Headteacher’s Newsletter
Summer Update 2010 Message from the Head
Staff News
Top Class results again this year at A Level and GCSE. We are delighted that both year groups performed so admirably, helped enormously by the huge efforts on the part of staff and students alike. ‘The Vesey Learning Culture’ has changed significantly over the past few years and yet we know that we still have further capacity for future improvements with upcoming KS4 & A2 students ready for the challenge! Over the last 7 years, we certainly have done plenty, but the next 7 years promise to be the 7 years of plenty, given the fantastic platform for success we have created. Sincere thanks to everybody for being part of this unfolding story of success and for supporting us so admirably in so many ways. We are off to a flying start in the new academic year, so do please help us to maintain the momentum in the coming years.
We are delighted to announce the following internal appointments for 2010-11: Linda Blakemore - Head of ICT, Matt Collins Teacher i/c Community Cohesion, Geoff Goode Teacher i/c BVGS Virtual Learning Environment, David Goodwin - Sixth Form Achievement Leader, Sam Harper - Assistant Head of Year Sixth Form (U6), Elliot Godwin - Assistant Head of Year Sixth Form (L6), Heather Hodkinson - Member of Staff i/c PHSE/Citizenship, Chris Howell - Director of Sport, with Brian Davies and Kevin Doughty having specific departmental responsibilities in PE/Games, Laura King - Teacher i/c French, Dave Phillips - Head of IAG (Information, Advice & Guidance), Suzi Porter - KS3 Teaching & Learning Leader in English, James Rostron - Head of Year 8, Sarah Sangster - Head of Biology, April Slater Teacher i/c Spanish, Kate Steadman - Head of English and Teacher i/c Student Welfare in the Sixth Form. We are delighted to welcome new members of staff this year and wish them a fruitful and happy association with the school. Ralph Brocklebank (0V), Teacher of Chemistry, Claire Callan, Teacher of English, Ruth Davison, Teacher of Languages, Christelle Lutun, Teacher of Languages, Alexander Morgan, Teacher of Maths, Pilar Somoza Fernandez, GTP Teacher (Spanish), Jetender Karra, GTP Teacher (ICT), Suzanne McGuire, GTP Teacher (English), Danielle Smith, part-time Teacher of Psychology. As he joins the Senior Leadership Team, we offer a warm welcome to Graham Swindells, as our new School Business Manager.
David Iddon Headteacher
Welcome back New Year 7 students who embark on the seven years of plenty before them!
to all staff and students!
A Level Students 2010
Student Leadership duo, School Captain, Shane McIntyre, reading Geography and Economics at OxJames Lau off to read ford and Deputy School Engineering at Imperial Captain Rhiannon John, College, London. reading Music at Bristol.
Future doctors, Chris Wall & Mia Archer off to Keele and Newcastle Medical Schools. …...and lots more happy, smiling faces as excellent academic standards were maintained. 1 in 4 students scored a new A* grade. All 6 Oxbridge candidates converted offers to places. Oxford: Oliver Bentley Physics, Shane McIntyre Geog/Econ, Peter Whiting Chemistry, Naomi Zainuddin PPE, Ryan Felton Chemistry. Cambridge: Junaid Qasim Theology. 77% grades at A*-B - another tremendous year for our A Level students who leave with our best wishes for the next stage in their careers at top universities. We encourage them to stay in touch with the school and their contemporaries to build on the considerable network of Old Veseyans across the world.
GCSE Superstars 2010! With 57 A* grades between them, we offer our congratulations to the TOP SIX but also well done indeed to all those who have distinguished themselves at GCSE this year. L-R Tom Andrew 10A*, Alex Maxwell-Keys 10A*, Joe Nash 10A*, Oliver Jupp 9 A*s +1A, George Tomlinson 9A*s +1A and Alex Cole (not pictured) who also secured 10A*s +1A and has now moved to Repton School to pursue tennis at national level. No fewer than 22 students gained A*/A in 10 subjects and 51 students of 123 in Year 11 averaged Grade A across 10 subjects. 61.45% of all entries were awarded A*/A, so close to last year’s record of 61.73%! Well done to all our GCSE students on this splendid year group performance, under the leadership of Head of Year, Dave Phillips.