3 minute read
How REAL is global warming?
I believe it is very real but…
In my opinion, yes global warming is happening but it is an event that will happen to our planet whether we like it or not, just as global cooling and global warming phases have been taking place since time immemorial. Let`s not forget that we are just a planet, a ball suspended in space just like all the other planets that we keep observing.
What happened to Mars when they say that it used to have rivers flowing and that the water is now underground? We really do not know what happened to the water, it could have evaporated into space.
For this reason I do not agree with the general opinion that it is entirely caused by us from the use of carbon-based fuels, but what is true is that the human race is a major contributing to the acceleration of the process, a process that
left on its own could take millions of years. Provided we recognise that we are contributing to the natural process at an ever increasing pace and provided we start doing something positive about it, then climate change may not claim as many species as we thought, including our won. In fact the human race is still here despite all the climate changes experienced by Earth. It is stated that the harder hit will be the tropical species because they are adapted to a warm and humid climate that remains steady throughout the years and cannoyt adapt as fast as the environment changes.
The truth is that, left to nature, the process is so gradual that different species evolve and adapt to the change of temperatures and consequential changes of environment.
Acceleration of the process causes organisms to shift to new habitats as their preferred
climate moves up in elevation or poleward, or is so destroyed; many are going extinct at rates accelerated 1,000 times by humans.
According to some scientific opinion, carbon dioxide is a true indicator of the waste heat that is dumped into the environment, and that carbon dioxide, or any of the greenhouse gases for that matter, do any more than provide a denser path that slows the release of heat to the Universe. In the absence of waste heat injected into the environment the Earth would cool irrespective of the concentration of carbon dioxide.
It is believed that there are two factors that are accelerating the human component of global warming, one is population growth and the other the demand for personal mechanisation for comfort and mobility. Developing countries striving to gain the benefits of an industrialised society are contributing more to global warming than already established industrial societies.
The Sun shines on us but it does not provide more heat than we need. Nature has seen to it that it keeps the Earth system warm and in calibrated. It is any deviation from the natural equilibrium that causes the change in the natural path intended. It is believed that, at the current rate of warming, our planet has less than 200 years before it reaches an average global temperature that exceeds 23 degrees C. When this temperature is surpassed extinctions will increase in areas that are eroded of habitat because of global warming. A temperature that is estimated to continue until it reaches 28 degrees C.
It is predicted that it will take far longer to reach 28 degrees C from 23 C on account of the fact that the Earth will be subjected only by the rate of warmth that the Sun delivers because most of the human induced warming will stop as civilisation stops.
Of course these are assumed opinions on scientific calculation, other opinions differ, but there is no denying that the underlying fact is that if we continue at the present rate the human race is committing suicide.
Is this when we go back to the dinosaurs’ age?