Webb Weekly October 19, 2022

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1 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 Free Brake Pads Page 53 VOLUME 20 • NUMBER 41 A Family-Oriented Publication OCTOBER 19, 2022 SEARCH FRONT, BACK AND IN-BETWEEN, HOW MANY GHOULS CAN BE SEEN? GATHERING GHOULS CONTEST! SEE PAGE 10 FOR DETAILS! YWCA'S VIGIL OF HOPE & REMEMBRANCE OCTOBER 20th - 5PM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE – Page 2 #418 #417 #421 #365 To be held @ Our Gallery at 3530 Lycoming Creek Road, Cogan Station, PA 17728 located 5 miles north of Williamsport PA at the Hepburnville Exit off Route 15 ROAN Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers Saturday, October 29 Exhibit: Friday, October 28th from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and sale day 7:00 AM until sale time FIREARMS & CIVIL WAR AUCTION FREEBRAKEPADS 570-546-2641 All October we’ll donate 10% of every Brake Service to the Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Vaccine Fund.Fundraiser MUNCY RESTORATION WORKS/MRW AUTOPRO 158 GRIFFITH RD, MUNCY PA 17756 Just off RT 405 at Exit 13B on I-180


not an easy topic to discuss and not one that you would typically find on the cover of Webb Weekly. However, it is dif ficult to consider yourself a ‘Family-Ori ented Newspaper’ without acknowledging how domestic violence affects families. It af fects families right here in our cities, towns, and boroughs. I feel that we would be doing a disservice to not only victims of domestic vio lence but our entire community if we don’t ac knowledge the impact that domestic violence has on our communities and talk about signs, prevention, and support.

– Dolores ‘Dee’ Wilson – 3/22/54-6/23/96

– Jenifer Marie Powell – 6/17/79-9/30/97

– Jennifer Witmer – 4/11/65-1/18/98

– Miriam Zambie Illes – 4/15/51-1/15-99

– Tramaine M. Glisson – 3/22/78-6/12/99

– Susan Yasipour – 5/28/96-8/24/01

– Kalib Nash Blasé – 4/30/97-4/30/02

– Stephanie Sees – 2/15/70-7/13/02

– Brenda Lee Jacobs – 9/21/64-12/27/03

– Traci L. Wertz – 6/30/70-8/11/04

– Melanie Seitzer-Salgado – 11/7/69-9/25/04

– Christine Montgomery – 6/3/72-3/23/05

– Cherilyn Kephart – 8/1/74-2/21/13

– Lynn Wright – 5/25/60-10/25/13

– Kristina Pope – 12/12/92-7/7/15

– Michelle Inch – 2/8/84-1/26/16

– Scott ‘Scotty’ M. Cole – 6/15/81-6/22/17

– Sonja M. Heck – 3/2/69-8/16/18

– Luke A. Beatty – 6/5/93-8/25/18

– Kristina Paige Walters – 3/24/90-3/3/20

These women, children, and men were our neighbors, family, and members of our own

community. They all lost their lives to domes tic violence. Most never saw their 40th birth day. They deserve to be acknowledged and not forgotten.

Each year, in October, advocates, survivors, and supporters recognize October as Domes tic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). It provides an opportunity to remember victims of domestic violence, raise awareness of what domestic violence is, how to recognize it, and what we can all do to collectively prevent it.

According to the PA Coalition Against Do mestic Violence (PCADV), 121 victims died from domestic violence in 2021 in Pennsyl vania. In the last ten years, more than 1,600 lives have been lost at the hands of domestic violence-related incidents in PA.

According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), on a typical day, domestic violence hotlines nationwide receive 19,000 calls. That’s a call every 13 min utes.

Unfortunately, we don’t talk about domestic violence (DV) enough. And because of that, DV remains and is allowed to thrive. To sup port survivors and prevent domestic violence in the future, we all need to normalize talking about it openly and frankly.

So let’s talk about some statistics, according to NNEDV.

On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. This equates to more than 10 million women and men in one year.

1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience se

vere intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner con tact sexual violence, and/or in timate partner stalking with im pacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contrac tion of sexually transmitted dis eases, etc.

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g., slapping, shoving, pushing) and, in some cases, might not be considered “domestic violence.”

1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.

1 in 10 women have been raped by an in timate partner. Data is unavailable on male victims.

1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been vic tims of severe physical violence (e.g., beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.

The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.

Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crimes.

Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner. 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon. Domestic victimization is correlated with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behav


Only 34% of people who are injured by in timate partners receive medical care for their injuries.

1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate part ner violence each year, and 90% of these chil dren are eyewitnesses to this violence.

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) says, “Anyone can be an abuser. They come from all groups, all cul tures, all religions, all economic levels, and all backgrounds. They can be your neighbor, your pastor, your friend, your child’s teacher, a relative, a coworker — anyone. It is important to note that the majority of abusers are only violent with their current or past intimate partners. One study found 90% of abusers do not have criminal records and abusers are generally law-abiding outside the home.”

What Traits Do Abusers Have in Common?

There is no one typical, detectable personali ty of an abuser. However, they do often display common characteristics.

An abuser often denies the existence or min imizes the seriousness of the violence and its effect on the victim and other family mem bers.

An abuser objectifies the victim and often sees them as their property or sexual objects.

An abuser has low self-esteem and feels pow erless and ineffective in the world. He or she may appear successful, but internally, they feel inadequate.

An abuser externalizes the causes of their be havior. They blame their violence on circum stances such as stress, their partner’s behavior, a “bad day,” on alcohol, drugs, or other factors.

An abuser may be pleasant and charming

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 2 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Domestic Violence Awareness Month From the Editor…
Steph Nordstrom
TEBBS FARMS AND GREENHOUSES CLOSING FOR THE PRODUCE SEASON -OCTOBER 29th! IF YOUR HAVE A FAVORITE, STOCK UP FOR WINTER! Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm • Saturday 9am - 3pm • Closed Sunday 570.323.7638 • Four Mile Dr., Williamsport Accepting FMNP Coupons Don’t Forget to Use Your Coupons Before We Close! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SMALL BUSINESS AGAIN THIS YEAR! We Look Forward to Seeing You for the Christmas Season in November! CLOSING SPECIALS: SHAWNEE CANNING CO. SALAD DRESSING AND SALSAS - BUY 2 GET 1 FREE! Save Up to $6.50! NAN’S APPLE FRITTERS ON SATURDAYS HUGE DISPLAY OF PUMPKINS FOR JACK-O-LANTERNS, BAKING, OR JUST DECORATING! APPLES $ 4/qt | $6/half peck | $15/half bushel Cortland, MacIntosh, Honey Crisp & Jona Gold FALL SQUASH- 2 for $1 Butternut, Honeynut, Acorn, Delicata and Spaghetti They Keep for Months in a Cold Dry Area! POTATOES $6/half peck (Approx. 8lbs) | $10/peck (Approx. 15lbs) Keep Potatoes in a Cold Dry Place! RED BEETS $ 4/qt | $6/half peck | $10/peck Beets are so Good for You and Keep Well! See DV AWARENESS on Page 4
3 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 2005 LYCOMING CREEK RD. Williamsport, PA 17701 570-322-2415 Mon 9-6 / Tue, Wed & Thu 9-5 / Fri 9-6 / Sat 9-2 CORTERSFLOORINGWILLIAMSPORT.COM UP TO $1000 BACK ON SELECT STYLES SALE ENDS OCT. 26 TH ASK ABOUT SPECIAL FINANCINGRetailer Name & Logo UP TO $1000 BACK ON SELECT STYLES SALE ENDS OCT. 26 TH ASK ABOUT SPECIAL FINANCING Retailer Name & Logo UP TO $1000 BACK ON SELECT STYLES SALE ENDS OCT. 26 TH ASK ABOUT SPECIAL FINANCING NATIONAL MONTH

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between periods of violence and is often seen as a “nice person” to others outside the relationship.

What Are the “Warning Signs” of an Abuser?

Red flags and warning signs of an abuser include but are not limited to:

– Extreme jealousy

– Possessiveness

– Unpredictability

– A bad temper

– Cruelty to animals

– Verbal abuse

– Extremely controlling behavior

– Antiquated beliefs about the roles of women and men in relationships

– Forced sex or disregard for their partner’s unwillingness to have sex

– Sabotage of birth control methods or refusal to honor agreed-upon methods

– Blaming the victim for anything bad that happens

– Sabotage or obstruction of the victim’s ability to work or attend school

– Controls all the finances

– Abuse of other family members, children, or pets

– Accusations of the victim flirting with others or having an affair

– Control of what the victim wears and how they act

– Demeaning the victim either privately or publicly

– Embarrassment or humiliation of the victim in front of others

– Harassment of the victim at work

So, with all this information and stats, what can we do to help? NNEDV recommends the following:

1. NEVER victim blame.

Abuse is never the victim’s fault. As a society, we continue to place blame on victims by asking, “What did she do to deserve that?” or “What was she wearing?” or “Why was she there?” or “Why couldn’t she just keep her knees together?” Yet we do not ask these questions to victims of other crimes. We must stop asking these questions of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors.

ASK: How can we shift the culture away from blaming the victim and instead blame the perpetrator? Why does the abuser choose the abuse?

RESPOND: Believe, support, and trust survivors. Instead of second-guessing their experiences, let’s rightfully place the responsibility on abusers and perpetrators to end the abuse. Domestic violence is rooted in power and control.

2. Hold offenders accountable.

Holding offenders accountable can take many forms. If it is safe to do so, call offenders out on their abusive actions and impose social consequences, like telling them they’re not welcome for family dinner or to hang out until the abusive behavior stops. Stop excusing behavior with “boys will be boys” or “[the perpetrator] would never do something like that.” Community accountability can make a significant impact.

ASK: How can we hold offenders account-

able and support survivors?

RESPOND: Tell the perpetrator that their behavior is abuse. Healthy relationships are rooted in equality, respect, and nonviolence.

3. Challenge widely-held perceptions about domestic violence.

Unfortunately, misconceptions about domestic violence persist – such as the notions that survivors can “just leave,” that heterosexual, cisgender women are the only victims; that domestic violence only includes physical violence; or that domestic violence is a “private, family matter.” Each one of these myths persists, despite our work to challenge these perceptions. Through NNEDV’s #31n31 campaign in October 2016, we busted several of these myths – check out the full campaign on Pinterest.

ASK: Why can’t survivors “just leave?” Other than physical violence, what other forms of abuse can domestic violence take?

RESPOND: Survivors must think about their own physical safety, financial security, the safety and welfare of their children and pets, potential housing, and where they can “just leave” to, among myriad other issues. Domestic violence can include physical, financial, emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse. 4. Voice that domestic violence is an intersectional issue.

Domestic violence does not happen in a vacuum. Survivors experiencing domestic violence often experience other “–isms” (e.g., sexism, racism, classism, heteronormativism, etc.), compounding negative impacts on victims. Collectively, these –isms play a devastating role in perpetuating gender-based violence. In 2016, a study was released that found

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 4 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
OPEN YEAR ROUND! NEW FALL HOURS Mon. 8am-6pm • Tues. Closed Wed., urs., Fri. 8am-7pm Sat. 9am-6pm • Sun. Closed Drive Thru Now Open! 5565 Jacksonville Rd. Howard, PA 16841 Call Today (814) 625-0011 COMING SOON! The Dairy Barn We put the quality back in quality time 570 322 1414 Williamsport 140.comfortkeepers.com Award winning in home care We put the quality back in quality time Award winning in-home care 570-322-1414 Williamsport-140.comfortkeepers.com See DV AWARENESS on Page 6 DV AWARENESS

that there is racial bias in media coverage of celebrity domestic violence.

ASK: How do you think different oppressions and privileges affect survivors’ experiences?

RESPOND: When coupled with other –isms, victims face additional barriers to safety.

5. Understand that abuse is rooted in power and control.

Abuse is intentional. It is a myth that someone who abuses their partner is “out of control;” in fact, they are in good control (How often do they “lose control” at work? With a friend? With other family members?) and purposely choose tactics to control their partner. Power is hard to give up or share, and abusive actions are purposeful with the goal of gaining power and control over a partner.

ASK: What do you think are common ways that offenders use power and control over victims?

RESPOND: Strategically isolating victims is a common tactic to gain power and control over a victim. Perpetrators may trap their partners by withholding, lying about, or hiding financial assets, a form of financial abuse. 6. Trust the survivor’s perspective.

Survivors know their experiences and story better than anyone. Taking a survivor-centered approach empowers survivors by prioritizing their needs and wants. Often, abusers deny their partners’ self-determination; empowering survivors returns their control and enables them to make their own decisions.

ASK: In what ways can we support survivors

in making their own decisions about how to address abuse?

RESPOND: Listen! Ask survivors what they need to individually be safe – there is no onesize-fits-all approach to addressing domestic violence.

7. Question the way the media portrays domestic violence.

Within the last few years, there have been a number of highly publicized cases of domestic violence. While raising awareness is important, it’s crucial to look at domestic violence reporting through a critical and trauma-informed lens to make sure the portrayal of domestic violence is accurately rooted in the realities of survivors’ experiences.

ASK: What have you thought about recent media coverage of celebrity domestic violence cases?

RESPOND: Survivors in highly publicized cases deserve the same respect as any person experiencing abuse. First and foremost, we must believe survivors, continue to hold celebrity offenders accountable and keep in mind that everyone’s story is their own and unique.

8. Communicate that domestic violence is not a “private, family matter.”

One in three women will be a victim of domestic or sexual violence at some point in her lifetime, and each day an average of three women die at the hands of someone who claimed to love them. Domestic violence affects us all; victims are our family members, neighbors, coworkers, and friends. All of us must be part of the solution.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 6 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
PENSION, 401-K and IRA ROLLOVERS Kent A. Bennett & ASSOCIATES, INC. SERVING SENIORS SINCE 1978 Call (570) 327-1006 or Toll Free (800) 548-9119 249 Broad Street • Montoursville, PA 17754 Call: Kent Bennett or Barry Rake “Safety, Security, Peace of Mind” LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS TAX DEFERRED ANNUITIES Now Accepting Approximately 90% SUCCESS THEKIDSAREINSCHOOL,NOWIT’STIMEFORYOU! DAYS! Lose1to3Poundsa Week! LIFESTYLECHANGEPROGRAM MedicallySupervised WeightLoss • Medical Practioner Visit • Fat-burning Injections • 2Weeks of Appetite Control Medications • One on One Visit with aWeight Loss Counselor A$299 VALUE! ONLY $99 Before After Melanie Says If SheCanDo It, YouCan Too! Debfeelslikeherlife @NEPAWEIGHTLOSS NowAccepting AboutOur Quick With approved health assessment. Call for Details. Limited Time Only. New clients only. Not valid with any other offer. Must present this coupon at the appointment. (Results Will Vary) Expires 11/15/22. Francesca Says,“I can’t smiling!”stop AFTERBEFORE FALL INTO A NEW YOU! DID YOU GAIN WEIGHT DURING COVID? KIDS & GRAND KIDS BACK IN SCHOOL? NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU! MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS IS STILL HERE! WE WANT TO HELP! LOOK & FEEL GREAT FOR THE HOLIDAYS! LOSE UP TO 30 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS! ASK ABOUT OUR QUICK START PROGRAM! DV AWARENESS

ASK: Do you know anyone who has been affected by domestic violence? How did you support them?

RESPOND: Domestic violence affects each and every one of us. Violence is not the answer, and it’s on us to take a stand against domestic violence.

9. Root your conversation in equality.

One of the root causes of domestic violence is inequality. Addressing this root cause takes conscious action and significant social change.

ASK: What role does gender inequality play in domestic violence?

RESPOND: Many dynamics of power and control are rooted in gender roles and stereotypes. One way to combat these ingrained inequalities is through conscious action (e.g., by calling out sexism, racism, or any other –ism when you see it) and youth education.

10. Remember, domestic violence affects all of us, but with action and education, we can end it.

Domestic violence is everywhere, affecting millions of individuals across the United States regardless of age, economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or education. Domestic violence is not strictly physical abuse but can include emotional, financial, verbal, psychological, sexual, and technology-facilitated abuse as well.

ASK: What can you do to end domestic violence?

RESPOND: There are many ways to help end domestic violence. The easiest way is to start a conversation about domestic violence with your loved ones. Support your community by volunteering or donating to a domestic violence organization. Our local YWCA is

an outstanding organization that is dedicated to helping victims of DV.

And speaking of the YWCA, each year during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, “We remember the lives taken too soon as we maintain strong hope that our determination and commitment to our work will allow us to one day see an END to Domestic Violence.”

On October 20th, they invite you to join them as they gather on the front steps of the YWCA to remember each of those lives lost.

“And while we may never know every name, we come together in unity for their honor.”

They invite you to “Wear your purple and be a part of our community photo at 5 p.m., followed by our Vigil of Hope & Remembrance.”

First observed in October 1981 as a national “Day of Unity,” Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is held every October as a way to unite advocates across the nation in their efforts to end domestic violence.

Each October, in observance of DVAM, the YWCA Northcentral PA hosts a Vigil to remember and honor lives lost in Lycoming County to Domestic Violence.

They also are encouraging our community to wear PURPLE on Thursday, October 20th, to show support for those impacted by domestic violence and to let others know help is available.

If you are experiencing domestic violence, please know that you aren’t alone and help is available. The YWCA’s Wise Options operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call their FREE & CONFIDENTIAL Crisis Hotline anytime at 1-800-326-8483. Trained staff and volunteers provide immediate support and information to individuals fleeing violence or experiencing homelessness.

7 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
CLIP & KEEP FOR DATES FRIED FISH DINNER OLD LYCOMING FIRE COMPANY 1600 Dewey Avenue, Williamsport CLIP & KEEP FOR DATES 4:00PM - 7:00PM Fri. October 21st •Fri. October 28 th Meal includes: A generous portion of breaded haddock, french fries, coleslaw, apple sauce, tartar sauce, and a drink EAT IN IS BACK !!! Take-out also available Adults - $11.00 • Children $9.00 Call today to schedule your Pool closing poolsideservicerepair@gmail.com Williamsport, PA 17701 Locally owned & operated Serving Lycoming County and Surrounding Areas Poolside SERVICE & REPAIR 272-236-9017 Installation of Heaters , Filters , Pumps, Safety Covers , Liner Repair We Also Service D.E. Filters


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Williamsport Sun October 17, 1927

Thirty Midget Visitors in City


Park Hotel yesterday afternoon was invaded by the greatest number of midgets ever seen in Williamsport at one time. There were 30 of the little people and they were gathered together from all parts of the world. Among them were a Mexican and a Javanese.

The party and their manager arrived on the noon train over the Pennsylvania Railroad from Elmira, and they were on their way to Pittsburgh. They left for the Smoky City on the EastonPittsburgh train. The midgets will be in Pittsburgh all week in a vaudeville act.

The smallest midget was but 26 inches in

height, while the tallest was only 36 inches high. Their ages varied from 25 to 50 years. Four of the couples are married and one of the couples had a son with them.

The party was comprised of 18 men and 12 women. The midgets were accompanied by a number of midget dogs, several of the animals being so tiny that the men could carry them in their coat pockets. The canines varying in age from three to six years are used in special dog acts.

The large aggregation of midgets, all of whom were perfect specimens of humanity, attracted attention in and about the Park Hotel during the nearly two hours they were in Williamsport.


~ Week of ~

October 10th - October 14th

Robert I. “Bob” Pardoe, 94, formerly of Montgomery

Emily Marie Caris, 48, of Mill Hall

Ronald A. “Ronnie” Grimm, 81, of Castanea

Julia C. “Julie” Reed, 67, of Williamsport

George D. Felix, 87, of Watsontown

Susan L. McGrew, 67, of Montoursville

Dorothy M. “Dot” Strouse, 92, of Turbotville

June Elizabeth Fink, 88, of Old Lycoming Twp.

Joan A. Early, 84, of Montoursville

Kathleen Sartori DiSalvo, 86, of Williamsport

James M. Hann, 72, of Michigan City

Ernest C. Emel, 79, of Mill Hall

Deborah Miller Hoffman, 74, of Muncy

Ella Ellsworth Evans Bardell, 85, of Dushore

Audrey J. Houser, 82, of Watsontown

Jimmy E. Harsch, 72, of Linden

Joan Louise (Alexander Shaffer) Howard, 83, of Williamsport

Rose Tressler, 74, of Mill Hall

Jeffrey Lee Kight, 59, of Williamsport

Nancy K. Bower, 70, of Loyalsock Township

Alan M. Lusk, 43, formerly of Williamsport

Alan M. Lusk, 43, formerly of Williamsport

Gladys N. (Rineholt) Emick, 90, of Plunketts Creek Twp. E. Joseph Mechler, 83, of Montoursville

Roger L. Miller, 65, of Williamsport Helen Maybo, 96, of Williamsport Kevin E. Pedro, 48, of Harrisburg Jeffrey C. “Jeff” Bubb, 50, of Williamsport

Gerald Cierpilowski, 81, of Lock Haven

Leona M. Dewalt, 81, of Montgomery

Cecil L. Anderson, 72, of Trout Run

Madaline Marie Lear, 86 Clare Frances Eckley, 79, of Beech Creek


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Gathering Ghouls Continues!

Come one, come all! Step right up and play the game! Everyone has a chance to win a prize! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! This is one of my favorite Webb Weekly moments of the year! This year we will be taking a spooky turn as we count the ghouls!

I’m sure you know how this works, but just in case you forgot, let me refresh your memory.

Peppered throughout this issue, you will find a variety of Ghouls. The rules of the game are simple. Count up all the little friends you found in October 12th and the ones in this paper. Then take the total of the two weeks together and send them to me. Easy as pie…

The October 12th edition is available at webbweekly.com, if you need to double check that issue.

I will then take everyone who answered correctly and pick ten random winners. Winners will receive a bucket full of goodies big enough to serve the entire neighborhood!

The easiest way to enter the contest is to email the answer to contest@webbweekly.com, or you can drop a postcard in the snail mail at Webb Weekly, 280 Kane St., Suite 2, South Williamsport, PA 17702. Or, if you are so inclined, you can drop your entry off at our office; we are open Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., and Fridays we are usually here until around 2 p.m. Entries must be submitted by October 21st around noon or so. Winners will be listed in the October 26th edition. But I’ll call or email the winners before that.

Remember, the contest is only open to kiddos 12 and under, and only one entry per kid.

Each year we rotate through the local animal shelters and donate $1 for each entry received. This year is LAPS turn, so let’s help the sweet fur babies! Be sure to get your entries in and help support a great cause. Plus, ya know — candy. So. Much. Candy.

So, look carefully and count them up! I get a little sneaky when I place them, so make sure you check every page closely!


Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves often causing weakness, pain, numbness, tingling, and the most debilitating balance problems. is damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood ow to the nerves in the hands and feet which causes the nerves to begin to degenerate due to the lack of nutrient ow.

As you can see in Figure 1, as the blood vessels that surround the nerves become diseased they shrivel up which causes the nerves to not get the nutrients to continue to survive. When these nerves begin to “die”

Figure 1: When these

they cause you to have balance problems, pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and many additional symptoms.

Treatment at Twin Hills can include light therapy. The low level light therapy is like watering a plant. The light therapy will allow the blood vessels to grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair. It’s like adding water to a plant and seeing the roots grow deeper and deeper.

Figure 2: e blood vessels


• A ermal Image Scan to see your nerve damage

• An in-depth consultation about your health and well-being, where we will listen ...really listen…to the details of your case.

• A complete neuromuscular examination.


• Where indicated, a full set of specialized x-rays

• A thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray ndings so we can start mapping out your plan to minimize your neuropathy symptoms.

• Your rst treatment to help bring you relief!

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 10 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 Find our Ghouls (see below) scattered inside the October 12th and October 19th issues of Webb Weekly. Count the total number of Ghouls for the two weeks and send that number via email along with your name, age, address and phone number to: Or send a postcard to: 280 Kane Street, Suite 2 • South Williamsport, PA 17702 If more than one person guesses the correct number, winners will be determined by random drawing. Winners will be contacted by phone or email. Deadline for submission is Noon on Friday, October 21st. One entry per child. Must be able to pick up prize at Webb Weekly Office. Winners Will Receive A Goodie Bucket and Webb Weekly Will Donate $1.00 to LAPS for Every Entry We Receive! GATHERING GHOULS Children 12 Years and Under CONTEST@WEBBWEEKLY.COM Do Not Count.Examples Only! CONTEST!
will grow back around
like a plant’s roots grow when watered.
very small blood vessels become diseased they begin to shrivel up and the nerves begin to degenerate.
NERVE PAIN EVALUATION FOR ONLY $ 47 TO THE FIRST 17 CALLERS! IF YOU HAVEN’T SUSTAINED AT LEAST 85% NERVE DAMAGE THERE IS HOPE! “I had been suffering from numbness in my feet along with pain and extreme weakness in my legs. After the consultation I decided to commit. I am really glad I did. Health and mobility is worth everything. Get your life back!” - Lynn K - Milton, PA. “I’ve tried every cream and product on the market and Twin Hills is the only treatment that worked.” - Greg G - Danville, PA 570-279-4197 2796 Lycoming Mall Dr., Muncy, PA 17756 Federal & Medicare Restrictions May Apply. YOUR EVALUATION WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING TO DETERMINE IF YOUR PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY SYMPTOMS CAN BE TREAT ED 9
11 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322

County Hall Corner The Case for Conservatism


the philosophy that politics are framed around. In general, Republicans identify themselves as conservative and Democrats as progressive. It certainly seems that ‘progress’ itself is inevitable in society’s development, which is why the wind always seems to be in the sails of the Democratic Party. To be sure, the past has not been fair to all; thus, heroes like Martin Luther King Jr. state that “the moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice.” The Democrats have a mental mandate to right the wrongs of the past for the sake of progress in the future. Republicans do not disparage progress but have a very different way of looking at the same picture. They believe that the foundation laid down in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution are the cornerstones of all actions that the government should revolve around. The essential freedoms that are contained in those documents are the very fabric that binds the nation together. It is through the foundation laid in the past that should chart our future. Take any major issue, and these two views come glaringly to the surface. Consider abortion. The 1973 Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision was not ‘the law of the land’ as many like to term it, but rather a judicial decision nullifying abortion restrictions. Democrats celebrated this action as it was recognizing

the reality of unwanted pregnancies and provided a means for an expectant mother to have the child aborted by medical personnel rather than back-alley butchers, which were necessary in the past. This was progress.

Republicans, on the other hand, objected to the basis of this decision as it did quite a dance to establish as well as was an affront to the sanctity of life itself. The seven Supreme Court justices in 1973 based their decision on a fundamental “right to privacy” that protects a person’s right to choose whether to have an abortion. Yet there is no explicit mention of privacy in the U.S. Constitution.

The judges drew this ‘right’ from a dissent in Gilbert v. Minnesota (1920) by Justice Louis D. Brandeis, who stated the First Amendment protected the privacy of the home. Even to a civics novice, this certainly appears

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 12 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
See COUNTY HALL on Page 14 DEMOCRACY NEEDS YOU TO DEFEND IT! This November, freedom is on the ballot. These candidates will protect the rights of everyone no ma�er what you look like or where you live. Vote now by mail or in person on November 8th for Democrats who will stop the chao�c and extremist agenda in its tracks. Paid for by the Lycoming County Democra�c Commi�ee, 329 Pine Street, Williamsport. www.lycodemocrats.org John Fe�erman, US Senate Amanda Waldman, PA 9 US House of Representatives Josh Shapiro, Governor Mike Molesevich, PA 15 US House of Representatives Aus�n Davis, Lt. Governor The care you need is close to home: •Routine checkups •Colonoscopies •Endoscopy procedures Geisinger Gastroenterology/Endoscopy Montoursville 10 Choate Circle Montoursville 866-414-6178 • geisinger.org/gi Keep your digestive tract on track.

Centers for Healthy Aging

Let’s do Lunch!

If you are 60 years of age or older, stretch your grocery monies by coming to dine with us!

We offer a hot meal and “Lighter Fare” menu options.

Come dine with friends or make some new ones!

are required 48 hours in advance.

can also be arranged!

Clinton County Community Center

124 East Walnut Street

Lock Haven 570-858-5822

Jersey Shore Center

641 Cemetery Street Jersey Shore 570-601-9591

Lincoln Center 2138 Lincoln Street Williamsport 570-601-9573

Loyalsock Center

1607 Four Mile Drive Williamsport 570-601-9590

Meck Center

50 Fitness Lane Muncy 570-601-9593

Mill Hall Center

9 Peale Avenue Mill Hall 570-726-6378

Renovo Area Center

415 Fourth Street South Renovo 570-923-2525

RiverWalk Center

423 East Central Avenue South Williamsport 570-601-9592

October 24

Pepper steak with tomato pepper sauce, peas with mushrooms, halushkie, carrot & raisin salad

Lighter Fare

Chicken bacon wrap with crispy chicken and bacon, creamy coleslaw, fresh banana

October 31

Franks and beans, molasses baked beans, cheesy cauliflower, macaroni salad

Lighter Fare

Chicken Caesar salad with croutons, fresh apple, pasta salad

October 25

Creamed chicken over waffle, broccoli, hot spiced peaches, baked custard

Lighter Fare Buffalo chicken salad with blue cheese dressing, tropical fruit salad, banana pudding, dinner roll

November 1

Meatball sub with hoagie roll, creamy pesto rotini, carrot coins, fresh orange

Lighter Fare

Beef barley soup, tuna salad with whole grain bread, fresh orange, baby carrots

October 26

Swedish meatballs, halushkie, peas with pearl onions, fresh banana

Lighter Fare

Ham and bean soup, turkey and swiss on whole grain wrap, pickled beet salad, tropical fruit salad

November 2

Dirty rice casserole, creamy ginger carrots, broccoli, banana pudding

Lighter Fare Italian hoagie with lettuce and tomato, creamy coleslaw, Mandarin oranges

October 27

Chili con carne, corn bread, fall vegetable blend, sliced pears

Lighter Fare Seafood salad with croissant, baby carrots, fresh orange, vanilla ice cream

November 3

Sausage gravy, fresh dropped biscuit, creamed peas, pepper slaw

Lighter Fare

Chicken bacon sandwich with crispy chicken and bacon, creamy coleslaw, fresh banana

October 28

Meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, vanilla pudding with apples

Lighter Fare

Chicken fajita salad with black beans and corn, chuckwagon corn salad, tortilla chips, cookie

November 4

Hamloaf with pineapple sauce, warm beets, sweet potatoes, oatmeal applesauce cake

Lighter Fare

Chef salad with ham, turkey, and cheese, three bean salad, tropical fruit salad, dinner roll, sugar cookie

13 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Contact your nearest Center for Healthy Aging to make a reservation or for more information! For a full listing of activities held at each center, scan the QR code or visit www.stepcorp.org/Center-Calendars

the thinnest of threads.

Consider voting laws. Democrats believe that the right to vote should be expanded as far and wide as possible as this presents the greatest representation and, thus, ensures that no one is being marginalized. This is progress. Whereas Republicans would argue that voting laws are established to protect the veracity of the vote and not just accumulate the numbers. All elections should be free and fair based on law.

The same dichotomy can be seen in issues like social justice. Is it fair that bail is no problem for the wealthy but impossible for the poor? The movement toward eliminating bail was seen as a progressive action to establish equity between the haves and havenots. Conservatives noted that bail itself has a purpose, and to eliminate it virtually begs continual crime. These examples could go on and on.

But here is what must be considered — and forms the bedrock for the conservative position — the United States has stayed together as a nation since March 4, 1789, which is longer than any other country in the world! Yes, the USA has maintained its government when every other country on the planet has had to change their government. In fact, 194 countries have changed their governments in the 20th or 21st century. There are only a handful of countries, such as Canada (1853), Iceland (1845), Norway (1814), and Switzerland (1843), that have maintained their form

of government beyond a century or more.

Why is that? Could it be that the Founding Fathers actually put together something rather amazing? Those 7,591 words (including the 27 amendments) capsulated a governmental structure that has stood the test of time over centuries. When the European Union wrote its constitution in 2005, it ran over 70,000 words, and even its advocates admit it is largely unreadable.

Perhaps an illustration would bring home the point. A man was getting a tour of Ohio State University, and the guide was highlighting the Wexner Center for the Performing Arts, America’s first postmodern building. When the man asked what made it postmodern, the guide remarked it was designed by the architect to reflect that life is capricious, so the design has no meaning. Stairs go nowhere; pillars serve no purpose; it demonstrates the uncertainty of life.

The man looked at the building and said, “So his argument was that if life has no purpose and design, why should the building have any design?” The guide remarked, “That is correct.” The man then asked, “Did the architect do the same with the foundation?”

Conservatives are not stuck in the mud deniers of progress as they are often portrayed. Rather, they believe that foundations matter. This is why progressives should at least appreciate the values that conservatives represent. Because without them, we would not be having this conversation right now.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 14 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
COUNTY HALL Located between Turbotville & McEwensville on Rt. 44 10380 State Route 44, Watsontown • 570-336-6232 HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 8AM - 5PM • CLOSED SUNDAY APPLE CIDERPUMPKIN ROLLS LAST CALL FOR PUMPKINS AND ALL YOUR FALL DÉCOR! DELI SPECIALS PRICES GOOD THRU 10/25 CHERRYWOOD HAM ................................... $4.99/LB. LOCAL HOME GROWN WE HAVE YOUR BAKING SUPPLIES! FLOUR • SUGAR • MELTING CHOCOLATES • COCONUT CABBAGE & CAULIFLOWER MONTOUR FARM MARKET NOW SERVING HOT SOUPS EVERY THURSDAY & FRIDAY The Most Advanced Technology In Hearing Aid Evaluation and Fitting CELEBRATE THE SOUNDS OF LIFE *RIBBIT!* *RIBBIT!* Jennifer Burget Owner Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist 570-979-4248 www.artisanhearing.com FREE Hearing Evaluation I could not hear in my left ear and it felt like I had water stuck in my right ear. I tried many things at home and nothing seemed to work until I went to see Jen at Artisan Hearing Technologies. She offered a quick and painless way to remove my earwax, and now I can hear! Thank you Jen! ~Kevin Fry adding quality to life every day Artisan Hearing Technologies, LLC 508-B W. Southern Ave. • South Williamsport, PA 17702 WAXY WEDNESDAY for the Month of October FREE Ear Wax Removal and a FREE Full Diagnostic Evaluation THE EARIGATOR 600 Cemetery St. • Williamsport, PA Rust Spooktacular SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 • 10:00-6:00pm &Shine Prize Wheel • Sales • Refreshments • Free Fall Photo Prop
15 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 25 ON NEW HYBRIDWRANGLERS & PACIFICAS HYBRID CREDITTAX OF $7 500 NEW JEEP GLADIATORS OVER STARTING10AT $45 170 NEW DODGE DURANGOS 6 IN STOCK!, $3K IN DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE VANCAMPENMOTORS.COM 601 W 3rd St. Williamsport, PA • 570-326-0567 ALWAYS GET ACCESS TO THE BEST! 40 RAMS 35 JEEPS TWICE the inventory competitionof OVER AND Offers Include all available rebates. Expires October 31, 2022. Tax, tags, license extra. Certain restrictions apply, see dealer for details. Photos for illustration purposes only. A portion of every sale will be donated to Kathryn Candor Lundy Breast Health Center

Rainproof Outfits


the recent wet weather and the cloudy days ahead, I’ve been thinking about how best to dress for the rain with a fashionable nod toward fall style. In my mind, wet autumn weather doesn’t mean slacking in style. In fact, I see it as a fashion challenge to look great and stay dry. Plus which, fall has become a very aesthetically pleasing season, and I’d hate to let a bit of rain hamper down all the fun fall looks this time of year has to offer. Here are a few tricks and tips for rainproofing your favorite fall outfits.

Combating a drenched appearance after braving an autumn storm relies on two key elements: Outerwear and boots. Both should be waterproof, with the former being able to accommodate layers and the latter versatile enough to wear with multiple outfits. My go-to footwear for fall and winter are waterproof Chelsea boots by Sam Edelman. They are black, with a pull-on silhouette, and have enough tread to brave the elements, but aren’t overly chunky to deter me from wearing them at work or slightly formal occasions. Jacket-wise, I recommend going for a

hooded, waterproof garment in olive green. Something with a bit of utility-type style. Olive or military green can go with other neutrals like beige, navy, grey, and black, as well as vivid fall shades of red, orange, and magenta. I picked up a forest green hooded trench-style coat from Costco a few years ago that does a great job of keeping me dry.

What I find convenient about my waterproof black boots and Costco coat is that they can be thrown on most fall-themed outfits without taking away any autumnal aesthetic. This shoe-jacket combo works seamlessly with jeans and a flannel. It also complements a sweater, skirt, and tights look or a turtleneck and trousers outfit. Most outdoor-based brands like L.L. Bean, Carhartt, and Landsend will have quality waterproof options for outerwear, but so do stores like Kohls and Target. As for boots, if you’re in the market for shoes that will get you through many years of fall and winter, check out Sorel. Rocket Dog over on DSW. com also features reliable waterproof boots at a more accessible price point.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 16 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 MACKEYVILLE GREENHOUSE & PRODUCE 570-726-7848 65 Mill Street • Mill Hall, PA 17751 Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm Sat. 8am-4pm • Closed Sunday Macoon, Jona Gold, Fugi, Cortland, Gala, Golden Delicious, Ginger Gold, Honey Crisp, Norther Spy, Empire, Macintosh STOCK UP ON • Meats & Cheeses from JMF & Walnut Creek • Lots of Fresh Vegetables FOR CANNING! • High Quality Beef in stock, many different cuts • Home made Hoagies • Fresh Baked Goods EACH DAY! IT’S APPLE SEASON! We press our own apples!
Outfits, Not Just Clothes…
Bernadette Ulsamer
See OUTFITS on Page 18
17 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322

A military-style hooded jacket and Chelsea waterproof boots are not the only footwear-outerwear combo that can see your fall outfits through a rainy season. For more rugged looks, consider a rainresistant parka and hiking boots. This pairing has more of a weekend-warrior vibe, perfect for hiking, visits to the pumpkin patch, as well as brewery tours, flea markets, and most outside fall-related activities. I like the brightly color-blocked offerings from Patagonia for jackets and the cool-toned Merrell Mid Waterproof hiking boot. I can see these as statement pieces with a base of a thermal Henley and cargo pants. Or contrasting with black denim and a striped t-shirt for a graphic fall look. Old Navy’s Packable Oversized Water-Resistant Quilted Jacket comes in dusty rose, cerignola, and blue dusk for a fall version of pastels. This jacket and classic duck boots, when worn with patterned leggings and an oversized sweater, are a chef’s kiss of an autumnloving look while keeping you dry.

For a more polished take on a rainy fall day, consider pairing knee-high boots with a chic (and water-resistant) trench. This is an obvious approach for office wear and evenings out. A plaid shirtdress with block-heeled knee boots and a standard camel trench gives workwear a bit of fall flair. While a cozy sweater dress with over-the-knee boots and a leatherette

trench-style coat gives off both an edgy yet snuggly sense to autumnal style. If you want to play around with the expected aesthetic of tall boots and a trench, wear them with an athleisure-inspired outfit of leggings and a hoodie. Or skinny jeans, a long-sleeved tee, a scarf, and a baseball hat. DSW and Nordstrom are great sources for knee-high boots, with the latter and its outlet store Nordstrom Rack offering up a ton of trench coats at a variety of price points.

In addition to water-resistant outerwear and boots, the third (and often overlooked) piece to a successful rainyday fall look is waterproof makeup! MAC, Estee Lauder, Lancome, Bobbi Brown, and Maybelline all have waterproof products, including foundation, eyeliner, brow gel, and of course, mascara. Now, if you don’t regularly wear makeup, a stormy day in October is not the best time to start. But for veteran makeup applicators, having a few waterproof products on hand as cosmetic pinch-hitters for those foul weather days will keep you from arriving at your destination looking as if you’ve been crying.

Hopefully, this fall will be full of bright, sunshine-filled days with crisp mornings and cozy evenings. However, if the storm clouds burst, you’ll have a jacket and boot combo ready to keep you and your fall style dry.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 18 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
OUTFITSSnyder’s Open Now Through Oct. 30th Until 9pm 570-419-3078 Rte. 87, Montoursville Corn Mazes Educational Hayrides Pumpkins Family Fun= 1140 SHERIDAN STREET -- WILLIAMSPORT CALL NOW! (570) 326-1140 WWW.REVIVE-SPA.COM Medical Spa and Laser Treatment Center HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm • Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm Suzan McGary, MD FREE CONSULTATION THROW AWAY YOUR R AZORS! Book your Laser Hair Removal during OCTOBER and SAVE 20% on a Package of 6 Treatments! LASER HAIR REMOVAL AT REVIVE! SAVE ON LASER HAIR REMOVAL! IT ’S EASY, EFFECTIVE , AND NOW EVEN MORE AFFORDABLE . RUPERT’S SPECIALTY MEATS 102 N. Montour St., Montoursville • 570-368-8321 Prices Good Wednesday, Oct. 19th thru Tuesday, Oct. 25th Italian Meatballs ............................................................$6.99/lb. SAVE $2.00/lb. Provolone Cheese ......................................................... $ 6.99/lb. SAVE $2.00/lb. Pasta Salad ....................................................................... $ 5.99/lb. SAVE $1.00/lb. DELI Monday - Tuesday - 8-5:30 • Wednesday 8-3 Thursday - Friday 8-5:30 • Saturday - 8-3:00 • Closed Sunday MEAT ATTENTION CANDY MAKERS! We Have Fresh Coating Chocolate And A Large Selection Of Other Candy Making Items! NY Strip Steak.............................................................$ 8.99/lb. SAVE $4.00/lb. Whole Strip Loin ....................................................... $7.99/lb. SAVE $ 5.00/lb. 10.14lb. Avg. No Charge to Cut Whole Chicken Legs ................................................................... $1.09/lb. Check Out Our Large Selection of Homemade Soups! TAKING ORDERS FRESH KOCH THANKSGIVING TURKEYS
19 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 Financing for Well Qualified Applicants Only. 2.9% For 48 Or 3.9% For 72 Months on Select 2022 Subaru Models. See Dealer for Complete Details. Offer Ends 10-31-22 Lease The 2023 Subaru Crosstrek PRB-03 For $269 Per Month. 10,000 Miles Per Year, 36 Month Term, $0 Security Deposit Required And $2,575 Due At Sign. Tax, Tags And Title Not Included In Price. Offer Ends 10-31-22 Lease The 2023 Subaru Impreza PJB03 For $239 Per Month. 10,000 Miles Per Year, 36 Month Term, $0 Security Deposit Required Family Owned & Operated For Over 50 Years 535 Point Township Drive, Northumberland 570.473.3432 / 1.877.995.7822 View Our Inventory 24/7 at www.WandLsubaru.com Showroom Open Mon-Fri 8-8, Weds 8-5, Sat 8-4 Service Dept. Mon-Fri 8-5; Sat 8-2 Financing Available For Well Qualified Applicants And On Model Years 2019-2022. Offer Ends 10-31-22. See Dealer For Complete Details. Take A Test Drive & Help Us Support hopestory this October, we’re helping to raise awareness for down syndrome #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth for every new car test drive in October we’re donating $10 to hopestory an orgranization that provides hope to parents who have received a Down Syndrome diagnosis. Saturday, October 22, 2022 • 10am-5pm at W&L Collision Center Rts. 11/15, Shamokin Dam COLLISION CENTER W&L FESTIVAL Food Trucks (Kids Eat Free!) Craft Vendors Pumpkin Painting Bounce Houses Fall Festivities

Drug Plans

Jeffrey Allen Federowicz


so sorry to hear about the passing of Webb Weekly writer Jeff Federowicz.

Jeff had been a longtime writer with us, and he will be missed.

Jeff had a quirky sense of humor that you could definitely see when you read his stories. He had written for us for well over a decade, and was willing to take on any assignment, but often, I thought his best work was when he was left to his own devices to write about all the random things in the world that we all think about, but never address.

Our sympathy and prayers go out to all his family and friends.

I also want to use this opportunity to remind

you about organ donation.

Jeff had a live-saving kidney transplant in 1998 and was an advocate for organ donation. So, if you aren’t an organ donor please consider the following:

• One donor has the potential to save up to 8 lives.

• 83% of the individuals waiting for an organ transplant need a kidney.

• Every 10 minutes a new name is placed on the national transplant waiting list.

Since the demand for organs surpasses the supply, the typical wait time for an organ transplant (depending on the type of organ and specific medical criteria) is between three and five years.

For more information on organ donation visit www.organdonor. gov

The region’s most comprehensive breast cancer care is only at UPMC.

As the home of western Pa.’s only NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and the pioneers of 3D mammography, UPMC offers access to more breast cancer experts and clinical trials than any center in the region. From genetic testing and risk assessment to innovative surgical approaches and immunotherapies, experts at our renowned UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and UPMC Magee-Womens are transforming breast cancer care every day.

To learn more, visit UPMC.com/BreastCancerAwareness.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 20 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 Call Jen Lulis, licensed insurance representative, today to SCHEDULE a one on one information session (570) 980 4563  Medicare Advantage Plans  Medicare Supplements  Prescription
UIS is not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by, the bank or an affiliate of the bank. Not insured by FDIC or any other agency of the United States, the bank, or an affiliate of the bank. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1 800 MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.
4977_upmc_ncpa_2022_bca_print_ww_9.5x5.625.indd 1 9/16/22 2:55 PM
21 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322

Community Calendar


Submit contributions in a


When: Where: format to webbnews@webbweekly.com. View more calendar listings at www.webbweekly.com.

EVENTS Fall Book Sale

What: Friends of the Jersey Shore Library fall book sale. All books 25¢ & 50¢.

When: October 20th, from 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., October 21st, from 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Oct. 22nd, from 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Where: Jersey Shore Public Library, 110 Oliver St., Jer-

sey Shore.

Cheesesteak Basket

What: Cheesesteak basket. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders.

When: Thursday, October 20, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.


What: Beer battered or broiled haddock dinner or pork chop dinner. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders.

When: Friday, October 21, 2022, 4:00 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.

“Terrific Trees”

We are inviting veterans or active military and a guest to join us for a special event. We will o er a turkey dinner and hear from Chaplain Silvey. Register by Oct. 28th. Meal and event hosted compliments of Fairlawn Community Church, as a small token of our gratitude for your service.

early to have your photo taken for our Wall of Honor!

What: Join the park naturalist to take a look at the different trees in the Lower Picnic Area of the park and tell the difference between them. There will be a craft at the end. This program will be suited towards families with children, but anyone is welcome to attend. All children must be accompanied by an adult in order to participate. Program may be modified or cancelled in the event of severe weather or new CDC Guidelines.

When: Saturday, October 22, 2022, 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Where: Little Pine State Park, Bulletin Board at Lower Picnic Area.

“Terrific Trees”

What: Join the park naturalist to take a look at the different trees in the park and tell the difference between them. There will be a craft at the end. This program will be suited towards families with children, but anyone is welcome to attend. All children must be accompanied by an adult in order to participate. Program may be modified or cancelled in the event of severe weather or new CDC Guidelines.

When: Saturday, October 22, 2022, 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Where: Hyner Run State Park, Amphitheater (by the Pool).

Audubon Event

What: Join Lycoming Audubon for a bird walk along the Riverwalk (S Williamsport side). Loaner binoculars are available.

When: Saturday October 22, 2022, at 8:00 a.m., weather permitting.

Where: Meet on the dike by the South Williamsport recycling center (near the intersection of W. Front St. & Matthews Blvd.). Parking available on Matthews Blvd.

Hootenanny Band

What: Hootenanny Band. Open to the public. Food and beverage available.

When: Sunday, October 23rd, from 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Where: VFW Post 12, North Market St. Rear, Muncy.

Burger Basket

What: Burger basket. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-3270255 for take-out orders.

When: Tuesday, October 25 2022, 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.

Cheesesteak Basket

What: Cheesesteak basket. Open to the public. Take out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders.

When: Tuesday,October 27, 2022, 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.



Indoor Yard Sale

What: Indoor yard sale. Baked goods, BBQ, and hot dogs, homemade soup $6.00 per quart. Call to order Soup 570-368-1863.

When: Friday and Saturday, October 21st and October 22nd, from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Where: Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, N. Loyalsock Avenue, Montoursville.

Vegetable Soup Sale

What: Homemade Vegetable Soup Sale

When: Saturday, October 22nd, from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Where: Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, N. Loyalsock Avenue, Montoursville.

Bazaar What: Bazaar featuring hot lunch, baked goods, crafts, holiday items and a great “white elephant” table where you can find the unexpected.

When: Saturday, October 22nd, from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Where: Saint James Lutheran Church, 3242 Middle Rd., Rauchtown.

Turkey Dinner

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 22 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322


for an adult donation and $5.00 donation for children 12 and under. Take out or eat in.

When: Saturday, October 22nd, from 4:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

Where: Avis United Methodist Church, 215 Prospect Ave., Avis.

Trick or Treat

What: 3rd annual drive thru trick ‘r treat night. Stop by for some spooky Halloween treats!

When: Saturday, October 22nd, from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Where: Kendron UMC, 14725 Rt. 220 Hwy.

Rummage Sale

What: Rummage and bake sale.

When: Oct. 22, 2022, from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Where: Mill Creek United Methodist Church, 2255 Warrensville Rd., Montoursville. Parking in the rear.

Daniel’s Closet

What: Daniel’s Closet. Free clothing. Safety guidelines observed.

When: Saturday, October 22, 2022, from 8:30 a.m.10:30 a.m.

Where: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1101 Washington Blvd., Williamsport.

Church Service

What: Sunday service. Sermon Title: Christianity is the only true religion so we have a lot of work to do. Sermon Text: Acts 1:1-12. All are welcome to learn about God and the Christian life.

When: Sunday Morning, October, 23rd. Service Time 10:15 a.m.

Where: Garden View Baptist Church, 1600 Doris Ave., Williamsport.

Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner

What: Pork and sauerkraut dinner. Menu: pork, sauerkraut, knockwurst, mashed potatoes, dumplings, apple sauce, bread, dessert, coffee and tea. $12 for adults, $6 for kids 5-12, 4 and under are free. Takeouts available.

When: Wednesday, October 26th from 11:30 a.m.-

6:00 p.m.

Where: St. Luke Church, 118 Kendall Ave., Jersey Shore.



Coffee Social

What: Lycoming Seniors 65+ Coffee Social, free coffee/ pastries. Call Clay at 570-322-4436 to RSVP.

When: Wednesday, Oct. 19th at 2:00 p.m.

Where: Hillside Senior Living 2725 Four Mile Dr., Montoursville.



Domestic Violence Support

What: Domestic Violence Support Group suggested for anyone 21 years of age and older who have experienced Domestic Violence.

When: Each Thursday from 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Where: YWCA Northcentral PA, Park Room, 815 W. Fourth St., Williamsport.

West Branch Pride

What: West Branch Pride.

When: Monthly meeting, 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 p.m.

Where: YWCA Williamsport.

GriefShare Support Group

What: A weekly seminar and support group for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

When: Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Please contact the church at 570-546-8030 for the most current schedule.

Where: First United Methodist Church, 602 S. Market St., Muncy.



Route 15 Band

What: Route 15 band. Halloween Party. Open to the public. No cover.

When: Friday, October 28, 2022, 8 p.m.

Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.

23 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322ATTENTION TO ALL WHO ENJOY SINGING!! Join our 2022 Christmas Cantata Choir For the December 18 Performances of And There Was Light By Joseph M. Martin With Live Orchestral Accompaniment REHEARSALS Thursday Evenings 7:15-8:15pm Beginning Thursday, October 13, 2022 First United Methodist Church Celebration Center 602 South Market St., Muncy, PA Call Church Office for more information 570-546-8030 or Truhl56@yahoo.com RUMMAGE SALE! Christ Episcopal Church 426 Mulberry Street, Williamsport, PA 17701 LUNCH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY 10:30AM - 2:00PM Oct. 20TH, 21st & 22nd, 2022 TH. & FRI., OCT. 20TH & 21ST - 9AM - 4PM SAT., OCT. 22ND - 9AM - 12PM Collectors, Resellers Welcome. Kids/Baby Clothing, Jewelry, Decorations, Glassware, Fresh Furniture Inventory, Books, Toys, Baskets, Household/Misc., Items, Electronics, Linens, New & Used Clothing, Puzzles, CD’s, Frames, Footwear – Tent Outside Homemade Candy, Baked Goods and more!
Homestyle turkey dinner including turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, corn, beans, drink and dessert. Price $12.00

A Rainy October Day


into Weis in Jersey Shore.

The phones weren’t busy at work, and I got all the fuel tickets done, so I left around 12:30. I was looking forward to a rainy Thursday and thought soup sounded perfect for dinner. Weis is only a few minutes from work, and I thought I’d beat the rain. Cindy Waltz, my amazing boss, friend, and honestly feels like we are family, offered me her umbrella before I left. I had given mine to my son that morning because I was worried that if I wasn’t home from work to pick him up at the bus stop, he would get soaked.

I had a text from a client of mine who I will be taking on coaching here next month and then got a phone call. I sat in ‘Black Betty,’ our black GMC Yukon, for longer than I should have in the Weis parking lot before going in. I started finishing up my phone conversation as I walked into Weis. I grabbed a small cart, said goodbye, and walked in. The darn pumpkin cakes, cupcakes, and Halloween cookies greeted me. “Not today, Satan,” I had thought to myself. I just had enough sweets at the cabin the weekend before to make up for my whole week of sweets!

I love Weis in Jersey Shore. I could just take my time in there checking out the goodies they have, but I knew I was in a time crunch. I was there to get milk (when is milk NOT on my grocery list!?), some fruits, veggies, and things for dinner. I was determined a rainy night would have a cozy meal.

As I was checking out, I thought I had heard it pouring. I looked through the windows, and the sky looked dark, but the parking lot was dry. “Phew. Good!”

I thought. I bagged up my few items and headed out the door. A woman walking inside the door talked to a man and said, “Hey, have a wonderful night, Fred! It was so good to talk to you!” This lady (and Fred) looked dry, and the lady was super happy. I knew it couldn’t be raining then. As I got outside, everything was still dry, but I no sooner stepped out into the driveway and BAM, DOWNPOUR!

Are you kidding me right now? Seriously? I couldn’t believe my timing.

I was trying to speed walk to Betty at this point. I don’t run people. Not even for rain.

Two cars decided they would back up at the same time. I’m standing there again in the pouring rain, waiting for them to decide who will go first so I don’t get mowed over. The white Lexus decided he was first.

Don’t mind me out here in the rain, please, Lexus buddy, you go first. You are nice and dry in your car; just take your merry old time. I’ll wait.

Finally, I could walk by and arrived at ole Black Betty. I went to open the hatch as the wind was pushing me towards my vehicle, and the leaves were whipping around like crazy. The hatch didn’t open because ole Betty was still locked.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 24 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Andrea’s Home Cookin… See COOKIN on Page 26
Andrea McElroy
8pm FEATURING DJ HIGH VOLTAGE please Bring a “Ghoulish dish” to share! prizes awarded for Cutest, Scariest, Most Original, One grand prize - Best Overall American Legion Post 268 515 Legion Rd., Muncy, PA 17756 Sunday-Wednesday: Open until 10:30 Open until 11:30 if we have 6 or more patrons Thursday-Saturday: Last Call @ 11:30 ADULT HALLOWEEN PARTY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 TH Bar Bingo every Tuesday • 6-8pm - Open to the Public (Must be a member to purchase alcohol) Quizzo every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month November 5th Turkey Raffle will have dinner for purchase Tickets only sold at the event • Starts at 5pm BREAKFAST STARTING IN NOVEMBER Every 2nd & 4th Sunday • 8am-11am 1 lb. Bacon 1 lb. Snack Sticks STOLTZFUS BUTCHER SHOP Terms: Cash or Check Only (No Credit Cards) Monday - Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm • Saturday 8:00am - 4:00pm • Closed Sunday DELI MEATS & CHEESES ALL MEAT AND CHEESE SMOKED IN HOUSE HELMRICH’S SEAFOOD AVAILABLE Homemade Baked Goods Friday & Saturday! 1784 East End Mountain Rd • Mill Hall, PA 17751 570-726-7799 (Leave Message) COME SEE US AT THE OLD SCHOOL MARKET EVERY FRIDAY PROCESSING VENISON FOR 2022-23 HUNTING SEASON WE HAVE AFTER HOURS DROP OFF BRING THIS SLIP BACK AND GET AN ADDITIONAL $2.00 OFF! OCTOBER 20th - OCTOBER 26th 2 lb. Hamburger 2 Delmonico Steaks 1 Ham Steak 2 lb. Sausage 1 Ring Bologna REG. $64 SALE $59 1 Bag of Chips COME SEE US AT THE OLD SCHOOL MARKET EVERY FRIDAY & Saturday! JERSEY SHORE FARM MAR KET OPEN EVERY THURSDAY! 8AM-3PM (570) 217-7653 Located just South of Jersey Shore On S. Rt. 44 by Antes Fort 1308 S. RT. 44 JERSEY SHORE, PA INDOOR & OUTDOOR VENDOR SPACE AVAILABLE EVERY THURSDAY AT THE FRESH BAKED GOODS
25 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 SUPPORT OUR GREAT LOCAL EATERIES! CLIP & SAVE OR SHOW THEM ON YOUR PHONE! For More Coupons & Specials visit www.webbweekly.com COUPONCOUPON *With coupon. Offer expires 11/2/22 2131 WEST 4TH STREET • WILLIAMSPORT 570.567.7322 $1.00 OFF Soft Pretzel or Soft Pretzel Sticks COUPON SAVINGS! COUPON COUPONSCOUPONS *With coupon. Coupon cannot be used for alcoholic beverages. Can be used up to a party of 6. Offer expires 11/2/22. COUPON COUPON317 Pine St. Williamsport 272-202-2956 2 XL 18 • 1 Topping Pizzas $ 23.99 1 XL 18 • 1 Topping Pizza & 12 Jumbo Wings $ 23.99 $ 1.00 wings Every Day ! We Do Catering for Family Meals or your Office Meetings! EVERYDAY SPECIALS 50% OFF Henry’s BAR-B-Q 570-326-1607 BUY ONE BBQ PLATTER AT REGULAR PRICE & GET THE 2ND PLATTERCOUPON COUPON One coupon per customer, per visit. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 11/2/22 DINING ROOM IS OPEN! Open 7 days a week 10AM-9PM COUPON COUPON 570.505.1306 1503 East Third Street • Williamsport 17701 One coupon per table. Expires 11/2/22. DINNER SPECIAL Buy One, Get 2nd for $5.00 OFF!! LUNCH SPECIAL Buy One, Get 2nd for $3.00 OFF!! 24 East Southern Ave. South Williamsport 570-326-4044 DAILY SPECIAL $20.99 + Tax 2 LARGE 18” CHEESE PIZZAS FOR ONLY Offer expires 11/2/22 Filippo’s • •COUPON COUPONTOPPINGS EXTRA SAVE $ 10 when you spend $25 or more 243 Pennsylvania Ave., Mill Hall, PA 17751 570-726-7427 In Business for 16 years If you’ve never tried Curt’s Smokin Ribs... Cannot be combined with any offers or discounts • Expires 11/2/22 COUPONCOUPON Mon., Tues., Wed. 11AM-8 PM • Thurs., Fri., Sat. 11AM-9PM • Sunday 11AM-7PM Mon.- urs. 7:00am-5:30pm • Fri. 7:00am-6:30pm • Sat. 7:00am-4:00pm • Sun. Closed Dewart Country Store 2031 Main St., Dewart 17730 $1.00 OFFGrilled Cheese Sandwich and French Fries With this Coupon Expires 10/19/22 COUPONCOUPON 219 Main St., Watsontown, PA • 570-538-1181 Mon. 4pm-8pm • Tue.- urs. 7am-2pm • Fri. 7am-8pm Sat. 7am-1pm • 4pm-8pm • Sun. 7am-2pm NEW HOURS!COUPON COUPON

Dag nabbit! Now, what did I do with the keys?

At this point, honestly, I couldn’t get any wetter. I dug into my pocket for the key and found it!

Up the hatch went, and I threw my soaked bags in as fast as I could. I could feel the wetness coming through my socks. I can’t stand wet socks or damp clothes. Drives me crazy!!

I flopped myself into the vehicle and looked in the mirror. Water was running down my face.

I took a selfie and sent it to Cindy with a text that read, “I should have taken the umbrella! I’m soakkkkked!”

I wiped my face and tried not to think about the wet clothes sticking to me. I thought about a hot shower as soon as I got home, and my cozy winter robe I just busted out a few days prior.

I had not one thing to do that night. Do you know how long it’s been since I had a free night!? I could keep my robe on all night long! How exciting! (Listen, it doesn’t take much to make me happy, but it just takes wet clothes or stifling heat to make me grumpy! Haha!!)

You know what else I looked forward to!? That night’s meal. I decided on my momma’s potato soup and bacon and grilled cheese samiches. You just can’t beat soup on a rainy, cold, or snowy night. It was between potato soup or chicken noodle. I would have been happy with any soup, honestly, but I have many more cold nights ahead of me to make the rest.

Chicken Noodle Soup


• 1/2 Tablespoon butter

• 2 ribs celery, diced

• 3-4 large carrots diced

• 1 clove garlic, minced

• 10 cups chicken stock or broth*

• 1 teaspoon salt, to taste

• 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, to taste

• 1/8 teaspoon Italian Seasoning

• 1 batch of homemade egg noodles or 5 cups dry egg noodles, farfalle, or other bite-size pasta

• 3 cups rotisserie chicken

• 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules


Add butter, diced celery, and carrots to a large stock pot over medium-high heat. Saute for 3 minutes. Add garlic and cook for another 30 seconds.

Add chicken stock and season the broth with Italian seasoning, and salt (definitely TASTE the broth before adding more salt), and pepper. Taste and add chicken bouillon cubes or granules as needed.

Bring broth to a boil. Add noodles (either uncooked homemade egg noodles or dry storebought pasta) and cook just until the noodles are tender.

If using store-bought noodles, be cautious not to overcook them! Remove the pot from heat as soon as they are just barely tender. The noodles will continue to cook once you remove the pot from the heat and you don’t want them mushy.

Add chicken meat from the rotisserie chicken. Taste the broth again and add more seasoning if needed.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 26 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
COOKIN OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 11AM-CLOSE 272-202-2929 • thelockerroompa.com 1130 BROAD ST., MONTOURSVILLE When You Are Hungry,We Will Feed You Oct. 22nd – Leo & KG 8-10 Oct. 28th - DJ Cupp 8-11 Burgers to Wings, Sandwiches to Mac & Cheese Bowls... Come Try Our NEW MENU! Come Try Our NEW MENU! 508 Washington Blvd. Williamsport 570-322-8329 NEW HOURS Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Phone Your Orders in – 570-322-8329 Text Your Orders to – 272-230-3327 or Email – orders@tonysdelimeats.com OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-5 CLOSED SATURDAY & SUNDAY ORDERS CALLED IN BY 4PM & PREPAID CAN BE PICKED UP SAME DAY AT CANOPY BY 6PM CLOSED SATURDAY & SUNDAY NOW HIRING! DELIVERY DRIVER & BACK ROOM STOCK PERSON!
27 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 Lincoln Center for Healthy Aging Saturday October 22 10 AM - 1 PM 2138 Lincoln Street Williamsport 570.601.9573 Loyalsock Center for Healthy Aging Monday October 24 10 AM - 1 PM 1607 Four Mile Drive Williamsport 570.601.9590 Clinton County Community Center Thursday October 27 10 AM - 1 PM 124 East Walnut Street Lock Haven 570.858.5800 Vaccination Clinics Get your Flu Shot and COVID Booster!
October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 28 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 960 PLAZA DRIVE, MONTOURSVILLE 570-828-3998 YOUR “WHOLESOME & WHOLEHEARTED” STORE… Go Green with our first batch of USDA Certified Organic Tinctures. Grown and handled to meet rigorous standards, and formulated with an extraction process that retains more of the hemp plant, this SunMedTM collection is as “Whole” as it gets. 960 PLAZA DRIVE, MONTOURSVILLE 570-828-3998 Save $ 5.00 Off Your In Store Purchase! 570-546-5706 • www.thegreenbarnberryfarm.com THE GREEN BARN BERRY FARM PICK YOUR OWN Pumpkins Hayrides WEEKENDS ONLY Fall Decorations Local Apples, Honey, Syrup, Jams & More! 7299 Armstrong Road • Muncy, PA 17756 Monday-Friday 9aM-6pM • Saturday & Sunday 11aM-5pM Looking for FureverMEET BANKS! Five month old Banks is ready for belly rubs so please adopt this sweet and playful boy. LAPS October 22nd YARD SALE will be held at Pine Street United Methodist Church from 8 a.m.-2 p.m., with donations being accepted October 21st from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at the church. See our Facebook page for details. Contact LAPS at 570-327-8707 or lapsshelter.org 630 Wildwood Blvd., Williamsport
29 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 FAIRFIELDCHEVROLET.COM • FAIRFIELDCADILLAC.COM FOOTBALL TICKET GIVEAWAY *Must currently own a 1999 or newer Chevrolet to qualify for Chevy Loyalty for $5,000 savings. $2,500 Loyalty with $2,500 in rebates and dealer discounts for a total of $5,000 in savings. Offers expire 10/31/22. Offers are for well-qualified buyers. Subject to credit approval. See dealer for complete details. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures may not represent actual units. 2022 Impact Advertising • 22FCHV-FCAD-UFC-WWK101922 STOP IN& SEE DENNY SPOTTS AT FAIRFIELD CHEVY CADILLAC ON RT. 15 IN LEWISBURG! 400 N. Derr Dr. • Find Us On: (570) 524-2296 Entries until 10/31/22. Drawings are 11/1/22. Do not need to be present to win! No Purchase Necessary to enter! See salesperson for complete details. WIN ENTER TO 6 TICKETS TO PSU VS. MARYLAND ON NOV. 12 TH 3 DRAWINGS! 3 CHANCES! 1ST DRAWING ........... 6 TICKETS 2ND DRAWING 4 TICKETS 3RD DRAWING ........... 4 TICKETS ON RT. 15 IN LEWISBURG! TRUCK MONTH! Ronald & Vivian FOUND their Chevy Truck at FAIRFIELD Chevy/ Cadillac on Rt. 15 in Lewisburg! @ FAIRFIELD! FOUND IT New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 3500HD Crew Cab High Country Duramax Diesel Dual Rear Wheels 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 85 ,160NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11413 MSRP: $85,160 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 2500HD Crew Cab High Country Duramax Diesel 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 83 , 290NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11436 MSRP: $83,290 New! 2023 Chevy Silverado 2500HD Crew Cab High Country Duramax Diesel 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 86 , 915NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11478 MSRP: $85,160 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 2500HD Crew Cab High Country 6.6L Gas 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 73 , 885NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11396 MSRP: $73,885 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Custom 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 43, 710*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11485 MSRP: $48,710 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Custom 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 43, 415*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11446 MSRP: $48,415 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Custom 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 43, 910*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11472 MSRP: $48,910 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Custom 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 42, 910*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11405 MSRP: $47,910 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Custom 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 44, 305*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11465 MSRP: $49,305 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Custom 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 44, 305*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11437 MSRP: $49,305 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Custom 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 44, 355*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11504 MSRP: $49,355 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab LT 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 46, 945*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11492 MSRP: $51,945 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab LT 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 46, 495*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11499 MSRP: $51,495 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab LT 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 46, 945*NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11500 MSRP: $51,945 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 2500HD Crew Cab Duramax Diesel 4X4 SAVE TODAY! $ 63 , 020NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11476 MSRP: $63,020 New! 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab LTD RST Rocky Ridge K2 Package 4X4 SAVE: $5,000! $ 75 , 496NOW ONLY: Stk #: C11369 MSRP: $80,496 IT’SADMITONE ADMITONADMITONE ADMITONADMIT ONEADMIT ONEADMIT ONONE ADMIT ONE ADMITONE atHOMEatHOME FairfieldContestWinner $ 0 CASH DOWN $ 499/MO. FOR 48 MOS. $ 0 OUT OF POCKET10,000 MILES/YEAR TAXES & FEES INCLUDED YOUR CHOICE! OVER 25 NEW TRUCKS AVAILABLE! DONATING $ 25 to UPMC Susquehanna's Kathryn Candor Lundy Breast Health Center! For every new or used car sold in the month of October, Fairfield is



Wednesday, Oct. 19, and Friday, October 21 help pack 150,000 meals & learn what God is doing through Experience Missions! Discover how to engage your church/small group (all ages) by sponsoring Quarter Gaylord Units. We’re looking forward to seeing you, your family, youth groups, and more at this year’s Missions Expo!

Event Location: Experience Missions Warehouse, 2117 Marydale Ave., Williamsport.

Event Begins: Monday, Oct. 17th

Event Dates: This year’s Mission Expo will be different than previous years. We will offer 3 packing sessions per week with alternating days/weeks. For example, starting 10/17/22 WEEK ONE will be Mon., Wed., & Fri. evening sessions from 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. WEEK TWO will be Tues., Thurs., & Saturday morning sessions from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Volunteers will only be able to sign up one week at a time.

Corresponding weeks will appear on our site the weekend prior. This year’s Missions Expo will continue for as long as we have meals to pack. We estimate it will take 2-4 weeks to pack all 150,000 meals. There will

be a maximum of 40 volunteers per session. So be sure you are signed up to receive email updates and text alerts register for e-uRdates and/or text alert messages.

Event participation: We welcome all ages - individuals and groups - to join us. While we will do our best to keep your groups together, it will be important to have a good balance between all packing lines.

Share on social media: Please encourage your friends to participate by sharing this specific link on your social media platforms www. exPeriencemissions.com.

Promotional: Experience Missions hats, pens, and limited quantity of tee shirts will be available for purchase onsite until supplies last.

and the Hopper

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 30 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 570-327-1598 BurnsInsuranceServices@gmail.com CATHERINE BURNS INSURANCE SERVICES WE OFFER: MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS, ADVANTAGE PLANS, AND PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLANS, LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE, ANNUITIES, LIFE INSURANCE, PRE-PAID FUNERALS, RETIREMENT PLAN ROLLOVERS, AND MUCH MORE! 960 Plaza Dr. (Savoy Plaza) Montoursville Part of YOUR CBD STORE Offer for new and qualifying former customers only. Important Terms and conditions: Qualification: Advertised price requires credit qualification and 24-month commitment. Upfront activation and/or receiver upgrade fees may apply based on your credit qualification. Offer ends 11/16/22. 2-year commitment: Early termination fee of $20/mo. remaining applies if you cancel early. Included in 2-year price guarantee at $69.99 advertised price: America’s Top 120 programming package, local channels, HD service fees, and Hopper Duo Smart DVR for 1 TV. Included in 2-year price guarantee for additional cost: Programming package upgrades ($84.99 for AT120+, $94.99 for AT200, $104.99 for AT250), monthly fees for upgraded or additional receivers ($7 per additional TV, receivers with additional functionality may be $10-$15). NOT included in 2-year price guarantee or advertised price (and subject to change): Taxes & surcharges, add-on programming (including premium channels), DISH Protect, and transactional fees. Other: All packages, programming, features, and functionality and all prices and fees not included in price guarantee are subject to change without notice. After 6 months, if selected, you will be billed $10.99/mo. for DISH Protect Silver unless you call to cancel. After 2 years, then-current everyday prices for all services apply. For business customers, additional monthly fees may apply. Free standard professional installation only. Republic Wireless: AutoPay required. Taxes not included. Everything You Want members using over 20GB/mo of data and Everywhere You Go members using over 35GB/mo of data will have their speeds reduced. 5G service requires a 5G capable device. 5G not available in all areas. Mobile hotspot data usage counts toward monthly data allotment. You will only receive these wireless plan rates if you are a current DISH TV subscriber. If at any time you are not an active DISH TV subscriber, your wireless plan price will double. You will see this change on your next Republic Wireless by DISH monthly bill. Hans CedarDale Satellite | 800-848-2198 Route 220, Hughesville | hanscedardale.com Give us a call or visit us. We’ll help you find the best entertainment at the best price. PREM_ 737853 All offers require credit qualification, 2-year commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees based on credit qualification. Fees apply for additional TVs: Hopper $15/mo., Joey $7/mo., Super Joey $10/mo. America’s Top 120 WITH 2-YEAR TV PRICE GUARANTEE & LOCAL CHANNELS INCLUDED /mo.190 CHANNELS $6999 Sign up for DISH and get a prepaid card up to $300. ASK US HOW 300 New customers must qualify for DHA Plus or DHA Elite. Restrictions apply. Prepaid card courtesy of Hans CedarDale. With DISH
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Expo 2022
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Missional Strategy: What We Do

Note: This article is the second installment in a series of articles called “Missional Strategy: Why we do what we do the way we do it.” Previous articles are always available at www. webbweekly.com.

people together in the name of Jesus Christ. It is what we do.


is in Matthew 16:18 that Jesus introduces the world to something new when He declares, “On this rock, I will build my church.”

In this passage, the English word church is translated from the Greek word ekklesia. The most basic understanding of what the church does can be found in the meaning of this special word.

Ekklesia is a compound word made up of ek, meaning out from and to, and kaleo, meaning to call. By name, Jesus described His church as the gathering of those who have been called out from the world to gather together.

Jesus later clarified in Matthew 18:20 that ekklesia requires only two people gathered in His name. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

When two or more people gather in the name of Jesus Christ, something profoundly mysterious and gloriously miraculous happens—we experience the presence of Jesus Christ in a way not possible when we are alone or when we are gathered for a different purpose.

Of all the things the Church does, nothing is more important than intentionally gathering

Jesus modeled three settings for gathering people in His name. All three provide powerful and unique forms of saving and transforming grace: The Crowd

The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and the Sermon on the Lake (Matthew 13) are both examples of Jesus utilizing a crowd to distribute grace.

The crowd level of gathering is very effective at offering specific aspects of grace. A crowd is a big deal—a gravitational event in and of itself. Crowds can inspire, awaken, motivate and affirm—often providing the spiritually charged atmosphere in which significant life decisions and spiritual advancements are made. A crowd provides the opportunity for a person to be a part of something significant. But the crowd level also has limitations. A crowd is not conducive to the building of relationships. It does not require participant involvement beyond spectating. It can result in attendees who act like consumers rather than worshipers; and leaders who act like performers rather than ministering servants. The American church is highly susceptible to the adulterations of worship that can develop in

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See FAITH on Page 36 Faith Conversations…
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a crowd setting—things like pride, consumerism, greed, and idolatry.

The Group

Matthew 26:17-35 is one of the many examples of Jesus gathering with his group of disciples to distribute grace. With His disciples, Jesus utilized the group level of gathering more than any other level. That should tell us something about the importance of group gatherings.

Group gatherings are highly conducive to the building of deeper relationships. They provide a familial atmosphere that breeds genuine koinonia fellowship: common concern, intercessory prayer, and mutual organic responses to needs. It allows for the deeper study of God’s Word through discussion and the asking of clarifying questions. Groups also provide an opportunity for participants to utilize their unique spiritual gifts — something nearly impossible in a crowd gathering. A group provides the opportunity for a person to be a significant part of something. But the group gathering also has limitations. Groups cannot provide crowd-level graces, and because they tend to involve as many as twenty-five people, including men, women, and children, groups cannot serve as the place for sharing personal confessions about trials, vulnerabilities, failures, and struggles. Such transparency is available only at the core level of gathering.

The Core

Matthew 17:1-13 (the Transfiguration) and Matthew 26:36-45 (The Garden of Gethsemane) are two examples of Jesus

gathering with His core group to distribute grace. Jesus’ core group included Peter, James, and John.

The core group is highly conducive to the building of intimate, trusted, and highly confidential relationships. It provides a safe space for full transparency and confrontation—allowing God’s grace to penetrate the deepest recesses of the heart, mind, and spirit. Socrates declared, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Core groups provide the opportunity for life to be open to examination. Because they are small in number, core groups tend to be very flexible in scheduling meetings and very agile in responding to crisis needs.

But core groups also have limitations. They cannot provide crowd and group-level graces. They tend to be difficult to develop as participants seek well-suited affinity and personality matches. Core groups require a long-term investment to build confidentiality and establish trust. Due to their highly confidential nature, core groups can be especially risky and messy.

Re ect: Am I experiencing every aspect of God’s transformational grace provided through gathering? Am I regularly meeting in crowd, group, and core settings? If not, am I willing to acknowledge that I am missing out on valuable aspects of God’s grace?

Does the American church rely too heavily on the one-size-fits-all crowd setting for distributing grace? If yes, then what changes could we make to prioritize the building of deeper relationships into our church mission and vision?

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 36 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
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Five Tips for Staying Warm When Outdoors


a serious medical condition that is caused by prolonged exposure

cold temperatures. Among the signs of hypothermia are decreased body temperature, shivering, extreme fatigue, confusion, lack of coordination, and slurred speech.

When we are exposed to the cold, our bodies lose heat at a faster rate than we are able to produce it. A normal body temperature is around 98.6. Hypothermia is considered to have occurred when the body temperature drops below 95 degrees. Most of this heat loss occurs through the skin, with the remaining loss occurring through normal breathing.

As our bodies struggle to survive, our brain functions become impaired, which disrupts our ability to think clearly or move with coordination. This impaired mental function can make a dangerous situation even worse. Wet conditions such as getting caught in the rain or snow can accelerate the process of becoming hypothermic as heat loss can

be up to 25-30 times faster when in contact with a cold object such as wet clothing or when immersed in water.

This is no reason to stay inside as the temperatures drop this year. In fact, with some precautions, you can have great fall and winter seasons and enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest.

Steven Decker, with the Northern Warfare Training Center at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, has five tips to help keep you warm even if you are going to be in freezing temperatures for an extended period of time. Decker’s overall advice is not to get cold in the first place. This sounds obvious, but it is actually the best piece of relevant advice you can receive.

1.) Fuel your body. Make sure you are consuming enough calories if you are or soon will be, outside in freezing temperatures. Decker’s soldiers consume 4,500 to 6,000 calories per day when training. You might not need to eat like a soldier, but make sure you are well-fed and consume plenty of water. Decker also encourages snacking or “grazing meals” when on the go or between reg-

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Living Well…

2.) Cover your body. Decker believes clothing should insulate, ventilate, and provide protection from the wind. Dress in layers. Start with good cold-weather underwear and build from there. Finish with a water-resistant shell. In addition, keep dry layers available in case you need to replace wet clothing or add to existing layers.

3.) Move. Stay as active as possible. Wiggle your fingers and toes, circle your arms, and walk. Keep moving. Don’t allow the cold to take hold of you. Exercise burns calories which creates heat.

4.) Stay alert. If you are in a group, keep an eye on those around you. If someone is acting out of character, having trouble

moving, has slurred speech, or is displaying other symptoms of hypothermia, get help. You also need to make sure that you are observing these same signs and symptoms in yourself and take appropriate steps if necessary.

5.) Don’t fear the cold. Cold weather should not be feared, but it definitely needs to be respected. Be smart and take precautions. Make sure you are adequately fed, hydrated, and dressed. Wear appropriate footwear. Be adaptable and keep spare clothing on hand. Also, be prepared to be outside for an extended period in case you get lost, or things don’t go as planned.

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Statewide Bear Seasons About to Kick Off


offering a bear

season in 2022. As was

case last year, it’s essentially offering three.

Properly licensed hunters can take black bears in multiple ways — with bows, muzzleloaders and, in cases, even rifles — in what can be considered the early bear season.

That includes the archery bear season, which runs from Sept. 17 to Nov. 25 in Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) 2B, 5C and 5D, from Oct. 1 to Nov. 18 in

WMU 5B, and statewide from Oct. 15 to Nov. 5. It also includes the muzzleloader and special firearms seasons. Muzzleloader hunters can take a bear from Oct. 15 to 22, while juniors, seniors and some other special categories of hunters — including mentored hunters ages 16 and under, active-duty military and certain disabled persons’ permit holders — can harvest a bear with a firearm from Oct. 20 to 22.

The second component of Pennsylvania bear hunting is

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the regular statewide bear season. It runs from Nov. 19 to 22, including the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

Finally, there’s the extended bear season, which allows hunters with a license for bears to take one during all of part or the firearms deer season. The extended season runs from Nov. 26 to Dec. 3 in WMUs 1B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E and 5A, including the Saturday and Sunday that mark the first two days of deer season, and from Nov. 26 to Dec. 10 in WMUs 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D, which includes the entirety of deer season.

Hunters can take only one bear during the license year. But added together, those seasons provide a lot of opportunity.

It’s no wonder then that bear hunting

license sales are so strong. A total of 215,219 people bought a bear license in 2021; that was not far off 2020’s record sales of 220,471. In both years, only whitetailed deer put more hunters in the woods.

“Pennsylvania continues to offer tremendous bear hunting,” said Emily Carrollo, the Game Commission’s black bear biologist. “We’ve got lots of bears, and lots of big ones, and hunters can pick and choose when and how they want to pursue them. If there’s ever been a great time to be a Pennsylvania bear hunter, this is it, right now.”

The numbers prove that. Hunters harvested 3,659 bears in 2021. That’s the state’s fifth-best harvest ever.

Those bears came from across the seasons.

The archery bear season produced 672 bears, while the muzzleloader and special firearms seasons chipped in 536. Combined, those 1,208 bears amounted to about one-third of the total 2021 harvest.

The regular bear season, meanwhile — true to form — contributed the biggest portion of the harvest. Hunters then got 1,314 bears across four days. That was the second third of the total harvest.

The extended season accounted for the final third of the harvest, producing 1,127 bears.

“The extended bear season adds excitement for hunters, allowing them to seek deer and bears at the same time, doubling their chances of placing their tag on an incredible trophy,” said Game Commission Executive

Director Bryan Burhans. “As the numbers show, hunters are finding much success, too, in this and other bear seasons, and statewide bear hunting is about to kick off once again.

In 2021, hunters harvested at least one bear in 59 of the state’s 67 counties and in 22 of its 23 WMUs.

None of that is to say every bear hunter who hits the woods will fill their tag. Success rates for bear hunters still hover around 3% or less.

But, Carrollo said, hunters who find the food sources bears are keying on at various times throughout the fall, and hunt those spots hard, always have a chance. And not just in one season, but several.

41 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 1868 E. 3rd St • Williamsport, PA 570.326.1561 220 N. Jay St • Lock Haven, PA 570.893.4220 www.FishRE.com Follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/FishRealEstate We currently represent numerous qualified buyers looking for the right property. CALL US NOW IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING SELLING IN 2022! AGENT OF THE WEEK • Williamsport School District • 3 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 1,520 sq ft; 11 acre lot • $450,000 Please contact Denise Reis (570)772-4493 for further information. FEATURED LISTING! DENISE REIS (570) 772-4493 MLS# WB-95738 1264 Colvin Rd., Williamsport • Loyalsock School District • 2 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 1,424 sq ft; .54 Acres • $299,900 Please contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95873 161 Madison Ave., Montoursville • Keystone Central School District • 3 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 1,662 sq ft; .55 acres • $409,990 Please contact Ross Weaver (570)505-2550 for further information. MLS# WB-95904 204 Whitetail Circle, Mill Hall • Williamsport School District • 3 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 1,634 sq ft; .27 Acres • $229,900 Please contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95831 2609 Hillside Ave., Williamsport • Montoursville School District • 4 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 2,100 sq ft; .61 Acres • $219,900 Please contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95892 207 Cold Springs Rd., Montoursville • Sullivan County School District • 5 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 2,838 sq ft; 1 acre • $229,000 Please contact Kassandra Moore (570)506-6531 for further information. MLS# WB-94938 11959 Rte. 42, Muncy Valley • Jersey Shore School District • 2 Bedrooms; 1 Bathroom • 1,056 sq ft; .80 acres • $225,000 Please contact Cherry Lorson (570)419-2276 for further information. MLS# WB-95829 5508 N. PA-44 Hwy., Jersey Shore • Keystone Central School District • 3 Bedrooms; 2.5 Bathrooms • 1,817 sq ft; .54 acres • $349,990 Please contact Ross Weaver (570)505-2550 for further information. MLS# WB-95903 8 Whitetail Circle, Mill Hall • Williamsport School District • 4 Bedrooms; 2 Bathrooms • 1,778 sq ft; .28 Acre Lot • $234,900 Please contact Tony Nardi (570)220-4625 for further information. MLS# WB-95868 660 Harding Ave., Williamsport • Keystone Central School District • 4 Bedrooms; 2.5 Bathrooms • 1,909 sq ft; .64 acres • $369,990 Please contact Ross Weaver (570)505-2550 for further information. 210 Whitetail Circle, Mill Hall MLS# WB-95905 NEW LISTING! • Montoursville School District • 3 Bedrooms; 1 Bathroom • 1,932 sq ft; .27 acres • $229,900 Please contact Stephen Furey (570)220-4624 for further information. MLS# WB-95877 1222 Cedar St., Montoursville NEW LISTING! • South Williamsport School District • Multi-Units • 2,240 sq ft; .14 Acre Lot • $189,900 Please contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95869 471-473 Percy St., S. Williamsport • Loyalsock School District • 4 Bedrooms; 3 Bathrooms • 3,584 sq ft; .73 Acre Lot • $409,900 Please contact Robert Pierce (570)279-0856 for further information. MLS# WB-95872 1321 Sandhill Circle, Montoursville NEW LISTING! NEW LISTING! PENDING! NEW LISTING! PENDING! NEW LISTING! NEW LISTING!NEW LISTING! WHITE DEER CONCRETE LLC MONTGOMERY PA * (570) 515-0477 * DRIVEWAYS * PARKING LOTS * BASEMENTS * * POURED WALLS * ICF WALLS * RETAINING WALLS * * ALL TYPES OF FLOORS * SCHEDULE YOUR DRIVEWAY NOW!!! FREE ESTIMATES * FULLY INSURED * PA HIC #0022762 Can you change the following wording to red to match the stop sign color SCHEDULE YOUR DRIVEWAY NOW !!! ???

Bedroom Groups

Beautiful autumnal photo of the woods across from the Montoursville Boat launch showing a mirror-like reflection of the woodsy colors on the surface of the Susquehanna River.~Submitted by Joe B, Montoursville.

Have a photo to submit? Remember, you can submit pictures of anything from around the area! Email it along with your name, hometown & brief description to webbnews@webbweekly.com We Want


“Thursday” October 27th 2022 • 5:30 pm

143 School Lane Lairdsville Pa. 17742

Approx. 6 miles on 118 East from Hughesville 5:30 P.M. - Very nice Antiques and Collectibles including several cream ringed pottery bowls, cast iron pcs., Budweiser rolling cooler, small amount of furniture and much more!! These Pcs are clean and in very good condition please watch next weeks ad for more listings. For pictures and listing go to auctionzip.com ID#45518, keep checking back as we are adding items daily. We Hope To See You There!!!! Terms: No buyers premium, cash, or good pa check, credit cards with 3.5% loss, 6% sales tax to be applied, buying as is where is, statements made the day of auction take precedence over any previous material.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 42 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 *See store for details. Monday - Thursday: 9-5 Friday: 9-7 Saturday: 9-5 Sunday: Closed 2969 Eagle Valley Rd Mill Hall, PA 17751 570-748-5587 www.smith-furn.com SmithFurniture 12-Months 0% Interest Financing Available Free In - Home Delivery, Set - up & Removal MM101GiselleBrosmerAlicia Sedona Fall Into Savings Sofa Groups Reclining Many Styles, Fabrics & Brands Sleep Sofas Twin, Full & Queen Many Styles, Brands & Fabrics Dining Groups Solid Wood Several Styles & Finishes Reupholstery 75+ Years Of Skilled Craftsmanship Huge Selection of Fabrics & Leathers To Choose From Our showroom & warehouse are stocked full for immediate delivery! We’ve Got The Look That’s You! Sectionals Stationary & Reclining Many Styles, Fabrics & Brands Sofa Groups Stationary Many Styles, Fabrics & Brands
Solid Wood Many Brands, Styles & Finishes
to Feature Your Photo! Send it in Today!

Park Place to Host ‘Boo on the Porch’



Place, the former Park Home and, before that, the former Park Hotel, is one of Williamsport’s most venerable architectural artifices; so, it seems only natural that it should help host a spooky fundraiser, “Boo on the Porch” to be held Friday, October 21 from 5 to 7 p.m. This fundraiser helps to fund an organization devoted to preserving and celebrating Williamsport’s unique architectural heritage, Preservation Williamsport.

Preservation Williamsport, a nonprofit organization, known for its unique fundraisers and events, has ensured this will be a night of spooktacular fun! Park Place has generously offered to sponsor the venue location this year. This Halloweenthemed fundraiser will be held Friday, October 21, 2022, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Park Place, 800 West Fourth Street, Williamsport. For your enjoyment, there will be six Halloween-themed porches with live music provided by the Cadillac Cats and various food and beverages.

Remember to bring extra cash, as there will be games, a 50/50 raffle, and a Chinese auction with various baskets donated by local businesses. There will also be a costume contest, so come in your best and spookiest Halloween costume if you dare.

All proceeds from this event will go to Preservation Williamsport to help maintain and preserve The Rowley House Museum and the rest of Williamsport’s precious architectural heritage. Tickets can be purchased in advance at a discounted rate

of $35.00 at preservationwilliamsport. com, by stopping by Fink’s Paint Store, or by calling Larry Fryda at 570-560-7188. Tickets will also be for sale at the event for $45.00.

Preservation Williamsport could not have these events without the generous sponsors and donations from our local community businesses. They would like to thank the venue sponsor Park Place and event sponsor Jersey Shore State Bank, as well as Kay Ertel, Farrington Place, Loyalsock Hotel, Anthony H. Visco, Jr. Architects, , BJ Van Ess, DHM Construction and Land Management, Ederson Dean, Elion, Grieco, & Shipman, P.C., Jim and Cindy Bower, Temptations Brows & Beyond, Keystone Furniture Restorations, Fink’s Paint Store, Ultimate Express Car Wash, Mid- State Beverage Co., The Print Shoppe, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc., Evergreen Financial, Mary Welch, Pour Choices Winery, Riss’s Place, Lycoming Candy, Sam’s Place, Chef Hosch, Bobby McGuire, Frank & Amy Schemery with Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Hodrick Realty, Edward Jones-David Tanney, Susquehanna Gallery and Frame Shoppe, K&C Collectibles, PP&L, Bull Frog Brewery, Boom City, Riepstine’s Pub, New Trail Brewery, Venice Pizza, Sheetz, Faxon Cleaners, Giant Foods, LaBlanc Bakers, Webb Weekly, McCormick Law Firm, Whitney’s Therapeutic Massage, Rust and Shine, Patinaz, Home Service Beverage, Lisa Fink Pottery and European Nail & Spa.

The next big fundraising event and most noted event for Preservation Williamsport will be the annual Victorian Christmas celebration to be held on Saturday, November 19.

Saturday, October 29, 2022 • Starting at 8:00am 48 +/- Acre Union County Farm

Tillable and rest in Forest & Fence Rows & 2 Streams [Little Bu alo & Un-Named]. e farm has a well built Bank Barn w/ Straw Shed used for raising Angus Cattle. Machinery Shed, 2 Car garage. e Home dates back to 1780/s with 3 bedrooms, full bath, large farm kitchen w/ picture window, sitting room w/ replace wood burning insert, front living room. e home has been remodeled to expose the great beam woodwork thru out the home. Well , Standard Septic, - 2 Car Unattached Garage w/ Patio with view. To see this Great Property Contact Auctioneer at 570-538-2227. Terms: $20,000 Down and Balance in 60 Days. All Terms made known day of Auction or by Contacting Attorney James Baldwin 570-742-8508.


KIOTI DK35 4wheel Drive Tractor w/ KL1450 Loader[ Like New]; Farmall H NFE Tractor; John Deere 265 Riding Garden Tractor w/ Mower Deck; Exmark 23 Hp Lazer Z Ultra Cut 60in Zero Turn Mower w/ 891hrs at write up; Ford 501 7 3pth Sickle Bar Mower; 7 3pth Back Blade; 3pth DR Chipper; Ford Fordson Manure Spreader; Flatbed Wagon; 6 Pull Type Brush Mower; Electric Fencer; Fence Post & Wire; Log Chains; Hand & Garden Tools; Mechanics Tools; Paramo 5in Swivel Bech Vise; Stihl MS192T & MS251C Chain Saws; Cra sman Bench Grinder; Shoulder Bag Clover Seeder; Echo Straight Sha Gas Weed Eater; Floor Jacks & Stands; Pipe & Wood Clamps; Handsaws; Sanborn 3hp Portable Air Compressor; Pressure Washer; Farm Ropes; 8x12 Tandom Axle Flatbed Trailer; Cow Hobbles & Neck Chains; Metal Steel Implement Seats; Wooden Wide Butcher Planks; Wooden Wagon Wheels; Signed M&H 110lb Anvil 4in wide x 21in to tip; Wooden Barn Pulleys; 1 Hole Corn Sheller; Grain Fanning Mill; Platform Bag Scale; Wooden Neck Stanchion Yokes; Tanned Angus Steer Hide; John Deere Gas Leaf Blower; Cra sman 12in Planer; Grizzly Sander; Metal Roller Conveyor; ROUGH CUT BARN LUMBER: [Ash, Cherry, Pine & Others- Some Lumber over 150 yrs Old]; Farm Apple Cider Grinder & Press;


Country Store Enterprise 2 Wheel Co ee Grinder; Slant Top Wooden Feed Box; Steel Wheels; Wooden Croquet Set; Wooden Barrel Butter Churn w/ X Yoke Stand; Vintage Decorated Childs Wooden Sled; Defender Motor Oil Can; Advertising Tins; Owl Decoy; Wooden DuPont Explosive Box; Granite Co ee Pots; Milch Can; Wooden Slaw Boards; Purina Chow “Cow Chow” Brass Face Milk Scale; Alum. Berry Pail; Vintage Wooden Wheelbarrow; Wooden Applebutter Stirrers; Metal Childs Train Riding Toy; Reading Railroad Long Neck Oil Can; Battleboro Jelly Co. Glass Maple Syrup Jug; CAST IRON PANS: [Griswald #3 Small Logo, Griswald #9 w/ Small Logo, Griswald #273 Crispy Corn Bread Mold, #8 CI Pan w/ Smoke Ring, Wagner #8 w/ Smoke Ring, CI #10 w/ Front Pour Spout, 3 Griddles]; Iron Butcher & Hearth Forks & Ladles; Cast Iron Reading Apple Peeler; Modern Cast Iron Fire Mark F.I.Co.; Vintage Keys; Vintage Farm Manuals & Brochures; 8 Hole Metal Candle Mold; Vintage Solar Model 624 Kerosene Vehicle Lamp; Cole Mounted Kerosene Vehicle Lamp; Vintage Paper Mache Face Pumpkin; Schaefer Beer Can Tin Cup; Family Scale; Bechtel’s Dairy Bottle [Lewisburg]; High Wheel Cultivator; Wooden Mashers; Dodge Ram Hood Ornament; Super Marvel Hair Dresser Electric Perm Device [circa. 1940]; Longaberger Baskets: [5pc Stacking Harmony Baskets, 1999 Generosity , 1997 Snowake, 1998 Hospitality, 1992 Large Gathering, 1998 Harbor, 1996 Community Plus Others]; Roseville #74-7in Handled Vase; Ruby Coin Glass; Victorian Fancy Marble Top Hall Tree; St of 4 Ladderback Chairs; 7 10in Wooden Church Pew; Marble Top Parlor Stand; Modern Upholstered Queen Ann Style Wingback Recliner; Upholstered Country Red Pattern Wing Back Sofa [Like New]; Wooden 4 Prong Hay Fork; Art Glass Creamers; Oak Wooden Clothes Tree; Premier Metal Egg Grader & Scale; Wooden Fresh Egg Carrier Marked C.W. Oldt- Lewisburg,Pa [Rare Hard To Find]; Stainless Steel Surge Measure Scoops; Comic Books; Sunrise School Souvenirs [1913-1915]; US Navy Pea coat; Tall German Steins; Tin Lunch Box; Vintage Ladies Hats; Sargent Cigar Chest Ptd.1908; Reverse Painted Picture; Linen Table Clothes; Victorian Marbletop Dresser w/ Teardrop Pulls; Mohair Boyds Bear; 5pc. Pitcher & Bowl Set; Country Wooden Bedside Chamber Pot; Oak Chest w/ Red Velvet Lining; WW2 German Helmet, Gott Mitt Uns German Belt Buckle & Belt, WW2 US Foot Trunk; Repro White House Lincoln Dishes; Boyds Bears; 6 Board Blanket Chest; US Navy Pictorial History 1917; Patch Quilt; CROCKS: [F.H.Cowden – Harrisburg Jug , 12 Gallon Pickle Crock, Brown Top Crocks, Sausage Crocks]; TOYS & TRAINS: [Ertl Ford 4000 Tractor, Hubley Tractor w/ Loader, Metal Truck & Dump Trailer, Vintage HESS Trucks, Tonka Grader & Trencher, Steel Pedal Tractor w/ Cart; Lionel Engine & Tender # 2020, Seaboard Engine # 6250, Rolling Stock # 3459 Operating Ore Car, #3454 Operating Merchandise Box Car, #6357 Caboose, Sunoco Tank Car,



43 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322NIPPENOSE CHIMNEYS & STOVES -- STOVE & CHIMNEY INSTALLATION -Monday - Saturday 7:00am - 4:00pm • Closed Sundays 7807 Rte 44 Hwy – Collomsville • 570-745-3660 (JUST EAST OF ROUTE 654) Premium High Heat Wood Pellets $309 PER SKID 2 OR MORE SKIDS $300 Which DS Product is Right for You? • Anthra-Max • DS Circulator • Energy Max#110 • Energy Max#160 • Kozy-King • Ecomiser • HeatRight • Comfort Max • Econo Riteburn • CoalMaster • Power Boilers (#5000, 6000, 7000) • Aqua-Gem Boilers (#1100, 3200, 4200) • GH Blast #450 Propane or Natural Gas Water Boiler Comfort Max #75 Coal, 70,000 BTU Heco 520 Wood or Coal 90,000 BTU
We will be selling from the Robert & Barb Koch Farm, Located at 5946 New Columbia Road, New Columbia. Pa. 17856. From New Columbia travel West approx 5.5 miles To Auction Site
We will be o ering at 12:00 noon a Incredible Picture Farm w/ approx 48 Acres. Approx. 30
#456 Lionel Coal Ramp, Automatic Gateman, Trainmaster RW Transformer &
Pcs of Interest]; Signs: [2] 6 x6 A&P Store Signs, “ Eastern on the Ball” Metal Trucking Company Sign; PA Dutch Stick Candy Sign; Plus Many More Items Yet To Be Found!
Savage – Anschutz .22 cal. Ri e w/ Swi Scope; Ithica Model 37 Featherlite 16ga. w/ Engraved Ducks & Pheasants & Brass Bead; 1937 German Model 98 Sporterized 8mm Mauser, Hi Standard Double 9 .22cal. Western Pistol w/ Box; Winchester Model 94 .32cal Nickel Steel, Lever Ri e [Serial # 1008615]; Winchester Model 70 .270 cal w/ Belbar 2.5 x 8 Scope, [serial # 204806]; Iver Johnson Side x Side; Hunting Knives; Hunting Clothes); Plus Other Items Of Interest 1964 FORD THUNDERBIRD BRIGHT RED w/ BLACK LANDAU ROOF 144,000 Original Miles- Restored in 2012[ Engine & Transmission Rebuilt w/ only 2k Miles ] A REAL SHOW STOPPER!! – To Be O ered at 1:00pm – Sold w/ Owner Con rmation 1993 FORD-150 REGULAR CAB 4 WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP TRUCK 5 Speed w/ Overdrive Automatic - 77,000 Original Miles – Garage Kept- NO RUST!- Grey/ Black A REAL DIAMOND - MUST SEE FIND!! TERMS: CASH, GOOD PA CHECK, [CREDIT CARDS w/ $50.00 Min & 4% Processing FEE] OUT OF STATE BUYERS: Must have Bank Letter Of Credit Guaranteeing Funds SELLERS: Robert & Barbara Koch JOB JOHNS • TENT IF INCLEMENT • LUNCH BY MARANATHA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PHOTOS: Auctionzip.com #2189 & GoToAuctions.com #4136 AUCTIONEER: Michael & David Weaver Allenwood, Pa. 17810 PHONE : 570-538-2227 PA#AU002180-L and AU006061-L For Pictures Go To: Auctionzip.com #2189 / GoToAuction.com #4136


consumed a lot of fairy tales in your lifetime.

Princesses on mattresses, princesses with glass slippers, princesses in towers, princesses and frogs, you knew them all before reality set in and you stopped dreaming about any sort of handsome prince. And that’s fine; in the new novel, “The Book Eaters”

you’re absolutely better off without one.

As a child, Devon Fairweather’s days were spent in Yorkshire moors near her family’s mansion, exploring the woods, and playing with her next-oldest brother, Ramsey. She didn’t worry about school because she was a book eater; nourishment and knowledge both came from pages of literature and nonfiction. She particularly loved the taste of fairy tales.

She’d been a fearless child, secure in the knowledge that princesses like her were rare and never punished as long as they kept quiet, married twice, bore two children, then gracefully withdrew. Devon’s

brothers — and there were many — became knights or rulers of their Family’s quadrant. Other children — those unfortunate offspring born with a mind eater’s curled proboscis — were whisked away at birth to become dragons because they couldn’t be trusted not to kill. That was the way it was. Like everything in the Family, it was as it’d always been, just as it was expected that princesses would relinquish their children— forcibly, if necessary.

Devon had lost her firstborn this way, and she vowed that it wouldn’t happen again. So when her second-born cried with a tell-tale curled tongue and her hus-

band prepared to send the baby to the knights, Devon weighed her options: find someone in the Ravenscar Family to give the boy curing medicine; hunt for him bi-weekly, until he could hunt for himself; or let the Family have her son.

Or she could run, as she’d done for three years now, as knights and dragons

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 44 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 AWARD-WINNING SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR MOVING NEEDS! ROAN’S Transfer & Storage ROANMOVING.COM • 570-322-7553 VISIT OUR NEW REVISED WEBSITE! Information on All Our Moving Services • Local/Long-Distance Moves Helpful Move Plan & 8-Week Checklist to Help Organize Your Move! CHECK OUT OUR GREAT GOOGLE REVIEWS! 2022
“The Book Eaters”
Dean c.2022, Tor $26.99 304 pages
by Sunyi Dean,
The Bookworm Sez it'srealwood... Visitourshowroom handcraftedfurniturefor everyroominyourhome! 1520beaverrunrd mifflinburg,pa17844 railsidefurnishings.com customdesign|live-edge|kitchens|outdoor|mattresses Quality Air Mechanical CALL US FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL NEEDS • Air Conditioners • Gas Piping • Boilers • Furnaces • Heat Pumps • Plumbing • Ductless Systems • Water Heaters • Preventative Maintenance 76 Terminal Rd., Montoursville PA 17754 570-322-6500 Serving the Area Since 2002 24 Hour Emergency Service

watched for her constantly and circled her everywhere and her boy was always hungry. As he grew, so did the danger, and there’d be no Happily Ever After...

Princesses, knights, and dragons, oh my! They’re there, plus everything else you want in a dark fable — tattered cities, menacing thickets, evil step-relatives, monsters — all of which makes “The Book Eaters” a fairy tale that definitely isn’t for five-year-olds.

It’s probably not even the kind of book a sensitive soul would want to read before bedtime; the very idea of a world full of thick-browed dragons and exhausted princesses running parallel to ours could either keep you awake


or give you nightmares. It wouldn’t help that you’d be happily plagued by multiple I-didn’t-see-that-coming plotlines and a modern-not-modern heroine who fights misogyny, child-snatching, and being someone’s lunch.

And how wonderful is author Sunyi Dean’s prose?

Well, on the first page, she shoves readers into a dank apartment above a car repair business, and we can practically smell the rubber of new tires.

Indeed, it’s gut-punch storytelling that shouts at the imagination.

No, sorry, this ain’t the Brothers Grimm. It’s much better, dark and tasty. You’ll be obsessed with “The Book Eaters.” You’ll devour it.









Super Screamers race cars - 50th Anniv. Corvette Table Top race setStudent desk lamp - Quilts - Vintage baby steamer chest & clothing - - Dress form - Steamer trunk - Hanging Kero lamp w/ White Opal top shade - Slag glass lamp - Old dolls - Small 48 star flag - Loom shuttles - Wicker babe buggy - MUCH MORE!!

6:15- Furniture - Glider rocker - Early Brass bed - 3 Pc. Bedroom set w/ wash stand, mustard color - Oak Curio Cabinet w/ bevel glass doors - Oak Glass face, 1 door China cabinet - Oak Square top lamp stand - Early Cabinet 2 glass doors over 2 blind doors - Lighted Oak Curio Cabinet - Wall mounted, fl oral Coat hanger - Emperor Moon dial Grandmothers clock - Square Oak Farm table w/ 6 chairs - and MUCH MORE !! Auctioneer Note: FULL listing & pictures on auctionzip.com (enter #5545) & GoToAuctions.com (enter 5228). Chairs provided, good food and laughter is available!!

Terms: Cash or good PA check. Credit cards (include lost 3% Discount). All verbal statements take precedence over previously written materials. All items are sold “AS IS, WHERE IS”, No guaranties made by the seller. Signifi cant Incident Date Oct. 22, 2022. “NO BUYER’S PREMIUM”.

Well-constructed “fixer-upper”, two story home, built prior to 1978, with approx. 2,472 sq. ft. on 3.6 acre parcel. Home has a macadam driveway, partial basement, good roof, vinyl & alum siding, 4 BRs, office, 2.5 ba, eat-in kitchen, spacious family room, LR /parlor and DR, rear porch and an attached 2 car garage. Basement also has an exterior exit. Utilities—oil fired furnace with hot water baseboard heat & a LR fireplace insert for a wood fireplace, well water, on-site sewer and 200-amp electric service. Property also has an unattached 20’x 40’ 2 story, garage/workshop/barn with wood heat, upstairs storage space & a 2 yr old metal roof. Home also has a nice yard with a Gazebo next to a small pond and a small stream flowing at the rear of the property. Property could be used for raising a few horses/livestock. Loyalsock school district! Terms: $10,000 real estate property depos it required day of auction, with good PA check or certified funds payable to Marquette’s Auction Marketing, balance at closing within 60 days of sale date. 3% buyer’s premium to be added to the purchase price of real estate. Real estate is sold “as-is” & is subject to owner confirmation. Statements made day of auction take precedence over previously printed material. Inspections may be done prior to auction at potential buyer’s expense.

Tag Sale/Auction Items—Pickup Truck w/Snow Plow-Bri Mar Trailer-Log Splitter-Antiques Woodworking Equipment-Balsawood Airplanes-Shed-Contractor’s Tools-Furniture-Appliances

Special Note: Three items will be auctioned off on Saturday just prior to the real estate auction… the 2007 Ford F-250, the Bri-Mar trailer & the log splitter. Also, the auctioneer reserves the right to auction off any remaining Tag Sale items leftover, following the real estate auction. Hours 9-4 daily or by appointment only! All items priced & sold as-is with no warranties applied. Terms: Cash or good PA check only, ID required. Updated info & pics @ marquetteauctions.com, auctionzip.com ID1907 or GoToAuction.com ID6181. Owners not responsible for accidents. Selling the real estate & contents for the Estate of Paul C. Eck, well known local general contractor. Melinda Bender & Susan Alkus, Co-executrixs.

45 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Lawn Care “We Make Lawns Look Good!” Call for Free Estimates: 570-560-2192 or 570-560-2231 For Fall Lawn Cleanup CALL TODAY!
– Auctioneer –Chuck Kindlimann AU-003818-L To all VETERANS, THANK YOU for your service!! LLCLicensed Auction Co. AY002384 92 Industrial Park Rd., Muncy, PA 17756 570-935-0376 PUBLIC ESTATE AUCTION #512 THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 2022 AT 5:00 P.M. 92 INDUSTRIAL PARK RD., MUNCY, PA (SELLING AT OUR GALLERY ON THE FARM, LOOK FOR THE WINDMILL) ANTIQUES / COLLECTIBLES / CLOCKS / FURNITURE 5:00 – or there ‘bouts-(Outback): Misc. furnishings - Hand & Elec. ToolsTool Chest - Misc. Garden tools. 5:45
Antiques & Collectibles - Blue
Porcelain Sign - Nice Variety
Glazed Crocks
Wooden Candle Box shelf
Marquette’s Auction Marketing Tom Marquette, AU-002855L, 570/916-6903
C. Eck Estate Real Estate Farmette Auction, Saturday, November 5 @ 11:00am and 3 Day Estate Tag Sale, Thurs, Fri & Saturday • November 3, 4 & 5, 9-4 daily 2635 Northway Road, Williamsport, PA 17701 (located only 2 mi. from Intersection of 4 mi. Dr. & Northway Rd.) Real Estate Farmette Open House Showings Sunday, October 23rd & 30th, 2 to 4 P.M. (or by private showing with auctioneer)

UPMC Specialist: Understanding Ankle Injuries:

half-hour break in between treatments, Compress the injury by wrapping the ankle in a bandage and


common injury for

at any time. Hiking down

trail, walking

the stairs with a loaded laundry bas-

mowing the grass in the backyard and

into that ditch you’ve been meaning to fill in — it can happen to anyone. Ankle injuries come in different severities. Sometimes a couple days on the couch of resting and icing can do the trick but other times a trip to the doctor is needed to differentiate between a sprained or a broken ankle. What’s a sprained ankle?

An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments that surround the ankle joint become injured. A sprain happens when the ankle rolls, turns or twists beyond its normal motion and is more severe if the ligaments are torn rather than stretched. Significant bruising around the joint and into the foot may be a sign of torn ligaments. Many sprained ankles are recurring ankle sprains that never completely healed. It’s important to make sure you’re fully healed before returning to physical activity and that starts by using the R.I.C.E. treatment:

Rest the injured ankle (using crutches or walking boot if needed),

Ice for 10 to 20 minutes with a

Elevate the foot at least 30 degrees above heart level when possible.

It’s important to start R.I.C.E. as soon as possible after injury to quickly get back on your feet. Recovery time depends on the severity of the injury, most sprains require two to six weeks to heal. Overall, treatment of a sprain involves three steps: control inflammation, regain strength and range of motion.

You should also see your physician to rule out a broken ankle, especially if the injury is unusually painful. Constant aching, night pain and inability to bear weight on your ankle for four steps can be a sign of a fracture. Since the most important risk factor for ankle sprains is a previous sprain, you may decide to see a physician to lower the risk for recurring problems.

What’s a broken ankle?

A fractured or broken ankle is a partial or complete break of one or more bones in the ankle. People most commonly break an ankle when doing physical activities like running and jumping, however, any impact from falling or tripping also can cause a fracture. Traumatic events such as car accidents are another common cause of fractured or broken bones. Although the severity may vary, broken ankle injuries are highly treatable for most people.

Symptoms of a broken ankle are similar to

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 46 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 884 Route 14 • Trout Run • 570-666-5478 Yard Hours: Wed. 2:00-5:30PM • Sat. 9:00-3:00PM Delivery Available Let us Bring it to you! WE HAVE YOUR COAL! • LET US SUPPLY YOUR HEAT • DEALER OF BAREFOOT WOOD PELLETS • CALL FOR PRICING OF COAL OR WOOD PELLETS All Forms of Payment Accepted Cash, Check, Credit Cards Myer’s Home Heating Supply 2282 Beaver Rd., Mifflinburg, PA 17844 • 570-966-3822 Founded in 1987 7,000 sq. ft. of fabric and Sewing machine supplies Sewing Cabinets, Chairs & Tables Large Variety of Fabrics Offering Classes: Sewing, Quilting and Embroidery • Sewing Machine Sales & Service • Quilting Machine Sales & Service • Embroidery Machine Sales & Service WeRepairAll MakesWeRepairAll & Models! METAL • RUBBER • FOAM EPOM • PLY • PVC 644 Cooley Rd Allenwood, PA 17810 570-217-0561 REPAIRING or REPLACING YOUR ROOF? Specializingin WATERPROOF your roof with QUALITY THAT LASTS! RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL ROOFING PA148499 Zachary Ritter, DPM Podiatry, UPMC Foot & Ankle
a very
athletes, ankle injuries can happen to anyone
your favorite local
ket, or

a sprained ankle and can include, but aren’t limited to, swelling, bruising, and, in some cases, visible deformity and difficulty bearing weight. Though sprained ankles can sometimes be diagnosed at home, broken ankles need to be examined by a doctor and sometimes x-rays and MRIs are needed.

Common types of broken ankles include stable and unstable fractures. A stable fracture is one in which the broken bones remain aligned with each other and are barely out of place. An unstable fracture occurs when there are multiple breaks, the break extends into the ankle joint or there is damage to the cartilage. Unstable ankle fractures are most common in athletes who play high-impact running sports such as football, basketball and soccer. Stable fractures can usually be treated with a boot or cast while unstable

breaks typically require surgery to reset ankle bones and ligaments. Recovery times also vary, some are back on their feet in as little as two months with restrictions on strenuous activity but injuries that require surgery can take up to a year before fully recovered.

Preventing ankle injuries

Accidents are going to happen and, in turn, so are injuries. But there are ways we can help prevent ankle injuries. Stretching and exercise can go a long way in decreasing the chance for ankle problems, but it’s important not to overdo it. Equipment is also very important, making sure you have shoes with good support that are high enough to provide stability. Reinjured ankles are very common. An ankle brace or compression sleeve can decrease the chances and help you keep you on your feet and off the couch.



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hunters have already been taking deer in these early weeks of the season, and soon rifle hunters will join the ranks of those who look forward each year to hunting whitetails and having great-tasting venison for nutritious meals. The recent stretch of cool weather has helped ensure that there is much less chance of meat spoilage, and with proper field care and processing, hunters will be well on their way to providing protein for the

Whether someone is an experienced or a novice hunter, we can all use some added ideas as to how best to use the meat. For those who are fortunate enough to have some fresh venison available, here are a few suggestions as to how to use it for healthy and great-tasting snacks and table fare:

Canned venison:

Probably one of the most overlooked ways of storing venison for months to come is to can it. It is a simple process and can be used for any venison or beef.

While you may use either the water bath method or use a pressure canner, the safer method to ensure thorough cooking of the meat is to use a pressure canner. Begin by trimming away any fat, gristle, or bruised meat, and then cube the meat into 1-inch pieces. Pack the meat into hot canning jars, leaving 1-inch head space.

Add canning salt if desired – I like to use 1 tsp per quart. Do not add liquid! The meat will produce its own juice. Use the handle of a wooden spoon to get out some of the large air bubbles. You won’t get it all out, but try to eliminate the large gaps and air bubbles. Wipe the rims of the jars clean – this is an important step to ensure

proper sealing of the lids. Use a wet paper towel and wipe around each jar rim. Place the warmed lids on the jars and screw the bands finger tight.

Place the jars in your preheated pressure canner, so they are not touching each other. Follow your pressure canner instructions, adjusting the requirements for your elevation — process pint jars for 1 hour and 15 minutes and quart jars for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Once the meat has been properly canned, it has many uses. A jar kept in the refrigerator can provide a quick snack or can be used in preparing a sandwich with the canned meat. If you prefer heating the meat, consider making gravy in the process. Then serve the meat and gravy over

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 48 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
The Roving Sportsman… What to do with Venison BLUE SEAL OF EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION 570-584-410065 SOUTH MAIN ST. • HUGHESVILLE Free Loaner Cars We accept All Insurance Repair All Makes & Models I CAR CERTIFIED New PatieNts (NO INSURANCE) FREE EXAM aNd X-RAYS www.lycomingdental.com Exit 15 off I-180 (Rt. 220). Next to Woodlands Bank and across from Keystone Furniture 570-546-8888 • Extractions • Fillings • Root Canals • Crowns • Dentures • Veneers • Periodontics • Whitening • Nitrous Oxide Financing Options Available Same Day Dental Emergencies LYCOMING DENTAL ASSOCIATES Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 929 Lycoming Mall Drive, Pennsdale, PA. 17756 Most Major Insurance Companies Accepted. NOW ACCEPTING GEISINGER GOLD CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT

rice, pasta, or mashed potatoes. The meat and juice can be used in casseroles or stews, as well as in spaghetti sauce or chili. Consider adding a dab of butter or bacon fat to enhance the flavor.

This is a great way to keep venison for an extended period of time, especially if you have an older freezer or are concerned about electrical power loss for any length of time. Once you have tried canning venison, you will wonder why you hadn’t been doing it before!

Snack sticks and jerky:

One of the most popular uses of venison is in the making of jerky or snack sticks. High Mountain Seasonings makes a wide variety of flavors in their jerky season-

ing and cure packaging. Simply follow their instructions in adding the mixes to ground venison and then finish the sticks or strips off in your oven or preferably in a smoker. They are great for snacking or including in a day pack when you are headed out for a day of fishing, hiking, or hunting.

Venison is one of the healthiest meats you can consume.

It simply does not have all of those “government-approved chemicals!” In addition to all the usual methods of using the meat as steaks, roasts, and burgers, try making the snack sticks or jerky and store some of the meat as canned venison – you will be glad you did!

49 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322


it’s fall, and that means hunting seasons are in full swing, but a lot of us diehard fishermen aren’t quite ready to give up our fishing endeavors just yet. There’s a good reason we’re not ready to hang up our fishing rods since there are still some great fishing opportunities available through the fall. There are still some great bass and walleye fishing prospects, and with the Pennsylvania Fish and

in full swing with their

fall trout stocking, there are again some great trout fishing possibilities, but you don’t want to overlook the panfishing potential either.

I like fishing for just about all freshwater fish, but bluegills, perch, and crappies also garner their fair share of attention.

In my early days of fishing, it was all about bass, pike, and trout, but over time I found that pursuing panfish offered its fair share of skill and enjoyment as well.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 50 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Boat Commission
Outdoors with Ken Hunter… The Hunt for Fall Panfish
Ken Hunter
JIM’S 23 West Main St., Canton, PA. • 570-673-3387 Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm • Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm Under NEW Ownership! Hunting Licenses Available! Call Today for an Appointment 570-322-4741 2685 Euclid Avenue, South Williamsport, PA 17702 www.perioimplants.us Dr. David DiGiallorenzo, DMD and Dr. Henry Hsu, DMD WE DO EXTRACTIONS! AMONG OUR SERVICES Implants Laser Assisted Treatment for Gum Disease Implant Supported Over Dentures Full Mouth Reconstruction With Immediate Total Tooth Replacement Gum Grafting Expertise Doctors Trust, Experience & Comfort Patients Love R&J Welch L.L.C. Firearms 1462 John Brady Drive • Muncy, PA 17756 • 570-546- 6863 Hours: Monday - Fri: 11AM to 6PM • Sat: 10AM to 4PM NEW & USED FIREARMS AMMO & GIFT CARDS VELLA HAS GUN DEALS THAT WILL HAVE YOUR ATTENTION! FABRIC DISCOUNT CENTER 1108 Vine Avenue • 322-6419 Open Daily 9-5 • Sat. 9-4:30 COUPON 25% OFF All Regular Priced Fabric With this ad Offer Expires 11/2/22 ServicesCustom Drapery • Design • Measure & Install • Pinch Pleats • Valances • Jabot • Swags Includes Both Fabric & Labor. Some Restrictions Apply. See Store for Details. CHAIRS ......... $39995 RECLINERS .... $39995 LOVESEATS .... $49995 UPHOLSTERY SPECIALS

On top of that, other than walleyes, panfish are about the only other fish that find their way onto our dinner plates.

Years ago, I thought bluegills were a summertime fish; I thought they could only be caught in farm ponds during the warm days of summer. When I started ice fishing back in the 60s, it became apparent that bluegills and their close relatives, the pumpkinseeds were also quite catchable even through 12 inches of solid ice in the dead of winter; basically, they are catchable year around. The same can be said for the other popular panfish like yellow perch and crappies. While all of these panfish can

be caught year-round, what does change, however, is the “where and how” you pursue these fish as the seasons change.

The “where and how” seem especially apparent when it comes to crappie fishing, probably because crappie fishing has become so popular with so many anglers. If you have ever fished for crappies during the spring and early summer, the action is usually pretty steady, and the place to be is in water, usually under six feet and with some kind of plant or woody structure. Of course, this is also a good place to get some bluegill action. While the bluegills may linger in the shallower water further into the summer months, the crappies will leave the shallows and head for the

deeper, cooler water, and this is where they will be until the following spring. Finding and catching crappies in late summer and now into the fall can take some serious searching, and sonar equipment is highly recommended. It’s also highly likely that your more successful fishermen will be fishing from a boat and covering a lot of water.

Case in point, my brother and I recently hit a local lake with crappies as a main goal. We covered a good bit of water using sonar to locate schools of crappies, and even when we found them, we had to work at getting strikes; the schools moved, and we had to find them all over again. We also managed to pick up some bluegills and perch. Fall panfish can be

caught, but you may have to work a bit harder. Even with sonar equipment, it might also be a good idea to troll slowly in search of active fish. During the summer and even now during the fall, it’s probably best to concentrate your efforts in deep water; we had our best success in 20 to 30 feet of water.

Remember to go lightweight; we use ultralight spinning rods with small open-faced spinning reels and about the four-pound test. I use the light braided line on the reel and attach about six feet of fluorocarbon to the business end; this line setup is much more sensitive to the light strikes coming from panfish 30 feet down. Small jigs with a one to two-inch artificial grub or tube are a good choice.

51 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
NICHOLAS MEAT IS HIRING! • Meat Cutters • Production Workers • QA • Sanitation • Maintenance Mechanics • Warehouse Starting Wage $16.30 per hr. Qualified Rate $16.70 - $20.30 per hr. Maintenance Mechanics $19.00 – $30.30 per hr. Nicholas Meats L.L.C • 508 E. Valley Rd., Loganton, Pa 17747 570-725-3511 • www.nicholasmeats.com If you are interested and want more information, please apply online through the company website, Indeed or in person

Historicalrecords do not indicate the amount of prematch interest or community chatter that may have existed in the days leading up to the Biblical confrontation between David & Goliath, but Friday night’s match-up between Class A Canton and AAAA powerhouse Jersey Shore has been the talk of the town among area football fans in recent weeks.

Although small in enrollment size, Canton, the state’s number one ranked Class A team, has much more talent and firepower going for it than David possessed with his mighty slingshot. In football terminology, Jersey

Shore has indeed been a Goliath to the mercy-rules opponents it has chewed up as Pennsylvania’s 3rd-ranked AAAA team. Going into last week’s game against Montoursville, the Bulldogs had mercy-ruled its first seven opponents by halftime, outscoring their foes 427-60, with the starting defense not allowing a single point.

Pending the outcome of last Friday’s games, both squads should enter the week nine contest with unblemished 8-0 records, with both having legitimate aims at achieving state championship aspirations.

So the question had to be asked.

Why would a Single A school want to schedule a AAAA team or vice versa?

To find the answer, we reached out to Canton’s coach Tyler Sechrist and Jersey Shore headman, Tom Gravish.

Their responses were as varied as the enrollments of the two schools they represent.

“We had Columbia-Montour Vo-Tech scheduled in the ninth week. We are in the

Big-School NTL, and they are in the Small School division. We didn’t have to play each other, and in discussions, both schools agreed to look in other directions this year,” Sechrist explained. “Jersey Shore had an open date that week, and it was intriguing to me. I don’t know if we can compete with them, but we both have good teams and had open dates on our schedules. It is just going to be a one-year deal.

“Our goal is to go further than we did last year. Playing teams like Jersey Shore and Troy at the end of the season, I think, will serve us well and help us to be ready to get to that ultimate goal of a state championship.

“We agreed to the game, and then it got to the point that maybe we bit off a little more than we can chew, and both schools

Mike Kutney


October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 52 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Whom Did You Schedule? Scott on Sports
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actually began looking at the possibilities of scheduling other people. But the only way we were going to cancel the game would have been if both of us could have found quality opponents to fill that date. I wasn’t going to leave Jersey Shore hanging, and they felt the same about us, so we kept it on the schedule.”

Webb Weekly was thrown for a bit of a loss when contacting Gravish a week before the game seeking comment on the Bulldogs’ side of the scheduling intrigue.

Due to this newspaper’s printing deadline, all copy must be submitted the Friday before its following Wednesday publication date. Attempting to speak with Coach Gravish a few days before last week’s Montoursville game, the usually approachable coach declined to give any comment about the Canton game.

“I’ll be glad to talk about anything you’d like about the Montoursville game. But that is all that is on my mind this week. If you’d like to contact me on Monday, I’ll be glad to talk about Canton. I hope you can understand,” he commented.

I totally understand the one-week-ata-time rationale that coaches employ to not let their teams look too far down the road or overlook the next opponent. My explanation that comments discussed in our interview wouldn’t be made public until two days before the Canton game failed to change Coach Gravish’s position on the matter.

His position is respected. It would have been interesting to have gained his

perspective on this Friday’s visit to Canton. One thing is for sure; there will be a big crowd on hand to take witness.

“There is a lot of buzz around this game, and I believe a lot of people will come see it that have no connection to either school,” Sechrist reasoned. “I joked around, saying that if we were to play this game on a Saturday, we would really have a huge crowd. Friday night in Canton will be jumping, and I hope we can compete with them and make it a good game.

“The community support here has been unbelievable. It has been amazing to see how folks in the community have rallied around the team. Canton football has always been a pretty big deal here, but last year it really exploded and has carried over into this year.

“We have a lot of smart kids that have great football knowledge and know a lot about the game. They’ve been able to have success playing the game since they were young, and when you have success like that, it is a good building block. Having this many kids that know football at a small school like this may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I am blessed to have great coaches around me, and the combination of the two has helped us build the program to where it is today.”

Regardless of the outcome of Friday’s game, both teams have their hopes and dreams set on surpassing last year’s remarkable run in this year’s state tournaments. It is a truly unique scheduling commitment. Hopefully, both will emerge as healthy as when they enter the fray.


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this time of year as North Central PA is on fire. Change is in the air. Everything is shining.

Autumn brings us so many vibrant colors. The Visitors Bureau needs to give me a buzz. Our new addition has got me stressed. I wish there were more hours in the day. Sadly, there is no time to fish. My casts have been replaced. I am finding myself hanging drywall instead of enjoying the great outdoors.

I never got into hunting. I was never introduced. I believe it’s a family thing, and we decided to pass. But fishing is a passion. It is something that I truly love. And the fall is one of my favorite times to throw a line. Especially here in PA. The landscapes are just splendid. Pictures don’t do justice. I am only looking for a pause in our construction to sneak away.

We live in Cogan Station, and my favorite stretch is only five minutes away. I am there an awful lot in the spring and summer. Maybe six nights a week. I am dead serious. Ask my lovely bride. But now I am struggling to find some love.

Blue-wing olives are still hatching. But very few fish are feeding on top. I mostly prefer to throw dry flies, but

I will switch to nymphing in the fall. Nymphs are tiny aquatic insects that are still in their underwater stages. It is said that over 90 percent of a trout’s diet consists of the little critters. I totally believe it. Nymphing can be very effective on a year-round basis. Despite their size, trout constantly focus on these small bugs because of their abundance.

I am still a bug-chucking novice. And I have only been at this full throttle since COVID. I still have a long way to go, but I am starting to understand it. My basic nymph setup consists of a 9-foot leader, and I add another 6 inches of tippet. At the very end, I tie my nymph. I literally have hundreds in my box, but I normally stick to one of my favorites. A tungsten-beaded peeping caddis baby. Some folks will add another fly to the bend of the hook, but I normally stick with one. I tend to get tangled. I don’t do well with knots. A split shot is added when needed. I will use a small weight a few inches above my fly. The last piece in my basic nymph rig is my strike indicator tied high above. Again. I am still learning. I have yet to master the High Stick or European method.

The amount of weight I use will

always vary. A lot depends on the speed and depth of the water I am

fishing. The key is to use enough weight to have your nymph bouncing along the bottom.

Trout are more sluggish, and they don’t work as hard.

The placement of my strike indicator also depends, but as a general rule, it should be at one and a half times the depth. Always be sure that your presentation moves with the flow of the current. Your nymph should drift naturally. Drag free.

Pay close attention to your elements. Fish aren’t as dumb as they look. Especially those that are holding over. They aren’t as aggressive as their recently stocked counterparts. The water is clear, and it is filled with leaves. Patience is so important. Throw a few casts upstream to practice. Think slow. Watch that indicator and focus on what happens. Get that nymph close to the floor. You should be able to tell the difference between a strike and brushing the bottom. When you see a sudden twitch or pause, simply raise your rod. There is no need

to set the hook like Bill Dance or Jimmy Houston. The fish will hook themselves. This obviously takes time to master. Don’t get too excited, and stay humble. You are more likely to catch a few leaves. Patience is so important.

The Delayed Harvest section near Powy’s is my personal favorite. I fish this stretch year-round. It provides some exceptional fishing, especially here in the fall. The surrounding area is just gorgeous and spending some time on the water only adds to the experience. I just asked my pops if he wanted to postpone the framing, but he said no. Give nymphing a try, kids. You will be rewarded. Cheers.

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 54 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Sporting Matters With Spence… Nymphing in the Fall
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55 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 COMICS CROSSWORD CLUES Across 1 “Anaconda” rapper Nicki 6 Sizable chunk 10 “Yuck!” 13 Carne follower, in Mexican fare 14 Roll at the airport 15 Former Vietnamese emperor Bao __ 16 Reason kept to oneself 19 Barack Obama, astrologically 20 Old Venetian magistrate 21 Boy in the first family 22 Wig out 25 Country singer Clark 28 Cold weather word 29 Thorny thicket 34 1953 automobile innovation 35 Catch something 38 Put away 39 Some caviar 42 Johnny Olson catchphrase 43 West Indian sorcery 47 Young partner 48 Bum rap 53 Low-cost home loan org. 54 Lug 55 Letters left of center? 58 Leisurely lakeside activity, and a clue for the circled letters 62 “If __ again I meet him beard to beard ... “: Shak. 63 “Yuck!” 64 Whiz 65 Carefree syllable 66 Fun 67 Sarcophagus holder Down 1 Stake-driving hammer 2 Part of a chain 3 Defense acronym 4 Thirst quencher 5 Rattle 6 Bend 7 Slow passage 8 Guitar players, slangily 9 Dust jacket info 10 Safe to put away 11 Encourage to score, as a base runner 12 Brandishes 17 First name in despotism 18 Zap 22 Set up 23 NYC commuter line 24 Ordinal ending 25 TV sched. uncertainty 26 Aunt with a “Cope Book” 27 Divide 30 El __ 31 Maroon 5 singer Levine 32 Counter square 33 Lake of Lombardy 35 Auto company founder Citro’n 36 Golf bag item 37 Not the best of times 40 Universal donor’s type, briefly 41 Uvula doc 42 “Evita” role 43 Counterbalance 44 Loan officer, e.g. 45 Twain’s New York resting place 46 “Make it snappy!” 49 Country about 12 times longer than its widest point 50 Underwear brand 51 Zero 52 Literary monogram 55 Green attitude? 56 Sound often not allowed? 57 “It __ Right”: 1956 Platters’ hit 59 Lunchbox staple, familiarly 60 Cinephile’s TV choice 61 Tool sometimes used for steering (c) 2018 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. Crossword, Jumble and Sudoku Answers Page 62 Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9, with no number repeating in any one row, column or 3-by-3 box.




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SALE Saturday Oct. 22nd 8-5pm. 415 Old Montgomery Pike Road, S. Williamsport, PA. Snap-On Tools, Power Tools, Hand Tools, Stihl FS 94 Clearing Saw, Snapper Rear Engine Rider With Bagger, Air Compressor, Pressure Washer, Werner 28’ Ext. Ladder, Werner Step Ladders, Husqvarna Pole Saw, Stihl Backpack Blower, Bench Grinder, Vise, Vintage Metal Chairs, Plywood Adirondack chairs, Vintage Concrete Statuary & Planters, Box Lots, Much More. 168096

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 56 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
THURSDAY NOON DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS Call Jaimie - 326-WEBB (9322) or classifieds@webbweekly.com Real Estate ... Add $5 for a Picture Classified Advertising That Works Autos • Pets • Employment • Merchandise • Business Service Real Estate • Public Notice • Auctions & More!$15.95 3lines4weeks Merchandise &Autos!! Only $5.55 for 13lines week Breakfast • Wednesday-Sunday • 8am-12pm Dine in or take out • 570-505-1318 BINGO AND BREAKFAST ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. GUESTS ARE WELCOME TO ALL OUR EVENTS. FIND US ON FACEBOOK @ AMERICAN LEGION POST 1 WILLIAMSPORT American Legion Post 1 10 East Third St., Williamsport, Pa 17701 (Corner of Market and Third St) (570) 322-9198 • Bingo: (570) 329-3397 Doors open @ 4:30 pm • Games start @ 6:00 pm Bingo • Up to $100 per game • Jackpot Up to $1000 No machines • Door prizes • Please see our Facebook page for weekly totals. BINGO EVERY WED & SAT.
Come join us for a chance to win the $1000 guaranteed Jackpot, our progressive Bonanza game and more! We H ave Great Food too! 18 face: $28, 12 face: $22, 6 face: $14 • Add a bumper to the 18 face for $9 All packages include a chance to win the Jackpot and Mystery #(s) Doors open at 5pm • Games begin at 6:30pm St. JoSepH tHe Worker pariSH 720 W. 4tH St., WilliamSport, pa 17701 • 570-323-0850 or 570-323-9456 150 Shaffer St. • Duboistown, PA 17702 570-323-1579 VFW HOURS: TUES. - SAT. 12pm-9pm • SUN. 12pm-6pm CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK FOR SPECIALS. VFW 7863THEBUCK VFW LEROY O BUCK POST 7863 BINGO EVERY THURSDAY DOORS OPEN @ 5:00 pm • GAMES START @ 6:00 pm (Food (FAvAilAble) Doors Open at 2:30 PM Game Starts at 4:00 PM Food & Refreshments Available Packs 30 Bumper 10 / Machines 30-50-70 *All packs & machines include Mystery #, Jackpot & the New Progressive Player funded game*
BINGO South Williamsport Fire Department THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! 573 Hastings Street, South Williamsport Phone: 570 326 4167


THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Walnut Street Milton Is Holding Its Fall Rummage/Soup Sale Friday, October 21st, 9-5pm. Saturday, October 22nd, 9-12pm. $2.00 A Bag (Bag Provided) Soup: Quarts $6.00, Pints $3.00 . 168034


MOVING SALE 10/22. 8-2pm, 683 Miller Hill Road, Williamsport. Something For Everyone. 167988

PERFECT-2-PERFECT is having a moving sale at 115 Tiffany Dr, Williamsport. Old Lycoming Twp NEXT WEEK, Thur-Fri Oct 27 & 28. Lot of household goods, toys, garden and lawn supplies and some furniture items. See onlinetradingassistant.com for more info and photos. 168077



Saturday, October 22nd.

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. “Summerville” 7pm-10pm. Snacks Provided, Costumes Not Required. 168079



2898 Heshbon Road, Williamsport (Turn Off Of Lycoming Creek Road) Pastor Jane O’Borski. Worship 9AM, Sunday School 10:15 AM. 165831




Fall Fest. Saturday, October 22. From 11am—1pm on the hill. Come join us for games, hayrides, bounce house, food

and more. Located at 5904 Lycoming Creek Road, Cogan Station. 168076



16” Chainsaw With Battery And Charger. Used Only 2 Hours, Not Enough RunTime For My Purpose. New, $299.00, Asking $175.00.

Bob-O-Pedic Mattress With Adjustable Frame And Mattress Protector, 4 Years Old. New$3,500.00, Make Offer 740-350-5573. 168098

NEW ASHLEY, NATURAL GAS Heater Direct Vent 17,000 BTU, Cream. $533.00 Firm. Call/Msg 570-998-9463. 168069


With Remote. Large Room Size, Works Great. USA Made. $160.00 OBO 570745-7195. 167927


For Sale $75.00 OBO. Good Condition. Call 570-3225113. 167971

PELLET STOVE. Good For Small Apartment Or Cabin. Non-Electric, Gravity Fed Hopper. 570-547-2990. 167901

RAMPED REAR CARGO CARRIER. $50.00 OBO. 570-873-3531. 167897

OIL FURNACE FOR SALE. Used Only A Couple Winters. Output Range, Up To 143,000 BTU. Make Offer. 570-725-2072. 167744

HARMAN PELLET WOOD Stove Insert. All Parts For Hook-Up Included. For More Information Call 570-494-8988. 167499

SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855417-1306. C11

PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES TODAY with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt with a free Quote – Call now before the next power outage: 1-855948-6176. C11

BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable pricesNo payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725. C11

PUT ON YOUR TV EARS & hear TV w/unmatched clarity. TV Ears Originaloriginally $129.95 - now w/ this special offer only $59.95 w/code MCB59! 1-888-8050840. C11

THE GENERAC PWRCELL, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-866-783-0292. M11

PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES TODAY with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options Request a FREE Quote – Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-4657624. M11

SAFE STEP. North America ’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833-356-1954. M11

The Generac PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce

Independent Fire


reliance on grid, prepare for outages and power your home. Full installation services. $0 Down Financing Option. Request FREE no obligation quote. Call 1-877539-0299. C11



BOARDS To Make Crafts With. 570-745-3320. 168087



up Load. Call 570-398-3554. 167912

FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Pick Up Or Deliver. Call 570-220-5227. 167728

HARD WOOD SLAB WOOD $10.00 A Bundle. 570-547-0635. 165640

FIREWOOD DELIVERY In Surrounding Area Or You Pickup. Call 570-692-0938. 167709



der, Tree Stand. 16.5’ Tall Ladder, Padded Shooting Rail, Flip Out Front Rest. New In Box, Never Used. $215.00. Call 570-220-5973. 167483





-Physicians Mutual Insurance Company.

57 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Company #1 306 Clark St. • S. Williamsport, PA • 570-323-6662
Large Pack $20.00 Bumper $5.00 Mystery $1.00 Fireball Bingo up to 2000 • Racing for Jackpot (build up game) Machines $15 - $20 - $40 - $60 Jackpots up to 2000 based on number of players! Doors Open 5:00pm • Games Begin @6:30pm • Thanks for your Support JOIN OUR WILLIAMSPORT TEAM 570-326-0671 STACareers.com AS A SCHOOL BUS DRIVER NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED I PAID TRAINING STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICA IS DRIVING THE FUTURE APPLY ONLINE TODAY OR CALL TO SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEWMinimum 2 yrs. Commercial experience. Must be reliable and hard working. Must work well with others and have a good attitude Drug free work environment Valid Driver’s License required Competitive wage and benefits CARPENTERS WANTED Projects in Williamsport and surrounding area. Apply to robert@jbgibbons.com or call 570-326-2878

Action Heating

Practice And All Bookings. Only Serious Reply: Contact Ray At 570-447-3584. 167737


CONTRACTOR WANTED. Building Damaged By Car. Masonry And Carpentry. Mattress Plus 570-5468486. 167906



350 procedures. Real insurance-not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-526-1060 www. dental50plus.com/ads #6258. C11

STROKE & CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE are leading causes of death according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Call Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer- 5 screenings for $149. Call 1-866-518-8391. M11

DONʼT LET THE STAIRS LIMIT YOUR MOBILITY! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is con-

cerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-844-317-5246. M11


THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587. C11


from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-877-5531891 www.dental50plus. com/macnet #6258. M11



Chair-Lift. 570-323-9119. 168071



ETC. 1930’s to 1980’s. TOP DOLLAR PAID. CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-4338277. C11

WANTED: VINTAGE BOOKS Or Old Novels. Local History And More. Large Or Small Amounts Wanted. We Buy. 570-725-2405. Leave Message On Extn: 1. 167917

FRYING PANS AND ANVILS. CALL 570-9989132. 167513


Sonic Ascension Records Is Buying Albums And 45’s. Rock, Blues, Jazz, Punk, And Metal. No Collection Too Big Or Small. Cash Paid On The Spot! Call 570-3603486 Or Find Us On Facebook. 167705

WANTED TO BUY: Used Canning Jars. 2182 Quarry Road, Jersey Shore,

Pa. 17740. 570-745-7272. 167482

PAYING TOP CASH for men’s sportwatches! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner and Speedmaster. Call 833-6033236 .C11


381 Broad Street

Montoursville, PA

ALWAYS BUYING Quality Antiques, Gold, Silver Top Prices Paid

With Immediate Payment One Piece or Whole Estates

“Member of Certified Appraisers Guild of America”

Open Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 570-368-2597 167512


ESTABLISHED BAND Looking for Lead Vocalist Who Can Play Guitar Or Piano To Replace A Musician Who Retired. Must Be At



120 Kendall Ave. – Jersey Shore, PA

54th Annual Family Style

Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner

Wednesday, Oct. 26th, 2022

In or Takeout 11:30am-3:00pm)

In or Curb Side 4:00pm-6:00pm)

Pork & Sauerkraut, Knockwurst, Mashed Potatoes, Dumplings, Apple Sauce, Bread, Dessert, Coffee & Tea

Adult Advance:

Children Advance:


Part time cleaning positions available in the Williamsport area. Monday - Friday 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Call or text 717-324-1552. 167484

FIRM Seeking To Hire Full Time Estate Planning and Long-Term Care Planning Legal Assistant. Competitive Pay and Benefits Package. Send Resumes to Bobbi Jo Vilello 433 Market Street Williamsport, PA. 17701 or bvilello@mpvhlaw.com . 168088


FIRM Seeking To Hire Full Time Legal Assistant. Previous Experience Preferred. Competitive Pay and Benefits Package. Send Resumes to Bobbi Jo Vilello 433 Market Street Williamsport, PA. 17701 or bvilello@mpvhlaw. com . 168088


IS LOOKING for HVAC Technicians and Helpers with experience in servicing and installing all types of systems (some experience in oil furnaces is a plus). We offer competitive pay, paid vacation and holiday’s, medical benefits and 401K. Please send resume and business references to: PlumbingMasters, 302 Sidney Street, South Williamsport, 17702 or email at plumbingmasters1@verizon.net or call 570-323-1983. 168099

CARPENTERS, DRYWALLERS AND LABORERS. Full-Time. Must Have Own Transportation. Text Or Call 570-854-3480. 167294


FOR SALE This is a low moisture and environmentally green cleaning system. Includes 3 carpet, 1 upholstery and 1 tile floor cleaning machines plus all miscellaneous sprayers, buckets, mops etc. and a Ford Transit Van. This company has a strong customer base with a protected area including Lycoming and six surrounding counties. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY 570-337-4804


CLEANING AND HAULING INSIDE AND OUT. We Will Clean Up And Haul Away Your Unwanted Items From Your Yard, Attic, Basement And Garage. Reliable And Reasonable. Call Gary 570-244-1424 OR 570321-9472. 168092

PROTECT YOUR HOME from pests safely and affordably. Pest, rodent, termite, and mosquito control. Call for a quote or inspection today 844-394-9278. C11

ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING FOREVER! LeafFilter, the most Advanced Debris-Blocking Protection. Schedule FREE LEAFFILTER Estimate today. 15% Off Entire Purchase.

10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936.



Call Daniel. Fully Insured, Free Estimates. 570-9891938. 167279

YARD WORK, CLEANUP. Brush Removal, Hauling, Weed-Whacking. 570439-1934. 166577

Moreland Community Church


PA 17756

VIVINT SMART SECURITY. Professionally installed. 1 connected system for total peace of mind. Free professional installation! 4 free months of monitoring! Call to customize your system. 1-833-841-0737. C11


October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 58 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
Church Drive, Muncy,
Located in Moreland Township. Access from Routes 118 and 442. Guest Pastors Weekly Contactusthrough Facebook Sunday S chool 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Women’s Bible Study 1st Tues. Monthly @ 6:30 pm LET’S AUCTION! SUN., OCT. 23, 2022 @ 10:00am 75 Park Ridge Dr, Shickshinny, PA 18655 Near Muhlenberg Corners and Village Tavern >Estate of Ron Hines< A Well Pounder & Avid User & Collector of Interesting Equipment & Tools!! Info: Steve @ 570-490-5795 and Pictures @ AuctionZip #3266 (100+ pics) ’11 Chevy Avalanche , ’98 HD Wide Glide, ’90 JD 310C Backhoe (4x4 w/3 buckets & Auger), ’86 Ford F800 Dump Truck, ’97 F250 4x4, ’94 Dodge Dual Wheel truck. Huge Amount of SCRAP METALS 100’s of hand & power tools, Toolboxes, Food plot disc, 7+ Equip ment/Enclosed/Welding/Generator Trailers, Antique safe, Mig welder & Forney, Lg. Anvil (Signed), Hilti-Stihl-Snap-On-Crafts man, 30’s John Deere B (torn apart inside shop) All types of parts & parts cabinets and support items from a well equipped shop. Bring a friend & a truck! A walking/standing auction format! Terms: Cash/Approved Checks/Credit cards w/fee Letteer Bros. Auction Co. AU3170L
11:30am-6:00pm (Eat
$11 or $12 at the door
6-12 years $5 or $6 at the door Children 5 and under - Free! Advance Tickets are available at: Buttorf’s Hardware & Ramona’s Hair Styling or Call 745-3301 Compliments of: Frederick B. Welker Funeral Home, Inc. 123-125 North Main St., Jersey Shore, PA • 570-398-1225 Smith’s Lawn Care, Inc. PA# 008340 MOWING • MULCH 570-546-8538 Commercial or Residential • Fully Insured Mowing Fields/Lots • Landscaping Retaining Walls • Trimming & Pruning Bushes Stone Walkways & Patios • Skidloader • New Installation • Will Haul Small Loads of Stone & SandFREE ESTIMATES! Time to Start Thinking About Spring Clean Up!
& Air Conditioning, LLC. Fast And Dependable Service 24 Hour Emergency Service PA-153108 357 Thunder Road Linden, PA 17744 Gerard J. Maiolo 570-398-4408 www.actionheatcool.com actionheating@ymail.com
59 • Webb Weekly October 19, 2022 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 The Best Buy In Advertising Your Business Card Mailed to Over 58,000 Homes. $47.50/Week (1-4 Weeks) or $37.50/Week (5 or More Weeks) Call Jaimie at 570-326-9322 KEEFER ROOFING & SPOUTING FREE ESTIMATES • 50 Year Warranty Call Bill at (570) 398-1619 •GARAGES •DECKS •POLE BUILDINGS •ROOFING •SIDING •INTERIOR & EXTERIOR REMODELING •RESIDENTIAL DEMOLITION •FULLY INSURED HENRY YODER 570-284-7206 570-768-8041 PA# 165587 Bald Eagle Tree Services 570-567-4199 • Tree Trimming • Tree Removal • Storm Damage Repairs • General Construction Free Estimates • Fully Insured LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING - MUNCY, PA 570-419-7576 FULL SERVICE LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATING COMPANY RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Full Service Landscaping • Excavating • Hardscaping 24 hr . Tree Service (Trimming & Removal) Water Management & Drainage • 1-3 Hours Dry Time • Deeper Cleaning Than Steam or Chem • Carpet Dries Soft • Tile & Grout Cleaning • Environmentally Green Products 570-494-8425 • www.oxymagiccentralpa.com GUARANTEED PRICE OVER THE PHONE! COUPON COUPON CARPET CLEANING SPECIALS $129 3 Rooms and Hallway $239 6 Rooms and Hallway $79 Oriental/ Wool Rugs 8’ x 10’ Rug Seamless Gutters COMPLETE Gutter Installation & Leaf Removal Free Estimates Tobias Yoder Owner and Operator 446 Cotner Lane Turbotville PA 17772 Call us for your gutter needs 570-452-1174 HAPPY ACRES RESTAURANT WILDLIFE LOUNGE Open M, T, Th @ 4pm • F @ Noon • Sat, Sun @ 8am 3332 Little Pine Creek Road • Waterville, PA 17776 www.happyacresresort.net BREAKFAST EVERY SAT & SUN 8am-11am PRIME RIB EVERY FRI & SAT KARAOKE EVERY FRI 8pm-11pm MUSIC MOST SAT’S 8pm-11pm Check Facebook for Menu & Special Events 5 Dining Rooms • 570-753-8585 Outdoor Furnace Rosalie Poust • Charlie Worthington • Wesley Worthington Let us help with your outdoor heating needs! 570.336.8735 • Poustoutdoorfurnace@yahoo.com • Experienced Exterior Carpentry Best estimate you will find on metal roofs 570-295-3171 GET THAT LEAK FIXED TODAY! Chimney and Roof Repair Chad Harter DBA Glad Construction WE FIX LEAKY CHIMNEY’S • Hauling Stone, Mulch, Scrap, Dirt • Tri-axle Work • Skid Steer Work • Backhoe Work • Excavating Work Anything You Need! Mike Wommer HAULING SERVICES Offering 570-971-85824675 STATE ROUTE 54 • TURBOTVILLE, PA 17772 Toll Free 1-888-649-5158 • 570-649-5158 • clarksagcenter.com HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8am - 6pm • SATURDAY 8am - 5pm • Farm Supplies • Pet Supplies • Horse Feeds & POWER EQUIPMENT ANDY’S Taxidermy Studio www.andystaxidermystudio.com 1719 Bloomingrove Road • Williamsport, PA 17701 570.323.4771 John Andreacci TAXIDERMIST ACCEPTED Come Choose Your Own Mums 70 Kreamer Lane, Loganton PA 17747 • 570-725-3336 Ext. 2 At reduced price of only $3.00ea. Call Jaimie - 570-326-9322 My Business is Getting YOU Business! Your Business Card Delivered by The United States Postal Service to Over 58,000 Homes! 79 Webb Weekly April 20, 2016 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 REACH OVER 58,000 HOMES IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BYADVERTISING YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE! CALL NICKIE TURI AT 570-326-9322 Renewable Energy for PA, LLC Williamsport, Remodeling, Plumbing, Sealing,Heat Insulation ONSTRUCTION 570-238-5529 570-713-4887 CALL 570-323-9119 M.R. Logue Interiors Drywall Plaster Repairs Painting Specialty Milller’s SEAMLESS 570-547-2505 Installation Seamless Miller, Jr. When receiveyour invoicebrush removal, 337-3600 Get One Mowing FREE Specializing Installations Quarry Oriole) HARDWOOD SLABSCORD-SIZE BUNDLES Stock-Up NOW Winter! $2500 EACH!$2500 EACH! Solutions 570-855-8011Montoursville, 24/7 FOUGHTS MILL 570-584-2764 and Wheat Quality Livestock STREET the ctthomas3@windstream.net Roofs (Rubber) Painting Roofs KOZ’s LANDSCAPING PARKINGOffice: 570.279.0317 BUSINESS! PERMANENT Materials, SPRING 50% OFF LANDSCAPING 25% MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE $90 PER YEAR Call Today! Mark Tillson Insurance PHONE: 570-368-7600 MallDrive HERSHBERGER BUILDERS 570-437-1909 Hershberger FREE Specializing RenovatinosGarages MOYER’SGENERAL CONTRACTINGRenovations and BathsDrywall 570-772-0753 OWNER: Moyer bhhshodrickrealty.com 238 570-725-2341 TRUCK TONNEAU COVERS Cover Snapless

your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author`s guide 1-877-729-1920 or visit dorranceinfo.com/ads .C11

REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material-steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors are available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - $500 Discount + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807. M11

THE BATHROOM OF YOUR DREAMS for as little as $149/month! BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Limited Time Offer - FREE virtual in-home consultation now and SAVE 15%! Call Today! 1-877-5402780. M11


AUTHOR. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors

Since 1920 Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-866-4821576 or visit http://dorranceinfo.com/macnet. M11

WE TRANSFORM YOUR KITCHEN IN LESS TIME, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate 1-844-887-5145 (PA017137) M11


CLEANING FOREVER! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-791-1626. M11

VIVINT. SMART SECURITY. Professionally installed. One connected system for total peace of mind. FREE professional installation. Four FREE months of monitoring! Call now to customize your system. 1-855870-2073. M11


NEED A CLEAN HOUSE? No Time? Call ME! I Will Get Your Home Looking Great So You Can Relax! Great Rates, References Available Upon Request. For An Estimate Call Joyce 570-238-1796. 20+ YEARS PROVIDING

Professional House-Keeping

At Reasonable Rates. Dependable, Thorough, Honest And Friendly Service With Excellent References. Please Call Kelly At 570-419-9998. 167727


RICHARDʼS LAWN CARE AND LANDSCAPING. Fall Clean-Up And Snow Plowing. Free Estimates. PA064570. 570-7721588. 166899

ROBERTʼS LANDSCAPING. Mowing, Trimming, Mulching, Fall Clean-Up. 570-279-2012. 167517

SCOTTʼS LAWN CARE. SPRING & FALL CLEAN-UP. Residential And Commercial Mowing And Landscaping. 23rd Year In Business. Fully Insured. Call Now For Spring Rototilling 570-419-6326. 167516


Look look LOOK. ATTENTION FARMERS! Do you have a wet spot in your field that you want gone? We get rid of the average size wet spot for $250. with some secret sauce.. Money back guaranteed. Call or text 5709892175 or send an email to hertzlerenterprises@ gmail.com . 162929



NEED IRS RELIEF $10K - $125K+ Get Fresh Start or Forgiveness Call 1-877-7051472 Monday through Friday 7AM-5PM PST. M11


DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER? You may qualify for a substantial cash award - even with smoking history. NO obligation! We’ve recovered millions. Let us help!! Call 24/7, 1-888-650-9135. M11


SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS! Don’t miss out. Get $1,000’s from a government assistance program. Not a loan. More info? www. AidForSmallBusiness.com .C11

WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 888-9650363. M11

October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 60 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322
G. Scott Gardner Attorney At Law $ 385 Total • Real Estate/Title Insurance • Elder Law/Probate • Husband & Wife Package “We Make House Calls” 570-971-0090 - Last Will & Testament - Durable Power of Attorney - Living Will 1000 Commerce Park Dr. Suite 310-B - Williamsport, PA CALL TODAY FOR PRICES BULK OR BAG COAL * DELIVERY AVAILABLE 288 Caldwell Rd., Trout Run, PA 17771 570-447-5805 Smithʼs Tree Service Serving Central Pennsylvania for Over 40 Years FREE Estimates • Fully Insured Removal • Trimming Stump RemovalPA# 139263 HIRING! School Bus Drivers Montgomery Area School District No Experience Necessary Paid Training Summers and Major Holidays OFF Sign On and Attendance Bonuses. For More Information Call: • 570-220-3233 Great for Retirees and Stay at Home Moms!
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October 19, 2022 • Webb Weekly • 64 www.webbweekly.com Call 570-326-9322 Webb Weekly Standards Webb Weekly advertisements are checked for accuracy, but are not warranted by the publisher, their agents or the advertiser. All copy and artwork is the sole property of the publisher and may not be used without prior written consent. The publisher and their agents are not responsible for misprints, misinformation or typographical errors. If any Webb Weekly reader encounters non-compliance with these principles, we ask that you write us at the address below: Webb Weekly 280 Kane St., Ste. 2 S. Williamsport, PA 17702 Residential Customer Hours: Monday, Friday & Saturday 9:00 - 8:00 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 - 5:30 Sunday Noon-5:00 Exit 15 of Route I-180 (Halls Pennsdale Exit) 962 Lycoming Mall Drive • Muncy, PA 17756 326-1589 / 546-5958 • 800-326-9364 www.keystonefurniture.com Fall Sales Event! Brands You Know, From People You Trust SERVING THE AREA FOR OVER 70 YEARS FREE DELIVERY • HUGE INVENTORY FALL SALE Sectional Uhpolstery Power Reclining sectionalDining Room with six ChairsSectional Rustic Cherry Bedroom Appointments Always Available for Your Shopping Convenience

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