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Webjam helps companies to connect with their customers by providing them with an easy, affordable platform for social

publishing and engagement.


Social Publishing and Engagement Platform™ Social Media - market overview More and more companies these days are discussing how Social Media are impacting the way they interact and communicate with their customers and other stakeholders. Today’s brand identities are defined by online conversations and connected experiences. One of the most visible areas is the shift from ‘static’, ‘brochure-ware’ websites to the new ‘conversational’ internet also referred to as the ‘old’ internet “Web1.0” and this new web world “Web2.0”. Fifty percent of companies surveyed in Forrester Research’s “Social Media Playtime is Over” report are increasing social media spending in the face of the recession. Although Social media budgets are small, they are growing during a recession, yet brands shouldn’t approach this as an experiment, and should have a proper strategy complete with objectives, roles, processes and measurement. Companies use social media for different reasons. Publishers and Media companies can empower their readers with user generated communities, citizen journalism , clubs and fan sites. Brands can let their clients talk about what they achieve with their products or services. Directories can add a social layer to their listings database, clubs and organisations can let their members organise events, keep them informed and let them network with each other. Businesses can create a fully fledged social publishing solution to share information and market to a community. Overall the benefits for businesses can be significant: • • • • • • •

Generated exposure for your business Increase your traffic/subscribers/opt-in list Engage in new business partnerships Rise in the search rankings Generate qualified leads Reduce your overall marketing expenses Help close business

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What are the best tactics to use? How to do I measure the effectiveness of social media? Where do I start?

Webjam and Social Media Webjam is your ideal partner to help you find answers to the 3 questions above. We help companies to connect with their customers by providing them with an easy, affordable platform for social publishing and engagement. With Webjam you create your own branded and customisable social media environment in which content is created and shared easily, communities grow naturally and social media networks integrate seamlessly. We are based in London and we have an international and very experienced development team. Our roster of corporate clients is growing and includes clients like Random House (Publishing) and JWT (Advertising Agency). Our Social Publishing and Engagement platform is built on .NET as a Software as a Service (SaaS) and went live in January 2008.

An overwhelming majority of marketers say they are now using some form of social media to market their business, though many of those using it say they have only been at it a few months or less, according to a social media study by Michael Stelzner. The study, which set out to understand how and why marketers are using social media to grow and promote their businesses, found that Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn and Facebook - in that order - are the top four social media tools used by marketers. The research also included an analysis of nearly 700 open-ended responses, which revealed the top-three questions marketers are asking about social media:

Recently, Webjam has been listed on the 2009 Tech Media Invest Top100 list featuring the hottest emerging and most innovative companies in the tech and media industries this year. This is yet another acknowledgement of the hard work we have put into developing an open platform that allows our customers to develop personalised customer engagements and align their online reputation with their brand.

Social Publishing and Engagement Platform™ Webjam solution overview With our solution you can build your own branded community network dedicated to your clients, members or viewers. By providing them with templates that they can easily replicate and then customize according to their needs, you let the community build on what it does best - publishing, discussing and sharing.

Webjam can be considered as a framework, a blank canvas for a fully branded, customised and controlled social media environment that serves as a hub for your entire social media presence. We bundle powerful community features with an easy drag-and-drop interface, a rich catalogue of modules & styles, and a unique feature for clients and their community editors to replicate content, application, lay-out or even entire sites. The online communities built with Webjam are not meant to replace your existing social media presence on Facebook, Twitter or other networks. Instead, they enable you to enhance their social media experience by giving them more information and more ways to exchange opinions about your organisation, products or services.

Webjam helps you to connect to your customers and transform influencers and contributors into brand evangelists. We do this by: •

Creating a fully branded, customised and controlled social media environment serving as the hub for your social media presence on the web.

Providing you with the interfaces to all common social media tools from your own branded social media website to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, etc.

Aggregating the flow of conversations about your brand, putting them into context and re-sending them to key networks on the web.

Creating, managing and fostering communities and offering them a “destination” to check out on your buzz & reputation and providing them with the relevant context.

What our customers say about us

Random House, Book Publishers “The Vintage Reading Group is a community of reading groups – where members can share ideas, recommend books and gain inspiration. Webjam forges groups of like-minded readers to engage in debate and receive feedback. Promoting and creating brand loyalty.” Yamaha Education, music brand “Webjam has allowed us to expand our membership, stay in touch – and provide a teacher-resource for meaningful discussion like never before” Global Entrepreneurship Week , Government Campaign “The Webjam platform is the ideal solution for creating and managing our online community network for Global Entrepreneurship Week”

For more information: Webjam Business Development: Lexie Mendelson, +44 787 2600 989, Webjam Marketing: Marc Campman, +44 754 5328 921,

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