Headteacher’s Newsletter
End of Term Autumn 2010 Message from the Head As 2010 draws to a close, we look back on so many great moments and achievements, from which we derived great pleasure and look forward with great anticipation and impatience to the year ahead, which promises so much. We have comfortably maintained our academic position in the TOP 100 state secondary schools at 72nd, well ahead of many of the 164 grammar schools and are now poised to improve yet further. We have ‘maintained the momentum’ with the best ever GCSE results both in ‘attainment’ at 62.44% A*/A and ‘achievement’ with the ‘CVA’, Contextual Value Added score, now for the first time over that coveted 1000 mark! A quite remarkable year for which we offer sincere thanks to all members of the Vesey Community.
David Iddon Headteacher Big Chill? No Problem!
Staff News
V Factor 2010
We say thanks and farewell this term to Alison Timms, Director of Music, who, since September 2008, has transformed the provision of Music at BVGS through vision, focus, energy and rigour. We are grateful to her for ‘raising the bar’ and taking students to new levels of performance in so many ensembles, groups and bands, which have enthralled our audiences. We wish her well as she moves on from our school. Equally we applaud and thank James Young OV, inspirational teacher of PE/Games, coaching rugby and cricket. He demonstrated how to ‘turn round teams’ of young players and lead them to great achievements, notably last season with the U15 XV, who made it to the last 16 in the Daily Mail Cup. We wish him well in his move to Denstone College.
On 18 Nov V Factor at BVGS drew the crowds, raising, along with the non-uniform day, over £1200 for charity. The judges and audience applauded the massive step change in quality of performance from previous years. Well done to winner Taleisha Hutton L6 (2nd down on left)
Founder’s Day 2010
Headteacher David Iddon, School Captain, Andrew Cotterill, with the special 1940s archived blazer and Chairman of Governors, Clive Richards at the buffet lunch in Old Big School before the annual service.
Season’s Greetings to all members of the Vesey Community
Silent Night at Vesey’s Well done to Year 8 who arrived bright and cheerful, being suitably attired to brave the early morning cold and make it to school.
Memories of warmer days
And then…..action stations, down Boswell Road at 7.10am!
On 9 Dec., our U13 cricketers finally got their hands on this impressive B’ham Schools Shield. It dates back to 1904 and has been won only once before by BVGS. This precious shield must now go back to its B’ham vault!
You missed it? Fear not, this best ever event is now to be repeated by our Sixth Form Charity Committee, supported by the PAC, on Friday 11th February 7.30pm in Big School for Parents and Friends of the School. Tickets £15 (to include hot supper) will be on sale in January for this Gala Charity Night. Book the date! Come and enjoy an evening of Vesey musical talent!