Small and Medium Enterprises: Tips for Web Design Designing a website for a small size or medium size enterprise is a very tedious task if not properly handled. Follow these basic web design tips to make your task much easier and effective. 1. Have your own website: it is your own site and you are the one who invested in the project. So you always have to prepare to direct and have the pace to move towards an actual date of launching. Be calm but steady and keep moving the money and effort flow to the direction of your end goal. If you are busy with some other important tasks and don’t have much time to participate in website building, hire someone from Boost One web design Montreal for the best service. 2. Select the layout and color scheme: For this you can look at different sites online that have the layouts and colors of your choice and some might have layouts and colors that you are not fond of. If you don't want to look at other sites yourself, with the assistance of an expert web designer you will have some shortlisted web designs and color schemes which might or might not be to your liking, which may cause delay in your website launch and may cause you to have to restart your project. Looking at existing successful designs is always a good way to get a project moving on the right track.