Headteacher’s Newsletter
End of Term Spring 2010 Message from the Head Climate change? The Vesey daffodils are late this year, following a severe and arduously cold winter but as Spring arrives, here at BVGS we are already planning our next ‘Step Change’ to take us to new levels of achievement! Timely indeed in the light of news that the university entrance climate is about to change. As the cuts in university places begin to bite in and the ‘grades currency’ rises yet again, we are determined to equip our students with the qualifications and personal attributes to combat any change in climate! Watch this space as we ‘spring’ into another gear to take Vesey students to the top educational pathways of their choice.
David Iddon Headteacher
Year 7 students pictured earlier this term, smart and ready to begin the school day, as they journey into 2010 and beyond.
New Rugby Sponsors
We are delighted to announce that Attain Travel has kindly agreed to sponsor our 1st XV Rugby for the next two seasons. Attain Travel offers a first-class service to schools and community groups across the city and beyond. For website details: www.attaintravel.com
Staff News
Academic Profile
Congratulations to D&T Teacher Adam Belcher who came 3rd in a national photography competition this January with his work portraying insects, beating many well renowned wildlife photographers.
Dr Juliet Foster, Schools Liaison Officer of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge addressed an audience from Yr 10 and L6 on 8 March in Old Big School, outlining requirements for entry to Oxbridge and inspiring our students to aspire. She emphasised the need to ensure that two thirds of the personal statement centre around academic interests and subject passion, with one third related to personal attributes, interests, community service and extra-curricular achievements.
‘Champion of Champions’ for 3rd consecutive year!
Headteacher’s Theatre Trip to ‘Medea’ The DJI minibus trip on 23 March to The New Vic in Newcastle-under-Lyme with 10 students and visiting German teachers proved a great success. Tom Paulin’s modern version of Euripides’ tragedy gripped the Vesey theatregoers with one of the most powerful female roles in the history of drama, which explores betrayal and revenge.
Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Chauhdry Rashid, presents awards on 24 March to Year 8 students, Luke Doran, Sam Simper, Kiel Taylor and Kevin George, who represented the school at the Birmingham KS3 Champion of Champions Book Quiz. Team Capt. Sam Simper reports ‘There were six rounds with questions on the KS3 shortlist, books that have been made into films and general knowledge on books for young people. After the first two rounds we were in fourth place. In the next three rounds we achieved the top scores. Going into the final round under pressure, we were feeling confident and won the round by two points. For the third year in succession a team from BVGS had achieved first place. A great morning out with the added success of winning!’ Another record-breaking moment.
Parents’ Association Council
Ssh! say Year 8 in
148 students from BVGS & SCGSG enjoyed the Yr 7 & 8 PAC Disco on 12 March. Many thanks to Vesey parent Anne Troman who donated the refreshments, which helped boost profits to £420.55 for the PAC funds. We now seek support from BVGS parents for the Autumn Term discos. Please contact parent Fiona Tomlinson via The Main School Office with offers of help. PAC Ball 15 May 2010 at Old School House, Weeford: Tickets now on sale from organiser David Jupp for what will be another tremendous evening in the Vesey calendar. david.jupp@btconnect.com Mob: 07803 076197
Charity Sponsored Silence
U12s Greater Birmingham Champions
Special congratulations to Librarians Teresa Smethurst and Alison Ward on this huge ‘three in a row’ achievement!
Yr 8 students have raised money for The Cardiomyopathy Society. Through many activities, most significantly a Sponsored Silence, they have raised a record breaking £768 for this worthwhile charity. The sponsored silence alone raised £608! Their next charity venture will be raising money for The British Heart Foundation.
Encouraging words in the ‘Team Talk’ from U12A Rugby coach Kevin Doughty. His U12A Rugby team ended the season on a high, bringing home the Greater B’ham trophy by beating KES B’ham after extra time in the Final. A great win and an outstanding team effort.