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Hilldale Hypnosis

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Karim HealthCare

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Written by Melissa McCance | Photos by Synergy in Motion

Many people’s ideas about hypnosis come from fiction, especially film and television portrayals in which the unfortunate victim either goes around clucking like a chicken or commits murder after the evil hypnotist whispers a trigger word at the right time. Or, they’ve seen stage hypnotists performing flashy routines in clubs. However, stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy are completely different things.

Paul Taylor, the hypnotherapist at Hillsdale Hypnosis, wants people to be clear about what hypnotherapy isn’t. “It isn’t mind control. I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. What it is involves bypassing what’s called the critical faculty. It’s disconnecting the behavior from the deep-seated mental connection that causes that behavior to make us feel good.”

He began in stage hypnosis, but as Paul learned about the subconscious and how it can work for more than entertainment, he became fascinated by the possibilities and transitioned to hypnotherapy. Paul sought out and trained with experts like Ken Guzzo, Jason Linett, and Mike Mandel. Hypnotherapy can be used to address a number of issues, but Paul has chosen to specialize in two: smoking cessation and weight management. And, he comes to these life issues with a great deal of empathy:

“With the smoking and the weight management, I can speak to that. I used to be over 300 pounds, I used to smoke. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, ‘Oh, I watched the videos on your website and it’s like you made them just for me.’”

That personal experience helps Paul to establish rapport and trust with his clients which is a critical factor in the process. Michelle Moreland, owner and administrator of Hillsdale Hypnosis, emphasizes that the programs do not follow a cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all approach. “We customize for each client. We don’t do big groups. If a husband and wife or two sisters want to quit smoking, we can do that, but mostly each client gets their own time and their own protocol.”

They also make sure that their clients feel safe and comfortable. Although it’s generally better to keep the door of the hypnosis room closed, Paul will leave it ajar if the client prefers. Should a client need to be seen after normal hours, Michelle is also present and they will walk the person to his or her car, if desired. Throws are provided to keep the client from feeling chilly during the therapeutic process.

Smoking cessation is handled in a single session lasting about two and a half hours and the results are guaranteed for life. Knowing that things can happen in life to send people back to old habits, the guarantee ensures that clients can feel comfortable contacting him if they need additional help.

“I can’t do it for them, but if someone wants to quit smoking, they can, and without experiencing withdrawal, cravings, or weight gain,” says Paul.

First, Paul deals with the logical mind, flipping over the thought process on their addiction and nicotine. Then he does muscle testing which allows the client to know and feel a change before any actual hypnosis takes place. Paul also utilizes a component called the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT that is analogous to acupuncture but uses tapping instead of needles to stimulate key points on the face.

The different stages of the session are arranged for a gradual progression through the physical office as well. The initial video is viewed in the pleasant waiting area where clients can enjoy water, tea, or coffee along with some healthy snacks. The muscle testing and EFT is performed in Paul’s office, while the actual hypnosis takes place in a designated room that is darkened and equipped with comfortable recliners.

Weight management is handled over four and sometimes five sessions, and the process is somewhat different because of the multiple issues that can contribute to being overweight such as too much snacking, portion control, sweets, meals with too many distractions from truly enjoying the food, etc. Starting with whatever seems to be the biggest problem for the client, one issue is addressed each week. With every subsequent week, in addition to the main focus, the previous issues are reiterated. This means that the primary problem is covered four times by the end of the program.

A very interesting option for weight management with people who want to lose a more significant amount of weight—20 to 25 pounds or more—is what Paul calls a virtual gastric band. With this technique, the client is given the idea that a gastric band has been performed and that yields portion control but without the surgery or recovery time.

At all times, both Paul and Michelle strive to ensure that clients feel safe, comfortable, and confident that they are being cared for. Being hypnotized involves some vulnerability, and it’s essential to establish trust and rapport with each individual.

Hillsdale Hypnosis is currently open by appointment only, and daytime appointments are generally on Thursdays and Fridays. After hours appointments can be arranged if needed. The practice is located in the Three Meadows Medical Building, 451 Hidden Meadows Dr., Suite 240, Hillsdale. You can reach them at 517-888-3581, through their website at hillsdalehypnosis.com, or by messaging them on the Facebook page.

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