SUMMER 2023 FREE Family Caregiver By the Numbers | 12 Facts About Menopause | Remember When? | Recipes | Puzzles
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We now offer bladder BOTOX® for women who are experiencing incontinence issues. This in-office procedure takes just 30 minutes with no recovery time. Get back to living your life to the fullest.
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2 | SIMPLY SENIORS — SUMMER 2023 Get back to doing what you love
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from the publisher
Welcome back! Boy has time flown by. By the time you read this we’ll be in the middle of beautiful, long summer days. I hope you are able to get out and enjoy everything the region has to offer including the local farmers Markets, fairs and my favorites, the sidewalk sales!
In this issue you’ll find advice on durable power of attorney, ways to learn some of the new automotive technology, some quick and easy recipes to try out this summer and Willie will certainly entertain you on her use of hemorrhoid, um I mean “miracle” cream.
Thank you for continuing to read the magazine and for the feedback you give. You’re why we do this! I know I say a lot about reading the ads and patronizing our advertisers, but that’s because we quite literally couldn’t continue to publish without their financial support. Small communities like ours only thrive when everyone pulls together and utilizing local resources is a big part of that.
Before we say good-bye I’d like to invite you to share any story ideas that you think our readers would find helpful, imformative or just plain fun to read. You can submit them to
Have a blessed summer and when we meet again it will be pumpkin season!
Simply Seniors is published by and is the property of MCGRAW PUBLISHING
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Marlanea McGraw
517-320-9235 •
Angela Blake
Synergy In Motion Studios
Deb Petticrew
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Willie Smith
Shar Ann Smith
Elyse Apel
Simply Seniors Magazine makes every effort to provide accurate information in advertising and editorial content, however, does not make any claims as to accuracy of information provided by advertisers or editorial contributors and accepts no responsibility or liability for inaccurate information.
88 110 0 112 2 114 4 116 6 Cover Feature Senior Health Legal News Caregivers Farm Life Eagle Funeral Home Physical Activity linked to Mortality Rate Durable Power of Attorney By The Numbers Written by Debbi Petticrew TABLE OF CONTENTS 118 8 220 0 Menopause Oh My! 12 Facts You May Not Know Oh, Charlie! 222 2 224 4 226 6 228 8 332 2 Lenawee County Senior Centers Senior Moments Helping Seniors Life is the Berries Remember When Miracle Cream Adapt to Automotive Technology Unfading Support We Did Chores? 334 4 440 0 Recipes Puzzles & Games One Pan Salmon & Veggies Crock Pot Chicken Tacos Easy Tiramiso Crossword | Word Search Sudoku | Who Am I?
LOVE YOUR HOME. We are pretty proud of our pretty renovations. Bright, lively, and welcoming — there is no better way to provide joy for our residents and their families. Assisted Living Memory Care Tecumseh 517-423-5300 333 N Occidental Hwy South Lyon 248-344-0001 52365 10 Mile Rd Providing Joy and Pursuing Excellence 1252 E Chicago Road • Jonesville • 517-297-9909 Providing Experienced Duct Cleaning to South Central Michigan; Serving All of the Surrounding Counties Hillsdale, Branch, Jackson, Calhoun Property Owners Residential & Commercial Duct Cleaning We use state-of-the-art technology to efficiently remove pet dander, mildew, and more from your air conditioning and heating ducts with minimal disruption to your daily life or business operations. Services also include dryer vent and chimney cleanings. Your only locally-based non-profit hospice since 1983 124 S. Howell St. Hillsdale, MI 517-437-5252 Hospice of Hillsdale County provides compassionate, quality, end-of-life care and support for patients and families. Care wherever a patient calls home 24/7 on call access to a registered nurse Pain and Symptom Management Management of multiple medications Medical Equipment and Supplies Emotional and spiritual support for patient and family
Advertisers P l e a s e t h a n k o u r Have a story that you know our readers would love to read? S I M P L Y S E N I O R S W A N T S T O H E A R F R O M Y O U . . . W E W A N T T O H E A R A B O U T I T !
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 7 Pulmonology Clinic (517) 437-8366 Now offering inpatient pulmonology care and expanded outpatient care, so you can breathe easier.
Funeral Homes Funeral Homes
Since 1933, Eagle Funeral Homes has been walking families through their most difficult times
Now, 90 years later, the family-owned business is excited to celebrate its transition to its fourth generation of owners “We are so excited to be celebrating the many years of this family business,” says Brian Barrett, president of Eagle Funeral Homes, and a 4th generation Eagle family funeral director there
The home was originally founded by Marcus Ford Eagle in Waldron, Michigan in 1933 For the next many years, he worked with his son, Joe Eagle, who eventually took over running the business as the second-generation owner In 1999, the business transitioned into third generation ownership with Joe’s sons-in-law, John Barrett and Mark Monahan, as president and vice-president
Over the years, the business has slowly expanded with the purchase of the locally-owned George White Funeral Homes.
Eagle Funeral Homes now operates locations in Hillsdale, Litchfield, Quincy, Jonesville, and Reading
In 2020, after years of mentorship by John, Brian and Shea officially took over the company, while continuing to prioritize the same values it was founded on
“Loyalty, honesty, compassion, dignity, and respect Those are just a few of the things we value in the business,”
Brian says
Four Generations of our family proudly serving your family.
8 | SIMPLY SENIORS — SUMMER 2023 Cover Feature
“It has always been a family affair,” says Shea Dow, current vice president of the company and brother-in-law to Brian.
“I didn’t originally plan to go into the family business,” he says “At first I went to college, eventually graduating with a degree in supply chain management. It just took working in a different environment to realize that the family business was where I was always meant to be.”
After also receiving an undergraduate degree in supply chain management, Shea began working in the business in 2007, a few yea rs before Brian “For us, this is a 24-hour passion. We are here and available, whenever we are needed,” Shea explains “But it is not just us, it is our entire family that is committed to this care ”
The needs of the customers are always put first by Eagle Funeral Homes
“We want to serve everybody and meet people where they are on this journey,” Shea says “No two people live the same and are the same. S o we try to create custom and unique services that provide a time of healing for the family and friends of the deceased.” The Eagle Funeral Homes provide a full range of funeral, memorial, and cremation services for those of all faith backgrounds and our honored veterans “We are a full-service funeral home that is available to provide service to the families before, during, and after a death,” says Shea
This means that they are prepared to help families with preparations before death while supporting them after death through everything from funeral arrangements to the creation of monuments
“There are financial preparation, legal preparation, organizational things that we can assist with, all to alleviate a lot of stressors that are put upon a family following a death,” Shea explains.
For Eagle Funeral Homes, the business has always been a servant ministry
“For 90 years, the community’s trust has been placed for generations in this family and we’re so proud of that and that is something that we strive to always mainta in and grow,” Brian says
Shea agrees
“Brian and I feel very called to this work It’s not a profession, it’s our life, and it’s our way to serve and care for others We are meeting people at the worst time in their lives and our goal is always to walk them through this process with grace and respect and dignity and care,” Shea says
Both Brian and Shea emphasize that this all could not be done without th eir staff.
“The vast majority of our staff grew up in this community and are deeply involved in it That is why our tagline is ‘Our family serving your family,’ which is what we have done for four generations now,” Shea says
Visit www eaglefuneralhomes com or call (517) 437-3160 for more information about Eagle Funeral Homes
“For 90 years, the community’s trust has been placed for generations in this family and we’re so proud of that and that is something that we strive to always maintain and grow,” Brian says.
A 2 0 2 2 s t u d y l e d b y r e s e a r c h e r s a t t h e N a t i o n a l C a n c e r I n s t i t u t e f o u n d t h a t r e c r e a t i o n a l p u r s u i t s t h a t i n c o r p o r a t e p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y , i n c l u d i n g w a l k i n g , s w i m m i n g , a n d p l a y i n g t e n n i s , m a y l o w e r o l d e r a d u l t s ' r i s k o f d e a t h f r o m a n y c a u s e . T h a t i n c l u d e s c a r d i o v a s c u l a r d i s e a s e a n d c a n c e r , w h i c h t h e W o r l d H e a l t h O r g a n i z a t i o n n o t e s a r e t w o o f t h e l e a d i n g c a u s e s o f d e a t h a c r o s s t h e g l o b e . R u n n i n g , c y c l i n g , s w i m m i n g , o t h e r a e r o b i c e x e r c i s e , r a c q u e t s p o r t s , g o l f , a n d w a l k i n g f o r e x e r c i s e e n c o m p a s s e d t h e s e v e n d i f f e r e n t e x e r c i s e a n d r e c r e a t i o n a l a c t i v i t i e s r e s e a r c h e r s e x a m i n e d a s p a r t o f t h e s t u d y , w h i c h u t i l i z e d d a t a f r o m m o r e t h a n 2 7 2 , 0 0 0 a d u l t s b e t w e e n t h e a g e s o f 5 9 a n d 8 2
T h e r e s e a r c h e r s f o u n d t h a t a c h i e v i n g t h e r e c o m m e n d e d w e e k l y a m o u n t o f p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y t h r o u g h a n y c o m b i n a t i o n o f t h e s e a c t i v i t i e s w a s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a 1 3 p e r c e n t l o w e r r i s k o f d e a t h f r o m a n y c a u s e c o m p a r e d t o p e o p l e w h o d i d n o t p a r t i c i p a t e i n s u c h a c t i v i t i e s . T h o u g h a l l a c t i v i t i e s w e r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h l o w e r r i s k s o f d e a t h , r a c q u e t s p o r t s s e e m i n g l y p r o v i d e d t h e m o s t b a n g f o r s e n i o r s ' p r o v e r b i a l b u c k s , a s t h o s e a c t i v i t i e s w e r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a 1 6 p e r c e n t l o w e r r i s k o f d e a t h .
Written by Lorrie Miller
I don’t know about you, but before law school, I had no idea what a Durable Power of Attorney was. Sometimes we hear about a “Power of attorney”, but most of us don’t know what this means, who it is, or what he/she does. So, let’s see if we can break it down a bit.
A power of attorney is a person (the Agent) appointed by another person (the Principal) to act in the place of the Principal. It can be limited to a certain transaction(s) or it can be general. It can be effective only upon the disability of the Principal or it can become effective the moment it is executed by the Principal. It can be durable throughout incapacity or limited to during capacity only. It can regard medical decisions (this is a Medical Power of Attorney and the Agent is called a Patient Advocate in Michigan) or financial/legal transactions. In this article, we will discuss only the financial/ legal Power of Attorney.
This document is useful only during the lifetime of the Principal. The Principal gives authority to his/her Agent in this document and enumerates certain powers or perhaps almost all powers held by the Principal. Many people prefer to give broad powers so that in times of incapacity, the Agent is able to handle all situations, including dealing with Medicaid, signing deeds, and moving assets as needed for Medicaid planning.
It is important to consider who will be named as the Agent in this document, as he/she will hold very broad power over the assets of the Principal. While the Agent is required by law to act in the best interest of the Principal, it does happen from time-to-time that an Agent goes rogue and acts in his/her own best interests, rather than that of the Principal. Thus, when giving so much power to another person, it is wise to consider his trustworthiness, as well as his abilities to handle property and assets. One might also consider the physical distance between Principal and Agent as it may be necessary to deal with physical assets and a great distance may be inconvenient. Furthermore, if multiple family members are involved in the Principal’s life, the quality of the relationships between members is something to keep in mind when choosing an Agent, as she might have to make some difficult decisions and not all family members may agree. At times, clients wish to name co-Agents to act in tandem. I often (though not always) discourage this, unless either may act independently, as it can become burdensome for both Agents to sign a check, be present to withdraw funds, etc.
For most people, a general durable power of attorney is appropriate. As we don’t know what the situation will be upon its need, this keeps the options broad. Some
A Durable
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Attorney Lorrie Miller
limited powers of attorney are also appropriate during certain circumstances—such as when leaving minor children with a relative for a short time. It is wise to consult an attorney familiar with these issues if you are not sure what is most fitting for you. I find that clients prefer a power of attorney to be effective upon disability or upon its execution, simply depending on their own circumstances and that of their Agents. Again, which might be best for you is something to discuss with your estate planning attorney.
I believe that the power of attorney document is among the top five estate planning documents to have in place for a majority of people. If a person becomes incapacitated and there is need for his/her assets to be managed yet no power of attorney exists, it is not unusual to have need to file for a conservator or guardian for the incapacitated person. This involves a petition before the Probate Court, which can be costly and time-consuming, not to mention stressful. Perhaps even more alarming for the ward (the incapacitated person needing a conservator/guardian) is that he/she is not able to make the decision as to who will handle his/her finances and legal transactions—that decision will be made by the Court. Thus, the financial cost and time involved in having this document drafted during the capacity of the Principal is well worth the investment, in my opinion. Please see an estate planning attorney to help you decide if it’s a wise document to have in your own estate plan!
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 13 orney Holiday wishes. May the magic of the season bring you peace, love and joy. Happy Holidays to an incredible community! State Farm Bloomington, IL 1708156 Jason Adcock CPCU CLU FLMI, Agent Holiday wishes. May the magic of the season bring you peace, love and joy. Happy Holidays to an incredible community! State Farm Bloomington, IL 1708156 Jason Adcock CPCU CLU FLMI, Agent 32 S Howell Street Hillsdale, MI 49242 Bus: 517-437-3364 HOME HEALTH LIFE AUTO Like A Good Neighbor® You NEED life insurance for your growing family. New address. Same personal service. We look forward to visiting with you. 8 W Carleton Rd Hillsdale, MI 49242 517-437-3364 (Hungry Howie Plaza) Let’s set some time to talk about how things are going and see how else we can continue to help. That’s what good neighbors are for. 517-437-3364 Lic. #0128035 Jason Adcock State Farm Agent
However, many caregivers are informal, family caregivers who are not paid for their services, but step in to help someone they love. Here's a look at some of the numbers regarding family caregivers, courtesy of the National Alliance for Caregiving, AARP, GallupHealthways Well-Being Index, Respect Care Givers, and the career experts at Zippia
53 million: the number of Americans who are providing unpaid care to a family member or a friend.
9.5 million: the amount by which caregiver numbers increased between 2015 and 2020.
1 in 5: the number of Americans who are caregivers
22: the percentage of caregivers who are middle-aged
46: the average age of an employed caregiver.
70: the percentage of working caregivers who suffer work-related difficulties due to their dual roles
34.7: the number of hours employed caregivers works each week, not including caregiver services
70.7: the percentage of family caregivers who are women (29 3 percent are men)
88: the percentage of caregivers residing in urban or suburban areas.
69: the percentage of caregivers caring for parents or parents-in-law Fifty-one percent care for a spouse or partner.
C a r e g i v e r s c o m e f r o m a l l w a l k s o f l i f e , e v e n i f p e o p l e m a y b e m o s t l i k e l y t o a s s o c i a t e c a r e g i v i n g w i t h t h e p a i d p r o f e s s i o n a l s w h o w o r k a s h o m e h e a l t h a i d e s o r i n n u r s i n g c a r e s e t t i n g s . F A M I L Y C A R E G I V E R S
N O M A D I C | 2 4 14 | SIMPLY SENIORS — SUMMER 2023
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 15 DREWS COUNTRY LIVING 517-437-0239 | 1127 N. Lake Pleasant Road Hillsdale ASSISTED LIVING FOR SENIORS IT’S ABOUT LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE AT DREWS PLACE Dedication Integrity Dedication Service Integrity Proudly Serving the Lenawee Community for Over 30 Years •Life Insurance •Investments •Tax Preparation Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. Taylor Agency is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation. 203 N. Broad St., Adrian 517-265-2323 www. Dedication Service Integrity Proudly Serving the Lenawee Community for Over 30 Years • Life Insurance • Investments • Tax Preparation Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. Taylor Agency is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation. 203 N. Broad St., Adrian 517-265-2323 www. Dedication Service Integrity Proudly Serving the Lenawee Community for Over 30 Years • Life Insurance • Investments • Tax Preparation Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. The Taylor Agency is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation. 203 N. Broad St., Adrian 517-265-2323 www. Dedication Service Integrity Proudly Serving the Lenawee Community for Over 30 Years •Life Insurance •Investments •Tax Preparation Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC. The Taylor Agency is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation. 203 N. Broad St., Adrian 517-265-2323 www.
Written by Deb Petticrew
I was raised in the country, but not on a farm. Oh, we had our share of animals through the years; pigs, chickens, rabbits. Even a pony at one time. But no barn, no plowed fields, no cows to be milked So, I was one excited little girl when, at 10 years old, I got to spend two weeks with my Aunt Florence and Uncle Teal. His real name was Leland and I never did hear the story of where he got his nickname so to us kids, he was always Uncle Teal
I spent days packing, unpacking, and repacking in preparation to my visit They lived just outside of Wauseon in the little town of Pettisville, OH on a dairy farm. Uncle Teal worked all day milking cows and in exchange, he and Aunt Florence lived in a trailer on the farm.
The people who lived in the house had three daughters, Peggy, Janet and Susan, all within a few years of my age I had met them once before, but was a little nervous because I didn’t know them very well. All of my fears disappeared though when Aunt Florence picked me up and we pulled into their driveway. They were all waiting for me to show me around the farm.
Uncle Teal worked from early in the morning until late at night milking hundreds of cows 60 years ago, they didn’t have the modern equipment as they do today and he did most of it by hand. I remember going to the barn with the girls to watch him and he never once looked up. He just kept working and milking Every now and then he would pat one, like it was a pet and then he’d move on to the next one.
Every day, we girls would games. They had turned t into a playhouse and wha playing house! Such imag internet back then, no cel Instagram. Just a huge am imagination! On the week could stay up a little later over the yard catching fir putting them in a jar, pretending like it was our lantern.
Every morning, Aunt Florence and I would gather the eggs. Once a week, we would drive in to Wauseon to go to the pharmacy there. It seemed like it took forever to get there, but it probably took less than a half hour. I always managed to talk her into buying me some candy. And of course, Sunday was reserved for church We filled our time together with her trying to teach me how to crochet (which ended badly) and trying to teach her parrot how to talk.
Every night, Aunt Florence and Uncle Teal would be in bed by 8 because they had to get up so early. She had a plastic decorated pail filled with little books and I stayed up reading all that I could. I could hear the whistle of a train in the distance. No little brother to tattle on me, no older sisters to harass me. It was the best time of my life!
I was so disappointed when the two weeks was up. I had missed my family, but gosh, the farm life was so much fun! There were lots of tears when we girls finally had to say goodbye. The good news was, I went back for three more years, each time more fun than the last. And creating memories to last a lifetime!
New Tire Sales & Installation General Auto Repair GENE’S AUTO SERVICE, LLC 17 Hillsdale St. | Hillsdale |(517)439-1221 |M-F 8-5 Be Ready for Summer Fun! Be Ready for Summer Fun! July 19 | $120 TIBBETS THEATRE - STAGE PLAY OF GREASE AUG 23 | $130 MEIJER GARDENS & GERALD FORD MUSEUM SEPT 14-15 | $575 SEPT 14-15 | $575 ARK ENCOUNTER IN WILLIAMSBURG KY OCT 18 | $140 FRANKENMUTH OCT 31 | $60 FIREKEEPERS CASINO NOV 8 | $150 A DAY IN SHIPSHEWANA B O O K N O W Time G R O U P T R A V E L h o r i z o n t r a v e l a n d c r u i s e s w e e b l y c o m 604 S Main • Adrian 517.265.6666 NOWOPEN! NOWOPEN! Premier Assisted Living Community Enjoy The Quality of Care You Deserve! 1491 East US 223 | Adrian | MI | 517-759-7799 Call Today For Your Personal Tour! Now Accepting Applications!
Women undergo two major biological stages in life, and each has profound effects on their bodies. The first is called menstruation and comes after the onset of puberty. At this point, young women are physically mature enough to have a child. Around 40 to 50 years later, that same woman’s fertile years will cease and she will no longer be able to reproduce. This stage is known as menopause. The approach of menopause can be a confusing time for women. Learning about menopause can help women make sense of the process.
1. A woman has entered menopause when she has not had a menstrual period for one year
2. The average woman enters menopause in her late 40s to early 50s The average age is 51, according to the North American Menopause Society.
3. Menopause does not happen suddenly. A woman goes through a period called perimenopause that can begin in her 30s or 40s, marked by falling levels of estrogen and progesterone
4. Periods become less regular during perimenopause until they stop entirely
5. Women who smoke tend to reach menopause earlier than non-smokers.
6 It’s not uncommon for a woman to think she has reached menopause, only to get a period again. Having a period means there is still a chance of getting pregnant. Perimenopausal women have one of the highest rates of unplanned pregnancies of any group Women should continue to rely on contraceptives if they don’t want to get pregnant.
7 Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may get worse before menopause as hormone levels fluctuate.
8. Women prone to mood swings during PMS are more likely to suffer from mood swings during menopause
9. Menopause symptoms range from mild to severe. Most women will experience some symptoms Hot flashes are the most common, affecting up to 75 percent of people. Night sweats are hot flashes that occur at night
10. A decline in estrogen production can affect the amount of calcium in a woman’s bones This means there’s an increased risk for osteoporosis during menopause.
11 Hormone changes can contribute to weight gain. Women should focus on eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly
12. Women should speak to their doctors about the risk/reward of hormone replacement therapies for hot flashes and the prevention of bone loss.
Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life. Getting the facts can make it easier to prepare for the coming changes.
Oh My!
By Shar Ann Packard
We have always had a dog. Our first dog “Bubbles” was a mini poodle that John bought me when we were in school. He was delightful and such a sweet little dog. Later we had more Poodles, a Shih Tzu, a Cairn Terrier, Siberian Husky, and several rescues. The list goes on and on. Our all-time favorite dog was a Golden Retriever named Tyler. He was big, smart and such a family dog. He never bit anyone, but would let you know if he didn’t like a person by barking and backing them off the porch. 12 years was just not enough time with him and we still miss him.
Our last little dog was a mix of shih tzu and maltese. “Sofie ‘’ was a little ball of “don’t mess with me” attitude. Like several other dogs before her, she passed away from cancer. We had been “dogless” for a few years.
I have been having puppy withdrawals for a very long time but could not get John to commit to a dog. He wanted a Lab. I had a friend whose dog had a litter and he just would not say yes…ohhh they were adorable, but he kept saying the dog hair, the mess, the barking, the mud in the house, Lexi (granddaughter) is allergic to dog hair, on and on. So, we passed over and over on his special kind of dog.
Lexi, who is a sophomore in college, came over and did a PowerPoint presentation for Papa on why we needed a dog. You will live longer, you will feel younger, your health will improve, life will be happier, they don’t shed, I am not allergic to them, your grandkids will love and help you take care of it. Again, on and on. I think the only person it got to was me, because he kept saying “NO” and I kept saying “Oh Please”!
At least once a week, Lexi would send me pictures of puppies for sale. She sent me litter after litter and I kept saying “I just can’t do it. Papa would be so upset.” Her answer to that was “He will get over it!” Well, one day she came over and showed me several more puppies and I told her they are just not the kind I am looking for. I want a dog that is a perfect blend between Tylor and Bubbles. She, then, looked for mini Goldendoodles. I asked a friend who works at a vet clinic, and I was given a breeder’s name out of state. Not too far to go, so Lexi and Luke (8 year old grandson) decided to take a road trip.
Three days later, we took another trip and we came home with a puppy with no name. We told Papa he could name him, he said “NO he is not my dog.” Well, after a list that was as long as your arm of everyone’s opinion, we came up with Charlie Case Packard. I was also reminded over and over that this is the planting season. I do not have time for a puppy, and I didn’t want a dog! Let the fun begin. (NOT) LOL! Oh and on a side note, John is found quite regularly, with Charlie in his chair with him just talking and letting him know he is loved.
The first night we did not have a cage, so he slept with us…NOT a good choice, I was up all night taking him outside, worrying John would roll over on him, moving him, trying to keep him from licking John and he whined, he missed his litter mates, and he stunk like a kennel.
Day 2, we got a cage, more puppy toys, and puppy shampoo. $200+ later we were in the puppy business, I THOUGHT! We put him in the furthest room from our bedroom, and turned on a fan for noise. It was a bit crazy for the first 5 minutes. Do you have any idea how loud a puppy can scream and bark? OH MY GOSH! After he decided we were not coming back for him, he went to sleep…ahhhh a good night’s sleep was had by all.
Day 3, through 12 has been a blur, I have been outside more in the last week than I had all winter. The weather was wonderful, so not a problem. Until the spring rain and snow began. What a mess! Our yard is about ¼ mile in total if you walk the perimeter of the mowed property. So, off Charlie and I go for walks around and around and we would go over and over all day long. I think this is where the “you will be healthier” part of Lexi’s presentation came in. I have been the sole person taking him out and walking him as #1, he is not anyone’s dog but mine (because John did not want him) as I am reminded daily. LOL #2, we have a little system starting and he is doing great plus he is tired after the walks and sleeps. After several days LJ (grandson John, 11 years old) wanted to take him out. Well, the minute he comes in from outside he pees on the floor, not a good deal. Then I ask John to please get up in the morning (so I can get a shower) and take the dog out. He takes him out. I get around in the morning, come out and John yells “Charlie!” He peed on the floor again. Lesson learned…MY DOG, MY job to house-train!
I am so glad we got him (or should I say “I”). He is so sweet, he is everything I hoped he would be and more, so much fun, and it gets me walking and outside more and more each day. I just have to learn how to balance my time, find time to clean the house, do the dishes, laundry and sew (oh how I have missed my sewing room). Just like a new parent, I am struggling, I am emotional, I am tired, I want help!
Now, if you all see me around town please don’t judge. I am a dog Mom of a 12-week-old puppy. I am tired. (Did I say that before?) I don’t get much down time, I smell like a puppy, my legs hurt, my feet hurt, and I am sooooo wondering at this point in my life WHAT WAS I THINKING??!!
Oh my Charlie, OH MY!
Addison Senior Center
117 N. Steer St., Addison, MI 49220
Director: Inesa Gillin
Cook: Sharon Smith
Adrian Senior Center
327 Erie St., Adrian, MI 49221
Director: Dillon Donaghy
Asst. Director: Jamar Bonney
Kitchen 517-263-4529
Head Cook: Toni Reinke
Home Delivered Meals Coord.: Kira Dickerson
Bliss-Liewert Senior Center
206 S. Lane St., Blissfield, MI 49228
Director: Sandy Buhrer
Cook: Eric Wilkins
Hudson Senior Center
323 W. Main St., Hudson, MI 49247
Director: Turi Meining
Head Cook: Tammy Hodos
Morenci Senior Center
800 W. Chestnut St.
Morenci, MI 49256
Director: Jimmie Garland
Cook: Cecil Schoonover
Onsted Senior Center
333 Conner St., Onsted, MI 49265
Mailing Address: PO Box 57, Onsted, MI 49265
Director: Julie Kulka
Cook: Shirley Metternick
Tecumseh Senior Center
703 E. Chicago Blvd., Tecumseh, MI 49228
Mailing Address: 1040 S. Winter St. Adrian, MI
Director: N/A
Cook: Kathy Chicowsky
Are You A Caregiver? We’re Here To Help! • 517.264.5280 • Home-Delivered Meals Connections to Community Resources & Support Daybreak Adult Daycare In-Home Respite For more information please contact the Lenawee County Department on Aging at 517-264.5280
Tecumseh Senior Center
The Tecumseh Senior Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-2:30pm and is located at 703 E. Chicago Blvd. in Tecumseh. Feel free to call 517-423-5939 for further assistance.
A variety of activities include card games, ping-pong, puzzles, BINGO, 50/50 raffles, pinochle, knitter’s club and more.
Lunch is served at 12:00 PM
Those age 60 or older are asked to donate just $3.00 per meal.
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 23 Collins Sectional with Sleeper DOWNTOWN TECUMSEH 145 W. Chicago 517.423.2065 M-Sa 8-5:30pm MARTIN’S HOME CENTER CAN’T COME IN? BROWSE ONLINE! MartinsHomeCenter .com home it's good to be There is always time for a cup of tea. Lunch Daily 11-3 Loose Teas Desserts Gifts 112 E. Chicago Blvd. ● Tecumseh 517.423.7873 (Visit for current hours) F U N F O O T W E A R Everyone! FOR 5 1 7 - 4 2 3 - 2 1 5 0 | 1 3 4 E C H I C A G O B L V D | T E C U M S E H Sizes 0-6mo through 16-4E TILTON &SONS
Senior Moments
By Willie Smith Simply Hers
Have you ever fallen into what would be considered a fad? It seems everyone is talking about it so you decide to try it yourself. If there was no harm, why not, right? I did that very thing recently and it just about put me over the edge.
“Miracle” Cream?
Have you seen those infomercials that show some guy with huge bags under his eyes and then this incredibily magical cream was applied and the bags simply disappeared within minutes! Wow, what a wonderful product. The ad showed comments from people that couldn’t say enough good things about the product. Fantastic! I was just about to place my order when my husband told me about his friend who knew someone related to his second cousin’s wife on his mother’s side. She found a cheap miracle cream that could be purchased over the counter and cost less than $10 for a whole tube! Now we’re talkin’. I’m cheap as they come so I thought I’d give it a try. This miracle cream is not something I wanted everyone to know I was using, so I discreetly brought home a tube of Preparation H and hid it in the bathroom. Yep, you read that right. My husband’s friend’s second cousin’s wife on his mother’s side said anything that could shrink a hemorrhoid should be able to shrink other bags on the body. I was a little skeptical, but due to the cost factor I decided it was worth a try.
The first day I tried this miracle cream I decided to apply a little more than was necessary, but I’ve got some big bags and I was staying home for the day so I thought why not give those bags a good dose? I could cut back tomorrow when I was scheduled to work. Being as I’ve always been hemorrhoid free, I never had the need to use a hemorrhoid cream and I wasn’t prepared for the smell. Eww! It smelled awful, but I was willing to live with that for the day if it helped my baggy eyes. By bed time I didn’t see any results, but I thought I’d give myself another big dose before I went to sleep and hopefully when I woke up I’d have bag-free eyes. That was the hope, that was not the result.
I woke up late the following morning and only had time to spray on deodorant, brush my hair and teeth and rush to work. I don’t usually wear makeup so I didn’t give my eyes a second glance until I noticed people sniffing and turning away as they walked by my desk. A couple hours later I went into the bathroom and as I’m about to walk out of the stall, I heard a couple of women talking about me and how bad I smelled. They actually said I smelled like a big tube of hemorrhoid cream. Oh! My!! Goodness!!! I had forgotten to wash that “miracle” cream off. I did smell like hemorrhoid cream and all for naught. When I looked in the mirror I still had big bags under my eyes.
Well, dang! I made an excuse and went home early to clean myself up. I was so embarrassed! What a social faux pas that was. That’s the last time I’ll listen to my husband’s friend’s second cousin’s wife on his mother’s side.The good thing is even though the cream didn’t work on my eyes, it is working on the hemorrhoids I’ve recently developed. Good grief, this is enough to put me over the edge.
517-705-0020 • 1070 W US Highway 12 Clinton • INSURANCE Auto • Home • Life (517) 265-3400 1325 N. Main St. Ste. G • Adrian LENAWEE INSURANCE SERVICES Somewhere In Time Assisted Living Loving Care In A Pleasant Country Home Jason & Jessica Taylor Owners/Licensees 3773 Hudson Road Osseo, MI 49266 517.523.2621
Helping Seniors Adapt to
M o d e r n a u t o m o b i l e s a r e m o r e t e c h n o l o g i c a l l y a d v a n c e d t h a n e v e r b e f o r e T h a t t e c h i s n ’ t j u s t m a k i n g d r i v i n g m o r e c o m f o r t a b l e a n d c o n v e n i e n t , b u t a l s o m o r e s a f e
I n a r e c e n t a n a l y s i s o f m o t o r v e h i c l e a c c i d e n t s , r e s e a r c h e r s a t t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e f o r H i g h w a y S a f e t y f o u n d t h a t v e h i c l e s w i t h b l i n d s p o t a n d l a n e d e p a r t u r e
w a r n i n g s y s t e m s w e r e i n v o l v e d i n 1 1 p e r c e n t f e w e r s i d e s w i p e s a n d h e a d - o n c r a s h e s t h a n c a r s t h a t d i d n o t f e a t u r e s u c h s y s t e m s I n a d d i t i o n , t h e I I H S e s t i m a t e s t h a t t h e n u m b e r o f a u t o m o b i l e c r a s h e s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s c o u l d b e d e c r e a s e d b y 8 5 , 0 0 0 e a c h y e a r i f e v e r y v e h i c l e w e r e o u t f i t t e d w i t h a l a n e d e p a r t u r e w a r n i n g s y s t e m
• Learn the tech yourself Assistance technologies are not all one and the same Vehicle manufacturers have their own systems and there can be a learning curve when adapting to a new one If you aspire to teach a senior how to utilize the assistance technologies in his or her vehicle, first learn the tech on your own If both you and your aging friend or a family member own a Subaru, chances are you already know how to use the tech in your loved one ’ s vehicle If you drive cars made by different manufacturers, visit the dealership where your loved one bought his or her car and ask for a quick tutorial on all the safety features of the vehicle. Salesmen demonstrate these features every day, so it shouldn’t take long for them to show you the ropes.
• Be patient Each person adapts to new technology at his or her own pace. It’s important to remain patient when teaching aging drivers how to use the tech in their vehicles. Old habits die hard, and while some drivers may quickly adapt to tech like backup cameras, others may not be so quick to abandon driving techniques they’ve been safely using for decades. Stay the course, remain patient, and allow senior drivers to adapt at their own pace.
• Teach one tech at a time It can be overwhelming for drivers of all ages to adapt overnight to all the tech in their new vehicles When teaching senior drivers how to utilize various driver assistance technologies, take it one tech at a time When coupled with your patience, this approach can help seniors avoid being overwhelmed and increases the likelihood that they will embrace the tech in their vehicles
Many senior drivers utilize driver assistance technologies every day. A patient and methodical approach to showing seniors how their vehicles can help them stay safe behind the wheel can be a road map to helping seniors adapt to life in modern vehicles
For more information: Lloyd Ganton Retirement Centers ~ 517-750-1900 517-439-1610 1231 Hudson Road • Hillsdale Participating with most insurances and Care Credit. Sandra Hepker Better hearing starts here... Ask me about Prescription versus Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids.
By Laura Loveberry Elementary School Assembly
Author/Speaker, Inspirational Speaker Women’s Retreats/Conferences, Caricature Artist
Life is the Berries UNFADING SUPPORT
I came for a one-month visit to support my mom, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I had free time during her long naps and outlined a novel. Since so many of us need connection and encouragement, I wanted to write my first novel to uplifting readers in trials.
Mom was a voracious reader, so I asked her to look at my outline and give me advice. For 30 days in a row, I asked her for help. Every time, MOM forgot that I asked her the day before. Mom’s long-term memory is fine, but not her short-term memory.
When she napped, I worked diligently, correcting the outline. Then I would show her the adjusted notes. It was all new to her. Each time she studied the updated outline, pointing out corrections. Genius describes her input. For 30 days, I repeatedly surprised her that I was writing my first novel. Then she made suggestions every time.
Who would be so patient in correcting a novel outline so often? My momma. It was only on the last day that she did NOT give me suggestions. Our last conversation went something like the following.
“Mom, I’m writing a novel outline. Do you want to look at it and make suggestions?” I asked.
“Oh, you’re writing a novel? Wow! Sure, I would love to help,” Mom said.
After she looked at it, she commented, “Laura, this is remarkable. How did you come up with this?”
I explained she helped me tweak it for the last 30 days in a row, giving me amazing help and finding my plot errors. She did not recall. The last day of my visit, she said no changes needed.
What a wonderful reason to dedicate my first novel* to my always supportive momma, Wilma Lou Kyle! She is remarkable and so giving despite her aging challenges. I am blessed. My love for Mom will never fade.
*My novel, Bowl of Berries Book Club, is in the final edits.
“Mom, I’m writing an outline for a novel. Do you want to look it over and make suggestions?” I asked.
“Oh, you’re writing a novel? Wow! Sure, I would love to see your outline,” Mom said as she proceeded to give helpful insight and suggestions.
Call the Office of Veterans Affairs (517) 437-3630 to speak with someone concerning the services that are available to you as a veteran. We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits. Each VA benefit has its own eligibility requirements.
Call the Office of Veterans Affairs (517) 437-3630 to speak with someone concerning the services that are available to you as a veteran. We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits. Each VA benefit has its own eligibility requirements.
Transportation— Hillsdale County offers transportation to Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday by appointment only and for VA Clinic or hospital only. Call (517) 437-3630 for availability.
Transportation— Hillsdale County offers transportation to Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday by appointment only and for VA Clinic or hospital only. Call (517) 437-3630 for availability.
Call the Office of Veterans Affairs (517) 437-3630 to speak with someone concerning the services that are available to you as a veteran. We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits. Each VA benefit has its own eligibility requirements.
Disability Compensation — You may be compensated if you are at least 10% disabled as a result of your military service.
Transportation— Hillsdale County offers transportation to Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday by appointment only and for VA Clinic or hospital only. Call (517) 437-3630 for availability.
Disability Compensation — You may be compensated if you are at least 10% disabled as a result of your military service.
Disability Pension — You may be paid a pension if you are a wartime veteran with limited income and are no longer able to work or are age 65 or older.
Disability Pension — You may be paid a pension if you are a wartime veteran with limited income and are no longer able to work or are age 65 or older.
Educational & Training Benefits — The VA pays benefits to eligible veterans, dependents, reservists and service members while they are in approved training programs.
Disability Compensation — You may be compensated if you are at least 10% disabled as a result of your military service.
Educational & Training Benefits — The VA pays benefits to eligible veterans, dependents, reservists and service members while they are in approved training programs.
Disability Pension — You may be paid a pension if you are a wartime veteran with limited income and are no longer able to work or are age 65 or older.
Educational & Training Benefits — The VA pays benefits to eligible veterans, dependents, reservists and service members while they are in approved training programs.
Home Loans — The VA offers a number of home loan services to eligible veterans, some military personnel and certain spouses. We can assist you in obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility.
Burial Benefits — The VA offers certain benefits and services to honor our Nation’s deceased veterans. Dependents’ & Survivors’ Benefits — Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is payable to survivors of services members who died on active duty, veterans who died from service-related disabilities, and certain veterans who were being paid 100% VA disability compensation at the time of death.
Home Loans — The VA offers a number of home loan services to eligible veterans, some military personnel and certain spouses. We can assist you in obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility. Burial Benefits — The VA offers certain benefits and services to honor our Nation’s deceased veterans.
Home Loans — The VA offers a number of home loan services to eligible veterans, some military personnel and certain spouses. We can assist you in obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility. Burial Benefits — The VA offers certain benefits and services to honor our Nation’s deceased veterans. Dependents’ & Survivors’ Benefits — Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is payable to survivors of services members who died on active duty, veterans who died from service-related disabilities, and certain veterans who were being paid 100% VA disability compensation at the time of death.
Health Care — VA Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPAVA) shares the cost of medical services for eligible dependents and survivors of certain veterans.
Health Care — VA Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPAVA) shares the cost of medical services for eligible dependents and survivors of certain veterans.
Dependents’ & Survivors’ Benefits — Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is payable to survivors of services members who died on active duty, veterans who died from service-related disabilities, and certain veterans who were being paid 100% VA disability compensation at the time of death.
Health Care — VA Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPAVA) shares the cost of medical services for eligible dependents and survivors of certain veterans.
We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits.
We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits.
We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits.
Hillsdale County offers transportation to Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday by appointment only and for VA Clinic or hospital only.
Hillsdale County offers transportation to Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday by appointment only and for VA Clinic or hospital only
Hillsdale County offers transportation to Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday by appointment only and for VA Clinic or hospital only.
Director of Veterans Affairs Renae Shircliff — 33 McCollum St. Suite 108, Hillsdale • 517-437-3630
Director of Veterans Affairs Renae Shircliff — 33 McCollum St. Suite 108, Hillsdale • 517-437-3630
Director of Veterans Affairs Renae Shircliff — 33 McCollum St. Suite 108, Hillsdale • 517-437-3630
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 31517.849.2632 JOINING TOGETHER TO SERVE YOU BETTER LARGEST INDOOR DISPLAY IN THE TRI-STATE AREA Preplanning gives you peace of mind Mon. - Fri. 8 - 5 • Sat 9 - Noon 441 W. Main St. • Montpelier, OH • 419.485.5588 517.849.2632 AND Thank you for voting us the #1 Heating & Air Conditioning Service! JOINING TOGETHER TO SERVE YOU BETTER
Remember When...
Remember when you had to wash the family car every Saturday and that meant getting out a sponge and bucket and using elbow grease to get it sparkling clean?
Remember when your Grandma would send you to pick enough blackberries for her to make a pie and when the basket made it back half of them were in your belly instead of in the basket?
Remember when kids as young as preschoolers were required to collect and wash the eggs each day? With the price of eggs today, we just didn’t know how good we had it back then.
Remember when the women would get together and hold a quilting bee to create beautiful quilts that are probably still around today?
We Did Chores?
Remember when spring meant planting so in the fall all of the fruits and vegetables could be canned and put up in the cellar? Food from the grocery store was not a normalcy, if you went to get something for dinner, you went to the basement.
Remember when you had to feed the animals before and after school? I remember carrying two 5-gallon buckets at a time to “balance” out the weight and make it easier to carry.
Remember when laundry was hung outside instead of put into the dryer? I even had my favorite clothes pins and would get mad if my sister tried to use them instead of the ones that didn’t work as well.
Remember when butter didn’t come in plastic containers? We would skim the cream off of the milk and when we had enough saved we churned it into butter ourselves.
One-Pan Salmon and Vegetables
1 squash or zucchini, sliced into rounds
½ onion, cut into wedges
1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes
1 bell pepper, sliced
3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 teaspoon Cajun seasoning or your favorite fish-seasoning blend
2-3 salmon fillets, about 4 ounces each
1 lemon, optional
Cook time
20 Minutes
Steps for Cooking:
Preheat oven to 450 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil (not wax paper). If you don’t have these, you can thoroughly grease the pan with vegetable oil.
In a large bowl, toss all veggies with 2 tablespoons of oil and seasoning, then spread them into a single layer on the baking sheet.
Nestle your salmon fillets, skin side down, between the vegetables. Brush with remaining olive oil, and top with 2 thin lemon slices each.
Roast for 12-15 minutes, until salmon is flaky and mostly opaque.
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 35 1 2 3 4
Crockpot Chicken Tacos
1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/3 cup Italian salad dressing
3 teaspoons fresh lime juice
3 teaspoons chili powder
1 1/2 teaspoons onion powder
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
3/4 teaspoon paprika
3/4 teaspoon cumin
salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Cook time
3 HR, 25 MIN.
Steps for Cooking:
Place chicken breasts in your slow cooker
In a small bowl whisk together the remaining ingredients and pour them over the chicken in the slow cooker
Cover and cook on HIGH for 2 ½ hours or LOW for about 5 hours.
Shred the chicken. Cook for 30 more minutes.
5 Serve chicken with tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas, tostadas, burritos, taco salads, etc.
1 2 3 4
Easy Tiramisu Recipe
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
8-ounce container of mascarpone cheese, room temperature
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups cold espresso
3 Tablespoons coffee-flavored liqueur, optional
1 package of Lady Fingers
Cocoa powder for dusting the top
8-10 Slices
Cook time
10 Minutes
Steps for Cooking:
Add whipping cream to a mixing bowl and beat on medium speed with electric mixers (or use a stand mixer). Slowly add sugar and vanilla and continue to beat until stiff peaks Add mascarpone cheese and mix just until combined. Set aside.
Add coffee and liqueur to a shallow bowl Dip the lady fingers in the coffee (Don't soak them--just quickly dip them on both sides to get them wet) and lay them in a single layer on the bottom of an 8x8'' or similar size pan.
Smooth half of the mascarpone mixture over the top. Add another layer of dipped lady fingers. Smooth remaining mascarpone cream over the top.
Dust cocoa powder generously over the top using a fine mesh strainer. Refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours or up to overnight before serving.
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 39 1 2 3 4
T H E Y E A R You were born
Dr. Jonas Salk went on CBS radio to announce his vaccine for poliomyelitis.
British Physicist Francis Crick and US Biologist James Watson unveil their famous double helix model of DNA.
Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated as the President of the United States.
Ian Fleming publishes his first James Bond novel, Casino Royale in the United Kingdom.
Playboy Magazine's first issue features Marilyn Monroe as its cover girl.
New York Yankees win their fifth World Series in a row.
The first production Corvette is built at the General Motors facility in Michigan. Sir Winston Churchill wins a Nobel Prize for Literature.
The first color tv sets go on sale for about $1,175 in the U.S.
The War of the Worlds Roman Holiday Stalag 17
Peter Pan
40 | SIMPLY SENIORS — SUMMER 2023 19 53
IN THE NEWS... U.S. President IN THEATERS... Harr S. Truman POPULATION 2.677 BILLION A first class stamp $0.03 A gallon of gas $0.22 A loaf of bread $0.16 A movie ticket $0.60 A new house $9.550.00 The Song
Percy Faith Vaya con Dios - Les Paul & Mary Ford I'm Walking Behind You - Eddie Fisher You, You, You - Ames Brothers How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? - Patti Page WOMEN
fitting sheath dresses Girdles • Petticoats Beehive • Short bangs Bouffants • Pixie cuts MEN Suits • Fedora hat Wingtip shoes Cardigan sweaters Leather motorcycle jackets Sideburns • Pompadours Greased up hair • Duck tails
from Moulin Rouge -
IN I Love Lucy Dragnet
Milton Berle Show You Bet Your Life
ON Style... ON THE RADIO... AVERAGE COST TECHNOLOGY Ankle biter - A child Get Bent! - Go away Unreal - Exceptional Go ape - Get excited Righto - To agree Split - Leaving a Place ‘50 s slang AVERAGE WAGES PER YEAR $4,000
I like being comfortable; that’s why I call Ryan and Bradshaw every spring to do
When the
heat gets here, I don’t want any
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | Sta r tin g th e C o nv e rsat i and Care for Late Stages of Memory Loss, Respite Care, and more! - 24 hour assistance - Home-cooked meals - Private studio apartments - 1 bedroom/1 bath apartments - Social events/Planned act - New friendships - Respite care and more! Spring Arbor Assisted Living Willows Alzheimer’s Center | Call Us Today! 517.750.2700 Don’t wait for an emergency to approach mom or dad about senior living options! Call one of our senior care specialist for a no-charge consultation 517-750-2700. Catina Lowe, MHA Customer Relations and Marketing Located within Spring Arbor Assisted Living, State-Licensed Studio Apartments, State of the Art Facility PLUMBING - HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING 517-437-4259 1401 VERA DR. • HILLSDALE, MI 49242
Rely on RUUD.
maintenance check
on the
Understand intuitively 1 Understand intuitively
Two of something 5 Two of something
Not involving computer tech 9. Not involving computer tech
Acclaimed 11. Acclaimed
Undermine 13. Undermine
The condition of being 15 The condition of being hidden hidden 16. Irritate 16 Irritate
Process of developing a theory 17. Process of developing a theory 19 Ceramic jar 19. Ceramic jar
Not fresh 21. Not fresh 22. Dad’s fashion accessory 22 Dad’s fashion accessory 23. Popular review site 23 Popular review site 25 New Mexico county 25. New Mexico county 26 ‘ death do us part 26. ‘ death do us part 27. Fees 27. Fees 29. Takes with force 29 Takes with force 31. One-time Yankees rookie sensation 31 One-time Yankees rookie sensation 33 Gordon and Snider are two 33. Gordon and Snider are two 34 Body parts 34. Body parts 36. Arranges 36. Arranges 38. Fiddler crabs 38 Fiddler crabs 39. Mimics 39 Mimics 41 Witnesses 41. Witnesses 43 They 43. They 44. Lasso 44. Lasso 46. Runs down 46 Runs down 48. In response to 48 In response to 52 Bird-like dinosaur 52. Bird-like dinosaur 53 Metamorphic stages 53. Metamorphic stages 54. Conditions of incapacity 54. Conditions of incapacity 56. Sodas are sold in these units 56 Sodas
58 Ethereal 58.
are sold
these units 57. Break away from
Break away from
Ethereal 59 Boggy
Boggy CLUES DOWN 1 Mangled
2 Ruffled some feathers 3. Not young 4. Lakers legend 5. Nocturnal S. American rodent 6 Direction (Scottish) 7 Intestinal inflammation 8. Spring back in fear 9. Owl genus 10. Girls 11 Un-beliefs 12. Force unit 14. Expired trade agreement 15. Went alone 18. Animal noises 20 Woman who graduated from a specific school
24. The very top 26 Organs in males 28 Earnings 30. Z Z Z 32. Reddish browns 34. A salt or ester of acetic acid 35 A place to get off your feet 37 More disreputable 38. Kidney condition 40. Cease moving 42. Quick 43 Extra seed covering 45. “Survivor: Panama” winner 47. Six 49. One who inspects lamps 50. Small parrot 51 Primordial matter of the universe 55. fi (slang)
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 43 517-263-6794 200 Sand Creek Hwy • Adrian LenaweeMedicalCareFacility org 24hr Skilled Nursing Long-Term Care Short-Term Rehabilitation Private/Semi-Private Rooms • Dining Rooms • Community Rooms • Therapy/Fun Activities • Courtyard/Garden Pet Therapy Indoor Activities 2022-23 2022-23 11 Lunch Special Combos ALL FOR $5.99 720 S. Main St, Adrian | (517) 266-7991 | Mon - Fri • 11 am - 2 pm Dine-In or Take-Out Kids 10 and under eat free from the kids menu with the purchase of kids beverage and full price adult meal. Automotive & Light Truck Repair 166 S. Broad St. Hillsdale, MI 49242 Bryan T. Jeffrey Owner/Mechanic COLDWATER — 74 W. CHICAGO — 517-278-4234 Hours: Mon -Thurs 11AM - 9:30 PM • Fri & Sat 11AM - 10 PM • Sun 11AM - 9 PM TWO LOCATIONS — SAME GREAT TASTE! HILLSDALE — 252 W. CARLETON — 517-437-7919 Full-Service Bar at Both Locations! Gift Certificates Available! GreatforSmallGatherings & Office Parties! Take Out Available! Owners: Frank & Carolyn Mancino Quality Second to None! ITALIAN DINNERS NACHOS • SALADS Mon.-Thurs. 11 am - 10 pm Fri. & Sat. 11 am - 11 pm Sunday 12 pm - 8 pm 256 CARLETON RD. • HILLSDALE 437-9585
Sun & Sand Sun & SandWord SearchWord Search
SUMMER 2023 — SIMPLY SENIORS | 45 Our Goal is to provide residents with the support and services from a local home care provider. Platinum Senior Solutions is a private duty care company that strives to provide the very best care to the seniors in our community platinumseniorsolutions net Monday - Saturday • 9 AM - 5 PM Owner
has over 30 years of nursing experience serving seniors 734.279.1741 Puzzle Answers: A. Guess Who? - Henry Cavill B. Guess Who? - Ralph Macchio A. B.
Alison Ingersoll
Sudoku Sudoku
Sudoku Rules
• Each row must contain the numbers from 1 to 9, without repetitions.
• Each column must contain the numbers from 1 to 9, without repetitions.
• The digits can only occur once per block.
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