Hillsdale County Visitor Guide 2023

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3 ww w.c i t y o fh i l l s d al e .o r g | 517-437-6440 | 97 N B r oad S t , H illsdal e , MI 4924 2 Welcome to Historic Hillsdale, Home of Hillsdale College O n t h e N a t i o n a l R e g i st e r o f H i sto r i c P l ac e s, o u r b u s i n e s s d i st r i c t r e t a i n s e n t i r e b l o c ks o f l a t e 19 t h a n d e a r l y 20 t h c e n t u r y b r i c k b u il d i n g s a n d h i sto r i c a r c h i t e c t u r e . Enjoy the unique, locally-owned candy houses and restaurants that compose our quaint, small town. Relax at Mrs. Stock’s Park, Sandy Beach and Baw Beese Lake recreation area and bike trail. See our historic City Hall, Will Carleton Poor House, and the Mitchell Research Center. Don’t miss the Saturday morning Farmers Market, Airpor t Fly-In and Air Show, Light- Up Parade, open air market and more! Visit Hillsdale College for guest lectures, athletic events, art shows, plays, and musical performances.

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Art, music, and other must-sees

Shopping & Lodging

An assortment of shopping options

Pour Me Something Good

Coffee to cocktails

Local Eateries

A resturaunt for everyone

Hillsdale Outdoors

Watersports & more

County Parks

Beaches & playgrounds

Local Events

All year long

Annual Events

Plan a few hours or a fun-filled weekend

Business & Industry

Building a strong business community

Economic Development

A supportive business climate

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Buying A Home

Finding the right realtor


Pursuing knowledge for all ages

Health & Wellness

Caring for our community

Places to Stay

Beautiful campgrounds

Good to Know Numbers


Welcome to Hillsdale County!

Whether you’re considering relocating here, just arrived, or have been here awhile and are looking to explore your county in more depth, we hope this guide will help you.

Our county is rich in history; loaded with a wide array of dining, shopping, and recreational activities; and permeated with the personal, easygoing character that makes rural life so special. When you eat in our restaurants, shop in our stores, or utilize our service and professional resources, you’re often dealing directly with the business owner or members of the owner’s family. They take pride in their businesses and strive for a high level of customer service. Our restaurants range from casual to fine dining with everything in between. We also have some excellent places to get coffee, whether you want a simple mug of dark roast or a spectacular coffee drink.

Lakes and parks are found throughout Hillsdale County offering opportunities for swimming, boating, skiing, cookouts, hiking, bicycling, or just taking a leisurely stroll through a beautiful setting. Sandy Beach at Baw Beese Lake offers a boat dock, regulation-size basketball court, a new play area, and regulation-size volleyball courts. There is a concession stand where you can buy hotdogs, slushies, ice cream, and cold drinks. Lewis Emery Park features a community building available to rent for private events, a pavilion (also available to rent), fishing, nature trails, fire rings and grills, ball diamond, and other amenities. Mrs. Stock’s Park is beautifully-restored gem just east of downtown with a pavilion, picnic sites, and lovely gardens. The park is the site of a popular free concert series every summer. McCourtie Park in the northeast corner of the county is famous for its many trabajo rustico bridges and trees.

Added to these attractions is a great variety of independent retail stores offering clothing, crafts, artwork, hardware, furniture, craft supplies, specialty food items, home décor, gifts, yard and garden supplies, and more. Downtown Hillsdale is the site of a farmers market that runs from May to October where you can buy locally-grown fruit, vegetables, and flowers, along with honey, skin care products, and more, all from area producers. And, don’t forget the Hillsdale County Fair! Established in 1851, this annual event draws people from far outside Hillsdale County with something for everyone.

Use this guide to familiarize yourself with all the county holds and then do some exploring! Our communities look forward to meeting you and serving you in the near future.

McGraw Publishing Allen • Camden • Hillsdale • Jerome • Jonesville • Litchfield • Montgomery
• North Adams • Osseo • Pittsford • Reading • Somerset • Waldron

Editor: Melissa McCance

Sales: Heidi Lanius

Sherry Sheffer

Cyndi Young

Hannah Sayles

Graphic Design:

Dakota Harding

Angela Blake

6 Published & Produced by: McGraw Publishing, 108 Boies St., Hudson, MI 49247 Marlanea McGraw • 517-320-9235
• sales@simplyhers.net
happen ...
Those who make it


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Eric: 517.990.4439 | Nicole: 517.990.4429
Luxury, Maintenance-Free Living. Close to Baw Beese Lake O O A in m e m k m 2 d -O D m g g 2 m d o d o - -
*full walkout basement option shown
www.hillsdalebuickgmc.com I 99 W Carleton Rd, Hillsdale, MI 49242 I 517-437-7334 Adkins Automotive 18 All Aboard Travel 19 America’s Best Value Inn 69 Anytime Fitness 37 Archery Spot Guns & More 59 Bailey, Hodshire & Company P.C. 19 Barrett Insurance Services 43 Becker & Scrivens Concrete Products 9 Bob Evans Farms 40 Behavioral Wellness Center 37 Belleza 27 Belson Asphalt 29 Biggby Coffee 21 Birdie’s and Howell 9 Blossom Shop 18 BPU 45 Braman Roofing 11 Breathe Free Duct Cleaning 35 Broad Street Auto 69 Buentello Pest Control 41 Bundy Hill Diner 71 CASA 16 Century 21 Jenny Stephens 12 Christie Plemmons Realty 61 City Collision 19 City of Hillsdale 3 Coldwell Banker Groves Real Estate 2 Cottage Inn/Silo’s Fun Park 27 Country Carpets 11 County National Bank 27 Cronin Hillsdale Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram 25 D&D Heating & Cooling 18 DJ’s Restaurant 73 DMCI 69 DP Equipment 33 Eagle VanHorn-Eagle Funeral Home 43 Economic Development Partnership 38 El Cerrito Mexican Restaurant 75 Evergreen Estates 43 Finish Line 25 Gateway Campgrounds 65 Gene’s Service 57 Glory to God 71 Green Energy 48 Greenmark 59 Griffiths Mechanical 13 HD Mechanical 39 Hillsdale Board of Realtors 42 Hillsdale GMC 8 Hillsdale Community School 41 Hillsdale County Fair 43 Hillsdale County Community Foundation 15 Hillsdale County Medical Care Rehabilitation Cottage 57 Hillsdale Family Chiropractic 69 Hillsdale Hospital 76 Hillsdale Intermediate School District 57 Hillsdale Medical Associates 55 Hillsdale Natural Grocery 23 Hillsdale Terminal 71 Hillsdale Towing 71 Hospice of Hillsdale County 58 Jack Smith Agency 41 Jake’s Concrete 28 Jenkins Team Realtor 11 Jilly Beans 25 Jonesville Bakery 59 June’s Place Thrift Shop 57 Karim HealthCare 31 Kelly’s Furniture 69 Key Realty 57 Lancaster Glass 59 Leigh A. Raddatz, CPA and Co. LLC 11 Lifeways 29 Lynch Brothers Insurance Agency 18 M&M Smokehouse 23 Market House 53 Memories on the Hill 12 Mystic Tint 12 Notty Pine 25 Olivia’s Chop House 23 Perennial Park 33 Performance Automotive 29 Phat Jaxx 59 Pittsford Gas and Tire 12 Playford Real Estate 63 Point Rental & Sales 41 Powers Clothing 18 PRIME Fitness Studio 68 Professional Hearing Services 39 Pub & Grub 24 Ramshackle Brewing Co. 23 Remax 48 Right Way Automotive Credit 41 Rosalie’s Roadhouse 22 RS Custom Exhaust 12
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F R A M I N G S O M E T H I N G N E W A R R I V I N G E V E R Y R E G I S T R Y G I F T S H O M E G O O D S A P P A R E L U N I Q U E G I F T I D E A S F O R E V E R Y O N E 2 8 N H O W E L L S T H I L L S D A L E M C u s t o m B r i d a l Ryan & Bradshaw 20 Sauk Theater 17 Sanders Insurance Agency 33 Silverback Automotive 49 Simply Hers/Everything Men 67 Smith’s Floral Boutique 11 Southern Michigan RV 66 Spratt’s Trading Post, Inc. 18 Stillwell Ford 46-47 Stockhouse Corporation 33 Stoll Construction LLC 49 Stoll Metal Sales 25 Southern Michigan Bank & Trust 51 Tammy’s Affordable Furniture Antiques & More 25 Trevathan’s Sweep & Sew 39 The Pediatric Place 49 Toasted Mud 26 White Oaks Golf Course 73 Woods of Lochaven 7

See what’s special about Hillsdale County

Officially established in 1835, Hillsdale County has a rich history dating back to 1821 when Chief Topinabee and the United States Government signed the Treaty of Chicago which opened south central Michigan to settlement. The Pottawattamie Indians, led by Chief Baw Beese, inhabited the area at the time and were welcoming to the white settlers. Chief Baw Beese and his tribe reluctantly moved west in 1840 with other Indian tribes who were forced out of Michigan.

In 1827, the family of Captain Moses Allen, the first non-indigenous people to journey down the Sauk Trail, settled the Village of Allen.

A year later, W.P. Jones III and his family settled just to the east along the Sauk Trail (today known as US-12 or Chicago Road) in what is now the City of Jonesville. As the original county seat and first established center of commerce in Hillsdale County, Jonesville thrived as a popular stopping point between Chicago and Detroit.

The City of Hillsdale began to prosper in 1832 when John B. Cook and Chauncey Ferris arrived from New York State and built a flour mill. Later known as the F.W. Stock and Sons Mill, it was for many years the largest flour mill in the United States east of Duluth, Minnesota. Settlers continued pouring into the area, and, in 1843, Hillsdale became the county seat. Also in 1843, the first railroad west of Toledo reached the city, and Hillsdale remained an important rail center for many years. A decade later, Adam Howder built a tavern and Hillsdale continued its rapid growth, becoming the largest community in Hillsdale County. Founded in 1844 as Michigan Central College in Spring Arbor, MI, internationally-known Hillsdale College assumed the city’s name and relocated there in 1853.

In 1835, a small community originally called Basswood Corners for a stand of basswood trees growing nearby became the City of Reading. With the arrival of a railroad station in 1869, Reading experienced a building boom and increased economic activity. Like many communities in Hillsdale County, the City of Litchfield, initially incorporated as a village in 1877, also benefitted economically in the mid-1800s from the arrival of the railroad.

Camden, Jerome, Montgomery, Mosherville, Osseo, Pittsford, Somerset, and Waldron are other communities whose early beginnings helped shape the history of Hillsdale County.

Learn more about the people, places, and events that shaped Hillsdale County by visiting www.hillsdalehistoricalsociety.org
11 C O UNTR Y CARP E T S Ser v ing the area for over 50 years. 394 W. Chicago • Jonesville 517-9 9 5 - 5 0 7 0 Mon-Fri • 9-5 | Sat • 9-1 | Evenings by Appointment QUALITY FLOORING & INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL | RESIDENTIAL 73 SPRING STREET | HILLSDALE, MICHIGAN 49242 | 517-437-3874 WWW.BRAMANROOFING.COM SINCE 1951! 576 Olds Street, Jonesville, MI Ph: 517.797.1173 info@lar-cpa.com “Some of the most skilled accountants I have met. Some of the kindest people you will ever meet. They know their stuff!” — J.E. Bookkeeping, payroll, and tax services customized to fit your needs. Call for appointment! 64 N. Howell Hillsdale smiths oralboutique@gmail.com 517-437-4485 Flowers for Mom, Dad, or any occasion to brighten their day!

Booking now for the 2024 season!

The wedding will be from 12 pm on Fridays (allowing rehearsal and dinner at cost) until 10 am on Sundays. There are several location options for outdoor weddings, including a beautiful bridge For all other events or questions contact us for more details!

Wedding bookings will be from 12 pm (allowing rehearsal and dinner at cost) until 10 am on Sundays. There are several location options for outdoor weddings, including a beautiful bridge. For all other events or questions contact us for more details!


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On the campus of Hillsdale College , the Sage Center for the Arts and the Howard Music Hall hosts a variety of arts and cultural events open to the public. The “Arts Performance Series” features musical concerts, dance groups, theatre companies, and art exhibits. The Tower Players, through the Hillsdale College Department of Theatre and Speech, present faculty-directed productions; the Tower Dancers stage an annual concert. The college also has several performing ensembles including including choirs, jazz, big band, orchestra, and a wide variety of chamber ensembles. The College Community Wind Symphony is open to

students and members of the Hillsdale community by audition or recommendation. Everyone enjoys the performances by the Hillcats— Hillsdale College’s faculty jazz ensemble. The Daughtrey Gallery , located in the Sage Center for the Arts, features professional exhibits as well as works from Hillsdale College faculty and students.

“Art is too important not to share.”
In 1961, the Hillsdale Community Theatre , an all-volunteer theatre group, held its first production. The group later moved to their permanent home, the Sauk Theatre in downtown Jonesville, where they continue to produce musical, comedic, and dramatic productions year round.
~ Romero Britto

The Gospel Barn , located between Hillsdale and Reading, is a unique music venue featuring some of the finest gospel singing groups and musicians in America. Established in 1973 by Howard Rizner, the Hillsdale Arts Chorale provides quality choral music performances to the Hillsdale community October through May. Each summer, Mrs. Stock’s Park in downtown Hillsdale is home to a series of family-friendly movies on a giant blimp movie screen and free live music concerts.

harvest season. The fair proudly celebrates Hillsdale County’s agricultural heritage with a foundation built upon 4H/FFA children who bring animals, crafts, baking, photography, and more to display as exhibits during the fair. It also features a carnival and daily grandstand entertainment including live music concerts and horse pulling contests which over the years have resulted in several world record pulls. One of the oldest buildings on the grounds is the Grange Hall, listed as a State Registered Historic Site.

Members of the Hillsdale County Art Guild display their works at businesses and public meeting places throughout Hillsdale County. Since the early 1990s, ArtWorks of Hillsdale has supported the performing and visual arts through a myriad of activities geared to highlight Hillsdale County artists, musicians, and vocalists. The Hillsdale County Community School of the Arts sponsored by ArtWorks annually holds a String Festival for Hillsdale County youth.

The Hillsdale County Fair —billed as the “The Most Popular Fair on Earth”—has drawn visitors from the tri-state area to the community since 1851. Held annually beginning the third Sunday after Labor Day, it brings a fitting close to the

Fortunate to have many of its original buildings still standing and in use today, architectural gems can be found throughout Hillsdale County. The Downtown Hillsdale National Register Historic District has many well-preserved, mostly Victorian era buildings. Hillsdale City Hall, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic Church, and the First United Methodist Church are State Registered Historic Sites. The Hillsdale County Courthouse , located in the heart of the district, is a State and National Registe r Landmark.

Another important State Registered Historic Site is the Will Carleton Poor House restored by the Hillsdale County Historical Society. Today it is a museum honoring Will Carleton, Michigan’s poet laureate for four decades who immortalized the building in his poem “Over the Hill to the

Hillsdale County Community Foundation

Serving Hillsdale County Since 1991

The Hillsdale County Community Foundation is a non-profit organization that:

Provides Grant Opportunities to meet the need of our families, elderly, and youth populations.

Provides Scholarships to Hillsdale County residents pursuing their dreams of a higher education.

Provides Youth Leadership Training through grant making and community service opportunities.

Offers a comprehensive Planned Giving Program aimed at meeting your philanthropic intentions.

Provides the highest level of Community Accountability, ensuring your gift is handled according to your wishes

For more information, please call the Foundation at 517-439-5101 or visit our website at www.abouthccf.org


Poor House.”

The Poor House hosts a variety of events during the year including “Christmas at the Poor House” the first weekend of December and an annual Farm Festival the first Saturday of August.

Jonesville has three National Register Landmarks: Grace

Situated in Somerset, the W. H. L. McCourtie Estate , known as McCourtie Park , is a State and National Register Landmark. The park, believed to hold the country’s largest collection of el trabejo rustico , was created by Mr. McCourtie after he was inspired by the Mexican folk tradition of this unique sculpting process that makes concrete look like wood. Located close by in Moscow, the Moscow Township Hall , originally the Michigan and Ohio Railroad Depot , is a State Registered Historic Site.

Much of Hillsdale County’s history is contained within the Mitchell Research Center housed in the stately 19th century mansion of Charles Mitchell. In addition to the extensive collection of archived newspapers, genealogy, and historical records housed there, it also showcases the Pulver Collection, a gathering of approximately 7,400 fiction

Help Us Reach Every Child!

Every child in foster care deserves to have a CASA volunteer to advocate for them.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we run completely off of grants and donations. We do not charge for our services.

You can help us in this quest by providing critical financial support.


Hillsdale CASA, Inc. is one place where a single individual - you - can make all the difference.

The money you give will strengthen our network and help provide strong advocacy for every child who needs it. Please visit our website below to make your tax deductible donation. Or contact Heather Upton by calling (517) 797-6020.


Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteers are needed now more than ever. For more information please contact Heather Upton by calling (517)797-6020 or email casaofhillsdale@gmail.com.



May 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 at 8 p.m.

May 14 and 21 at 3 p.m.


June 8, 9, 10 at 8 p.m.

June 11 at 3 p.m.


July 7, 14 at 10 a.m.

July 8, 9, 15, 16 at 3 p.m.

July 8, 15 at 7 p.m.


July 27, 28, 29, August 3, 4, 5 at 8 p.m.

July 30 and August 6 at 3 p.m.


August 24, 25, 26 at 8 p.m.

August 27 at 3 p.m.


September 16 at 8 p.m.


October 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 at 8 p.m.

October 15 and 22 at 3 p.m.



November 4 at 7:30 p.m.


November 18 at 7:30 p.m.


December 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 at 8 p.m.

December 10 and 17 at 3 p.m.

All performances at the Sauk Theatre, 240 E. Chicago Street in Jonesville, Michigan.

The box office can be reached by calling 517-849-9100.

For more information, including audition notices and ticket information, please visit www.thesauk.org.


Michigan may have four seasons ... but you should always be comfortable at home.

18 517.849.9151 • powersclothing.net Monday - Friday • 9 - 7 | Saturday 9 - 2 MEN’S & WOMEN’S CLOTHING BRANDS YOU KNOW AND TRUST! Tuxedo and Suit Rentals jimsformalwear.com From SUITS to JEANS & EVERYTHING in between. Heavy Equipment Rental Available 3000 State Road, Hillsdale 517-437-3773 From gas to grass we got you covered! Licensed Agents: BION LYNCH SHELLIE LYNCH ALLIE LYNCH ANGELEE BROESAMLE 517-287-4226 102 East Main Street • North Adams TA K I N G C A RE O F FAMI LY FI R S T. LYNCH BROTHERS INSUR ANCE AGENCY 517-425-7628 David Dow - Owner
COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 37 W. CARLETON RD. • HILLSDALE — MONDAY - FRIDAY 8AM - 5PM • Suspension • Transmission Service • Engine & Transmission Repair • Tune Ups • Brakes • Shocks/Struts • Alignments, 2 & 4 Wheel • Coolant Flush • Air Conditioning 437-1402 hillsdaleblossomshopmi.com • 14 N Howell St. • Hillsdale • 517-437-4160 OWNER - HEATHER WEBSTER We can send flowers down the street or around the world!
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Shopping & Lodging

Hillsdale County has an eclectic assortment of shopping options, offering everything from fine men and women’s clothing to antiques to gear for the outdoor enthusiast. From everyday fare like pizza, burgers, and ice cream to traditional home-style cooking and even fine dining and ethnic food, you’ll find culinary treasures throughout the county.

The City of Hillsdale , as the most populous community, has the largest range of shopping and dining establishments in the county, some family owned and operated for generations. The commercial strip between Hillsdale and Jonesville provides many shopping and dining options. A trip to Downtown Hillsdale reveals unique women’s clothing and accessories; locally-handcrafted gifts and art; vintage clothing and furniture; fine jewelry; retail and custom furniture; housewares; and an impressive hardware store. From May through October, choose locallygrown and produced veggies, fruits, baked goods, and more at the farmers market on the Courthouse Square. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Hillsdale doesn’t disappoint with its mix of pizzerias, coffee shops, pubs and taverns, ice cream shops, family-style diners, fast food, and full-service eateries.

In the City of Jonesville , check out the men’s and women’s wear at Powers Clothing, family-owned, since 1892 and established as the world’s oldest Carhartt dealer. There are also shops with unique gift and home decor items. Stop at the old school house just outside of town that houses Bretty’s, featuring folk art and Americana-style collectibles, gifts, artwork, and more. Enjoy an evening of upscale dining or authentic barbeque in Downtown Jonesville, sip homemade root beer at the drive-in restaurant; have lunch, dinner, and drinks in an old brick home; or try an unusual ice cream treat. Visit the bakery that’s locally famous for their delicious creations.

to keep my home comfortable no matter the season. 20
I trust Ryan and Bradshaw

Browse through the collectibles shops in Downtown Reading, then stay for a beer and burger at the local tavern. Purchase a variety of outdoor gear, stop in at the hardware store, or tame your hunger with a homecooked meal at the diner in Downtown Litchfield

Along the Old Sauk Trail, Allen bills itself as “The Antique Capital of the World” with over 100,000 square feet of antiques. The smaller communities of Camden , Montgomery , Pittsford and Waldron all have local eateries that add to the local flavor.

Visitors to Hillsdale County can choose among a variety of lodging options from traditional hotels and motels to quaint bed and breakfasts and deluxe to rustic style camping. Several properties have conference, retreat, and private party facilities available.

Go Located inside Market House of Hudson & Hillsdale OR GO HOME! 210 W CARLETON RD. 325 RAILROAD ST.

Pour me something good!

From great coffee to sweet cocktails, Hillsdale County features many places to sip and savor your way to a great day!

Jilly Beans Coffee House offers great coffee and a whole lot more with two locations, one in Hillsdale and the other in Jonesville. Checker Records, in downtown Hillsdale, is also a very popular coffee spot. We also boast two Biggby Coffee franchises—one in Hillsdale and one in Jonesville.

If you’re looking for something with a little more kick, Here’s to you Pub and Grub has 27 beers on tap so you’re sure to find exactly what you’re tastebuds are craving. Rough Draft (Hillsdale) offers coffee using locally-sourced beans and cocktails. There are also two craft breweries: Hillsdale Brewing Company and Ramshackle Brewing Company in Jonesville. Rosalie’s Roadhouse is famous for their Long Island Iced Tea, and Olivia’s Chop House has a nice bar. Johnny T’s Bistro offers tasty cocktails and The Hunt Club in Hillsdale serves drinks, too.


Patio Season!

Stop in and enjoy our fresh, made from scratch food, in our 1852 historic building. We value all of our friends and guests. Thank you for thinking of us and we cannot wait to make your dining experience memorable.

23 517.849.3663 | 205 East Chicago St. | Jonesville oliviaschophouse.com Making Jonesville a Great Place to Eat! Q UA LI T Y ME AT S UP E R S T O R E Voted #1 Meat Processor! 4880 Hudson Road, Osseo (M-34 at 99) • 517-523-2121 Meat Superstore & Deer Processing Custom Butchering 2022 Check Out Our Week l y Specials on Facebook at MMSmokehouse! Gift Cer ti cates ck eek if Store Made Jerky, Snack Sticks, Summer Sausage, Ring Bologna tore Beer it Forward Support Local The Community Brewery LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN JONESVILLE, MI Between Olivia's and Jonesville Hardware H ILLSDALE ROCERY You do not have to be a member— EVERYONE IS WELCOME! M o n - F ri • 9 - 6 | S a t • 9 - 5 | C l osed S u n 517.439.1397 | 30 N. Howell | Hillsdale | hillsdalenaturalgrocer y.com Visit Us At Our New Location 30 N. Howell (Old Nash Drug Store) WE'VE MOVED! SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS • SUPPLEMENTS BULK FOODS • NATURAL REMEDIES

Local Eateries

Discover Hillsdale County’s best local restaurants – places where locals gather to eat, sip, and connect. From family-run barbecue havens and sandwich joints to restaurants with healthy, seasonal offerings and dishes created by master chefs, you’ve got plenty of culinary options to satisfy every palate. At night, cozy up at a local coffee shop that also carries craft beers from around Michigan and even creates handmade cocktails. Enjoy a local craft beer at the breweries in downtown Hillsdale and Jonesville.

You can also find fresh produce and meats raised by some of the most passionate people in Hillsdale County. There are numerous farms that grow local, organic produce and local grass-fed meats – all available for purchase. Every May through October, stock up on produce from local farmers at the farmers market located on the Courthouse Square. Supporting local farmers means more for the economy and more for our farmers.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a nightcap – Hillsdale County has it all for you.

24 MON-SAT 11AM-2 AM SUN - CLOSED 27 BEERS ON TAP! Here’s To You PUB & GRUB 45 North St., Hillsdale (517) 437-4002 COLD BEER. HOT FOOD. GREAT FRIENDS.
25 DOWNTOWN HILLSDALE 18 N. Howell • 517.437.3338 Mon - Fri • 6:30-6 Sat 7:30-5 • Sun 8-3 DOWNTOWN JONESVILLE 245 E Chicago • 517.995.5055 Mon - Fri • 5:30-5 Sat 7:30-5 • Sun 8-3 RISE & SHINE Notty Pine Notty Pine Carry out lunch: BURGERS SALADS BLTS SOUPS 4458 S Pittsford Rd, Pittsford (517) 594-5043 formerly D&S lounge ALE | 517-437-3394 | HILLSDALECDJR.COM AVERAGE OF 24 HOUR TURNAROUND ON MOST METAL PRODUCTS! 590 OLDS STREET JONESVILLE, MI 49250 (517) 849-7470 WWW.STOLLMETALSALES.COM DOWNTOWN ADRIAN Connected to the Galler y of Shops 136 East Maumee St. • 517.265.1966 Tues. - Fri. • 10-5:30 | Sat. 10-3 Closed Sunday & Monday NORTH ADAMS 105 E. Main Street 517-287-0110 Tues. - Fri. • 10-5:30 | Sat. 10-3 Closed Sunday & Monday T WO CONVENIENT LO CATIONS Signature Design by Ashley,Lane and Catnapper Furniture 10% o for new customers

Hillsdale Outdoors

A Water Sports Paradise

Five thousand acres of water including 70 lakes and the headwaters of five major river systems make Hillsdale County a premier location in the tri-state region for fishing, swimming, boating, canoeing, kayaking, and water skiing. Many lakes have public access and public boat launching areas including the county’s largest, Baw Beese Lake —an all-sports lake of just over 400 acres; Bear, Bird, Cub, Diane, Hemlock, Little Long, Long, and Round lakes also have public access.

Pike, perch, bass, crappie, muskie, catfish, and other varieties of fresh water fish are plentiful in Hillsdale County lakes. Long Lake has walleye; Bird and Bear Lakes have trout; Baw Beese, Bear, Bird, and Round Lakes are plentiful with bluegill. Lake Diane is a popular spot for large catfish and muskie. The only registered pay lake in Michigan, located in the northwest corner of the county, touts it has the largest catfish in Michigan. Trout fishing enthusiasts can try their luck in the Kalamazoo River near Mosherville and on the East Branch of the St. Joseph of Maumee River in the Lost Nation State Game Area

Ice fishing is a favorite winter pastime in Hillsdale County, especially during the many popular tip-up festivals held in the area. The Hillsdale County Conservation Club Tip-Up Festival , held the last weekend of January, is the second-oldest tip-up festival in Michigan.

The State of Michigan waives fishing license fees twice each year: the third weekend of February and the first week in June. This allows residents and out of state visitors to test their angler skills. Inland and Great Lakes waters fishing regulations still apply.

A Trail Runs Through It

A section of the North Country Trail weaves its way through Hillsdale County. From the Ohio border, it moves north through the rolling hills of the Lost Nation State Game Area and into Hillsdale and Jonesville, eventually heading northwest to Calhoun County. Lost Nation also has forests, wildflowers, ponds, and a meandering trout stream where hunting, hiking, fishing, shooting sports, and other outdoor activities are enjoyed.

Your D tination For Summer Fun! Donna Olmstead owner Carry Out & Delivery Available! 3883 W. Carleton Road | Hillsdale we got the eats & we got the entertainment! Boats, go-karts, & more! 3883 W. Carleton Road | Hillsdale Follow us on Facebook & WCSR (517) 439-9191 BEST PIZZA BEST BUFFET BEST CURBSIDE/ CARRY OUT /DRIVE-THRU

Aside from the Lost Nation’s portion of the trail, eight miles of paved trail running from Sandy Beach at Baw Beese Lake in Hillsdale and ending in downtown Jonesville wind along water features, wooded areas and neighborhoods and is a favorite of bicyclists, walkers, runners and bird watchers.

Mud on Your Tires

Located on US-12 approximately two miles north of Jerome in Somerset Township, Bundy Hill park is a vast, 350-acre area containing twenty new, challenging trails that have been groomed specifically for ATVs, ORVs, Jeeps, bikes, side-by-sides, 4x4 rigs, and crawlers. You’ll find everything on these trails: mud, rock crawls, tire crawls, wooded trails, steep hills, gullies, pea-gravel climbs, hooddeep water, and plenty of off-camber challenges throughout the park. Bundy Hill Offroad takes pride in being an alcohol-free and family-friendly place to wheel for all ages.

A Hunter’s Heaven

Known for some of the best whitetail deer hunting in south central lower Michigan, Hillsdale County also has plenty for the small game hunter to enjoy including turkey, pheasant, duck, geese, and rabbit. The State of Michigan maintains three wild game hunting areas in Hillsdale County: Lost Nation, Adams Township, and

Somerset State Game Areas.

Hillsdale County has several hunting preserves and facilities open to the public that offer day and guided hunts. Guests can hunt or trap species including pheasant, quail, Hungarian partridge, chukar, and elk. Several of the annual tip-up festivals in the county feature hunting and trapping contests.

Bird Watching

Hillsdale County has more than 260 species of birds from deep woods to open grassland varieties. Wild turkey, swan, warbler, crane, heron, owl, pheasant, and occasionally birds of prey like the osprey and bald eagle are sighted. A migratory bird sanctuary is located in the Somerset State Game Area .


Hillsdale County has two public 9-hole courses ( Mill Race in Jonesville, Litchfield Greens in Litchfield) and one 18-hole public course ( White Oaks , just outside of Hillsdale). The Hills of Baw Beese Lake , overlooking Baw Beese Lake, is a 9-hole private course. Seasonal Swing , located at the north end of downtown Hillsdale, lets you practice off the course with their indoor golf simulation technology.

28 5621
MI 49274 | jcaldwell@dmcibb.net | Accepting Visa and Mastercard | Jake
- Owner Driveways, sidewalks, patios, floors, & more! decorative concrete Specializing in Skid Steer service available
Abbott Rd.
29 QUALITY IS NOT IN THE NAME, BUT IN THE WORKMANSHIP FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES SERVING MOST OF SOUTHERN MICHIGAN NORTHWEST OHIO & NORTHEAST INDIANA FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED www.belsonasphaltpaving.com belsonasphalt@core.com 517-283-3584 • 800-934-2500 5651 BANKERS RD • READING COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL Asphalt Paving Asphalt Repair Milling Asphalt Curbing Crack Repair Infrared Repair Resurfacing Seal Coating Line Striping Hillsdale 30 UNION STREET - (517) 437-4465 M- F 7-7 | SAT. 8-4 Jonesville 490 OLDS STREE T - (517) 849-7500 M- F 7-7 | SAT. 8-5 | SUN. 9 - 5 Complete Engine Machine Shop Great Par ts with Discount Pricing Propane Filling Facility - Equipped for all sizes of propane tanks S MAKES We’re “Better Because We Want to Be!” Hillsdale 30 UNION STREET - (517) 437-4465 M- F 7-7 | SAT. 8-4 Jonesville 490 OLDS STREET - (517) 849-7500 M- F 7-7 | SAT. 8-5 | SUN. 9 - 5 Locally O wned SHOPPING LOCALLY MAKES OUR COMMUNITY STRONG We’re “Better Because We Want to Be!” SHOPPING LOCALLY MAKES OUR COMMUNITY STRONG Rich and Ryan Galloway Mental Health Services Crisis Services Children + Family Services Substance Use Disorder Services Intellectual/Developmental Disability Services And More

Hillsdale County Parks



This park system operated by the City of Hillsdale winds along the north shore of all-sports Baw Beese Lake and a portion of the Baw Beese section of the North Country Trail, providing a scenic setting for a variety of outdoor activities including fishing, swimming, and picnicking. Sandy Beach has long been a favorite destination of residents and visitors. A seasonal marina, recently renovated beach, splash pad, swimming, and concession area make this a popular family fun spot. Owens Memorial Park features a disc golf course and 25 acres of picnic and playground areas with several pavilions available for rent. Waterworks Park has a public boat launch, playground equipment, picnic tables and grills, restrooms, and parking facilities.



Over a hundred years ago, Wilhelmina Stock—wife of F.W. Stock who owned Stock’s Mill—transformed this property behind their home into a park filled with thousands of shrubs and plants. Renovated over the last several years, the park annually hosts a summer concert and outdoor movie series and is a popular spot for weddings. Facilities include a pavilion for rent and picnic tables.


www.hillsdale.edu/outreach/ arboretum

This park, with a variety of plant life, beautiful stonework, picnic area, and nature trails, is located on the campus of Hillsdale College.



Locally known as the “Rearing Ponds,” Lewis Emery Park has five manmade fishing ponds with handicapped-accessible docks, playground equipment, outdoor restrooms, baseball fields, and a community building available for rent.


www.michigan.org/property/ mccourtie-park

A walk through the park reveals 17 historic trabajo el rustico bridges built in the 1920s. Other facilities include a pavilion, picnic tables, outdoor grills, outdoor restrooms, baseball/softball field, tennis courts, basketball court, and playground equipment. The park holds Somerset’s annual 4th of July fireworks show.





This park includes a pavilion, picnic tables, outdoor grills, outdoor restrooms, basketball, volleyball, shuffleboard, playground equipment, handicapped-accessible fishing dock, and a bicycle/nature trail.



Playground equipment and basketball hoops are available at this park which is also used for a 3-on-3 basketball tournament during the annual Reading Festival Days the 1st weekend of August.



The G. Carl Fast Park is a green oasis in downtown Jonesville with a pavilion, picnic tables, park benches, small play area for children, and free wireless access. The park annually hosts several activities during Riverfest held the 3rd weekend of May and welcomes vendors the 2nd weekend in August for Michigan’s Longest Garage Sale.

a complete list of parks in Hillsdale County visit,
31 Karim HealthCare Growing to serve our communities! KarimHealthCare.com Affordability Availability Quality STURGIS • 269-832-8911 fi ce HILLSDALE 517-437-3879 LITCHFIELD 517-797-4547 CEMENT CITY 517-547-4845 READING 517-797-4547 COLDWATER 517-924-1444 QUINCY 517-639-1119 S TURG I S 269-832-8911 Dr Tariq Abdelkarim, MD STURGIS • 269-832-8911 COLDWATER 517-924-1444 QUINCY 517-639-1119 BRONSON 517-858-1400 Same Day Appointments Available at ALL Locations! — Primary Care/Family Medicine — Walk-in appointments — Pulmonary — Sleep Medicine — Allergy Testing — Allergy Shots — Hospital & Intensive Care — X ray — General Ultrasound — Cardiac Ultrasound/ Echocardiogram — Vascular Ultrasound — Ultrasound Guided Interventions: Thoracentesis Paracentesis Accepting new patients Joint Injections/Aspiration — Skin Biopsies, Procedures & Cryosurgery — Bone Density / Dexa Scan — Sleep Lab (the only accredited Sleep Lab) - Advanced 4 Beds — Home Sleep Studies (in the Comfort of your home) — Pulmonary Function Tests — EKG — Interventional Pulmonology/Advanced Bronchoscopy/ Endobronchial Thermoplasty — On site Henry Ford Lab

Local Events



3rd weekend in January

Litchfield, MI

Search Litchfield Tip-Up & Hunting, Trapping Festival on Facebook



Last weekend in January Osseo, MI

Search Hillsdale County Conservation Club on Facebook



1st weekend in February Reading, MI


Last weekend in February Hillsdale, MI hillsdale-kiwanis.org/projects/


HILLSDALE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ARTRAGEOUS Hillsdale – Davis Middle School hillsdaleschools.org



1st Sunday in May Hillsdale, MI www.crophungerwalk.org


2nd weekend in May Osseo, MI

Search Osseo Heritage Day & Great Mushroom Hunt on Facebook


3rd weekend in May Downtown Jonesville www.jonesvilleriverfest.com


Memorial Day Downtown Pittsford

33 (517)439-1579 144 Lewis St • Hillsdale | stockhouseprints.com STOCKHOUSE CORPORATION 144 Lewis Street | Hillsdale, MI (517) 439-1579 www.stockhouseprints.com We Can Print That! randy SanderS Owner/Agent deniSe Potter Agent bruce keeling Agent (517) 283-2614 235 N Main St • Reading randy SanderS Owner/Agent deniSe Potter Agent bruce keeling Agent commercial farm motorcycle auto hoMe • life health “insurance made easy”



Listen to WCSR for details and date


1st weekend in June

Hillsdale County Fairgrounds


Downtown Hillsdale

www.facebook.com/ hillsdalebusinessassociation


2nd Saturday in June Lewis Emery Park


3rd Wednesday in June Hillsdale County Fairgrounds





Hospice of Hillsdale County - 517.437.5252




3rd weekend in July Montgomery, MI.


3rd Saturday in July

Hillsdale, MI. www.capahillsdale.net



1st weekend in August

Downtown Hillsdale

www.facebook.com/ hillsdalebusinessassociation


1st weekend in August

Downtown Reading


Over City of Hillsdale

Listen to WCSR for launch details.


1st weekend in August

Hillsdale, MI



2nd weekend in August

US-12 through Michigan

www. us12heritagetrail.org


August 12, 2018

Downtown Hillsdale



2nd weekend in August

Downtown North Adams


2nd weekend in August

Camden, MI


3rd weekend in August

Downtown Litchfield



Residential & Commercial Duct Cleaning

State-of-the-art technology efficiently removes pet dander, mildew, and more from your air conditioning and heating ducts with minimal disruption to your daily life or business operations. Services also include dryer vent and chimney cleanings

Providing experienced duct cleaning to South Central Mi chigan. Serving Hillsdale, Branch, Jackson, & Calhoun County Property Owners

35 b r e a t h e f r e e d u c t . c o m
5 1 7 - 2 9 7 - 9 9 0 9 1 2 5 2 E C h i c a g o R o a d • J o n e s v i l l e



Labor Day weekend

Waldron, MI


Begins 3rd Sunday after Labor Day

Hillsdale County Fairgrounds www.hillsdalecountyfair.org


Sunday nearest to Patriot Day

Hillsdale Airport




3rd Tuesday in October

Downtown Hillsdale


Last Saturday in October

Downtown Reading www.facebook.com/ReadingCOC/


Last Saturday in October stpetersfreeclinic.org



Thanksgiving weekend

Hillsdale High School hillsdaleschools.org


Saturday after Thanksgiving

Downtown Hillsdale




1st Saturday in December Downtown Hillsdale



1st weekend in December Hillsdale



1st weekend in December

Jonesville, MI



1st two weekends in December Jonesville



2nd weekend in December

Downtown Reading



Tuesdays, late June through July

Mrs. Stock’s Park, Downtown Hillsdale



June - August

Mrs. Stock’s Park, Downtown Hillsdale



May - August

Hillsdale County tricountyrace.wixsite.com/fitnessseries


May - October

Downtown Hillsdale



June - October

Hillsdale Community Library 517.398.3067


Every Saturday year round

Hillsdale County Fairgrounds



Year round

Sauk Theatre, Jonesville



Year round Campus of Hillsdale College



Year round



37 IN HILLSDALE MARKET HOUSE (210 W CARLETON RD.) · (517) 439-2407 Behavioral Wellness Center The Behavioral Wellness Center invites you to become a part of our growing and supportive community. At Behavioral Wellness Center, we see our patients as a part of the family—and family is always our top priority. Our Services ▪ADHD Evaluations ▪Individual Counseling ▪Alcoholism ▪Substance Abuse ▪Grief Counseling ▪Marriage and Family Counseling ▪Child Psychology ▪Autism / Spectrum Disorder ▪Depression / Anxiety ▪Bariatric Evaluations ▪Guardianship Assessments ▪Fitness for Duty Exams ▪Driver's License Restoration 263 Industrial Drive | Hillsdale, MI 49242 | (517) 826-5242 | Facsimile: (517) 826-5246 Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday By Appointment Now located at 263 Industrial Dr, Hillsdale, MI

Business & Industry

Rooted in manufacturing and agriculture , Hillsdale County serves major markets with a mix of industries producing molded plastics, wood products, textiles, paper and food products, and medical and automotive components. Warehousing, product distribution, and test facilities are also part of the industrial mix. Agricultural commodities such as soybeans, corn, and wheat are the main products grown and sold. Over 1,000 agriculturally-related enterprises in Hillsdale County produce beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine, vegetables and fruits, perennials, and forest products. Because of its central location between Detroit and Chicago; proximity to US-12, M-99, US-127, I-69, and I-80; and favorable business climate for manufacturing and agriculture, these sectors will continue to be driving forces in Hillsdale County’s economy.

Hillsdale, Litchfield, Camden, Jonesville, and Reading all have developed industrial parks served by modern infrastructure, some with access to high-speed internet. Throughout the county, you will also find clusters of industrial activity in places like Pittsford, Osseo, North Adams, and Waldron.


Hillsdale C ounty

throughout the county, by focusing on employer and community needs. We do this at the Federal, State and local levels, through our network of close partnerships established over the last 20+ years of workforce and economic

• Be a Conduit for new business, business expansion and job creation

• Coordinate employer demand-driven training, available 24/7

• Promote Hillsdale County at a State, National and International levels

• Work in close Partnership with local leaders and municipalities to bring opportunities to Hillsdale County

• Provide assistance through the USDA Rural Development program in partnership with our local lenders for business growth and start-up.

If we can be of assistance, please contact the EDP at 517-437-3200 or visit www.hillsdaleedp org

39 26 Superior Street, Hillsdale (off Bacon) | 8:00-4:00 Monday-Friday 517-437-7751 WHOLESALE HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY HOUSE PVC Pipe • Custom Sheet Metal & Duct Work Furnaces • Air Conditioners Holiday wishes. May the magic of the season bring you peace, love and joy. Happy Holidays to an incredible community! State Farm Bloomington, IL 1708156 Jason Adcock CPCU CLU FLMI, Agent Holiday wishes. May the magic of the season bring you peace, love and joy. Happy Holidays to an incredible community! State Farm Bloomington, IL 1708156 Jason Adcock CPCU CLU FLMI, Agent 32 S Howell Street Hillsdale, MI 49242 Bus: 517-437-3364 jason@jasonsffamily.com HOME HEALTH LIFE AUTO Like A Good Neighbor® You NEED life insurance for your growing family. New address. Same personal service. We look forward to visiting with you. 8 W Carleton Rd Hillsdale, MI 49242 517-437-3364 (Hungry Howie Plaza) Let’s set some time to talk about how things are going and see how else we can continue to help. That’s what good neighbors are for. 517-437-3364 jason@jasonsffamily.com Lic. #0128035 Jason Adcock State Farm Agent 517-439-1610 professional-hearing.com 1231 Hudson Road • Hillsdale OUR MISSION: To form an emotional connection with patients and their communication partners and provide valued professional counseling services. Participating with most insurances and Care Credit. Sandra Hepker Better hearing starts here... Call for a FREE Consultation! 3980 N. Hillsdale Road, (2.2 miles north of Hillsdale) RICCAR & MIELE VACUUM DEALER LARGE SELECTION OF FABRIC, PATTERNS AND PROJECTS. Tues.-Sat. 10 AM-5 PM (Closed Sun. & Mon.) (517) 437-5555 JANOME & ELNA DEALER Repair most makes of Vacuums & Sewing Machines

Economic Development

The Economic Development Partnership of Hillsdale County provides support and resources to new, established, and expanding industries. The EDP answers site selection inquiries, assists companies with tax abatements and other state and local incentives, serves as a liaison between companies and local and state agencies, and administers a countywide revolving loan fund. The EDP works closely with other economic, workforce, and business development organizations in the region on issues affecting economic development. South Central Michigan Works! is a resource center for employers and job seekers and a driving force in workforce development in the counties it serves (Hillsdale, Jackson, and Lenawee). These agencies work collaboratively with one another along with local community and economic development organizations and agencies to help create a positive and supportive business climate in Hillsdale County.

heart. Our spirit of giving began long ago with our founder, Bob Evans. His generosity and passion for helping others set the foundation for the work we do today.

As a community- and family-focused company and employer, we support many causes that impact families with children and the communities where they live through food donations, monetary giving and volunteerism. Our giving is based on five philanthropic pillars: Community, Education, Food and Nutrition, Health and Wellness and Military.

The Bob Evans Farms Hillsdale processing plant was established in 1964, making high quality pork sausage patties with premium cuts of pork. Over $4.1 Million was invested to expand the Hillsdale Packaging Facility which now employs more than 100 people. As we look to the future, we will continue to invest in the communities where Bob Evans Farms has enjoyed long and beneficial relationships.

We’re looking for local talent at “The Farm”. Openings can be viewed at bobevansgrocery.com/careers and applications are available online.

Buentello Pest Control


Donna - 517-673-7211 | Mike - 517-262-2944

Mini Excavators Floor Sanders (Drum & O Stump Grinder Hour s : Mo n . - Fr Home owne NEW OWNERS — J A C K S M I T H A G E N C Y HOME & AUTO INSURANCE Insurance made easy. MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM (517) 542-2946 OR (800) 485-1318 535 MARSHALL STREET | LITCHFIELD, MI 49252 Jsagency@jsagency.net Give the G t a Quality Education HILLSDALE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 30 S. NORWOOD, HILLSDALE · 517-437-4401 @HILLSDALECOMMUNITYSCHOOLS It’s always a great day to a Hornet! We’re pulling for your child’s quality education! Give the G t a Quality Education HILLSDALE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 30 S. NORWOOD, HILLSDALE · 517-437-4401 @HILLSDALECOMMUNITYSCHOOLS It’s always a great day to a Hornet! CONNOR JONES SALES CONSULTANT 481 Olds Rd. • Jonesville • 517.212.9100 RightWay.com — CJones@RightWay.com
Pittsford, MI 49271
Specializing in the control of flying and crawling insects and rodents. Serving the tri-state area since 1995 Licensed & Insured Office

Buying a Home

Your Realtor has the inside scoop regardless of whether you are buying an existing home or looking at new construction homes. They know the area’s real estate market inside and out and can help you get the best deal possible.

While the web has transformed the way people shop for homes and empowers you as a buyer to go into your house hunt well-informed, the sheer amount of information out there will be difficult to navigate alone. Dizzying even.

And though buying a house appears to be all about the numbers on the surface, the reality is that you’re about to get on an emotional rollercoaster. A realtor can help you step back and look beyond poor styling to focus on the structural qualities of the home so you don’t miss out on a house with hidden potential. At the opposite end, your agent sees through professional staging and camera angles that expand room size in online listing photos, directing your attention to the fact that the stylish pad you love lacks the square footage and storage on your must-have list.

Our Mission:

"The Hillsdale County Board of REALTORS® promotes the success of its members by encouraging professionalism, providing educational opportunities, fostering member communication, providing member services, and participating in real estate public policy development. The Board seeks to enhance the public image of REALTORS® and promote their involvement in the community."

Hillsdale County Board of REALTORS® 32 E. Bacon Street, Suite A · Hillsdale 517-439-1770 hcboard@yahoo.com
43 A Peaceful, Manufactured-Home Community for Seniors 55 and Older 532 West Chicago Road Jonesville New and Used Homes Available (517) 849-9400 evergreenestatesjonesville@gmail.com www.evergreenestateshomes.com OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY SINCE 1933 www.eaglefuneralhomes.com VanHorn-Eagle 40 S. Manning St., Hillsdale | 517.437.3160


For a community its size, Hillsdale County has many K-12 educational options, both public and private. Eight school districts (Camden-Frontier, Hillsdale, Jonesville, Litchfield, North Adams-Jerome, Pittsford, Reading, Waldron) and two public charter schools (Will Carleton Academy and Hillsdale Preparatory School) offer schools of choice, all served by the Hillsdale Intermediate School District. Hillsdale Academy, affiliated with Hillsdale College and known for its quality elementary education and college prep high school classes, is one of five private and parochial schools in the county. For those seeking Pre-K educational resources, Hillsdale County has several public, private, and stateaffiliated preschools.

The Hillsdale County Intermediate School District provides vocational and career training through the Hillsdale Workforce Development & Technology Center. The center offers training on CNC equipment, CAD design, construction trades, criminal justice, and health sciences. Programs offered through the center assist students to acquire the skills necessary for successful entry into the workplace or post-secondary education.


• Check out our new

program –www.efficiencysmart.org/hillsdale-michigan • Free electronics recycling events –check your bill stuffers for dates or visit our website • Check for Leaky Faucets - A dripping faucet can waste 3 gallons of water pe day!

*ALL CREDIT CARD, ONLINE & TELEPHONE PAYMENTS WILL BE CHARGED AN ADDITIONAL 3% PROCESSING FEE* Save Time with Multiple Payments Options In Person/ Drop Box * Cash –Check -Credit Card Automatic Payments * Fast & Free Online Payments * Credit Card or Check Telephone Payments * 517-437-3387 SAVE ENERGY| SAVE MONEY | SAVE TIME Hillsdale BPU - 45 Monroe St. Hillsdale, MI 49242 – P: 517-437-3387 www.cityofhillsdale.org/bpu • Check your Breaker Panel • Do neighbors have power? • Watch for downed lines • Emergency Services • Available 24/7 • Call 1-844-427-8633 EMERGENCY SERVICES
energy efficiency
48 Members of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame Cathy Galloway · Broker/Owner 517-849-0032 Alicia Galloway · Associate Broker 517-398-3400 Pat Rising · Sales Associate 517-398-2185 Aemisegger, Jr · Associate Broker 517-398-2428 ami Morris · Sales Associate 517-206-4272 1-800-694-8718 · www.remax.com Live in Comfor t & S ave Money! 517-688-3787 • 7424 E. Chicago • Jonesville • greenenergylp.net Trust the propane professionals to keep your home comfortable, no matter the season. Budget Plans · Delivery Service Emergency Service · Call Today! Lynn & Sarah Hartzler, Owners, with their three daughters.
49 HILLSDALE, MICHIGAN | (517)-212-8129 FROM OIL CHANGES TO ENGINE WORK, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN KYLE D. BAKER - OWNER We are focused on new homes and developments. Our core virtues are Faith, Knowledgeable, Integrity, Responsive, & Innova�ve. Visit Our Showroom at 590 Olds Street in Jonesville • 517-849-7470 • www.stollcm.com Mon-Fri 7 AM – 4 PM • Closed Sat/Sun • Follow us on Facebook CUSTOM HOMES – ROOFING – BARNS/GARAGES Check out our Beautiful metal roofing! 26 Now Accepting NEW Patients! Ask for Rob for a Great SAYLES Experience! Rob Sayles 3780 Carleton Rd / M-99 S • Hillsdale, MI 49242 Cell (517) 499-1771 • Work (517) 849-2121 robsayles @stillwellford.com www.stillwellford.com


Consistently ranked as one of America’s best colleges by Barron’s, U.S. News & World Report, and others, Hillsdale College is one of the nation’s oldest private four-year liberal arts institutions. Hillsdale College attracts many of the nation’s leading names in education, entertainment, media, athletics, and political/social policy. Residents and visitors can take advantage of educational opportunities through the college including stimulating lectures by noted speakers.

In 1991, Jackson College began offering classes at the Clyde LeTarte Center in Hillsdale. Areas of study include accounting, allied health, business, criminal justice, graphic design, nursing, and academic transfer classes as well as dual enrollment opportunities for Hillsdale County high school students. Spring Arbor University, located close by in neighboring Jackson County, offers undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs.

For information about educational and learning opportunities in and near Hillsdale County, visit one of the following:

Hillsdale: ISD www.hillsdale-isd.org

Hillsdale Academy: www.academy.hillsdale.edu

Jackson College: www.jccmi.edu/hillsdale

Spring Arbor University: www.arbor.edu

Hillsdale College: www.hillsdale.edu

51 Brandy Titus I would love to help you and your family unlock the door to your Home Sweet Home! More than just your local banker, I am your neighbor. Ask me NMLS #1446370 www.smb-t.com | Member FDIC I SMB&T NMLS #480296 I 517-439-1509 btitus@smb-t.com about mortgages! Southern Michigan Bank & Trust Brandy Titus I would love to help you and your family unlock the door to your Home Sweet Home! More than just your local banker, I am your neighbor. Ask me NMLS #1446370 www.smb-t.com | Member FDIC I SMB&T NMLS #480296 I 517-439-1509 btitus@smb-t.com about mortgages! Southern Michigan Bank & Trust Brandy Titus I would love to help you and your family unlock the door to your Home Sweet Home! More than just your local banker, I am your neighbor. Ask me NMLS #1446370 www.smb-t.com | Member FDIC I SMB&T NMLS #480296 I 517-439-1509 btitus@smb-t.com about mortgages! Southern Michigan Bank & Trust

Living Well In Hillsdale!

Hillsdale County offers many healthcare options including family practice and specialty physicians, optometric and opthalmology care, chiropractic, and fitness facilities to help you live your best life. Hillsdale Hospital has continually cared for the Hillsdale community since 1915. Nursing facilities and a senior services center help support our aging community. Free medical care consisting of local

volunteer medical professionals is offered to those in need. Every aspect of health and wellness is covered here in Hillsdale County.

53 BAKERY GROCERY HUDSON HARDWARE 210 W CARLETON RD • HILLSDALE - 517-437-2100 .com HILLSDALE - 517-437-2100 210 W CARLETON RD. HUDSON - 517-448-3141 325 RAILROAD ST. Market House Supermarket is your familiar, convenient, homegrown grocery store. We care deeply about our customers and the community and bring you only the freshest baked goods, meats, produce, dairy items, and prepared foods. As history has shown, Market House Supermarket is the choice grocery store of Hillsdale and Hudson, MI, residents. Hudson Hardware is a locally owned and operated family business. We offer a wide variety of hardware, Guns & Ammo, Plumbing, Paint, Automotive and more (Hudson location only). Grandma s Breakfast Made with Love... ‘ Exceeding Expectations Since 1941 market - house Supermarket

Hillsdale Hospital continuously evaluates Hillsdale County and surrounding areas for expanding service lines which recently include specialty clinic services, physician offices, and health care products at their Home Oxygen/DME center in downtown Hillsdale. The hospital owns and operates the longest-serving health care clinic in Reading, Michigan, and also operates a health clinic in Litchfield, Michigan, and an urgent care clinic in Hillsdale.. Their model for providing health care is aimed at reaching each community within the service area.

Excellence in Healthcare Service: Hillsdale Hospital has continued to expand its physical plant, services, and expertise to meet the needs of the community. With a philosophy to serve the community and continually strive for excellence, Hillsdale Hospital has grown into a

facility that serves Hillsdale County residents and attracts patients from many other areas. Hillsdale Hospital has a large Home Care Department, Rehabilitation Department (complete with aquatic pool), Home Oxygen, and Pain Management Clinic.

Specialized, Patient-Driven Care: Hillsdale Hospital is a technologically-advanced hospital, utilizing an enhanced and highly-developed CT scanner, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 3D mammography, state-of-the-art lab equipment for in-house diagnostics, high-tech critical care and emergency departments, the expanded Randall D. Wigent Center for Cardiopulmonary Services, a productive surgery department including four surgical suites and an ophthalmology suite. The third floor holds the center’s Specialty Services Unit with private suites for orthopedic patients as well as a Sleep Lab Diagnostic Center.

Hillsdale County Medical Care Facility is a countyowned, nonprofit skilled nursing facility governed by the Hillsdale County Social Services Board. HCMCF is an integrated rehabilitation center offering physical, occupational, speech, respiratory, and IV therapies. The facility has an excellent activity program specializing in individual relationships to meet the needs of the residents. HCMCF is an Eden Alternative registered site. Claudia’s Glen, a cottage-like structure with 10 private bedrooms and bathrooms, large open living room, dining room, kitchen, and outdoor space recently opened, giving long-term residents the ability to live in a more intimate, less institutional setting.

Hillsdale Medical Associates "Your Health Is Our Priority" Board Certified GASTROENTEROLOGY | INTERNAL MEDICINE FAMILY PRACTICE | PEDIATRICS MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED HMAPLC.PORTALFORPATIENTS.COM | 1456 HUDSON RD. | HILLSDALE | 517.439.0200 | HOURS: MON.-FRI. • 9 AM - 5 PM HMAPLC.PORTALFORPATIENTS.COM | 32 S. BROAD ST. | HILLSDALE | 517.437.3361 | HOURS: MON - THU. • 8 AM -6 PM KEITH BAKER, MD Internal medicine for patients 16 yrs & older DAN MCCANCE, DO Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine HANNAH BURKHART, FNP Nurse practioner *KARA WILSON, PA-C Physician assistant ABBIE MARTON, PA-C Physician assistant ROBERT SHALL, MD Board Certified Family Physician

Hillsdale County Senior Services Center (a.k.a. Perennial Park) is a nonprofit organization committed to promoting good health, independence, and opportunities for socialization and involvement in the community for Hillsdale County residents age 50 and older. Acting as a Department on Aging agency in Hillsdale County, the center offers a wide array of programs and services including: Meals on Wheels and congregate lunch program, on-site adult day respite and on-site temporary 24-hr. respite program, home care assistance, non-emergency medical transportation, durable medical equipment loan, a variety of lifelong learning and socialization opportunities, and much more. The facility includes a dining/multi-purpose room available for rental with a seating capacity of 200+, a fitness center with memberships available to persons age 13 and older, a computer lab, and a lending library. We invite you to call (517) 437-2422 or (800) 479-3348 or visit our website (www.hillsdaleseniors.org) for more information. Or, better yet, stop by for lunch and a tour! Perennial Park is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Find them on Facebook at facebook.com/hillsdaleseniors.

Hospice of Hillsdale County services for patients and their loved ones when a cure is no longer attainable. Staffed by professionals and trained, caring volunteers, Hospice of Hillsdale County offers physician and nursing care, hospice aide and homemaker services, music therapy, pastoral care, grief support, and bereavement counseling among other services. Their goal is to ensure that “patients and their loved ones are made comfortable, safe, and are provided with medical, emotional, and spiritual support they need and deserve.”

Serving uninsured, underinsured and low-income individuals, St. Peter’s Free Clinic is open each Tuesday evening from 5 - 8 pm in the basement of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in downtown Hillsdale. The


Amy Gingras 517-262-1445

Amy Aldrich 517-474-6991

Andrew Cummings 734-277-9686

Ashleigh Smotherman 517-462-5853

Craig Ziecina 517-990-2016

Diana Carson 517-416-3472

Gretchen Oberdick 419-779-6834

Linda Sopko 517-395-9686

Megan Koch 517-775-6261

57 What is the Hillsdale County Intermediate School District? www.hillsdale-isd.org | 517-437-0990 We are so much more... but, rst and foremost, we’re here to serve the kids in Hillsdale County. MAIN STREET READING, MI (517) 283-1888 • 10 private bedrooms with private bath and shower, • Free Wi-Fi Hillsdale County Medical Care Rehabilitation Cottage Claudia’s Glen Healing to Home CMS Five Star Certified Rating! You Always Have A Choice. 517.439.9341 | 30 Care Drive, Hillsdale, Michigan 49242 | www.hillsdalemedicalcare.org • Country setting with wildlife viewing in 2 courtyards • Easy access to the outdoors Minded. ounties.
58 Servingthe CommunitySince 1983 Hospice ofHIllsdale County 398-4380
59 D O N U T S S P E C I A L T Y C A K E S B U T T E R C O O K I E S M O L A S S E S C O O K I E S S A L T R I S I N G B R E A D & M O R E ! MON-FRI 4:45 AM - 2:00 PM SAT 4:45 AM - 12:00 PM 243 E Chicago St | Jonesville, MI 49250 | (517) 849-9864 BAKERY Jonesville OWNER (517) 610-7860 317 W Chicago Street | Jonesville, MI 49250 lancasterglass.net Todd Lancaster Toddvlancaster@gmail.com Hillsdale County’s Transmission Specialist! We take care of all your automotive needs. Owner Jack McLain— GM and Ford Certified in both gas and diesel 517-437-4020 42 Waldron St., Hillsdale | Mon - Fri • 8 - 5 Largest Sporting Goods Store in the Tri-State Area! OVER 500 BOWS IN STOCK OVER 1000 GUNS IN STOCK GUNS & MORE LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE IN THE TRI-STATE AREA OVER 300 BOWS ON STOCK - OVER 500 GUNS IN STOCK 3400 TERRITORIAL RD. (St. Rt. 120) Camden, MI 49232 11/2 Miles West of M-99 3 Miles From Pioneer, OH 18 Miles From Fremont, IN 5 CHECK OUT OUR CABINS AND SHEDS AT www.thearcher yspot.com 517-254-4455 3400 Territorial Rd (St R t. 120) Camden - 1.5 MI West of M-99 3 Miles from Pioneer, OH SHEDS FINANCING AVAILABLE GUNS & MORE LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE IN THE TRI-STATE AREA OVER 300 BOWS ON STOCK - OVER 500 GUNS IN STOCK 3400 TERRITORIAL RD. (St. Rt. 120) Camden, MI 49232 11/2 Miles West of M-99 3 Miles From Pioneer, OH 18 Miles From Fremont, IN 517-254-4 455 OUR CABINS AND SHEDS AT THE FAIR! www thearcher yspot.com M ATHEW S • BOWTE C H • MISSI O N • KILLER INSTINCT GENESIS • R AV I N • CE N TER P OINT • BEAR ARCHE R Y Your one stop pro shop ARCHERY SPOT LARGE SELECTION OF AMMUNITION ASK ABOUT OUR FINANCING PROGRAM

Catch some Smiles!

For detailed information about hunting and fishing in Michigan, visit michigan.gov>State Departments and scroll down to click on “Natural Resources.” This section will provide you with everything you need to know about rules and regulations, how to apply for a hunting or fishing license, and what species are available in our lakes, rivers, woods, and fields.

61 · 2016 & 2018 Hillsdale County Realtor of the Year · 2019 Hillsdale County Board of Realtors Lifetime Achievement Award Winner · 21 years in full-time real estate in 2023! · Consistent multi-million dollar producer - Over $13 Million Sold in 2022! · 2008 & 2017 Hillsdale County Board of Realtors President · 2020, 21, & 22 Winner of People’s Choice Best-of-the-Best Favorite Realtor · Listen in monthly to “At Home with Christie Plemmons” on WCSR 92.1FM Christie M. Plemmons Broker/Owner/REALTOR Exclusive listing Realtor for Hillsdale Commons condos · Residential Lake Properties · Investment Properties Hunting & Farmland 517-437-3333 christieplemmons@yahoo.com www.christieplemmonsrealty.com 81 W. Carleton Rd, Hillsdale Next door to Finish Line Restaurant Contact me today! Hillsdale's Hometown Realtor

Hillsdale County, Michigan General Highway Map

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0 2 5 5 7 5 10 Miles 5 4 2 3 6 1 4 5 2 5 3 4 4 6 3 2 1 6 6 4 1 6 3 2 2 1 1 5 1 4 3 6 5 7 5 5 4 5 2 1 7 2 1 2 3 4 7 2 1 9 7 3 3 3 3 8 2 9 8 1 1 2 3 9 1 5 9 5 8 4 8 8 8 4 8 6 5 5 3 9 9 8 6 4 7 7 9 2 9 4 6 6 7 7 6 9 8 7 8 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 7 31 30 18 19 14 31 30 30 19 18 14 19 12 28 36 31 23 33 10 25 21 16 13 15 31 15 18 13 24 27 25 25 12 36 19 22 14 35 33 26 20 31 23 22 23 21 36 23 30 22 26 33 14 28 29 28 15 26 10 32 21 18 10 35 16 24 34 14 28 35 16 34 17 29 34 27 34 36 28 32 32 36 25 14 20 17 17 10 33 25 17 20 12 10 33 17 29 27 27 13 8 32 20 16 29 28 32 23 28 21 26 35 15 12 29 16 32 29 15 32 24 23 26 26 36 22 22 24 12 25 24 36 13 34 35 17 20 27 22 10 12 35 17 29 12 32 15 20 24 33 29 24 13 10 19 27 35 34 27 27 30 34 13 21 22 26 15 20 25 26 13 33 20 33 17 16 23 25 21 21 34 21 24 14 23 14 36 35 16 16 18 10 22 13 12 28 15 18 30 31 9 19 18 19 30 18 31 7 11 10 8 12 9 11 10 12 19 11 10 12 10 11 12 £ ¤ 127 ¾ Ö M 49 ¾ Ö M 49 ¾ Ö M 99 ¾ Ö M 99 ¾ Ö M 99 ¾ Ö M 34 ¾ Ö M 34 S P i t s f o r d 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e r s o n R d W Ba l Rd Airport Rd J e r o m e R d R o u n r e e R d Bankers Rd Sandhi Rd Strub e Rd D u c k L a k e R d C o n d r a R d Goose Lake Rd Heath Rd S R u m s e y R d B o r d e n R d H o c o m b R d H o c o m b R d Dewey Rd Robins Rd F r e n c h R d N S a n d L a k e R d Jeffery Rd M o s c o w R d T h o m p s o n R d O a k s R d B e u o w R d W r g h R d Z o r m a n R d D o b s o n R d ChandlerRd Baker Rd Moore Rd M a b e e R d D e n n n g s R d R e e d R d T r y o n R d W h t e R d Wood Rd G a s g o w R d S p e e r R d G o d f e y R d B a r k e r R d N B d L a k e R d H a d e y R d Darl ng Rd R 1 W R 1 W Storms Rd Watkins Rd S a w d e y R d H a f M o o n L a k e R d S a t e R d W a w o r t h R d Ames Rd W Bacon Rd Mechan c Rd A n d e r s o n R d IndianaNortheasternRailroad Saunders Rd Fitzpatr ck Rd G o d o n R d DawnDr W i n e l d R d Masker Rd R 4 W R 4 W Eaton Rd OHarrow Rd NWestonRd Myers Rd Industrial Pkwy C h a d a m L n OakRidge Dr CSweet loverHillsD r ShadyOakShores Dr Quaker Rd WestSt Guernsey Rd Add son Rd Hoxie Rd Culbert Rd B r o w n R d S t r a t R d Cole Rd S T r p p R d B a k e r R d P o p e R d Church Rd A s h R d S K e s o R d Bean Rd K e s o R d W S er ing Rd Herring Rd E Ba l Rd W Ha ett Rd More and Rd Chandler Rd C r o n k R d C o m b s R d Gay Rd W h e a t a n d R d R a n e y R d H o g C r e e k R d M c L a n R d Hicks Rd Vicary Rd Calhoun Rd Mauck Rd Genesee Rd B b y R d W i s e R d Houseknecht Rd Van Wert Rd S S a n d L a k e R d S o m e r s e R d M e i d a n R d N A e n R d Mercer Rd N P t s f o d R d C r a n b e r y L a k e R d E Hast ngs Lake Rd B u n n R d A d a m s R d S t e a r n s R d S A l e n R d N L a k e P e a s a n t R d S County Line Rd B e a c h R d Harper Rd E S er ing Rd We r Rd Moshervi le Rd Weston Rd Stewart Rd Peterson Rd Kies Rd F o w l e R d Murrey Rd N S o m e r s e R d A e y R d B a c k b r d g e R d S B r d L a k e R d D e n n i n g s R d Sutfin Rd W Mosherv lle Rd Voorhes Rd Keith Rd S q u r e s R d R o w e R d Kim Dr N K e s o R d Lane Rd H a l M o o n L a k e R d E Bacon Rd Foster Rd B b b i n s R d Water WorksAve Brooks Rd Northmoor Dr N T r p p R d S t o r m R d V i c a r y R d C r o n k R d S o m e r s e R d Mosherville Rd W Ha ett Rd Mauck Rd Genesee Rd B r o w n R d S o m e r s et R d Gay Rd L Le Ann Lake Somerse Crys al Lake Hemlock Lake Goose Lake Baw Beese Lake Round Lake Lake Adam s S Sand Lake Perch Lake Willet L Middle Sand L N Sand Lake Duck Lake Cobb Lake Moon L Hastings Lake Braxee L Gray L Hog L Mosherv lle Lake Storms L 5000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 14000 13000 12000 11000 10000 9000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 4000 3000 2000 1000 1000 2000 Hard ng L Ames Lake StJosephRiver Mercer Lakes Soap Cr Lake Bel-Air Lombard Lake Sand Creek Otto Drain BranchCreek Posey Creek Little HogCr Fisk Drain BeebeCr Conger Drain H o gCreek S Br Kalamazoo R SBrKalamazooR K e m p o n D r a i n St Joseph River L E N A W E E C O U N T Y JACKSON COUNTY R 2 W R 2 W JACKSON COUNTY CALHOUN CO R 3 W R 3 W CALHOUN CO B R A N C H C O U N T Y T 6 S T 5 S T 6 S T 5 S Hillsdale Litchfield Allen Jonesville Mosherville Jerome Somerset Center North Adams Moscow ALLEN ADAMS SCIPIO MOSCOW SOMERSET LITCHFIELD WHEATLAND FAYETTE HILLSDALE Hillsdale County, Michigan General Highway Map 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 Miles G W o R W STATE OF OHIO µ Legend County Highway Major Road US Highway £ ¤ State Highway ¾ Ö M Railroad Lake / Pond Municipality River / Creek / Drain Hillsdale County map was reprinted with permission from the Hillsdale County Mapping and Equalization Department. 54 62

Stay & Play


Berry Lake Campground

PO Box 413, Reading


Gateway Park Campground gatewayparkcampground.com

4111 W. Hallett Rd, Hillsdale


Hillsdale County Fairgrounds


115 S. Broad St., Hillsdale


Kimball Camp YMCA


4502 Berlin Dr., Reading


Marble Springs Campground www.marblesprings.com

9411 W. Chicago Rd (US -12), Allen 517-869-2522

Michindoh Conference Center www.michindoh.com

4545 E Bacon Rd, Hillsdale 517-523-3616

Moscow Maples RV Park moscowmaples.com

8291 E. Chicago Rd (US -12), Moscow 517-688-9853

Six Lakes Campgrounds www.6lakescampground.com

2155 Hudson Rd. (M-99), Hillsdale 517-439-5660

Somerset Beach Campground somersetbeach.org

9822 Brooklawn, Somerset Center 517-688-3783

Way Back Campground & Cabin Rentals waybackcampground.com

3590 Jonesville Rd, Jonesville 517-849-0082


America’s Best Value Inn


516 W. Chicago St., Jonesville 517-849-2137

Days Inn Hillsdale www.daysinn.com

3241 W Carleton Rd, Hillsdale (517) 439-3297

Dow Leadership Center Hotel & Conference Center dowcenterhotel.hillsdale.edu

22 E. Galloway Dr., Hillsdale 517-437-3311

Baw Beese Inn 1729 S. Hudson Rd (M-99), Hillsdale 517-437-3389


Bluebird Trails B&B airbnb.com 8591 Blount Rd., Jonesville 517-254-5754

The Brickhouse of Somerset www.brickhousebb.com 14240 US-12, Somerset 517-547-5885

Munro House B&B www.munrohouse.com 202 Maumee St., Jonesville 517-849-9292

The Rooms at Grayfield roomsatgrayfield.com

310 W. Chicago St. (US -12), Hillsdale 517-849-9580

• Deluxe Family RV Resor t • Big Rigs Welcome • Premier Pull-Through & Back-In Full Hook Up Sites • Heated Pool • Jumping Pillow & Gaga Pit • Propane Fill Station • Cabin Rentals & RV Rental • Wood Deliver y • Planned Ac tivities • Pet Friendly • Wi-Fi • Located on South Sand Lake, A 90-Acre All-Spor ts Lake 5 17- 4 3 7 - 7 00 5 | 4111 W e st H all e tt Rd | H illsdale |ww w. g a t e w a ypar kc am p g r oun d . co m Join The Fun ... • Food Truck
66 New 2022 Gulf Stream RV Vintage Cruiser New 2022 Sunset Park RV Sunray Classic 149 New 2023 Gulf Stream RV Gold Edition Large Slide Out Queen Bed Sleeps Nine Full Bath Sofa Sale Price $23,495 A S L O W A S $198/mo SUNLITE Confidence Pkg. SUNLITE Comfort Pkg. Jiffy Sofa , Fold Down Bed 84"X72" Ramp Door Magnetic Rear Bug Screen Portable Bluetooth Speaker Sale Price $17,997 A S L O W A S $156/mo Rear Kitchen Front Private Bedroom Tri-Fold Sofa Outside Shower Slide-Out Sleeps Five Sale Price $39,346 A S L O W A S $332/mo CAMPERS ON THE CURVE SouthernMichiganRV.com 96 W Carleton Rd Hillsdale 517.398.9500 FINANCING AVAILABLE • Parts, Accessories, and Service
Sharing Local Stories For More Than A Decade. Local because it matters. 517.320.9235 | Sales@simplyhers.net | simplyhers.net SH SIMPLY HERS Magazine it’s all about him! HILLSDALE/LENAWEE EVERYTHING MEN 517.320.9235 | Sales@simplyhers.net | simplyhers.net SH SIMPLY HERS Magazine it’s all about him! EVERYTHING MEN 517.320.9235 simplyhers.net Sales@simplyhers,net
GET FIT. LIVE HEALTHY. • Personal Training • Group Training • StrongMan Training OPEN 7 DAYS 4 AM - 11 PM OPEN GYM MEMBERSHIP AS LOW AS $34.99/MO* *Requires one year contract and $25 key fee. 96 E CARLETON RD. | HILLSDALE — LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOR SCHEDULES & UPDATES
Restaurants Nearby Non-Smoking Rooms Limited Pets Cable TV Wi-Fi and Fax available Continental Breakfast In all rooms: 40” Flat Screen TV Refrigerator Microwave AMERICA’S BEST VALUE INN 516 W. Chicago St. | Jonesville | 517-849-2137 | www.jonesvilleabvi.com ROOMS STARTING AT $4995 TO FIT ANY BUDGET! Styles& Prices Styles& Prices 517-523-2178 Excellence In Internet Technology Serving Commercial and Residential customers with professional Internet and Phone Services. •Security Cameras •Tower Construction •Structured wiring www.dmcibb.net | 877.936.2422 Providing high speed internet & VOIP phone services to Branch, Hillsdale, Calhoun, and Jackson Counties LOCALLY OWNED Automotive & Light Truck Repair 166 S. Broad St. Hillsdale, MI 49242 Bryan T. Jeffrey Owner/Mechanic James
Hillsdale Famil y Chir opr actic Chiropractic Care | Corrective Exercises 79 Hillsdale St, Hillsdale, MI 49242 | (517) 439-9800 www.hillsdalefamilychiro.com KEEPING FAMILIES HEALTHY
Daniels Dr Matt Gordon Dr. Jenelle Devenney

Disc Golf

Disc golf is played much like golf. Instead of a ball and clubs, though, players use a flying disc or Frisbee®. The sport was formalized in the 1970s and shares with golf the object of completing each hole in the fewest strokes (or, in the case of disc golf, fewest throws).

Disc golf is designed to be enjoyed by people of all ages, gender identity, and economic status, making it a great lifetime fitness activity. Because disc golf is so easy to learn, no one is excluded; players merely match their pace to their capabilities and proceed from there.

Ready to give a go? Below are a few courses located in Hillsdale and surrounding areas.

OWENS MEMORIAL DISC GOLF COURSE 280 Waterworks Drive, Hillsdale Holes: 9 HILLSDALE COLLEGE HAYDEN PARK DISC GOLF 1620 Barber Dr, Hillsdale Holes: 18 LADY IN BLUE 18 Holes 10426 S Jackson Rd, Cement City HERITAGE PARK DISC GOLF 18 Holes Raisin Township, Adrian HERITAGE PARK DISC COURSE Park: 1776 Heritage Park Dr, Coldwater (course is off of Northshore Dr.)Holes: 9
71 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 517-439-5393 Hillsdale Count y is GREAT! GO EXPLORE and if you need us... W E ’ R E RI G H T H E R E ! Owners: Jeff Valentine and Mike Peiffer 3169 N Hillsdale Rd • Hillsdale OVER 100 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE TO TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR AUTO REPAIRS. SOLDERLESS TERMINALS ● WIRE ENDS WIRE ● BATTERY CABLE AND TOOLS 266 Industrial Drive, Hillsdale, MI 49242 www.hillsdaleterminal.com CALL FOR YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-447-3150 ENJOY OUR BUFFET — 9 94 0 E . CH I C A G O | JE R OME , M I | HOURS: Daily 6 am to 3 pm | Fri-Sat 6 am - 8 pm 2021 Catering Available Friday All Day Fish Fry & Salad Bar - 4 - 7:45 Breakfast Bu et: Sat & Sun - 8-Noon


With more public courses than any other state in the nation (over 850 of them, according to Forbes Magazine), Michigan offers resident and visiting golfers a wide selection of places to enjoy the game they love. (Or, love to hate, depending upon how the day’s round goes!) Some public courses offer memberships that can save you money if you golf frequently, so be sure to look into that when you find a course you love to play.

Lake Le Ann Golf Club

10339 Fairway Dr., Jerome, MI 49249



Facebook: Lake Le Ann Golf Club & Driving Range

Nine holes with a driving range, carts & clubs available for rent, pro in house and tee times welcomed. Soft spikes only.

Litchfield Greens

(formerly Jenkins Golf Course), 10011 Homer Rd., Litchfield, MI 49252

www.cityoflitchfield.org 517-5423121

Facebook: Litchfield Greens

Nine holes, carts and clubs available for rent, pro in house. Two sets of tees. Soft spikes only.

Mill Race Golf Course

200 Adrian Rd., Jonesville, MI 49250

www.millracegolfcourse.com 517-849-9439

Facebook: Mill Race Golf Course

Nine holes,driving range, carts and clubs available for rent, pro in house and tee times welcomed. Three sets of tees. Soft spikes only.

White Oaks Golf Club

2171 Bankers Rd., Hillsdale, MI 49242

www.whiteoaksgc.com 517-4373434

Facebook: White Oaks Golf Club

Eighteen holes, carts & clubs available for rent. Two sets of tees. Soft spikes only.

The Hills of Baw Beese Lake

1990 Ash Te Wette Beach Dr., Hillsdale, MI 49242



Facebook: Hillsdale Golf & C.C.

The Hills of Baw Beese Lake

Nine holes, tee times welcomed, carts available, on-site dining.

PUBLIC GOLF COURSE • 19th Hole Club House with full service bar • Snack Bar • Memberships Available • Leagues • Facility available for outings and parties • The only 18 hole golf course in Hillsdale County whiteoaksgc.com • 2171 Bankers Rd • Hillsdale • 517 437-3434 WHITE
CLUB Receive $50 off a 2020 memebership and use for the rest of 2019 season 10/1/19-12/31/19 517-523-2026 Corner of Market & Pittsford Rd. PITTSFORD

Good to Know Numbers

FIRE DEPARTMENTS Camden Fire Dept 517.368.5129 Hillsdale City Fire Dept 517.437.6451 Hillsdale Rural Fire Dept 517.437.4322 Hudson City Fire Dept 517.448.2231 Jonesville City Fire Dept. 517.849.9451 Litchfield City Fire Dept. 517.542.3477 Moscow Fire Department 517.688.4844 Pittsford Jefferson Fire Dept. 517.523.2432 Reading City Fire Dept. 517.283.3528 Somerset Fire Dept. 517.688.4406 Wright-Waldron Fire Dept. 517.286.6611 Woodbridge Township Fire Dept. 517.254.4187 UTILITIES & TELECOMMUNICATION ATT 1.800.288.2020 Consumers Energy 1.800.477.5050 Xfinity 1.800.934.6489 Hillsdale Board of Public Utilities 517.437.3387 Michigan Gas Utilities 1.800.401.6402 TRASH & RECYCLING Jefferson Township Trash & Recycling Center 517.523.3019 Lake Pleasant Recycling 517.523.2809 Modern Waste 517.536.4900 Omnisource (Jonesville) 517.849.2149 Republic Services 1.877.692.9729 HILLSDALE COUNTY GOVERNMENT Board of Commissioners 517.437.7798 x150 Building Inspection and Permitting 517.437.4130 County Clerk 517.437.3391 Courthouse 517.437.4321 Courthouse Annex 517.437.7329 Drain Commissioner 517.437.4181 Emergency Preparedness 517.437.7384 Equalization/Mapping & Land Info 517.439.9166 Parks Commissioner 517.437.4458 Prosecuting Attorney 517.439.1419 Register of Deeds 517.437.2231 Road Commission 517.439.9432 Sheriff’s Office 517.437.7317 Treasurer 517.437.4700 Veteran Affairs 517.437.3630 CITIES, VILLAGES, AND TOWNSHIPS Adams Township 517.287.5766 Allen Township 517.869.0260 Amboy Township 517.254.4116 Cambria Township 517.357.4225 Camden Township 517.368.4925 In Case of Emergency Dial 911 CITIES, VILLAGES, AND TOWNSHIPS City of Hillsdale 517.437.6441 City of Jonesville 517.849.2104 City of Litchfield 517.542.2921 City of Reading 517.283.2604 Fayette Township 517.849.2351 Hillsdale Township 517.437.7420 Jefferson Township 517.523.3165 Litchfield Township 517.542.3950 Moscow Township 517.688.9707 Pittsford Township 517.523.4287 Ransom Township 517.567.4488 Reading Township 517.283.3286 Scipio Township 517.849.9144 Somerset Township 517.688.9223 Village of Allen 517.869.0260 Village of Camden 517.368.5601 Village of Montgomery 517.296.4351 Village of North Adams 517.287.4747 Village of Pittsford 517.523.4287 Village of Waldron 517.286.6677 Wheatland Township 517.547.3095 Woodbridge Township 517.254.4799 Wright Township 517.286.6320 LIBRARIES Camden Township Library 517.368.5554 Hillsdale Community Library 517.437.6470 Hudson Public Library 517.448.3801 Jonesville District Library 517.849.9701 Litchfield District Library 517.542.3887 Mitchell Research Center 517.437.6488 North Adams Community Memorial Library 517.287.4426 Pittsford Public Library 517.523.2565 Reading Community Library 517.283.3916 Somerset Township Library 517.688.9223 Waldron District Library 517.286.6511 HEALTH AND WELLNESS Branch-Hillsdale- St. Joseph Community Health Agency 517.437.7395 Hillsdale Health & Wellness 517.437.7040 Hillsdale Hospital 517.437.4451 Hillsdale County Medical Care 517.439.9341 Poison Control 800.222.1222 Saint Peter’s Free Clinic 517.437.4041 LOCAL AGENCIES Community Action Agency 517.437.3346 Economic Development Partnership of Hillsdale County 517.437.3200 Hillsdale County Agricultural Society (Fairgrounds Office) 517.437.3622 Hillsdale County Chamber of Commerce 517.439.4341 Hillsdale County Community Foundation 517.439.5101 Hillsdale County Department of Human Services 517.439.2200 Hillsdale County Senior Services Center 517.437.2422 Hospice of Hillsdale County 517.437.5252 Region 2 Area Agency on Aging 517.592.1974 South Central Michigan Works! 517.437.3381 TRANSPORTATION Dial-a-Ride Transportation 517.437.3385 Hillsdale Municipal Airport 517.797.4833 Indiana Northeastern Railroad 517.439.4677 EDUCATION Hillsdale College 517.437.7341 Hillsdale County Intermediate School District 517.437.0990 Jackson CollegeClyde LeTarte Center 517.437.3343 STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES Michigan DNR—Lansing Customer Service Center 517.284.4720 Secretary of State Driver License & Plate Office 888.767.6424 Social Security Administration 800.772.1213 U.S. Postal Service 800.275.8777 LOCAL AND STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT Hillsdale City Police 517.437.6481 Hillsdale County Sheriff 800.437.7317 Jonesville City Police 517.849.2101 Litchfield City Police 517.542.3700 Michigan State Police (Jackson Post) 517.780.4580 Reading City Police 517.283.3133
Hours: Mon -Thurs 11AM - 9:30 PM • Fri & Sat 11AM - 10 PM • Sun 11AM - 9 Full-Ser vice Bar at Both Locations! Great for Small Gatherings Take Out Available! THIRD LOCATION OPENING SOON IN THE OLD QUINCY DINER 174 E. Chicago Street, Quincy, MI 49082 FOURTH LOCATION OPENING SOON IN GRAND RAPIDS 1400 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 LUNCH & MARGARITA SPECIALS FULL SERVICE BAR AND BIG SCREEN TVS 2 GREAT LOCATIONS 2 GREAT LOCATIONS


Adult & Pediatric

Inpatient Acute Care

(517) 437-5250

Behavioral Health & Psychiatric Care

(517) 437-5363


Birthing Center

(517) 437-5280


(517) 437-5185

Diabetes Education & Nutrition


(517) 437-5270

Emergency Care

(517) 437-4451


(517) 437-5160

Center for Infusion Care

(517) 212-4337

Internal Medicine

(517) 437-7040


(269) 841-4350

Obstetrics & Gynecology

(517) 437-8292

Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

(517) 439-5411

Center for Excellence in Pain Management

(517) 437-5417

Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy

(517) 437-5190


(517) 437-8366


(517) 437-1719

Short-Stay Rehab & Long-Term Care

(517) 437-5233

Sleep Medicine

(517) 580-5055


(517) 437-5350

Women’s Health

(517) 437-5339

Women’s Pelvic Floor Center

(517) 797-5321

Center for Advanced Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine

(517) 437-5290

Hillsdale Hospital

168 S. Howell St. (517) 437-4451

Reading Health Clinic

143 S. Main St. (517) 283-1772

Litchfield Health Clinic

535 Marshall St. (517) 330-3000

Hillsdale Health & Wellness (Walk-In & Primary Care 240 W. Carleton Rd. (517) 437-7040

Hillsdale Hospital Work Health

181 E. Chicago St., Quincy (517) 639-7300

Hillsdale Orthopedics 61 W. Carleton Rd. (517) 439-5411

Three Meadows Medical Building 451 Hidden Meadows Dr. Hidden Meadows OB/GYN

(517) 437-8292

Hillsdale Pulmonary Clinic

(517) 437-8366

Hillsdale Surgical Group

(517) 437-5350

Vascular Care

(269) 979-6310

Urology Care

(517) 349-3900

Hillsdale Home Oxygen & Medical Equipment

49 E. Carleton Rd. (517) 437-8371

For a comprehensive, up-to-date list of providers and services, visit hillsdalehospital.com.

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