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For a community its size, Hillsdale County has many K-12 educational options, both public and private. Eight school districts (Camden-Frontier, Hillsdale, Jonesville, Litchfield, North Adams-Jerome, Pittsford, Reading, Waldron) and two public charter schools (Will Carleton Academy and Hillsdale Preparatory School) offer schools of choice, all served by the Hillsdale Intermediate School District. Hillsdale Academy, affiliated with Hillsdale College and known for its quality elementary education and college prep high school classes, is one of five private and parochial schools in the county. For those seeking Pre-K educational resources, Hillsdale County has several public, private, and stateaffiliated preschools.

The Hillsdale County Intermediate School District provides vocational and career training through the Hillsdale Workforce Development & Technology Center. The center offers training on CNC equipment, CAD design, construction trades, criminal justice, and health sciences. Programs offered through the center assist students to acquire the skills necessary for successful entry into the workplace or post-secondary education.

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