HILLSDALE Open Air Market
is Open!
The Open Air Market is open every Saturday through October. Hours until the end of September are 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, changing to 9:00 to 1:00 pm in October (barring another lockdown). The vendor fee to join Open Air Market and to promote wares and goods is $20 which is valid until the end of this season, October 2020. To be eligible to promote your items at the HBA's Open Air Market, vendors only need to be running a home-based business. All handmade, homemade, and homegrown vendors are still welcome! We hope to inspire an opportunity to expand vendors' businesses, regain their customers as we know these unprecedented times have been tough, provide more vendors for our market itself and bring more people to downtown Hillsdale. To join, simply bring your table and goods to the Hillsdale Library's parking lot, located at 11 East Bacon St., Hillsdale, MI 49242 and look for Karla Schaerer. Karla is with Sand Lake Naturals and usually has her booth on the corner of Manning Street and the concrete wall by the Library. Karla will have forms there to fill out; please bring your fee in cash or check. If you bring a check, please make all checks out to Hillsdale Business Association. *Please note that being an Open Air Market Vendor is separate from being an HBA Member. If you are also interested in joining the HBA as a member, please message them on their Facebook Business page. 46