I know, I know, it’s me again. I’m sure you would all prefer to see Jimmy’s smiling face here, talking about what’s happening worldwide and at home. Unfortunately, he is feeling under the weather so you are stuck with me again.
I’m not going to get into all that is going on in the world, but I am going to talk about something that is happening this weekend that will be celebrated across the country — the Kentucky Derby!
Kentucky Derby Day is almost upon us. e “Running of the Roses,” or “ e Run for the Roses,” as the Kentucky Derby is called, is America’s premier horse racing event. Steeped in tradition, the Derby is the rst step in the Triple Crown of horse racing. It is held at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. Approximately 155,000 people attend this all-day event each year, culminating in a roughly two-minute race.
e Kentucky Derby runs on a 1 1/4mile, 10-furlong dirt track. e race winner receives a garland of roses and a $2 million purse. e winner has also reached the rst step in winning the Triple Crown. e winning horse competes against other horses to hopefully win the Preakness Stakes and,
nally, the Belmont Stakes.
Twenty horses compete in the Kentucky Derby. Typically, far fewer horses race in any other horse racing event. To qualify for the Derby, the 3-year-old thoroughbred horses must travel the “Road to the Kentucky Derby,” a series of 35 horse races at tracks in the U.S. and worldwide. Points are awarded, and the top 20 horses proceed to the Kentucky Derby.
e race lasts about 2 minutes. Allday activities and celebrations precede it. e excitement increases in intensity leading up to the opening of the gates, and the “Run for the Roses” begins. Tradition abounds at the Kentucky Derby. People come dressed to the nines, and ladies wear extravagant hats and participate in a Hat Parade. Mint Juleps are the traditional drink consumed in huge quantities, approximately 120,000 during this two-day event.
Triple Crown Winners
e Kentucky Derby is the premiere event in the quest for the Triple Crown.
If you don’t win this race, you can’t win the Triple Crown. All of the other horses are “Also rans.” ere are no second chances. With that said, all of the other horses and their owners strive to upset the Kentucky Derby winner.
Winning the Triple Crown is very di cult. Only 13 horses have won the Triple Crown.
In 1978, A rmed became just the 11th horse to win all three races. It was 37 long years before American Pharaoh accomplished the feat. e latest
Triple Crown winner is Justify, in 2018.
Kentucky Derby Trivia
– e Kentucky Derby is the longest continually running sporting event in the United States.
– e race is sometimes called “the most exciting two minutes in sports.”
– To win the Triple Crown, a horse needs to win the Kentucky Derby, Belmont, and the Preakness.
– In 1896, roses were rst given to the winner. Jockey Ben Brush received white and pink roses.
– In 1904, red roses became the o cial color.
– As the horses step onto the track for the post-derby parade, the band plays “My Old Kentucky Home. is tradition began around 1921.
– Mint Juleps are the o cial drink of the race.
– Approximately 120,000 Mint Juleps are served during the two-day event. 60,000 pounds of ice are used.
Now, let’s talk about those Mint Juleps in a little more depth.
If you know me, you know that I do love good bourbon, and this classic cocktail is *chef’s kiss*. ey are also super easy to make and only need three ingredients. So, let’s get to how to make one.
First up, you need to make some simple syrup. Yes, you can buy it, but it’s better to make it at home; it costs much less and can be done in less than 10 minutes. Combine one cup of sugar and one cup of water in a medium saucepan over medium heat; boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Allow to cool.
Once that’s cooled, we can build our cocktail.
Start by placing 4 or 5 mint leaves and 1/2-1oz. of simple syrup in the bottom of your glass and muddle them together (which is just a fancy term for smashing them around).
en, ll your glass with ice (crushed is preferred).
en add 2 oz. of your favorite bourbon. Bulleit is a great option for every day, but there are plenty of fancier and more expensive options available.
en just give it a little stir and add an extra mint leaf for garnish.
at’s it. Easy Peasy!
I hope y’all enjoy your Derby weekend, and if you are celebrating and partaking in a Julep or two, please drink responsibly.
If you are 60 years of age or older, stretch your grocery monies by coming to dine with us!
We offer a hot meal and “Lighter Fare” menu options.
Come dine with friends or make some new ones!
Reservations are required 48 hours in advance.
Transportation can also be arranged!
Clinton County Community Center 124 East Walnut Street
Lock Haven 570-858-5822
Jersey Shore Center 641 Cemetery Street
Jersey Shore 570-601-9591
Lincoln Center 2138 Lincoln Street
Centers for Healthy Aging
Loyalsock Center 1607 Four Mile Drive Williamsport 570-601-9590
Meck Center 50 Fitness Lane Muncy 570-601-9593
Mill Hall Center 9 Peale Avenue
Mill Hall 570-726-6378
Renovo Area Center 415 Fourth Street
South Renovo 570-923-2525
RiverWalk Center 423 East Central Avenue
South Williamsport 570-601-9592
Roasted pork with saurkraut, whipped potatoes, apple sauce, dinner roll
Lighter Fare
Waldorf chicken salad with croissant, fresh salad with Italian, sugar cookie
Stuffed pepper casserole, creamy ginger carrots, green and wax beans, sugar cookie
Lighter Fare
Tuna salad with croissant, fresh salad with Greek dressing, tropical fruit salad
Breaded chicken cordon bleu, creamy garlic shells, vegetable medley, fresh apple
Lighter Fare
Chicken bacon ranch salad with popcorn chicken, banana pudding, pasta salad, fresh apple
Sweet and sour chicken, buttered noodles, broccoli and carrots, minted pears, dinner roll
Lighter Fare
Chicken salad wrap with lettuce leaf, carrot and raisin salad, cinnamon apple slices, fresh orange
BBQ pork rib with sandwich roll, molasses baked beans, shaved brussels, broccoli salad
Lighter Fare
Chicken craisin salad with whole grain bread, fresh spinach with bacon dressing, fresh banana
Open-faced turkey sandwich with gravy, whipped potatoes w/ chives, mixed vegetables, whole grain bread, fresh orange
Lighter Fare
Beef barley soup, bacon, lettuce, tomato, whole grain bread, pepper slaw, pears
Meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, vanilla pudding with apples, whole grain bread
Lighter Fare
Ham and bean soup, tuna salad wrap with lettuce leaf, three bean salad, tropical fruit salad
Meatball sub with hoagie roll, creamy pesto rotini, peas and cauliflower, three bean salad
Lighter Fare
Buffalo chicken wrap with lettuce leaf, blue cheese dressing, macaroni salad, Mandarin oranges
Chicken Divan over egg noodles, lemon pepper broccoli, carrots, baked custard
Lighter Fare
Fresh spinach salad with Italian dressing, breaded chicken strips, pineapple, baked custard, dinner roll,
Hamloaf with pineapple sauce, Rivera veggie blend, sweet potatoes, oatmeal applesauce cake
Lighter Fare
Chicken fajita salad with ranch dressing, pasta salad, fresh apple, chocolate pudding
James Webb Sr. 1944-2012
James A. Webb Jr. jwebb@webbweekly.com570-337-0755
Steph Nordstrom 570-337-0759 editor@webbweekly.com
Advertising Sales Staff:
Charlie Gizenski cgizenski@webbweekly.com 570-419-3334
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Curt Musheno cmusheno@webbweekly.com
Larry Andrews General Manager – Retired
PHONE: (570) 326–WEBB FAX: (570) 326–9383
In an e ort to protect wildlife habitat, the Pennsylvania Game Commission plans to spray over 123,000 acres of state game lands this spring to control a non-native invasive insect, the spongy moth.
Spraying is planned on 46 di erent state game lands – 123,276 acres in all – and will begin as soon as leaf-out occurs and spongy moth egg masses hatch, likely in late April and May.
“ ose participating in spring gobbler seasons or otherwise enjoying state game lands may encounter aircra spraying forested areas for spongy moths,” said Paul Weiss, Game Commission Chief Forester. “We recognize some hunters might be temporarily a ected by these activities, but disturbances are brief and only temporary, and by protecting these valuable habitats against a destructive, invasive pest, the forests will provide hunters the opportunity to chase gobblers there for generations to come.”
No spraying will be scheduled the mornings of youth turkey season – Saturday, April 27 –or the opening day of spring gobbler season – Saturday, May 4.
Spongy moths previously were known by the common name gypsy moth, but the Entomological Society of America changed the name. More information on spongy moths and the Game Commission’s spraying program, including a map updating
the status of spraying is available on an interactive web page at www.pgc.pa.gov. Most of the blocks of forest to be sprayed can be treated within one day, o en within only a few hours.
e insecticide to be used is Mimic 2LV. Its active ingredient is tebufenozide.
is agent generally is considered safe to humans. Most negative side e ects happen with repeated, long-term exposure to high concentrations of the product. As with any chemical, it may cause eye or skin irritation if exposed, and it is recommended to wash any a ected area if irritation occurs.
e forests to be treated in the coming weeks have building populations of spongy moths that, if le untreated, could cause severe defoliation this summer.
“Many of these areas were hit with a late frost last spring, Weiss said. “ is additional stress on the trees makes it especially important to protect them this year.”
is year’s spraying will occur in the following regions: Southcentral, Northcentral, Southeast, Southwest, and Northeast. e Northwest Region has no spraying scheduled this year.
Weiss noted that previous spongy-moth impacts unfortunately led forests on state game lands to transition from mastproducing mixed-oak stands to stands dominated by birch and maple, which are not nearly as bene cial to wildlife.
“Oaks are the main target of spongy
moths, and they also provide the best and most reliable wildlife foods,” Weiss said.
“Unfortunately, in some areas, we have seen birch and maple replace the oak stands lost to past spongy-moth defoliation. is loss of acorn availability across such a potentially large area can have extremely detrimental impacts on wildlife populations ranging from chipmunks and squirrels all the way up to deer and bears. Even if the oak trees manage to survive damage caused by this defoliation, the reduction of acorn production can linger for years a er.”
e Game Commission is aggressively treating this problem to protect the wildlife resources, in the immediate future and long term.
David Gustafson, director of the Game Commission’s Bureau of Wildlife Habitat Management, noted that, based on the value of state game lands’ oaks for wildlife, the agency simply can’t a ord to forgo spraying this year.
“We know that oak forest habitats are tremendously valuable to all wildlife,” Gustafson said. “Everything from squirrels to bears to turkeys will have populations uctuate based on acorn crops. If acorn production is low, bears will den earlier, weigh less, produce fewer and smaller cubs and get into more nuisance situations. Overwinter survival and reproduction for deer su ers when acorns are sparse. Neo-tropical birds, such as cerulean warblers, occupy habitats dominated by oaks. Wild turkey and ru ed grouse populations also depend on acorns. So the actions we take now help to keep all of that in balance.”
Nonprofit organizations are always having to find new and inventive ways to raise money for their good work. This is certainly the case for the Lycoming County United Way, which will be having what it hopes to be the First Annual Rides for Strides on Saturday, May 11.
The Lycoming County United Way is pleased to announce its first annual motorcycle benefit event, Ride for Strides, scheduled for May 11, 2024. The event will start at 11 a.m. at Horsepower Harley Davidson. Kickstands will go up promptly at 1 p.m., and the ride will conclude at Bald Birds Brewing in Jersey Shore.
“We are incredibly excited to introduce Ride for Strides as our newest fundraising initiative,”
Taylor Yeagle, Development and Communications Manager at the Lycoming County United Way, told Webb Weekly. “This event not only promises a wonderful ride for motorcycle enthusiasts but also serves as an opportunity for our community to come together to support our mission to improve lives and create lasting change.”
“Given many of the new programs we are expanding or launching, like our new Kidz Klozet program, Project Lifesaver, and the Phoebe Smith Jackson Memorial Veteran’s Fund, we are looking for new ways to diversify our income so we can support these new programs as well as our existing community partners,” said Ron Frick, President/CEO of the local United Way. “Special events are one way to do that, and the motorcycle riding community is extremely generous. Taylor
rides herself, so this was a great way to engage a new group of supporters and have some fun at the same time. We know spring weekends are busy for many families, but we hope the community will come and spend a Saturday afternoon with us.”
“He continued, “We are incredibly grateful for UPMC, Weis Markets, the Ken and Kristie Healy Foundation, C&N Bank, and Jamie Flick, who combined have provided $6,000 in sponsorships. We are also grateful to Bald Birds Brewing for hosting us for food and games at the end of the ride. In the event of rain, the rain date is May 25.”
The event promises to be a thrilling day of camaraderie, community support, and scenic adventure, all in the spirit of giving back. Motorcycle enthusiasts and Lycoming County United Way supporters should join us for this exciting event.
Participants will gather at Horsepower Harley Davidson to kick off
the ride. From there, riders will embark on a picturesque journey through the beautiful landscapes of Lycoming County, culminating at Bald Birds Brewing in Jersey Shore.
Ride for Strides aims to raise vital funds to support the Lycoming County United Way’s programs and initiatives, which address critical needs and enhance the well-being of individuals and families throughout the community.
Registration for Ride for Strides is now open. Participants can sign up by visiting www.lcuw. org/2024events. Early registration is encouraged to secure your spot and ensure a memorable experience. Join them on May 11 for an unforgettable day of riding, solidarity, and philanthropy as we Ride for Strides.
For more information about Ride for Strides or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please visit www.lcuw.org/2024events or contact Taylor Yeagle at 570-3239448, ext. 204.
Seven has been called a magic number. ere are seven days a week, seven colors in the rainbow, seven musical notes in a scale, seven wonders of the ancient world, seven continents, seven major seas, and even psychologists tell us we can only take in seven ‘bits’ of information at one time. So, it is not exactly a surprise that the 2024 US presidential election will revolve around seven swing states: Nevada (6 electoral college votes), Wisconsin (10), Arizona (11), Michigan (15), Georgia (16), North Carolina (16), and last but not least but actually the most — Pennsylvania (19 electoral college votes). Yes, the Keystone State will be living up to its name, as Pennsylvania really is the key to this year’s presidential election.
Pennsylvania will also be a knock-downdrag-out electoral battle eld because this is currently the only state that Donald Trump is not leading among these seven swing states. According to the electoral prognosticators, Trump could win the election without Pennsylvania, but Biden de nitely could not. us, if Trump does win our state, he almost surely would win it all.
And to add to the electoral drama, it appears that the United States has never
been as evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats as it is right now. e latest polls have the two parties less than one percentage point apart. Yes, there may be a number of fake votes, but ocially, 158.4 million people voted in the 2020 United States presidential election. is was the highest voter turnout in over a century, with about 66.7% of eligible voters participating.
However, the US Constitution does not recognize the popular vote but rather the electoral college vote. Our Founding Fathers put this into the Constitution so that small states would be represented, as would large states, and rural areas would be considered, as would major cities. ere is a strong movement right now to eliminate the electoral college system.
See COUNTY HALL on Page 10
Mary Jane Lauver, 99, of Montoursville
Thomas B. “Tom” Anderson, 78, formerly of Laporte
Malinda F. Beiler, 75, of Mill Hall
Lois Marie Kreamer Peddigree, 74
Dorothy J. Parsons, 80, formerly of Muncy
William B. Davenport, Jr., 91
William D. “Bill” Mitidieri, 75, of Watsontown
Avalyn “Avie” M. Sauter, 89, of Williamsport
APRIL 30 - MAY 4 2024
MAY 2-6 2023
Martin A. Vail, 68, of Williamsport
William N. Woodling, Jr., 79
Stanley D. “Sonny” Hagenbuch, 87, of Danville
Robert L. Davies, 82, of Watsontown
William J. “Bill” Zuber, 47, of Montoursville
Virginia A. Turner, 82, of Mill Hall
Patricia Divel Kahler, 94, of Muncy
Mary Vera Geraldine “Vera” (Weaver) Martin, 102, of South Williamsport
Truth be told, without the Electoral College, presidential campaigns would only need to focus their attention toward the ten largest states.
Five times in American history, the presidential candidate won the electoral college vote while receiving fewer popular votes than their opponent. The most recent was in the 2000 election of George W. Bush and the 2016 election of Donald Trump, which brings us to the 20,000 votes that are going to decide this year’s presidential winner.
Each of those seven battlefield swing states can flip one way or another with relatively few votes. In Wisconsin, for example, Donald Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 by fewer than 23,000 votes, which turned out to be the key to Trump’s victory. But then, in 2020, Joe Biden defeated Trump by just over 20,000 votes in Wisconsin, resulting in Biden’s overall victory.
In the 2020 election, Nevada went to Biden by 2.4%, as did Wisconsin by 0.6%, Arizona by 0.3%, and (with some suspicion…) Georgia by 0.2%. Trump took Michigan by 0.6% and North Carolina by 1.3%. The key to Biden’s victory was Pennsylvania’s 6,152,521 total votes with Biden winning 50.3% to Trump’s 49.0% — a difference of just 1.3%. If 20,000 votes of those six million plus votes had gone to Trump rather than Biden, he would have
won the election.
Pennsylvania is not called the Keystone State for nothing. Going all the way back to George Washington, in every presidential election since then, Pennsylvania has gone for the eventual winner in every election except for Tom Dewey over Harry Truman in 1948 and Al Gore over George W. Bush in 2000.
This brings us to the recent primary election this past week; barely 30 percent of voters from Lycoming County made it to the polls. That number was quite low, which is not necessarily unusual given that there were not any particularly competitive races in the key positions or referendums to vote on. So, OK, we will give our local voter constituency a pass this time. But get your voting shoes on in November. You may be just one of six or even seven million other Pennsylvania voters, but your vote may be one of the 20,000 that swings the gate one way or the other.
Lycoming County has 70,599 registered voters, of which 42,276 are Republicans, 18,622 are Democrats, and another 9,701 are not sure what they are; they just don’t want to be affiliated with one of the two major parties. Within those 47,100 voters who did not vote in the recent primary could be the 20,000 votes that might tip the scales one way or the other. Your vote will never be more important than it will be this November.
Hours: Dawn to Dusk Closed Sunday Closed May 9th and 20th
Thursday, May 2, 6-7 p.m. (Bring your own seating if needed.)
Ways Garden, Corner of Maynard and 4th Street, Williamsport
We know by the divine instincts
Check out our Trees, Shrubs & Perennials!
Almighty God has placed within us that we are His creation and that we live and breathe at His sovereign will. While human pride often carries us into long seasons of self-reliance, and even self-worship, catastrophe reminds us that we are not in control of the world, our country, our neighborhoods, our homes, or even our very next heartbeat. We are, of all things, vulnerable and exposed – and deep down inside, we know it.
In times of national tragedy and duress, leaders have faithfully called upon the residents of the United States to humble themselves before Almighty God through fasting and prayer. We are living in such a time – and we would be wise to humble ourselves before Almighty God in prayer. I want to personally encourage you to participate in Williamsport’s Nation-
al Day of Prayer event. Even if you can’t participate in the event, I encourage you to take time to humble yourself before Almighty God and pray. My friends, Almighty God is our only and truest hope. Amen. General George Washington Proclamation of a National Day of Prayer, May 15, 1776
The Continental Congress having ordered Friday the 17th instant to be observed as a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, humbly to supplicate the mercy of Almighty God, that it would please Him to pardon all our manifold sins and transgressions, and to prosper the arms of the United Colonies, and finally establish the peace and freedom of America upon a solid and lasting foundation; the General commands all officers and soldiers to pay strict obedience to the orders of the Continental Congress; that, by their unfeigned and pious observance of their religious duties, they may incline the Lord and Giver of victory to prosper our arms.” Public Law 82-324, April 17, 1952, Signed by
President TrumanSee FAITH on Page 14
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The President shall set aside and proclaim a suitable day each year, other than a Sunday, as a National Day of Prayer, on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.
Public Law 100-307, May 5, 1988, Signed by President Ronald Reagan
The President shall set aside and proclaim the First Thursday in May in each year, as a National Day of Prayer, on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.
Excerpt from President Biden’s Proclamation, 2023
Constitution and stamped firmly in the American tradition. The belief that prayer can move mountains is, at its core, a belief in making the impossible possible. There is nothing more American than believing in the endless possibilities of what we can do when we do it together.
In periods of peace and prosperity and in times of struggle and strife, countless Americans turn to prayer to seek guidance, bolster our faith, and brace our spirits when we need it most. Prayer is both a personal and communal act — composed of our most intimate thoughts and a practice observed by multitudes across our diverse Nation in every language, culture, religion, and belief system. On this National Day of Prayer, we recognize the profound power of prayer, grounded in deep humility and hope.
The right to pray is enshrined in our
Throughout our history, prayer has empowered moral movements and fueled efforts to strengthen our democracy. It was deeply rooted in the fight to abolish slavery and the expansion of voting rights and voter access. And it continues to compel us to uphold our founding creed that all of us are created equal, are made in the image of God, and deserve to be treated with dignity and equality throughout our lives. We will never fully know how prayer has quietly influenced every aspect of American life — bringing comfort to service members on the battlefield, grounding the spirits of astronauts in space, guiding the healing hands of medical professionals tending to our loved ones, and fortifying the faiths of millions of worshippers in every corner of our Nation. There is hardly an aspect of American life that is not touched by the silent supplications of prayer to fulfill our hopes and our aspirations.
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other’s Day is right around the corner. Hopefully, you’ve prepared a wonderful celebration for the moms in your life. Whether they be news moms, long-distance moms, or even dog moms, you are ready to show your appreciation for all they do. Or maybe you’re not at all ready and are still looking for the perfect gift. If you need some last-minute gift ideas (and are willing to pay for expedited shipping), here are a few hidden gems for the mothers you’ll be honoring this Mother’s Day.
vase as part of the gift. Signals. com offers expandable vases in translucent plastic featuring classic works of art that can be stored flat when not in use. If the mom on your list prefers a container with more heft, check out West Elm’s glazed ceramic vases in cool or neutral tones. Flowers are also a thoughtful add-on to other gifts.
Italian Style Meatballs ........................................
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Provolone Cheese
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All of our Deli items are made fresh daily using only the finest ingredients.
Flowers will always be the standard go-to for Mother’s Day and can usually be an easy and quick gift. However, if you’re looking to put a bit of thought into a floral present, consider a flower subscription for a few months. BloomsbyBox offers monthly, customizable floral arrangement delivery. Or check out Olive & Cocoa’s floral offerings and their Blooms of the Month club. If you’re picking up an arrangement from a local florist, consider throwing in a
Adjacent to flowers is gardening. If your Mother’s Day recipient has a green thumb, then gift them with items that speak to their hobby. Uncommon Goods has grow kits for sunflowers, marigolds, zinnias, nasturtium, and more for that gardening mom to grow her own bouquet. Or upgrade some of her tools with femininely printed set of trowels, shears, and shovels like Floral Guards’ Gardening Tool Set from Amazon. Or go for a heavy-duty upgrade like Celtic Farm’s Garden Too Bag in waxed canvas with pockets and space for all sorts of tools.
Hobby gifts are fairly safe bets, but if you want to indulge the mothers in your life, consider spa-inspired gifts like bath
bombs or shower steamers. Anthropologie has Musee Shower Steamer sets in champagne rose, sweet orange sunflower, and lavender lime. Follow that up with some of Soko Glams’ Squalane Silk face masks, which, yes, are made of silk (fancy) and pack in the hydration. If the idea of pampering for your mom is less about beauty treatment and more about relaxation and rest, then help her get some sleep with a bundled gift of sleep masks and a white noise machine. Amazon has a 2-pack sleep mask from Kimkoo that blocks our light without putting pressure on the eyes. While you’re online, also add the Sound Machine from BrownNoise with 30 soothing sounds and five levels of timer so it can turn to silent before the morning alarm goes off.
Of course, there’s always jewelry. For the chic mom, there’s Kate Spade Outlet’s Pearls of Wisdom Stud earrings that add a little simple polish to any look. For the more sentimental moms, Benevolence LA’s “Mama” Pave Necklace gives basic jeans and a tee a bit of sparkle for the morning school run. For the Nanas out there check out Mint & Lily’s Blue Porcelain Floral Beaded Bracelet that you can customize with the titles Grandma, Nana, Gigi, Mama,
or Mama Bear for the truly fierce maternal figure.
For the coffee moms who prefer to make their own brew, consider gifting a French press that’s both stylish for the counter and functional for the coffee. Public Goods’ French Press, made of borosilicate or lab glass, has an industrial chic design and holds 1000ml of java. If your mom is less of a coffee aficionado and more simply caffeine-compelled, consider a coffee subscription like those from Drink Trade or Bean Box. For the truly coffee-obsessed, double down on your gift with a scented candle like Anthropologie’s Boulangerie Espresso Jar Candle, which will make your kitchen smell like an espresso café in a good way.
Other solid options are perfume, hand lotion, slippers, and a robe; just be thoughtful of her preferences. Sure, a kimono style dressing gown sounds really special, but maybe she’d prefer, and get more use out of, a terry cloth robe. If she gravitates towards more of a musk-based scent, then a rosy cologne probably doesn’t suit her. When it comes to gift-giving, no matter who it’s for, or how big or small, a last-minute Mother’s Day gift can still be just as thoughtful.
-5pm • Closed Sun.
The robbers who some time ago broke into the “Crooked Riffles” cottage, owned by George H. Bubb of this city, and located about one and one-half miles from Shore Acres along Loyalsock Creek, apparently underwent a strange change of heart, for all of the goods that were stolen have been mysteriously returned.
Not only that, Mr. Bubb made the discovery that the goods had been returned to the cottage, but he also found out that half a cord of wood, cut to fireplace length had been placed on the property. There was no wood there when he closed the cottage last fall, nor when he had discovered that the cottage had been broken into in early April, Mr. Bubb stated.
To add to the mystery, there is no indication that the wood had been cut on the property or even nearby. Apparently, the wood was cut some distance away and hauled to the Bubb cottage and piled up neatly.
At the time Mr. Bubb discovered the burglary he found that the robbers had smashed out the glass in the back door and reached in to unfasten the lock. The cottage was ransacked from top to bottom. A quantity of silver and clothes and other articles were missing. It is believed that prosecution of three young men for recent burglaries at the cabins of Dr. A.C. Lamade and Dr. A.F. Hardt, located along Wallis Run Road, not far from the Bubb cottage but on the other side of the creek, might have convinced the robbers of the Bubb property that discretion is, after all, the better part of valor.
Fri, May 10th at 3:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Sat, May 11th starting at 8:30 AM
Held at: Sugar Valley Produce Auction
Friday Evening Auction
3:30 PM - Flower Auction
5:00 PM - Grocery Auction
5:00 PM - Book Sale
6:00 PM - Toy Tractor Col.
1/8 scale 1066 International Tractor
• 1/8 scale 966 International Tractor
• (40+) 1/16 scale John Deere & Farmall Tractors
• expecting more!
14th annual coffee mugs, walking sticks
Lull 644B-37 Telehandler 6000 lb cap. 37’ Reach • Yale Propane Forklift 3500 lb cap. 18,000 hrs. • 2017 12’ V Neck Const. Trailer w/ Ladder Rack • 7’ Creekside Snow Plow w/ Fork Pockets • 2 yrd & 1-1/2 yrd dump hoppers.
- LAWN AND GARDENTrees, Shrubs, Lots Of Flower And Hanging Baskets, Push Mowers, Trimmers, Blowers, New Husqvarna And Stihl Chain Saws, Used Chainsaws, Garden Hoses, Pressure Washer, Bar And Chain Oil, Dewalt Lawn Mower, Garden Tools, Shade Trees, Fruit Trees (Apple, Pear, Cherry, Trees, etc.), Husq. riding mower, Swisher tow-behind mower.
- CARRIAGESNew Market wagon: New PA/CL Style Cart. New W.S. Cruiser (Horse size) New W.S. Cruiser (Pony Size)
• New (2 Seat) Lightweight Spring wagon
- SPORTING GOODSLots of Fishing Tackle
• Fishing Rods
24x32x10 Pole Building w/ Concrete Floor
• 24x30x8 2-Car Garage w/ Concrete Floor
• 10x16 and 10x12 Run In Sheds (Board & Batten)
• 8x12 Storage Shed
• Skid of Trex decking
Bedspread Chenille w/ matching shams
• Black & White Star Quilt
• Blue & Yellow Cow Quilt
Lots of New & Used 60v & 20v Dewalt Tools and Milwaukee Tools • 60v
• Hunting Clothes
• Hunting Gear
• Camping Supplies
• Camping Chairs
• Camping Grill
• BB Guns • 6x6 Oct. Hunting Blind w/ 8’ stand.
• Skids of Yellow Pine Lumber
Flexvolt Tablesaw
• 60v 12” Mitersaw
• 1x6 & 1x8 Pine Boards
• Windows
• Doors
• Fiberglass Shower Tubs
• Metal Roofing
• (10) 24’ 10/12 Trusses
- FURNITUREA Nice Selection of New & Used Furniture
• King-sized Cedar Log Bed Frame
• Full-sized Log Bed w/ Night Stand
• Pine Furniture & Crafts
• Barnwood Furniture
• Filing Cabinets
• Office Chairs
• Metal Cabinets
- LAWN FURNITURE & CRAFTSA Nice Selection of New Poly, Treated and Cedar Lawn Furniture
• Cordless Weedeaters • Chainsaws
• Blowers • Sawzalls • 60v Circular
• Impacts • Hammerdrills
• Towerlights
• 1/2” Impact Wrench
• Milwaukee Nailers
• Paslode Nailers
• Lots of Hand Tools
- MISCAir Hockey Table
• Hydraylic Wood Splitter • Mech. Wood Splitter
• Wiskey Barrels • Hardwood Onion
• 28” Griddle Grill
• Small LP
• Flashlights • Mountainside
Tob. Trailer
• New Wheel Barrows • Express Wagons • Bevanda Lunch
Boxes • Scooters, Croquet Sets
Ice Cream Freezer • Lifetime Tables
• Picnic Tables • Porch Gliders and Swing
• Chairs • Swing Sets, Etc.
• Stamped Concrete Fire Pit w/ Stainless Grill
• Stamped Park Bench and Coffee Table
- QUILTSPurple & Gray Sunshine Shadow
Puff Top
• Marble Rollers • Burn Barrels • 100 gal. Propane Tank • Boat w/ new Motor
• Aqua, Gray Sunshine Shadow Puff Top
• Queen size Wine
For more information call the sale committee: Samuel Stoltzfus (570) 725-2310 • Ike Kauffman (570) 725-2247
SVAC & SVPA and auctioneers not responsible in case of injury or accidents.
Announcements made on sale day take precedence over advertising. All sales as is!
Jake Fisher
Starting Friday at 2:30 PM Sugar Valley Benefit Dinner
Terms: Credit Card, Cash or good PA check (before removing from premises)
Note: Items left on premise 2 weeks after sale date will become property of SVAC.
Auctioneers: Samuel Stoltzfus, Abner Fisher, Elmer Lapp, and local auctioneers.
Accepting consignments and donations May 7th-8 th & 10th dawn to dusk.
(No Junk / No Tires) Sale Committee has the right to reject any items of little or no value
Not accepting consignments on May 9th due to Ascension Day.
*This article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult with your primary care physician if you have medical questions or concerns.
When it comes to holidays in the month of May, most people think of Mother’s Day (celebrated the second Sunday in May). May is also significant for moms as it holds both Maternal Mental Health Week (April 29-May 5) and World
Maternal Mental Health Day (May 1).
In 2014, the Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health launched the U.S. Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week campaign after several organizations voiced interest in raising awareness. The purpose of establishing Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week was to raise public and professional awareness of perinatal mental health problems, advocate for women and families impacted by these issues, and change attitudes surrounding maternal mental health.
Later, in 2015, a small group of people met to start making plans for the first-ever World Maternal Mental Health Day.
The group decided that the event should be held each year on the first Wednesday of May, close in date to both Mother’s Day and Mental Health Week in many countries. The first World Maternal Mental Health Day was established on May 5, 2016, with the goal of raising awareness of maternal mental health issues so that more wom-
en will get treatment.
According to Post Partum Support International, although many women experience some changes in mood during and after pregnancy, 15 to 20% of women experience more significant symptoms of depression or anxiety. While most people have heard of the term postpartum depression, many health professionals use the broader term, perinatal depression or perinatal mood and anxiety disorder (PMAD). According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), perinatal depression is a mood disorder that can affect women during pregnancy and after childbirth. Perinatal depression includes depression that begins during pregnancy, called prenatal depression and depression that begins after the baby is born, called
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postpartum depression.
Mothers with perinatal depression often experience feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, and fatigue that may make it difficult for them to carry out daily tasks, including caring for themselves or others. Perinatal depression is a medical illness that can affect any mother regardless of age, race, income, culture, or education. Women who suffer from this condition are not to blame for having perinatal depression, and it is not brought on by anything a mother has done or has not done. Perinatal depression does not have a single cause. Research suggests that perinatal depression is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Life stress, such as the demands of family or work or past experiences of trauma, the physical and emotional demands of childbearing and caring for a new baby, and changes in hormones that occur during and after pregnancy can contribute to the development of perinatal depression. In addition, women are at greater risk for developing perinatal depression if they have a personal or family history of depression or bipolar disorder or if they have experienced perinatal depression with a previous pregnancy.
Some women experience a few symptoms of perinatal depression, while others experience many of the symptoms. Some of the more common symptoms include:
– Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks
– Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
– Feelings of irritability, frustration, or restlessness
– Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
– Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities
– Fatigue or abnormal decrease in energy
– Being restless or having trouble sitting still
– Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
– Difficulty sleeping (even when the baby is asleep), waking early in the morning, or oversleeping
– Abnormal changes in appetite or unplanned weight changes
– Physical aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not have a clear physical cause and do not go away with treatment
– Trouble bonding or forming an emotional attachment with the baby
– Persistent doubts about the ability to care for the baby
– Thoughts of death or harming oneself or the baby or suicide attempts
Women who experience any of these symptoms should see a healthcare professional. A health provider can then determine whether the symptoms are due to perinatal depression or another cause.
Treating perinatal depression is essential for the health of the mother and her baby. With proper treatment, however, most women feel better, and their symptoms improve. Treatment for perinatal depression usually includes therapy, medication, or a combination of therapy and medication. For more information or if you have questions, consult with your family physician or other medical provider.
Full Menu
Submit contributions in a
When: Where:
format to webbnews@webbweekly.com. View more calendar listings at www.webbweekly.com.
Full Menu
What: Full menu, eat in or take-out. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out. Members and guest only.
When: Wednesday, May 1, 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
What: Full menu plus cheesesteak basket, eat in or takeout. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out. Members and guest only.
When: ursday, May 2, 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
PA CareerLink® Lycoming County Open Recruitment
What: Open recruitment event; Walk-ins welcome! Stop by to meet with employers and learn about all the exciting opportunities waiting for you! Employer(s) include ESS. For more information contact: (570) 601-5465/TTY (570) 601-1754.
When: ursday, May 2 and ursday, May 16, from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Where: PA CareerLink® Lycoming County,329 Pine St. Williamsport.
Book Review Lunch
What: Friends of the JV Brown Library Book Review presents Christina Steinbacher-Reed, Director of BLaST Intermediate Unit 17, will review Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scienti c Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
When: Friday, May 3, 2024. Snacks and bottled water will be available or bring a bag lunch, if desired. e program is from 12:15 p.m. until 12:45 p.m. with Q & A until 1 p.m. Reserve a seat by calling the library at (570)326-0536, or use the library’s online reservation calendar (http://calendar.jvbrown.edu). Reservations are required due to space considerations and must be made before 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1.
Where: Lowry Room, ird Floor, Welch Family Wing of the library. Public parking lot is adjacent to the site.
What: Beer battered or broiled haddock dinner or beef enchilada dinner. Open to the public. Take-out or eat in. Call 570-327-0255 for take-out orders.
When: Friday, May 3, 4:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Where: Royal P. Steinbacher, American Legion Post 0617, 901 South Market Street, South Williamsport.
Audubon Event: Mosquito Valley
What: Meet & greet some of the Lycoming County SPCA dogs looking for families. Shelter volunteers will be onsite to introduce these ne canines so you can say hello and maybe give some belly rubs! ere will be food and other vendors onsite, kids’ activities, and a reduced-price microchipping clinic for your existing furry family members. When: Saturday, May 4th from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Where: Lycoming County SPCA, 2805 Reach Rd., Williamsport.
Colorful Climbing Clematis
What: Discover the mysteries of three distinct groups of clematis, each with its own pruning methods, along with planting tips, bloom times, and a variety of species—from non-vining to impressive 10-foot performers.
When: Saturday, May 4, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Where: Lysock View Complex, 542 County Farm Rd., Montoursville.
Stupendous Master Gardener Plant Sale!
What: Large variety of all kinds of plants, gardening gi s, educational displays, and trash to treasures!
When: Saturday, May 4, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Where: Muncy Historical Society, 40 North Main St., Muncy.
What: Join the Lycoming Audubon Society for a bird walk at the Williamsport. Water Authority to enjoy forested trails and brushy habitat as the warbler migration is at its heights. is location is a prime spot for Hooded and Blackburnian warblers, as well as hosting a variety of other species. Program is free and open to the public. For more details, check out our website at www.lycomingaudubon.org. To be added to the listserv email us at lycomingaudubon@gmail. com with listserv in the subject line.
When: Saturday, May 4th, at 8:00 am.
Where: Water Authority’s Visitor Parking Lot on Mosquito Valley Rd. Detailed directions on website. Who Let the Dogs Out?!
Williamsport.’s National Day of Prayer
What: Join your community in a time of prayer for our city, state, and nation. Our nation is in spiritual darkness and is in need of men, women and children, from all over to come together before our Mighty God as the Church united. When: ursday, May 2nd, at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Ways Garden, corner of Maynard and 4th sts., Williamsport.
Bell Choir
What: Bell Choir program, “Truth ‘B’ Tolled.” e Bell choirs of CHEF Co-Op present Prayer and Praise.
When: Friday, May 3rd, at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Lycoming Valley Baptist Church, 4980 Lycoming
Women of Hope
What: Women of Hope is excited to announce we will be coming to Lycoming County. Women of Hope Spring 2024 Event “Co ee, Tea, Jesus, & Me.” ere will be inspirational speakers, opportunities for fellowship, connection through an action team, activities, prizes, free light lunch, and much more. Visit our website at https://tjfreeman681. wixsite.com/womeno ope. Tickets on sale at https://www. ticketleap.events/tickets/women-of-hope/women-of hopespring-2024-event-1862911997.
When: Sat. May 4th. Registration: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Event 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Where: Hughesville Vol. Fire Dept. Social Hall, Hughesville.
Williamsport. Flute Choir Spring Concert
What: Enjoy a bouquet of musical favorites from tv & movies to classical & contemporary. Mozart, Vaughan Williams, Menken, Lombardo, Kabalevsky, John Williams & more!
Something for everyone! Free admission. Donations cheerfully accepted!
When: Saturday, May 4th, at 2:00 p.m.
Where: 1st Church, Williamsport., 604 Market St., Williamsport.
Church Service
What: Sunday Service: e Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control.
When: Sunday Morning, May 5th. Service Time 10:15 a.m.
Where: Garden View Baptist Church, 1600 Doris Ave., Williamsport.
GriefShare Support Group
What: A 13-week class for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. 570-546-8030 or o ce@ rstumcmuncy.org.
When: Beginning Tuesday, May 7th, at 6:30 p.m.
Where: First United Methodist Church, 602. S. Market St., Muncy.
Williamsport. Garden Club Meeting
What: Program: “ e Peony” presented by Master Gardener Chris Patchen.
When: ursday, May 2nd, at 6:30 p.m.
Where: First Church of Christ Disciples, 1250 Almond St., Williamsport.
Lion’s Club Fair
What: Newberry Lions annual fair. A Newberry tradition for over 75 years. Family, food, friends and rides.
When: April 30th-May 3rd: food at 5:00 p.m., rides at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 4th: food and rides at 1:00 p.m.
Where: Historic Bowman Field.
Don Hess
What: Orphan No More: Songs from Don’s 2001 Christian folk/rock CD.
When: ursday May 2nd and Friday May 3rd, from 1:002:00 p.m. Limited seating. Reservations recommended. Call 570-567-7567.
Where: Backhouse Cafe Co ee & Tea, 901 West Fourth St., Williamsport.
Bradford County Artist, Sadie Allen
What: Presenter at the May 2nd Bald Eagle Art League meeting.
When: ursday, May 2nd, from 7-8:30 p.m.
Where: omas Taber Museum, located at 858 W. 4th St., Williamsport.
Loose Cats
What: Loose Cats playing rock and country.
When: Friday, May 3rd, at 8:00 p.m.
Where: American Legion Post 104, 1312 Broad St., Montoursville.
Today Farm’s One Year Anniversary Celebration & Canola Bloom
What: Join us for a day of fun, outdoor festivities amidst our stunning canola elds while they’re in full bloom! Take a hayride, see our goats, chickens, and cows, and learn about agriculture.
Shop from local vendors, food trucks, and our farm store showcasing handmade goodies and unique cra s! Let’s celebrate this milestone together with joy, laughter, and the beauty of nature. Bring your family and friends for a memorable weekend on the farm!
Note: is event is weather-dependent. Stay tuned on Today Farm’s Facebook for updates.
When: Saturday & Sunday, May 4th & 5th, from 10:00 a.m.6:00 p.m.
Where: Today Farm & Market, 215 Shady Lane Muncy.
It’s important to identify and understand what assets are going to pass directly to a child with special needs and if those assets will adversely affect his or her ability to qualify for certain government benefits. The sooner we can get a handle on things, the better off our child with special needs will be in the future. Join us and learn:
• Who will act as guardian or custodian of my child after my life?
• How can Life Insurance provide a benefit to an estate plan?
• Why should you periodically review any existing plan to make sure it’s still in good order & current with the law?
• Funding a Special Needs Trust – what assets should you consider?
• Key differences between a 1st Party Special Needs Trust, 3rd Party Supplemental Needs Trust & a Pooled Trust
• What is an ABLE account & Summary of Our Wishes?
• Recent law updates, tax implications & so much more!
Hosted By:
Wed., May 8 • 7 PM Virtual Meeting via ZOOM
*Viewing instructions provided upon registration
• Register
• online at PAElderCounsel.com/register
• by email info@paeldercounsel.com
• or scan the QR code!
Estate of the late Eugene H Sellers
105 Acre Rose Valley Farm
25 Tractors, Farm Machinery Farmall Parts shop tools, etc.
Located on farm at 4991 Rose Valley Rd TROUT RUN, PA
Starting 9 AM
105 Acre Farm near Rose Valley Lake
In Northern Lycoming County
Located in Lycoming County Gamble Twp (Deed recorded in Bk 1198 Pg
13) Consists of approx 105 acres with 70 tillable, road frontage along Rose Valley Rd. With a 2300 sq ft 12 room 4 bedroom 2 bath farm house, oil baseboard heat, drilled well, septic system, old bank barn, 30x60 heated shop building w/ concrete floor, & 40 x 120 pole barn the will conform to just about any use. other 28x 38’ woodworking building. Ground was in crep, it’s now out buyer can do what he wants. In clean & green, Gas pond on property pays $12,000 per year -transfer to new owners. No OGM rights to buyers. New owners get surface rights.
To view or more info. On property call Dee Watkins 570-337-5677
RE TERMS: $75,000 down day of sale
Balance in 60 days. 6% buyers premium. Any inspections can be made by a potential Buyer at their expense prior to the Auction. Other terms made known day of sale. Property sells subject to immediate Executrix’s confirmation.
By a show of hands, who loves Mexican food? Who loves a good taco Tuesday or Queso Wednesday? OK, so I made up Queso Wednesday, but let’s start making it a thing.
– Queso – Fried Ice Cream
Andrea McElroyCan we just discuss the last thing on my list quickly? Fried ice cream. Oh, my goodness. I can’t even. How did anyone ever come up with the idea of something like ice cream that melts as quickly as you can eat it on a hot summer day, to thinking, “Hey, let’s dunk ice cream into a hot fryer and see what it does!” It’s wild to me. But ya know what? It was absolutely brilliant! Oh, that delicious crispy outside, with a cold frozen center, is such a magnificent dessert. Drizzled in caramel and chocolate. Oh my!
Man, do I love me some queso! It doesn’t even have to be a Wednesday. It could be any day of the week for me to dip a warm tortilla chip right out of the fryer and dunk it right into that creamy, delicious cheese. Queso can be made in so many di erent ways, and I can say I have literally never had a bad queso. I have a signi cant love for cheese. (Except blue cheese. Yuck! It smells like feet!! *enter cheesy smile here*)
With Cinco de Mayo on May 5th, I thought it would be perfect to do a Mexican-themed column this week. I really love Mexican food and the fun colors of their celebrations. Here are my top ve favorite Mexican foods, in no particular order.
– Tacos
– Chicken Quesadillas
– Steak and Chicken Fajitas
Ozzie and Mae’s in downtown Williamsport have amazing fried ice cream along with their Fajitas. e best part is you hear your dinner coming before it’s even at the table. It comes out sizzling on a hot plate, so the entire restaurant can physically hear exactly what you ordered. It tastes just as good as it sounds. I always get their steak and chicken fajitas. ey are my favorite!
We love making tacos at home with
my stepdad, Mark Metzger’s, top-ofthe-line beef straight from his family farm. Their meat is absolutely delicious. It makes the best-tasting tacos. Tacos are just one of those meals that’s just so easy to throw together on a busy night. Shred some extra sharp Cabot cheese and lettuce while your meat is cooking, along with whatever other topping your family enjoys. Throw some nachos on the table with a plate of fruit, and dinner is served.
My momma, Susie Metzger, always had grapes on the table back when I was growing up for taco night. Still does! So not only was it taco night, but it was a night for us to all shove grapes in our upper lips and see who could keep them in there the longest without laughing. Then, they typically would all fly out and roll onto the table with all the giggles. We were a very classy family and still are! Haha! We have no shame. Maybe someday, I’ll have to get a picture of us all doing this and surprise you all with a photo. What a treat that would be!!
So, whether you celebrate Cinco de Mayo, Taco Tuesday, or just love Mexican food anytime of the week, here is a very simple, three-ingredient queso recipe that literally anyone can do. It’s nothing fancy, but it gets straight to the point of delicious, melted cheese.
Adios, Amigos!
Queso Rotel Dip
• 16-ounce Velveeta
• 10-ounce Rotel
• 1 pound ground sausage
Brown sausage in a skillet or large pan on the stove. Add Rotel tomatoes and cheese with sausage in a skillet/ pan. Continue to cook on low until everything is melted together. Serve with nachos, crackers or cut up veggies. Note: If it gets too thick over time, just thin it with a splash or two of milk and stir well.
ALoyalsock Township Middle School team is advancing to this year’s World Finals of Odyssey of the Mind!
e Loyalsock team was one of 13 teams from North Central PA participating in the statewide tournament at Pocono Mountain East schools on April 6 where 151 teams presented their solutions. ose who placed rst or second in one of 15 divisions moved on to the World Championship at Iowa State University May 21 to 24. Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving program for students worldwide in K-12 and college.
other modalities, all on their own. At the competition, a er months of work, teams present their solution to a panel of judges, who rate for creativity and how well the project met the very detailed goals outlined in the problem. Teams compete in Elementary, Middle School, and High School divisions at Regional and State Tournaments, with the top two teams in each division qualifying for World Finals. Loyalsock Township Middle School won second place in problem 3, “Opening Night Antics”.
Odyssey of the Mind is a problem-solving competition that promotes creative thinking in students from kindergarten to college. e students are grouped into teams and select a problem to solve; their work must be done completely on their own without input from adults or other outside interference. e problems are broad in scope, ranging from building mechanical devices to presenting interpretations of literary classics.
e students write a script, create costumes and props, and may work with electronics, building, artwork, and
e team is comprised of seven students in grades six and seven: Bella Devlin, Aiden Flynn, Jude McHenry, Scarlett Roma, Violet Trapkus, Jeremiah Vincent, and Jasper Skellenger. To solve the “Opening Night Antics” problem the students had to create an original performance depicting the opening night of a play that did not go as planned. e play had to be based on the theme of a selected classic story. During the presentation of the Opening Night of the play, a set malfunction, an unexpected sound e ect, and a team-created antic had to occur. e team created a unique solution that advanced them through the Regional and
State-level competitions, and now on to World Finals!
In addition to their play, the team was also presented with a problem on the day of the Tournament, called a spontaneous problem, that must be solved quickly utilizing the skills they have garnered over previous months of practice. eir coach, PJ Roma, described the group as an “all-star team loaded with talent and creativity. ey jumped right in this year working very hard to develop their ideas and keep everything in line with the criteria of the problem.”
Michelle Bartley, Coordinator of the Loyalsock OM Program, said “A successful OM team has exceptional creativity, teamwork, willingness to take risks, perseverance, and compromise.”
e World Finals will take place in Ames, Iowa May 21–24 where over 800 teams worldwide will be participating.
ose interested to “Help Loyalsock OM team get to Worlds” may donate on GoFundMe at https://gofund.me/ c1421b86 or by contacting Loyalsock Odyssey of the Mind at ltsdom@loyalsocklancers.org.
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would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our friends and family members who sent food, cards, flowers, and prayers to us after the loss of our loving mother. A special thank you to the staff at Wolf Run Village, UPMC Hospice, Andy Bohensky at McCarty Thomas Funeral Home, Dr. James DeVoe and Rock Run Church. All expressions of sympathy, large and small, were deeply appreciated.
• One massage each month
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Have you ever watched a super-twisty movie that wound up being too smart for its own good?
I’m afraid that’s the case with Apple’s thriller Argylle, currently streaming on a variety of platforms.
ere is enough good stu here to keep the lmfrom feeling like a total waste of time; yet the script eventually takes so many le turns that it swi ly switches from a bit too smart, to way too stupid and outlandish.
Happily, the good stu starts with a knock-out cast: Bryce Dallas Howard stars as bestselling spy novelist Elly Conway, who has an uncanny grasp of espionage and skullduggery. In fact, Elly is so good at predicting how spies will act and think, that she gets targeted by rival organizations who both want her help retrieving a certain computer le.
First in line to grab Conway is apparent good-guy Aiden Wilde, played by the incomparable Sam Rockwell. While Sam’s wise-cracking, slacker persona seems counterintuitive for a skilled assassin, he pulls it o beautifully, and we wind up caring a lot about these two — even hoping they might develop more than just a working relationship.
e cast also includes Bryan Cranston,
Catherine O’Hara, Samuel L. Jackson, John Cena and So a Boutella — along with pop stars Dua Lipa and Ariana Debose. Henry Cavill brings a strong “meta” feel to the proceedings as Conway’s main character, who repeatedly shows up in the real-world plotline, even as the author’s life keeps looking more and more like one of her books. Several of these actors play impressively against type. ough it might spoil things to mention them all, I will say it’s nice to see Jackson as a decent fellow who never drops even one of his characteristic F-bombs.
In fact, Argylle’s admirable restraint with language, gore and sex sets it apart from other recent action-comedies like Bullet Train and Cocaine Bear, where the bloodshed got to the point of being nolonger-funny.
Other worthy features: superb editing in the action scenes; an excellent score and soundtrack (with generous doses of Debose); and dandy, colorful, globetrotting production design as the movie moves from Colorado and Chicago to Hong Kong, France, London, Greece and the Arabian Peninsula.
e script also unloads generous references to other material both in and out of the genre — including Ian Fleming, John LeCarre, Michael Caine, Alfred
Nonetheless, about halfway through, Jason Fuchs’s script takes three wild turns in about as many minutes — at which point, the whole story ies right o the rails. While one admires the audacity and surprise, these twists are all so preposterous that they make mincemeat of the women and men and motivations. As the lm then continues in this mode, it does eventually glue back together one or two pieces of its broken credibility. But by then, so much silly and impossible stu has happened that it’s clear Fuchs’s only goal is trickery — to which he gladly sacri ces his characters; and so the lm ditches its chief merit: our care and concern for its people.
By the end, it has become something of a comic book: colorful and ght- lled, but operating largely in only two dimensions.
Director Matthew Vaughn has expressed an intention for two sequels — and then to connect the resulting trilogy to his own Kingsman franchise. But neither critics nor viewers cared much for Argylle — to the point where it recouped less than half its $200 million budget.
So I’m not sure Apple will want to pour more money into this somewhat leaky bucket — though they certainly have the funds, and Lord knows lousy lms have launched plenty of other franchises in our time.
Argylle might not be legitimately “lousy”; but it sure could have been a whole lot better.
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Saturday May 4th
Worldwide Free Comic Book Day Comes to South Williamsport with Comics for All!
Isle Of Comics in South Williamsport is one of the thousands of comic book shops around the world celebrating the largest event in the comic book industry on Saturday, May 4th: Free Comic Book Day (FCBD). Each year, thousands of participating stores give
over six million comic books to millions of fans to introduce them to the wonders of comics.
“Free Comic Book Day is a great event for the whole community. Bringing everyone together, finding books for everyone to enjoy, and seeing people of all ages — children, teens, and adults — sharing our passion for comics is incredible,” said Tracey Yeagle, owner of Isle Of Comics. “Even if you’ve nev-
Everything for the Outdoors “You can Buy & You Can Sell”
Saturday, May 4th, 2024
Starting at 8:00am
• Trucks, Trailers, Vehicles
• Tractors, Boats
• Campers
• Lawn & Garden Equipment
• Beautiful Rustic Outdoor and Indoor Furniture
• Swings, Rockers, Picnic Tables
• RTV’s, Side by Sides
• Golf Cards
• 4 Wheelers
• 100’s & 100’s of Flowers, Shrubs, Trees
• Garden & Vegetable Plants
• Tools
er picked up a comic book, we want to welcome everyone to Isle Of Comics on May 4th, because there are so many amazing comics this year and we can’t wait to share them.”
This is the 7th year Isle Of Comics celebrates FCBD, offering the community a fun, family-oriented event where everyone can find a comic they’ll enjoy. Stop by and meet Gus Mauk, artist for various companies including BlackBox Comics and Dynamite Entertainment. Also, Darren Auck who worked on various titles for Marvel and DC Comics, Dave Sharpe, artist and letterer for DC Comics and Aftershock Comics, Jason Lenox, artist with Antarctic Press, and local creators like Bryn Allen Artworks, Mike Hunter Art, Clementine’s Creations, and others. Leonard’s Backyard Bistro and Julie’s Candies will also be attending the event.
“With awesome titles including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers & G.I. Joe: Energon Universe, Marvel’s Blood Hunt/X-Men, Pokémon Adventures, Disney Villains: Maleficent, and Star Wars – just to name a few, we’re sure there’s a comic book for everyone,” Yeagle continued. “Comics are a fun and enduring form of
entertainment for readers of all ages to dive into as imagination comes to life. Whether it be popular comics, film, television shows, or video games, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.”
Regular updates, information about comic books, and a list of participating publishers and their free comics are all online at www.freecomicbookday.com or www.IsleOfComics.com.
Free Comic Book Day kicks off at 11:00 a.m. and runs until 5:00 p.m. at Isle Of Comics, 56 West Southern Avenue in South Williamsport. Call 570322-4753, or follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@IsleOfComics).
DAY— Free Comic Book Day is the comic book specialty market’s annual event where participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely free to anyone who comes into their comic shops. It is the perfect opportunity to introduce friends and family to the many worlds of wonder available at local comic book shops. From super-heroes to slice-of-life to action/adventure and beyond, Free Comic Book Day has a comic book for everyone!
Starting at 9:00 am
2001 Freightliner Classic XL Road Tractor w/ 84” Condo Sleeper w/ Dinette Set. 500 Detroit
12L 60 Series Remanufactured Engine, New Radiator, New Turbo, 13sp Transmission Recently Rebuilt, 3.73 Rears, 1,930,333 Miles at Time of Write Up. 2004 Sterling Day Cab Road Tractor w/ OM 460 Mercedes-Benz Engine. Rebuilt 10sp Transmission, New Clutch, 6 New Tires, Full Locking Rears, 5th Wheel & Pintle Hook, Air to Rear, 450,000 Miles at time of write up. 2013 MAC 48 102” Alum. Deck Over Trailer. Has California Electric & Air Lines, Rear Axle Dump Valve, Front Li Axle, 3 Tool Boxes, Pass-through Tool Box for Dunnage,Extra Chain
Tie Downs, 16 Winches, Air Dump for Suspension. 2007 Reitnouer Big Bubba 48 102” Step Deck w/ 2013 Eagle Claw Conestoga Kit. Extended Top Deck for Full 10’ Top Deck, 38’ Bottom Deck, Factory Reitnouer Load Leveler, J Hook Package, Eagle Air Assit Bulk Head, California Electric & Air, Rear Dump Valve, Light Package, Dunnge Rack, Chains, Binders, is Trailer is Ready to Work! 1983 46 Utility Trailer w/ New Heavy Duty Removable Log Bunks, New Rear Bumper. Storage Trailers: 48 , (2) 45 ,& 29 Pup Storage Trailers. Trailers are Water Tight, Solid Roofs and Floors. 2007 Rookwood Signature Ultralight 30 Camper Travel Trailer. One Owner Bought New at Salem RV. Trailer has Weathergaurd All 4 Seasons Package, One Slide Out, Queen Bed w/ Additional Queen Pull out, Sleeps 4, 2 Doors, Great Awning, Always Stored Inside when not in use. 2014 Cyclone 44 5th Wheel Toy Hauler, 12 Garage, Levelers, King Suite, Washer/ Dryer Hookups, 2 Additional Queen Beds, Lo Sleeps 2, will Sleep 10 Comfertabley, 2 Batherooms, Weather Guard All 4 Seasons Package, Slide Outs, Sold w/ Bill of Sale.
Pallets of New and Used Rachet Straps/Load Tie Down Straps, Chains & Binders, Rubber Light Groments, Tail Lights, Construction Lights, Electric & Air Lines, Metal Weld on Rachets,Flexible Exhust Pipes, 8” Exhust Clamps, Coil Racks, Alum. Extention Step Ladders, Wheel Seals, Bearings, Load Stabilizer Bars, Pallets of Mud Flaps and Rubber, CB Atenna Whips, Barrels of Log / Load Chains, Boxes of Window Tint, Western Snow Plow Mounting Bracket w/ Li Cylinder, Load Edge Protectors, Alternators, Brake Chambers, Air Hoses, Rubber Seals, Alum. Road Tractor Truck Headace Rack, Hubcaps, Lug Studs, Pallets of Cribbing, Dunnage, and Cinder Blocks, 2011 Dodge Dual Wheel 4th Gen Truck Bed, Motorcycle Exhaust Pipes, Harley Davidson Parts, Misc. Motorcycle Parts, Multiple Semi Trailer Manual Jacks, Small Block 400 Chevy Engine, 350 Danna Transmission w/ Transfer Case w/ Headers. Cobra 14 Bolt Rear Axle, 5th Wheel Tractor Trailer Manual Tow Boom w/ Lights & Chains, Pickup Truck 5th Wheel Hitch, Larg Propane Tanks, Wooden Wagon Wheels, Hog Skinning Cradle, Chicken/Hog Roaster, Road Tractor Dual Axle Fenders w/ Brackets, Pallet of 8 Steel Square Stock, Portable Air Compressors, Kenmore Electric Washer,Foosball Table, Lawn Roller,Galvinized Milking Bucket, Live Box Trap, Various Lumber, Tarps, Tire & Tow Chains, Slightly Used Truck/SUV and Car Tires, Metal and Wooden Truck/Tractor Ramps, Running Boards, Air Ride Seats, Chrome Light Bessels, Truck Mirriors, Tractor Trailer Truck Exhust Shields, Headers for Small Block Chevy, Alum. Semi Truck Decking, 8 Sheets Tongue & Groove Sheeting, 3 Phase 3.5hp Baldor Pump, Simtec LCA2 Headlight Alignment System, NAPA Power Pro 3,000psi Pressure Washer w/ Honda Engine, Wheel Horse 5,500 Watt Generator, Accu-Turn Aire Powered Tire Changing Machine, 30 Ton Shop Press, Heater Hoses, Barrel Pumps, Pex Tubing, New 12-2 & 14-2 Electric Wire, Hunter DSP7700 Wheel Balancer w/ Large assortment of Wheel Weights & Adaptors, Electric Parts Washer, 3 phase Speed Air 16.5 CFM Large Horizonal 200 PSI Air Compressor
TERMS: Cash, Good Penna. Check
AUCTION NOTE: RG & Son Trucking Has Decided to Retire Due to Health Reasons which Make Auction Necessary. RG & Son Trucking Has Taken Care and Pride in All of eir Equipment and tools. All Equipment is well Taken Care of
Picture: Auctionzip.com #2189 & GoToAuctions#4136
Seller: RG & Son Trucking / Ruhl Family
Tent if Needed • Job John • Lunch Available
AUCTIONEERS: Michael & David Weaver
Allenwood,Pa. AU002180-L
• PHONE : 570-538-2227
The always active Muncy Historical Society will again be presenting one of the events they have become known for when they present their 19th Annual Quilt and Textile Show at the First United Methodist Church’s Celebration Centre and Living Water Cafe, 602 S. Market Street, Muncy.
is location features easy access, convenience, and ample parking. e show runs from noon to 6 p.m. Friday, July 19, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 20. General admission is $8, with a discount for six or more guild members attending together ($6 per member). Visitors can view antique, vintage, and modern quilts, wearable art, and woven coverlets.
In its 19th year, the event will showcase spectacular hand and machine workmanship, appliqué, and other quilting techniques, re ecting the makers’ originality and expertise with needle and thread.
e show is always “set” so attendees can “step far away from the quilt to see the geometric design and color patterns as a whole composition, or stand inches away and observe the combinations of fabric, stitching, batting density, and handmade variations.”
A three-person panel will judge the quilt entries, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons will be awarded in the Quilt Challenge, Appliqué, Other Techniques, Use of Color, Hand Quilting, Domestic/Hand-Guided Machine Quilting, Computer-Guided Machine Quilting, Bed, Mini, and Wall Hanging, Youth, Modern, Art, Wearable Art, and Other Textile categories. e judges will award only one winner for Best of Show, selected from all rst-place winners, a Best Original Design winner, and a Judge’s Choice winner. Friday show attendees will nominate their favorite for the Viewer’s Choice award.
e 2024 Quilt Challenge theme is “Friendship/Signature” — a quilter’s choice to register a modern quilt composed of signed blanks. ey might commemorate artifacts & made by individuals for themselves or as a gi for a family member or friend; others might be collaborative — a group of people for presentation to a member of their community; they might commemorate a special occasion; they might celebrate friendships that link the individuals represented on it; they might preserve the memory of relationships that once existed; or they might mediate experiences by marking major life transitions – marriages, moving West.
This year’s theme sets the stage for our themes for the next two years, culminating in the show’s commemoration of America250. Start thinking about your entries — “Fabrics of Our Lives” has been selected for the July 18-19, 2025 show, and “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” as our July 16-17, 2026 theme will close our commemoration efforts.
Always more than a quilt show, activities have been selected to appeal to all ages, and young people are encouraged to attend. This event is designed to be a glorious, colorful, and educational experience. As with every year, there will be several special exhibits and demonstration areas!
With heavy hearts, members of the Muncy Historical Society and the Vintage Gatherer quilters remember Judith Cole Costello, who passed away on October 20, 2023. Judith was a valuable member of the Vintage Gatherers — an author, a workshop leader, a quilt pattern designer, and a lifelong learner. Her contributions to the art community through her exceptional quilt-making are immeasurable — her designs, color schemes, and creativity. Many of today’s quilters have looked to Judith for inspiration and encouragement. She enthusiastically shared her knowledge, pushing them and herself to strive and develop at ever higher levels of quilt making.
This year’s show is dedicated to her memory and contributions to the quilting world. We will be exhibiting quilts from her “friendship” collection and other things special to her. During show hours,
a PowerPoint presentation will showcase selections of her private poetry. A Celebration of Life, open to the public, has been scheduled to start after the show closes on Saturday and will be held in the church’s sanctuary.
The show will feature “demonstration adventures” — hand and machine quilting, paper piecing, binding and applique, and other sewing machine techniques — all designed for young people and adults alike. Many demonstrators will be available during most of the show hours to provide instruction and consultation.
Check their website regularly (www. MuncyHistoricalSociety.org) for show updates, vendor listings, etc.
If you wish to exhibit you must complete a show registration form, available by calling 570-546-5917 or online at www. MuncyHistoricalSociety.org. Registration forms and quilt and/or textile entries must be received by the Muncy Historical Society from July 8 to July 12, 2024, from 9 a.m. to noon or earlier by advance appointment. Quilts must include a 4-4 ½ hanging sleeve. Quilt/textile pick-up is scheduled for Saturday, July 20 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. or by appointment at the museum.
We will be selling from the Country Home of Duane & Margaret Blakeney, Located at 1235 Comly Road, Turbotville,Pa.17772. From Turbotville and RT 54 Follow Comley road from Turkey Hill Store to Sale Site . Signs Posted Day of Auction.
Country 5 Acre Farmette w/ House & Barn
We will be o ering at 12 Noon a Beautiful 4 Bedroom Well Kept Country Farmhouse consisting of Large Open Kitchen w/ Hardwood Cabinets, O ce / Utility Room, Dining Room, Large Family Room w/ Bay Window, Master Bedroom on 1st Floor, 3 Bedrooms 2nd Floor. Full Attic, Cemented Basement, Standard Septic, Well, Electric. Large Block Farm Garage, Large Barn used for Horses and Approx. Level 5 Acre Lot. To see is Fine Farmette Contact Blakeneys at 570649-5220 or Auctioneer at 570-538-2227. Terms: $15,000.00 Down , Balance in 45 Days, Potential Buyers have right to any Pre Auction Testing at their Expense, All Other Terms made known Day of Sale or By Contacting Auctioneer.
2012 Ford F250 Crew Cab 4 wheel Drive, 73k Original Miles Rides and Drives Great [sold with Small Reserve]; 2006 Ford Explorer 4wheel Drive w/ 262k Original Miles [Rides and Drives Great- Mrs. Blakeney’s Car and She Loves It- Must Downsize]; Oliver 1555 WFE Tractor – w/ Great Tin- Runs Great “A Real Workhorse” w/ Snowplow and Mount- Must See!!
GUNS • AMMO & Fort Knox 30 Gun Fire Safe
Directions to the Quilt Show at First United Methodist Church are from I-80 to exit 212W to I-180 exit 13A, Rt. 405 to Muncy. Turn left on South Main Street, 1.0 mile, right on Mussers Lane. The church is on the left, one block right on South Market Street. Please wear comfortable, flat-heeled shoes.
(LycomingCountyFairgrounds3rd streetentrance)
*1EastParkStreetHughesvillePa17737* (LycomingCountyFairgrounds3rd streetentrance)
Browning Medalion .30-06cal Ri e w/ Simmons Scope; Stevens O/U .22cal Ri e /.410ga w/ Plastic Stock; Winchester Model 67A .22cal Single Shot Ri e, Ruger Model 1 .25-06 cal w/ Simmons Scope; Remington 870 Mag 20ga. w/ Slug Barrel; Savage Model 210 12 ga Ri ed Slug Gun w/ Simmons Scope; Browning Citori Model 425 Grade 1 20 ga. O/U Shotgun w/ Tubes; Springeld J.Stevens 16ga SxS Shotgun; W.Richard SxS Hammer Shotgun w/ Damascus Barrels [Wall Hanger]; Antique Trojan Pocket Pistol #861; Gammo Air Ri e Whisper DiX; Various Ammo; Various Hunting Clothes and Supplies; Black Bear Rug; White Tail Buck Shouder Mount; Various Whitetail Antlers; Mounted Turkey Gobbler; Knives: Cutco 1769 Fixed Blade, Western Field Boy Scout Fixed Blade, Schrade USA 165 Fixed Blade, Gerber Fixed Blade, Fixed Blade Hunting Knife made by Rich Snyder of Lewis Township; Cortina English Saddle; Fenwick#2 6 Flyrod; Browning Solo ex 6 Spinning Rod; 2 Wheel Game Cart; Vintage Cast Iron Clay Bird rower;
am- Household,Collectibles,Tractor/tools 2013 Yanmar Sc2400 3 cylinder
l 4wd utility tractor with 60 inch mower, Loader, Ballast Box, 60
9am- Household,Collectibles,Tractor/tools 2013 Yanmar Sc2400 3 cylinder sel 4wd utility tractor with 60 inch mower, Loader, Ballast Box, 60 rs like new.
Land Parcel of 1.94 Acres
s like new. CubCadetHydrostaticRidingMower,CubCadetIHpullbehindcart, leafblowervac,walkbehindweedtrimmer,generacgenerator,kitchenwaresmallamount offurnitureandmuchmore. 11am -Moveinready20042,016sqft,2storyhome locatedat61HenryDriveHughesvillePa17737homeoffersaveryspacious2car garage24ftwidex34ftdeep,3verylargebedrooms,21/2Baths,openbasement, 200ampservice,publicsewerandwater,walkingdistancetoEastlycomingschool district,approx..44ofanacre,largekitchenanddiningarea,oilheat,centralair, updatedargonsysteminstalled,detachedshed,largebackyard,nestledinavery quietpleasantviewdevelopment.UPI#59-354.1-187.26
CubCadetHydrostaticRidingMower,CubCadetIHpullbehindcart, leafblowervac,walkbehindweedtrimmer,generacgenerator,kitchenwaresmallamount offurnitureandmuchmore. 11am -Moveinready20042,016sqft,2storyhome locatedat61HenryDriveHughesvillePa17737homeoffersaveryspacious2car garage24ftwidex34ftdeep,3verylargebedrooms,21/2Baths,openbasement, 200ampservice,publicsewerandwater,walkingdistancetoEastlycomingschool district,approx..44ofanacre,largekitchenanddiningarea,oilheat,centralair, updatedargonsysteminstalled,detachedshed,largebackyard,nestledinavery quietpleasantviewdevelopment.UPI#59-354.1-187.26
Friday May 17th, 2024 6:00pm (Lairdsville, PA. Near the Evan Lutheran Church) located at 6456 Rte. 118 Hwy., Muncy, PA. 17756
6 P.M.-Real Estate: UPI# 1 3-001 -302, Located in Franklin Twp 1 .94 Acre of land, sewer accessible, can be accessed from route 118 highway, recently surveyed,located in the East Lycoming school district any questions/for private showing please contact Levi at (570) 560-9543. To see photos go to auctionzip.com ID#45518, or on facebook at ”Levi Spring Auctioneering” We Hope To See You There!!!!
CSR [Charles Seidel Rovenolt]- Turbotville- Embossed Round Pint Milk Bottle [RARE}; Rovenolt Dairy Tuurbotville, Pa. Tall Round Painted Quarts & Pints [Hard To Find]; Antique Rovenolt Family Hand Made Bright Quilt; Metal Milch Can; Oak Pressed Back O ce Chair; Mid Modern – Mid Century Wall Lamp; Kneehole Desk; Brown Fabric Electric Li Chair [Super Shape]; Twin Beds; Dressers; Penna. House End Stands; Pennsylvania House Table & Chair Set; Pa House Cherry Step Back Hutch; Various Painted China Pcs; Various Household and Home Décor Items; White Wicker Porch Furniture; GE Microwave; Vintage 1861 Floor Safe; Lightning Guider Runner Sled; Brass Spittoon; Brown Top Crock; Fancy Lamp w/ Red Glass Prisms; Canning Jars; Adams Rose Plates; Sterling Weighted Candle Stick Holders; Pyrex & Corning Corn ower Dishes; Banded Bowl; Char-Broil SST Gas Grill; China Bull Moose Creamer; Victorian ¾ Youth Bed; Byers Choice Figurines; Pitcher & Bowl; Red Ruby Glassware; Vintage Silverware; Mid Century Black Iron Hanging Lamp w/ Vaseline Swirl Globe; Singer Commercial 400W21 Single Needle 110vt Sewing Machine; Singer 460x80 Overlock 110vt Sewing Machine; TOYS: Roselyn American LaFrance Open Cab Fire Engine, Metal Heiliner Pan, Ford 8600 Tractor, International Hydrostatic Combine, Breyer Horses, Small Metal Massey Ferguson Tratr w/ Plow; Plus Other Pces To Be Found
Pictureandlistingoftermsandconditionsofrealestatecominginfutureads ofthewebbweekly,anyquestionsorforprivateshowingpleasecontactLeviat (570)560-9543. Alittlesomethingforeveryone,forpicturesandlistinggoto auctionzip.comID#45518,oronfacebookat”LeviSpringAuctioneering”WeHopeToSee YouThere!!!!
Pictureandlistingoftermsandconditionsofrealestatecominginfutureads ofthewebbweekly,anyquestionsorforprivateshowingpleasecontactLeviat (570)560-9543. Alittlesomethingforeveryone,forpicturesandlistinggoto auctionzip.comID#45518,oronfacebookat”LeviSpringAuctioneering”WeHopeToSee YouThere!!!!
s of cont ents: Nobuyerspremium,cash,orgoodpacheck,creditcardswith 3.5%loss,buyingasiswhereis,statementsmadethedayofauctiontakeprecedence overanypreviousmaterial
ms of cont ents: Nobuyerspremium,cash,orgoodpacheck,creditcardswith 3.5%loss,buyingasiswhereis,statementsmadethedayofauctiontakeprecedence overanypreviousmaterial
Real Estate Terms: No Buyers Premium Cashier or certified check in the amount of $3,000 made out to “Levi Spring Auctioneering” down the day of auction with remaining due in 45 days or upon delivery of good title, property to be sold absolute, buying as is where is no warranties or guarantees made by the auctioneer or the seller, statements made the day of auction take precedence over any previous material. AUCTIONEERS:
Hollands Erie #15 Bench Vise; Cra sman Hand Tools & Sockets & Wrenches; Cra sman 33gal. 150PSI Vertical Air Compressor; Single Bit Axe; Wooden Extension Ladders; Subaru 5000 Generator; DeWalt Sawzall; Hydrolic Floor Jack; Building Jack; Draw Knive; Goodyear Mechanics Stool; Echo PAS-260 Gas Weed Eater; 1 ½ TonChain Hoist; Pull Behind Lawn Roller; John Deere
2 Wheel #80 Dump Cart; Stihl Battery Chain Saw [Like New]; Chains; Hitch Pins; Plus Many
For A Great Day
Pictures: Auctionzip.com #2189 or GoToAuctions #4136
Sellers: Duane & Margaret Blakeney
# 4136
(LycomingCountyFairgrounds3rd streetentrance)
*1 East Park St., Hughesville, PA. 17737* (Lycoming County Fairgrounds 3rd St., Entrance)
9am . - Household,Collectibles,Tractor/tools 2013 Yanmar Sc2400 3 cylinder esel 4wd utility tractor with 60 inch mower, Loader, Ballast Box, 60 urs like new. CubCadetHydrostaticRidingMower,CubCadetIHpullbehindcart, leafblowervac,walkbehindweedtrimmer,generacgenerator,kitchenwaresmallamount offurnitureandmuchmore. 11am -Moveinready20042,016sqft,2storyhome locatedat61HenryDriveHughesvillePa17737homeoffersaveryspacious2car garage24ftwidex34ftdeep,3verylargebedrooms,21/2Baths,openbasement, 200ampservice,publicsewerandwater,walkingdistancetoEastlycomingschool district,approx..44ofanacre,largekitchenanddiningarea,oilheat,centralair, updatedargonsysteminstalled,detachedshed,largebackyard,nestledinavery quietpleasantviewdevelopment.UPI#59-354.1-187.26
9am- Household,Collectibles,Tractor/tools 2013 Yanmar Sc2400 3 cylinder diesel 4wd utility tractor with 60 inch mower, Loader, Ballast Box, 60 hours like new. CubCadetHydrostaticRidingMower,CubCadetIHpullbehindcart, leafblowervac,walkbehindweedtrimmer,generacgenerator,kitchenwaresmallamount offurnitureandmuchmore. 11am -Moveinready20042,016sqft,2storyhome locatedat61HenryDriveHughesvillePa17737homeoffersaveryspacious2car garage24ftwidex34ftdeep,3verylargebedrooms,21/2Baths,openbasement, 200ampservice,publicsewerandwater,walkingdistancetoEastlycomingschool district,approx..44ofanacre,largekitchenanddiningarea,oilheat,centralair, updatedargonsysteminstalled,detachedshed,largebackyard,nestledinavery quietpleasantviewdevelopment.UPI#59-354.1-187.26
9 am.- Household, Collectibles, vintage furniture, stoneware, Kitchenware, Lycoming County fair pictures from Bressler, and Fetter, advertsing pcs, David Armstrongs Prints, Firearms and much much more, lots for everyone, We Hope To See You There For full listing and Pictures go to auctionzip.com ID# 45518, or check us out on facebook at Levi Spring Auctioneering (570) 560-9543
With Webb’s “Weird Words” now in its 11th month — and rapidly approaching one whole year of linguistic gobbledygook — your local word-Smith herewith presents 11 more unusual terms:
Armigerous (ar-MIDGE-er-us, adj.) –Merriam-Webster de nes this simply as “bearing heraldic arms” — which is actually not that simple … unless you know that “heraldic” (i.e., heraldry) refers to an old-fashioned coat of arms.
Pictureandlistingoftermsandconditionsofrealestatecominginfutureads ofthewebbweekly,anyquestionsorforprivateshowingpleasecontactLeviat (570)560-9543. Alittlesomethingforeveryone,forpicturesandlistinggoto auctionzip.comID#45518,oronfacebookat”LeviSpringAuctioneering”WeHopeToSee YouThere!!!!
Pictureandlistingoftermsandconditionsofrealestatecominginfutureads ofthewebbweekly,anyquestionsorforprivateshowingpleasecontactLeviat (570)560-9543. Alittlesomethingforeveryone,forpicturesandlistinggoto auctionzip.comID#45518,oronfacebookat”LeviSpringAuctioneering”WeHopeToSee YouThere!!!!
(or guess!) for yourself. e broadly inclusive Collins English Dictionary lists the alternate spellings bollocks and ballocks, also indicating that it can be used as an interjection of annoyance. (Or, if you’re the Sex Pistols, part of the title for a famous punk record.)
Bottomry (BOT-um-ree, noun) – From Collins: a contract whereby the owner of a ship borrows money to enable his vessel to complete a given voyage, pledging the ship as security. It is related to our word bottom — in the sense of the boat’s hull.
rms of cont ents: Nobuyerspremium,cash,orgoodpacheck,creditcardswith 3.5%loss,buyingasiswhereis,statementsmadethedayofauctiontakeprecedence overanypreviousmaterial
erms of cont ents: Nobuyerspremium,cash,orgoodpacheck,creditcardswith 3.5%loss,buyingasiswhereis,statementsmadethedayofauctiontakeprecedence overanypreviousmaterial
Personal Property Terms and Conditions: NO BUYERS PREMIUM, cash or good pa check credit card 3 1/2% loss, buying as is where is no guarantees or warranties made by the seller or the auctioneer, statements made the day of auction take precedence over any previous material.
And just in case that still doesn’t help: A “coat of arms” was a distinct design of shapes, symbols, colors and sometimes drawings used to represent and identify family groups — especially in the era of knighthood. It was most o en seen on shields or ags and is no longer common — though it does become a complex and amusing plot-device in Huckleberry Finn, where Tom and Huck try to design one for the runaway slave Jim.
Google “coat of arms” if you want to see examples.
Bollix (BALL-icks, verb) – To bungle something; screw it up badly — o en used with up: “You sure bollixed up that tax form, bro.”
Also spelled bolix or bollox, it has a somewhat crude etymology that you can look up
Dottle (DOT-ul, noun) – Also spelled dottel, it’s “the plug of half-smoked tobacco in the bottom of a pipe a er smoking” (Dictionary.com).
Farkleberry (FAR-kul-bear-ee, noun) –A shrub or small tree of the Southern U.S., bearing a black berry with many seeds (Random House College Dictionary). Mephitis (meh-FIE-tiss, noun) – An offensive smell or stench; or, a poisonous or foul-smelling gas emitted from the earth (American Heritage). e adjective mephitic is pronounced meh-FIT-ik.
Pish tosh (PISH tosh, noun) – While the generally generous Dictionary.com does not have this, several other lexicons do. It means “rubbish,” “bunk” or “nonsense.” Wikipedia has the wonderful British synonym tommyrot. Can be spelled pish posh, or (per Merriam-Webster) even just … pish.
Quodlibet (KWAD-lib-et, noun) – “A subtle or elaborate argument or point of debate, usually on a theological or scholastic subject” (Webster’s New Universal Unabridged).
Aging Boomers might recall this word (with slightly altered spelling) from a transitional tune on the Grateful Dead’s 1968 album Anthem of the Sun. Part of the oplayed suite usually called “ e Other One,” “Quadlibet for Tenderfeet” connects “Cryptical Envelopment” with “ e Faster We Go, the Rounder We Get.”
And you thought “Moby Grape” was a weird, Woodstock-era name!
Rubricate (ROOB-ruh-kate, verb) – Related to ruby, this means “to mark, color, or illuminate (a book, etc.) with red; to
write or print in red letters” (Webster’s New World College Dictionary).
Scumble (SKUM-bull, verb) – “To apply opaque or semi-opaque colours very thinly over other colours, to modify the e ect” (Chambers’s Twentieth Century Dictionary).
Ultracrepidate (ull-truh-KREP-uh-date, verb) – You can tell I’m trying to spread the wealth around among my 67 di erent dictionaries — but I had to revert to Collins for this one, since few others have it: “to go beyond one’s scope or province, esp. to criticize beyond one’s sphere of knowledge.”
I guess trying to avoid this is one reason I keep buying more dictionaries. As if I needed an excuse.
The official start of spring is here — and with that comes the dreaded allergy season. A little more than a quarter of adults in the United States have these seasonal allergies according to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) and can relate to how pesky the symptoms can be.
Once the weather starts warming up,
plants begin to show signs of life again.
Leaves grow, flowers blossom, and pollen gets released into the air — the biggest culprit for seasonal allergies. In response to these pollens, allergy sufferers may experience the following symptoms:
– A congested or stuffy nose
– Watery, itchy, or red eyes
– Runny nose
– Itchy nose or throat
– Sneezing, sniffling
– Popping ears or ear infections caused by inflammation and fluid backup
It might not only be pollen causing these symptoms too. Dust mites and molds can also contribute, especially in Pennsylvania.
Managing Your Allergies
There are a few things you can do to help keep your allergy symptoms at bay in addition to taking over-the-counter medications like antihistamines. While you can’t avoid pollen 100% of the time, a few changes might make your everyday life in the springtime a little more comfortable.
– Close your windows to keep allergens outside
– Use an air purifier or filter your air through your HVAC
– Keep humidity levels as low as possible
– Wear a mask while doing yardwork
– Wash up after coming indoors
– Clear your nose by flushing the nasal passages with distilled salt water
If you’ve tried these methods in addition to medication, it may be time to contact your primary care provider. When to See a Health Care Provider
There are more treatments available for severe allergy sufferers. Your doctor might recommend the following:
Prescription antihistamines: Most antihistamines are now over the counter, but some are still only available by prescription.
Nasal sprays: Medications that reduce the swelling in your nose, which cause a stuffy, runny, and itchy nose.
Inhalers: Medications inhaled into the lungs that open your airways. Inhalers can include daily use or rescue inhalers used for immediate symptom relief.
Allergy injections or immunotherapy: A series of injections to desensitize your immune system to the allergens that trigger your symptoms. The goal of the treatment is to retrain the immune system to recognize the allergen as not dangerous, decreasing the frequency or severity of allergy symptoms.
A fever, head and body aches, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea are not considered symptoms of allergies and can mean that something more is going on. It’s important to rule out other sicknesses before thinking that it’s “just allergies,”
and your health care provider can help do that.
Allergies can be unpleasant, but your provider can help you determine what is triggering your allergies and develop a treatment plan that works for you. If you have allergy-like symptoms that last more than ten days, it’s time to make an appointment with your health care provider.
Skye Miller, PA-C, is with UPMC Allergy and Immunology and sees patients at UPMC Williamsport Divine Providence Campus, Wenner Building, 1705 Warren Ave., Williamsport. To schedule an appointment with Skye, call 570-320-7070. For more information, visit UPMC.com/ AllergyNCPA.
130 Stopper Rd., South Williamsport (Nippenose
Wednesday Evening
May 15th 7:00PM
For dedicated spring gobbler hunters, the Pennsylvania spring gobbler season is just a few more restless nights away!
Preseason scouting indicates that this should be a really good year to bag one of nature’s greatest game birds.
Before you head to the woods, there are a few things you should give some thought to. Most of those who get up every morning well before daylight, trudge deep into the woods ahead of the sunrise, and sometimes spend countless hours pursuing this magni cent bird would refer to a spring gobbler as the “King of the Game Birds.”
It truly is a stunning sight when a mature gobbler is all fanned out and strutting for a nearby hen while the early morning sunlight dances o the iridescent colored feathers that cover his body. Add to that the ashes of red and white that he displays on his head, neck, and waddles, and it is one of the most beautiful images in nature. To take a bird like that is truly to take a genuine trophy.
If you are fortunate enough to take a mature gobbler, what will you do to honor it?
Have you considered having a local taxidermist do some type of mount to commemorate the hunt and honor this bird?
ere are several choices that a good taxidermist can o er. ere is a full mount, usually done in the position of the bird strutting, which highlights all his colors and the uniqueness of the display he puts on for his hens. A breast mount is a nice wall display and includes the head, breast, and beard — with the tail all fanned out behind the breast and head. Another option is to mount just the fanned-out tail along with the beard. It really comes down to your budget and how you want to show the mount or where you might have room enough to properly showcase the mount. If there is even a remote chance that you might want to have a mount done, then special care must be taken in the eld once the bird is down to ensure a great-looking mount. Carrying a turkey out of the woods — particularly a big gobbler — can be awkward, and frequently, if you have a long hike to your destination, numerous feathers can be lost, ru ed, or broken, making the work di cult for even the best taxidermist. e answer to this dilemma is pantyhose. Yes, pantyhose! Merely slip the entire bird head rst into one leg of the pantyhose. As the hose is pulled down over the entire bird, the feathers are laid back in place and remain in a stable, undamaged condition until you get the bird to the taxidermist.
If a mount of some type is not in the
cards, there are several other things you can do that are unique to a gobbler. e three wing bones in each wing can be removed, cleaned, and used to make a two-bone or a three-bone wing bone call. Once completed, you can inscribe the date and location of the kill on the call or decorate it with a painting of some kind. It will add to the magic of some future hunt if you are able to master the use of this call and actually call in and take another turkey using the call that you made from the wing bones of a gobbler that you had taken.
Spurs can be removed along with a section of the leg bone to which they are attached and then are o en displayed on a necklace.
e tail can be kept intact and dried in a fully fanned-out position. It can then either be displayed or used as a real tail in a gobbler decoy that is o en sold with a plastic or paper tail. Adding your fannedout tail instead of the arti cial tail will give the decoy a more realistic look. ese tail feathers can also be plucked individually, making a great “canvas” for painting wildlife scenes.
e wonderful sights and experiences that a spring gobbler hunter encounters are worthy of remembering and honoring. By using some of the body parts described above, you will be able to enjoy recalling the sights and sounds and the thrill of a successful spring gobbler hunt.
• Hanging Baskets
• Pansies/Violas
• Bedding Plants
• Fern Baskets
• Perennials
• Vegetable Plants
• Herbs
• Seed Potatoes
• Strawberry Plants
• Fruit Bushes & Trees
Mandevilla Baskets & Trellis
Miracle Gro® Potting Soil
Knockout Roses
• Pink Dogwoods
Spring turkey hunting is upon us. e youth spring turkey hunt was on April 27th, and the statewide spring turkey hunt runs from May 4-31.
Bear in mind, however, that the legal hunting hours change midway through the season. From May 4-18, hunting begins one-half hour before sunrise and ends at noon; hunters should be out of the woods by 1 p.m. From May 20-31, hunting hours begin one-half hour before sunrise and end one-half hour a er sunset.
fanned out in the same spot in a eld several mornings when I passed by with one hen nearby.
While preseason calling can also locate gobblers, it’s probably wise to limit the use of hen calls and resort to some other type of calling to get a response.
A big step in the right direction, of course, is knowing where a gobbler or, better yet, gobblers are located. Some scouting beforehand can be very bene cial, but I like to be careful with my preseason scouting; I don’t want to stomp all over the locations I plan to hunt before the season opener.
Knowing where turkeys are roosting can also be a big plus, but it’s best to keep a good distance so that your movements and any noise cannot be detected. All turkey hunters know that while turkeys may have a brain about the size of a small chestnut, their hearing and eyesight are extremely acute.
Keep in mind that during the earlier part of the season, leaf development is still somewhat limited, and turkeys will be able to detect any movement much quicker than later in the season when leaves block some of that movement.
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Monday-Friday 9-6 • Saturday 9-4 • Sunday 12-4 Check Us Out on Facebook & Instagram!
To be honest, keeping a good eye out while driving in and around your hunting locations can tell you a lot. Over the past three weeks, I’ve observed at least a half dozen gobblers and several hens.
One gobbler, in particular, has been
Another thought that sometimes comes up with the turkey-hunting crowd is whether or not to use decoys. I’ve had success, but I’ve also had a gobbler turn and hustle away from my
Goats, Produce, your imagination is the limit. Also has lots of wildlife and good deer hunting, Property has a private well and is on Public sewer, To see Proper-367-0052 Or Elmer Lapp @ 570-660-0362, Real Estate to be sold as is @ 1:00 Pm, $25,000.00 Down payment day of Auction, settlement of the balance within 45 days, 2% Realtor Participation 3 Registered Morgan horses; 3yr old Gelding, Sire is NS Future, 2yr old Stallion, Sire is Cool Whip, 1yr old Stallion, Sire is Mountain side Treadmill, BZ 1-horse cultimulcher, Remington 760 gamemaster 270 (Left hand), New lead ropes & halters, Misc. tack, Portable horse stall, Semen boxes, cutting torch set w/tanks, Dog crates, dog house, dog kennel runs, lots of misc. horse related supplies, used shoes, blankets & etc, Gates, feeders, some misc. household things; Necchi Omega sewing machine w/oak cabinet, air spinner, Toddler bed and more, also a few misc. antiques, Square cast iron skillet, Oreo tins, coffee grinder, butter churn, Eartl McCormick Deering manure spreader w/mule team, Load of NEW DeWalt & Milwaukee tools, Lots of new Batteries, Hammer drills, Impacts, chargers, sawsaws, grinders, circular saws, Milwaukee Dual battery back pack blower, Milwaukee Packout boxes, Milwaukee chainsaw, Quick lock pole saw, broom & cultivator, and much more, There will be a selection of top quality meat Rabbit breeding stock and some very nice rabbit cages and hutches and Misc. small animals, Peacocks, pheasants, chickens, Quial and more, lots more as they are still cleaning out the corners, NOTE; The Kauffman's are very motivated to sell as they wish to relocate, Auction starts @ 10:00Am w/misc. personal items, New tools @ 11:00, Rabbits & poultry @ 12:00, Real Estate @ 1:00, Horses 1:15,
decoys. I had a hen decoy and a gobbler decoy, and I suspect the approaching gobbler may have had his butt kicked by another gobbler, and he took off when he saw my gobbler decoy. On the other hand, I had another occasion where I had a couple of hen decoys out, and three gobblers quickly closed in on them — one of them is now a mount.
What about the use of blinds? Remember, artificial blinds are legal, but the word “artificial” is critical. If you are going to use a blind, it must be artificial and consist of all manmade materials of sufficient density to block the detection of movement within the blind from an outside observer. Arti-
(Sales & Service)
ficial blinds can be made of materials such as plastic, nylon, canvas, cotton cloth, plywood, or other manmade materials. Blinds made by piling up rocks, logs, or branches are not permitted. I have used artificial blinds on limited occasions, but most often, I like to get perched up against a large tree; it helps hide my movements and provides at least some protection from someone shooting behind me.
Well, these are some things to consider when getting into the spring turkey season, but certainly, proper calling techniques are also important. That’s another whole story; in fact, there are entire books covering that subject.
•1486 ..............................................$22,500
•1066 ..............................................$13,500
•1066 ..............................................$22,500
•1066(Bk Stripe) ...........................$20,000
•656 Hydro ....................................$10,500
•Takeuchi TL6R ............................$30,000
•N.H. LX 885 .................................$17,000
•Int. 20 Foot Disc ..........................$12,000
•Int. 12 Foot Cultimulcher ............$4,500
Mets manager Yogi Berra coined the phrase “it ain’t over till it’s over” when referencing the 1973 National League pennate race. Now that Lycoming College has finally had the opportunity to christen its new Brandon Park field, Warriors head coach Rick Oliveri couldn’t be faulted for shouting, “I wish the season wasn’t over!”
can grow. We get to make the culture and the program into what we want from the ground up. That’s what brought me here.
After years of planning and a series of delays, the Lycoming College baseball team was able to play its first game at the Brandon Park facility on April 19. With the college season winding down, local fans have a chance to see the Warriors in action this weekend as the team wraps up the season. Lycoming will host Elizabethtown Friday at 4:00 p.m. and Juniata in a Sunday doubleheader beginning at noon.
Oliveri was all smiles, like the proud papa he recently became, as we walked around the new synthetic-turfed field. A veteran of 15 years of Division I coaching experience — the last five at George Washington University — he beamed when asked why he came to Lycoming, a college with no baseball team or a place to play.
“They had plans for a place to play,” he explained. As an assistant coach, that was an attractive piece. Their plans for a field were exciting. A school that doesn’t have a baseball program or a field makes it exciting to think about what we can build and how we
Scott Lowery“Last year, our first year was a lot of fun. We have great kids who love the game, love each other, and love this college. We lost two out of every three games, and the league voted our staff ‘coach of the year.’ I think the coaches who voted for us saw what we were building. We have a core group of young men who are committed, who love to play and play hard and play the game the right way. Those factors are what made our first year at Lycoming so enjoyable.”
This year, with their new field not yet ready, Oliveri’s team truly became Road Warriors.
“This year has been unlike any other that I’ve ever been a part of, and it’s been hard. But at the same time, it has been fun. We had to find a way to do things right and have purposeful practices. Before April 16, when this field was ready to go, we only had two practices on a baseball field for the entire spring semester.
“We were supposed to have this field ready by March 1. Then, weather, and other things, were out of our control, and we had to make it known to the team that we may not be able to play on the field at all this season. We had t-shirts made up that said “Road Warriors.” The team took that to heart and was unflappable. They accepted that disappointment
5:00 (OUTBACK) – Garden Tools – Homelite Chainsaw – Hand Tools – Shopvac 4 gal.–Pepsi Cola Crate – Tool boxes – Scotts Spreaders – 18v Weed Wacker – Varmit Trap – Bolens 500E push mower – Wooden wind chimes – Yarn – SS pail – Runner Sled – 4 Drawer Metal file – Old canning jars – Small 2 door metal cabinet – Vise – Ice Tongs – & MUCH MORE!!
5:45 (There ‘bouts) Main Hall – Antiques – Collectibles – Coca Cola Cooler – Old Golf clubs – Hummels – Marbles – Usual Assortment of Country Housewares, Utensils & Small Kitchen Appliances - David Armstrong “ Red Maple” Unframed & “Mother’s Day” Framed –Older Christmas décor – Depression glass wares – Slaw Cutter – Lionel NY Central Flyer 027 ga – Hurr’s Dairy Box – Family Bible – Moosehead Beer Crate – Fishing creel – RR Memorabilia – Bee Hive Steeple Clock – 2 Small Ceramic Xmas Trees – Selection of Salt & Pepper shakers – Sewing Novelties – Brass Regulator Clock – Small Vintage 4 Drawer Chest – Vera Bradley purses – Post Cards – Costume Jewelry - & MUCH MORE!
6:30 – Furniture: Smaller Open faced corner cabinets – Solid Cedar chest – Various size bookcases – 2 Step back end tables – 4 Pc. Dark Cherry 60’s Bedroom set, No box/ mat – 4 Shelf flip front bookcase – Full Bed w/ Box & Mat, head & foot board, light maple –Small Child dropleaf table & 1 chair, red – Small computer desk – Oak 4 Drawer Mirrored dresser – Depression cherry dropleaf dining table w/ 1 insert - & MUCH MORE!
6:45 – Silver Coins: Morgan Dollars, Franklin & Walking Halves, Mercury Dimes, Indian Head & Wheat pennies and More.
Auctioneer Notes: Pictures on Auctionzip.com enter 5545 or GoToAuction.com enter 5228. Food Provided by Rubens Rubies. Chairs provided.
TERMS: Cash or good PA check accepted. Credit Cards Accepted (w/ loss of 3% Discount). All items are sold “AS IS, WHERE IS”, no guarantee made by the seller.
and took on the attitude of ‘OK, let’s go play anywhere.’
“Playing all those road games has been hard, and we haven’t had much success this year. But I’m not discouraged about where we are going and the direction of the program, and I don’t think our players are either. Every game was a bus trip, with long hours. We had no place to practice. I admire our young men for how well they’ve met this challenge, and I think it will make them stronger, better baseball players, and better men.”
e eld wasn’t the only challenge facing the Warriors as the college switched from the MAC to the Landmark Conference.
“Playing in the Landmark Conference also presents a bigger adjustment because we play three-inning games on the weekends. Last year in the MAC, we played one nine-inning
game and two seven-inning games, so you need to manage your pitching a di erent way. Both conferences are very good. In the MAC, there were a couple of teams that were in the Top 25 every year.
e strength of the Landmark Conference is it is steady, which makes every weekend a battle. ere are no ‘freebies’ in this conference, and we are learning that very early.”
It’s been a long wait, but the team is relishing
its new home.
“It was fun to see the joy in the players’ eyes, faces, and body language. e most fun part was getting to practice on the eld for the rst time. We had an indoor practice plan in place when I was told we could practice on the eld a er a sign-o walk-through that day. I had the team report to the football eld, a few blocks away. Once I got the green light to use the eld, I called them on speakerphone and told
them the good news. I live within earshot of the football eld, and my wife told me she could hear the screaming and cheering when they received that phone call.
“ ey sprinted here to the eld and were excited. Some of the players laid down on the logo in center eld and soaked it all in. Our rst game (April 20) was great, but the week leading up to it was just extra special for all of us because now the wait was over, and we had a eld we could call home.
“ e eld is all synthetic turf, 325 feet down the line, 370 to the gaps, 390 to center eld. ere are things that still need to be completed in this rst phase. We are fortunate to have a college that believes in baseball and we have proven that we can be a successful part of this college.”
• Blooming Flowers
• Early Garden Plants
• Variety of Bagged Soils and Compost
• Variety of Flowers
• Lots of Vegetable Plants
• Onion Sets
• Perennials
• Roses
• Veg. & Flower Seeds
• Pots & Planters
• Wooden Crafts
Special thanks to the readers of Webb Weekly. I am still amazed at how many folks will turn to this page. I ran into two people last week — totally random — one at Wegmans and one at work.
eir kind words meant the world. I always get excited when someone recognizes me from this column. Great stu , kids.
When you spend as much time on the water as I do, you will always catch a few. While some days are certainly better than others, you occasionally have that once-in-a-lifetime experience. But these are extremely rare. I can count them with my ngers. But these precious moments are what keep me going. I always have those thoughts when I put on my waders. ursday evening, I snuck out. Teach and I mowed the lawn, and she was ne with me leaving. I was shing one of my favorite stretches on Lycoming Creek. It is only three minutes from the house. I know the area quite well, and I am amazed at how it constantly produces. is run is not near a major stocking point.
But the trout always gather in large numbers, usually a few weeks a er the opener. I will always encourage my friends to nd the “good spots” on a river or stream. Fish tend to move, and they always nd these pools.
Stocked trout sometimes get a bad rap. I have learned to appreciate them, and they are what I currently target. ese sh spend their early years in a nursery. Once they reach the desired size, they are released. Stocked sh will likely head downstream until they nd some cover. ey are in search of slower-moving water. Remember, swimming upstream or battling the current isn’t something they are used to. But where do they go? Valid questions. Most will stay, but others will travel. Several studies have shown that a Rainbow will leave its initial post a er three days. One tagged Bow swam an incredible 123 miles downstream from their entry just 16 days a er stocking. Browns tend to hang around a tad longer. ey will likely move a er seven. Fascinating. e changes in diets with these stocked trout are truly amazing. ey
are raised on pellets that are full of nutrients. But quickly learn to adapt and begin nding natural food almost immediately. And a er a few weeks in the wild, they will make a complete 180. ese trout have very little chance in the beginning. ey only take the worms, minnows, power bait, and salmon eggs the weekend warriors are throwing. But then something changes. Almost a light switch. ey will know the di erence. Trout will no longer feed and pay little attention to these items. ey start to feed on bugs. Mostly those in the water. It is quite incredible. A stocked trout wises up.
I made a few casts near Reeder’s rapids. I was doing my usual. I was bouncing a Peeping Caddis. I prefer to sh on top, but early in the season, this is my setup. It has been so cold, and we have not had many hatches. e water was still high, and she was owing. I added some weight to get my nymph lower. I shed for 30 minutes. Not much action. I was a little rusty. e key is to nd that right depth. e right dri . And the right presentation. It was getting dark. I considered packing up. Maybe. Tomorrow. While walking back, I noticed one sh that was feeding. He was coming up and sipping. I decided to give it a go. It has been a while since I caught a sh on a dry. I quickly changed to
#14 Adams. My new pair of cheaters from Amazon helped me nd the small eyelet. I removed my weights and added some glue. I made a great cast to where he was. I mended my line and gave it a twitch. He came up and smacked it. I set the hook, and we battled. I landed a beautiful, stocked Brown trout. I took a quick photo and released him. e sh swam back to his homestead. e rst of many on a dry y. Always be prepared. Last night was not one of those epic experiences. I only landed two sh, but I enjoyed getting out for a few casts. I will be back. Yes, perhaps this evening. Fishing is a passion. You always learn something new. It serves as my zen. It is more than a hobby. I appreciate the kind words, folks. Tight lines. Cheers.
1 Sandwich made with Peter Pan and Welch’s, for short 4 Like an unruly kid
Open-handed hit 14 Flamenco shout
Nanny who may live in an inlaw suite
“Field of Dreams” state 17 Macadamia __ 18 Age-old method of long-distance communication
Bus terminal
“Been __, done that”
Computer that generates Bitcoin, e.g.
26 Younger of the NBA’s Curry brothers
45-Down, e.g. 29 Triple-A baseball team based in Ohio
__ goo gai pan
Mont Blanc, e.g.
Director Roth
Some summer workers
Find My iPhone logon need
Kanga’s joey
Dean’s list no.
DVR forerunner
Atmospheric patterns that re-
semble fish scales
Female sheep
Lotto variant
Sends with a stamp
“Dear old” parent
Pulls hard
Christian doctrine of divinity, and the starts of the answers to 18-, 29-, and 45-Across?
Grab a bite
__ vera
Lacrosse targets
Pie servings 68 Netflix’s “__ Education” Down 1 “On Golden __”: Hepburn film
2 Brewer known for its Belgian White ale
3 Many a “Top Gun” aviator
4 Kept moist, as a roast turkey
__ and Coke
6 Each, informally
Starts, as a new hobby
Like tall wedding cakes
12-mo. periods
Weary sound
Folks who keep to themselves
Cognizant (of)
Lost some color
Service provided by the Geek Squad
Unspecified person
Southwest Virginia city
Steakhouse chain with a skinny tree in its logo
Texter’s “Sorry, did I overshare?”
L.A. Galaxy’s org.
Timeline stretch
Simple firework
__ Escape: PlayStation game featuring monkeys
Item of equipment for the NCAA’s Frozen Four
ER staffers
Reacted to a joke told by 55-Across, probably
Dry wine choice
Curly salad green
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9, with no number repeating in any one row, column or 3-by-3 box.
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Female Beagle Puppy. Ready 5/2/24. Vet Checked, Shots And Dewormed, $225.00. Free To A Good Home, 4 Year Old Tri-Colored Beagle Female. Very Friendly and Likes Children. 570-725-2219 Ext:0 . 182485
Some Blue Merles. Ready Now. $300.00. Vet Checked And Wormed. Call 570-725-2050. 182244
ONE YEAR OLD Tri-Colored, Male Beagle Puppy For Sale, $150.00. Call 570-726-0386. 182114
WELSH CORGI PUPPIES Blue Merles And Tri-colors. Had First Shots And Wormer. Very Nice Pets, $475.00 Each. 570725-3336 Ext:2. Leave Message. 182249
GREAT PYRENEES PUPPIES. Vet Checked, Wormed, Shots. Ready April 27th. 570546-5162. 182241
RED MINI POODLE Puppies. Had Shots And Dewormer. Very Good House Pets. $275.00. 570725-2394 Ext: 3. 181953
BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES For Sale. 2 Brown & White, 3 Black & White. Used To Children. $50.00 Apiece. 570-7452432. 182081
ROUND PENS ALL SIZES Livestock Panels. Immediate Delivery. 570-916-3309. 182504
SMALL SQUARE BALES Of Hay. Timothy and Alfalfa Mix. First And Second Crop. $4.00
MULTI-FAMILY Garage & Yard Sales On GRIMESVILLE & GRININGER Roads, Williamsport. Fri. May 3rd & Sat. May 4th 8:00-2:30. 1937, 2368 (2 Families), & 2450 Grimesville Road AND 137 Grininger Road (3 Families). Rain Or Shine! Books (Amish + Other), Tools, Jewelry, Home Decor, Collectibles, Glassware, Wicker Trunk, Curio, Bike, Womenʼs + Menʼs Clothing, Pfaltzgraff, Boyds Bunnies + Bears, AND SO MUCH MORE! SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! 182283
YARD SALE Friday And Saturday May 3rd & 4th, 9:00 AM Until 4:00 PM, 518 South Washington Street, Muncy. Princess House Glassware, Lennox, Spode Holidays Decorations, David Armstrong Paintings, Solid Cherry Shadowboxes, Davis Sebold Paints, Infant Moses Basket, Navy KitchenAid Mixer Plus New Attachments. 182282
JORDAN AVE SALE, MONTOURSVILLE. May 4th, 8-1. Baby Items, Holiday Decorations, Clothing For All, Air Conditioner, Hunting Camo, 50” TV, Robot Vacuum, Electric Griddle, Angel Collectibles, Afghans. 182285
MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE 208 Charles Road, Muncy. May 3 & 4, 8-3pm. Household, Books, Womenʼs Clothes M & L, Menʼs Clothes M & L. 182306
INSIDE, SELLING HOME, Household Items, Glassware, 3
Route 220 Jersey Shore. Come Check Us Out. Fall & Winter Hours Thursday-Sunday 105pm. 570-259-1886. 182495
PERFECT-2-PERFECT is having an estate sale NEXT WEEK on Casey Drive in Old Lyco Twp, May 9-11. Address will be published next week. We will open at 8:30am and close at 3pm Thursday and 2pm Friday, Saturday until noon. Karate, Martial Arts, Sporting Goods, Hunting, Fishing, Tools, Quality Knives, Swords, Brunswick Regulation Pool Table and more. For more info and photos, go to www.onlinetradingassistant.com next week. 182267
ESTATE SALE. Lots Of Things. 1416 Park Avenue Williamsport. May 2nd, 3rd & 4th, 8am-2pm. 182280
WBR ESTATE SALE 1424 Pinecrest Drive, South Williamsport. Thursday May 2-Fri May 3rd 8-5pm. Furniture, Lift Chair, collectibles, household, linens, Christmas (lots of snow babies), TVs, dvd player, tools, items great for cabin decor and use. 182281
AOK MOVING SALE 415 Arch Street Newberry. May 2nd & 3rd, 9-3, May 4th, 9-12. Garden Items, Holiday And Home Decor, Crocks, Pottery, Refrigerator, Salon Items, Sink And Cabinets, Lawn Mowers And Much More. 182488
Email elsdjobs@elsd.orgifinterested.
DeadlineforapplicationsisTuesday, May7,2024
STORAGE Unit Contents Of Household And Other Goods Will Be Sold To Highest Bidder On May 6th At 6pm To Satisfy
Liens, Units 5 & 6, Joy Gilbert. At 1171 Pleasant Hills Road Williamsport, PA. 17701. Cash Only. 182492
VICTORIA’S PRIMITIVE PIECES 1950 Green Ave. Williamsport. New Items Arriving Weekly. Lots Of Americana And Primitive Items. Open Every Saturday 10am-2pm. 182470
METHODIST CHURCH 2898 Heshbon Road, Williamsport (Turn Off Of Lycoming Creek Rd)
Pastor Jane O’Borski. Worship 9AM, Sunday School 10:15 AM. 182498
BURNER BARRELS, Muncy Area $10.00. Call 570-546-6046. 182500
FOR SALE: ROTOTILLERS, Hedge Trimmers, Leaf Blowers, Chainsaws, Weed Eaters, Lawn Mowers, Riding Mowers. Call 570-980-0157. 182486
PRESS, 1/3 Horse Motor, Nice
Equipment For A Starter Shop, Circular Saws, Small Loaders, Oil Tank. Leave Message 570322-2474. 182503
MOTOR 37LB Thrust. 2 Turkey Seats, 3 Decoys. $80.00 For All. 570-971-1248. 182502
COVER For 2015 Chevy Silverado LT, Short Bed. Husky 3750 Generator. Kayak With Paddles. Gravel Plow & Snow Plow for Riding Mower. 570-447-2613. 182494
SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-theline installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855-417-1306. C11
THE GENERAC PWRCELL, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-866783-0292. M11
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LIKE NEW HONDA 8HP Rototiller, Only Used 2 Years. Works Very Well, $2,400. Call 570-939-1812. 182113
TITAN INDUSTRIAL 7,000 Generator, $400.00. 570-5844863. 182120
SAFE STEP. North America ’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-ofthe-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833356-1954. M11
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-7611725. C11
PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES TODAY with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5-Year warranty with qualifying purchase. Call 1-855-465-7624 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. M11
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GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt with a free Quote – Call now before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176. C11
BUTTER 570-244-6149.
RHUBARB, $1.50 A Bunch. 504 Cooley Road, Allenwood, PA. 17810. 570-547-0989
FIREWOOD CUT & SPLIT. Mostly Oak. $200 A Chord. Call For Delivery Rate, 570-3603026. 182044
WOOD For Sale. $40.00/Stack. 1739 Quarry Road Jersey Shore. No Sunday Sales. 570-745-7643.
G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587. C11
Doors open at 9:00am & bingo will start at 12:00pm $30 a session or $60 to play all day !!!
2 jackpots one at the end of the first session for $500 and one at the end of the second session for those who play both sessions for $1000
Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-833-399-3595. C11
MOBILEHELP, America’s premier mobile medical alert system. Whether you’re home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure! 1-888-489-3936. C11
DENTAL INSURANCE-Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance-not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-526-1060 www.dental50plus.com/ads #6258. C11
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391. M11
Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-844-317-5246. M11
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-877-5531891 www.dental50plus.com/ macnet #6258. M11
381 Broad St., Montoursville, PA.
Quality Antiques, Gold, Silver Top Prices Paid With Immediate Payment.
One Piece or Whole Estates.
“Member of Certified Appraisers Guild of America”.
Open Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sonic Ascension Records Is Buying Albums
And 45’s. Rock, Blues, Jazz, Punk, And Metal.
No Collection Too Big Or Small. Cash Paid On The Spot! Call 570-360-3486 Or Find Us On Facebook.
CLEANING AND HAULING INSIDE AND OUT. We Will Clean Up And Haul Away Your Unwanted Items From Your Yard, Attic, Basement And Garage. Reliable And Reasonable. Call Gary 570-244-1424 OR 570-321-9472. 182248
T-TAG DELIVERIES For Your Hauling Needs Of Mulch, Topsoil, Stone, Etc. Call Josh 570-435-3204. 182015
REFINISHING AND REPAIR We Make Spindles, We Fix Most Any Loose Chairs. We Also Paint Metal, 570-584-3215.
HOME BREAK-INS take less than 60 seconds. Don’t wait! Protect your family, your home, your assets now for as little as 70¢ a day! Call 855-401-1151.
HANDYMAN Fast Service, Nice Work. Call Me And Save. Mike 570-506-4669. 181797
SERVICE: Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration & mosquito control. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our first application special! 1-833-6066777. C11
YARD WORK, CLEANUP. Brush Removal, Mulching, Hauling, Weed-Whacking. Also, Clean-Outs. Fully Insured. 570439-1934. 181772
G & W SOUND. DJ Music For Any Occasion Small Or Large. 570-220-5512
WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & restoration: A small amount of water can lead to major damage and mold growth in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: 1-888872-2809. C11
AGING ROOF? New Homeowner? Got Storm Damage? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-888878-9091. C11
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. Limited times, we’re waiving all installation costs! (Additional terms apply). Subject to change and vary by dealer. Offer ends 12/31/23 Call 1-844-501-3208. C11
REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material-steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer -- up to 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807. M11
AUTHOR. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author`s guide 1-877-729-1920 or visit dorranceinfo.com/ads .C11
CLEANING FOREVER! LeafFilter, the most Advanced Debris-Blocking Protection. Schedule FREE LEAFFILTER Estimate today. 15% Off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936. C11
REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material-steel from Erie Metal Roofs! 3 styles & multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer up to 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (military, health & 1st responders.)
1-833-370-1234. C11
AUTHOR. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920 Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-866-4821576 or visit http://dorranceinfo. com/macnet. M11
JUNK REMOVAL, HAULING, Clean-Out. Brush Removal. Free Estimates. 570-3770428. 181935
WEED WHACKING, Field Mowing, Brush Hog & Mulching. 570-377-0428. 181934
WE TRANSFORM YOUR KITCHEN IN LESS TIME, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate 1-844887-5145 (PA017137) M11
SPRING AND FALL CLEANUP. Residential And Commercial Mowing And Landscaping. Now Offering Grading, Stump Removal, Clean-Up Of Large Areas, Field Mowing, Brush Hogging. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. 570-419-6326. 182263
D & M LAWNCARE LLC. We Are Looking To Add Residential And Commercial Customers For Mowing. Insured and Affordable. Please Give Us A Call Today For A Free Estimate. 570-337-1606. 182262
To Add Residential And Commercial Customers For Mowing & Trimming Needs. Fully Insured. 570-322-8787 Or 570560-8471. 181592
AND LANDSCAPING. Spring Clean-Up, Trimming, Mowing And Mulching. Free Estimates. PA064570. 570-772-1588. 181126
No Time? Call ME! I Will Get Your Home Looking Great So You Can Relax! Great Rates, References Available Upon Request. For An Estimate Call Joyce 570-238-1796.
LEAVE THE MESS To Us. Christinaʼs Cleaning Services. 570-560-9578. 182480
IS LOOKING for Plumbers, HVAC Technician and Laborers with experience in servicing and installing all types of systems (some experience in oil furnaces is a plus). We offer competitive pay, paid vacation and holidays, medical benefits, and 401K. Please send resume and business references to: PlumbingMasters, 302 Sidney Street, South Williamsport, 17702 or email at plumbingmasters1@verizon.net or call 570-323-1983. 182496
LIBRARY IN WILLIAMSPORT, PA seeks a customer-oriented, energetic, and computer-savvy part-time Public Service Assistant I (PSA) to work at the library this summer. Must be able to work in a fastpaced environment and multitask. PSAs assist library patrons and promote the use of the library through friendly, efficient, and responsive interactions. A high school diploma or equivalent is required. This is a temporary part-time position scheduled for 20 hours per week beginning around June 3, 2024, and through August 23, 2024. Anticipated work schedule: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm; Fridays 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Additional hours may be scheduled based on the needs of the library. The wage for this position will be $11-13 per hour. Application forms and a complete job description may be found on the libraryʼs website: www.jvbrown. edu/careers/. Submit a completed application form and cover letter to Karen Confer at kconfer@jvbrown.edu. Review of applications will begin on May 8, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. The James V. Brown Library is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 182483
HAPPY ACRES RESTAURANT Immediate Openings. Full-time, Part-time, Servers, Bartenders, Dish Washers, Sous Chef. 570-753-8000. 182497
The Montgomery Borough and Montgomery Water Authority are seeking a maintenance and public water system employee. Applicant must obtain a valid driverʼs license and be a team player. Pay rate based on experience. Digging equipment use helpful. Water license helpful but must be willing to obtain a water license. Applications can be obtained at Montgomery Borough office at 35 S Main Street, Montgomery 570-547-1671 or at donnajmiller1@comcast.net. 182252
THE SALVATION ARMY is seeking a seasonal/part-time summer youth program coordinator, 9 AM-2 PM, 25 hrs./week. Some weekend and evening hours may be required. Qualified applicants must be 18 or older and meet all background check requirements. $14/hr. HS diploma or GED preferred. Computer skills a plus. Must apply in person: 457 Market St., Williamsport. EOE
THE SALVATION ARMY is seeking three seasonal/part-time summer youth program counselors, 9 AM-2 PM, 25 hrs./week. Some weekend and evening hours may be required. Qualified applicants must be 16 or older and meet all background check requirements. $12/hr. Computer skills a plus. Must apply in person: 457 Market St., Williamsport. EOE
Call 1-877-705-1472
WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 833-308-1971. C11
DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER and 65+? You may qualify for a substantial cash award. NO obligation! Weʼve recovered millions. Call 24/7, 1-866-590-5563. M11
CANCER? You may qualify for a substantial cash award - even with smoking history. No obligation! Weʼve recovered millions. Let us help!! Call 24/7, 1-877648-2503. C11
NET - Get your favorite live TV, sports and local channels. 99% signal reliability! CHOICE Package, $84.99/mo for 12 months. HBO Max and Premium Channels included for 3 mos (w/ CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866-629-6086. M11
DIRECTV Stream - Carries the most local MLB Games! Choice Package $89.99/mo for 12 mos Stream on 20 devices at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/Choice Package or higher.) No contract or hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866-859-0405. C11
GET DISH SATELLITE TV + INTERNET! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Uprade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1-866-4791516. C11
+ INTERNET! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Uprade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1-855-2247694. M11
WE BUY HOUSES. MultiUnits And Single Family Homes. Any condition. 570-713-9378. 182264
ACRE. Located Near Little Pine English Center. Call For More Details 570-447-2613. 182493
10 X 16. $75.00/Month. Call 570-337-4994. 182265
CO. New Lots Available. $1,000
4 Plot. $250.00 Single. 570-2381152. 182109
#1072A #2, $640.00. 1-215-6303873. 182478
$17,995, 1986 F250. Sold new at Bill Marks Ford. Original 6.9 diesel, 34,000 original miles, just serviced and inspected, new batteries, new fuel pump. Runs like new. 570-506-7602
¿¡#VEHICLE REPOSSESSED#¡¿ You may be entitled to substantial money and improved credit. REPO ALERT! FREE LEGAL ADVICE 1-800601-0808. M11
WANTED! MOTORCYCLES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-5778206 KRMiller1965@yahoo. com . M11
GET YOUR DEDUCTION ahead of the year-end! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually inpaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pick up and secure a generous year-end tax credit. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844320-2804 today! M11
BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVS **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@ yahoo.com . M11
DONATE YOUR CAR TO VETERANS TODAY! Help and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398. C11 ATTENTION
2020 KZ ESCAPE E181RD Travel Trailer. Queen Bed, SlideOut Kitchen, Micro/Convection, Electric Awning, Walk-In Shower, Satellite System. Like New, $14,000. 570-899-6673. 182501
FOUR CAR GARAGE, Close To Hospital And YMCA. Land, 628 Spruce Street, Williamsport. $25,000.00. 570-916-3309. 182256
For Details. 570-547-1040. 182266