Bishop Vesey's Newsletter Dec 2009

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Headteacher’s Newsletter


End of Term Autumn 2009 Message from the Head We can but marvel at all that has been achieved this term and throughout 2009. Our academic profile has been significantly enhanced once again, with BVGS now almost in the TOP 50 state secondary schools. We have continued to provide a distinctive ‘Vesey Experience’ within our school community, harmonised around core aims and values, enabling enthusiasm, enjoyment and excitement to be expressed in abundance. Growth in ‘Mind, Body and Spirit’ is evident in so many interactions across the rich and diverse platform we have created. We look forward to another prosperous year in 2010 and thank all those who continue to support our desire ‘to be the best there can be’ in modern-day education. Exciting times ahead, as 2010 beckons!

Staff and Governor News

History….in the making

We send our best wishes to Maria Hill, whose maternity leave began on 7th Dec and welcome Tony Bennett who joins the D&T Department in Maria’s absence. We say thanks and farewell to Zoe Hardy who joined us in a temporary p/t English post for this term. Following the election on 13 Nov, we welcome Nicholas Round OV, who has been elected as ‘Parent Governor’.

As part of our Community Cohesion programme, members of Yr 8 presented prayers in assemblies from the Islamic and Sikh traditions this half-term. Prayers with English surtitles, assisted access from the whole school community, bringing greater understanding and celebration of the richness of the religious experience amongst our students.

Season’s Greetings to all members of the Vesey Community

Academic Profile We were delighted to see BVGS placed 54th in The Sunday Times Parent Power League Table of the TOP 500 state secondary schools this year, published on 15 Nov (up from 100th in 2008 and from 302nd in 2004). That league table over the past 5 years tells its own story of the outstanding progress BVGS has made in regaining its academic credibility at local and national level. No wonder then that we have already received 330+ external applications for entry to our Sixth Form from prospective New Veseyans, eager to join our vibrant school community.

Organiser Adam Hassouna 8W introducing the special presentation of prayers in Arabic.

David Iddon Headteacher Vesey’s ‘Community Cohesion’. All smiles as Yr9 enjoy their lunchtime break together.

Umair Ishtiyaq 8B, who is learning the Quran by heart, delivering from memory a splendid recitation of ‘Ayat al kursy’ in Arabic. We wish to thank all those ‘Friends of The School’ who contributed to this year’s U6 Interview Jamboree in Big School on 16th Nov, helping to prepare a record number of 36 students for exacting Oxbridge, Medical and Veterinary School interviews.

Mighty Oak for Vesey’s

Parents’ Association This term the PAC has raised funds to provide the new projection facility in Big School. Yr 7-8 Disco raised £540 and the Wine Tasting with Majestic Wines £350. Advance notice: Summer Ball on 15th May and ‘Team Vesey 2010’ joins the Sutton Fun Run on 6th June. Contact Russell Tipson, Chair of the PAC, for details on Tel: 07973 490056 or

Head Caretaker and keen horticulturalist, Kevin Wamsley relishes planting an impressive English Oak tree which will overlook Middle Field in years to come. The tree is a gift to the school from Tom Madden OV, who has supported and continues to support a wide variety of developments at BVGS.

Ahmed Razzaq 8W reciting Surah-al-faatiha in Arabic with great confidence.

Amandip Bhamra and Ikam Nijhar 8R presenting Sikh prayers in Punjabi with Tabla Drums.

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