Webjam solutions for social publishing and engagement
U nl ea sh enga gement a nd i nter a cti on between br a nd, stor e, customer s a nd empl oyees (c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Can you affor d not to embr ace Social M edia? Assuming that the economy is in r ecession in the next 6 months, how w ould you change your investment in social media over all? Decrease
Stay the same
Social M edia I nter actions suppor ted
Increase Forrester Research: March 2009, Social Media Playtime is over.
Vignette – Social Media in the Enterprise (c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Webjam Acr oss Business Sector s Open Conver sa ti ons a nd Connected Exper i ences Br ands Retail N etw or k s Engage with customers on a local store level, sharing experiences, news, events and passions around the product
Let your clients talk about what they achieve with your product or service
D ir ector ies Add a social layer to your listings database
Or ganisations Let your members organise events & network, and keep them informed
Publisher s /M edia
Cor por ate I ntr anets Leverage social media for internal communication and employee engagement
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Empower readers with user generated communities, citizen journalism, clubs and fan sites
T he Webjam Philosophy “We help companies to connect with their customers and their employees by providing them with an easy, affordable platform for social publishing and engagement.”
“You create your own branded and customisable social media environment in which content is created and shared easily, communities grow naturally and social media networks integrate seamlessly.“
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Webjam – a Company w ith Connections Clients
Vibrant, innovative social media company, based in central London
Experienced management team (former Yahoo, Lycos, IBM, Credit Suisse, Be2). Former Ask Jeeves CEO on board of directors Management Experience
Notable award and press achievements including Techmedia Invest 2009, top 100 company Clients across different sectors, including Random House, Johnston Press, JWT (part of WPP Advertising), Yamaha Music, Make your Mark.
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
press coverage
I ntegr ated Solution for Social Publishing and Engagement
Random House
uses Webjam to offer readers to create their own micro site for online reading groups. Enabling them to establish a more intimate relationship with their readers and nurture brand loyalty.
Sony Music uses Webjam to launch Diana Vickers new album and engage with her fans, integrating the Webjam platform with other social media networks like Facebook and Twitter.
JWT uses the Webjam platform as a social media enabled Intranet to unleash internal creativity and develop internal communities. (c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Webjam for Retail Or ganisations | Develop branded local community networks for local shops or category and life-style communities, to increase footfall and strengthen relationships with new and existing customers.
Engage with customers and share news, experiences and passions around the company or product. Managed within your own branded social media environment.
Social media enabled Intranet to engage with employees and to enhance intra shop communication between head office and local stores.
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Webjam Retail Solution over view Create micro communities for local shops Empowering your shop owners or franchisees to develop local community site and promote local shop through local events, VIP memberships and loyalty campaigns Use your network of store community sites to push corporate marketing programmes to the stores
Client engagement and Brand experience Central gathering spots for your customers to connect and engage with each other around activities and interest areas Link communities to specific business purposes – marketing campaigns, brand channels, philanthropic events Product-level feedback, ratings, reviews and conversations (c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Webjam R etail Solution over view
Social Media enabled company Intranet to enhance communications with and between the stores. Easy and cost effective way to engage with your employees (Re-)Connect with your “ staff in the stores” getting direct feedback on client experiences and store improvements Improve communications through blogs, pushing video, forum discussions, feedback forms, photo sharing etc.
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
H ow can you monetise Social M edia
Potenti a l Revenue Str ea ms Incremental Sales – Incremental sales in shops and online through better client engagement and leveraging purpose built communities Incremental Revenues – Boost cross-selling via advertising and sponsorship on user generated communities. Incremental Product Revenues – Leverage campaign-based micro sites to stimulate sales for specific products
Potenti a l Cost Sa vi ngs Local Shop community sites – Reduce cost in web site development and management across network through site templates Marketing – Lower marketing campaigns internal distribution costs Intranet – Increase internal efficiency and lowering internal IT costs
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Webjam Social M edia Ar chitectur e Social Media Platform Building your fully branded/ White label and customisable Social Media Platform.
Managed Services Helping you to manage your Social Media Deployment, keep it running smoothly and efficiently and measure its effectiveness.
Creative Services focusing on Social Media Consulting through creative and engagement solutions. (c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Platfor m featur es over view
Community engagement
Social media Hub
Content and Publishing
Site Creation
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Pr oduct featur es - U nder the “hood” Site Creation tools • • • •
Create multiple sites Add multiple pages to each site Include modules and widgets Style, design and layout flexibility
Community Management • ID and Profile management • membership management tools like Invitations and application forms • Branded newsletters and emails • Activity log, forums, bulletins, events, calendar, and more.
Viral engine • Extend communities by allowing members to create their own sites within your network, for a one-off or monthly subscription fee • Manage and moderate user networks as members of the channel community (c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Cr eate M icr o Communities - Random H ouse offer s r eader s to cr eate their ow n micr o site for online r eading gr oups “The Vintage Reading Group is a community of reading groups – where members can share ideas, recommend books and gain inspiration. Webjam enables us to forge a group of like-minded readers to engage in debate and receive feedback. Promoting and creating brand loyalty.” Claire Wilshaw, Random House Publishers
Create your own reading group
The hub for their online presence
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Community Engagement - M ak e Your M ar k allow s young entr epr eneur s acr oss the w or ld to shar e and develop their ideas. "The Webjam platform is the ideal solution for creating and managing our online community network for Global Entrepreneurship Week" Chris Spavin, Global Outreach Manager, Make Your Mark campaign
Shared inspiration
Cross community promotion of a major event Managing over 70 online communities around the world
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Cor por ate I ntr anet – JWT builds a social media enabled I ntr anet to unleash inter nal cr eativity and develop inter nal communities. "We chose Webjam because it offered the most diverse and robust platform to accomplish our creative aspirations. It seamlessly blends functional elements while keeping community at its core" Ben Hopkins, Creative Developer, JWT
Collaboration on campaigns
Surface the activity of the agency
Cross pollination of ideas across departments Shared inspiration (c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Clients L ever aging the WebJam platfor m √C Community Management
Social Media Hubs
Enterprise Social Networks
(c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential
Webjam br ings you…
Your own branded and customisable social media environment in which you create and share content between customers and/or employees, grow your local shop communities and use all relevant social media
Contact details : bizdev@webjamltd.com Webjam Ltd phone : +44(0)203 170 8741 fax : +44(0)203 008 6131 48 Charlotte Street, W1T 2NS, London (UK) (c) 2009 Webjam Ltd - Confidential