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Hillsdale County Community Foundation

Serving Hillsdale County Since 1991
The Hillsdale County Community Foundation is a non-profit organization that:
Provides Grant Opportunities to meet the need of our families, elderly, and youth populations.
Provides Scholarships to Hillsdale County residents pursuing their dreams of a higher education.
Provides Youth Leadership Training through grant making and community service opportunities.

Offers a comprehensive Planned Giving Program aimed at meeting your philanthropic intentions.

Provides the highest level of Community Accountability, ensuring your gift is handled according to your wishes
For more information, please call the Foundation at 517-439-5101 or visit our website at www.abouthccf.org
Poor House.”
The Poor House hosts a variety of events during the year including “Christmas at the Poor House” the first weekend of December and an annual Farm Festival the first Saturday of August.
Jonesville has three National Register Landmarks: Grace

Situated in Somerset, the W. H. L. McCourtie Estate , known as McCourtie Park , is a State and National Register Landmark. The park, believed to hold the country’s largest collection of el trabejo rustico , was created by Mr. McCourtie after he was inspired by the Mexican folk tradition of this unique sculpting process that makes concrete look like wood. Located close by in Moscow, the Moscow Township Hall , originally the Michigan and Ohio Railroad Depot , is a State Registered Historic Site.
Much of Hillsdale County’s history is contained within the Mitchell Research Center housed in the stately 19th century mansion of Charles Mitchell. In addition to the extensive collection of archived newspapers, genealogy, and historical records housed there, it also showcases the Pulver Collection, a gathering of approximately 7,400 fiction
Help Us Reach Every Child!
Every child in foster care deserves to have a CASA volunteer to advocate for them.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we run completely off of grants and donations. We do not charge for our services.
You can help us in this quest by providing critical financial support.
Hillsdale CASA, Inc. is one place where a single individual - you - can make all the difference.

The money you give will strengthen our network and help provide strong advocacy for every child who needs it. Please visit our website below to make your tax deductible donation. Or contact Heather Upton by calling (517) 797-6020.