BUSINESS! GOOGLE US! Williamsport, pa 570-745-3649 EASY STORAGE FOR YOUR TOYS 115 Groupe Rd. • Jersey Shore, PA 17740570-447-5805 TreeSmithʼsService Serving Central Pennsylvania for Over 40 Years FREE Estimates • Fully Insured Removal • Trimming Stump RemovalPA# 139263

Public Works Laborer

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Loyalsock Township is accepting applications for the position of full-time Public Works Laborer. Responsibilities include manual labor, local roadway maintenance, snow plowing, and assisting with a variety of special projects. Loyalsock Township offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. Employment application may be obtained at or at the Township Office, 2501 E. Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. Completed application should be submitted to Bill Burdett, Township Manager, by September 16, 2022. Loyalsock Township is an Equal Opportunity Employer/ADA.

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