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With more public courses than any other state in the nation (over 850 of them, according to Forbes Magazine), Michigan offers resident and visiting golfers a wide selection of places to enjoy the game they love. (Or, love to hate, depending upon how the day’s round goes!) Some public courses offer memberships that can save you money if you golf frequently, so be sure to look into that when you find a course you love to play.
Lake Le Ann Golf Club
10339 Fairway Dr., Jerome, MI 49249 www.lakeleanngolfclub.com
Facebook: Lake Le Ann Golf Club & Driving Range

Nine holes with a driving range, carts & clubs available for rent, pro in house and tee times welcomed. Soft spikes only.
Litchfield Greens
(formerly Jenkins Golf Course), 10011 Homer Rd., Litchfield, MI 49252 www.cityoflitchfield.org 517-5423121
Facebook: Litchfield Greens
Nine holes, carts and clubs available for rent, pro in house. Two sets of tees. Soft spikes only.
Mill Race Golf Course
200 Adrian Rd., Jonesville, MI 49250 www.millracegolfcourse.com 517-849-9439

Facebook: Mill Race Golf Course
Nine holes,driving range, carts and clubs available for rent, pro in house and tee times welcomed. Three sets of tees. Soft spikes only.
White Oaks Golf Club
2171 Bankers Rd., Hillsdale, MI 49242 www.whiteoaksgc.com 517-4373434
Facebook: White Oaks Golf Club
Eighteen holes, carts & clubs available for rent. Two sets of tees. Soft spikes only.
The Hills of Baw Beese Lake
1990 Ash Te Wette Beach Dr., Hillsdale, MI 49242 www.hillsdale.golf
Facebook: Hillsdale Golf & C.C.
The Hills of Baw Beese Lake
Nine holes, tee times welcomed, carts available, on-site dining.