Top 10 Freight Forwarder in India

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Freight Forwarder • A freight forwarder in India, forwarder or forwarding Company, also known as a nonvessel operating common carrier(NVOCC), is a person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the manufacturer or producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution.

• A freight forwarder is an agent who acts on behalf of importers, exporters or other companies to organize the safe, efficient and cost-effective transportation of goods. You will use computer systems to arrange the best means of transport, taking into account the type of goods and the customers delivery requirements.

Service A freight forwarder makes recommendations regarding receiving payments for exports. •These forwarding agents provide custody and control of material in transit. •They assist or prepare commercial invoice, packing list, draft, transmittal letters, consular invoices, export license, drawback forms, and shipper's export declaration.

Roles in International Export Business  Give recommendations to the exporter Perform freight shipping operation  Documentation in International Freight Shipping  Keep the Shipper Notified  Send documents for collect


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