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ACCIONES BAG (3 rd Edition)


Divulgación del programa ACCIONES BAG (3rd Edition)


Sala de exposiciones de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Granada

Del 10 al 17 de dciembre de 2019

El festival BAG 3rd completó su propuesta de internacionalización con un stand informativo desarrollado paralelamente a esta muestra, ofreciendo un espacio de lectura informal con material vinculado a diversos destinos de movilidad, dirigido a alumnado, profesorado y PAS interesado en realizar estancias de movilidad.


Dissemination activity of the programme BAG ACTIONS (3rd Edition)

Exhibition Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Granada

From 10th to 17th December of 2019

The BAG 3 rd festival completed its internationalization proposal with an information stand developed in parallel to this exhibition, offering an informal reading space with material on various mobility destinations aimed at students, teachers and administrative and support staff (PAS) interested in carrying out mobilities.

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