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Activity of the programme
BAG STUDENTS (3rd Edition)
Open call from 18th to 30th November of 2019
The call “BAG 3 rd OUTgoing STUDENTS: MIGRANTS / MIGRANTES ” was launched in order to carry out a later workshop, focusing on the idea of a “migrant” as a person who moves from their place of residence to a different one.
The call was directed at students who were enjoying an outgoing mobility stay or had done so in previous years. It aimed to take the personal experiences lived in their own mobility as a reference to form a common story about the meaning of living a period of time outside Granada, an assortment of collective experiences provided by the participating students.
The participants had to send their own free-style photographs and/or texts that responded to the subject of the migrant, the traveller, the change, the newness, the strangeness, and the cultural diversity and cultural exchange from their personal testimony and experiences they had lived in their mobility.
We received material from: Belén Arellano Cañizares, Alba Bianchi Romero, Carlos Cañadas Ortega, Paula Carmona Lozano, Rocío Castellano Peñalver, Lucía García González, Javier García Pérez, Eva Jiménez Malagón, Ana Martínez Marjalizo, Daniel Medina Hermosilla, Raúl Hilario Montes Aguilar, Diana Mrázová and Matías Reyes Pérez.
These materials were linked to the following mobility destinations connected to the UGR: Bologna Academy of Fine Arts (Italy), Urbino Academy of Fine Arts (Italy), Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Poland), Andrés Bello University (Chile), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Bauhaus University of Weimar (Germany), Valencia Polytechnic University (Spain), University of Porto (Portugal) and University of the Arts in Poznań (Poland).