Heads Newsletter Summer Half Term 2011

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Headteacher’s Newsletter


Half Term Summer 2011 Message from the Head A very short, somewhat fragmented, half-term has nonetheless been marked by the usual array of wonderful opportunities to learn in a wide range of contexts and in particular has been marked by one of the most memorable U6 leavers’ days when we said congratulations, thanks and farewell to a quite remarkable group of young people, who have left the school a better place through their kind and generous efforts. The exam season is now upon them and others who settle down for a testing few weeks before the summer repose. We look forward to the fruits of their labours in August.

David Iddon Headteacher

Staff News

Student Leadership in Action

On 6 May we said thanks and farewell to Matt Phillips who left after 4 years of distinguished service, notably as Head of Biology and then as Assistant Headteacher i/c Language College. We wish him well in his new rôle in education at HMP Stocken, as Head of Offender Learning and Skills. ICT Technician, Omar Chaudry leaves this half-term after 6 years with our thanks for all he has offered BGVS and with our sincere good wishes for his new post as Senior ICT Network Technician at Ward End Primary School. Marion Binard our French Assistant for the past two years, who has given generously of her time to the languages department, moves on with our best wishes for the continuation of her career.

Money doubled for Charity Congratulations to Jay Lal U6 Charity Officer and all who have participated in our recordbreaking efforts for charity this year. Jay set the school an ambitious target of £15k. Our total now stands at over £16k for a variety of most worthy causes, double the amount raised in previous years. Well done to all involved!

England’s rising star is guest speaker at Rugby Dinner 160 BVGS Students, Parents, Staff, Governors, Old Veseyans and Friends of Vesey Rugby attended the Annual BVGS Rugby Dinner held at Ramada Hotel on 13 May. At each age group Bath RFC and England centre, Matt Banahan, presented the trophy for ‘Player of the Year’ and ‘Most Improved player’, following short speeches by team coaches. 1st XV captain and U12B coach, Jack Robson, pictured left, who has been offered a place at Bath RFC Academy, collected the prestigious ‘Roden Trophy’ for outstanding sports leadership. In his speech, Matt told us about his journey to international status and shared his philosophy for success through sport, before offering a Q&A session. Sincere thanks to Matt for joining us and to organisers Zak Feaunati and Chris Howell for providing such a splendid celebration of Vesey Rugby.

Artsfest 30 June 2011 More and more students are speaking in assemblies and are taking on leadership rôles, with a view to organising events and contributing to the life of the school. Do please support the forthcoming Artsfest, which this year includes a catwalk and dance routines. There are only 100 places available for what promises to be another sell-out event, with the prospect of raising a significant amount for charity. Tickets £18, including a hot buffet meal from Peninsular Restaurant, now on sale from Sue Foster in the BVGS Enrichment Office: s.foster@bishopveseys.bham.sch.uk or Tel: 0121250-5412

History in the re-making……..BVGS U13 Soccer Team: the first to compete since 1926 Kerry Osbourne, Clerk to the Governors and BVGS historian, on behalf of sponsors Eddowes, Perry and Osbourne, wishes captain Joe Hartigan all the best as our team sets off for the HD Sportsworld Tournament at Shrewsbury School last month from where they returned with the trophy for the most improved team during the competition.

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