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griffiti Cover Image: Karianne Moe Tørum



Issue 30 December 2008 Editor Noel Burke Web Editor Agnieszka Bernacka Photography Miguel Robaina Nathaniel Doyle Contributors Aaron Rogan Natasha Rocca Devine Darren Cleary Mark Corcoran Paddy Murphy Sandra Morris John O’Donnell Nicola Byrne Richard Page Fiona Donnellan Layout & Design Noel Burke For all advertising enquiries please call 01-4150463 Printed in Ireland by Impression Design & Print Griffiti Magazine is owned and published by the Griffith College Students’ Union e-mail griffiti@gcd.ie All contents copyright of Griffiti magazine. Reproduction of any part of Griffiti without permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

4 S.U Mouthpiece 6 Party People 8 The Genuine Article 9 Razorlight 12 Max Tundra 14 Broken News 16 The Futureheads 18 Josh Ritter 19 Out of the Blue 20 Style Academy Shoot 26 How to be a Fashion Recessionista 28 Reviews www.griffiti.ie


Student Union News S

S.U President Sean Reid

o we have reached the end of the first half of the year, and what an eventful few months it has been. We kicked off the year on a massive high with Freshers Week, getting 750 you out to the Ball alone, a much higher number than anyone could have seen. Then with Halloween you kept it all going by packing out Redz Nightclub. I hope you will keep it all up for the Christmas Ball this month in Tramco on the 9th. Make sure you bring all your mates, so you can get the much needed Christmas drinks from them! Tickets can be purchased from either the ents crew or from me. They are €6 from us or €8 at the door. By buying your tickets from us, however, you don't just save €2; every person who purchases their ticket from the SU will receive a free Santa hat upon entry to the club, just the thing to get you into the Christmas spirit.

ope ye are all enjoying the year so far! I would like to thank all of you who helped me during the last few weeks from putting out flyers to donating blood. Every little helps! The most important thing is to make sure you aware of the Poly Clinic where our new Griffith Doctor is based. Where any student from G.C.D who has a student card can avail of special price discounts. This is a walk in service and is easily located at the Traffic lights at Donore Avenue Bridge. There are a few important dates coming up in my diary which will be advertised threw out the next few weeks. Such as alcohol awareness' day on December 15th. For the 'Wells for Zoë' Malawi Trip at the end of January. We so far we have held a many events, rising over €3,000. I would like to extend my appreciation to all those who helped and I am asking you to keep an eye out for upcoming events.



I wish you all the best of luck with Christmas exams, and, as an old issue of Griffiti once wrote; A merry Christmas…and a sexy new year!

On a more serious note we are all aware that exams are coming up. This is a stressful time and I would like to reiterate that my office is here if you are having any difficulties. You can also contact the college counsellor. It has also being brought to my attention that there is problem with bullying within our college and it is something that needs to be attended to as a matter of urgency. For this reason I ask you if you are being affected directly or know anybody who is affected please contact either me or Carole we are more than happy to help with the situation. Thanks again for all your support! And I look forward to seeing all over the next few weeks and wish you the best of luck with your Exams. Merry Christmas! Jacquie Useful Contacts: Doctors: 01-4736707, College Counsellor: counsellor@gcd.ie, Me: Su.welfare@gcd.ie,

Hi all,

Sports Officer Kieran Hickey

We also (Finally) have gotten the Student Council up and running. It took a lot of work and at times it didn't seem like it would happen, but here we are! These guys will be meeting once a month from now on, so make sure you get in contact with them if you want anything to be brought up during their meetings. You could very well see future members of the SU forming within the council. You find out all the details of the first meeting in this issue. Needless to say, it looks like there will be some big changes within both the SU and the College itself this year.

The month of November has being another hectic month on the sports and societies front. The pool league continued into November and was heavily contested. Cash prize wins went to Will Flynn on two accounts with Jack Halley also claiming a win. The league is now led by Will Flynn who's closely followed by Ian Donegan. For anyone interested in playing, the league takes place every Monday 18.15 every Monday in the SU Trials for the college Cricket also took place in the pat month, where there was a huge turn-out. Match's and training are hoped to get up and going in the second semester with the intervarsities taking place near the end term. Special thanks has to go to Ali

Welfare Officer Jacquie Ryan

who went to a great effort in assisting me with the cricket team. We are now hoping to get the gaelic football team going again with the championship coming next February. We're trying to get training under-way before we break for Christmas. Again anyone who missed the sign-up days during freshers week and is interested in joining the gaelic football team, feel free to drop into me in the SU building and I'll talk your details. Many of you may be aware of the Well's for Zoe charity, where 17 of the college students are travelling to Malawi next January to build an orphanage. In an effort to raise funds, we are hoping to have a charity soccer match against another college, with a match again a college staff selection also rumored. Details of this match will be posted around the college soon.

GCD Student Council holds first meeting of 2008 to discuss student/college issues he Student Council had its first meeting on November 25th. The list of attendees was as follows: Seán Reid (SU), Shivesh Seupal (Law), Shawn Blundell (Law), Sarah Louise Coulter (Law), Oscar Finn (Media), Johanna Bandgren (Business), Jacquie Ryan (SU), Niamh O'Kane (Business), Rosemary Maguire (Law), Tabitha Adebayo (Business), Mark O' Flynn (Media), James Walters (Media), Gerald Bell (Media) and Kieran Hickey (SU).


high quality Astroturf. It was left that the SU President and the Chairperson would find prices' for this and discuss methods of presenting this to the board of directors. This will be presented to the Council at the next meeting before going in front of the college.

The first item brought to the floor was the issue of bullying within class rooms, from both students and lecturers. Members spoke about different cases that they had seen and ways to combat this issue. It was decided that students and staff equally need to be educated on this matter, and an awareness week was proposed. This week could cover not just bullying but sexual harassment, drug abuse, homelessness and finance problems. The group voted that this shall be looked into by both the SU President and the Chairperson.

The third item was the subject of placing a charge on pool tables within the SU. The Sports Officer presented the following figures to the Council: Every year, it costs the SU €120 for new cues and accessories; it costs €1580 to resurface all the tables and new sets of balls cost €30 each. On average, one cue a week is broken in the SU, which comes to €10 for each cue to be replaced. Each time a ball goes missing, an entire new set must be purchased, costing the SU another €30 just for a single ball. So far, two new sets had to be purchased. It was worked out that, by the end of the year, approximately €450 will be spent on repairs, not taking into account repairs to be made on tables. It was felt that the current system is not working to prevent the damage done, and a proposed rental fee of €1 was brought up. This fee would allow students to have unlimited games until they return the equipment, and will help towards the costs of repairs. The Council voted in favour of this charge and it was not challenged by any members. The new system will come into effect from December 8th.

The second item brought to the floor was repairing the green in the college. The Council discussed different methods of preserving the grass and, on a vote of 13 in favour and 1 against, the Council decided that the green needs to be replaced by

The meeting concluded after an hour and the groups return date was set for the week of 8th of December. Any students who wants an issues brought up is suggested to speak to either their class rep or the Students Union.

The first motion brought forward by the Council was electing a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary. Chairperson was decided by majority vote as Oscar Finn, Vice Chairperson was decided as Shivesh Seupal and Secretary was decided as Tabitha Adebayo.

Mixed fortunes for GCD footballers as lady luck desersts them ovember has seen another action packed round of events on the sports front in the college. The soccer season continued and concluded with a mixed outcome. The college earned a draw against against Blanchardstown IT. A last minute goal from the west-side college preventing Griffith from taking all 3 points. Attention was then switched to the Bob Eustace cup where Griffith were drawn away to Tipperary Institute in midNovember. Griffith raced into an early 2-0 led at the Thurles venue thanks to goals from Shane Mooney and Hossam but were


hampered by injuries in the second half leading to a 6-2 defeat. The season concluded in late November with a home game against DIT 'C' team. Despite an even first half, Griffith went in at the break 2-0 down. In the second half Griffith dominated proceeding but just couldn't find the back of the net. As Griffith pressed for a goal DIT added a third which saw the game end in a 3-0 defeat. There were enough signs from the 3 games though to suggest the soccer team will emerge stronger in the new year, having learned some harsh lessons this month.


Party People Halloween Ball 2008


Photography by: Sam Burgees & Carmen Caballero

For more party pictures log on to:



The Genuine Article With Star reporter Drew Peacock

Arthurs Bar Unveils New Schedule at Launch


t a recent press conference which was attended by Griffiti and Reuters outside the toilets in Arthurs, Bar manager Dominic Lodola unveiled his latest 'timetable' for Arthur's events to stretch from December 08 - February 09. "I'm keeping with my themed nights as I believe they are the most popular. But there are some right dirty bastards in this college, have you ever seen the women on a night out here? You'd find more clothing on a spool of tread, so I decided I better start catering for these lads and lasses" said a perplexed looking Mr Lodola. "Basically I'm going to be really going out there with the themed nights. 'Monday Madness' is just not mad enough so I'm changing that to 'Monday Molestation'. Basically we will have all the young ones in the room, lock the doors, throw on a bit of hardcore techno/house music and strobe lighting and then bring in all the auld lads from Leonards Corner. It will be pure filty but I reckon everyone should leave with a smile on their face" said Mr Lodola. Lodola continued to explain that his popular 'Wacky Wednesday' will be rebranded as 'Wankered on Wednesday'. However in his most controversial move (not his first one) Mr Lodola announced that Resturant Manger Chris Brownill will be hosting his very own themed night on Fridays called 'Frantic Friday

Fondling'. "I don't expect a huge crowd at this one, as it is a very niche event, plus most of the college is off on Fridays. However basically what's going to happen is, we are going to pull the curtains, Declan from the Kitchen is supplying the chip fat and well, I'll leave the rest to your imaginations!" said an excited looking Mr Brownill. Arthur's Bar is set to continue its great drinks promos: Single Vodka Red Bull : Only €14! Pint of Amstel : Only €7! Jagerbomb: Only €12! Tap Water: Not available unless you are literally dying

Lodola: Visionary

Brownill : Loves New Timetable

GODZILLA IN 'SEX-TAPE' SCANDAL Fading film star's latest release leaked onto the web...and bed sheets


apanese film monster, Godzilla has become the latest celebrity victim of a leaked sex-tape. The tape, which appeared on several websites on Monday evening, is believed to have been leaked from CCTV footage of a Dublin car-park. Its grainy black and white images allegedly depict the legendary 'King of the Monsters' engaged in a sex-act with a male prostitute dressed as long time nemesis, Mothra. This will no doubt come as a blow, no pun intended, to the B-movie star who is trying to get his career back on track following a string of box-office flops and a lifelong battle with alcohol addiction.


The irradiated lizard reached stardom in the 1950's when one of his booze fuelled romps, which destroyed much of downtown Tokyo, was captured by a Japanese film maker. Several documentaries were made and the unknown reptile was thrust into the limelight. His career began to slump in the late 1970's when he slipped into drug and alcohol addiction and faded into near obscurity. His hopes of a comeback were dashed in 2000 however when critics mauled his self-titled biopic 'Godzilla'. And his latest screen venture will no doubt damage his waning Hollywood credibility. Godzilla refused to comment on the sex-tape when questioned at his Christmas Island home today, instead preferring to incinerate reporters with his atomic blast. The Genuine Article did, however, manage to track down Godzilla's co-star in the film. The man-ho, known only as Dr. Dusty Ringlove, rejected claims that he was the one who had leaked the video onto the internet. Speaking from a corner on Wexford Street a defiant Mr. Ringlove stated: "Sista, puh-leeze. I din't do dat shit. Dat trick was its own reward - he's a monster in mo' ways den one, honey!"

In Brief GCD Security squad shoot 6 students in first month for looking overly content with themselves. Sports Officer accused of cross-dressing after being seen wearing a normal tshirt GCD gardener accused of 'missing a spot' on the green

American Students continue to break decibel levels while having a 'quite conversation' SU Common Room now more popular pisshead spot than Coppers Govt considers moving Mountjoy inmates to GCD Rez as they share a 'remarkably similar' set of rules Inefficientcy in International Office skyrockets as Paul Mullally returns to work Hot Maintainance Guy continues to 'tighten the screws' in the residence.

The contents of this section are satirical and may offend. The views espressed here do not represent the views of GCD Student Union*

What’s this protest about? here was great craic to be had last month when Dublin's students came out in force to protest the increase in registration fees implemented in the new budget. Despite their best efforts, the fun-loving students failed to match the levels of militancy on show from their much older fellow protestors- the old people. The old people, angry at the proposed means testing on medical cards for old people who are older than 70, put their youthful counterparts to shame with a far better and more sinister protest on the same day.


Sincerity is the key. The student's were mildly angry, while the old people were apoplectic with rage, summoning up the oldschool levels of discontent that sometimes lead to Communist revolutions. The students looked like they were having too much fun. There was zero Garda presence, which as all good protestors know is a gross insult; if the cops don't think you need to be supervised, you're just not serious enough. The student's chant was a stan-

dard 'What do we want?! No Fees!! When do we want it?! Now!!' Whilst simplicity is important for all good protest chants, this one perhaps crossed the boundaries of what could realistically be achieved. Technically, the fees are already in place, and have been increased to a higher sum, so chanting for the abolition of them altogether seems a tad overambitious. By all accounts, the chant should have been 'What do we want?! A reversal of the Governments' decision to increase student registration fees in the budget, and bring it back to 900 euro, or possibly get rid of the fees altogether!! When do we want it?! Now!! The guy with the speakerphone chose not to got down this road though, and perhaps he was right. Whilst the wild passion was in his eyes, everyone else seemed to be thanking their lucky stars they were getting a day off college, and for a just cause too. Happiness is a warm placard.


Back to the Burlo! A fter months of speculation, the Griffith College Ball will be returning to the Burlington Hotel for 2009. The SU have laid down a deposit to bring the centrepiece Griffith student event back to what many people consider to be its rightful home. This year several hotels were in the running including the Crown Plaza in Santry and last years location, the Knightsbrook Hotel in Trim Co, Meath. However after a painstaking process it was decided that because of its City Centre location and easy accessibility the Burlington was the most logical option.

The Griffith Ball is by far the most extravagant and most expensive event to be held on an annual basis by either the Griffith College staff or students, with expenses for the event topping â‚Ź25,000 for just one night. It is also the most eagerly awaited event with both students and staff attending. This year's ball is to be held on Saturday April 18th 2009 with tickets going on sale early next year. Ticket prices are expected to be â‚Ź70. Hotel rooms are on sale now and start at â‚Ź120 for a twin or double room.

Students' Union Competition fter almost a decade in use, the Griffith Students' Union has decided to change its logo. The current logo (pictured) is to be replaced with a more legible and identifiable logo bringing GCSU in line with other Students' Unions across Ireland.


Rather than having an outside interest with no real knowledge of Griffith design the emblem, the Union has decided to hold a competition. Students and staff are invited to send in their


designs for a new logo to Students' Union President Sean Reid. The winner will be awarded a Griffith College Hoodie of their choice, tickets to all SU events for the rest of the year, including the Griffith Ball and the knowledge that they will have left their mark on Griffith for years to come. Send your entries to su.president@gcd.ie. Closing date for this competition has been set for Friday January 30th 2009

Hickey Pushes for Constitutional Reform he Students' Union is currently considering a radical reform package for the organisation. SU Vice President Kieran Hickey is reportedly considering proposing a radical shake-up of the day-today running's of the union by replacing the current 2003 Griffith SU Constitution with a more comprehensive and far reaching document.


Many in and outside the Union view the current constitution as being debunked and unenforceable due to the unspecific way it is written. "We basically want to give the power back to the students and away from the executives (sabbatical officers). Many previous SU have talked about doing this but none of them have ever really got up off their arse and done anything about it, its not going to be that

way with us. We are an enthusiastic bunch here I will get this done! We have too much say in what the union does, big decisions that effect the students should be passed through the Student Council, which is what we have started doing now. But we need to make it official and write it down. If we were to go ahead with replacing the current constitution, I really wouldn't be comfortable doing it without running it past the Student Council (Class Reps) and getting a majority vote on it. Which is the way the union should work" said Mr. Hickey. No decision has yet been made, however a motion is expected to be put forward for voting at the next Student Council meeting later this month.

Vice-President Hickey

Christmas Formal Ball In aid of:

Wells For ZoĂŤ Thurs 11th Dec @ 7.30pm Killiney Castle Hotel Tickets â‚Ź60 on sale from the Student's Union Reception starts at 7.30pm 11

max tundra The ex-Arcade Fire, Last Shadow Puppets arranger and all round musical genius Max Tundra (aka Final Fantasy) sits down Griffiti magazine

oor old Max Tundra; you kinda have to feel sorry for the bloke, sitting in a hotel bar sipping bottled water having a trapse of wannabe music journos paraded in front of him all asking the same shite


questions about where he got the name from, or how does he define his music or what's with his what's his favourite song blah blah blah... Well Griffitti don't swing that way baby. Admittedly yours truly is a fuckin music geek with hundreds more CDs than real friends but so what, next time we meet him he might be famous so may as well have the craic with him and he just might remember us next time we meet on the long road to music journalism ruin.


ow, of course those of you that haven't already stopped reading and gone onto the fashion pages to fantasise about sexy Roisin may never have even heard of Max Tundra, well his real name in Ben Jacobs (it's a one man band baby), and he comes from London. And before you think you've never heard his stuff then just hold off a second because he's remixed for the likes of Franz Ferdinand, Mogwai, The Pet Shop Boys, The Strokes, The Futureheads & Architecture in Helsinki, so there, yeah, you probably have heard his material. But he's not some serious remix header either "Naw it's kind of a money thing a lot of the time and it's not always for bands that I like. Most times if somebody approaches me with an offer to do a remix then most times I'll do it. I like the challenge of turning a song that I don't like into a song that I do like".


Now don't be too quick top judge old Ben, just coz he does things for money don't mean he's a bad person. Now while your lecturers will try and instil values and ethics into you during your time in Griffith here at Griffiti we can reveal that in the hard-knock-life-bastard-world out-there it's fuckin tough and you need to pay the bills somehow. With Ben it's no different; Parrallax Error Beheads You took a wopping six years to make and it's only got about forty minutes of music on it so if something takes that long then it's gonna cost a few spondulics. But is Ben a perfectionist or just bone lazy. "Other bands have popped up and have had a career in that time and there's such a pressure on artists on major labels to turn an album around very quickly and part of the joy on being on a label like Domino is that you have the luxury of being able to take your time as an artist. In the six years that it's taken me to make this record other bands have had full careers, Kaiser Chiefs have done three albums, Hot Chip have done three albums and then there's other bands that have appeared from no-where and disappeared again. I've just been working on this one record and because I'm not very big or popular yet then nobody is really shouting down my neck to get things done." Ah yeah but Jaysus Ben, six years man? "Well from now on I'm going to put myself under a bit of pressure because in fairness six years is just far too long to make just forty minutes of music, so the next album will be much quicker". Ben music is defined as electro, but don't say that to him, enough of the hacks that he's seen today have been rabbitting on about that crap and anyway, even though he uses a few keyboards and samplers that doesn't mean that he's Kraftwerk? Like, if a lawyer used video evidence does that mean that he's a movie producer? Of course not. Ben writes some of the best pop music ever. He dances and sings a bit like Prince, indeed he learned how to sing by attempting the songs of the artist formally known as the artist formally known as the artist formally known as the artist formally known for being a freakngs at karaoke bars around his native London. One thing that always strikes you about doing interviews in hotel bars and actually hotel's in general, is the background music is so fuckin god-awful. Stomach clenching, bile inducing tripe that only a turnip would enjoy. Ben agrees "there are way too many bands and there's lots and lots of really dreadful music around. And we're bombarded with it all the time, like in hotel bars, or in shops and restaurants or even on the bus when someone is playing music over their phone. We don't choose to listen to this music but it's just that we're not even given a choice. It's just noise pollution. There's so many bands now making that "background" music, unimaginative boring same-y music that's not new or inventive or even noticeable. And the worse thing is that it's so grounded into the everyday world that people just accept it". Who's to blame, radio? The media, we hate radio, Phantom just released figures that they've got 27% of listeners in Dublin. What? Does anyone agree that Phantom has completely lost the ball since going legit. For Christ sakes they're playing Coldplay and U2. They were our hope, our shining beacon in the dreary damp night of modern radio playlists but they went and ruined it by selling out to the man. From now on it's internet radio for us, no ads, no moronic radio presenter mascarading for Djs. Last Fm rocks can we get a Hell Yea from you Ben? "Yeah, exactly, far better, although there is one radio station where I do get all my news tracks from, it's WFMU.org, it's a New Jersey station and it's very good. It's where I get all my material for my radio show on Saturdays on Resonance FM, (MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.resonancefm.com" claiming to be www.resonancefm.com) But we can't forget that there is some really amazing bands out there too, actually there's a lot of them but sometimes they can be harder to find". Indeed especially on Irish radio waves. Well that's about it so Ben, what next? "Touring the album probably for the next nine months solid I'd say. I just did a support tour with Hot Chip and it was greatand I want to do some more high profile things like that because, you know, sometimes it can be a bit frustrating when you've been putting records out for over ten years and still nobody knows who the hell you are. But it was cool touring with them and it was great to see these kids dancing and having lots of fun to my music, kind of makes me think that many many people could possible like my music if they got to hear it". Max Tundra will be rocking out keyboard and sampler style in Crawdaddy 23rd January. Go to maxtundra.com for updates.


Broken News- Broken Aaron Rogan on the 24-hour news circus that has brought sensationalist news coverage to new levels hen something of importance eventually does happen the news station goes into overdrive. There'll be a loud whooshing sound and an obnoxious graphic taking up half the screen to let you know that this ain't no run of the mill news, this is breaking news. And breaking news is the most important, it's barely even happened! The problem with breaking news is that it's very hard to report on something that has only been discovered, but the newsrooms get so excited in the clamour to get there first that they'll rush some poor reporter to the scene of the event. So we have the anchor in the studio interviewing someone whose just arrived on the scene and knows nothing more about the story than what he's been told by the newsroom. "This story is still developing" really means "I haven't the foggiest." It's not news, but at least it passes the time.


he purpose of the news is to inform, explain and analyse events so that people can better understand the world. But the fact is that compared to even the most hackneyed drama the news is boring; the stories takes days or weeks to unfold, most of the characters are dullards who don't want anyone to know what they're up to and any exciting things that do happen involve massive destruction or depravity. And we even find the exciting stuff grows tedious after about the eighth car bomb of the week.


When something of immediate importance is not happening, which is generally the case, there is in effect no function for 24 stations. But if there is a chance that something might happen they make us wait for the news with them. Narrated footage of airport arrivals halls, closed doors, empty streets and helicopter shots of cars make up hours of non-news coverage. This isn't news, it's just waiting and looking but its great for cable news stations because people get curious as to what they're waiting for and stay tuned.


In fact, 24 hour news channels have so much time to kill with so little ammunition that they now need you to do some of the work. They portray it as an exercise in open democracy but really it's just a way to broadcast sensationalist nonsense while distancing themselves from it. Most of the messages read on air are quasi-fascist ramblings which would get you locked up if you published them on a pamphlet, and there's always at least one irate shut-in who writes in calling for someone to be executed. Doesn't matter if the topic is littering or the expansion of the EU: "We should reintroduce the death penalty and post the bill for the bullets to their families. Yours sincerely, Deranged in Dalkey" What do we need to hear the public's opinions for in any case, most people know zip when it comes to policing or managing the economy. And anyway, what sort of person responds to the demand to "Press your red button NOW!" Those opinion polls draw exclusively from people with nothing better to do at two o'clock in the afternoon than get indignant when their telly tells them to.

en News- Broken news ky have broadcast more bulletins from kitchens than their own studio since the recession, showing us how the credit crunch is effecting some dolt who took out a 300% loan for an iPod. Cable news wants to appeal to the average person and they reason that the average person wants to see themselves on the TV. So, most stories now invariably involve interviewing members of the public. This means that news broadcasting descends into a futile cycle where a reporter asks a member of the public what they think and the person replies with what they heard on the news. It's as if Rupert Murdoch is conducting some perverse pop-quiz to make sure we're paying attention.


Of course, it would wear thin pretty quick if all that was broadcast was shoppers being asked what they saw on the news so 24-hour news has to earn its salt some other way. And since the world doesn't churn out enough fresh conflict and scandal to keep the ratings up, they have to put the graft in and manufacture some news. The scandal over the Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross radio broadcast was first-class manufactured news. Something which affected very few people was turned into a national outrage in the space of a few days, and BBC24 and Sky News got to show it blow by blow. Sky News spent hours covering the story and what had originally aggrieved only two people enough to complain became the main news story for two weeks. This was clockwork non-news, Sky forced the scandal as a serious issue so much that it eventually became one. 30,000 people complained, MPs spoke out, Gordon Brown called for "appropriate action" and some people even lost

their jobs. And it's not as if it was a particularly slow news week. This was the same week as the verdict of the inquiry into the shooting of Jean Charles DeMenezes by London police. But that was old news by now.

They report on the dangers of bees, Iran, drinking water, faulty seatbelts, and what's under your fingernails. They want their audience to develop complexes so severe they can't leave the couch, never mind the house.

This trend towards this sort of story is because unlike terrestrial TV which only has to broadcast about two hours worth of news a day, 24 hour news stations have to keep up with one another and more importantly with the rest of TV. And the rest of TV doesn't have boring middle-aged men in suits talking about government documents, it has sex and violence and all manner of fun stuff. So cable news has gradually become more entertainmentlike which means more emotion, more appeals to gut feelings of paranoia, fear and disgust and more drama. Fox News interviews have more in common with primal scream therapy sessions than rational debate because it's dramatic.

But when there's something that is really important but also not that exciting, the 24-hour stations have to work extra hard to keep your attention. This usually involves the brainchild of some over-caffeinated, colour blind graphic designer. Ludicrous gadgetry in the news reached its zenith during the recent presidential election. You know, that election that was marqueed as the most important event since the end of the Cold War. Yeah, well CNN decided to juice it up for us; with a hologram.

merican stations and in particular Fox News are brilliant entertainment, they seem to have given up the ghost on any actual news reporting. Instead, they'll tell you just about anything to keep you watching. Fox broadcast a sort of hyper-reality where everything is ten times as bright, loud and important as it would be otherwise. In one fifteen minute Fox broadcast I saw a bear on the loose in Southern Californian suburbs, a man crushed to death by a streetlight while in his parked car and a boy who was ordered to apologise to his high school for going to his graduation dressed as a penis. Who's going to change the channel when there a bear on the loose and an interview with penis boy coming up? Fox are also particularly fond of scaring the living shit out of their audience.


NN spent god knows how much on making it look like they were beaming in a real-time image of one of their reporters from Chicago to their main studio. The interviewer Wolf Blitzer (I think they make up these outlandish names so you stay tuned to hear if you heard it correctly the first time) then proceeded to ask the reporter about guess what? The hologram! After a while he asked a few questions about the voting. But the fact he was talking to a hologram meant he may as well have been letting off fireworks in the studio as he asked the questions.


The problem with rolling news stations becoming focused on entertainment rather than information is that without good information, people can't form good opinions. And then what are you going to say when Sky stop you in the street?


Paddy Murphy chats to Sunderland’s finest D.I.Y rockers

The futureheads

What's the story Jaff, you well Yeah, very well we're in Krakow today, lovely part of the world but it's bloody cold though.

The latest Futurehead's album, This is not the World only took three weeks to record, how come you can do a record so quickly, what's inspires ye to write so fast? It was a combination of a couple of things, our producer Youth, (the Verve Urban Hymns, the Delays Everything's the Rush as well as being Killing Joke's original bassist) wanted to do the record really fast, he doesn't like to get bogged down in the eccentricities of recording, like using loads of over-dubs and that, he likes to capture a band live. Also Barry ( Hyde, lead singer) had about eight songs ready before we'd even gone into the studio. When we went over to record (Youth owns a massive recording studio in the Sierra Nevada mountains in Andalusia) we were recording one song a day and then we'd be jamming out and work on other ones in the evening. We worked really hard and it ended up only taking fifteen days because we were playing and recording for fourteen hours everyday.

Makes you think why do other bands take so long to produce music... 16

That's the thing, aye, a lot of people don't like to record live and they like to get everything right and pristine and perfect and even when we did it that way for the second album it only took us three weeks. It really shouldn't take all that long if you've got stuff written and you've been practising it. With bands like Radiohead they'll go into the studio with nothing written and just write it all there but that's the way they like to do it and it works for them. But we're alot different from them, we're just a little rock band really. We all sing and play and we've all got different ideas about our parts sound so first we work them out and then we get them recorded when we're happy with all the bits.

Well you've been touring this album now for a while do you write while on the road? Naw, we can't really rehearse, only maybe during some soundchecks but we don't really get a lot of time then either. But, you know, coz we're travelling so much we just have to get sleep, eat, get to the gig and then have a bit of a party after the gig. I know Barry does do a bit of writing while we're on the road but we don't all sit down together until close to the time that we're heading into the studio. And I think we'll probably be doing that some time in January, we'll have a couple of weeks off then so we'll maybe try and get another record done then.


Well the album's been out since last May and you've been touring ever since then we you actually take a proper break or just straight into the studio and then hit the road again with the next release?

We going to have some scratching and beatboxing on the next Futureheads album?

Well we'll see what happens, we have the three weeks in January that I mention before where we'll be hitting the studio again but we'll see.....it depends on how much we get done in January.

It's the time of year....so what's been the high and low points for the Futureheads?

But you are looking to releasing a follow-up album next year? Yea, it would be nice of we could, we'd love to but saying that we don't want to but too much pressure on ourselves, then again, if it's done then we'll put it out for sure. That's one of the advantages of being your own boss, we don't have to wait for a record company who'll just put it on a shelf and tell us when to put it out.

Then saying you do record a lot in January, then you could be hitting the festivals again next summer? Aye man, that would be great, we love playing the festivals. It would be good to do them again but it might be hard because some promoters won't book the same people two years in a row, but it would be cool though.

The Futureheads have been spotted doing a few DJ nights every now and then and there's a few more planned for this tour. How did they come about and what's the reason for getting behind the decks? Yea, a few of us are doing them now and I suppose the reason is that they're a good laugh, a good night out ya know, plus we get a bucket load of cash from doing it too. You know they fly you to Dublin put ya up in a hotel and then they pay you to play music that you're into. As we're doing it more though we're getting more and more into it and getting better at mixing the songs and adding in more different stuff. Even though we're all kind of indie heads we can experiment when we're DJ-ing by adding in some electro stuff.

........(laughs) Don't know about that mate.

Well at the start of the year we were all feeling a bit down we weren't happy with the second record, how it’s done like, and then we had the crap with the label (the band were dropped) and we were travelling all over England in a little van trying to get things going again. Then we had Beginning of the Twist and it did really well, got lots of radio play and did well in the charts so that was probably the defining moment of the year for us I'd say. It showed that we could turn things around. It showed that we don't need a label to do things, we can do things our own way, we can produce our own work the way we want and be the happiest we've ever been. You know, travelling from places like Hull and Scunthorpe but then hearing your record on the radio made it all feel really good again. We proved to ourselves that we can do it just so long as we write good songs and wanna go out and tour.

America. America fucking loves the Futureheads, especially the internet based media. Of all the new British indie bands only yourselves and Bloc Party, even though they've kinda blown it by touring with My Chemical Romance a while back, have got any notice from across the pond, why is that and what are ye gonna do about it? Well it just happened mate, actually there's a low point for you, knowing that we're getting a lot of play and radio time in America but not being able to tour there because we'd never be able to afford it without being signed to a record label. We looked at doing it but we'd have been out of pocket a lot of money each so it's a bit crap that we couldn't. But you never know maybe we'll get an investor and a label might want to sign us over there and maybe we could do a tour then, or maybe if we got a support slot with someone doing a tour.

The Futureheads play the Academy on December 17th The album ‘This is Not the World’ is out now.

“There's a low point for you, knowing that we're getting a lot of play and radio time in America but not being able to tour there because we'd never be able to afford it without being signed to a record label” 17

He is a huge talent, with a dedicated Irish fan base. He played the Crawdaddy Tent at Electric Picnic this year and is to play two sold out shows in Vicar Street accompanied by a 24 piece Orchestra this month. I got a chance to speak with the enthusiastic and enigmatic Josh Ritter... Interview By Fiona Donnellan

First off, what did you think of the US Election Results?

I thought they were fantastic. I was out canvassing myself for Obama, going door to door in Philadelphia, making sure everyone knew about him. I was fully into it. It's an amazing experience, there is a certain belief restored, this is the country I believe in. I'm very happy, it's such an exciting time.

Are you looking forward to coming to Ireland again in December, two sold out shows, that's impressive!

Yeah I'm excited it's going to be such a weird show. Like the orchestra, I can definitely add it to the list of things I thought id never get to see, its amazing I'm really excited. It's going to be weird because it's a standing gig, but with an orchestra so I'm really curious to see what it will be like. The sound is going to be great, I just can't wait. It's a huge thing, kind of selfish, but you know if you get the chance.

How was Electric Picnic this year, how does it compare to other shows you've played around the world?

Epic, what a beautiful night. I played it two years ago as well. Its something else, I love the tents and how people aren't taking the event super seriously. They're there to have a good time and enjoy, it really gives you an opportunity to go out there and play as hard as you can and not really worry about breaking something or messing up in some way, its really an award for everything else I have to do during the year.

You have a huge following here in Ireland, did you ever think it would get to this point?

I've never really had the scope and imagination to understand where things could really go, I just keep my head down working on songs, working on what you're doing and really putting effort into creating something, weather its a record or a performance, the one thing you're trying to do is build some tracks for the people who come out to a show, when you're not on stage you're working hard to create something new, time and patience goes into it, so most of the time I'm not really looking up. Then suddenly you see, that there's an effect, that you're having an effect, it's really gratifying, its incredible. You can't really go out there and make people come to your shows, you just have to keep doing what your doing and hopefully people will respond. I'm having an amazing time right now, I'm totally enjoying it.


When did you decide to give work and concentrate on music full time?

I was ready to quit my job before any of this, I did all kind of jobs, like I'd work for a week or a few days and then I would quit and go work on music. I never had a desire to get stuck doing something that I didn't want to do, didn't want to be doing something just because I felt I needed to. Luckily I could do that, I didn't have other obligations that I needed to fill, so as soon as I could I started singing full time and I've been doing that for 6years now. I'm proud of that

What's your favourite track from" Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter"?

Fun tracks, its like trying to name your favourite child! Its hard to pick favourites, they change at different times. "To the Dogs or Whoever" Is the one I enjoy most consistently. But a lot of the stuff off that album takes me out of my comfort zone and really changed the way I've performed. Its really fun, you get a chance to push yourself outside what you normally used to operating. But yeah it is a song that is kind of big and bold and funny. I'm working on a new record right now. It's getting louder so its a lot of fun.

How do you think you sound has changed since your first album?

It's gone down some odd roads. Things have an effect on your style of playing, like even when you're in your apartment and there are people above you, you play quieter because they rap on the floor or the ceiling. Trying to get you to shut up. It leads you to sing quiet songs, it's amazing how your immediate environment can change what you're doing. We kind of forget sometimes that were the products of our environment. As we grow up the smallest changes in the places we are and the people we know can cause us to have completely new and different reactions and cause totally different types of music.

How are you planning on spending Christmas?

I going to spend Christmas with my grandma down in Oregon. She's 94 and going to go down there and hang out with her and the whole family is going to be there so it's going to be terrific. I'm very excited, the usually good stuff like turkey. It's so nice to be heading back to family and all that.

Out of the Blue Mark Corcoran on the task facing Dublin’s new manager o the dust has settled since October 9 and we've had time to think. Since the northern demolition job (or self destruction, which ever way you want to look at it), Dublin GAA men licked their wounds and prepared for the Mullins versus Deegan management election with cautious optimism for the future. Maybe this is the shake up that was needed. A big name to shoulder the burden and drag the team forward.


But it was an election that never came to a vote. You have to hand it to them. With minimum press leaks, the name that nobody was expecting, straight out of the blue (excuse the pun) Pat Gilroy was sworn into office. No contest, No debate. An appointment that was initially difficult for me to sink my teeth into. So what do we know of Pat Gilroy. A self made business man that has risen to the top of Dalkia, an energy company based in France. What experience he lacks in management, having only been involved as a selector to DCU's Sigerson cup team, he makes up for from his playing days. Gilroy (36) was part of the Dublin panel of the early 90s which went all the way in 95 and he was an integral part of the St Vincent's team that took the All Ireland Club Championship in March, scoring crucial scores from full-forward along the way. But this is still the biggest management job in the country. The most scrutinised, the most pressure. How did a relative dark horse glide in to the job so smoothly? Easy. Gilroy's business experience ensured he walked any interview they threw at him but more importantly, he had connections. Pat Gilroy's official title in the new set up is 'Manager', Mickey Whelan's is trainer. Whelan, now in his early 70s, previously held the Dublin job from 1996-1999 a time he admits was not his happiest as the Dubs plummeted from the dizzy heights of 1995. He coached Vincents to the trophy in March and had Gilroy as selector when he was in charge of the DCU Sigerson cup team. He also includes Kevin Heffernan, the all-seeing, allknowing Godfather of Dublin football as one of his best friends. Heffernan was joined on the interview board to select the Dublin manager by Dr Pat O'Neill (both St Vincents men). What seemed a good idea for a management team to Whelan probably seemed like a good idea to Heffernan and so the deal was done. Don't be fooled. This management team is going to be the exact opposite to that of Piller Caffery. Caffery's reign of ice baths and the hairdryer treatment will transform into Gilroy's motivation skills and Whelan's unique brand of training. Whelan's sheer enthusiasm for the game could just be what

the doctor ordered to reboot the Dubs. The appointments of Paul Nugent (Thomas Davis) and Paddy O' Donoghue (Kilmacud Crokes) as selectors will also bring some valuable south side expertise to the table, something that Caffery's management was screaming out for. Construction of the new panel is already underway. In an attempt to leave no stone unturned, Gilroy divided the county into six segments and ordered a blitz tournament (each segment was a team) as trials for the new panel. Only the Kilmacud Crokes players were spared (due to Championship commitments). Any player who wanted to be involved next year was invited to show their face. Interestingly Ciaran Whelan and Jason Sherlock declared their intentions for next year by making an appearance as did most of the present panel. A largely different panel can expected from next year. As can a large St Vincents contingent. Expect to hear the name Willie Lowry tried at full back in the league next spring along with Hugh Gill, both were huge players in the Vincents defence this year. Also expect to hear the names Colin Prendeville (Fingal Ravens), Luke Sweetman (Eirns Isle) and Dennis Bastick (Templeogue Synge St), some of Dublin's best kept secrets come to the fore next year. As fate would have it Gilroy has been handed a baptism of fire. Tyrone have been pencilled in for January 31 under the Croker's Saturday night lights. It is a repeat of the meeting two years ago and is the first league match of the season. A first chance for new blood to impress in front of a full house. Two years ago these teams were the first to play under the lights. The Dubs led by five at the half, and lost. Incidents of being pegged back slowly but surely riddled Caffery's time in charge. January 31 is Gilroy's first big chance to show he is the man to steady Dublin's shaky nerves. Piller Caffery had the unanimous respect of the Dublin dressing room through out his time in charge. Everyone wanted to win for him so very badly. January 31 is their chance to avenge him against the side that caused his down fall on too many occasions. August's demolition will still be fresh in the minds. The Dublin County Board will be anxious for Gilroy to settle in quickly. They've got a lot riding on this one, it will be 14 years since Sam saw Christmas in the capital and patience is wearing thin especially with the old green and gold enemy waiting round the corner in early June‌


Photography: Miguel Robaina www.mrphotography.org Styling: Natasha Rocca Devine & Sinead Bushell www.nrd.ie Hair and make-up: Laura Canavan Models: Roisin & Natasha Location: The Loft Market, Powerscourt Centre


Style Academy An exclusive Griffiti shoot with upcoming Irish Designer Matt Doody




Designed by Matt Doody www.mattdoody.com


All items available exclusively at the Loft Market, Powerscourt Centre, Dublin 2

The Designers Matt Doody

Which skills from your study in Grafton Academy have aided you most, since your graduation in 2006?

Well in the Grafton Academy there's a huge focus on pattern drafting and the professional finish on you garments so you leave the college with incredibly high standards and the ability to construct or deconstruct any garment you see or design.

Your designs have been described as 'the perfect balance betweensculptural art and wearable fashion', how did you achieve this?

I don't thing I will ever find the perfect balance, it’s trying to achieve that balance that one produces some interesting pieces. It's a juggling act but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Do you think it is essential as a designer to have media coverage, or are you of the opinion that your talent which achieve enough attention to keep your head above water? A. You will always need the media, especially when you are starting out. You need to get your name out there. Unfortunately it can often be that people are more interested in the name rather than the clothes

In most creative careers, success is generally down to finding a balance between networking, training and getting work. How do keep this?

It's difficult, I tend to spend most of my time on designing; it's what I love doing and you will always spend more time on the things you love. You just need to keep in mind that unfortunately designing is a small part in having a successful fashion business.

What have been your biggest challenges, as a designer to date?

I guess the biggest challenge has and still is financial.. No matter how creative and how good you are it all needs to be developed into something that you can live off. Another juggling act, to balance your creativity with commercialism. You need to sell in order to produce the next 10 collections running around in your head.

What are your future plans?

Well I hope to keep developing my label and building up my brand. I Am currently working on my own fashion show which I am hoping to have twice a year.

Béibhinn Flood

Having studied in the Limerick Institute of technology, do you see this training as an integral part of your career as a designer?

Yes I do, my 3 years in LIT as an integral part of your career as a designer it really help develop me as a designer by bring the creative side out in me. I also saw my 2 years in Sallynoggin Senior College as a great grounding and understand of technical skills.

You are specialized in occasion wear with hand beading and embroidery. What influences your collections?

Well I think of my work as modern vintage chic which I consider an elegant, sophisticated and timeless collection by using classic craft techniques with modern fabrics which I often would be inspirited by.

Since graduating in 2004, you have worked with the international Irish designers John Rocha and Joanne Hynes, what were these experiences like?

They were amazing, hard working and eye opening, it was good to see even at that level you still have to pull a few all nights to get the desired end result… and to be part of that experience was great… hopefully some day there will be an up and coming designer saying the same about my own shows.

Individuality is an essence of a fashion designer, were you worried you may lose your own when working with other designers? Or would you recommend this chance to learn from those at the top of the fashion industry?

Yes to both I would recommend learning from the big boys of the industry they have done it and know how to do it; but yes you can some time loss your own individuality and creativity as I found when working in the rag trade side of the industry.

Establishing your label and attracting clientele can be the most difficult challenge when starting out, how did you overcome this?

Well, I just bit the bullet and did a few months ago and it is all going well, so fare. The loft market has been a great platform to start of from. And I feel I have unique edge; the fact that clients can get exclusive commission piece made just for them, as well as unique off the pang pieces. Also side the williness to just keep working hard.

Interviews by Natasha Rocca Devine


son a e s e v i t s e f s i h t ssionista e c re n o i h s a f a How to be Griffiti's Sandra Morris has a diverse range of party season dresses to get you through the Social Season Whirl this Winter whatever your style, budget or occasion!


Purple Frill Tiered dress €85, Patricia Field for Marks and Spencer Black Crocodile Belt €85 Ted Baker Topshop Gold and Jewel Necklace €25 Black Suede Ruche Platforms €85 Office

Black Body Con Dress €95 Lipsy Clutch Bag €34 Miss Selfridge Gold & Black bead cobweb necklace €18 Topshop Black & Gold Tiger Bracelet €22 Topshop Black & Gold Platforms €129 Topshop

Black Bowler Hat €30, Silver Star Necklace €15, Purple Star Dress €30 all Topshop. Silver Diamente Earrings €9 Oasis, Black Tights €4 Marks & Spencer Black Suede Ankle Boots €16, Silver Bangles €1.50, Silver knot Necklace €5 & Bracelet €3 all Penneys

Long Black Beaded Necklace €18 and Black Beaded Bracelet €14 both Topshop Cream Bow Pleat Dress €215 Ted Baker, Black Tux Deluxe Jacket €84 Topshop, Two Tone Cream & Black Shoes €20 Dunnes Stores


Reviews What Just Happened? Director: Barry Levinson Starring: Robert De Niro, Sean Penn, Catherine Keener, John Turturro, Robin Wright Penn, Stanley Tucci Release : November 28th

hat Just Happened? is a movie about two weeks in the life of Ben (De Niro) as his life unravels. Ben is one the thirty most powerful producers in Hollywood, but the test screenings for his latest movie are not going well, the star of his new movie does not look like a star, his daughter from his first marriage is going through some very personal problems, and a friend of his may or may not be going out with his most recent wife. Not a good fortnight by anyone's standards. The movie starts off with Ben narating a Vanity Fair photoshoot which leads into one of those "it all started when‌" sequences. Ben is at a test screening of his latest flick which stars Sean Penn. The movie has quite an abrassive ending and as a result Ben and director Jeremy Brunell (played by Michael Wincott doing a Keith Ricards impersonation) are in the dog house with the studio bosses. The next day Ben visits Kelly(Wright-Penn), from whom he is separated and has two young children with. Kelly was the one who suggested the separation but as they talk, Ben begins to use his professional ablility to persuade to place a seed of doubt in her mind. From Kelly's house he goes to another ex-wife's house to drop Zoe, his daughter, to school. Ben notices that Zoe's eyes are bloodshot but doesn't pry too hard about it. From Zoe's school, Ben must go to the set of his new movie where his leading man (Bruce Willis) has turned up looking very unleadingmanish. It's Ben's job to whip Brucie into shape. These stories of celebrity and everyday life then go on to



play themselves out in a fairly amusing fashion. Think somewhere between Larry Sanders and Larry David but not as funny. e Niro is in every scene so it is up to him to carry this movie. He has done the comedic thing to great effect in the past in The King of Comedy and Meet the Parents. He has also ballsed it up in Meet the Fockers and Analyze That. Here the bespectacled Bobby does a good job without excelling. The problem is that he is too cool for the role. He remains calm when his world is falling apart. He even gets a bit gangster a one stage and this jarrs with the character created by the rest of the film. Stylistically I was impressed. There are little sped up vignets which add a bit of funkiness. Also there are some visual throwbacks interspersed through the picture. The problem with What Just Happened? though is that it appears to have been written during the writers strike. It is missing a cognitative ending. Only two of the five or six main story lines reach satisfactory conclusions, others just fizzle out and others don't even really end. All of the endings are muddled up and done in the wrong sequence. Ultimately it more winds down than ends. Maybe the point is that you walk out of the theatre saying "What just happened? Where's the ending". It's a frustrating end to a pretty entertaining ball of yarns. Worth seeing but not essential viewing.



John O’Donnell

ritney Spears hasn’t had the best of years. In a less than promising start to the year, she was hospitalized after holding her children hostage while she "appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance". Yeah, we’ve all been there, Brit… ‘Britney’s Breakdown’ hit headlines all over the world. It wasn’t until her recent appearance MTV Video Music Awards recently that the public started to take her seriously again. Despite not performing, she bagged three awards for her 2007 album ‘Blackout’, and announced that a new one was on it’s way.


Well haters to the left because Britney is back, and she’s running; far away from her former good girl bubbly pop, slow ballad loving self. For fans of Blackout, or simply anyone who has ever drunkenly ‘danced’ to Piece of Me, Circus will not disappoint. After the success of the first single Womanizer (her first number one on the Billboard Hot 100 since her debut, Hit Me Baby One More Time), it’s safe to say that the inevitable return of the Princess of Pop is upon us. Once gain, Britney delivers an album bursting with the catchy dance tunes she is known for. While there are some slow sets, such as the emotionally charged Out From Under and Unusual You, the bass pumping dance beats triumph. The second release from the album is

Released Nov 25th

Richard Page


However, the album isn’t very daring on Britney’s part. Despite some risqué lyrics provided by the terrifically infectious and ego inflated beats of If You Seek Amy (say it out loud) teamed with the shameless innuendo from Phonography, Spears sticks to what she knows best, and isn’t concerned with the need to progress. She still firmly relies on production enhancements to generate a good tune, with quality vocals coming secondary. Circus is not a whole lot unlike Blackout in this aspect, when compared to Britney’s earlier albums. Mannequin even leaves you wondering if Britney had anything to do with the song at all, having been possibly sung completely by a computer. It was always going to be hard to top 2007’s Blackout, and wasn’t entirely expected of her after the year she’s had, but Britney certainly delivers a quality pop record in Circus.

fter the first song here, Say You Will, you'll be checking to see if you have Mr. West's new album or is it someone else's. A sparse and atmospheric opener, with quirky beeps and yells of "hey, hey" it involves no rapping whatsoever. What?! A rapper who doesn't rap? After the muddled Graduation, Kanye has come out fighting, 808'S and Heartbreak displays the rapper's (are we still allowed to call him that?) most baffling yet meaningful lyrics; "My friend showed me pictures of his kids/And all I could show him was pictures of my cribs" The opening line in Welcome To Heartbreak. "My sister gettin' married by the lake/But I couldn't figure out who I wanna take" West is obviously doubting himself and his superficial ways. When was the last time you heard of a rapper doing that? Better still, when was the last time you heard a pop star complaining about their lives and actually having sympathy for them? With his singing, West is more heartfelt than he ever was with his rapping. But for this album,


Kanye West- 808 & Heartbreaks

the title track, Circus- an absurdly catchy floor filler, and likely to follow in the steps of Womanizer as a dance floor hit. Kill the Lights, a flashy tribute to the constant hounding the paparazzi provide her with, is another tune to listen out for on the DJ decks in the months to come. In contrast, Blur is chill out, despite it’s oh-so-familiar theme of memory loss the morning after the night before. Circus plays around with bits of everything.

Britney SpearsCircus Released Dec 1st

Nicola Byrne


he used Auto-Tune to help his voice sound pitch perfect. And it does. The main theme of the album is the feelings of a spurned lover; Heartless will have everyone on the dance floor. Despite the fact that the singer(or rapper?) is telling us about losing his soul, being weaker than his ex, pleading with her to return and his bitter loneliness. Love Lockdown, a story of a man trying to convince himself that he won't love again is the first top five chart hit with the use of what sounds like 10,000 monks beating on tribal drums. Sadly there are some terrible tracks; Bad News and Coldest Winter are overblown, effortless moans. So here we have the year's most surprising album, a mixture of unrequited love and funky beats. Kanye deserves a pat on the back for showing his vulnerable side instead of becoming a formulaic rapper. Now, can someone please give the man a hug?


Sex Drive Director: Sean Anders Starring: Josh Zuckerman, Katrina Bowden, Clarke Duke, Seth Green Release : January 9th

ean Anders makes his directorial debut with the hormonally charged, pune for all style American teen capper "Sex Drive". The films plot is eerily reminiscent of 2004's 'Euro trip' but has its own stand out features its defining including Seth Green's portrayal of Ezekiel, the Amish purveyor of drop-dead sarcasm and the Amish peoples resident automotive expert.


So what's it all about ? Much like 'Euro Trip' its about an often times booze filled teens, quest for sex. The film endeavors for Judd Apatow territory but comes up short and ends up somewhere in between Euro Trip and 1985's "The Sure Thing", Josh Zuckerman plays Ian, a stereotypical american virgin, a nerd, a pushover, a guy who wears an embarrassing donut costume to work. And with college looming 18 year old Ian must shake off the shackles of virginity. After developing an online flirtation with Ms Tasty (Katrina Bowden) he's convinced by womanizing pal Lance (Clarke Duke) to make the 600 mile trip from Chicago to Knoxville for "guaranteed sex" along for the ride is Ian's long time love interest Felicia played by Amanda Carew, who is blissfully unaware, 1) That Ian's in love with her and 2) That he's not going to see his ill grandmother in Knoxville. Driving his brother Rex's vintage 1969 Dodge, the trio embark on the fun filled trip with stop offs at the drag races , a trailer park , a corn field, and the most humorous of all stops, the abstinence carnival must be seen to be believed because it really


makes for funny stuff! If the image of a teenage girl hoisting her leg up and relieving herself in a car's radiator while a shocked and disgusted family drives by doesn't sound amusing, or the sight of Amish people getting drunk and puking while cheerfully screaming, "Rumspringa!" comes off as personally offensive, then "Sex Drive" most likely is a film that your going to want to avoid. But for the more easy going and open minded sense of humour its almost laugh a minute stuff, the gags are consistently funny, even scenes that shape up seriously for example when Ian runs over an animal on the road he becomes rather emotional and decides to put the animal out of its misery, easier said then done and it makes for a cruelty fueled hilarious few minutes! "Sex Drive" is rambunctious, funny and romantic in a near perfect eclectic mix. With an impressive soundtrack hailing from multiple decades-including The Fly's, MGMT, REO, Donovan, Speedwagon and Fall Out Boy (the latter band making a cameo appearance) its a well produced comedy that while staying true to the teen sex movie genre it gives it a refreshing lift.

4/5 Darren Cleary

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