Fall Open House! Page 26 Open House! Page 42 Auction!HugeFall Page 37 VOLUME 20 • NUMBER 37 A Family-Oriented Publication SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 YEAR MOVIESSAVEDTHAT Joseph Smith III Page 42GEMLOCALA Larry Stout Page 8 MUSKIEELUSIVETHE Ken PageHunter50 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 th • 9AM-3PM CRUISE INTO THEMUNCY CAR SHOWS – Page 6 Over 12,000 square feet of shopping with over 50 local vendors including jewelry, pottery, clothing, antiques, candles, soaps, home decor and more! Open 7 days a week! HOUSEOPENFALLSEPT. 1515 Kepner Hill Rd., Muncy, PA 17756 • 570-546-6907 | fraleyauction.com Manitou MLT 634-120 telehandler, EROPS; JCB 175 skid steer, CAH, 2 spd-1228 hrs.; NH 786 skid loader; NH L785 skid steer; JD 575 skid loader; JD GENERAL EQUIPMENT JD 1750 6 row vacumeter corn planter-Maxi Merge Plus units-dry fertilizer, 350 monitor; JD 3975 forage harvester w/ 3x corn head, iron guard, wrapper-like new; Kelly Ryan silage table; Vermeer TM800 Disc Mower; NI 401 rake w/ dolly; JD 854 silage special round baler; JD 400 grain cart West eld 61x10” grain auger; Kohler 50 KW generator; 30+ assorted gravity wagons; plows; discs; Plus all types of planting, haying & till-age items; RAILROAD ENGINE ON STEEL; Featherlite 8’x20’ gooseneck cattle trailer; 1994 Mercury station wagon; 94 Southwind 34’ motorhome; 2019 Big Tex TA trailer, Fraley’s AtCONSIGNMENTFallAUCTIONtheFraleyComplex,1515KepnerHillRoad,Muncy,PAIt’sHereandIt’sTime-YoucanSell&YoucanBuy!“eSaletheyallTalkAbout”e“LARGESTSALE”ofit’skindintheNortheast is is a very very brief early listing, 1000’s of items are not advertised Saturday, September 17, 2022 8:00 TRACTORS NH T7 270 CAH, on tracks, CVT, front 3 pth. only 4400 hrs.-NICE; NH T 7070, CAH, CVT, front 3 pth.-7400 TC26DA compact, 4x4 w/ loader; JD 4430, CAH, quad range; JD 5055D, w/ canopy; JD 5310, cab w/ 541 loader-only JD 950; JD 730 diesel; CaseIH 4230-1980 hrs. nice; CaseIH DX 25E compact, 4x4 w/ loader & mower deck; IH IH 656 gas; MF 231 diesel; Kubota BX 1850 compact, 4x4 w/ loader; Kubota L3600, 4x4 w/ loader; MM GVI; unit-FWD, w/ 738 4RN corn head, big husking bed; NI 4RW head; INT 1460 combine, w/ 6x corn & grain head; Selling with 4 trucks all day • 2 on big equipment • 2 lawn, garden, & Farm & Trucks,Equipment,ConstructionTrailers,Vehicles, 500+ pc’s Lawn & Garden (One of the largest lawn mower Auctions in the East!) ALL MAKES & MODELS OF LAWN EQUIPMENT (3) 2003 Yamaha G22A gas golf carts; Large selection (100’s)of zero turns, riding mowers & all kind of lawn NEW SKID STEER Q.T. & 3 PTH EQUIPMENT Grapple buckets, post hole diggers, trenchers, sickle bar & rotary mowers, large & small pallet forks, J Bar mowers - stone rakes; rototillers. Several Accepting consignments September 12th until September 15th - - 8:00 till 5:00 each day • NOTHING Sale Order: Starting 8:00am on wagon load, 8:15 2 trucks on front row, 9:00 Big Machinery 9:00 Lawn Terms: Cash or good check day of Auction, Out of state buyers must have a current bank letter of credit. Everything paid in full day of Auction, nothing removed until settle for. Credit Cards accepted - a 3% administrative fee charged on all non cash/non check purchases. www.proxibid.com Open House! Sunday, September 18th | 2-4 pm 246 Dusty Lane Cogan Station $484,000 Becky Moran, Realtor® 570.244.1122 Price!New


gotten the best of the last couple of attempts. But there’s a lot of fall to enjoy between now and then.
league organization and glad we could send so many folks to home games with dinner and a drink with our contest.

The Cutter’s, led by Manager Jesse Litsch, made it to the league championship game. What a great accomplishment. Hopefully, next year they win one more game right here at Muncy Bank Ball Park at Historic Bowman Field and capture the league championship. Thanks to all within the Cutter’s organization for providing great entertainment and outstanding baseball.
Moving right along. As most of you know, I love the change of seasons we experience in Pennsylvania. It would be hard for me to pick a favorite, although I would lean towards autumn or summer.
summer is in the rearview mirror as autumn officially begins next Thursday. A couple of closing thoughts about the sun-drenched season. It was hot, it was dry, and it was everything I remembered summers being as I was growing up. Just day after day of being able to do whatever you wanted and not having to worry about rain, and then when you would get rain, it would come in the form of late afternoon or evening thundershowers.
The actions that got Southern Methodist University the death sentence in 1987 from the NCAA have become normal operating procedures and are to be celebrated. There are now more

God Bless America.
Fall is just a special time in our neck of Penns Woods with so much going on. I hope we all enjoy outstanding fall weather, complete with God’s green Earth changing over to display all the season’s beautiful colors.
Then one of my favorites of the year, September 28th will feature the Fall Outdoors Guide, which includes our Uncle Ron’s Big Buck Contest. I can’t wait to see the antlers that come through the door this year.
Pumpkin Spice and Pigskin is Nice From the Publisher…

LIVEWWW. .COM . Danville at Loyalsock Friday, September 16th at 7pm Paul Bo & Rich Zalonis Are on the Call for this Great Pre-GameMatch-Upat6:45pm FRIDAYLIGHTSLIGHTSNIGHT CATCH ALL THE ACTION! KICKOFF2022 The Ironmen Forge an Offense Against the Lancers West Branch Valley’s Game of the Week!

What a great Summer! Of course, according to scientists and professional weather folks, it was one of the most extreme summers on record. ‘Summergedon,’ so to speak, just like everything else that is played into the worst possible scenario. I will leave it at this; maybe it was just a hot, dry summer that everybody who loves summer weather appreciated. The science of meteorology has been around the equivalent of a grain of sand on the beach compared to the creation of the Earth.My last closing thought on summer is a tip of my Webb Weekly cap with the American Flag on the side to the Williamsport Crosscutters. We are proud to partner with the MLB draft
rules governing the NFL and the money trail than in college football — which is supposed to be an amateur sport. The highest-paid state employee in most states is the head coach of the state’s football team. Nittany Lions’ head coach James Franklin’s contract is for 70 million dollars over ten years plus incentives based upon the success of the program.I’llstop on that note other than to say Americans love football, and I’m not talking about soccer, although ESPN is trying to push it every chance they get. My pick for this year’s Super Bowl Champion — the Buffalo Bills.

I pray that dry summer weather doesn’t affect our farmers and all the businesses associated with harvest time. Get out and shop your favorite farm market for the best produce selection of the year!
The football season is now off and running at full speed. As I often say, get out and about on Friday night and enjoy your favorite team and the Pennsylvania high school football tradition. If you can’t get out for whatever reason, Webb Weekly Live has a great game for you this Friday night as the Danville Ironmen take on Head Coach Justin Van Fleet’s Loyalsock Lancers.Withthe way college and pro football schedules are done in today’s world, you could watch a football game pretty much every night of the week. I don’t know if that’s such a good thing, but that’s a conversation for another day. This applies especially to the college level and how every aspect of the game has become like the Wild West and California gold rush rolled into one. Show me the money should be the new collegiate motto, and that goes for players, coaches, and universities.

In closing things out, this week is a reminder of a couple of Webb Weekly autumn traditions that will be kicking off the next couple of weeks. The September 21st edition will include our annual Fall Home Improvement Guide. This is a ‘best of,’ covering of area contractors and businesses guaranteed to help make your home space a better place.
Get out and about and enjoy all that’s going on and the changing seasons. And as always, let’s all be careful out there.
I also hope there is finally a marching of the 75th Annual Mummers Parade in Southside. COVID and weather have
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•3Call570-326-9322Stk #: MSRP:M3047$44,795 NEW! VOLKSWAGEN2022 ATLAS 2.0T SE W/TECHNOLOGY $ 44, 795ONLY:NOW Stk #: MSRP:M3024$36,665 NEW! VOLKSWAGEN2022 TAOS 1.5T SEL 4MOTION $ 36, 665ONLY:NOW Stk #: MSRP:M3049$34,250 NEW! VOLKSWAGEN2022 TIGUAN 2.0T SE $ 34, 250ONLY:NOW Stk #: MSRP:M3046$46,480 NEW! VOLKSWAGEN2022 ATLAS 3.6L SE W/TECHNOLOGY $ 46, 480ONLY:NOW Stk #: MSRP:M2949$43,565 NEW! VOLKSWAGEN2022 ATLAS 2.0T SE W/TECHNOLOGY $ 43, 565ONLY:NOW Stk #: MSRP:M3007$35,265 NEW! VOLKSWAGEN2022 TIGUAN 2.0T SE $ 35, 265ONLY:NOW Stk #: M2996 • MSRP: $47,990 NEW! VOLKSWAGEN2022 ARTEON 2.0T SEL R-LINE 4MOTION $ 45, 993ONLY:NOW AWD! OVER 30 MPG ON THE LUXURY!HIGHWAY!LOWPRICE!! HUGE LABOR DAY SALE VOLKSWAGEN Stop in and see Tanya Kennedy for all your automotive needs! Offers expire 09/30/22. See dealer for complete details. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures may not represent actual units. 2022 Impact Advertising • 22FFVW-UVC-WWK091422 (570) 368-8121 • Find Us On: 5071 Lycoming Mall Dr. • Montoursville $1,997SAVE: Kaylea & Todd FOUND their ‘20 Ford Explorer at Montoursville!FAIRFIELDFordin @ FAIRFIELD! FOUND IT FAIRFIELDVW.COM AT FAIRFIELD VOLKSWAGEN FORDOFWILLIAMSPORT.COM FOUND IT @ FAIRFIELD! Wade & Crissy Lehman FOUND their Ford F-350 Lariat Crew Cab at FAIRFIELD Ford of Williamsport! GIVEAWAYFOOTBALLTICKET ADMITADMITONEONADMITADMITONEONADMIT ONEADMIT ONEADMIT ONONE ADMIT ONE ADMITONE E 1 2 3600WEEKLYTICKETSWINENTERTOKEEPCHECKINGOURADSFORHOWYOUCANOFWILLIAMSPORTSEEMIKEROSAMILIA&JIMBENNETTATFAIRFIELDFORDOFWILLIAMSPORT!W.4thSt.•FindUsOn:(570)567-5020 THE AREA’S EXCLUSIVEDEALER Offers expire 09/30/22. See dealer for complete details. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures may not represent actual units. 2022 Impact Advertising • 22FFDW-UVC-WWK091422 Stk #: Was:27,487W412688Mi.$26,993 SAVE:$995 Pre-Owned! 2018 Ford EcoSport SE $ 25, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W412716 • 54,363 Mi. • Was: $45,999 $4,001SAVE: Pre-Owned! 2016 Ford Expedition King Ranch $ 41, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W412713 • 18,827 Mi. • Was: $45,999 $4,001SAVE: Pre-Owned! 2019 Ford Ranger Lariat SuperCrew $ 41, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W412692 • 34,911 Mi. • Was: $45,999 $6,001SAVE: Pre-Owned! 2018 Cadillac XT5 Luxury $ 39, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W14613A • 51,692 Mi. • Was: $40,250 Pre-Owned!$4,252SAVE:2018Ford Explorer Limited $ 35, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W412711 • 38,767 Mi. • Was: $38,999 $6,001SAVE: Pre-Owned! 2019 Ford Edge SEL $ 32, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W412720 • 35,795 Mi. • Was: $35,999 $5,001SAVE: Pre-Owned! 2019 Ford Escape Titanium $ 30, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W14651A • 53,366 Mi. • Was: $29,999 SAVEBIG! Pre-Owned! 2016 Ford Explorer XLT $ 29, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W412722 • 22,884 Mi. • Was: $31,999 $3,001SAVE: Pre-Owned! 2019 Ford Escape SE $ 28, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W412715 • 31,754 Mi. • Was: $32,999 $4,001SAVE: Pre-Owned! 2019 Ford Escape SE $ 28, 998ONLY:NOW Stk #: W412683 • 64,578 Mi. • Was: $28,993 Pre-Owned!$2,995SAVE:2017Ford Edge SEL $ 25, 998ONLY:NOW

To help hungry families, Firetree Place partners with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank to host Fresh Express. Fresh Express is a program which provides fresh food to local sites who then distribute it free to the Freshpublic. Express occurs three Fridays each month from 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at 600 Campbell AccordingStreet.to retreeplace.org, currently, between 200-300 individuals are being served with this vital program!
Advertising Sales Staff:


e rst answer is the most obvious. Donate. Be it to an organization like Feeding America or staying local by donating to the Central PA Food Bank, or the Salvation Army’s Food Pantry.
Production/Graphic Wes webbads@webbweekly.comSones
Children facing hunger o en grow up in a family where a parent or parents also face
Hunger a ects all sorts of people. Many people across the country are just one job loss or medical emergency short of not being able to put food on the table.
Going hungry is a problem for more than just adults. Children all over the country go to school without a proper breakfast, leading to di culty focusing on their education, alertness, and generally performing well.
Since COVID, several local school districts are also able to provide free breakfast and lunch to students to help ease the worry of going hungry.
Jaimie Hoover classifieds@webbweekly.com
Did you know that Lycoming County is one of the highest food insecure counties in Pennsylvania?Sowhatcanwe do to help?
Production/Web Curt Musheno cmusheno@webbweekly.com280KaneSt.,Suite2SouthWilliamsport,PA17702PHONE:(570)326–WEBBFAX:(570)326–9383LarryAndrewsGeneralManager–Retired
All of these organizations are working in the ght against hunger locally and can always use both food and nancial donations. If you can’t donate that way, consider donating your time. Fi y-one percent of food programs rely on volunteers.
From the Editor…

Editor Steph webbnews@webbweekly.com570-337-0759Nordstrom

hunger. A family of four facing hunger may be in need of 34 additional meals a month simply because they don’t have money to buy enough food.Children and adults aren’t alone in the hunger struggle. Our senior citizens are also working to balance bills and medical care with food. According to Feeding America, 64 percent of seniors they serve are choosing between food and medical care. Feeding America also notes that “ e rate of hunger among seniors aged 60 and older has increased by 68% since 2001, a lingering e ect of the 200809 recession. In fact, the number of seniors struggling with hunger is projected to increase by another 50% when the youngest of the baby-boom generation reaches 60 in 2025. And hunger pains can be increasingly painful as we age.”
We live in the highest food producing country in the world. No one should be going hungry, so let’s all do what we can to help.
at’s almost 1.7 million people, almost 500,000 of which, are kids.
If you have any questions about the Fresh Express program or are interested in becoming a volunteer during the program, please feel free to contact their Food Programs Director at (570) 666-1579 or by email at tfalls@ retreeplace.org. You can also inquire directly through their website.
Founder James Webb 1944-2012Sr.
No One Should Go Hungry
Kids who go hungry are at more risk of repeating grades in school, experiencing developmental impairments in areas like language and motor skills and more likely to have behavioral and social problems.
Alys Mingle amingle@webbweekly.com570-419-9826

Classified Sales
Charlie Gizenski cgizenski@webbweekly.com570-419-3334

NordstromSteph ™ p The Most Advanced Technology In Hearing Aid Evaluation and Fitting CELEBRATE THE SOUNDS OF LIFE *RIBBIT!**RIBBIT!* Jennifer Burget Owner Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialistwww.artisanhearing.com570-979-4248 FREE Hearing Evaluation adding quality to life every day Artisan Hearing Technologies, LLC 508-B W. Southern Ave. • South Williamsport, PA 17702 150 East Chestnut St. • Mifflinburg, PA 17844 NEW PRODUCT RELEASE! What is the Number One Challenge People Have With Their Hearing Aids? WE ARE WELCOMING ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO TRY THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY AND PUT THE HEARING AID TO THE TEST COMPLETELY FREE TWO WEEK TRIAL. IT IS HEARING IN NOISY ENVIRONMENTS WITH MULTIPLE TALKERS. This new technology helps cut through noise and focus on individual sounds, whether they’re below, above, or behind you. With an incredible 150% improvement in speech understanding. This hearing aid will help you hear your best in the noisy environments and enjoy every day details in life. This hearing aid also has “voice perception,” which helps you to hear the sound of your voice more naturally. BONUS: IT IS A WEATHERPROOF DESIGN FOR LESS MAINTENANCE!

is Hunger Action Month. It was established by Feeding America in 2008 when they decided it was time for a nationwide push to get involved with the hunger crisis across the country. During September, people everywhere help to feed the needy in their neighborhoods and country, working to ensure that the 48 million people who live with hunger every day can get some relief.
You can contact the Central PA Food Bank at www.centralpafoodbank.org or by calling (570) 321-8023. and you can reach the Salvation Army at 570-326-9187.
In Pennsylvania, one in eight adults, and one in six children struggle with hunger.
Children struggling with hunger come from families who are struggling, too.
James A. Webb jwebb@webbweekly.comJr.570-337-0755


By Lou Hunsinger Jr.
This is the 14th year of the show in downtown Muncy. The SVCC uses the car show as their annual fundraising event. To date, this event has raised approximately $150,000 for a scholarship fund at Pennsylvania College of Technology. The scholarship program, established in 2014, is for local students from an eleven-county geographic area who major in automotive mechanics or auto restoration. In addition, the SVCC has made donations over the past years to other local charities.
ofYoutown.can enjoy seeing some beautiful well-restored Corvettes from the 50s up to the new mid-engine models.Asinpast years, there will be cash prizes and medallions for the Corvette classes C1 through C8. The SVCC will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1972 model year Corvette with a separate cash prize and medals.
The “Corvettes on Main Street Show will be presented, according to Wayne McPheron, a member of the Susquehanna Valley Corvette Club, by the Susquehanna Valley Corvette Club (SVCC), in downtown Muncy. The SVCC is expecting around 150 Corvettes into downtown Muncy. The cars are parked on South Main Street from Penn Street down to the North end
Two Car Shows Taking Place In Muncy Area Saturday, September 17


Go Green with our first batch of USDA Certified Organic Tinctures. Grown and handled to meet rigorous standards, and formulated with an extraction process that retains more of the hemp plant, this SunMedTM collection is as “Whole” as it gets.

more than ten years, the “Corvettes on Main Street” Car Show has brought the pleasure of seeing vintage Corvettes to a wide audience. This will be the case again on Saturday, September 17. This show joins another car show on that date — the 23rd Annual MOPAR Muscle Show, which takes place at Kaiser Brothers Chrysler Jeep Dodge from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Corvettes on Main:

960 PLAZA DRIVE, 570-828-3998MONTOURSVILLE Save $ 5.00 Off Your In Store Purchase!

ser.All Mopar, Jeep, & AMC cars and trucks are welcome.

As noted previously, the 23rd edition of the MOPAR Muscle Show will be taking place at Kaiser Brothers Chrysler Jeep Dodge, and this event will include judging for 20 classes of cars and will have food, music, and door prizes. Registration is $20 on the day of the show. You can register on site from 9:00 a.m.-noon. Awards will follow around 3:00 p.m. There will be plaques for oldest/youngest drivers,

According to McPheron, downtown Muncy is a wonderful venue for this event as the area is a perfect backdrop for the cars. Everyone loves the small-town atmosphere of the downtown area. In addition, the Muncy Borough plays a very important part in assisting the preparation for the event. Adding to the event will be several food vendors located behind the main Muncy Bank office at the corner of East Water and North Markets Streets. This year the presentation to award prizes for the class winners will be held at approximately 2 p.m. Mopar Muscle:
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•7Call570-326-9322570-322-8841 • 849 Diamond St. Newberry,Williamsport, PA 17701 A R K S A L E S & L E A S INM G AT SHOPS ON DIAMOND STREET OWNER SEPTEMBERPERMANENTLYRETIRING!CLOSING30th!! 50% Off HugeUpholstery,Upholstery,EVERYTHING!Bedding,Bedding,RugsandMore!PriceReductionsfromOurVendors!fromOurVendors! A HEALTHIER YOU AWAITS! OFF!30% Sept 15 - 30 River Valley Regionalrvrymca.orgYMCA *Join Fee Still Applies. Financial Assistance Available*At select branches.

Hard Luck and Longest Distance. Also, goodies bags for the first 100 cars to arrive! Rain date is SeptemberWhen24th asked how he and his family got involved with Mopar, Steve Kaiser Jr. said, “It started with my father and uncles in the late ‘60s, drag racing a 1963 Dodge Max Wedge. The Mopar brand has been a part of our family from the drag racing days to the two CDJR dealership locations we operate today.” When asked how they got involved with the Muncy Car show, Kaiser responded, “I heard that the Mopar Muscle of Central PA car club was looking for a new place to hold their growing car show, and I had to be involved. This will be our 12th year having our show together.” Steve Kaiser Jr. went on to say that they always get a great mix of vehicles from old to new. All proceeds will be donated to Camp Victory and local families in need. “It’s a great time,” said Kai-

Page 10
Barbara Kiessling Keener, 87, of Williamsport
~ Week of ~ September 5th - September 9th

Granite Memorials · Bronze Plaques and Memorials Veteran ’ s Memorials · Benches · Cemetery Lettering Memorial Cleaning and Restoration · Flower Vases Discover THE NEXT GENERATION

Frances M. (Gublo) Beechey, 89, of Montoursville
Our FREE workshop will begin with a short informative session followed by a time to share and support one another. Our workshop encourages a time of conversing with other men who may be experiencing similar circumstances.

Rose H. Weber, 87, of Williamsport
Donna Rae Moyer McCallus, 79, of Williamsport
Denver sang that West Virginia was almost heaven, but a better candidate would be a valley located about fifteen miles north of Williamsport. This amazing piece of God’s country is surrounded by some of the most beautiful hills anywhere. Because of the topography, there is virtually no ambient light, making the stars brighter at night than anywhere else in Pennsylvania. It is almost like God wanted people to come to just such a spot to see for themselves what the Psalmist meant by the first verse of Psalm 19, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork.”Thus,itmight have been providence that in 1946, four men took sixteen boys on a weekend camping trip to this valley on Loyalsock Creek. It turned into something more than just a camping trip, as the boys began to open up about their lives and the men realized what an opportunity this kind of venue could bring to young people. They dreamed of a camp where the teaching of God’s word would be inserted into a daily camp experience.
Please RSVP by Sept. 20 by calling Knight-Confer Funeral Home at 570-323-7717 or email KCFH@knightconfer.com (570) 584 2981 OF MEMORIALS
Robert “Bob” Olson Smith, 88, of Eagles Mere G. Diane (Stahlnecker) Murray, 90, of Williamsport
Brian M. Reeder, age 44, formerly of Montoursville

It is committed to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through His creation and His Word. Choosing to name it Camp Susque, as opposed to a religious name, was with the intent of reaching beyond the walls of the church. Through three-quarters of a century and their incredible impact in a vast number of ways on our region, they have certainly succeeded.
557 East Water Street · Hughesville, PA 17737 Phone:
821 Diamond Street - Williamsport, PA William570-322-3466H.Kieser,Supervisorwww.SandersMortuary.com

By Larry Stout
Out of that dream came Camp Susque, which on September 16th and 17th will be celebrating its 75th anniversary.

A Local Gem: Camp Susque on
Yet, Camp Susque is also now a yearround ministry providing retreat experiences for churches, youth groups, and other educational organizations. In addition, Susque holds numerous yearround programs like Winter Camps, homeschool classes, field trips for local schools, and volunteer work weekends. The expression that they have something for everyone is not a hyperbole when it comes to Camp Susque.
Garry Adams, of Avis Darry Frederick Beasom, 88, of DuBoistown
Henry (Hank) Walter Bressler, Jr., 71, of Williamsport Benjamin M. Fox, 78, of Montogmery
Howard P. Reisdorf, formally of Montoursville Eleanor Faye Dauberman, 77, of Unityville
Calvin “Cal” W. Tilley, 80, of Williamsport
One of the features of Camp Susque’s success through the decades was never becoming complacent but always continuing to grow. This was not just in numbers but in the variety of programs that they continually offer. Today these consist of three-week summer programs of Boys’ Camp and Girls’ Camp, plus Wilderness Trips, Young Explorers Camp for younger youth, and two Family Camps.
Dorothy J. “Dottie” Dangle, 87, of Montoursville Linda Carol Thomas Schwab, 73, of Orlando, FL
Sessions will be 9:00am - 10:00am Sept. 27, Oct. 11 & 25, Nov. 8 & 22, Dec. 6 At Knight-Confer Funeral Home

Peter had spent his life involved with Camp Susque, starting out as a little camper himself back in 1991, then serving on staff, following that in various leadership positions, and then for 16 years as a board member. In 2015 when the position of director arose, and the search committee kept coming back to Peter, he was not tempted. At the time, he was doing extremely well both professionally and financially in his executive position at Liberty Mountain, an outdoor gear distributor. But then, the company required a relocation to Utah, and Peter and his wife Lindsay did not want to move their family out West. The Swifts realized that God was pointing them in a different direction — 47 Susque Camp Road, Trout Run, PA 17771.Tolearn more about Camp Susque, visit their website: www.susque.org. And come celebrate their milestone anniversary during the Harvest Festival and Trail Run on Saturday, September 17th. It will be fun for everyone!

directors did a nationwide search for a director in 2015. By every measurement, Peter Swift was unquestionably the best person for the job. It was Peter’s steady hand on the helm that kept Camp Susque afloat during those difficult years of 2020-21 during COVID.

Its reputation, uniqueness, and diversity of programs are why it is not just extremely popular in our local area but has attracted campers from ten states as far away as Texas.



It is amazing the variety of activities this camp provides. From the standard camping experience of hiking, campfire talks, and outdoor games, they have included fishing, riflery, photography, rocketry, pottery, and even astronomy. They might be the only camp in the USA that has an observatory, albeit in need of repair.Since COVID, the entire camping industry is in need of repair. Some estimates run as high as 90 percent of the summer camps in the United States suffered major hurdles in continuing their operation or were not able to open back up at all after the COVID disruptions. Camp Susque likewise suffered, but through tremendous flexibility in finding ways to assist the community, they have kept the ship afloat.One factor that has certainly worked for Camp Susque is the heritage of leadership. In 2015, Peter Swift became director, just as his father and grandfather had served before him, dating back to the camp’s founding. But this was not nepotism, as the board of

•All kinds of candy!
Gettysburg Heritage Center
Mr. Ed’s Elephant Museum & Candy Emporium
Hollabaugh Brothers Farm
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•11Call570-326-9322’ Out! N Are you age 60+ & registered with STEP Office of Aging? Join us on a bus trip to: Mill Hall CommunityLoyalsock570.726.6378CenterCenter570.601.9590RenovoCenter570.923.2525ClintonCountyCenter570.858.5822 Jersey Shore RiverWalkLincoln570.601.9593570.601.9591CenterMeckCenterCenter570.601.9573Center570.601.9592 Sign up begins Monday, Sept. 19! Sign up yourself and one (1) friend. Participants must be age 60 or older & registered with STEP Office of Aging. Contact your nearest Center to sign up! Ticket money must be paid at time of sign-up. Ticket money is not refundable unless there is a replacement. Please indicate your pick-up location with payment. Tuesday, Oct. 25 STEP’N Out! Bus Trip Cost Per Person $60 GettysburgArea!
•Visit the oldest house in Gettysburg lunch!
Avis Transit Station │ 5:15 AM │ 8:50 PM
Bus Pick-up/Drop-off Location Departs Returns
Dobbin House
Lincoln Center for Healthy Aging │ 5:45 AM │ 8:25 PM
• Learn how to make apple dumplings and take one home!
Trip Itinerary
4:15 - 5:00 PM
•Listen to a fun educational talk
•Tour the fruit farm by wagon
Meck Center for Healthy Aging│ 6:15 AM │ 8:00 PM
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
• Civil War information: movie, diorama, and museum!
Clinton County Community Center │ 5:00 AM │ 9:05 PM
9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
on a

with toys, and
Buddy’s favorite days chowing down cheeseburger, romping relaxing rubdown. Even massaged few minhappy fella.
utes makes him one
570-326-9322Call12•WeeklyWebb•202214,Septemberwww.webbweekly.com firstharvestcu.com | 800-582-7640 Visit us at 1935 East Third St, Unit 14, Loyal Plaza, Williamsport, PA Insured by NCUA Visit a local branch for details today. THEOFPROMOTIONTHEYEAR LET YOUR MONEY WORK SMARTER 2o22% APY 22-month Certificate $2,200 minimum balance Offer valid only for funds not currently on deposit with First Harvest Credit Union. *22 Month for 2.22% APY. 22 Month for 2.22% APY for IRA Certificate. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Certificate dividends paid monthly. Certificates may be subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. 22 Month Certificate requires a $2200 minimum balance. Offer valid only for funds not currently on deposit with First Harvest Credit Union. Institutional funds are not qualified for this offer. Certificate will automatically renew at maturity for a term of 12 months and at the prevailing 12 month rate at time of maturity. The APY is accurate as of September 1st, 2022. First Harvest Credit Union reserves the right to withdraw or revise this special offer at any time without further notice. Federally Insured by NCUA. Additional deposit coverage up to $250,000 provided by Excess Share Insurance. it'srealwood... Visitourshowroom handcraftedfurniturefor everyroominyourhome! 1520beaverrunrd mifflinburg,pa17844 railsidefurnishings.com customdesign|live-edge|kitchens|outdoor|mattresses Looking for Furever

with a

by a brush for a
Buzz has overcome a lot in his young life so far. He started life living in cramped quarters out in the heat with many other cats. He was rescued and brought to the Lycoming County SPCA. After a year of healing and patience, he is ready for his next adventure: settling into a forever home.

If you are looking for a playful, adventurous companion, Buddy could be your guy!

WANT TO MEET BUDDY OR BUZZ? All pets for adoption (and there are many!) – www.lycomingspca.org/services/adoption Open By Appointment Call 570-322-4646 or lycomingspca.org MEET BUDDY & BUZZ!


I recommend really going for it and style a shiny frock with strappy heeled sandals, a clutch, and a wrap. Or, if you are so in clined, you can subvert the sparkly style and pair your party dress with more rugged pieces, like boots and a denim or leather jacket.

If sequin doesn’t speak to you, then turn toward elegance in a chic little black dress. Whether a simple shift or a flirti er a-lined ruffly number, the right black dress can make you stand out at your cel ebration in a good way. Some black dress es can look a bit shoddy, so be sure to lint brush thoroughly before the party starts. Look for a dress in a celebratory fabric like silk, crepe, or a high-quality jersey.
For the standard cocktail par ty, why not gear up on the glitz with a sequin or metallic dress?
Bernadette Ulsamer
Obviously, child birthdays are big deals, marking milestones in growth and maturity. For adults, birthdays can be a celebration of life, a chance to treat yourself, just another day, or an unwel come reminder that aging is in evitable. I find that my birthday has a different feel each year, which makes sense.
acknowledge that as well. So, if you’ve lined up multiple cele brations, you’ll need multiple looks. Feel free to experiment with the options below for one or all of your events.
How an personbirthdayapproachesindividualtheirvariesfromtoperson.

How you think about your birthday when turning 21 is going to be vastly different than when you turn 42. Some years, I like to make a big deal, and oth ers, I’ve been content with a solo hike and a slice of cheesecake. This year, I’ve decided to let my husband take me on a dinner date and have brunch with family. And like all upcoming occasions, there’s the age-old question — “What am I go ing to wear?” Here are a few outfit com binations for any birthday girl’s big or small plans.
For those of you out there that have suc cessfully expanded your birthday into a week and, in some cases, a month, I sa lute you! You obviously know your worth and are confident enough to have others
Birthday Outfit
Outfits, Not Just Clothes… OUTFITS on Page 16
For a minimalist look, consider a longsleeved, midi piece that leans toward a body-conscious fit if you’re comfortable with that type of silhouette. A black dress
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•15Call570-326-9322HUGE LABOR DAY SALE AUTO M ALL Stop in and see Tanya Kennedy for all your automotive needs! FAIRFIELDFORD.COM IN MONTOURSVILLE! Offers expire 09/30/22. See dealer for complete details. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures may not represent actual units. 2022 Impact Advertising • 22FFDM-UFC-WWK091422 5071 Lycoming Mall Dr. • Montoursville • (570) 368-8121 • Find Us On: Stk #: 32,125M2978AMi. PRE-OWNED! SELVOLKSWAGEN2020TIGUAN2.0T4MOTION $ 32, 800ONLY:NOW $1,493!SAVE: Stk #: 45,578M23674Mi. PRE-OWNED! 2018 FORD XLTEXPLORER $ 33, 500ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: 41,889M2994AMi. PRE-OWNED! 2018 FORD TITANIUMESCAPE4WD $ 27, 800ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: 30,687M23628Mi. PRE-OWNED! 2018 FORD XLTEXPLORER4WD $ 33, 800ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: 57,705M2943CMi. PRE-OWNED! 2019 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LD LT DOUBLE CAB $ 35, 800ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: Was:30,995M23582Mi.$35,800 PRE-OWNED! 2019 LINCOLN MKC SELECT AWD $ 35, 800ONLY:NOW $1,000!SAVE: Stk #: Was:67,876M2988BMi.$35,559 PRE-OWNED! 2017 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT CREW CAB $ 33, 800ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: 30,269N3035AMi. PRE-OWNED! 2020 TOYOTA TACOMA TRD SPORT DOUBLE CAB $ 39, 500ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: 40,576M3031AMi. PRE-OWNED! 2018 FORD SEESCAPE4WD $ 23, 500ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: 40,342M23676Mi. PRE-OWNED! 2018 FORD SEESCAPE4WD $ 23, 500ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: 35,667M23680Mi. PRE-OWNED! COUPEVOLKSWAGEN2015BEETLE1.8TCLASSIC $ 22, 500ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Stk #: 30,178M23639Mi. PRE-OWNED! 2019 FORD SEECOSPORT4WD $ 25, 800ONLY:NOW REDUCED!NOW Kaylea & Todd FOUND their ‘20 Ford Explorer at Montoursville!FAIRFIELDFordin @ FAIRFIELD! FOUND ITPRE-OWNED! 2018 FORD FOCUS SE SEDAN NOW ONLY: $ 19, 800NOWREDUCED!Stk #: M23689 • 38,620 Mi.

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For my upcoming birthday ensembles, I’m focusing on a particular type of gar ment—the jumpsuit. I’ll be sporting a floral zip-front resort-style jumpsuit with cork wedges for my dinner date. Then a slouchy knitwear one-piece with a crocheted bralette and square-heeled bootie for brunch with the family.
Regardless of the plans for your b-day, you want to look your best. Whether you’re having a big party or just a quiet meal at home, if you’re celebrating with others, all eyes will be on you, and while you may not be the most exuberant of folks, your birthday outfit should put forth the best version of yourself whether you’re turning 28 or 68.

is a great canvas for jewelry, so feel free bust out a statement pendant, hoops, or but not all three. Choose two so as not to overwhelm your look. If your big day is a more casual, laidback affair, such as dinner and drinks, you can still be a bit dressy. Go for a trouser and shirt combination, instead of a dress. Be sure to pick pants that are fun, like a faux leather or patterned pair, and wear them with a silky blouse. Add a heel and a cardigan, and some standout pieces of jewelry so you don’t look like you’ve just come from the office, even if youForhave.aromantic date night birthday, don’t be afraid to dress a bit more provoca tively than you normally would. I’m not suggesting wearing anything you’re not comfortable in or that provocative means skin-barring. Sure, there are a lot of mini dresses with cutouts and sheer bits you can wear for an amorous birthday eve ning. Heck, you don’t even have to get dressed; they don’t call it the birthday suit for nothing. But if you want to play into the mood of your party-for-two, try layering a silk or lace camisole under an oversize cardigan. Or have a peek-aboo moment with a cold-shoulder style sweater and a miniskirt, or a low-backed top and high-waisted trousers.
If you’re planning on a specific activity,
you’ll want to be mindful of your physi cal needs and dress accordingly. If you’re throwing axes, closed-toed flats. If you’re bowling, I’d recommend staying away from a mini dress. Sort out the practical bits and then think about the outfit. You can dress on theme, say a polo for puttputt, or in the teams’ colors for a sport ing event. If you’re more comfortable in a version of your everyday uniform, go for it, but try to elevate it a bit. If jeans and a t-shirt are your go-to look, throw on a blazer or leather jacket to dress it up. Sweater and leggings are your daily out fit? Then consider a faux-leather or velvet leggings with a chunky cable-knit.

www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•17Call570-326-9322NU-EAR DIGITAL HEARING CENTER 1132 Sheridan Street • Williamsport • 570-990-1488FINANCINGAVAILABLE Yours for better hearing Emil Feryo Jr., BS, BC-HIS Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences. 36 years fitting experience. Veteran 1st Lt. USMC FREE HEARING AID TRIALS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2022! Close your eyes and have a family member read If you missed more than one word, TODAY!CALL Invisible hearing Solutions Starting at just $450 each. THE SMART LITHIUM RECHARGEABLE BLUETOOTH CUSTOM HEARING AID OF THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW! COME HEAR WHAT OUR AMERICAN ENGINEERS HAVE INVENTED FREE Video Otoscope Exams! Your hearing problem may just be wax! Using our Video Otoscope technology, we can see a large picture of the inside of your ear canal. The miniature camera will display a full color image of your ear canal. 570-990-1488 HearingCURRENTAidWearers! Trade-ins availableAsk us for details. October 24 & 25 Thursday and Friday 1430605581 570-374-1500570-374-1500 Read More At: www.DigitalHearingAidSystems.com CENTER FOR HEARING EXCELLENCE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK THIS WEEKS SPECIAL! WAS $750, NOW ON SALE FOR ONLY $199 EACH BTE style fits only mild hearing loss for NITRONuEar THE SMART LITHIUM RECHARGEABLE BLUETOOTH HEARING AID OF THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW! COME HEAR WHAT OUR AMERICAN ENGINEERS HAVE INVENTED! Read More At: www.DigitalHearingAidSystems.com Introducing the World’s First Artificial Intelligence (AI) Rechargeable Custom Fit Hearing Aid No Batteries, Wires or Cords Needed TANGLE FREE WITH FACE MASKS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK SPECIAL SAVINGS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2022 2 CUSTOM FIT, COMPLETELY-IN-THE-EAR-CANAL HEARING AIDS ONLY $895 A PAIR! NuEar Intro 4 CIC. Limit one coupon per patient at the promotional price. Not valid with any other offer. Does not apply to prior purchases. Fits up to 35 db loss. Additional fitting fees may apply. 2019 Circa Edge AI is built on the revolutionary sensor technology recognized as one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Best Inventions of 2019. Industry-best Technology INTRO CIC ITC 880 N. Susquehanna Trail • Selinsgrove • 570-374-1500 Across from the Apple Bee’s (In With Designer Eyeglasses)

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Chief Issues Warning to People Carrying, Buying Firearms Without Permit
in such business. There is a strong possibility of these weapons getting into the hands of youngsters who are not entitled to a license and may use them mischievously.Thechieflaid special emphasis on the third situation involving a need for a license to buy, sell or loan firearms. He stated that there are only two licensed dealers of firearms in the city of Williamsport, both of them downtown stores. This would make private individuals who advertise weapons for sale violators of the law by not having a permit for the buying and selling of firearms. Chief Good declares that such persons should turn over the firearms they wish to trade to licensed dealers who can distribute them lawfully.
Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.
3. Swapping and selling of guns is going on by unlicensed individuals who apparently don’t realize that they must obtain a permit in order to engage

September 14, 1945
Ask your doctor about cancer screenings.

1. The hunting season is near and many sports enthusiasts will be tempted to use revolvers now to sharpen their shooting skills through target practice.
In order for anyone in Pennsylvania to obtain a permit to carry a firearm, Chief Good said he or she must be 18 years of age or older, of a good reputation and with a substantial reason for carrying a deadly weapon.



to Williamsport citizens against either carrying or buying and selling firearms without a permit was issued Thursday afternoon by Williamsport Police Chief John G.
Good.Chief Good was induced to emphasize the importance of people having permits for guns and revolvers by the following conditions.
Gazette and Bulletin

Williamsport Teachers Credit Union – Since 1934 Member-owned, providing sound financial management through our savings and lending options. Our courteous staff provides convenient, quality, personalized service in a friendly environment. IF YOU WORK IN ANY EDUCATIONAL FACILITY WITHIN LYCOMING COUNTY, YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP-CONTACT US TODAY! 302 Matthews Blvd., South Williamsport, PA 17702 570-323-6468
Williamsport Teachers Union

570-326-9322Call18•WeeklyWebb•202214,Septemberwww.webbweekly.com 810 Washington Blvd. Williamsport BLUELIONCARWASH.COM Mon.-Sat. 8:00am -5:00 pm Sunday 9:00am -3:00 pm COMPLETE DETAIL SERVICE AVAILABLE PROFESSIONALLY WAXED EXTERIOR & STEAM CLEANED INTERIOR APPOINTMENT REQUIRED CALL 570-326-9124 Check-ups are a good time to check in.

2. There are many foreign made guns sent home by servicemen overseas which require that owner get a permit before they can be used.

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UPMC o ers access to a full continuum of advanced screenings and care, including world-renowned specialists at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and UPMC Magee-Womens. To schedule an appointment or find a primary care provider, visit UPMC.com/PrimaryCareNCPA

at STEP’s Centers for Healthy Aging!
Zumba Gold builds your cardiovascular health, balance, and flexibility by working the muscles of the hips, legs, and arms with dance moves designed for older adults.

Helmets are recommended and available for sign out as well.
There is no charge, but donations are accepted. Please call the center of your choice for more information.
50 Fitness Ln. Ste. 2, Muncy (East Lycoming YMCA)
1607 Four Mile Drive, Williamsport
We have bicycles, tricycles, and multi-rider Surreys - great for riders needing extra balanceavailable for sign out at the RiverWalk Center.
423 East Central Ave., S. Williamsport
RiverWalk Center
Please call for more information or to register.
If you are 60 years of age or older, join our certified instructors and other active peers for this healthy class.
Proper identification is required to sign out equipment.
The STEP Office of Aging and Centers for Healthy Aging are a part of STEP’s Independent Living Pathway to Success.

Meck Center
124 East Walnut Street, Lock Haven
Loyalsock Center
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•19Call570-326-9322at STEP’s RiverWalk Center! Let's Go Ride a Bike! The RiverWalk Center 423 E. Central Ave., S.Williamsport For More Information Call Bikes570-601-9592providedorbringyourown!
Clinton County Community Center
Robinson noted that after an emergency, you may have to survive on your own for several days; the rule of thumb is 72 hours. What should you have ready? A

tation accidents, severe weather events such as thunderstorms, hailstorms, and, yes, even tornados.

Yes, this sounds good for the country, but what does this have to do with us here? Well, in Lycoming County, we have 2,200 miles of streams and waterways, and they have flooded on numerous occasions. We also have had nasty winter storms, utility interruptions, transpor-

Kelly Robinson, coordinator for the Lycoming County Emergency Management Agency, brought all this to attention at the September 1st meeting of the Lycoming County Commissioners. She presented an outstanding outline of the three steps that all residents of the county should consider to properly prepare for an emergency if help is not available in a timely manner; have an emergency supply kit ready, have a family plan, and know the hazards in your community be it home, business or school.
By Larry Stout
Humpback Farm m arket Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-7:30pm Sat. 570-538-13028:30am-5:00pm FRESH BAKED GOODS • EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 16073 St. Rt. 1Watsontown,405,PA17777MileSouthofMontgomery Saturday, Sept 17 th • 10 am to Sold Out Sweet Corn, String Beans, Zucchini, Cucumbers, Squash, New Potatoes, Red Beets, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Spring Onions & Garlic FRESH LOCAL Cantaloupes, Watermelons, Peaches, Apples, Plums, Pears, Cabbage, Broccoli & Pickles CHICKEN BBQ with sides FREE DonutsCoffeeand OUR CERTIFIEDOWNORGANICpumpkinsmumsfalldecor


is National Preparedness Month, which certainly does not cause parades and festivals from communities around the country — but it is something that we should not just push aside lightly. The tragedy that occurred in the United States on September 11th, 2001, was recently commemorated by thousands of bikers at the 911 Memorial Ride. We look back, but we also should look forward and consider whether we are truly ready for an emergency, no matter how itThoccurs.iswas the impetus behind declaring the first National Preparedness Month in 2004. Sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) within the Department of Homeland Security, National Preparedness Month encourages Americans to take steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, schools, and communities.


Hall Corner: Are You Ready for Trouble?

The third element of knowing the hazards might be the easiest of all because of the 52 municipalities in LC; everyone is required by law to have an Emergency Management Coordinator. They would know what your local area has for hazards and vulnerability. Reach out to them. There is also the county’s Hazard

Mitigation Plan (which runs 440 pages!)

Personally, I have had my own close encounter of an emergency kind on several occasions. One was when I was home from college in the summer of 1972 when the flood hit our home in Montgomery. I remember spending the entire day helping my family trying to move furniture from the first floor to the second floor, and got so preoccupied, that we almost got trapped because of the rising water. We got out with little more than the clothes on our backs.

www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•21Call570-326-9322168BeilerDriveRebersburg,PA Delivery within 50 m ile s se r vi n g L yc oming, Clinton, Northumberla n d, U n i on & Ce nter counties 814-349-5629 We carry a wid e va r i et y of Da iry Products! And ofer F RE E Hom e & Bu sin e s Delivery a division of Twin Hills Weight Loss, LLC 2796 Lycoming Mall Dr., Muncy, PA 17756 Red Light Therapy Lose Up to 2 - 4˝ of Fat in only 32 minutes! Red Light erapy is an toningslimmingadvancedandtechniquethatnaturallyslims,shapesandtonesyourproblemareasincludingyourwaist,belly,hipsandthighs! INTRODUCTORYSPECIALPRICE!• Same Day Results • No Down Time • Completely Painless and Non-Invasive •FDA CLEARED • Targets DietProblemStubbornAreasthatalonecannot “I lost 5.5˝ in 32 minutes! It was UNBELIEVABLE!” -Karla, Williamsport “I lost 17.5˝ in only 6 sessions!” -Lisa, Williamsport “I lost 3˝ of belly fat in my first treatment and was hooked!” -Linda, Hughesville ONLY $ 47 ($147 Value) CALLredlight.instriv.com570-279-4880Only715spotsleftbasedonhugeresponse! /

Disasters Supplies Kit should contain the necessities such as water (one gallon per person per day for drinking and hygiene), nonperishable food, portable battery-powered radio, plastic sheeting and bedding, disposable plates, cups, and utensils, as well as copies of important family documents like insurance policies, identification, and bank account records. And also, try to squeeze into your kit items such as books, games, and other activities to keep you from going crazy without internet, cell service, and possibly even electricity.
There is lots more info on Emergency Management, which can be found by going to lyco.org, going to the link on “Public Safety,” and scrolling down to “Emergency Management Agency.” If you wish to acquire some of the pamphlets or materials or have specific questions, you can contact them by phone (570) 443-4461 or 329-4061 or email ema@lyco.org.
For those interested, there is a wealth of information on emergency management, and all residents would be wise to be familiar with it. Kelly Robinson and her team exhibited some outstanding pamphlets and guides to walk through the three steps outlined in her presentation. There were pamphlets designed for older people as well as those with children in their families. In fact, there is even a very colorful booklet entitled “The Super Safety Squad Needs Your Help” that uses puzzles and games to get the message across to youngsters.
The second element Robinson noted was a family plan. What would you do if your family members were separated during an emergency? Do you know what you need to know? A family plan is specific to you; your family member’s needs and responsibilities, care of children, business, pets, or specific needs like operating medical equipment. Everyone in the family should have a paper record that they keep with them at all times, which would have important contacts such as medical facilities, doctors, schools, and service providers.
Susquehanna Chapter Trout Unlimited
What: Montoursville Senior Citizens meeting. All over 55 are welcome. Refreshments, entertainment, and elevator are provided.
What: Domestic Violence Support Group suggested for anyone 21 years of age and older who have experienced Domestic Violence.
When: Friday, September 16, 2022, 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Master Gardener Program
When: Wed. Sept. 14th at 2:00 p.m.
Where: Hillside Senior Living, 2725 Four Mile Dr., Mon toursville.
What: Garden Tea (fee). Enjoy Master Gardeners Gardens with 3 stops along the way. Two homes will be shown as well as our Sensory Garden & Demonstration Gardens. stopEachwill offer some “garden” shopping. Register at https:// extension.psu.edu/garden-tours-and-tea-party or 1-877345-0691
When: Saturday September 17, 2022, at 10:00 am, weather permitting.
Lycoming Seniors
Sunset Paddle
Beer battered or broiled haddock dinner or ham dinner. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570327-0255 for take-out orders.
Cheesesteak. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders.
When: September 20, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
Church Service
When: Saturday, September 17 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Where: Park and meet at the Western Boat Launch in Ricketts Glen State Park.
What: Lycoming Seniors 65+ coffee social, free coffee/ donuts.
Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
Where: Garden View Baptist Church, 1600 Doris Ave., SENIORWilliamsport.EVENTS
Domestic Violence Support
Post Home Association
When: September 17, 2022, 11:00 a.m.
Where: Little Pine State Park, Amphitheater.
Where: Take Rt. 15 south out of S Williamsport. Due to divided road, go to the U-turn past the crest of the hill, & come back Rt. 15 N to scenic overlook on right.
Post What:Meeting
Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
When: Each Thursday from 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Where: YWCA Northcentral PA, Park Room, 815 W. Fourth St., Williamsport.
West Branch Pride
When: September 17, 2022, 10:00 a.m.
When: Sunday, September 18th, noon to 4:00 p.m. Where: Lysock View Complex, 542 County Farm Rd., Montoursville.

Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
What: Free picnic and public meeting on abandoned mine discharge (AMD) treatment issues and remedial work being done in the headwaters of Loyalsock Creek with presentations by Bobby Hughes and Mike Hewitt of the Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (EPCAMR) and Tom Clark of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) on the status of water quality, performance and condition of systems used to treat AMD from old coal mine drainage tunnels which discharge to Loyalsock Creek. For more information please see our website at https://susquehannatu.com
Community Calendar
Intro to Kayaking
What: Join the park naturalist and learn about the work the Civilian Conservation Corps did in the 1930’s and 1940’s in the area, the culture in these camps, and how it prepared some to be well-disciplined World War II veter ans. All children must be accompanied by an adult in or der to participate. Program may be modified or cancelled in the event of severe weather or new CDC Guidelines.
When: Saturday, September 17, 2022, 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Montoursville Senior Citizens
Where: Lycoming College Biology Field Station, Loyal sockville, 3455 PA, Route 87 just 3.5 miles north of Mon toursville from I-180, Loyalsock Ave North Exit; (TU sig nage at mailbox); Google maps link at: https://maps.app. goo.gl/VxNbt7mpa56QF3bQ6
What: Home Association meeting.
Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
What: Last one of the season! Here’s your chance to try kayaking! Participants will learn kayak terminology and basic paddle skills before heading out on the water. Ages 12 and up. Wear shorts and shoes that can get wet. Regis tration required by emailing rhsummers@pa.gov or call ing 570-477-7780.
Audubon Event
Burger basket. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders.
What: Last one of the season! Join us for a leisurely paddle on Lake Jean to observe the sunset. Registration required by emailing Rhiannon Summers at rhsummers@pa.gov or calling 570-477-7780.
Forest Shower
When: Sunday Morning, September 18th. Service Time 10:15 a.m.
What: Sunday service. Sermon Title: This World Is Not Our Home. Text: Revelation 2:8-11. All are welcome to learn about God and the Christian life.
“CCC of Little Pine”
What: Lycoming Audubon hawk watch at the Rt. 15 Sce nic Overlook near S. Williamsport. We’ll be watching for migrating raptors, and enjoying the view!
Post Meeting
What: Join ANFT Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Suzann Schiemer, on a nature-based health walk. Forest showering is a shortened version of forest bathing that includes fewer invitations for exploration of the natural world. This Forest Shower will provide an experience and an education on the wellness benefits of time in nature. Please bring your own water and a cushion or towel to sit on. Registration required by emailing Rhiannon Summers at rhsummers@ pa.gov or calling 570-477-7780.
When: September 15, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
When: Tuesday, September 20, from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Where: Bethel U.M. Church, Corner Montour & Spruce sts., MEETINGSMontoursville.
Submit contributions in a formatWhere:When:What: to webbnews@webbweekly.com. View more calendar listings at www.webbweekly.com.
When: Wednesday, September 14th, 5:30 p.m. picnic and tour of the Lycoming College Biology Field Station, 6:30 pm Meeting and presentations on AMD.
When: Saturday, September 17 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Where: Park and meet at the Western Boat Launch in Ricketts Glen State Park.
When: Wednesday, September 21 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. Where: Glens Lot along Rt. 118 in Ricketts Glen State
Our Lady of Lourdes Annual Parish Festival September 16 & 17 Children’s Games, Basket Raffle, Pumpkin Stand, Wine Wheel and Cake Wheel Friday Night 5:00-9:00 p.m. Beef Brisket Sandwich, Baked Beans, Pasta Salad - $10 Tickets available in the parish office. Alan Foust, singer & Acoustic guitar player – all styles of music Saturday Night 5:00-9:00 p.m. Polish Night: Authentic Homemade Pierogies, Stuffed Cabbage, Haluski, Dessert - $12 Lenny Weber, One Man, One guitar, One Good Time! Playing live interpretations of classic 70’s, 80’s & 90’s music Plus our regular delicious food – The BEST in town! Hot Sausage, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, French Fries, Walking Tacos, Funnel Cakes, Fresh Squeezed Lemonade, Ice Cream, Homemade Pies FUN FOR ALL AGES!! 100 Walnut St. www.ourladyoflourdesmontoursville.orgMontoursville * Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Basket Raffle in the Parish Hall
When: Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m.-7:15 p.m. Where: Classes will be held in Hartzel’s Dance Room in Montoursville.

Where: First United Methodist Church, 602 S. Market St., Muncy.
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•23Call570-326-93221:00SEPT.SATURDAY17TH pm -5:00 pm D oors o pen at n oon D uboistown Volunteer Fire C o . – s oCial H all 2661 Euclid Ave. • Duboistown, PA 17702 ADMISSION: $20 dinner served from 5PM–9PM choices Seafood Platter, Scallops, Shrimp, Haddock or NY Strip Steak sides: Baked Potato and Cheddar Broccoli Seafood $14.95 • Steak $12.95 dessert choice: brownie or cherry cheese cake Karaoke will start at 8pm to 11pm Open To e Public • Must Be A Member To Purchase Alcohol American Legion Post 268 515 Legion Rd., Muncy, PA 17756 Sunday-Wednesday: Open until 10:30 Open until 11:30 if we have 6 or more patrons ursday-Saturday: Last Call @ 11:30 DINNER & KARAOKE ON SEPTEMBER 23 RD Bar Bingo every Tuesday • 6pm - Open to the Public (Must be a member to purchase alcohol) Quizzo every 2nd & 4th Wednesday 6pm-8pm OCTOBER14-1620-23TICKETSONSALESEP.12CTLSHOWS.COMTICKETS570.327.1777Adults$27Seniors$22Students$204 46 6 KANDER & EBBA MUSICAL BY BIENVENUEWILLKOMMENWELCOME
Country Line Dancing

What: Country line dancing.
GriefShare Support Group

When: Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Where: Woodward Township Fire Hall, Linden.
Classic Rock Revival
Where: YWCA Williamsport.

When: Friday, September 16th, from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Where: Backhouse Café, 901 West 4th Street in Williamsport.

What: Local songwriters Michael J. Miller (Celtic Wood & Wires), Steve Kearns (Coast Two Coast Electric Trio), and Michael Lundy (Prairie Dogma) will be featured at the areas’ first Songwriters Showcase. Donations/tips will be welcomed. Refreshments will be available for purchase from the café.
When: Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Please contact the church at 570-546-8030 for the most current schedule.
Songwriters Showcase
What: Classic Rock Revival band.

When: September 23, 2022, 8 p.m. Open to the public. No cover.

When: Monthly meeting, 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 p.m.

Ballroom Dance Classes

Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.

What: West Branch Pride.
What: A weekly seminar and support group for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one.


What: Beginning Ballroom Dance Class for anyone interested in learning to dance. Cost will be $10 per couple per class. To register please call Frank at 570-220-4806.

Let’s go back a few days.
I heard the front door
October, so how would that work? I thought, “let’s do this.” Plus, I love surprising my kids when they get home from school. Tyler was cute about it but didn’t jump out of his socks or anything. He was a typical teenage boy, but Saturday, when it was all done, he did say, “Mom, the house looks really nice.”

She has decorations that are her favorite. Right away, she wanted to know where Mr. Bag was. This made my heart melt.
See COOKIN on Page 26


Prices good Wednesday, September 14th thru Tuesday, September 27th While Supplies Last! Thank You For Shopping at Scenic Ridge Foods SCENIC RIDGE FOODS Directions: Take Bishop Street off of 880 into parking lot or take East South Street off of 477 behind First National Bank. Go approx. 1/4 mile to Red Brick Building on right. Main entrance on East side of building. Truck entrance on West side. Store Hours: Monday thru Thursday 7:30am - 5:00pm Friday 7:30am - 7:00pm • Saturday 7:30am - 4:00pm • Closed Sunday Terms: Cash or Check (no credit cards) DELI SPECIALS 98 EAST SOUTH ST. • LOGANTON, PA 17747 • 570-725-2108 (Leave Message) SAVE 40¢/lb . on Deli Meats & Cheeses if you buy the whole Block unsliced and 20¢/lb . for Partial Blocks! NOTE: DELI SLICERS CLOSE 1/2 HR BEFORE STORE CLOSES FOR CLEANING ONLY $ 6.99/ lb . SLICED ONLY $3.89/lb. SLICED **SPECIALS** SMOKED ONLYSTYLEVIRGINIABREASTTURKEYHAM$3.69/ lb. SLICED ONLY $ 4.19/lb. SLICED CAPICOLA HAM COOKED SALAMI HerlocHers Dipping MustarD 8oz. ONLY $3.19 EACH STOCKNEWITEM BAKED BEANS Home style or Brown Sugar ‘n Bacon 28oz. ONLY $1.99 eacH THICK SLICED BACON 20oz. ONLY $4.99 EACH FullY cooKeD babY bacK ribs 24oz. ONLY $5.59 BACONEACH regularsliceD 5/lb. PACKS ONLY $19.99 EACH FREEZE POPS 30oz. BOX 20 FREEZE POPS ONLY $1.19 CASE OF 12/30oz. ONLY $12.99 STOCKNEWITEM WE NOW SELL BASIC H ONLY $ 4.59/lb. SLICED SWISS CHEESE ONLY $3.79/lb. SLICED PEPPER JACK CHEESE JERSEY SHORE FARM MAR KET OPEN EVERY THURSDAY! 8AM-3PM (570) 217-7653 Located just South bybyOnJerseyofShoreS.Rt.44AntesFortAntesFort 1308 S. RT. 44 JERSEY SHORE, PA INDOORBEAUTIFUL&OUTDOORFARM&FLEAMARKET NAN’S DONUTSFOODSBULKATEVERYWEEKTHE RUPERT’S SPECIALTY MEATS 102 N. Montour St., Montoursville • 570-368-8321 Prices Good Wednesday, Sep. 14th thru Tuesday, Sep. 20th Seltzer Lebanon Bologna (Regular or Sweet).....$7.99/lb. SAVE $2.50/lb. Pasta Salad.................................................................$4.99/lb. SAVE $2.00/lb. DELI Monday - Tuesday - 8-5:30 • Wednesday 8-3 Thursday - Friday 8-5:30 • Saturday - 8-3:00 • Closed Sunday Tired of Supermarket Meats? Stop in,we cut fresh in-house the old fashioned way! MEAT Boneless Shoulder Chuck Roast ...........................$4.99/lb. SAVE $2.00/lb. Boneless Center Cut Chuck Roast........................$5.49/lb. SAVE $2.00/lb. ALL OUR DELI ITEMS ARE MADE FRESH USING ONLY THE FINEST INGREDIENTS

Now Kenzy, on the other hand, was a completely different story. When Chris went to pick her up at the bus stop, I asked him how soon till he thought she would notice fall stuff. The pumpkins were in the front bay window, and I had my Halloween sign on the front door. Our driveway is longer, but Chris said she got about thirty feet up the driveway and stopped dead in her tracks. She stared at the house with a dropped jaw and eyes wide open. He said she just gasped.
Friday, I decided I better start decorating. It takes me at least two full days, and I wouldn’t have two full days to myself till the end of
“Mommmmmaaaaa!!!open.Pumpkins! Pumpkins!” as she jumped and down with so much excitement. She ran around checking things out, but I still had a way to go.
I told Kenzy that someday, Mr. Bag would be

Hallmark Treasures


Mr. Bag was one of my parents’ favorite decorations when I was little. I got so excited when Mom got him out. I loved him so much that a few years ago, Momma gave him to me.
Andrea’s Home Cookin…

Our next few weekends are parties, weddings, vacations, and trips to our cabin, so we decided on Labor Day weekend to make it a work weekend. Our boat got winterized, the hot tub got its seasonal cleaning, and other things around our home got done. It was nice to check things off our list.
a rainy Sunday, and I am snuggled on the couch, wrapped in my fall fleece blanket that I finally got out this weekend. My Halloween tree is in front of our front bay window, with the tiny orange and purple lights glowing as primitive ghost ornaments hang off a branch. Candy corns, pumpkins, witches, and black crows also fill this tree. Two jack-o-lanterns sit inside the bay window, looking out into the night. I decorated early this year, and it feels so good.
As we made breakfast this morning and I was getting hot tea ready for Kenzy and me, she asked where the pumpkin mugs were. I told her I must have forgotten the box upstairs, but we will get them for next Sunday’s breakfast. I haven’t even switched over my spring/summer dishes to fall anyways. Well, this little girl had no rest until we found them in the attic.
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•25Call570-326-9322SUPPORT OUR GREAT LOCAL EATERIES! CLIP & SAVE OR SHOW THEM ON YOUR PHONE! For More Coupons & Specials visit www.webbweekly.com COUPON SAVINGS! COUPON COUPONSCOUPONS 50% OFF Henry’s BAR-B-Q 570-326-1607 BUY ONE BBQ PLATTER AT REGULAR PRICE & GET THE 2ND PLATTERCOUPON COUPON One coupon per customer, per visit. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 9/30/22 DINING ROOM IS OPEN! Open 7 days a week 10AM-9PM COUPON COUPON *At single price. With coupon only. Offer expires 9/28/22 BuyFREE!2StickyBuns,Get 1 1948 E. 3rd St. Williamsport • 570-567-1166 NEW HOURS: Mon-Sat. 6am-3pm • Sun. Closed We appreciate your calling ahead to order. Shipping Available! $2 OFF! COUPON COUPON 1814 Riverside Drive South Williamsport 570-326-0022 ANY WHOLETWOSUBS Now Delivering Full Time (Equal or lesser value. Not valid with any other special. Expires 9/28/22 TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY 9:30 AM -8:00 PM THURSDAY - FRIDAY 9:30 AM -9:00 PM SATURDAY 11AM -9 PM • SUNDAY 11:00 AM -8:00 PM $1.00 OFFCOUPON COUPON For Full Menu!2041 Lycoming Creek Rd • •Subs/Cosmos570-322-0922Williamsport•CheeseSteaks • Wings • Pizza • Salads • Fresh Cut Fries • Genuine Broasted Chicken ANY LARGE SUB! *With coupon. Expires 9/28/22 Northway Road Northway Plaza or322-6871322-7871 967 West 3rd St. Near Penn College or326-2121326-2133 Take Out Delivery!& Pizza | Subs Dinners & More! Call Today to Order! OPEN FOR DINE IN OR TAKE OUT DRIVE THRU WINDOW AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP NEW Lunch:HOURSTues.-Fri. 11-1:30 Dinner: Wed., Thurs. 4-8 Fri. 4:30-8 & Sat. 4-8 166 Mulberry St., Williamsport, PA. 570-322-9423 • Fax: MulberryStreetCafe.com327-8690 SPECIALIZING IN AUTHENTIC ITALIAN CUISINE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 11AM-CLOSE 272-202-2929 • thelockerroompa.com 1130 BROAD ST., MONTOURSVILLEDELIVERYAVAILABLE!ORDERONLINEDAILY SPECIALS | 11AM-9PM MONDAY: Wing Night – $11/Dozen TUESDAY: Taco Night – $2 Tacos & $8 Taco Salads WEDNESDAY: Chef’s Choice THURSDAY: Featured Pasta w/Garlic Bread & Side Salad Dinner - $13 • Lunch - $7.50 FRIDAY: Fish & Chips - $13.99 • Fish Sandwich - $8.99 SATURDAY: Featured Burger with Fries - $11.99 Classic Cheesesteak BUY ONE, GET ONE HALF OFF! Any Angus Burger* COUPON COUPON 1130 Broad St., 272-202-2929Montoursville Equal or lesser size and value. Expires 9/28/22

“This is a gift for Kenzy Mae; she is so dear. And G.G loves her very much. And it is read for Kenzy by her G.G.” It’s a Hallmark book about God’s Christmas Promise, and you can record your voice on each page. A very special gift when she was just a toddler. She and G.G had a pretty special bond. As we heard Gram’s voice, Kenzy started to cry; then, I started to get tears in my eyes.

They have always been kept in that box. A few years ago, for Christmas, Chris bought me two more, almost just like it, so I had a set of four. When Kenzy and I found them in the attic, I showed her my gram’s writing and why they are so special. She quickly ran to her room and grabbed a book. She opened it up, and I heard my Gram, Lois Liddick’s voice come out of it.
It was, and still is, one of my cherished decorations. Boyd’s Bear makes it. It’s a tree stump that looks like it has a face. Inside the mouth of this stump is a bear dressed as a witch stirring a pot of candy corn with a little bear dressed up as a pumpkin holding a treat bag. It lights up orange and has cobwebs in the background. Kenzy fell in love with it as I did.
hers. He is a ceramic light purple color with a big open smile and buck teeth. Yellow glittery googly eyes, cute little cut-out nostrils, and has clear cellophane coming out of the bag. Inside the bag is a light bulb, so he glows at night like a jack-o-lantern. My dad bought it at Hallmark when they first got married and didn’t have much Halloween decor. Mr. Bag will always be a part of Halloween.
“I am, baby. I miss both my grams so much,” I said.Even though Grammy Liddick is still with

This was something my Grammy, Margaret Perry, bought for my bedroom in 1997, also at Hallmark. I had to have it. I instantly fell in love. It was so unique! I still lived at home, and it lit up my bedroom at Halloween for many, many years.

Now, let me get back to what I was saying about these pumpkin mugs. Two of them were once my grandparents that I had bought for grandparents day back in 2008. My dad gave them to me when they passed. On the Chex Mix box, written in my grandmother’s handwriting says, “Andrea and Chris gave us these big pumpkin mugs for grandparents day in 2008.”
“Momma. Where’s the tree thing with the bear, and it glows orange?” she scanned over the table at decorations waiting to be placed all over the house.


“Are you crying too, momma?” she asked.
COOKIN Located between Turbotville & McEwensville on Rt. 44 10380 State Route 44, Watsontown • 570-336-6232 FARMMONTOURMARKET Hours: Monday-saturday 8aM - 5pM • CLosEdsunday MILKRAWSHOOFLYPIES•PEACHES•GREENBEANS•WATERMELON•CANDYONIONS NOWGINGERMCINTOSH,CORTLAND,GALA,GOLDAPPLESHERE!LOCAL GROWN • HOT & BANANASWEETPEPPERS • RED BEETS • COLORED BELL PEPPERS WE HAVE ALL YOUR CANNING SUPPLIES! JARS • LIDS • MRS. WAGES MIXES MARKETBUYPEARSBARTLETTNOW!SPECIALS Prices Goodthru 9/20 TAVERN HAM- $4.09 GENE WENGER’S HAMWENGER’SLOAF Q uick Easy M Eal MUMS • STRAW BALES PUMPKINS • SQUASH ALL YOUR FALL FAVORITES BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWER! 600 Cemetery St. • Williamsport, PA • 570-980-9766 • rustandshine@gmail.com Monday-Thursday 10-5 • Friday & Saturday 10-6 • Sunday 10-2 Over 12,000 square feet of shopping with over 50 local vendors including jewelry, pottery, clothing, antiques, candles, soaps, home decor and more! Open 7 days a week! HOUSEOPENFALLSEPT.17TH Farm Fresh Produce, Baked Goods, Fresh Fruit, Local Honey, Chicken BBQ Meals To Go, Local Maple Syrup, Hamburgers & Hotdogs, Homemade Chips & Fries, And More! Montoursville Outdoor Growers Association Farmers & Artisans Market Located at Montoursville Community Baptist Church North on Route 87 Open Every Tuesday from 9 am - 3 pm thru Oct. EVERY TUESDAY: CHICKEN BBQ WITH SIDES!

Enjoy! 1784 East End Mountain Rd • Mill Hall, PA 17751 570-726-7799 (Leave STOLTZFUSMessage)BUTCHERSHOP DELI MEATS & CHEESES Terms: Cash or Check Only (No Credit Cards) Monday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm • Saturday 8:00am - 4:00pm • Closed Sunday ALL MEAT AND CHEESE SMOKED IN HOUSE HELMRICH’S SEAFOOD AVAILABLE Homemade Baked Goods Friday & saturday! COME SEE US AT THE OLD SCHOOL MARKET EVERY FRIDAY SPECIALS - September 15th - September 21st BRING THIS SLIP BACK AND GET AN ADDITIONAL $2.00 OFF! 2 lb. Hamburger 2 Ribeye Steaks 3 Smoked Pork Chops 1/2 lb. Jerky 1 Container of Cheese Curds PORK PROCESSINGCHICKENANDAVAILABLE.WE NOW CARRY FULL LINE OF LAMB MEATS AND CHOPS REG. $65 SALE $60 1307 Park Ave., Williamsport | makeartsupplies.com570-302-4441 Hours: Wed. & Thurs. 10-6 Fri. 10-7 • Sat. 12-7 • Sun. 12-5 Back to School Sale Extended Until September 30 th! The Dairy Barn • Sundaes • Ice CakesCream • Ice Cream • Milkshakes • Milk • Cheese • Yogurt • HomemadeIceCreamWhoopiePies li n NittanyValley Creamery Hom e of Ni a n y Va e y Cr ea m ery JOIN U S F OR OUR C kout! Sept 16th • 400pm-8:00pm Sept 17th • 11: 00a m-7:00pm • Hot Dogs • Chili Dogs • Cheese Burgers • Bacon Cheese Burger • Smoked Pulled Pork Sandwiches Sof t Pr etzels Delivery within 50 m ile s se r vi n g L yc oming, Clinton,5565 Jacksonvi e Rd., Howard, PA 16841 Mon. 8-5 • Tues. 12-4 • Wed. 8 8 • Th u r s., Fr i., Sat. 9-7 • Su n. Closed • 814-625 0011 FAL L SPECIAL Sundae s, Milksh a ke s, Di sh or Cone Pumpkin Pi e Ic e Cream

• 1 teaspoon onion powder

• 2 cans (10 oz each) of Pillsbury™ refrigerated biscuits
• 2 cans of cream of chicken soup (10 oz)

• 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
I am so thankful for these special little things we can cherish in life. To some people, whether it’s a book, decoration, mug, or many other things, they are just “things.” To me, some come with special memories. They will always have a special place in our homes and heart. But what I love most is how my little girl lights up at the sight of these each fall.
Chicken Pot Pie Muffins
• 1 teaspoon pepper

• 1 teaspoon garlic salt



• 2 chicken breasts, seasoned, baked, then cut into cubes
Preheat your oven to 375°F. In a large bowl, combine the baked chicken breast, cream of chicken soup, frozen veggies, cheese, and spices.Grease a 12-cup muffin tin and place the Pillsbury™ biscuits into each cup, pressing into the bottom and up the sides.
• 1 cup extra sharp shredded cheddar cheese
It’s like watching me as a little girl all over again.

us, we feel like we lost her years ago with Alzheimer’s. It’s heartbreaking but hearing her sweet voice and remembering the good times makes the tears roll.

Place about 1/4 cup of the pot pie mixture into each biscuit cup. Place into the oven and bake for about 20. Top with extra cheese if you would like.

People experiencing burnout may gain weight from things such as decreased activity and unhealthy eating habits. Other factors that may contribute in some way to weight gain are depression, irritability,


Living Well… LIVING WELL on Page 30

Some people may look exhausted, while others isolate themselves. Though burnout itself is not a diagnosis, behavioral scientists refer to burnout as the triad of cynicism, detachment, and lack of accomplishment. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines burnout as work-related stress. Burnout may result from a specific responsibility, such as caring for a child or aging parent or may be caused by an ever-increasing workload in a paid position. The outcome is the same, however, as work-related stress ultimately affects all aspects of life. The end result is that people will have a decreased sense of well-being and feel physically and mentally unwell.
While estimates of the annual health care costs of obesity-related illnesses vary, researchers agree that the costs are astronomical. Some studies actually estimate the cost to be a staggering $190.2 billion, or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States. Though the root causes for this epidemic can be complex, one that is rarely mentioned is burnout.Moira Lawler, author for the Everyday Health newsletter, cites eight uncommon signs of burnout. This list includes pessimism, trouble sleeping, stomach or headaches, lowered immunity, weight gain, isolation, muscle pain, and using food, alcohol, or drugs. All of these behaviors can directly or indirectly result in weight gain.Burnout can manifest in different ways depending upon the actual cause in the individual, writes Lawler.
570-326-9322Call28•WeeklyWebb•202214,Septemberwww.webbweekly.com STOLTZFUS WOODCRAFT HANDMADE ITEMS OPEN HOUSE ALAYAWAYVAILABLE 15% OFF HUGE HANDMADE AMISH FURNITURE COLLECTIONA WITH CASH OR CHECK! Bed Sets, Kitchen Sets, Hutches, Islands, Trash Bins, Pie Safes, Shelves, TV Stands & More! R EWARD PROGRAM Large Selection of Candles & Accessories, Lamps, Farmhouse, Braided Rugs, Country Curtains, Willow Tree Angels, Pictures, Gi s for all Occasions, Islands, Farmhouse Tables, Bedroom Sets. 10% OFF FOR SENIORS EVERY DAY! ORDERS & LAYAWAYS INCLUDED! ALL ON SALE NOW! Open Mon-Thurs. 10AM-6PM • Fri. 10AM-7PM & Sat. 10AM-5PM • Closed Sun 1025 North Loyalsock Ave. • 570-546-0663 Known for our one of a kind shopping experience! (Across from Wal-Mart Plaza in Montoursville) FRI. SEPT., 16TH & SAT. SEPT., 17TH S50%ELECTITEMSIOFF N EW O NE O F A K IND FALL I NVENTORY! Refreshments • $25 Gift Card Giveaways! DON’T MISS THIS 2 DAY SALE The Most Unique Shopping Experience In The Area Many other items to choose from! BUY OFF THE FLOOR RIGHT NOW! 508 Washington 570-322-8329WilliamsportBlvd. NEW HOURS Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Phone Your Orders in – 570-322-8329 Text Your Orders to – 272-230-3327 or Email – orders@tonysdelimeats.com • Our Own Ham Loaves Plain or BBQ - 2lbs. ..................... $7.00 ea. • FullySmokedCookedPork Chops ............... $4.99 lb. • Black Diamond Steaks Case of 20 (8oz.) $115.00 OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-5 CLOSED SATURDAY & SUNDAY ORDERS CALLED IN BY 4PM & PREPAID CAN BE PICKED UP SAME DAY AT CANOPY BYSATURDAY6PMCLOSED&SUNDAY THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS

Is Burnout Causing Your Weight Gain?

BBQ pork rib with sandwich roll, molasses baked beans, broccoli and carrots, autumn sugar cookie
If you are 60 years of age or older, stretch your grocery monies by coming to dine with us!
Beef barley soup with Waldorf chicken salad withfreshcroissant,orange,pepperslaw
We offer a hot meal and “Lighter Fare” menu options.
Pork roast with verde cream sauce, black MandarinSpanishbeans,rice,oranges
Lighter Fare
Italian hoagie with sandwich roll, creamy Mandarincoleslaw,oranges
Lighter Fare
September 20
Italian meatballs with spaghetti & tomato sauce, Italian vegetables, three bean salad
Chicken pot pie over pot pie bows with gravy, fresh biscuit, mixedfreshvegetables,orange
September 27
Lighter Fare
Chicken fajita wrap with peppers and onions, Mexican corn, cheesey chipotle rice, pepper slaw
Chef salad with ham, turkey, and cheese, three bean salad, fresh autumndinnerorange,roll,sugarcookie
Lighter Fare
Lighter Fare Chicken Caesar salad with crispy chicken, pasta salad, fresh apple
Come dine with friends or make some new ones!
124 East Walnut Street Lock 570-858-5822Haven
Bacon, lettuce, tomato on whole grain bread, pepper slaw, fresh apple, vanilla ice cream
Clinton CommunityCountyCenter
Jersey Shore Center 641 Cemetery Street Jersey 570-601-9591Shore
Swedishhalushkie,Meatballs, peas with pearl onions, apple sauce
Lincoln Center 2138 Lincoln 570-601-9573WilliamsportStreet
Loyalsock Center 1607 Four Mile 570-601-9590WilliamsportDrive
September 26
Meck Center 50 Fitness 570-601-9593MuncyLane
Mill Hall Center 9 Peale Avenue Mill 570-726-6378Hall
Baked liver with onion gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and cauliflower, oatmeal apple sauce cake
Rueben sandwich with corned beef, saurkraut, and rye bread, creamybananacoleslaw,
Lighter Fare
Lighter Fare
September 28
Buffalo chicken wrap with leaf lettuce and blue Mandarincheese,oranges,babycarrots
Renovo Area Center 415 Fourth Street South 570-923-2525Renovo
Contact your nearest Center for Healthy Aging to make a reservation or for more information!
RiverWalk Center 423 East Central Avenue South570-601-9592Williamsport
Let’s do Lunch!
September 21
Lighter Fare
September 22
September 23
Reservations are required by 10 AM the day before the meal you choose. Transportation can also be arranged!
Lighter Fare
Lighter Fare Greek salad with feta dressing and crispypastachicken,salad,freshapple
September 29
September 30
Centers for Healthy Aging
Tuna noodle casserole, glazedbroccoli,carrots, chocolate cake with pudding
For a full listing of activities held at each center, www.stepcorp.org/Center-Calendarsvisit
Beef vegetable soup, tuna salad withfreshcroissant,orange,babycarrots
Breaded pork loin, cheesy creamyratatouille,penne,coleslaw
Creamy pesto chicken over brown rice, garlic breadstick, mixedfreshvegetables,orange
Chicken bacon salad on whole grain bread, creamy coleslaw, fresh banana
disrupted sleeping patterns leading to daytime fatigue, and an increase in the hormoneCortisolcortisol.deserves special mention and is a type of stress hormone that increases glucose in the bloodstream. In addition, cortisol enhances the use of glucose in the brain and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues. While all these things are essential if you are ghting for your life, they will cause extreme wear and tear on your brain and body if
experienced daily. Some signs of excess cortisol levels are fatigue, weight gain in the belly, mental fogginess, and muscle weakness.

In a 2019 study published in the Journal of Health Psychology, Dr. Heather Padilla et al. proposed that workload and exhaustion were associated with physical activity behaviors that lead to weight gain. In the study, Padilla’s team evaluated the relationship between workload, exhaustion, and key behaviors for

570-326-9322Call30•WeeklyWebb•202214,Septemberwww.webbweekly.com (570) 546 - 2641 MRW AUTOPRO/MUNCY RESTORATION WORKS LLC COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR & SERVICE 158 GRIFFITH ROAD, muncyrestorationworks.comMUNCY MONDAY - FRIDAY 8AM - 5PM • Brake Service • Alternators • Tires • A/C & Heating • Radiators • Exhaust • Transmission • Belts & Hoses • Oil Changes • Front End • Shocks & Struts • Welding Repairs • Fuel Injection Cleaning • Head Lamp Lens Restoration • Alignments • Full Collision Body Shop • Major & Minor Vehicle Restoration DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TO INCLUDE EUROPEAN CARS, DIESEL REPAIR, LOANER CAR AVAILABLE. We offer free pick up and drop off services within a 15 mile radius. 1140 SHERIDAN STREET -- WILLIAMSPORT CALL NOW! (570) 326-1140 WWW.REVIVE-SPA.COM Medical Spa and Laser Treatment Center HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm • Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm Suzan McGary, MD FREE CONSULTATION Genius RF Microneedling treats lines, wrinkles, and loose skin anywhere on the body. Its innovative technology makes it the most comfortable and effective RF microneedling device on the market. Because it precisely delivers energy beneath the surface of the skin, thereʼs minimal down time, even with aggressive treatments. SAVE $200 ON A PACKAGE OF 3 TREATMENTS IF YOU PURCHASE IN SEPTEMBER @YourConvenience LOTTERY • TOBACCO • VAPE • GAMES OF SKILL CBD • DELTA 8 • GLASS • KRATOM “Play here...Win here...Get Paid Here” WE ARE HIRING at all 3 locations! Stop in and apply! Thank You to Everyone in the Southside Community for Your Continued Patronage and Support. We hope to eventually Move Forward with Our Enlarged Store, Complete with Pizza Subs & Six Packs ALWAYS FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED WE ARE EXCITED TO EXPAND & DIVERSIFY INTO MONTOURSVILLE AND LINDEN 1900 Riverside Dr., South Williamsport 452 Market St., Williamsport 170 N. Main St., Hughesville

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Enjoy the colors of the new season

From the family of Jeff Mahaffey
There are not enough words to fully express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all the cards, love, support, prayers and memorial offerings you have shown us, during one of the most difficult times in our lives.

Call Traci at 570.601.9557 to get started.
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be addressed when considering health interventions. Burnout symptoms can vary from person to person and, if left untreated, can have serious consequences both physically and mentally. In addition, the symptoms of burnout can also damage interpersonal relationships, lead to job loss, and ultimately affect all aspects of daily life. If you find yourself experiencing any of the symptoms of burnout and are unable to manage them on your own, seek help professional help from your primary care provider or behavioral health professional.

The Mahaffey Family
STEP Office of Aging will provide all necessary training, orientation, and experience. DISH and the Hopper Plus

Just knowing how many lives Jeff has touched is one of our greatest comforts and will always be remembered. With our deepest appreciation,
Offer for new and qualifying former customers only. Important Terms and conditions: Qualification: Advertised price requires credit qualification and 24-month commitment. Upfront activation and/or receiver upgrade fees may apply based on your credit qualification. Offer ends 11/16/22. 2-year commitment: Early termination fee of $20/mo. remaining applies if you cancel early. Included in 2-year price guarantee at $69.99 advertised price: America’s Top 120 programming package, local channels, HD service fees, and Hopper Duo Smart DVR for 1 TV. Included in 2-year price guarantee for additional cost: Programming package upgrades ($84.99 for AT120+, $94.99 for AT200, $104.99 for AT250), monthly fees for upgraded or additional receivers ($7 per additional TV, receivers with additional functionality may be $10-$15). NOT included in 2-year price guarantee or advertised price (and subject to change): Taxes & surcharges, add-on programming (including premium channels), DISH Protect, and transactional fees. Other: All packages, programming, features, and functionality and all prices and fees not included in price guarantee are subject to change without notice. After 6 months, if selected, you will be billed $10.99/mo. for DISH Protect Silver unless you call to cancel. After 2 years, then-current everyday prices for all services apply. For business customers, additional monthly fees may apply. Free standard professional installation only. Republic Wireless: AutoPay required. Taxes not included. Everything You Want members using over 20GB/mo of data and Everywhere You Go members using over 35GB/mo of data will have their speeds reduced. 5G service requires a 5G capable device. 5G not available in all areas. Mobile hotspot data usage counts toward monthly data allotment. You will only receive these wireless plan rates if you are a current DISH TV subscriber. If at any time you are not an active DISH TV subscriber, your wireless plan price will double. You will see this change on your next Republic Wireless by DISH monthly bill. Hans CedarDale Satellite | 800-848-2198 Route 220, Hughesville | hanscedardale.com Give us a call or visit us. We’ll help you find the best entertainment at the best price. PREM_ 737853 All offers require credit qualification, 2-year commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees based on credit qualification. Fees apply for additional TVs: Hopper $15/mo., Joey $7/mo., Super Joey $10/mo. America’s Top 120 WITH 2-YEAR TV PRICE GUARANTEE & LOCAL CHANNELS INCLUDED /mo.190 $CHANNELS6999 Sign up for DISH and get a prepaid card up to $300. ASK US HOW 300 New customers must qualify for DHA Plus or DHA Elite. Restrictions apply. Prepaid card courtesy of Hans CedarDale. With
Ombudsmen are special volunteers who enrich the lives of long term care residents. These volunteers receive training to help empower residents to live with dignity, and to ensure the quality of care they receive. You can help with this important program!
Become an Ombudsman!

Advocate for residents' rights.
If you ever had a loved one in a long term care facility (nursing home, personal care home, or assisted living), then you know the importance of visitors.

weight loss, such as nutrition and physical activity. Nine hundred fiftythree working adults were studied. The results showed that workload and exhaustion were closely related to behaviors such as uncontrolled eating and low-quality (junk) food. In addition, the study showed that as the workload increased, physical activity levelsUnhealthydecreased.behaviors stemming from burnout, such as overeating, being sedentary, unmanaged stress, and depression, can all significantly contribute to weight gain and need to
Apply Now!
570-326-9322Call32•WeeklyWebb•202214,Septemberwww.webbweekly.com Offers expire 09/30/2022. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures may not represent actual units. Customer must qualify for ALL financing options with approved credit. All offers include all incentives and rebates. All illustrations on approved credit. Must finance with Chrysler Capital. Tax and license fees extra. This offer or any other offer cannot be combined. See dealer for complete details. 2022 Impact Advertising • 22KBM-NFC-WWK091422 WWW.FAIRFIELDCHRYSLERJEEPDODGE.COM 3360 ROUTE 405 HIGHWAY • MUNCY • (570) 546-5113 • FIND US ON: NEW! 2022 RAM 1500 BIG HORN Stk. #: J22130 • MSRP: $58,455 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. SAVE: $4,250 0% 48 MOS.FOROR$54,205ONLY:NOW NEW! 2022 GLADIATORJEEP Stk. #: J22283 • MSRP: $50,795 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. SAVE: $1,000 $49,795ONLY:NOW WILLYS4X4! NEW! 2022 JEEP COMPASS LATITUDE LUX 4X4 Stk. #: J22232 • MSRP: $36,565 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. SAVE: $1,000 $35,565ONLY:NOW TRANSIT!IN NEW! 2022 RAM 1500 CLASSIC TRADESMAN QUAD CAB Stk. #: J22259 • MSRP: $45,360 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. SAVE: $2,500 $42,860ONLY:NOW 0% 72 MOS.FOROR STOP IN & SEE THE KAISER BROTHERS AND SAVE THOUSANDS! THE ALL-NEW 2022 IS HERE! NEW! SERIESWAGONEER2022II4X4 Stk. #: J22183 "Now Only" price includes all incentives and rebates. 0% 72 MOS.FOR $3,500&INCENTIVESREBATES: $740 NOW:MSRP:DISCOUNT:DEALER$74,640$70,400 WITHOUT INCENTIVES AND REBATES OR LABOR DAY SALES EVENT

www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•33Call570-326-9322Offers expire 09/30/2022. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures may not represent actual units. Customer must qualify for ALL financing options with approved credit. All offers include all incentives and rebates. All illustrations on approved credit. Must finance with Chrysler Capital. Tax and license fees extra. This offer or any other offer cannot be combined. See dealer for complete details. 2022 Impact Advertising • 22KBM-UFC-WWK091422 FROM THE KAISER BROS.! EVEN MORE GREAT DEALS PRE-OWNED! 2019 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE OVERLAND J2069 , 25,950 MI. , WAS: $54,798 SAVE: $7,898 NOW: $46,900 PRE-OWNED! 2021 JEEP GLADIATOR SPORT CREW CAB J2064 , 190 MI. , WAS: $52,989 SAVE: $4,089........................ NOW: $48,900 PRE-OWNED! 2018 DODGE DURANGO GT J2016 , 17,503 MI. , WAS: $56,798 SAVE: $3,898 NOW: $52,900 PRE-OWNED! 2019 RAM 1500 BIG HORN LONE STAR CREW CAB J2088 , 5,412 MI. , WAS: $54,798 SAVE: $809 .... NOW: $53,989 PRE-OWNED! 2021 JEEP WRANGLER 4XE SAHARA J2090 , 3,158 MI. , WAS: $60,798 SAVE: $3,898 NOW: $56,900 PRE-OWNED! 2021 JEEP GLADIATOR RUBICON CREW CAB J2112 , 6,757 MI. , WAS: $67,989 SAVE: $2,239 NOW: $65,750 PRE-OWNED! 2020 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE SRT 4X4 J10243 , 6,289 MI. , WAS: $76,798 SAVE: $6,898 ........................ NOW: $69,900 PRE-OWNED! 2010 DODGE CHALLENGER J10187 , 1 MI. , WAS: $80,900 SAVE: $1,000 NOW: $79,900 SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$2,898 2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK Stk. #: J2081 • 43,408 Mi. Was: $32,798 $29,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,898 2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK Stk. #: J2080 • 52,625 Mi. Was: $34,798 $28,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$4,898 2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK 4X4 Stk. #: J10244 • 53,962 Mi. Was: $32,798 $27,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,898 2019 JEEP CHEROKEE TRAILHAWK Stk. #: J2079 • 48,467 Mi. Was: $37,798 $31,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$8,898 2019 JEEP CHEROKEE TRAILHAWK 4X4 Stk. #: J2074 • 36,015 Mi. Was: $40,798 $31,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$3,898 2020 JEEP RENEGADE SPORT 4X4 Stk. #: J2087 • 5,545 Mi. Was: $33,798 $29,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$898 2015 DODGE CHALLENGER SXT PLUS COUPE Stk. #: J21513A • 28,363 Mi. Was: $27,798 $26,900ONLY:NOWSAVE: PRE-OWNED!$809 2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK Stk. #: J2085 • 50,383 Mi. Was: $29,798 $28,989ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$4,898 2018 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Stk. #: J2071 • 23,937 Mi. Was: $44,798 $39,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,898 2019 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED Stk. #: J2062 • 31,877 Mi. Was: $44,798 $38,900ONLY:NOW SAVE: PRE-OWNED!$5,898 2020 DODGE CHARGER SXT SEDAN Stk. #: J2065 • 5,449 Mi. Was: $45,798 $39,900ONLY:NOWSAVE: PRE-OWNED!$2,898 2019 JEEP CHEROKEE TRAILHAWK 4X4 Stk. #: J2091 • 47,225 Mi. Was: $34,798 $31,900ONLY:NOW

“Living in the Moment: Overcoming Challenges and Finding Moments of Joy in Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias” by Elizabeth Landsverk, MD with Heather Millar c.2022, Citadel

By Terri Schlichenmeyer
So you noticed some memory or cognitive issues and Dad’s not himself lately. How do you know if this new behavior is eccentricity or early dementia? Is this a normal sign of aging, or is it outside of normal? What kind of dementia might he suffer from, and to what degree? You’ll want to get an official diagnosis, so you know what to do in the future, and why.


life ahead for you both, perhaps for many years to come.
Because Alzheimer’s and dementia cannot be cured, have a plan in place for your loved one’s care but review it often. Things will change as time and the disease progresses, so be willing to look at “the
Next, remember that your loved one isn’t “trying to be difficult.” Their wild out-ofthe-ordinary behavior can’t be helped, and the disease is “so uncertain, so uneven.” There are may possible ways to deal with forgetfulness, frustration, anger, and acting out, and there are things to avoid. Says Landsverk, solutions can sometimes be pleasant, even delightful.
The first thing to know about what Dad’s going through is that dementia doesn’t mean “It’s all over.” There’s still plenty of

used to pride himself on beingHehandy.could make anything, imagine anything, fix anything. He was handy, from tools to toys and kitchens to kids. But last week, Dad got lost on his way home from the grocery store, a trip he’s made once a week for thirty years, and it scared you both. You might imagine what’s coming; find “Living in the Moment” by Elizabeth Landsverk, MD with Heather Millar, and be prepared for it.
570-326-9322Call34•WeeklyWebb•202214,Septemberwww.webbweekly.com End of Summer Sale *See store for details. Monday - Thursday: 9-5 Friday: 9-7 Saturday: 9-5 Sunday: Closed 2969 Eagle Valley Rd Mill Hall, PA www.smith-furn.com570-748-558717751SmithFurniture Everlasting 12-Months 0% Interest Financing Available Free In-Home Delivery & Removal St Pete Dovetail For the Best in Outdoor Living Central Pa’s Largest Masonry and Hardscape Yard Guarantee you!!! it’s worth the drive! 423 Susquehanna Trail (Just off Rt. 180) • Watsontown, PA 17777 570.238.9231 LARGESTSelectionofNaturalStoneinCentralPA CHECK OUT Our WoodPizzaFireplacesGazebosPavillions,andPergolas,andFirePits,Ovens,Cabinets,Boxes&MORE!!!

The Bookworm Sez

Moment” can help.
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•35Call570-326-9322Secluded 110 acre property with rolling topography and beautiful views. The farm has a good mixture of woods and tillable acres, 2 streams, and lots of wildlife The 3 bedroom 1120 sq ft house is older but structurally sound and would be perfect for a getaway home or full time residence Generac 11,000 kilowatt whole house generator installed in 2016 Large bank barn, equipment shed, and other outbuildings. Woodland has not been timbered recently so there is some timber value Very nice property located in rural countryside yet not too far from Montoursville and Williamsport Do not miss this opportunity! Lycoming County Mill Creek Twp Taxes $1704.73 Open House Dates: Saturday, August 27 from 2 4:00 pm Tuesday, August 30 from 4 6:00 pm Terms: $35,000 deposit day of auction. Buyer pays 2% transfer tax. Settlement 60 days or before. 1% Broker participation offered to Realtors with buyers. Realtor buyers must pre register buyers. Directions: From Rt 180 take 220 North at Pennsdale to Village Rd. Left on Quaker Church to right onto Rt. 864 Left on Vandine to Burns Rd. *postal address is Montoursville but GPS shows Muncy Saturday September 24, 2022 @ 11:00 110 Acres• Older Home with Outbuildings Woodland•Tillable•Great Hunting 2 Streams•OGMs Convey 469 Burns Rd Muncy PA 17756 Lycoming County Auctioneers Jake Yoder AU #005851 Ph. (717)513 5386 Matt Bergey AA #019473 Ph. (570)412 0304 Attorney: Howard Langdon Ph: (570)546 3104 Sellers: Solomon Family For additional pictures go to www.beiler campbellauctions.com or www.GoToAuction.com or www.auctionzip.com

Though it’s perhaps not as thorough or comprehensible as you may want later, author Landsverk (with author Millar) says in her introduction that she wanted this book to be easy to use. She succeeded, with a broad overview of the basics, things to know now, medicines that will and won’t work, problems to watch out for, and what to ready yourself for in the future. The case studies inside this book are strong and are scary enough to spur quick action, and they’re balanced with quiet paragraphs of comfort.Thisbook is great for caregivers, but it’s also an essential read for anyone who’s any way related to a dementia patient. Find “Living in the Moment” and keep it handy.
It’s certainly not where you want stick your head when a loved one shows signs of dementia, because that life’s not a beach. No, it’s manageable, and “Living in the
bigger picture.” That includes thinking about end-of-life issues, power of attorney papers, and legal and financial protections for the Watchlong-term.forscams; there are too many people who prey on our vulnerable seniors. Encourage physical activity, a good diet, and as much autonomy as currently possible. Learn how to craft a work-around for the easier-to-deal-with issues. And remember that “it takes a village to care for an elder with dementia” and “you are not alone.”

The sand is not your friend.


FARMALLS: 140; Super MTA-stamped on frame E D Meyers; 300 w/ fast hitch; 39 H –real nice; H; Super C w/ loader, fast hitch; F12-back steel wheels ( engine locked); Cub Cadet 126 gear drive lawn tractor w/ deck (original sticker from E D Meyers Lock Haven);

Haying: NH 565 square baler w/ 72 thrower-super sweep, just 2nd owner-used very little; NH 489 haybine-bad gearbox; NI 270 cut-ditioner; IH 990 haybine for parts; Farmco 102” x 18’ metal rack hay wagon-nice; at wagon w/ NH gears; NH 56 rake; Pequa # 930 hay-rake; IH 7’ balanced head semi mtd mower; NH 404 crusher; IH 2A crusher; JD hay u er; 3 pth bale spear; IH 56 blower; Gehl 600 chopper w/ 3038 2x & pickup heads;
570-326-9322Call36•WeeklyWebb•202214,Septemberwww.webbweekly.com 1515 Kepner Hill Rd., Muncy, PA 17756 • 570-546-6907 | fraleyauction.com | AY001971 PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable 27 Acre Farmette & 89 acre Mountain land 21 Tractors, Trucks, Trailers, Parts, Butchering Equipment, Tools, Antiques, Household Goods, Toys Located on farm at 124 Antlers Lane, WILLIAMSPORT, PA {On the West side of Williamsport just o Rt 220} Saturday, SEPTEMBER 24, 2022 Starting 9:00 AM w/ House Items 21 TRACTORS 21

New Campbell-Haus eld upright air compressor-motor; 30 ton hyd press; acetylene torch set; other air compressors; bolt bins w/ bolts; hyd oor jack; large anvil; engine stand; Husqvarna 445 18” chainsaw; Lincoln 225 amp welder; lots more smalls, parts & equipment from the shop;
Butchering: 4 real nice butcher kettles w/ rings; Hobart SS comm meat slicer-nice; meat tubs; pans; stirs; scrapple pans; 2 lard presses; butcher knives; several SS buckets and tubs; hog hangers; crocks up to 30 gal; wooden barrels; small 15 gal wood barrel;
9 pc modern Oak dining room suit; matching queen size canopy bed, tall 5 drawer dresser and 6 drawer with 4 hidden drawers and mirror with mattress and boxsprings. Pine wood; modern oak glass door china closet; other glass door hutch; Refrigerator; 3 mini refrigerators; 2 microwaves; 2 chest freezers; stove; C roll top desk; Ridgeway Grandfathers clock; Oak settee w/ 2 drawers; elec chair recliner; dry sink; queen Anne chair; lounger chair; Antique dresser w/ mirror; oak table w/ 6 chairs and leaf; modern pie cupboard; hi patio table –3 chairs; square kitchen type table; 50’s baby buggy - real nice; antique uph. rocking chairs; 2 small rockers; table lamps; bed stand; wood co ee table; black 9x12 rug; wooden rocking chair; several clothes trees; wooden swinging porch glider; wicker oor jewelry stand w/ drawers; wood mirrored jewelry stand; wood boxes; tin wood box; green table w/ chairs ; crocks and jugs; Mahogany computer desk w/ hutch back; other commuter desk; maple side table; porch swing; oak gun case; walnut dresser; lounge chair; metal cabinet; Doll collection; Milk bottles: East Malta Dairy galv milk box; 4 Morgan milk bottles; Valley Farms milk bottles; CAMEL CLOCK; wood fold iron boards; Celebrity Home dishes; JD cookie jar & bird house; Glass display case; milk cans; cookie cutters; old utensils; CI fry pans; sad irons; Pressure washer; Cal Ripken Jr beer stein; New and old bicycle parts, antique railroad lantern, wooden multi-colored playpen. “American” food scale, green enamel ware , Vintage 50’s drop leave side table.; lots more smalls.
antique oil jug w/ spout, antique toaster, misc vintage kitchen items. 50’s
DAVID ARMSTRONG PRINT 454/950 SUMMER KITCHEN TOY TRACTOR COLLECTION: John Deere’s: B w/ clock; 730 w/ clock; 50th Anniversary G-steel wheels; 3-A’s 1 unstyled; 40th Ann A; 56 820; G’ 53D; 12A combine 720 w/ blade; A Fox re Farm; 70; John Deere water gauge; S680 combine; Cookie jar; Wood bird feeder; Farmalls: 400; 2 SH; M; 300; Ag FFA SH; MTA; A 4 btm plow. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SELLS AT 12:00 PM Sells to the highest bidder (2% Broker participation ) Parcel # 1: located in Lycoming Co. Woodward Twp, Approx 27 acres with a 3 story brick farmhouse, 1st oor: modern kitchen dining room combined w/ island, dining room w/ built-in wall cupboard and 2 living rooms w/ sliding pocket doors. Semi open staircase. 2nd Floor: hardwood oors-5 bedrooms w/ closets, full bath, en-closed 2nd oor porch. 2 stairways. And 3 rooms on top oor. Full concrete basement w/ oil & LP heat. Also outdoor wood/coal furnace hot water baseboard heat. Appliances like new SS Refrigerator stove, washer & dryer sell with property. is Farm-house has 9” ceilings, Also 50’x80’ enclosed machinery shed, large bank barn with straw shed 1 car enclosed metal garage/ shop w/ bathroom & overhead door. several other outbuildings, 200 amp elec. Separate elec for barn & sheds; Property has drilled well and septic. Shingle roof; all new replacement fold-in windows (approx. 40); large quantity of road frontage along W Forth St & Antlers Lane, Zoned Ag. Parcel #2: Located in Lycoming County, Woodward Twp approx 89 acres mostly wooded mountain land tract, bordering Fourth St., also bordering tract 1, zoned Ag Property - not timbered in 30 yrs. Lots of potential here. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: e Steppes have bought a smaller retirement home prompts this ne dispersal, Dave has always collect-ed tractors for years, many neat nds here. Plan to attend starting at 9:00 AM with household items - ring 2 also starts at 9:00 AM on inter-net w/ tools, butchering items & farm machinery (House items will not be on the internet) RE TERMS: $40,000 down on parcel # 1 - - - $20,000 down on parcel # 2, day of sale in cash or guaranteed funds. Balance in 60 days. 6% buyers premium added to purchase price. Any inspections made must be done prior to sale day at potential buyers expense. Transfer tax-es divided between buyers & seller, RE taxes prorated, any testing may be done prior to Auction at new buyers expense. TERMS: Cash or good Pa check day of sale. Nothing removed until settled for. • Owners: Dave & Deborah Steppe / 570-502-5205 Live and Internet bidding on everything but Household Items.
INTERNATIONALS : 5088, CAH, 18 spd, 18.4-38” rubber, 3 pth, 2 hyds, 2 ptos, less than 300 hrs on in frame overhaul; 3688, CAH, 18 spd, turbo, 18.4-38 axle mtd duals, 4890 hrs; 1086, CAH, 3 pth, 2 ptos, 2 hyds, like new 20.8-38 rubber – 6500 hrs; 986, cab, 3 pth, 2 hyds, 18.4-38” new rubber; 884 w/ 2250 loader diesel, 3 pth, 2 ptos, rebuilt starter; 2 IH 686, German diesel, 3 pth, 2 hyds, gear drive, square fenders, 1 w/ 16.9-38” rubber 1 w/ 15.5-38” rubber; 544 gas, 3 pth, 2 hyds, 4800 hrs;
TRUCKS-TRAILERS: 90 Ford F700 cab & chassis, sgl axle, w/ New Jasper 429 engine(3000 miles) trans rebuilt, new clutch; 78 IH loadstar 1750 sgl axle truck w/ 16’ dump, diesel, 5-2 spd; 79 Ford F700 sgl axle truck w/ 14’ dump, gas, 5-2 spd; 78 GMC 6000 sgl axle dump truck, Parkhurst 14’ body V8, gas, 5-2 spd, 27,000 miles; Bison 16’ Tandem axle bumper pull cattle trailer; 40’ enclosed van trailer-for storage;
Planting: Hardi 550 Navigator hi wheel sprayer, 45’ hyd booms, foam markers, rinse tank, loaded; Avco/NI/Kinze 6 RN corn plant-er-dry fertilizer, row marker, monitor; Case/IH 5100 soybean special 21-7 grain drill, dbl disc, press wheels; IH 10 grain drill, dbl disc w/ grass seeder; Powell 1 row pull type transplanter; Vicon 3 pth 100 liter swing tube fertilizer spreader;
Others: NI 217 manure spreader w/ gate ( wood sides); Agco #3609 manure spreader, Kilbros 275 gravity wagon w/ JD 1065 gears-ext tongue; Dayton 15 KW pto generator on wheels; Taylorway 6 row 3 pth cultivators; IH 4x 3 pth cultivators; 2 row cultivators; JD 953 running gear; NH running gear; Woods 72 3 pth rotary mower; Bush Hog 8’ 3 pth HD blade-dbl angle; JD 935 wagon w/ Triumph 12 dump box-nice; JD 953 wagon w/ 10 are dump box-nice; Flare Line wooden box; 2 JD & 2 IH end gate seeders for are wagons; JD A & B mtd cultivators; mounting bracket for 2250 loader for 544 or 656; 550 gal. fuel tank w/ elec pump; Metal silo blower pipe; trailer frame; 4-38” tractor rims; cement mixer; grindstone; wood hog feeder; CI L shape hog feeder; 2 FG pig feeders; 4x8 wood hunting shack w/ windows; large spools of rope; metal frame steps; 12 weight bracket for IH; row marker; packer wheels; IH wheel weights; 50 gal sprayer on cart; scrap pile lots & lots of old tractor & machinery parts; Farmall cub front blade; front weights; poly tank; table saw; JD G old style cylinder #F827R; other old style JD hyd cylinders; bicycles; 30’ wood ext ladder; lots more.

JOHN DEERES: 530 w/ 3 pth; 530, power steering-needs work; 50 Cyclone A- power steering-original paint; 50 Cyclone B - all original; 51 A - original paint, (Dave pulled this in pace-has weight brackets; 35 UNSTYLED B— one of the rst ones made –fully restored; other riding mower;
Tillage: IH 710 6-16” semi plows-auto resets; IH 710 4-16” demi plows-side hill hitch; JD 610 2 pth 10 tooth chisel plow; JD 4-14” trail-er plows-square beam; 2 IH #60 3 btm trailer plows-1 rope trip-1 hyd li ; Oliver 2 btm trailer plow; JD 1 btm trailer plow; 2 IH 3 pth 3 btm plows; Brillion 15’ transport cultimulcher; IH 470 wing fold 18’ transport disc; JD 18’ folding eld cultivator; , JD #235 18 ‘ fold up disk.
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•37Call570-326-93221515 Kepner Hill Rd., Muncy, PA 17756 • 570-546-6907 | fraleyauction.com | AY001971 Manitou MLT 634-120 telehandler, EROPS; JCB 175 skid steer, CAH, 2 spd-1228 hrs.; NH 786 skid loader; NH L785 skid steer; JD 575 skid loader; JD 540D Log Skidder w/sorting grapple - ready for the woods! GENERAL EQUIPMENT JD 1750 6 row vacumeter corn planter-Maxi Merge Plus units-dry fertilizer, 350 monitor; JD 3975 forage harvester w/ 3x corn head, iron guard, processor-nice; Tubeline TLR 5000AX2 inline bale wrapper-like new; Kelly Ryan silage table; Vermeer TM800 Disc Mower; NI 401 rake w/ dolly; JD 854 silage special round baler; JD 400 grain cart - never saw one nicer; JD 780 manure spreader-top beater; West eld 61x10” grain auger; Kohler 50 KW generator; 30+ assorted gravity wagons; plows; discs; Plus all types of planting, haying & till-age items; RAILROAD ENGINE ON STEEL; Featherlite 8’x20’ gooseneck cattle trailer; 1994 Mercury station wagon; 94 Southwind 34’ motorhome; 2019 Big Tex TA trailer, mega ramps-used less than 1000 miles; Fraley’s AtCONSIGNMENTFallAUCTIONtheFraleyComplex,1515KepnerHillRoad,Muncy,PAIt’sHereandIt’sTime-YoucanSell&YoucanBuy!“eSaletheyallTalkAbout”e“LARGESTSALE”ofit’skindintheNortheast is is a very very brief early listing, 1000’s of items are not advertised Saturday, September 17, 2022 8:00am TRACTORS NH T7 270 CAH, on tracks, CVT, front 3 pth. only 4400 hrs.-NICE; NH T 7070, CAH, CVT, front 3 pth.-7400 hrs.-NICE; NH TC26DA compact, 4x4 w/ loader; JD 4430, CAH, quad range; JD 5055D, w/ canopy; JD 5310, cab w/ 541 loader-only 1600 hrs.; JD 950; JD 730 diesel; CaseIH 4230-1980 hrs. nice; CaseIH DX 25E compact, 4x4 w/ loader & mower deck; IH 766, 3 pth. 2 hyds; IH 656 gas; MF 231 diesel; Kubota BX 1850 compact, 4x4 w/ loader; Kubota L3600, 4x4 w/ loader; MM GVI; NI 709 diesel power unit-FWD, w/ 738 4RN corn head, big husking bed; NI 4RW head; INT 1460 combine, w/ 6x corn & grain head; Selling with 4 trucks all day • 2 on big equipment • 2 lawn, garden, & smalls Farm & Trucks,Equipment,ConstructionTrailers,Vehicles, Lawn & Snowmobiles,RTV’s,Equipment,Garden4wheelers,Tools 500+ pc’s Lawn & Garden (One of the largest lawn mower Auctions in the East!) ALL MAKES & MODELS OF LAWN EQUIPMENT (3) 2003 Yamaha G22A gas golf carts; Large selection (100’s)of zero turns, riding mowers & all kind of lawn attachments NEW SKID STEER Q.T. & 3 PTH EQUIPMENT Grapple buckets, post hole diggers, trenchers, sickle bar & rotary mowers, large & small pallet forks, J Bar mowers - stone rakes; rototillers. Several sets of heavy duty freestanding 20’ pipe gate corral panels; Accepting consignments September 12th until September 15th - - 8:00 till 5:00 each day • NOTHING ACCEPTED FRIDAY September 16th Sale Order: Starting 8:00am on wagon load, 8:15 2 trucks on front row, 9:00 Big Machinery 9:00 Lawn & Garden, Plan to spend the DAY. Terms: Cash or good check day of Auction, Out of state buyers must have a current bank letter of credit. Everything paid in full day of Auction, nothing removed until settle for. Credit Cards accepted - a 3% administrative fee charged on all non cash/non check purchases. For pictures & a complete listing go to www.proxibid.com the week of the Auction

Trusting on the Red Sea

Faith Conversations…
www.lezzerlumber.comsteveeck@lezzer.com www.lezzerlumber.comsteveeck@lezzer.comCallSteveEck 570-419-8297 www.lezzerlumber.comsteveeck@lezzer.com Turnaround Time! Our windows are available in as little as 5 weeks. Experienced Installers: We care about the details and make sure your windows are finished inside and out! No Mess! While other companies charge markups for clean-up, our price includes us taking the old windows away. We’re Local! Not a franchise looking to sell quantity over quality. Save $$ on heating bills with air-tight, energy efficient windows. THE LATE EDDIE & EFFIE BUDMAN PUBLIC AUCTION

9a.m. - Household and Collectibles: Kitchenware, Wagner Cast Iron Skillet, small appliances, stoneware crocks, coca cola advertisement, grange national bank collectibles, milk bottles, vintage metal “Jaques Seed” sign, gun safe, vintage items: milk cans, creamers, tools, typewriters, large cow weather vane, depression glass, Golf Cart, Zero Turn mower, small amount of furniture, outdoor decor items and much more!!! for pictures and listing go to auctionzip.com ID#45518, We Hope To See You There!!!!

Sat., September 17th 2022 • 9:00 am 140 Randy Dr., Hughesville, PA 17737
Terms: No buyers premium, no sales tax cash, or good pa check, credit cards with 3.5% loss, buying as is where is, statements made the day of auction take precedence over any previous material.

take the risk even before the resources are available?Suchstruggles put us in good company.

But, like a lot of true believers, I struggle with trusting myself. How can I know for certain what God’s will is – and what He wants me to do? How can I trust myself when human pride, selfish ambition, and fear sometimes cloud my vision and obscure His will? And what about my lack of ability and limited resources? I trust God completely, but like many true believers, I’m just not sure I can trust myself.
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•39Call570-326-9322WHITE DEER CONCRETE LLC MONTGOMERY PA * (570) 515-0477 * DRIVEWAYS * PARKING LOTS * BASEMENTS * * POURED WALLS * ICF WALLS * RETAINING WALLS * * ALL TYPES OF FLOORS * SCHEDULE YOUR DRIVEWAY NOW!!! FREE ESTIMATES * FULLY INSURED * PA HIC #0022762 Can you change the following wording to red to match the stop sign color SCHEDULE YOUR DRIVEWAY NOW !!! ??? 1868 E. 3rd St • Williamsport, PA 570.326.1561 220 N. Jay St • Lock Haven, PA 570.893.4220 www.FishRE.com Follow us on Facebook Facebook.com/FishRealEstateat We currently represent numerous qualified buyers looking for the right property. CALL US NOW IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING SELLING IN 2022! • Loyalsock School District • 4 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 2,325 sq ft; 1.17 Acres • Please$485,000contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. FEATURED LISTING! MLS# WB-95700 2143 Stopper Dr., Montoursville • +/- 2,000 SF office space with private parking • Private offices, conference room, lobby/ reception area and break room • Great visibility, High traffic area • Additional storage/SF available Please contact Tiffany Cioffi (570)772-8686 for further information. MLS# WB-94649 926 Washington Blvd., Williamsport • Muncy School District • 5 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 3,193 sq ft; 102.54 acres • Please$1,250,000contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95420 1351 Musser Lane, Muncy • Williamsport Area School District • Multi-Units • 3,071 sq ft; .14 acres • Please$167,900contact Cherry Lorson (570)4192276 for further information. MLS# WB-94344 956-958 Memorial Ave., Williamsport • Williamsport School District • 3 Bedrooms; 1 Bathroom • 1,352 sq ft; .16 acres • Please$129,900contact Michael Richardson Jr. (570)419-0788 for further information. MLS# WB-95521 1121 Washington Blvd., Williamsport • Williamsport School District • 4 Bedrooms; 4 Bathrooms • 4,011 sq ft; .78 acres • Please$459,000contact Tony Nardi (570)220-4625 for further information. MLS# WB-95536 135 Grampian Blvd., Williamsport • Canton School District • 6 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 2,948 sq ft; .70 acres • Please$315,000contact Tony Nardi (570)220-4625 for further information. MLS# WB-95535 8304 PA-14, Trout Run • Williamsport School District • Multiple Units • 3,660 sq ft; .11 Acres • Please$199,900contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95152 944-946 Memorial Ave., Williamsport • Williamsport School District • 3 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 2,435 sq ft; 6 acres • $307,900 Please contact Linda Herr (570)974-4012 for further information. MLS# WB-95353 2019 Quenshukeny Rd., Linden • Towanda School District • 5 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 2,530 sq ft; 2.34 acres • Please$150,000contact Tina Richlin (570)447-5274 for further information. 7910 US 220, Towanda MLS# WB-95615 • Sullivan County School District • 5 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 2,838 sq ft; 1 acre • $245,000 Please contact Kassandra Moore (570)5066531 for further information. MLS# WB-94938 11959 Rte 42, Muncy Valley NEW LISTING! • Williamsport School District • 4 Bedrooms; 6 Bathrooms • 4,875 sq ft; 8.90 acres • $699,900 Please contact Stephen Furey (570)2204624 for further information. MLS# WB-95174 501 Upland Rd., Williamsport • Williamsport School District • 3 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 1,711 sq ft; .14 acres • Please$229,900contact Anne Macdonald (570)772-3593 or Nan Young (570)419-4015 for further information. MLS# WB-95492 1045 Rural Ave., Williamsport AGENT OF THE WEEK 570-279-0856ROBERTPIERCE PRICE REDUCED

have full trust in God’s omnipotent sovereignty and divine will. I believe He can do anything, that there are no limits on His power and no boundaries on His kingdom.
But friends, even if we struggle with trusting ourselves, the question still remains, “Do we trust God?” If we are true believers, then we must accept that He can even overcome the distrust we have in ourselves.Consider these two Scriptures:
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2
things – and He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond anything we can ask or even imagine. Do you believe it? Do you trust Him? Are you willing to submit your ways fully to Him? Are you willing to offer yourself as a living sacrifice so that He can transform your mind and renew your thinking?
I know, without a doubt, God can do it—but does He want me to do it? Does He want me to step out in faith before the outcome is known? Does He want me to

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
According to these Scriptures, a believer with a fully submitted heart and renewed mind can make determinations about God’s will and move forward with both humility and boldness. Why? Because God can be trusted with results and outcomes. He is the one who transforms and renews our mind. He is the one who makes our path straight. He does these miraculous
If so, then trust Him with the outcome. He can and will make your path straight – and even the Red Sea won’t be able to stand in your way. Believe it.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21

Gideon struggled too. You can read the story about how he used a fleece to clarify God’s will and overcome fear and distrust in himself. See Judges 6.

First in Flight will explore the triumphs and disappointments of Orville and Wilbur
Robert Thomas Hughes, of Carriage Trade Productions, has performed throughout the region in a long-list of plays and perfor-
Playwright Robert Hughes to Discuss Aviation Pioneers Orville and Wilbur Wright at the Taber Museum
Wright, who Hughes labels as ‘symbols of America Can Do’ with their ingenuity and grit. The Wright Brothers were encouraged to be entrepreneurial, owning both a bicycle business and publishing a newspaper, as well as ‘pilots of the sky’ scientists. They succeeded and of course, wrote their names in the pages of American aviation history.
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Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society will be featuring First in Flight as presented by playwright Robert Hughes, on Sunday, September 18, 2022, at 2pm. The presentation, one of the Society Programs in the Taber’s Lecture Series, will be held in the Community Room of the Museum. It is free and open to the public.

mances. Among Hughes’ characterizations are his portrayals as actor John Barrymore in “Barrymore’s Ghost” and as playwright Jason Miller in a biographical play, “Go Irish! The Purgatory Diaries of Jason Miller.”. His work also includes a depiction of coal miners’ lives, an ‘interview’ with Frederick Douglass, a dramatization of the life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and a forthcoming sketch of Holocaust survivor Elie Weisel.

As the Society Program coincides with the third Sunday of the month, admission to the museum is free. The Third Sunday of each month May through October features free admission. The Lecture Series combines the Sunday afternoon programs with Thursday morning Coffee Hours. The lecture series is generously sponsored by the Woodcock Foundation for the Appreciation of the Arts.
www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•41Call570-326-9322Locally Owned & Operated • Fully Insured • Free Estimates Broc Lorson - 570.916.0322 • broclorson@realsealllc.com Muncy, PA 17756 THE REAL DEAL WHEN IT COMES TO THE SEAL! Asphalt Sealing & Patching Quality and Service Second to None! Real Seal LLC Fisher’s Cabinet Shop Tables & Furniture By Your Design Stop in for FREE ESTIMATES. Samuel G. Fisher • 1405 E. Winter Rd., Loganton, PA 17747 570-725-2114 • NO SUNDAY SALES CUSTOM CABINETS WITH GRANITE OR LAMINATE TOPS ©2022 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. 448 River Avenue, Williamsport PA 570-321-7000 | www.BHHSHodrickRealty.com Featured Listings Call Us Now For More Details 3BR • 16+Acres $599,900 • Jersey Shore 16+ Acres • $599,900 Jersey Shore Schools 4BR • 3Car Garage $365,000 • Montoursville 3BR • Williamsport$136,000 6BR • 3BR$799,0006,680SqFt.•Turbotville3BR•$239,900S.WilliamsportRanch•$170,000Hughesville3BR•$69,900Williamsport PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED

Located at 858 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, the Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society provides a history of the region with information about Native American culture, frontier exploration, the development of the Pennsylvania canal, immigration during the 19th century, and the logging and lumbering era of the nineteenth century. The Taber Museum also houses the world-class Larue Shempp Model Train Collection. The museum is open for touring Tuesdays through Fridays, 9:30am until 4:00pm; Saturdays, 11:00am until 4:00pm and Sundays (May through October), 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. There is ample parking behind the museum and along the street. For further information, please contact the museum at 570.326.3326 or visit our website at www.tabermuseum.org

“The Woman King” – Viola Davis stars in this true-story actioner about a group of female warriors who successfully protected an African kingdom in the 19th century.
“The Greatest Beer Run Ever” – Sounding like a witless college comedy, this is actually based on a true story in which several stateside friends set up a risky mission to find and help struggling soldiers in 1967 Vietnam. Starring Zac Efron, Russell Crowe and Billy Murray; directed by Peter Farrelly.
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“Mr. Harrigan’s Phone” – I’m also a sucker for anything written or directed by John Lee Hancock (“The Rookie,” “Saving Mr. Banks,” “The Blind Side,” “The Highwaymen”) — especially if it’s based on a novella by Stephen King. Cast includes Donald Sutherland, who has — unbelievably — never been nominated for an Oscar. Maybe 2022 will also be a good year for the 87-year-old veteran of nearly 100“Amsterdam”films. – 1930s-era murder mystery
The Year That Saved the Movies, Part 3
Joseph W. Smith III


“See How They Run” – Comical Christiestyle whodunit set in 1950s London with a killer cast: Saiorse Ronan, Sam Rockwell, Adrien Brody and David Oyelowo.
That headline is misleading — I never wrote the first two parts of what might be called “2022 at the Movies.”
No, those parts were penned by you, dear reader; or should I say “viewer”? So many of you went piling off to movie theaters that this year’s box-office is already approaching the entire take for 2021 — with four more months to go.Now some of us cinephiles started the summer wondering if brickand-mortar movie-houses could recover after the COVID cancellations, delays and empty theaters that characterized these past two years. But at nearly $4 billion in receipts thus far, cinema seems to be bouncing back. And we aren’t done yet. Indeed, I originally planned a peek at what’s expected between now and Christmas; but there’s so much promise on the filmgoing horizon that I’m limiting this to the next six weeks — with “Part 4” coming later to discuss 2022’s holiday movies.
“Blonde” – Having been bowled over by publicity photos of Latina actress Ana de Armas (“Knives Out”) as Marilyn Monroe, I was looking forward to Netflix’s sprawling, 166-minute biopic — until they rated in NC-17; now I’m not so sure.
“The Good House” – Handsome-looking late-in-life love story starring Sigourney Weaver and Kevin Kline. I’m a sucker for anything with Kline, and the previews on this one sure seem dandy.

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“Wendell & Wild” – I almost scrolled past this — till I saw Henry Selick as director;




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he helmed the excellent “Coraline” and the beloved “Nightmare Before Christmas” (even though many folks assume that gem was directed by Tim Burton). This is another stop-motion horror comedy, with a script by Jordan Peele, who also stars — along with Keegan-Michael Key. Count me in.“Ticket to Paradise” – Winsome-looking comedy about squabbling divorcees (Julia Roberts and George Clooney) who must put aside their differences when they travel to Bali for their daughter’s wedding — hoping to sabotage the event because neither one likes the guy she picked.

written and directed by David O. Russell (“Silver Linings Playbook”). Cast to die for: Margot Robbie, Christian Bale, John David Washington, Anya Taylor-Joy, Zoe Saldana, Mike Myers, Michael Shannon, Taylor Swift, Rami Malek and Robert De Niro. Whew!
“Till” – It’s about time they made a film focusing on Emmitt Till, the 14-year-old black boy who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 — for supposedly flirting with a white woman. Previews look solid, focused largely on the boy’s mother and her courageous fight for justice.
Watch for my final installment on “the year that saved the movies.”

Loud noise – Turn down the volume or walk away from sources of loud noise.

Types of Headaches
UPMC UnderstandingExpert: Headaches

570-326-9322Call44•WeeklyWebb•202214,Septemberwww.webbweekly.com PlumbingMasters570.323.1983 NOW HIRING PLUMBERS AND HVAC TECHNICIANS CALL US FOR ALL OF YOUR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL NEEDS! SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1977 • www.plumbingmasters1.com PLUMBING • WATER LINES • SEWER LINES • DRAIN LINE JETTING HEATING • A/C • WATER HEATERS • BOILERS 302 Sidney St., S. Williamsport, PA 17702 Contact your local sales representative today! JUSTIN TILLOTSON 570.412.2346 I jmtillotson@clevelandbrothers.com www.ClevelandBrothers.com/ZeroDown AT04192022 GREAT RATE. GREAT PROTECTION. GREAT TIME TO BUY. FOR 36 MONTHS 0%WITHZERODOWN Compact Track Mini ExcavatorsCompact Wheel LoadersSkid Steer LoadersCompact Loaders 2282 Beaver Rd., Mifflinburg, PA 17844 • 570-966-3822 Founded in 1987 7,000 sq. ft. of fabric and Sewing machine supplies Sewing Cabinets, Chairs & Tables Large Variety of Fabrics Offering Classes: Sewing, Quilting and Embroidery • Sewing Machine Sales & Service • Quilting Machine Sales & Service • Embroidery Machine Sales & Service MakesWeWeRepairAllRepairAll&Models!

Carrie Timko, M.D. Family Medicine, UPMC
Many tension headaches can be relieved by means other than medication and the frequency of more serious headaches like migraines can often be reduced through lifestyle modification. It depends on what causes the headache and the type of headache.
most painful types of headaches along with migraines. A cluster headache commonly awakens you in the middle of the night with intense pain in or around one eye on one side of your head. Bouts of frequent attacks, known as cluster periods, can last from weeks to months, usually followed by remission periods when the headaches stop. During remission, no headaches occur for months and sometimes even years. Cluster headaches are rare and not life-threatening.
When most people think of a headache as a dull pressure and discomfort in the head, they’re describing a tension headache. These headaches are very common and most often do not have additional symptoms. While they can be painful, they are rarely a sign of more serious illness. Tension headaches can be treated with over-the-counter medications and lifestyle modification can often help reduce their frequency.Clusterheadaches, which occur in cyclical patterns or cluster periods, are one of the
Below are some common headache triggers and ways to reduce their effects: Anxiety and stress – Take deep breaths, go on a walk, and incorporate healthy stressrelief activities into your daily routine.
Light – Put down your screens or lower

Migraines are a type of severe headache and include symptoms like intense pulsing or throbbing in one area of your head; sensitivity to light, sounds, or smell; blurred vision; and nausea or vomiting. Frequent migraines may be a sign of something more serious. If you experience migraines frequently, it’s important to speak with your
you have experienced a headache or migraine, you know how debilitating they can be. As of 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 3% of all annual emergency department visits in the United States are due to complaints of headaches. While most headaches are not the result of a serious illness, they still can interfere with your overall quality of life.

physician to rule out underlying issues. Migraines can be treated with medication, lifestyle modification, and other therapies. Causes and Available Treatments

When to Seek Care

www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•45Call570-326-9322New Location! 466 East Third St. Williamsport CALL TODAY! 570-321-1111 25% OFF 3” CHLORINETABS! GET THEM BEFORE THEY’RE GONE! FULLY INSURED -- FREE ESTIMATES WATERCHEMICALSSUPPLIESTESTINGCLOSINGCLOSINGSCALLTODAY TO SETUP CLOSINGS OR WINTERIZING MAN MADE • Powerful Insulation Capability • Energy Savings • Completely Airtight • Moisture Barrier • Mold Will Not Survive • More Durable • Eco-Friendliness Of Spray Foam 30%SPRAYBEFOREFOAMINSULATIONOFYOURHOMEHEATISESCAPINGTHROUGHYOURROOF 570-560-3153 Blown-in Fiberglass Insulation Available Great for attics, Pole Buildings & Calf Barns 1205 W. Valley Rd., Loganton, PA 17747 LOGANTON SPRAY FOAM llc CURIOUS ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF SPRAY FOAM? SANDKREMSERASSOCIATESLLCSEPTICTANKMOUND•SUMPS1300JordanAve.•Montoursville,PACallToday570-368-1154 Regular Maintenance Saves You money Fully Insured • Licensed in Central PA • Member P.S.M.A. Cleaned, Repaired and Installed RESIDENTIAL • COMMERICAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSPECTIONS Serving Lycoming and Surrounding Counties Since 1946 SUNFLOWER & HERB POTS ORNAMENTAL GRASSES, PEPPERS & K ALE 752 Elimsport Rd, Montgomery (Just West of Route 15) Mon.-Fri. 8 �� - 6:30 �� S��. 8�� -5�� • C����� S��. BEILER GREENHOUSE 570-547-6119 BEAUTIFUL MUMS & PUMPKINS ARE HERE! CHEMICAL FREE HOMEGROWN ON OUR FARM SELECT ANNUALS ON SALE GREAT SELECTION SUCCULENTSOF *CASH-OR-CHECK ONLY Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration TM 24 Hour Emergency Service. Over 1,600 Franchises in North America Like it never even happened. ® SERVPRO® 570-546-3500MontoursvilleWilliamsport/of PA# 116668 ®SERVEPROSYSTEMSERVICES Restoration: • Fire, Smoke, Soot • Mold Remediation • Water Extraction • Dehumidification Cleaning: • Carpet, Upholstery • Air Ducts • Pet Odors & Stains • Dryer Vents • Biohazard

Sleeping – Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and have a regular nighttime routine.
Physical activity – Find a balance between pushing yourself too hard and being too sedentary.

the brightness on devices and try not to overexpose yourself unprotected to sunlight.

If headaches are taking a toll on your life day-to-day, it’s time to make an appointment with your primary care provider. This could mean that your headaches are happening more often, they have been more severe, or that Tylenol or other over-the-counter medicines no longer relieve your symptoms.
The best way to gain control of and prevent frequent headaches is to learn if you have triggers. Keep a headache journal to record events before, during, and after each headache. How much you sleep, your activities, causes of stress, and the foods and beverages you ingested should be recorded. This information helps you and your physician determine significant patterns and triggers. It also helps your physician create a personalized treatment plan.
UPMC Primary Care is located at 610 High St., Lock Haven. To schedule an appointment at this location, call 570-748-1250. For more information about UPMC Primary Care services in north central Pa., visit UPMC. com/PrimaryCareNCPA.

If your symptoms affect your motor functions (trouble walking or speaking, numbness or weakness of any kind), nausea or vomiting, or if you’ve fainted, you should call 911 or go to the emergency department.

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Ukulele: Ukuleles are affordable and their small size makes them ideal for kids. It’s easy to learn a few chords and play familiar songs. Plus, parents may appreciate that the ukulele is a relatively quiet instrument.
Digital keyboards and even online piano keyboards can replicate piano sounds quite well and provide an inexpensive way to learn piano.

Musical Instruments For Beginners

Piano: The piano is a great instrument to learn because it enhances fine motor skills and often serves as a foundation for music education. The good news is one doesn’t have to purchase a piano to get started.

www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•47Call570-326-9322ESTATE PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION RUDINSKI, ORSO AND LYNCH 339 Market Street • 570.321.8090 FREE CONSULTATION • Elder Law & Medicare/Medicaid Planning • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney • Wills & Trusts • Estate Administration • Estate Tax & Planning • Estate & Trust Litigation • Business Exit Strategy Planning Questions? Visit us at www.williamsport.lawyer DICK AVAILABLE!STAIBISRETIREDBUTSTILL BY ONLY!APPOINTMENTCALLTODAY! P: (570) 323-9903 • C: (570) 337-3224 Dick is available to assist friends and his customers with the purchase of any vehicle from Fairfield Auto Group, no matter the brand, new or pre-owned, Dick will help you get the Fairfield Fair Deal you expect! AUTO GROUP NEW OR USED! ANY BRAND! 2022 Impact Advertising • 22FFGR-IOC-WWK091422 • Garages • Storage Sheds • Workshops • Horse Barns • Chicken Coops • Gazebos • Garden Sheds RENT TO FINANCINGOWN!AVAILABLE! NITTANY STRUCTURES 5284 Nittany Valley Drive, Mill Hall, PA 17751 • 570-726-6710 Monday-Thursday 8-5, Friday 8-6, Saturday 9-3, Closed Sunday SHEDS, GARAGES & BLINDS Playing a musical instrument benefits people of all ages, including children. Young children may take to music education more readily than adults, acquiring skills in record time. While many instruments are beneficial to kids, certain choices are best for children just starting out.

Drums: Drums teach children rhythm, which is an essential component of all music. Drums are attractive to kids because they can be great fun to play and help reduce stress by getting out all that nervous energy.
Electronic drum kits are available as quieter alternatives and are great options when space for a regular drum set is unavailable.
As children acquire skills on these instruments, they can continue or move on to more complicated alternatives.

By Jon Pries
The Roving Sportsman… So Long, Summer! Call Today for an 570-322-4741Appointment 2685 Euclid Avenue, South Williamsport, PA 17702 www.perioimplants.us Dr. David DiGiallorenzo, DMD and Dr. Henry Hsu, DMD WE DO AMONGEXTRACTIONS!OURSERVICES Implants Laser Assisted Treatment for Gum Disease Implant Supported Over Dentures Full Mouth Reconstruction With Immediate Total Tooth Replacement Gum Grafting Expertise Doctors Trust, Experience & Comfort Patients Love 5335 North Route 44 • Jersey Shore, PA • 570-753-3801 www.BonnerSports.com COME ON! IT’S HAPPENING HERE! OUR BIGGEST SALE EVER! 2022 KZ Connect 322bhk ........................... $ 67,224 ........... $ 47,187 ........... $ 4,000 .............. $ 43,187 2022 Crossroads Zinger 290KB $ 46,609 $ 36,924 $ 4,000 $ 32,924 2022 KZ Escape Hatch 18 $ 42,536 $ 31,943 $ 4,000 $ 27,943 2022 Forest River Wildwood FSX 280rt ..... $ 49,045 .......... $ 35,380 ........... $ 4,000 .............. $ 31,380 2022 Forest River Wildwood Xlite 240bhxl $ 44,627 $ 31,755 $ 4,000 $ 27,755 2022 Crossroads Zinger 259fl $ 36,337 $ 27,883 $ 3,000 $ 24,883 2022 K2 Connect SE 191mbse ................... $ 45,503 .......... $ 29,588 ........... $ 3,000 .............. $ 26,588 2022 Forest River Wildwood 22rbs $ 43,511 $ 29,780 $ 3,000 $ 26,780 2022 Forest River Wildwood FSX 178bhsk $ 34,588 $ 24,569 $ 3,000 $ 21,569 2022 Forest River Wildwood FSX 170ss $ 32,673 $ 22,987 $ 3,000 $ 19,987 *Prices Do Not Include Taxes & Tags. Discounts Calculated Off of Original Price Only. MSRP OriginalPRICE DISCOUNTAdditional Limited Time SALE PRICE* Skip the show crowd and take advantage of similar savings from your local dealer!! No Hidden Fees & Friendly Low Pressure Sales! Simple Discounts on All New In-Stock RVs! OVER $30,000 TAKE $4,000 OFF UNDER $30,000 TAKE $3,000 OFF (Examples Shown)

In mid-June, my two sons, Todd and Tim, and I joined up to fish for two days in the Florida Keys. It was a trip we had been talking about for several years and finally
just over a week, September 22, 2022, to be exact, Fall of 2022 will officially begin. Where the heck did the summer go anyway? For some unknown reason it simply seemed shorter than usual this year and, somehow, just slipped away. I suppose part of that is that when you keep busy, time has a way of speeding by, and I reluctantly admit that part of the acceleration of the passage of time is the inevitable fact of growing older. As each of the seasons draws to an end and a new season is about to begin, I enjoy taking a hike, finding a quiet spot in the woods or along a mountain stream, and reflecting on the many wonderful things that I experienced in our great outdoors. This past summer was no exception. Reflecting back to June, it was very telling to observe from a distance the difference in “leaf-out” of the trees on the hillsides, noting the areas that were sprayed for gypsy moths ( now the “politically correct” term is spongy moths!) and those areas that were not sprayed. For many of those forests that were not properly treated for the infestation, the trees suffered a double whammy as the summer unfolded and a lack of sufficient rains persisted. Those trees struggled to produce a second crop of leaves; thus, those oak trees will not be producing any acorns this fall. One more spring of gypsy moth

invasion could be fatal to many of the trees. Early in June, during a visit from my son, Todd, and his lady friend, Ashley, we witnessed something I have never seen before.While I have often come across newly or recently-born fawns in May and June, I have never actually watched the birth process. As luck would have it, during mid-day on June 3rd, a single doe slowly eased her way through the taller grasses in the nearby field and stepped into the yard in easy view of the kitchen window. She took a long time approaching, stopping often to scan the area and listen for any approaching danger. She was acting oddly, and just as I began to say, “I think she is going to…” she gave birth to a single fawn before our very eyes! What a neat thing to actually witness. Within a very short few minutes, it was standing, the mother was licking it profusely, and it began taking a few wobbly steps, then instinctively began nursing from the attentive mother. No more than 7 or 8 minutes passed when the mother began to walk across the yard, and the fawn cautiously followed behind her. It was amazing to see just how quickly the newborn developed its balance and sought nourishment from its mother.


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As we wrap things up for the summer, I hope you will take time to reflect on what wonders of nature you might have encountered these past few months and lay out a plan for what you hope to accomplish next summer as well.
presented them to us with local flair, and then shared with us the recipes for their dishes.As the summer pressed on with a continual lack of rain, small mountain stream trout fishing gave way to habitat improvement work that filled the days of sunshine and pleasant weather. All-in-all, a very satisfying amount of field and woods habitat work was accomplished throughout the summer months, and it was a rewarding feeling to reflect on the work.
came to fruition this year. Our first day of fishing focused on fly-fishing for tarpon — and, much to our dismay and frustration, produced no fish! We quickly discovered just how technical and difficult it was to hook into one of these elusive giants, which ranged to well over 100 pounds. But it was an enjoyable day of learning and whet our appetites to return and try again next year. Our second day found us on a charter boat pursuing blackfin tuna and dolphin (mahimahi). Success at last, as we hooked and landed our limit of the tuna and caught numerous mahi-mahi that we were able to bring home for some fabulous meals. That evening we took several tuna and mahimahi filets to a local restaurant where they cooked our catch in several different ways,
Ken Hunter… The Elusive Muskie


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I’ve done some muskie fishing over the years with some occasional success, and I’ve even managed an occasional full

it comes to fishing here in Pennsylvania, you probably won’t find many fishermen who are strongly dedicated to pursuing muskies. There are probably some good reasons for that lack of pursuit; for one, they are not exactly abundant, at least not like trout and bass. They can also be difficult to catch; you can easily spend a lot more hours trying to hook a muskie than most other fish species. Also, if you plan to pursue muskies, you better have the proper gear on hand; your average bass gear is not the best choice but more on that later.


day dedicated to the pursuit of muskies, but it isn’t long until the bass grabs my attention again. I even remember bass fishing with a fly rod on the river one evening using a large streamer when I got a sudden jolt on the retrieve. I soon realized it wasn’t a bass but a large muskie. I finally got the fish close to the canoe, but as it cruised by, it took off in a sudden jolt and snapped the line.
Losing that muskie on a fly outfit, of course, is a good reminder that if you are going to get serious about muskie or even pike fishing, gear up for the species. Some heavy-duty bass gear may work, but most serious muskie fishermen utilize bait casting gear and usually larger lures made for muskie fishing. A heavy action bait caster spooled with 30lb test and higher line, and a steel leader would be a good start; remember you are after big, heavy fish with a mouth full of sharp teeth, and they are often found around heavy weed cover. I would also highly recommend a good-sized net in the boat for landing your catch.
As always, when it comes to lure choices, there is a lot to pick from, but there are some favorites. I recently had the opportunity to meet and talk with Alex Fry, a local guy who happens to have a love of muskie fishing; I’m not talking about
Outdoors with
Muskies tend to be much longer than our other fish species, and they have a pretty good-sized jaw equipped with plenty of very sharp teeth. Muskies are sometimes confused with northern pike, but the pike has a dark background with light spots, while the muskie has a light background with dark spots on the sides. There are actually a couple of other color phases in muskies, including the barred phase featuring dark vertical bars and the clear phase with no spots or bars on a light brownish or greenish background.

an occasional outing, but rather this guy is a serious muskie fisherman. I asked him what some of his favorite lures were. He and his fishing buddies use soft plastics, minnow-type lures and crankbaits, and inlineManyspinners.ofthese lures are designed to imitate some type of bait fish, which is probably why they are so effective since muskies feed mostly on other fish. Muskie fishermen will usually upgrade the size of these lures as well. I’m not saying your average bass size minnow lure won’t catch a muskie, but larger lures seem to produce better.Alex and his buddies hit the river a lot; the Susquehanna’s west branch and the North Branch of the Susquehanna
Chris Hendershot / Craig Thomas
Troy Guenot / Kyle Wallace SPONSORS Laylon Taxidermy The Beverage Barn Eck’s Garage Inc. Rennie Rodarmel / Allstate John and Marilyn Incitti Economy Locker Jason, Jen, Graden & Renn Tim & Shirley Shannon Mike Shannon The Hartland Family Jan Hartland Weaver The Kremser Family The Hunter Family (Roan, Rick, Scott) Haywoods Bar & Grill True Value Elery Nau Hardware American Legion Post 104 Montoursville Skruples Hair Hall’s Marine Turn Key Electric Davis Insurance Agency, LLC Eaglemark Insurance Michael B. Schulkins Base Camp Outfitters C&I KeystoneBoilerScale, Inc. Frankies Sub Shop Nationwide Kutney Insurance Agency, Inc. Berkshire Hathaway Hodrick Realty TeamworkEuroOpticsGraphics Inc. The Shemery Family / Hodrick Realty The Buehler Family Taters Lycoming Beverage Sneaky Hollow Bait Company Precision Taxidermy / DJ Hauser Albert R. DiMassimo III Concrete Services Turn Key Construction, Inc. Frosty BowerMurrayBeverageMotorsContracting, Inc. Woodlands Bank Any Event Party Rentals Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships Bass Pro / Winter Hardware K. Tech Automotive C.R. Thomas Roofing Lee Contracting Services, LLC Chris & Nancy Waldman Century 21 Colonial Real Estate Gene & Joy Fullmer Winners: Chris Laylon / Jason Shipton SPONSORSHIPS BENEFIT • The Mark Hartland Memorial Scholarship Fund, • The Hershey Medical Center Colon Cancer Research, • The Wildcat Fishing Club for Junior Fisherman, • The Mark Hartland Memorial Bass Tournament A Special Thank You to Chris and Mindy Laylon!
By the way, the legal limit of muskies is one per day, and they are open year around. I highly recommend catch and release, and I’m sure most muskie fishermen practice the same strategy. Don’t be surprised if you put in a whole day and get one or two follows, and if you’re lucky, maybe even a hookup or two, but that’s muskie fishing. / Chad Wolf Bryan O’Dell / John Irion
Hunter Budman / Ashton Irion
Don’t expect that to happen very often, though, since muskie fishing takes a lot of patience, but when you finally hook up, it’s well worth the effort.
Jensen Drick / Quyn Berry David Carey / Phillip White
Eric Barnes / Derek Umstead

Curt Maynard / Gregg Bacorn
Toby Murray / Luke Murray
Michael Ott / Chris Ullrich
Robert Barnes / Aaron Barnes
Steve Gray / John Reynolds Bryan Stamm / Noah Persun

are good choices. Several area lakes also produce muskies. Several years ago, my buddy and I were in a bass tournament at Cowanesque Lake in northern Pennsylvania, and we moved into a small bay; in minutes, we both hooked muskies.

When your parents become your top priority, you become ours Award winning in-home care 570-322-1414 Williamsport-140.comfortkeepers.com We Specialize in Custom Order Buildings for Storage, Hobbies & Recreation Call For A FREE Catalog Or Stop By! 570.745.3649 115 Groupe Road Jersey Shore, PA 17740 EASY STORAGE FOR YOUR TOYS! Sheds • Garages • Deluxe Swing Sets • Cabins 7th ANNUAL MARK TOURNAMENTMEMORIALHARTLANDBASS2022 A Sincere Thank You! To all the people that made this a special day in memory of Mark ~ The Hartland Family ChrisFISHERMENLaylon/Jason Shipton 1st Place Mike Stahl / Dan Reber 2nd Terry Schulkins / Mitch Schulkins 3rd Bill Boysha / Jordan Welliver 4th Mike Dailey / Bob Lewis 5th Jim Buehler / Casey Magargle 6th Steve Lowe / Brent Benedict 7th (Lunker) Rennie Rodarmel / Casey Rishel 8th Travis Burrows / Ty Engle 9th Rich Nybeck / Chris Thomas 10th Derek Hartland / Chase Hartland Frank Schemery / Frankie Schemery Nate Laylon / Gary Shuman Mark Marsh / Tristan Marsh Dennis Lukowski / Albert DiMassimo D.J. Hauser / Woody Hauser Sean Blass / Robert Fry John Burries / Scott Rothrock Tim Barnes / Myken Barnes Dennis Bitner / Nordie Shay Austin Gaab / Jake Jones Rich Engelman / Rick Gaab Stosh Wisniewski

Darren Dunlap / Chet Shaffer
Andrew Bailey / Colton Winchester
Jeff Miller / Jason Perry
Rob Horn / Paul Berry
George Barnes / Robert Palmer
Craig Fox / Kali Fox
Don Peglow / Tyler Frymyer
There is no question that college football enjoys enthusiastic fan support, despite the changing landscape the game is undergoing. But the emergence of the transfer portal, the ineptitude of the NCAA leadership, and the NIL controversy are negatives to be dealt with.NIL, referencing Name, Image, and Likeness, has to do with the ability of college athletes to earn money from sponsorship deals and other advertising dollars. Until recently, it was illegal under NCAA rules. It can be argued that since the universities and college coaches are raking in the big bucks off the skills of their athletes that something is amiss. While college rivalry games at the Division I level are becoming endangered species, so too is the continually used term ‘student-athletes.’

old saying about the month of March coming in like a lion has nothing on September, especially if you are a football fan. The calendar’s ninth month entered on the heels of the Little League World Series and produced instant excitement and a few anxious moments for local fans of Penn State and the University of Pittsburgh.
Football’$ Back Scott on Sports LoweryScott BLUE SEAL OF CERTIFICATIONEXCELLENCE 570-584-410065 SOUTH MAIN ST. • HUGHESVILLE Free Loaner Cars We accept All Insurance Repair All Makes & Models I CAR CERTIFIED PENSION, 401-K and IRA ROLLOVERS Kent A. Bennett & ASSOCIATES, INC. SERVING SENIORS SINCE 1978 Call (570) 327-1006 or Toll Free (800) 548-9119 249 Broad Street • Montoursville, PA 17754 Call: Kent Bennett or Barry Rake “Safety, Security, Peace of Mind” LIFETAXSUPPLEMENTSDISABILITYINSURANCEMEDICAREDEFERREDANNUITIES • Flippable Design for Durability and Multiple Firmness Options • Two Free Memory Foam Pillows WHAT’S THE BEST MATTRESS? Don’t Miss Out On this Great Deal! 716 Washington Blvd. Williamsport, PA CuppsMattressCenter Size MSRP Sale MSRPSale Twin $1,999 $299 Full $2,799 $399 Queen $3,099 $ 499 King $3,799 $599 (570) 326-6161

While both teams came out victorious, the Nittany Lions survived a spotty performance culminated by perhaps the best drive of sixth-year quarterback Sean Clifford’s career in a 35-31 win over Purdue. Down 31-28, Clifford engineered an eight-play, 80-yard


the Backyard Brawl fourquarter thriller between two rivals, after an 11year absence, with a history that dates back to the 19th century, was well worth the wait. Before 70,622 fans, the largest crowd ever to witness at Pitt game in the Burgh, and a TV audience of 3.15 million — the highest viewership for a Thursday Night TV game since 2017 — the game was full of big plays and wild swings in the action. Pitt finally prevailed 38-31 after stopping a West Virginia drive at the one-yard line on the game’s final play.

game-winning-drive game in the closing minutes.Butthecrown jewel of September’s gridiron christening took place in Pittsburgh with the renewal of the heated Backyard Brawl between rivals Pitt and West Virginia. In an era of increasingly disappearing traditional rivalries caused by the moneygrabbing changes in the makeup of college conferences, this game underlined the reasons why games like this should be played.Separated by just 75 miles (making the 136-mile journey between State College and Pittsburgh seem like a cross-county junket),

Th30-23.erecent defections of Oklahoma and Texas from the Big Twelve to the Southeastern Conference and UCLA and Southern California from the PAC-12 to the Big Ten have nothing to do with geography, traditional rivalries, or the numerical number of teams in each league’s makeup. As the famous Jerry Maguire movie quote stated, “Show Me the Money.”
– The quarterfinals and semifinals would be played in bowl games, and the national championship game would remain at a neutral site venue.
– A 12-team field with the six highest ranked conference champions and six at-large spots going to the highest ranked remaining teams, as determined by the CFP selection committee rankings.
With plans yet to be finalized, the expanded playoff proposal could include:
Ah yes, fairness and student-athletes — it’s a beautiful thing.
At the same time the new college season began, those in charge of the College Football Playoff enthusiastically announced plans to expand the championship tournament from 4 to 12 teams, perhaps beginning as soon as 2024. Not surprisingly, the power brokers downplayed the revenue windfall that will follow, instead sticking to a script touting how many additional athletes might have
the opportunity to play for the national title.
“What motivated the presidents and me as well was that we need to have an opportunity for more participation of teams in our nation’s national championship tournament. And only having four teams, we felt like that’s not fair to our student-athletes from a participation standpoint.”
Combined with what could very well be a $2 billion yearly payout to the major conferences for the media rights for such a playoff set-up, the lesson most likely learned from those same student-athletes will be, “Show Me the Money.”
Those student-athletes involved in the new playoff format will likely need to play 16 games — maybe even 17 — if their teams were to play for the national championship.
The initial reaction among the college big boys was positive, as evidenced by Mississippi State president Mark Keenum.
On the radar screens of college football’s hierarchy, one such ‘money game’ almost had a surprise ending. St. Francis University (2,725 students) agreed to take the 183mile trip to Akron, Ohio, to take on the Division 1-A Zips (16,193 students). For their trouble, the Loretta, PA-based school received a little traveling money at the rate of $1,912 per mile, pocketing $350,000 for their coffers. The payout almost cost the Zips more than their loose change as they needed an overtime TD to beat the underdog Red Flash
– The highest ranked conference champions would be seeded 1-4 and earning a firstround bye, while teams seeded 5-12 would play in the first round, with the highest ranked team hosting the game.


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College football’s opening week did see some big-time matchups, Ohio State/Notre Dame and Florida State/LSU among them. These games were pleasant changes from the often-played Big Time U. vs. Cupcake College; let’s grab the money in exchange for a loss, encounters that have long been present at opening games.

says, that there will be a day of judgement and we will give an account of our deeds done here on earth, whether good or Thisbad.

past 20 years. I am dead serious. I always carry a resume in my pocket.

Online streaming was so important during the pandemic. We tried to bring you fans all of the action that we could. I ain’t going to lie, folks. It is great seeing all of the crowds, cheerleaders, parents, and bands. It is hard to remember two years ago when there was literally no one in the stands. Yes. We are not on the radio. We are online. The picture is perfect, and the commentators are quite alright. Sorry, Grandma. You need a computer or a mobile device to follow. Our games are LIVE via YouTube and can be viewed across the world. I love hearing the feedback from old friends who are tuning in from other states. One of my chums even gave me some love all the way from Japan. I kept the screenshot. So, I don’t pay much attention to the comments. Everyone’s an expert, and I am still very sensitive. SPENCER. YOU SOUND GREAT WHEN I HIT MUTE. It is just nice to know that they are watching. So back to the question. Yes. Besides broadcasting, I actually know a few things about football. OK. I only played one year of organized ball at Curtin Middle School. I was a third-string receiver and a fourth-string corner. My playing time was VERY limited, and I was used primarily as a tackling dummy at practice. Coach Bobby Lynn always said I had great hands, but he was concerned for my personal safety. We were a running team like most junior high squads. Out of 50 downs, we would throw the ball maybe once. I caught two passes that year and — incredibly — scored a touchdown. But I decided to hang up my helmet the following season. I wanted to concentrate more on golf and chorus. It was a good move for everyone involved. Thanks for tuning in. Cheers.

for which the person stands for. Everyone should know that their non-vote is a vote for those that oppose Biblical Christian values.
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By now, week three of the high school football season is in the books. So instead of recapping each game several days later, I tend to rebuke. I sincerely hope that everything went well and many of you got a chance to “tune in.” I take great pride in being a playby-play broadcaster. I have several part-time gigs, and my mom always told me that I had a face for radio. I still get a few strange looks when I am shaking hands in the stands. Most folks know I am a basketball guy, but they are totally puzzled when I plug in my headset. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT FOOTBALL? is a popular and trending topic. Look, guys. I have been calling games for the
Sporting Matters With Spence…

I got my start while in college. I was a student play-by-play guy for WLYC and the Lycoming Warriors. Oh, the memories. I learned quite a bit in those first couple of seasons. I got to travel in the same van with WRAK legends Ken Sawyer and Bill ‘Buck’ Byham. They taught me a great deal and gave me some pointers. Paint the picture, kid. No one cares about your views and politics. Frank Girardi is the man, and he would always take the time to talk before or after the games. That meant the world. I bounced back and forth for the next few seasons. I never felt comfortable and became extremely frustrated when my part-time checks bounced. I hung up my headset and moved on. No worries. But then I hooked up with a guy I had known and respected for quite some time.
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What do You Know About Football?
made this statement in the Bible; “He that is not with me is against me.” Matthew 12:30. Jesus makes it clear, there is no middle ground, no neutral ground! We are either for life, truth and righteousness or we are against it. This November we will either be for one thing or against another, no neutral ground. Everyone will vote whether you go to the polls or not. Christians, if you are waiting for a perfect man, Jesus has not yet returned. But rather, we should be looking at the principles
voting Christians would vote, America would stay on the course our founding fathers set for us “One nation under the God of the Bible; truth and justice. It has been said for the wicked to prevail; let the righteous do nothing. It is easy to say everything is in God’s hands and forget that God said that He is looking for someone to stand before Him on behalf of the land, so he would not have to destroy the land (Ezekiel 22:30-31). In scripture we see that what God does is directly related to what we do or don’t do. Scripture
November everyone will be political, everyone will vote, even those who play the neutral card. It would be good for those of who call themselves Christians to remember the words of Jesus that we are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth; not just a light within the four walls of a church.–WayneProudHolcombFather
First, let me say that I am thrilled to be associated with a great squad. Jimmy Webb and Webb Weekly provide a great platform and deserve some love. We send out crews each week and try to cover as much as possible. While Paul Bo and Rich Zalonis usually follow the mighty Millionaires, Mark Mussina, Drae Lewis, and I travel elsewhere. I also want to give my guys at Little League International a line. Nick Caringi and Chris Downs are my guys behind the scenes. We are getting better, and I am looking forward to 2022.
It is a shame how Satan has convinced people especially Christians by playing the, “I’m not political” card. That it will somehow excuse them from their responsibility to be the “salt of the earth and the light of the world.” It’s so easy to hide our light under a bushel and think we will still be okay with God on the day of judgeIfment.the large block of the non-

These articles are submitted on Friday. Yes. My lovely editor has everything ready to print, and she is often patiently waiting. I used to leave her hanging, but I have been on a roll here lately —2 3 straight weeks and counting. Maybe I finally figured this out. Perhaps no more struggles with parttime mobile freelance procrastination. There are so many great stories to share. But again. My news is sometimes a few weeks behind. Someone did ask why I am still writing about the Little League World Series. Relax dude. Hopefully, this disclaimer helped answer that question.


www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•55Call570-326-9322COMICS CROSSWORD CLUES Across 1 Promotes on TV, say 6 Elitist sort 10 Great Salt Lake state 14 Kayak kin 15 Skating medalist Lipinski 16 Corn bread 17 *Embezzled 19 Dirt road grooves 20 Arrange, as a shawl 21 Acts with passion 23 Starfish’s five, usually 26 Call from the rear? 28 “Groovy!” 30 Mom-and-pop org. 31 Slunk 34 Forensic tech’s tool 36 66-Down pro 38 Sea, in Spain 39 Result of too many six41packs?Prestigious broadcasting 44awardAnswer to “Who’s 54student5351484745hungry?”TurndownsMakesrightMessyroommates‘NeathoppositeMilitaryacademyDecadeinwhichmany Gen Zers were born 57 Cincinnati MLB team 58 Snoopy is one 60 Poker-faced 62 Slips up 63 Fish dish garnish, or a hidden feature of the answers to starred clues 68 Tall hiking socks can protect against one 69 Qatari leader 70 Sickeningly sweet 71 Hurting after exercise 72 Tape type 73 Hardly in the dark Down 1 Mac alternatives 2 Back muscle, briefly 3 Card game cry 4 “Well done” award 5 One having visions 6 Visit at the penthouse 7 Comedy special for which Hannah Gadsby won a 2019 8EmmyMother lode stuff 9 1110HowledCommotion*Everyonein Paris? 12 Pay to play 13 Company with toy trucks 18 Shakespeare’s fairy queen 22 Word after hot or before 23dropEgyptian god of the 2524afterlifeDisclose*Kingor prince 27 Pack (down) 29 Texter’s “Wow!” 32 Like an exaggerated 33résuméSecret meetings 35 Groaner, maybe 37 Bubble __: Taiwanese 40drinkQuick honk 42 “Better Call Saul” 43channelPastry with an ursine 6766656461Family”5958565552504946nameEarthquake-causedMontanaresortareaNBCskitshow“Areso!”or“Amnot!”SoughtmoraysCain,toEveAlphafollowerStonestreetof“Modern“Insecure”starRaeAustralianavianBrewinitialsLife-savingproc.Watchclosely Crossword, Jumble and Sudoku Answers Page 62 Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9, with no number repeating in any one row, column or 3-by-3 box.

accepted. Events: In


School District, 349 Cemetery Street, Hughesville, PA 17737. At time of opening, the proposals will be acknowledged, but will not be read aloud nor any prices, etc. disclosed. Proposals received after the receipt deadline will not be accepted. Proposals will be held in strict confidence until reviewed and a contractor selected. Upon review of proposals and award of contract, proposals will become public knowledge to anyone who submits a request. Copies of the request for proposal will be available after 9:00 A.M. on September 9, 2022. Offerors are required to secure a complete copy of the request for proposal from the District office at the above-mentioned address. Proposals must be submitted in the format required by the request for proposal, and must comply with all applicable minimum qualifications, laws and regulations. All proposals
Notice is hereby given, that the Board of School Directors of Loyalsock Township School District is seeking a resident to a vacancy (term ending December 2023) on the Loyalsock Township School District Board of School Directors. Interested applicants resume and letter of interest to Cheri King, Assistant Board Secretary, at 1605 Four Mile Drive, Williamsport, PA 17701, or email cking@loyalsocklancers.org. tractor to church!

must be at least 18 years of age and must have resided in the District for at least one year. Please submit your
570-725-3793.167101163099 PUPPIESPETS AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER Puppies. $600.00. 570-547-6409. 166791 THURSDAY NOON DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS Call Jaimie - 326-WEBB (9322) or classifieds@webbweekly.com Real Estate ... Add $5 for a Picture Classified Advertising That Works Autos • Pets • Employment • Merchandise • Business Service Real Estate • Public Notice • Auctions & More!$15.953lines4weeksMerchandise&Autos!! Only 13$5.55forlinesweek Bingo Every Monday Night Come join us for a chance to win the $1000 guaranteed Jackpot, our progressive Bonanza game and more! We H ave Great Food too! 18 face: $28, 12 face: $22, 6 face: $14 • Add a bumper to the 18 face for $9 All packages include a chance to win the Jackpot and Mystery #(s) Doors open at 5pm • Games begin at 6:30pm St. JoSepH tHe Worker pariSH 720 W. 4tH St., WilliamSport, pa 17701 • 570-323-0850 or 570-323-9456 150 Shaffer St. • Duboistown, PA 570-323-157917702 VFW HOURS: TUES. - SAT. 12pm-9pm • SUN. 12pm-6pm CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK FOR SPECIALS. VFW 7863THEBUCK VFW LEROY O BUCK POST 7863 BINGO EVERY THURSDAY DOORS OPEN @ 5:00 pm • GAMES START @ 6:00 pm (Food AvAilAble)(F

Jersey Shore Area School District VACANCIESCOACHING Coaching Vacancies: JSASD is an Equal Opportunity Employer • Assistant Girls MS Basketball Coach • Head Swimming Coach • Head Girls Track Coach Game Support Staff Vacancies: • Game Managers: Football, Soccer, Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling • Score Keepers, Clock Operators, and Announcers • Security/Event Staff If you are interested, please send the following: resume, athletic department coaching application, and Act 34, Act 114, Act 151 clearances to Serena Henry, Athletic Director, Jersey Shore Area High School, 701 Cemetery Street, Jersey Shore, PA 17740. Application packets will be accepted until positions are filled.

Tractors will participate in the parade & each will receive a ribbon.
PA 17737, (570) 584-2131, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. East Lycoming School District By: Heather N. Burke Business Manager. 166927
570-725-3793. 163099
Lycoming School District requests sealed bids, at its administrative offices at 349 Cemetery Street, Hughesville, PA 17737, addressed to the attention of Heather N. Burke, Business Manager, at or before 10:00am, local prevailing time, on September 20, 2022, when they will be publicly opened for Wood Chip Fuel Bid in accordance with the Bid Document which interested persons may obtain at the offices of the East Lycoming School District, 349 Cemetery Street, Hughesville,
The East
ject to the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Law, approved August 15, 1961 (Act No. 442), as amended, and reference is made to the prevailing minimum wage rates applicable to this project which has been promulgated by the Secretary of Labor and Industry.

Candidate information will be accepted through September 28, 2022.Moreland Baptist Church 118 Moreland Baptist Rd., Muncy, PA 17756 Fall FestivalSept. 18, 2022 Worship will be under the pavilion starting at 10:30am Food and events to follow the service. Drive your
In connection with its contract with PA DCED, STEP is seeking responses to this RFQP from contractors interested in providing weatherization services. Chosen Subcontractor/s will be is-


Guest Speaker: Rick Snavely, CEO General Manager of Family Life Ministries by: Mercy Run Love O will be atable obstacle course, hayrides, barrel prized es and more! If you have any please call email shenry@jsasd.org.
submitted are valid for acceptance by the District and may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the actual date of opening thereof. The District reserves the right to select for contract negotiations, the responsible offeror whose proposals are determined to be most advantageous to the District. The request for proposals may be canceled or any or all proposals may be rejected, in whole or in part, when the District determines that it is in their best interest to do so. For all those firms interested in submitting proposals, attention is directed to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Guaranteed Energy Savings Act (62 Pa. CSA $$3751 et seq.). All proposed energy performance contracts and other financing arrangements proposed must be capable of being implemented under the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This project is sub-
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE EAST LYCOMING SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL RECEIVE SEALED PROPOSALS for a guaranteed energy savings contract until September 30, 2022 at 1:00 pm local prevailing time at the District’s administrative office, to the attention of and located at: Dr. Mark Stamm, Superintendent of Schools, East Lycoming

570-398-2980 or
train, popcorn, photo booth,

(Tractors 9am-10am)
sued an agreement for a 5-year term. One original copy of the qualification package must be received by STEP on or before 4:00PM Friday, Sept 23, 2022 at STEP, INC., 2138 Lincoln St, Wmspt, PA 17701, Attn: Rachelle Abbott. Packages received after the RFQP is closed will not be accepted. Optional briefing session will be held 9:00AM, Friday, Sept 9, 2022 at STEP, 2138 Lincoln Street, Wmspt, PA 17701. Full RFPQ available at stepcorp.org/rfqp or by calling 570.326.0587.


www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•57Call570-326-9322Don’t Waste Your Advertising Dollars Nothing Works For You Like Webb Weekly and Direct Mail! Call Jaimie at 570-326-9322 570-745-7109 • Prefinishing • Hardwood Floors • Stairparts • Installation • Custom Millwork • Prehung Doors • Interior & Exterior Trim Packages SUNNY PA096758MOULDINGSHILL •••GARAGESDECKSPOLEBUILDINGS•ROOFING•SIDING•INTERIOR&EXTERIOR REMODELING •RESIDENTIAL DEMOLITION •FULLY INSURED HENRY 570-284-7206YODER570-768-8041PA#165587 Bald Eagle Tree Services 570-567-4199 Free Estimates • Tree Trimming • Tree Removal • Storm Damage Repairs • General Construction LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING - MUNCY, PA 570-419-7576 FULL SERVICE LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING COMPANY RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Full Service Landscaping • Excavating • Hardscaping 24 hr . Tree Service (Trimming & Removal) Water Management & Drainage • 1-3 Hours Dry Time • Deeper Cleaning Than Steam or Chem • Carpet Dries Soft • Tile & Grout Cleaning • Environmentally Green Products 570-494-8425 • GUARANTEEDwww.oxymagiccentralpa.comPRICEOVERTHEPHONE!COUPONCOUPONUPHOLSTERYCLEANINGSPECIALS $74 SOFA $34 CHAIR $64 LOVESEAT Seamless Gutters COMPLETE Gutter Installation & Leaf Removal Free Estimates Tobias Yoder Owner and Operator 446 Cotner Lane Turbotville PA 17772 Call us for your gutter needs 570-452-1174 HAPPY ACRES RESTAURANT WILDLIFE LOUNGE Open M, T, Th @ 4pm • F @ Noon • Sat, Sun @ 8am 3332 Little Pine Creek Road • Waterville, PA 17776 www.happyacresresort.net BREAKFAST EVERY SAT & SUN 8am-11am PRIME RIB EVERY FRI & SAT KARAOKE EVERY FRI 8pm-11pm MUSIC MOST SAT’S 8pm-11pm Check Facebook for Menu & Special Events 5 Dining Rooms • 570-753-8585 BBandHardscapingConcrete • Patios • Sidewalks • Retaining Walls Allenwood, PA 17810 • RenovationsDoubleReg570-547-0637#PA167953OO • Remodeling • Drywall Hanging and Finishing 570-317-8566 • Interior / Exterior Painting • Residential Roof Coating Experienced Exterior Carpentry Best estimate you will find on metal roofs GET570-295-3171THATLEAKFIXEDTODAY! Chimney and Roof Repair Chad Harter DBA Glad Construction WE FIX LEAKY CHIMNEY’S • Hauling Stone, Mulch, Scrap, Dirt • Tri-axle Work • Skid Steer Work • Backhoe Work • Excavating Work Anything You Need! Mike OffeHAULINGWommerSERVICESring570-971-85824675 STATE ROUTE 54 • TURBOTVILLE, PA 17772 Toll Free 1-888-649-5158 • 570-649-5158 • clarksagcenter.com HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8am - 6pm • SATURDAY 8am - 5pm • Farm Supplies • Pet Supplies • Horse Feeds & POWER EQUIPMENT We Specialize in Pole Barns, Garages, Roofing, Sheds, Siding, Decks, Floors, Windows & Doors


Vet Checked, Up To Date On Shots And Dewormer. $500.00. Call 570726-2022. 167082
Lab Puppies. 7 To Choose From. Up To Date On Shots And Wormer. Ready September 8th. Reserve Yours Now. 814-320-1376. 166890
FOR SALE, BEAGLE PUPPIES. 2 Males, 2 Females. AKC Registered. Vet Checked, Up To Date On Wormer. Very Cute And Playful. $500.00. Call 814-3495951. 167103
For Sale. Butcher
BEAGLE, 2 YEAR OLD Female. House Trained, Crate Trained, Very Loveable. To Good Home Only. 570-494-3108. 166934

YARD SALE FRIDAY September 16th, 8am-12pm. 2038 Sheridan Street. Jewelry, Vinyl Fencing, Strollers, Etc. Weather Permitting. 166959

8 WEEK OLD Chocolate Lab Puppies. Very Friendly, 1 Male, 7 Females. $250.00 Each. Located In Loganton, PA. 717-250-9313. 166528
SHELTIE/BORDER COLLIE Cross Puppies. Ready After August 29th. Vet Checked And Dewormed. Located In Loganton. $300.00. 570502-1834. 166691

RETRIEVER/POMSKI CROSS PUPPIES. Vet Checked, Up To Date On Shots And Dewormer. $350.00. Call 570-726-4772. 167083
Breakfast • Wednesday-Sunday • 8am-12pm Dine in or take out • 570-505-1318 BINGO AND BREAKFAST ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. GUESTS ARE WELCOME TO ALL OUR EVENTS. FIND US ON FACEBOOK @ AMERICAN LEGION POST 1 WILLIAMSPORT American Legion Post 1 10 East Third St., Williamsport, Pa 17701 (Corner of Market and Third St) (570) 322-9198 • Bingo: (570) 329-3397 Doors open @ 4:30 pm • Games start @ 6:00 pm Bingo • Up to $100 per game • Jackpot Up to $1000 No machines • Door prizes • Please see our Facebook page for weekly totals. BINGO EVERY WED & SAT.Doors Open at 2:30 PM Game Starts at 4:00 PM Food & Refreshments Available Packs 30 Bumper 10 / Machines 30 50 70 *All packs and machines include Mystery #, Jackpot & the New Progressive Player funded game 09/18 = Guaranteed $1000 jackpot SUNDAY BINGO South Williamsport Fire Department Chicken BBQ (09/24) Main Street Lot Starting at 11AM. 573 Hastings Street, South Williamsport Phone: 570 326 4167 Independent Fire Company #1 306 Clark St. • S. Williamsport, PA • 570-323-6662 FRIDAYNIGHT If you haven’t played BINGO here, come check our game out! Fireball Bingo up to 2000 • Racing for Jackpot (build up game) Jackpots up to 2000 based on number of players! Large packs $20.00 includes Jackpot. Bumper packs $5.00 Doors Open 5:00pm • Games Begin @6:30pm • Thanks for your Support Starting May 21, 2021 is back! BUYING GOLD & SILVER PAYING CASH FOR... Gold & Silver Jewelry, Coins, Sterling Flatware, Dishes, Also Blue Decorated Crocks & Jugs, Vintage Watches / Guns & Antiques Call after 2:00pm Mon.-Fri. Sat. & Sun. Any Time 570-916-9627 JOIN OUR WILLIAMSPORT 570-326-0671TEAMSTACareers.comASASCHOOLBUSDRIVERNOEXPERIENCEREQUIREDIPAIDTRAININGSTUDENTTRANSPORTATIONOFAMERICAISDRIVINGTHEFUTUREAPPLYONLINETODAYORCALLTOSCHEDULEANINTERVIEW

HUGE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Sept. 16th & 17th, 8-?. 765 Strick Road, Danville. Baby Clothes, Home Decor, Household Items & Much More. 166733
HUGE YARD SALE Including WD40 Products. 1 Day Only, Saturday, September 17th, 8-2pm. 611 Hickory Grove Road, Watsontown. 166730

SEPTEMBER 16th, 17th & 18th, 9am-4pm. Glassware: Depression, Porcelain, Cut & Carnival. Large Porcelain Doll Collection, Furniture, Pictures, Kitchenware, Jewelry, Decorative Items, Tools. 241 Back Street, Lot #21, Tiadaghton View, Montoursville (Loyalsockville). 166940
BORDER COLLIE BLUE HEELER Cross Puppies. 8 Weeks Old. $300.00. 570-367-0698. 166900
BERNESE MOUNTAIN PUPPIES. 4 Months Old, Farm Raised, Socialized, Easily Trained, Vet Checked. Price REduced To $400.00 Each. 570-745-2491. 167095
SCHNOODLE PUPPIES. 2 Females And 3 Males. Shots, Wormed And Vet Checked. $595.00 Apiece. 570-725-2026. 167078

Hogs For This Winter. 570-6496502. 166684
HUGE YARD SALE, Saturday, Sept. 17th, 8-2. Snap-On Tools, Generator, Men’s and Women’s Coats, Primitives, X-Mas Decorations, Camping Items, Much More. Intersection Of Route 15 & Old Pike Road. 167107

VERY FRIENDLY COLLIE PUPPIES For Sale. Call Elvin Hoover 570-649-9996. 166732
THURS., FRI., SAT., SEPTEMBER 15th, 16th, 17th, 8-5pm. 1851 Sulphur Run Road, Jersey Shore. Tools, Princess House, Holiday, Household, Toys Books, Boy’s And Girl’s Clothing. 167094

ACA BOXER PUPPIES. Vacc. And Wormed. Ready September 14th. Call For Price 570-538-5471. 166687

www.webbweekly.com202214,SeptemberWeeklyWebb•59Call570-326-9322The Best Buy In Advertising Your Business Card Mailed to Over 58,000 Homes. $47.50/Week (1-4 Weeks) or $37.50/Week (5 or More Weeks) Call Jaimie at 570-326-9322 • Garages • Pole Barns • Additions • Barn Restorations constructionDR & David Yoder - Owner • 570-452-6706 Fully Licensed & Insured PA#147987 • Roofing & Siding • Exterior & RemodelingInterior New Construction BRICK, BLOCK & STONE STRUCTURES INCLUDING: FOUNDATION WALLS RETAINING WALLS • CHIMNEYS • PIERS COLUMNS • BILCO ENTRANCES • STEPS BRICK, BLOCK & STONE REPOINTING STONE VENEER INSTALLATION CAULK & SILICONE REAPPLICATIONS CONCRETE POURS & REPAIRS STUCCO & PARGE COATING (570) 220-5198 • CKROCKSOLIDMASONRY@GMAIL.COM PA#164691FORAN HONEST & FREE ESTIMATE, CALL: & Rest ation Repair to: 570-220-5198 • FULLY INSURED ALL PHASES OF... BRICK • BLOCK STONE • CONCRETE – NEW OR REPAIRS –Chimneys • Stonework Pointing • Foundation Repair Stucco • Concrete New Construction BRICK, BLOCK & STONE STRUCTURES INCLUDING: FOUNDATION WALLS RETAINING WALLS • CHIMNEYS • PIERS COLUMNS • BILCO ENTRANCES • STEPS BRICK, BLOCK & STONE REPOINTING STONE VENEER INSTALLATION CAULK & SILICONE REAPPLICATIONS CONCRETE POURS & REPAIRS STUCCO & PARGE COATING (570) 220-5198 • CKROCKSOLIDMASONRY@GMAIL.COM PA#164691FORAN HONEST & FREE ESTIMATE, CALL: & Rest ation Repair to: S&S Farms Country Store 2447 State Route 44 Allenwood PA 570-419-323817810 We offer pasture raised, grass finished Black Angus Beef. Pork, chicken, lamb and turkey. All our meats and eggs are free range all natural, no hormones or antibiotics. Also sell by the quarter, half and whole. Hours: Monday - Friday 10am-5pm • Saturday 9am-1pm Sunday by appointment. 238 Pine Loganton Rd., Loganton, PA 17747 • Boat Covers • Upholstery • Travel Trailer Skirting • Truck & Trailer Tarps & Meshes CUSTOM TARPS & AWNINGS COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL570-725-2341 CALL GutterINSTALLEDSEAMLESS570-246-3714GUTTERSORDROPPEDRepairs&CleaningGUTTERNUTZ@GMAIL.COM PA# 115065 510 Elimsport Rd. Montgomery, PA 17752 (570) 238-1589 DC Powder Coating Muncy, Pa. Don dcpowdercoating1@hotmail.comCline570-971-3509CALLME Any anything else that will fi t in my oven BrakeValveRotorsCalipersCoversTurbosRimsManifolds SPECIALIZING IN PROPER PRUNING, HAZARDOUS TREE REMOVALS, STORM DAMAGE, AND MUCH MORE! Call us today for a free estimate 570 317 5561 Fully insured Superior Seal Coating LLC NO SPRAY! NO SPRAY! ALL HAND BRUSHED! OFFICE: 570-940-0237 CELL: 570-279-0317 5 YEAR GUARANTEE! LONGEST LASTING TAR FREE T-SHIRT WITH EVERY JOB! Number 1 Reputation • Fast & Free Estimates ALSO: HOT CRACK REPAIR We Do it Right! Call Now For Huge Discounts ROOFINGKEEFER&SPOUTINGFREEESTIMATES•50YearWarrantyCallBillat(570)398-1619 PROFESSIONAL 570-326-3431POWERSERVICINGALLBRANDSWHEELCHAIR&SCOOTERREPAIRFully Insured Free Estimates EPA Lead Certified Interior/Exterior Painting & Staining Drywall PressureRepairWashing & PA118357More www.beesqualitypainting.com Finding Nostalgia Vintage Sports Memorabilia and FindingNostalgia@gmail.comSouthFindingNostalgia.comAppraisalsWilliamsport,PA(272)215-2483 CALL 570-323-9119TODAY! M.R. Logue Interiors ----- Since 1975 ----• Drywall • • Plaster Repairs • • Painting • Swirled Ceilings - A Specialty PA# 049073 Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Wiring Thorne Electrical Services You are in the right hands! 570-337-9188 30 years experience • New Breaker Boxes & Meter Bases In Stock • Fully Insured / Free Estimates • Veteran Owned and Operated

Walk-in tub. Comprehensive life time warranty. Top-of-the-line in stallation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing avail able. 1-855-417-1306. C11

Real Estate and Antique Car Auction Sat., Sept. 17, 2022 @ 11:00am

1936 Ford Sedan, Frame has been restored, Flat Head V*-85 HP Engine and 57,094 Miles.
Located at 5595 Route 287 Highway, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
HESHBON PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2898 Heshbon Road, Williamsport (Turn Off Of Lycoming Creek Road) Pastor Jane O’Borski. Worship 9AM, Sunday School 10:15 AM. 165831
One Piece or Whole Estates
Auctioneer: Howard N. Rainey AU003834-L 4507 Canoe

SAFE STEP. North America’s #1
PREPARE FOR POWER OUT AGES TODAY with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt with a free Quote – Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176. C11
“Member of Certified Appraisers Guild of America” Open Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 570-368-2597166722

THE GENERAC PWRCELL, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power out ages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-866-783-0292. M11
PUT ON YOUR TV EARS & hear TV w/unmatched clarity. TV Ears Original - originally $129.95now w/this special offer only $59.95 w/code MCB59! 1-888-805-0840. C11

are leading causes of death according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early de tection! Call Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer- 5 screenings for $149. Call 1-866-518-8391. M11
STEELERS BUS TRIP. Jets Vs. Pittsburgh, October 2nd. Private Bus $210.00 Includes Bus Ride And Ticket. Williamsport Area. Contact Brian 272-209-0420. 2 Tickets Left. 166931
HUNTING OUTFITS FOR SALE. Lots of Sitka Elevated II, In cinerator Bibs/Parka, Scentlok, Tru eTimber, Cabelas, Iwom Suit. Most never worn. L/XL/2XL Call or text for details 570-560-7301 Serious inquiries only on Sitka Lot. 167081

Terms: Cars, Payment is due at time of sale. Cash or Good Check. Sold “AS IS WHERE IS” with no guaranties. Real Estate, to be sold with owner’s confirmation. Cash or Good Check for 4% of selling price required day of auction as down payment payable to Howard Rainey Auctioneer. Settlement made 30 days from sale date or upon delivery of clear deed. Sold “AS IS WHERE IS” no guaranties made by seller. All verbal statements made at time of auction take precedence over previously written materials. Run Road, Shore, PA. photos, visit Auctionzip.com
WANT TO BUY: Little League World Series Pins. American And Foreign. Call Chris 570-567-7720. 166903
SIG SAUER MOD 80 cal. 375 H&H, Zeis Scope Diavari-Z 1.56x42 Heirloom Rifle, hardly used, legally imported and registered. Beautiful condition. 607-742-0136. 166525
MACHINE OPERATORS AND MAINTENANCE POSITIONS Wages are $18.98+ to $23.02+ per hour Industrial Machine Operators, Electricians, Millwrights & Machinist Physical requirements include but are not limited to: li and maneuver up to 75lbs, stand, walk, bend for long periods up to full shi s. General Skills: operate hoist, li s, manual hand tools, welding equipment, read, write, comprehend information, as well as communication and team skills are required. Candidates must pass a drug screen, physical, and criminal background check. Interested applicants should complete an application at 100 Maynard Street Williamsport • Paid Lunch Break • Full Medical at low cost • Company Paid Insurances: EAP, Dental, Vision, Life, and Short Term Disability, • 401k • Company provided Pension based on hours worked • Production Bonus • Vacation & Holidays NO PHONE CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED Wirerope Works Inc. is committed to hire and retain a diverse workforce. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/A rmative Action Employer, making decisions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, or any other protected class are required to safely operate drawing, furnace, planetary, and tubular equipment to produce quality rope and strand products. Works,WireropeInc manufacturer of BethelehemWireRope® LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING - MUNCY, PA 570-419-7576 Local Industry Leading Landscaping & Excavating Company seeking to ll CDL Driver, Foreman & Labor Positions for the 2022-2023 Season. We provide Excavating, Hardscaping, and all Facets of Landscaping in the Williamsport Regional Area and beyond. We pride ourselves on developing a team oriented environment and working toward a common goal. Pay Rates are based on previous experience, Competitive Pay.
17740 For more
MERITS BATTERY POW ERED CHAIR. Can Carry 350 Lbs. Never Used Outside. $3,000.00. 570-398-2498 After 4PM. 166897
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725. C11
PREPARE FOR POWER OUT AGES TODAY with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Op tions Request a FREE Quote – Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-465-7624. M11
DON’T LET THE STAIRS LIMIT YOUR MOBILITY! Dis cover the ideal solution for any one who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-844-3175246. M11
The Following Self-Storage Unit Contents Containing Household and Other Goods Will Be Sold For Cash By CubeSmart 300 Lycoming Mall Circle Suite 320 Pennsdale, Pa. 17756 To Satisfy A Lien On September 21, 2022 At Approx. 11:00am At www.storagetreasures. com . Cube 1179 Carrie Bynum. 166741
BUTTERNUT WOOD RINGS, 12 Pieces, Varied Sizes Up To 51” Across, 16” Thick. $525.00. 570-419-3417. 167092
SAFE STEP. North America ’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now fea turing our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833-356-1954. M11
POP-UP CRAFT SHOW Sat urday, Sept. 24th, 7am-Noon. 291 John Brady Drive, Muncy Greens, Apt. #101D . 167108
This very nice 1344 Square foot 3 Bedroom and 2 Bathroom Ranch style Mobile/Manufactured Home located at 5595 Route 287 Highway, Jersey Shore, PA. 17740 is ready to move in. It was built in 2000 with forced air heating. It is located on .7 Acre lot with nice view. It includes; Small laundry room, Nice kitchen with plenty of cabinet space and a sit at bar, Good size dining area, Large Living room with Large windows to enjoy the view, 3 nice size bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Master Bathroom located off of Master bedroom includes large area and large walk-in bathtub. Property also includes large carport located right up to back door.
1931 Ford Coup, 2 Door, Flat Head Engine with rear rumble seat and only 17,110 Miles.
Real Estate to be sold at 11:30 am .
, Already Cut And Split, $150.00 A Cord. You Pick Up. 570-506-9972. 166548 HARD WOOD SLAB WOOD $10.00 A Bundle. 570-547-0635. 165640
Quality Antiques, Gold, Silver Top Prices Paid With Immediate Payment

Cars to be sold at 11:00 am .
26” KLEIN RACE BIKE. 5000 Watt Generac Generator. 16” Poulan Chainsaw. Craftsman 16” Chainsaw. Garman 20 Handheld GPS. Rally 26” Full Suspension With Lock-out Front And Back Mountain Bike. 1 Husqvarna Weed Wacker. Call For Prices 570-3225596. 167106

ALOE CARE HEALTH, MEDICAL ALERT SYSTEM. The most advanced medical alert product on the market. Voice-activated! No wifi needed! Special offer – call and mention offer code CARE20 to get $20 off Mobile Companion. Call to day – 1-877-728-4065. M11
By 6 Dealers At The Quigg leville Community Hall, Located At 1911 State Route 973 West, Cogan Station. Friday, 9/16, 8 To 5 And Satur day, 9/17, 8 To 3. 167087
BUYING RECORDS!!! Sonic Ascension Records Is Buying Al bums And 45’s. Rock, Blues, Jazz, Punk, And Metal. No Collection Too Big Or Small. Cash Paid On The Spot! Call 570-360-3486 Or Find Us On Facebook. 166915
BENNELLIA 12 GAUGE ETHOS, Very Nice. $1,700.00 And 50 Cal. In-Line Remington Model 700 With Scope. $400.00 OBO. 570-433-0271. 167076
FULL SIZE MATTRESS For Sale. In Good Condition. Best Of fer. 570-447-8031. 166736
LARGE COLLECTION OF BOYD’S BEARS. 50+. Prefer To Sell As Lot. Serious Inquiries Only. 570-713-9077. 167086
JOEY’S PLACE HOT PEP PERS. 570-220-9399. 166367
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10 X 16. $75.00/Month. Call 570337-4994. 166916
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LOOK LOOK LOOK. ATTEN TION FARMERS! Do you have a wet spot in your field that you want gone? We get rid of the average size wet spot for $250. with some secret sauce.. Money back guaranteed. Call or text 5709892175 or send an email to hertzlerenterprises@ gmail.com . 162929
2 GRAVE SITES Montoursville Cemetery. $1,500.00. Call 570-3981258. 166908
NEED IRS RELIEF $10K$125K+ Get Fresh Start or Forgive ness. Call 1-844-431-4716 Monday through Friday AM 5 PST. M11

Completely Furnished Luxury Apartments. Roof Top Patio Decks, Spiral Staircase, Big Screen TVs, All Linens And Parking In cluded. 3 Month Lease, $1,000.00 A Month 570-916-3309
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Full-time September Through March. May Turn Into Permanent Position. Drop Off Resume Or Ap ply In Person At 257 Charles Street, South Williamsport. 166688
NEED A CLEAN HOUSE? No Time? Call ME! I Will Get Your Home Looking Great So You Can Relax! Great Rates, References Available Upon Request. For An Estimate Call Joyce 570-238-1796.
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VANEMON’S OIL COMPANY, South Williamsport, PA. Is Looking For An Oil Delivery Driver. CDL Class B Minimum. Tanker And Hazmat Preferred. Will Train A CDL Holder On Tanker & Hazmat.
Part time cleaning positions available in the Turbotville area.
RICHARD’S LAWN CARE AND LANDSCAPING. Fall Clean-Up And Snow Plowing. Free Estimates. PA064570. 570772-1588. 166899
Diesel Engine, Sunroof, Naviga tion, Heated And Cooled Seats, XD Series, After Market 21” Rims. $32,000.00 OBO. 570-998-9717.
Pre 1960’s Glitzy And Gaudy Vintage Costume & Designer Jewelry. Estate Jewelry, Antique Jewelry, Gold Jewelry (Old Or New), Sterling Jewelry, Sterling Silver Items And Quality Antiques. FOR APPOINTMENTS, PHONE 570-295-0622 LEAVE MESSAGE, OR THANK570-295-4013YOU166945
Monday - Friday 3:30pm to 7:30pm. Call or text 717-3241552. 166513
Look ing for Lead Vocalist Who Can Play Guitar Or Piano To Re place A Musician Who Retired. Must Be At Practice And All Bookings. Only Serious Reply: Contact Ray At 570-447-3584. 167085
5 CEMETERY LOTS. Wildwood Cemetery. Asking $1,350.00. Call 570-326-4312. 166693
RICHART’S FURNITURE RE FINISHING AND REPAIR We Make Spindles, We Fix Most Any Loose Chairs. We Also Paint Metal, 570-584-3215. 165800
RETAIL HELP, PRODUCE PACKING, GENERAL LABOR. Immediate openings, full-time and/or part-time. Apply in person at Marshalek’s Fruit Farm, 1875 Quaker State Road, Montoursville Mon-Fri 9-5. 167104
YARD WORK, CLEANUP. Brush Removal, Hauling, Weed-Whacking. 570-439-1934. 166577

LOOKING for HVAC Technicians and Helpers with experience in ser vicing and installing all types of sys tems (some experience in oil furnac es is a plus). We offer competitive pay, paid vacation and holiday’s, medical benefits and 401K. Please send resume and business referenc es to: PlumbingMasters, 302 Sidney Street, South Williamsport, 17702 or email at plumbingmasters1@ver
CAMPERCAMPERSFOR SALE $14,500.00. 2019 Jay Flight SLX 7 175RD. Like New, Lots Of Extras. Text Me 570-764-8130. 167089

Looking For First Floor, 2 Bedroom Apartment In Jersey Shore Area. 570-398-2106 Or 570-419-2946. 167079
izon.net or call 570-323-1983.

ROBERT’S LANDSCAPING Mowing, Trimming, Mulching, Fall Clean-Up. 570-279-2012. 166923
2010 FORD FUSION. 75,000 Miles. Asking $6,700.00. Call 570447-3856. 167077
COOK. Send Resume To YMRC, 621 Washington Blvd., Williams port, PA. 17701 Or YMRC@com cast.net. No Phone Calls Please. 167080

SCOTT’S LAWN CARE. SPRING & FALL CLEAN-UP. Residential And Commercial Mowing And Landscaping. 23rd Year In Business. Fully Insured. Call Now For Spring Rototilling 570-419-6326. 166914
2011 FORD F350, Super Duty Lariat Crew Cab With System 1 Ladder Rack And Toolboxes By Tradesmen. 142,000 Miles. 6.7L
11 WOODED ACRES. Private. Lycoming County, Border State Forest, Electric PA Clean And Green Program. All OMGs And Timber Rights Convey. $135,000.00. 570412-9810. 166698
PAINTERS HELPER NEED ED. Must Have Experience And Transportation. Call 570-971-6238. 166555

3 ACRE BUILDING LOT, Pri vate, Montoursville School District. $89,500.00. Text Or Leave Message 570-233-4629. 166524
GRAVE LOTS With 4 spac es. Twin Hills, Muncy. $6,000.00 OBO. Call 570-567-4808. 166535
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