In 1995 El Grupo de estudios sobre la mujer “Rosario Castellanos” created the Scholarship Fund in memory of Guadalupe Musalem. The goal of this Scholarship Fund is to support young indigenous women who come from low income families and give them the opportunity to work towards their bachelor degree. We pick young women with desires to be�er themselves personally and professionally and who show a desire to give back to their communi�es. The scholarship winners have excellent qualifica�ons and woud be unable to con�nue their studies without this scholarship.
Information Spring has brought new hope this year. The 2009 fund raising campaign for The Guadalupe Musalem Scholarship Fund, “Your help is changing lives,” started in February and ended the April 30th. The was a great success thanks to the support of friends; local, na�onal and foreign donors; volunteers and all types of donors. The funds collected amounted to $844,190.43, exceeding the ini�al goal. Thanks to this year’s collec�ons we will be able to give scholarships to 17 young women for the 2009-2010 school year. We are happy to be able to bring together another group of young indigenous women from our state who want to con�nue their studies and who want to be a part of our scholarship team. We are enthusias�c about being able to aide in the development of Oaxacan women in order to be�er their lives through educa�on and love.
The stories of our scholarship winners... Blanca Estela Antonio Velasco,
was born on the first of February, 1992 in San Juan de Panzacola, Ixtlan de Juárez, Oaxaca. She has been a scholarship holder since May of 2008.
March - April
She has given workshops to her peers and advised them while working on her highschool degree in Guelatao where she gives talks on various subjects.
“I am very thankful to the Casa de la Mujer because they have showed me kindness, love, and understanding. In the friends I have made here I have found sisterly love, kindess and understanding. I never thought I could get to where I am now, to be able to con�nue studying and to be able to face my fears. My life has changed so much since I’ve become a scholarship holder. I am now able to help myself economically and no longer have to ask my parents for help. The workshops given have helped me reflect on my past and how to improve my future.”
In the future she would like to keep studying in university and would like to run workshops in her community in order to be able to destygma�ze the issues of self esteem and sexual and reproduc�ve rights.
The scholarship holders say
“To me the Scholarship Fund has been a family where I have help from people who have fought for the wellbeing of women and our community.”
Elvira Valeriano Martínez San Simón Zahuatlán, Huajuapan de León , Oaxaca Becaria desde Enero del 2004
The tutors say...
“Being the tutor of a scholarship holder is an opportunity to par�cipate in the development of a young woman and to help her become an independent, autonomous woman who is capable of being an agent of change in her community. It is an opportunity to share experiences, stories, advice, and important decisions. For me she is inspira�onal and a mo�va�on. I have been the tutor of Reyna Luz, Adriana, and Martha. The experiences that I have lived as a tutor are very gra�fying because the students fill me with energy and their enthusiasm for learning, growing, be�ering themselves and learning more about life has become contagious. My greatest sa�sfac�on from being a tutor is being able to be close to these young women as they begin flowering into women able to make decisions about their own lives. To see how they acquire responsible liberty, autonomy and their capacity to compromise for and with others. To be present for their achievements is a contagious experience. It’s a pleasure to be able to keep suppor�ng the interested scholarship holders (and those who have showed a genuine interest in the Casa de la Mujer), un�l they finish their university studies and to help them with their work.”
Ana Elena Moreno Trujillo
Opening paths... Maribel Pérez Jiménez, was born on June 3, 1990 in San Sebas�an, Coatlán, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. She has been a scholarship holder since July of 2006, and has realized the following ac�vi�es in her community: during 2006 she created a workshop for girls and boys focused on selfesteem and values, she also supported the literacy program as an instructor teaching women to read and write. In 2007 she con�nued in the INEA as an instructor and helped the Health Center of her community. She is currently taking English classes in Cambridge Academy in the city of Oaxaca, thanks to the help of the scholarship from the same school. She is also a resident of “Mi Casa” since August of 2008. “When I came to live in “Mi Casa“, I was upset because I missed my parents, and I didn’t know the city well. When I got here there were a few roommates living here and it didn’t take me long to be able to relate to them because I already knew them a bit. Now I can say that I have go�en used to living in the city and with my roommates.” She is currently transferring Universi�es in order to study Industrial Engineering. “My goal is to finish my studies and to keep preparing myself to be able to helpy my family and to everyone in my community. I would like to achieve gender equality in my community in order to put an end to the discrimina�on of women and girls and so that people from lower income households are no longer seen as incapable of achieving our goals. I would also like to be able to be part Grupo de estudios sobre la mujer “Rosario Castellanos” in order to keep helping indigenous women from various communi�es.”
The world that we want to build... Residents of “Mi Casa“ 1 At the end of every month the scholarship holders travel to the city of Oaxaca in order to receive their scholarship and to get training covering a diverse set of themes. From January to April the trainings have covered: How to be more asser�ve while making decisions, Sensibility, Basic concepts of gender equality, Sexual and Reproduc�ve Rights and Coopera�ve Games. These trainings help the forma�on of the scholarship holders so that a�erwards they are able to share their knowledge and experience with their friends, companies, families and communi�es.
“Mi Casa“ is where graduates from the scholarship fund live while studing in Oaxaca, City
Donors ... We want to express our sincerest thanks to everyone who has donated and that has supported us in our 2009 fund raising campaign, “Your help is changing lives.” Likewise, we are infinitely thankful to our frequent donors who have accompanied us on our long trajectory. We want to give a special thanks to those who form the communica�on medias, with you our voices have been able to mul�ply. Thank you for believing in our project and for contribu�ng in change. Margarita Dalton Palomo Acabados Construtabla S.C. de R.L María de los Ángeles Romero Frizzi Alvin G. Starkman María del Carmen Ricardez Vela Alejandro D´ Acosta María del Rosario Sandoval Alejandro Gómez Lagunas María del Rocio Suárez Fernández Amelia Domínguez Sánchez María del Socorro Cue Sacre Angélica Ayala Or�z María del Socorro Vásquez Mendoza Ana Diaz Acevés María Elena Melgar Chávez Anuncia Escala & Paul Semonin María Le�cia Briseño Ana Isabel Escalera Fernández Mariano Báez Landa Anselmo Or�z García Marlys Mick Araceli Mancilla Zayas Martha Rees Café la An�gua Gourmet Mary and Shawn Mick Carla Zarebska Maura Hanlon Casa Oaxaca S.A de C.V Mercatec S.A de C.V. Chena and Nick Weitzer Mezcal Alipús Claudia Burr Muro Mega Gráficos de Antequera S.A. de C.V. Concepción Nuñez Miranda Miriam Sánchez Bahena Color Digital Mónica Canalizo Danaé Galván Nayeli Gallegos Dulché Daniel W. Close y Valerie Taylor Close Negociando Juntas S.A Desiree Alda Romero Ruiz Olga Lydia Calderón Zárate Des�lería los Danzantes S.A de C.V Ondi S.A de C.V Diana Ricci Operadora Hotelera For�n Plaza S.A de C.V Diego Herrera Mar�nez Patricia Griffiths Docuprint Digital Center S.A de C.V Patricia Ponce Jiménez Elizabeth Hernández Reyes Pedro García - Caro y Cecilia Enjuto Rangel EMI Music México Produciones Radar S.L Familia Galindo Pacheco Proveedora Gráfica de Oaxaca, S.A Francisco Gerardo Hernández Sánchez Proveedora Escolar S. de R.L Francisco Javier Ugartechea Murgueza Publicaciones Fernández Pichardo S.A de C.V Francisco López Garibay Rafael Loyola Díaz Fundación Acir, S.A de C.V Raúl Montalvo Melgarejo Fundación Alfredo Harp Helu Oaxaca AC Rocio Arista Sánchez Fundación Telmex A.C. Rodolfo García García Fundación lucha por � A.C Ruth Robinson German Tenorio Vasconcelos Ryan Bonazzola Hermanos Ugartechea S.A. de C.V. Salvador Siguenza Orozco Isabel Juana López Saavedra Sectores de Oaxaca Necesitan Reivindicación y Ayuda A.C Isabel Vásquez Salvador Servicios Financieros Alterna�vos S.A de C.V S.F.P. Janna Dietrick Stephanie Wood y amigas Janice Sigmund Studio Man�s Jean E. Jackson Ta�ana Montoya Jill Millstone Tania Aurora Melchor Gomez Jorge Margarito Mendoza Chavez Ted and Cass Mick Judith Musick Timothy Colman Julia Barco Isakson Tom and Wendy Hart Karen and Eric Mick Trio Santo Domingo Katha Sheehan Unilever de México S.R.L de C.V Katherine Hart Urgarmes, S.A de C.V Karina Montoya Lorenzana Vida Edera Las Quince Letras Vilma Barahona Matamoros Libertad Estrada Vilunya Diskin Lila Downs & Paul Cohen Donadores anónimos Liliana Torres Pérez Lina Herrera Mar�nez Negrete Luis Ángel García Treviño Luisa Jimena Avellaneda Díaz
Note: Names are listed in alphabe�cal order
Cooperations ... You can be part of this project. We invite you to invest in the educa�on of these and other young women as well as in the social development of their communi�es. All dona�ons are tax deductable in Mexico and in the United States. Our financial statements are audited yearly and available in our External Advice. This informa�on is at your disposal whenever you solicit it.
In México
From Abroad
Deposit by cash or check in account 0153441342 of BBVA Bancomer S.A. Please de direct your deposit to the name: Grupo de estudios sobre la mujer Rosario Castellanos, a.c. If you are making an interbank transfer use the CODE 012610001534413427
For transfers from banks outside México, please addres the deposit to the name Grupo de estudios sobre la mujer Rosario Castellanos, a.c.
If you wish to authorize a monthly, yearly, etc deposit please fill out the form (which you can ask for by fax or e-mail).
Account Number: 0153441342 Branch: 0715 BBVA Bancomer S.A. Address: García Vigil No. 120,Col. Centro, Oaxaca de Juárez,Oaxaca México, C.P. 68000 ABA121000358 SWIFT BCMRMXMMPYM
You can also donate online with Pay Pal Your support, dona�ons and volunteer work helps for�fy this organiza�on and regardless of whichever form you prefer, you are nevertheless a part of this organiza�on and the change it is making. If you send us your receipt with the amount deposited we will mail you the receipt for tax deduc�bility. If you know someone that can help our cause please email us their informa�on:
Name, Address, Telephone, Zip Code, and Email. C/o Olga Lydia Zarate, Scholarship Fund Coordinator.
Adress: 3 Privada de Guadalupe Victoria No. 107, Col. Libertad, Oaxaca, Oax., Zip Code 68090, México Telephone: (951) 51 4 69 27 / Fax: (951) 51 6 68 10 E-mail: / Web: Office Hours: : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and from 17:00 p.m. to 20:00 p.m.
The Women’s Research Group “Rosario Castellanos” Our principal objec�ve is to contribute to a perspec�ve of gender equality and concern for the wellbeing of women in order to obtain an egalitarian, impar�al and just society. We are doing so by contribu�ng through the following outlets.
RESEARCH We are trying to respond to the problems that confront the women of Oaxaca by developing diverse projects, and by, at our base, focusing on gender equality, and respect for mul�culturalism, human rights and the environment.
A HOME FOR WOMEN ROSARIO CASTELLANOS The Home for Women Rosario Castellanos is a place for reflec�on, analysis, and posi�ve ac�ons in hopes of be�er understanding the rela�onships between women and men, girls and boys. It is a space were workshops are giving, conferences are held, with mee�ngs for reflec�on, where people can express themselves ar�s�cally or otherwise and with a resource center specializing in women’s issues, open to the public.
DOCUMENTATION CENTER – CENDOC This is a space open to the general public in order to help those who want to consult bibliographic materials with themes focused principally on women’s issues. The objec�ve is for this space to contribute to the open discussion about the wellbeing of women in order to obtain an egalitarian, impar�al and just society; to establish and develop an informa�on service that responds to the necessity of the people; and to inspire and contribute to this the crea�on of a be�er society through lectures and inves�ga�on of bibliographic materials concerning gender equality.